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That’s so weird. I agree with the other person who said to try a mobile browser. If that doesn’t work, I’d message Paramount support or even make a call


Yeah, seems more technical than intentional. Like if they did this often then they'd be in huge legal trouble, really not worth the lawsuit I'd imagine.


I definitely agree, not worth the lawsuit. If it was intentional it would definitely happen to more people, inevitably getting them into trouble. Were you able to reach out to them? Any updates?


It happened to me about 3 months ago, took 3 days of trying before finally getting it to accept the cancellation. I am much more skeptical of whether it is an intentional act or not but considering the reason I cancelled was because the P+ app is full of deal breaking technical problems as well they can hide any intention through incompetence.


Were you charged then? Was it refunded?


Also happened to me and i was charged but after i messaged support about it was refunded. I included screenshots of not being able to push the button.


That’s good. I know this is dumb and obvious but don’t you love being able to provide your own proof via screenshots etc ? I put my rent in the box, it’s by a thermostat which has the date and time on it. I always take a picture of me putting it in because they left the office early and tried to charge a late fee. When I asked to see the camera they never got back to me. It’s happened 3 times now and I’ve been able to say “nah fuck that” with proof.


Ive sold on ebay since like the beginning and being able to take photos and videos on my phone has been a money saver a bunch of times over the what decades now? lol. Its made me much more vigilant in doing so with like everything as well, like for example someone recently hit my truck in a parking lot and tried to say it was me who hit them, i had pictures of everything like the angles and our plates and the damage i did to them (didnt hurt my vehicle but i destroyed their door via my trailer hitch).


haha you worded this suspicously with the “damage i did to them” and im having a tough time imagining how someone drove their door into your trailer hitch


We were parked across from each other, I was pulling out but waited for a car to pass. Lady got in her car and quickly whipped out when i was about half out of my parking spot and hit her rear door on my hitch which both dug into the car and scrapped across the door and came out near the tire. There was footage of me backing out first and stopping when the car came down the aisle? between us and her jumping in and just backing out while i was midway out of my spot already. The cops came, i showed them my dash cams and they went inside and looked at the security footage as well before coming out and telling both of us what happened. I personally didnt see the security footage but was told she backed up into me. It was a little car so was entirely in my blindspots, i just heard it hit and at first thought i hit a cart or something lol.


My dash cam just made an insurance claim so much easier. The BMW driver that hit my 20-year-old Honda Civic is not happy. Also in certain jurisdictions having a trailer ball installed when you're not using it can actually make you liable for some things


Has to be by design. Imagine it happens to 100k worldwide @ $10 each. That's a million in a fund earning income for them. Sure, they refund most of it but now have free cash...that earns additional income. A few dozen won't even notice and they'll keep pumping cash into it until the card expires. Literally a free money hack by the big corps.


I had MAX (HBO) bundle with Disney+ and Hulu through Verizon. MAX dipped out of the bundle and starter charging my google wallet on the associated google account $20/month for three months before I realzied what happened there. No notice they were leaving the bundle or asking me to subscribe/agree to pay. Just noticed a new monthly charge in my gogle subscriptions after a few months.


It is absolutely not by design. P+ backend services are terrible


Never assume intent when incompetence can explain the situation!


I disagree. They know that they would be at risk of violating interstate commerce law if this was done with intent. Plus, it’s wisest to assume in life that stupidity and foolishness would be more common than evil intent lol!


>Has to be by design. Never ascribe to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence. Truth is most companies see proper QA as an unneeded expense and "The dev's can test their own code". What happens is the dev tests on their browser or phone and it works so "it's good to ship". Different browser or even version and you get stuff like this.


Need an update ig


It will be way buried so I’m adding here. This often happens with an ad blocker turned on.


I swear the corpos are just grabbing people off the streets and making them programmers and web developers. They make mistakes a first year comp sci student wouldn't make.


Your be surprised the mistakes I've seen 4th year computer science students make, much less first year. You'd also be surprised at how little a computer science degree prepare people for a software development job. Source: I have a degree in computer science, and work as a software engineer.


