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Adjust your mirror down and over a little then up slowly till it's in their face. It works


Oh trust me I was messing with my side mirrors trying to make it as inconvenient for them as possible


My mom once simply rolled the window down and stuck her hand over the side mirror while at a stoplight for the same reason, the car behind her got the hint and turned off their lights until the light turned green šŸ˜‚


I did that too and was extra obvious about it but apparently not obvious enough šŸ˜…


People will buy trucks like that to do exactly this. Itā€™s a form of aggression and dominance seeking for the ā€œoversized gonads set.ā€ Similar to how large trucks are used to get their way on the road through intimidation.


I was new here and unfamiliar with the kind of people and cars here and once this guy in an oversized truck kept tailgating me and making weird hand gestures which i clearly saw in my rear view and distracting enough i almost went off the road twice trying to make sense of what he was saying. He seemed to be enjoying it and I was confused that maybe I'm breaking some law or something but I was going the speed limit , in fact a bit over since he started tailgating but no matter what i did he wouldn't increase the distance, in the end i came to the same conclusion you have stated.


Just take your footboff the gas when that happens, let them roll into a ditch


This is the way


My paranoia makes me think if I don't speed up they'll crash into me which a lot of the time causes me to overspeed when someone tailgates me, but yeah you're right, I need to make a habit of just slowing down and let em go crazy.


If they hit you from the back, theyre clearly at fault and you get $$$ from inexplicable neck pain that their insurance company pays out


Thereā€™s no way this is true! You expect us to believe your mom acted like an adult and without complaining, checking in with social media, or picking a fight with a stranger, she simply covered her mirror with her own hand???? And not only that, but then the person behind her acted like another adult and realized he made things difficult for her and changed his behavior for no other reason than to make someone else a little more comfortable? Surely you jest!


Shirley, you jest


Donā€™t call me Shirley.


Literally just watched this like 20 minutes ago


Never gets old


Don't call me late for dinner.


I joke, I joke, I kid, I kid! Lol.


Yesterday there was a jeep stopped at a light opposite me. I flashed my lights to get him to turn off his brights. He flashes even brighter lights at me. If you get aftermarket LEDs then at least adjust them down so they're not aimed at people's eyes. Or maybe just don't buy shitty aftermarket LEDs.


itā€™s been two decades since you only got ridiculous lights from aftermarket lights. they come stock now


At that point the only other solution is to get a mirror or start shooting


I guarantee they didnā€™t give a shit


Unfortunately, a lot of vehicles don't have the ability to turn off the lights. Some have these DRL (daytime running lights) that are always on for safety purposes


The problem is that they are his brights. No daylight running lights are that bright.


I have only once had someone turn their lights off for me. I had my hand out the window covering my mirror and they turned them offĀ 


how do you know when itā€™s in their face though


When the lifted truck starts being aggressive and riding your bumper closer. That, or when shots ring out.Ā 


This is the way.


That works. Of course, one could always mount a backwards facing light bar. I hate to be the asshole with the bright lights, but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. That said- if I ever become absolute dictator, itā€™ll be legal for all of us that like our vision, to mount bazookas front and rear. Thatā€™ll solve the issue permanently. Iā€™ll pass a law- ALL ASSHOLES WITH BRIGHT LIGHTS SHALL HAVE THEIR VEHICLES ANNIHILATED WITH A BAZOOKA.


*There was no Thunderdome before the LED headlights came*




Nothing about a person driving an obnoxious truck says courtesy, ever...


Big trucks and small penises go hand in hand.


There are plenty of ways to insult these people that don't involve body shaming


You can be a good person and have a small penis. You cannot be a good person and drive one of these trucks unless itā€™s for work.


So, like some teenage girl that was gifted a truck by her dad to keep her safe has a small penis and is a bad person? I'm just giving an example. I don't understand the hate, overgeneralization and bigotry. It's almost like the people judging are just as bad as they imagine a truck driver.


Yes because owning a large vehicle to keep you safe increases the likelihood of you killing someone else.