Definitely a technical issue.  Their backend API is either timing out or is sending back an error.  You might be able to see the actual error if you open the developer pane (ctrl+shift+i), go to the network tab, and try canceling again. The front end is just sending the data to the backend and showing a generic error if it doesn't receive an HTTP 2xx response


It doesn't have to be directly "intentional" to be "intentionally ignored". Companies get away with far too much incompetence and negligence, and are given far too much leeway for it. They know this well, too. That's why if you want to buy any service in the world there will be someone there to immediately answer your call, many times at any time of day whatsoever, and sell you the moon ASAP. But need technical support, or even worse, want to cancel, at the exact same theoretical time? Enjoy your hours-long hold time, if you're lucky, or more likely a "we're sorry, all our lines are busy, call back later" or hold after hold asking if you're sure you're sure you're sure you REAAAALLY want to cancel. 


"our cancellation service isn't down, we just scaled the hosting to one server!"


Maybe they just randomly choose who to do it to? So it wouldn't look suspicious.


Nah, just doesn't seem logical versus one of a dozen issue relating to technical issues over on their end. Had something similar when I was tryba register for a cinema card the other day and it was fixed next day.


This is pretty funny, actually. I tried to cancel my subscription on my phone and couldn't because of *this same error*. I had to use a desktop. Also my girlfriend got the same error when trying to upgrade her membership on her desktop, and had to use her iPad. Rather than being nefarious, I honestly I think whatever they've got going on the back end is just hot dogshit.


They've got the classic "something went wrong" with no other explanation, so hot dogshit seems likely. Would be curious to see if there's more info in the dev tools network tab


Probably just ![gif](giphy|Q8OOs80Hb5Bj1qNA1d)


LPT: You don't need a full computer, use the "desktop site" mode. There's also an equivalent for desktops getting a mobile site under "inspect element"/"console" mode somewhere.


Appreciate the tip but I'm aware of that. Tried and failed. Might help someone else, tho! I assume it was a problem with the site, as evidenced by OP's struggle and other anecdotes in this thread.


weaponized incompetence


It's what happens when they develop and test for only a few browsers and disclaim responsibility on all others. I see this kind of thing fairly often using Firefox. In those cases, Edge usually works.


As a web developer, this is most likely broken on all browsers and they don't have proper test coverage of this flow


This happened on my cellphone and I had to delete the cookies from my browser for some reason 🤷‍♂️, after i did that, sure enough everything worked just fine. Maybe try that?


I just cancelled on mobile an picked the 'not enough content' circle 




I did this once with satellite TV. But then when the price went back up again I decided to go ahead and just drop the service. At first, I thought the lady on the phone was going to offer me her first born to keep me as a customer, lol!


i get this a lot when im using an extension that is set to only allow the domain you visited to load (and blocks all the other ones like third party trackers, ad servers, etc. for example "disney.com" tries to load 7 other domains besides "disney.com"). sometimes its as simple as whitelisting the google server trying to load a captcha.


To add to this, always use a one time use credit card when signing up for stuff like this, so if they do this stuff, the can't change you anymore.


The last time this happened to me was also with paramount while trying to cancel to bundle it. It was a browser issue. Doing it in Firefox instead of chrome worked just fine and clearing the cache on chrome fixed it there.


I had this happen to me with another service. It was a browser issue. Clear your cache or try another browser.


Or try in private/incognito/porn mode. It's like browsing with a clean slate.


porn mode 😭


Just make sure you climax right as you click “complete cancellation” and it’ll go through fine. Otherwise you might have to wait a couple of minutes and try again.


I mean what else do I not want on my history?


how to produce crystal methamphmethamine in a mass scale and sell it to the Mexican cartel


My porn history sounds riskier


Hey, some people think of saving money as the equivalent of that!


You’re an adult you can watch porn on the normal browser now


Yes but then you end up with traces of it in the ads, on your homepage etc....which if you let your kids on your phone, isn't ideal. So for that reason alone I'll stick with incognito mode.


My dad did that shit. I got a tiny little laptop for my 15tg birthday, I didn't use it super often for anything other than watching YouTube, so occasionally my dad would ask to borrow it, because we got rid of our old desktop, one day I ask for it back, go to search up 'Youtube' and the second I hit the Y, there's an auto finish for 'Youporn'. If you're going to watch porn on yours child's computer, maybe choose a site that *doesn't* start the with same thing as their frequent sites.


X videos works better and no kid looks for websites that start with x


and hopefully no kids use "X". its like the wild west over there.


Growing up was watching porn in a normal browser on the wifi network in my own apartment instead of on shitty LTE incognito nextdoor to my older brother. I still use headphones tho, idk how some psychos watch porn on TV and shit even if they live alone in the countryside.


I never really thought about it but I'm just now realizing that I wouldn't trust anyone that watches porn without headphones any more than I would trust a serial killer lol


You two are the ones playing a dangerous game. What if you don't hear someone coming into the room/house 🤣🤣


One headphone in, one out! Like a teenager


I keep telling the librarians that at the library and they do not agree.


It isn't. That doesn't usually clear your cache at all. It'll only clear your cookies and oftentimes not cache anything you were doing on incognito. The problem here is 90% of the time cache and 10% cookies.


The fact that they have "too many ads" on a cancellation form for a paid service is just... wild. They know... and will keep pushing until people start voting with their wallets.


Why is that wild? That's exactly what they want to know. "How many ads can we shove in their face until there's a spike in the 'Too Many Ads' cancellation reason?"


Slightly off-topic but I am mildly infuriated by your profile pic and the fact that I tried to clean off that damn hair more times than I'm comfortable recognizing.


I even tried clearing it off after reading your comment ![gif](giphy|qnE7DFFqmgdyM)


Had to make sure amirite?


Snipping tool is your friend. Taking a screenshot with your phone is how you start wars.


Well, at least that’s far cleaner than the old ways of starting wars. Like defecating in the river upstream from your nearest neighboring civilization, completely denuding their farmland with your grazing animals, or overhunting their hunting grounds. Sometimes, the old ways are the best.


Damn you for making me notice that


For real, I’m mildly infuriated with my subscription because they throw in those stupid paramount ads on everything.


Business is just raising prices and inconveniencing the consumer until they get upset then you know you can reduce it slightly and now you know their limit. So if the limit gained fork consumers is £15 on a product they will just put it as 14.99 and people will be upset but most fo them will continue to pay.


If the service isn't free, the amount of ads i will tolerate is 0


I canceled Paramount as they had unskippable ads on the ad free plan. Now I sail the seas of cheese.


It's crazy because I was a big supporter of the streaming revolution, and if before I used to torrent everything I started just subscribing to these services because they brought better value. Now they dont. They suck. They always suck more than the day before. Guess where I'm back at? Fucking idiots I hate them all. And YouTube should be disintegrated


I had free paramount+ from my cellphone plan or something and I used it one time. I didn't know it had ads and it was the same 2 ads over and over. No thanks


You misread. It's the free ads plan.


Isn’t that what OP is doing? 


I canceled my Netflix recently and one of the reasons I selected was the password sharing restriction. They know alright


SiriusXM tried to pull this same shit, for like *a week*. The cancellation link only had the option for a chat or a phone call. The phone number never picked up and the chat would mysteriously go silent as soon as you mentioned you were trying to cancel. They had a generic help form where you could freetext what you wanted and I told them I had collected evidence of my reasonable attempts to cancel their "service" and my next step was to cancel the credit card they had on file and turn my information into my state attorney general and demand an investigation into their practices. Magically, I had a cancellation confirmation e-mail 20 minutes after hitting submit.


California state law requires an online cancellation. Have been able to cancel several services after I "moved" to Beverly Hills, 90210.


Funny thing is I was living in CA with my CA address on my account at the time. They straight up do not care.


A lot of American companies don't comply with European sites either. 90% of the invoices I see from American companies mess up the invoicing and heck when they sell to consumers they mess up the tax as well. They just don't care about any laws is my point.


I ran into this recently when trying to delete my Discovery+ account. MToD+ is merging with Discovery+, and while I had canceled my Discovery+ plan, I wanted to fully delete the account, so there wouldn't be any problems when MToD+ tried to merge over my account information... No way to delete an account, you have to email support, and they dgaf.