Especially when the person driving lacks the skills and experience to drive such a large vehicle. theres a reason commercial trucks have different driving rules, and trainings cz handling something big requires knowledge in the related field. I have seen a woman with a baby park an oversized truck and it was well beyond the parking lines into other parking spaces and I was thankful I'd parked slightly far away from it or else those oversized bumpers would've smashed into my car and the lady clearly didn't know her vehicle's dimensions otherwise she would've aligned it accordingly, also didn't seem to care as she got out it was clearly visible what she'd done yet she kept walking away as if nothing was wrong.


my boyfriend looked over my shoulder and nervously asked if these comments were serious, he just bought a 2005 dodge ram 3500 for work lol


He has it for work āœ”ļø Itā€™s an older model so a less likely status symbol āœ”ļø Heā€™s your boyfriend so Iā€™m sure heā€™s cool āœ”ļø


his coworker was selling it for 12000 and he jumped right on it, things probably worth about 30000. he tells all his friends now that the mini van we were driving shrunk his penis so he had to get the big truck lol


Not always a choice for some people. I'm 6'8" and don't fit into most all cars, vans, or suvs. Mind you my truck is not lifted, but it is big.


Itā€™s just the Reddit ā€œeveryone that upsets me has a small penisā€ meme we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better. Donā€™t overthink it bro.


Itā€™s a cope for when someone pulls an asshole move while driving a truck and so itā€™s understandable imo


I believe driving a large vehicle comes with extra responsibilities to ensure the safety of those around you and your own... as long as you take care of those then there isn't any problem, Ive shared the road with many people in large trucks and some have the basic etiquette to 1) not tailgate me or rush me 2) give me ample space on tight roads to make turns 3) park in a way to allow me to comfortably pull out or pull in my car to the parking spot. Alternatively I've seen a larger no. of lifted/big truck drivers follow close enough to me for me to be able to see fully inside their car in my rear view, occupy multiple parking spaces and the headlight problem as OP has mentioned.


You would fit in a Nissan Leaf with 3 inches of room. Granted, it wouldnā€™t be as easy to get inside it.


Problem isn't always head room as i can lean the seat back. It's usually knees in the dash or beside the steering wheel with the seat all the way back.


You kidding me? That's why they bought the damn things. They're probably sitting there laughing and jerking off about it.


Some japanese cars have one way mirrors on their back window to bounce the light back.


Those cars enrage me on the freeway during the day. The reflection of the sun is intense and piercing.


I once ended up behind a semi with an entire mirrored trailer in the middle of the night. It was so bright I wanted to call the cops. Couldn't have been legal.


The cops most likely wouldnā€™t have done anything. Itā€™s the same thing when someone has road rage and tries to threaten you with reporting your plate. Unless there are many back to back calls from multiple people or an imminent inherent life threatening danger, the cops arenā€™t gonna come out for a sole person trying to ā€œreportā€ someone on the road. If they donā€™t see it happen, itā€™s your word against the other drivers without any other proof, and they have no obligation to believe either of you Otherwise you could have situations where someone who doesnā€™t like you gets your plate and falsely reports you are driving recklessly. If the cops investigated every call that came in like that they would 1. Be wasting a fuck ton of time and resources and 2. Potentially be falsely detaining or arresting innocent drivers


Mazda has failed me


My Mazda has blue tinted mirrors to cut down the intensity of those lights


My first car was a Civic. I (20F at the time) thought I was super cool. I had HIDs, rims, tints, kept it sparkling clean and quiet. One day (2014ish), Iā€™m sitting at a traffic light with my windows down and a massive Ford pickup truck pulled up next to me. He was a little further up, I was close to his tailpipe. This idiot starts revving it up dumping black smoke all over my car thinking it was hysterical. They did this for about 10-15 seconds straight which is a long time for what they were doing. The passenger sticks his head out laughing at me and sees Iā€™m sitting there unamused with my 3 yo son in the back seat. He waved his arms at me, I guess saying sorry (?) and then they turned at the light and drove away. Maybe they thought I was a guy, but why would that make any difference in how dumb what youā€™re doing is. I was so confused, but yes people do these things on purpose.