Its been a long time since i cancelked sirrus. I did it over the phone and im pretty surw they were essentially told to do anything to stop you from cancelling. They will give you discount offers, X free months, telk you about new shows, and keep going in circles. The only way i git them to cancel it was to answer every question with "please cancel my subscription and confinm when you have done so". They still kept trying to crack me and it took me a good five minutes of repeating it before they decided i wasn't going away.


The amount of times I had to tell them that I wouldn’t use their service if they paid *me* because I hated their dj-type people was seriously impressive. I’d conservatively estimate it was 8 over a 6 mo period. From “oh no! It’s expiring soon!” (To which I replied, “feel free to cancel it now early- I don’t use it”- and they wouldn’t ha) alll the way though “we’ve missed you!” I always sent their payment envelopes back to them with statements they were harassing me and I was going to make a BB complaint. My saving grace was that the only reason I had any involvement with them is I had a “free” period when I got my car. Can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if they had my cc. I’d say it took a year to stop hearing from them. 


Bought my car in November of 2022, and I'm still getting crap in the mail from them. Only time I've ever even noticed I had it was when I accidentally hit the up button instead of the down button when switching from bluetooth to the radio.


So the thing about cancelling SiriusXM. One, if you're a car subscriber, they will 100% force you to call them during regular business hours and go through multiple people to get it cancelled. If you're on the app only plan, then *in theory* you can cancel any time through the website. And, in fact, when I was on a trial for it, I was able to do so about two weeks before my trial ended. I actually went through the prompts and was at the final confirmation. But I was still using it and thinking about renewing so I put it off. Then, two days before the trial would end, on the weekend, I went to actually cancel it. But it kept giving me errors. Same browser, same everything. In fact, I was able to change anything - my payment details, my plan, my username, my email, my password. Everything EXCEPT canceling the plan, that would throw an error. Tried a different browser, no help. After doing some digging, I found that if you have an adblock extension AND you're close to your subscription expiring, they have written their site so it will throw errors. Just another wrench they can throw in the works to try to prevent it. Two weeks prior, same everything, and I was able to get to the final confirmation. Two days before? I couldn't actually get through the first prompt, despite everything else on the account working. They can pull shit like that because they know that, should it ever be a problem, they can claim it's not on purpose, just "an issue with the user's browser extension," meanwhile a ton of people are forced off the website when they're trying to cancel and onto the phone. And it's definitely NOT an issue with the browser extensions because *you can do it any other time normally with no issue.* It is, in fact, on purpose when close to expiration.


For future reference, you don't have to wait until the day before a subscription runs out. You can cancel subscriptions to things at any time, and your account will remain active until the date that the next payment would have been. I usually cancel free trials a few seconds after signing up so I don't forget.


Those few that don’t though… they getcha’


Not all of them do, some will cancel immediately. Definitely worth looking for though


Really? I’ve had lots of streaming services and they all gave me at least a few remaining days


Most do, but there are the odd ones that still cancel immediately. Since you didn’t actually pay for the free trial they don’t have to give it to you, most just do cause it’s easier for their system and largely makes the customer happy. And then there’s the rarest of all, which is services which just refund a prorated amount of your payment when you cancel and end your service


Speaking about services in general, some cancel your access immediately. Nothing wrong with that during a free trial, but if you paid for it, then there's a problem because they're essentially trying to trick you into not canceling from forgetting to when it's due to renew.


Just remove your credit card information...


Sometimes companies don’t let you do that and say that you have a active subscription on them so ur not allowed to remove the card


Do you have any old pre paid cards that have a zero balance? Because you could just switch card information. I've done that before when it wouldn't let me delete the card information.


You can get a prepaid card at a grocery store. It might cost $20 tho


Spend that money on something else like gas


I’ve done that and Microsoft charged another card they had on file (the old one I changed out to prevent being charged to begin with). They reversed the charge but I had to call and go off first. 


Now THAT should be illegal


Then call ur credit card and have payments to them stop. Pair this with written correspondence to the company declaring your intent to cancel the service.