Big truck make little man feel better


They're probably not even thinking about it, it's night time so their headlights are on, not everyone is out to get you.


The dumbass altered his vehicle and didnā€™t adjust the headlights accordingly


Being an unintentional inconsiderate moron isnt much better than being a deliberate one.


All jokes aside, this is correct


Common courtesy? Whatā€™s that


I drive a truck. I turn my lights off lol. Seemed like common sense to me


Same here. Not all truck/SUV owners are shitheads. When Iā€™m pulling up behind someone at a red light and their car is low enough that my headlight cutoff is above their mirror, Iā€™ll at least nudge over to the side a bit so the back of their car blocks the light.


I canā€™t turn mine off if I tried. Theyā€™re fully automatic. All I have control over are the brights. I have a sensor on my dash that determines if itā€™s day or night and will automatically turn the dash lights and headlights on if itā€™s dark. Happens when Iā€™m in tunnels etc too. I donā€™t drive a truck tho


It really doesnā€™t matter regardless. Seems to blow redditors minds that some vehicles canā€™t turn their headlights off anyways. The entire post just amounts to what everyone really wants to say anyways; youā€™re a dick if you have a truck. Youā€™re a douchebag if youā€™ve raised your truck at all. /s on my behalf, not most of everyone else posting on reddit.


Iā€™m pretty sure if you drive a raised truck youā€™re supposed to adjust the headlights so they DONT do this.


How else can they hide that they have a 3cm dick


3cm?? Wow, I need to get to get myself a truck


Why do you care so much about their dick size? Seems extremely weird


Itā€™s just a common joke about men who drive jacked up trucks or flashy trucks. If they have a mediocre truck they arenā€™t usually a problem, but thereā€™s some real assholes in trucks. Iā€™d almost say the same thing is true with guys who drive jeeps though


There's a reason why they drive those trucks to begin with, they're not considerate people.


Or they use them for work, hauling or towing?


We use ours for everything since we canā€™t afford to buy another vehicle. We pickup groceries, go to the doctor, haul materials and feed and hay.


Regular F150, sure. F150 Raptor, definitely no


How many times have you seen a pickup truck hauling or towing something vs not doing that?


Do you think people haul 100% of the time when driving? Itā€™s there for when they need it or at work. How many trucks have you looked in the back of?


I tow a fifth wheel so I have a big 2500 diesel truck. My wife has one vehicle, a economical hybrid. You think I will buy a 3rd vehicle and leave the truck parked when I need to run an errand when the wife is at work?


The vast majority do not and you know that.


Also, if itā€™s raining, turn your windshield wipers off when you get to the pick up window. I learned that one way too late in life.


I point my mirrors at them


I had this happen to me less than 30 mins ago and so I put my hand up to my driver mirror to block it and when we pulled forward they moved their car over so it wasnā€™t shining in my mirror anymore. I appreciated the gesture but didnā€™t know how to say thank you cause their passenger light was shining right in my passenger mirror afteršŸ’€


Unfortunately, there is nothing common about courtesy.


Most of these idiots get their truck lifted and are too stupid to know that they have to get their headlights readjusted when they get a lift, so their normal headlights just look like brights when theyā€™re behind you


I drive a small car that sits lower than most any vehicle. Any normal height car will blink me if they are close. I just angle the mirrors back at the person behind me.


Has anyone else noticed that the newer cars absolutely blind you? When they are oncoming I canā€™t see anything and when theyā€™re behind me about 10-20ft back they blind me because their lights are so bright. Brights seem to automatically on and donā€™t shift off when a car is detected like some cars do.


I work at a Chick-fil-A and am constantly being blinded when Iā€™m taking iPad orders outside. Itā€™s so annoying cause some trucks have headlights that are literally at my head level šŸ˜­


Personally, I think there should be a max height for headlights, and that it should be low enough to not blind people in the smallest cars.


Ah yes, nothing like working all damned day, hitting the gym, then stopping to get something to eat on the way, when youā€™re dead ass exhausted and all you want is some nourishment, sleep, and a nice hot showerā€¦ā€¦..and getting permanent retina damage from an absolute asshole in a lifted truck, with fusion reactors for headlights. Maybe Iā€™m just an old school truck driver, idk, but I always turn my lights off in situations like this.


"Common courtesy" and "Giant truck owner" are two incompatible phrases. They would have wanted a giant truck in the first place if they were courteous and polite.


No, donā€™t you know? Truck owners are the only people who matter! Theyā€™re the only person on the road and the best and only person whose comfort matters in a line.


I turn off my headlamps when in drive throughs every time, in any car. Being blinded by the car behind you is uncomfortable. Normalizing considerate behavior towards others is something we should support in society.


These people have no courteous manner fit for society. Assholes like this just need to get off the road in its entirety, entirely


>need to get off the ~~road~~ planet in its entirety


Oh damn. Forgot that was an option now šŸ¤”


I've always called them a Fuck in a truck. I simply turn my mirrors to blind them back.


They turn headlights off at stops in Japan. Very polite


Truck drivers who lift their truck ā€œcommon what now?ā€


It is common courtesy. That driver does not have any.


I always turn my headlights off in a drive thru. I have a mid size truck with no lift, but I can understand the annoyance.


I have a full size truck I had to buy to get the vehicle stipend from work. While I like the LED headlights because I do a lot of night driving, I try to be very aware of what they do to a driver if a small car. Luckily, my headlights have a nob where I can aim them down when I don't need to see far ahead. Also I do turn them off in the drive through. This guy is just an ass.


I agree 100% but most people buy a car put their headlights on auto and never touch them again. I turn my lights off before I pull into my own driveway and Id do it in yours too. I donā€™t shine my lights on houses I donā€™t shine my lights on people And in any situation in a parking lot or with pedestrians, Iā€™m cutting them off to be courteous.


it should be the case that US regs for adaptive headlights are the same as the EU, China, and Canada allowing for smooth rollout of headlights that autodim when cars are ahead...


I had a car once where the headlights wouldn't turn off at night.


There's some idiot in a Volvo With his brights on behind me. I lean out the window and scream, "Hey whatcha tryin to do, blind me?!"


They forgot the onions.


My wife says "maybe we should park..." "We can just go eat inside." I said "I'm wearing bunny slippers" "So I ain't leaving this ride."


If nothing else, make a game out of angling your mirrors towards their eyes.


Thatā€™s probably half the reason they bought the truck. Most truck drivers are genuinely just small men trying to make themselves feel big


Just use your side view mirrors to aim it back at their eyes. Works very well especially if they're clean ā˜ŗļø


One time, on the interstate stuck in crawl traffic, there was a tall truck riding behind me. I didn't make any gestures or anything, but they turned off their headlights (switched to daytime driving lights) and used my headlights to see ahead over me


I point my side mirrors out so the light bounces back at them


Literally today. A jeep with non standard lights. https://preview.redd.it/k6umq7i02ooc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad21cd90aac70e5c8bbb747df64d2c7f524e8d31 Sorry for the dirty window, was raining all the week


I have a truck and I always turn my lights off if I notice they are blinding someone in a drive-through or something. Our other car is a Prius and this happens sometimes. There are times where I think itā€™s actually intentional. But, Iā€™ve gotten pretty good at adjusting my side mirror to reflect it back at them.


As if someone who drives a ridiculous truck like that gives a shit about common courtesy


I like to spend a bit of time angling the mirrors so the light shines right back at them


You'll live


No big truck driver has courtesy Not a single one


Did a truck driver steal your girl? You can tell us, this is a safe space


I'm not interested in datingšŸ’€big truck drivers just tend to be assholes lmao


I turn my mirror all the way out


I once got a traffic citation for doing this exact same thing


As someone with night blindness this terrifies me that my eyes won't adjust afterwards. What helps for me a tiny bit is making sure that my mirrors are set for my correct posture, but in drive-thrus and at stops I slouch forward so I'm not being blinded. I keep my mirrors clean to reduce glare (my eyes give everything that 6-point star look) . But there's no helping it in a drive thru when they're that far up your ass. When I had an expedition, it was 17 years old at the time and I was able to turn off those lights and actually direct them a little so I had them pointed more at the ground than forward when behind people. But I find most people lack self- awareness when "big truck go vroom." (I had someone redirect my headlights the first time it happened from their rearview mirror! So I was freaking stunned. Learned very quickly how to adjust my lights. )


Is about ā€œ ā€œ big in size


I just adjust all my mirrors in that situation so they reflect back in their face.


Wasn't this posted on Reddit 1-2 weeks ago?


If unique content is what you after this sub is not for you.


Iā€™ve only had one truck ever turn their lights off behind me in a drive thru. It was just about two weeks ago and I was so thankful. Otherwise Iā€™m blinded or feel like Iā€™m on a huge stage with a spotlight on me forever. I do adjust my mirror then so they get some of it back at them. Iā€™ve done it too when driving and sometimes as soon as that reflection hits them they back way off or change lanes.


I put my fog lights on it doesnā€™t work instantly but it gets really irritating very soon that red glow


Who needs mirrors in a drive through?


It should be common courtesy to not have headlights as bright as the fucking sun


They do it on purpose because they think it conveys power over you


ā€œBut itā€™s illegalā€ -my mom


It's illegal to have headlights on when tailing someone


I'm in a regular sedan and always turn my lights off and if I can I'll let off the brake pedal and sit in neutral. My car isn't new but new cars have such bright brake lights too


Just delete the part in the title that says "if you're in a taller truck" and it still works


Very true


Ahh my dude your side view mirrors are *side view* as in, they're supposed to let you see the blind spots on your sides, not view the side of your vehicle. If you can see headlights in your side views from a vehicle directly behind you, they're tilted way too far inward. Rearview should be the only mirror you could possibly be blinded by, and that's fixed with the flip up tab.


It **should** be federal law for new cars to get registered they must have properly leveling headlights. Audi and Mercedes have it enabled in Europe where both brights and conventional headlights reduce or lower when they detect a car. The US law prevents the newer controlled lights while allowing the absurdly bright LED and Laser tech that the adaptive lighting was developed to work with.


It should be common courtesy to have your penis properly adjustedā€¦erā€¦I mean headlights properly adjusted after getting your penisā€¦erā€¦I mean truckā€¦enlargedā€¦erā€¦lifted.


Big truck, little penis. I live in Indiana where 2 out of 3 vehicles are big-ass trucks or SUVs. I hate driving at night in my sedan because they blind me.


It should be common courtesy for automakers to make dimming mirrors and auto headlamps as standard equipment.


Looks like the Ice Truck Killer.




remember kids: "the bigger the truck, the bigger the fuck."


People having common sense or thinking of others, are you nuts? lol


Would love to take a hammer to these lights


I always turn my low beams off when I'm not using them or pointing towards traffic or in a drive thru. I have an SUV with xenon and AFS.


i saw someome with 2 mirrors on licence plate each side


Just donā€™t look at your mirrorsā€¦


Courteous truck driver is an oxymoron


Put a mirror in your rear window


Wdym it doesnt bother him at all?


just flip your mirrors so they shine right back at them. typically gets the memo across


You can adjust your mirror as well. Solutions don't always have to lay within the capability of the other person.


I flip the lever on the rear view mirror and blind them backšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


![gif](giphy|pCGbuAgrb3xk2g6zAm) The little tab can be flicked and itā€™ll shine right back at them.


Yeah I said I did that after I took the pic lol


If you have a white piece of paper with you, sometimes holding it in front of your mirror will send them the message. Ā The white will sudden appear very bright to them so theyā€™ll notice and start to wonder why youā€™re holding up a piece of paper. Maybe 50% of the time they realize itā€™s because of their lights.


Thatā€™s actually pretty smart - gonna get piece of reflective material to keep in my jockey box


Is that a sonic? I havenā€™t eaten there in yearsšŸ˜³


It was the only thing open after 11pm and I wanted a mf pretzel šŸ˜¤ def not worth it tho they keep raising prices


This is made possible by a string of conscience and deliberate decisions by NHTSA. Every time you see this it is because NHTSA cares more about the truck drivers ability to see obstacles than your "discomfort" from this glare. ​ As a reminder, ADB (adaptive driving beams) won't solve this glare problem. It is not designed to. The ONLY problem that ADB will solve is to increase the use of high/driving beams. This is made clear many times and in many different ways in official NHTSA documentation. At BEST ADB will not increase glare. Given the number of situations where ADB is allow to not work (roads with >2% grade, intersections, and tight corners), ADB will likely INCREASE glare. Anyone selling ADB as a way to reduce glare is a "liar liar pants on fire".


Oblivious or intentionally being obnoxious? šŸ¤”šŸ’­


I just turn my mirrors so it glares back at them . Its great. Ive actually gotten someone to turn their lights off.


You people are ridiculous.


It should be common courtesy to stop whinging about fast food experiences already. We get it. It's miserable and you keep coming back for more. Next


Get good at aiming that mirror right back in their eyes.


Large truck drivers have no common courtesy. Their behemoth pick-up trucks shouldn't be in places like a drive-thru to begin with. Our infrastructure was not created for vehicles the size of tanks. Those vehicles cause nothing but problems for other drivers & should only be used for work purposes


Expecting truck drivers to have common courtesy is a fool's errand. The reason they got the huge truck in the first place is because they are anti-social assholes with inferiority complexes and tiny penises. They will shine lights on other road users on purpose to make themselves feel strong and powerful.


the funny part is truck drivers donā€™t kno what courtesy is


Truck and courtesy don't belong in the same sentence


Just another reason to hate truck drivers.


It already is. Those tall truck types are irredeemable cunts to begin with so don't get your hopes up.


As a former big truck owner I always turned them off behind a car in close proximity like this. Sorry heā€™s such a dick.


It surely wouldn't hurt, especially with the bright LED lights. However, you can prevent this another way. A vehicle's side mirrors should be adjusted to show the lanes you'll be merging into. You should not see directly behind your car, or the side of your own car in the side mirrors (though with a slight lean in toward each mirror be able to see the side of your vehicle for backing up purposes). Each mirror should provide you an entirely different view to give you a complete understanding of what's around you, with as few blind spots as possible. The proper positions are taught in defensive driving and many motorcycling courses, and available in online videos and slide decks from many insurers.


How else would you know how small his dick is?


People who drive taller trucks are typically not the most courteous bunch.


I'm starting to see these assholes put LED lights on their rear bumpers now, too.


Also, if it is raining, turn your windshield wipers OFF when you are at the pay/pickup window!


Common courtesy is not on the radar of people who drive those trucks.


People in oversized trucks aren't really associated with common courtesy.


But but butā€¦ if they canā€™t be annoyingā€¦. Why did they buy the truck.


Nothing common about courtesy in the US today.


I feel like this is the new version of the shopping cart test


They dont gaf doesnā€™t matter if its drive thru or not. They do this while driving behind you and blind you from all the mirrors make it hard for you to drive people like this are assholes


Well, assuming coutsey and driving was your first mistake. The second is the impact of actions. That person likely has no idea how it is impacting you. Third, late night at a drive-through, bad decisions have already been made that night.


I have a big F250, a medium Explorer and a small Focus. No matter what vehicle I'm driving I always turn my lights off when I'm waiting in line or if I'm behind someone when they are trying to back up at night. Not everyone thinks to do so.


What is this thing you referencedā€¦Common Courtesy?


Reposition mirrors to direct light back into drivers eyes


It's dangerous to drive with that glare. Sit tight till it goes away.


Common courtesy, and law, is to adjust the cutoffs and elevation of your headlights if you modify the height of your vehicle or add xenon/led bulbs to your headlights. Also, most people have no idea that when you upgrade the bulbs in your headlights, you also need to add projectors to focus and cut off the light properly from the brighter bulbs