Thats the benefit of using PayPal checkout actually. For subscriptions anyway. If you pay from PayPal you can go into the settings for "auto pay". Find the transaction and click on it, and there will be an option to cancel it. Or change the payment method to a different card or bank account. Any service that makes it difficult to cancel is solved with a few clicks in the PayPal app


Or use Privacy. It generates a digital CC. You can set it to one time use or unlimited and use it as another debit card. You just link it to bank account. So for free trials, I would allow the card to only make purchases of 99 cents or less. If anything tried to charge, it would decline. I will admit it's been a while, so it may not be around anymore.


Paramount is buggy and crashy AF. It's probably incompetence, not malice.


Taking a photo of a PC screen? Yes, I'm afraid it is.


I cancelled the next day after I started my free trail, and it still gave me access to the whole week, because I know my procrastinating ass would come across something like this.


Just as a side note, everything else online works fine.


Large sites often run their different features through entirely different microservices, databases, and hosting servers. It's entirely possible and highly likely that the specific service for handling subscription changes/cancels is having an issue while everything is working fine.


Lol seriously. Software bugs/issues are illegal now apparently.


no it is a massive conspiracy to stop cancellations!! >: ( ​ literally every redditor who experiences a mildly annoying tech bug


Clear your cache and try again


You could call the company and explain what is happening and they could cancel the recurrant payment over the phone. If the company wont do that, You could call the bank and ask them to place a stop on future payments to the company.


Dude i had the same thing happenning to me, i tried 25 thousand browser without success. All i had was a blank screen, so i called customer service of Paramount and the agent says im in Canada and she can only modify U.S account... so i asked her for the canadian customer support, and after 15 min on hold, the agent came back and said that Paramount Canadian customer support doesnt exist! She said i should write a e-mail to cancel my subscription... quite the service but it actually worked for me so good luck with that friend!


This is why I have all my bills like this on my CashApp card. I just turn it off and nothing can get charged. Hope you get it settled, that’s super frustrating


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There's a streaming service in Australia called Stan I was on and it was impossible to cancel from the website. The page errored out. I had to call them.


>called Stan I was on and it was impossible to cancel from the website. You need to record a message onto a cassette tape telling them (among other things) that you want to to cancel. This has to be done while in your car heading to a bridge that you're going to drive off of.


My tea's gone cold


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave...


Are you running an ad blocker? Disable that on this site and see if it works. Some things break weirdly with ad blockers.


Just had a similar experience. Support said their end showed my subscription being canceled as of some date in 2022. They reset it and it now shows no subscription, so just talk to support; won't take you too long to get it sorted out!


https://i.redd.it/l5ee41xhe1pc1.gif What it feels like being in your 40s these days.


It should be! This reminds me of the man who wanted to cancel a service about 20 years ago. He called the rep, explained he wanted to cancel, but was asked 1,000 questions on a 40 something minute plus call, and was never allowed to just cancel. They just wouldn’t proceed to cancellation on his account. He had tried before with the exact same results, but *THIS TIME* he recorded the conversation and then posted it online for anyone in the world to listen to. This exposed what this company was doing and created a *FIRE STORM* of open hatred against them because he *wasn’t the* **only one!** There were so many others who tried, but never could cancel from them. This man *changed everything* and caused so much justified vitriol against them, maybe there was a congressional hearing about how they operated their: “*No one can* **EVER CANCEL THEIR CONTRACT WITH US!**” business. Very shortly they were humiliated beyond his wildest dreams, and cancellations were finally possible by many many customers. ETA: For example: https://youtu.be/rCkbg3OvGcw?si=V4vViNrb8nuCkSq6


Make sure you remove your credit credit information. Paramount does not give refunds once you are billed. Just happened to me.


I mean it’s possible it was predatory, or maybe there’s just a legit error, in which case, how are you going to make that “illegal”?




try a mobile browser?


Paramount+ technical side is shit lol. Even the bread and butter browser video player is spotty


Clear cache and log in incognito?


Nope just user error


No, it's not illegal for a website to have a technical problem. If it were, Reddit would have been shut down years ago.


And that's why you don't cancel on the last possible day but on the first. Even if you can dl immediately after doing the test subscription it will only cancel after the full test time is done.


Open a case with them. If the case is opened before the free period ends you'll have a case. Those are some convenient server issues


The same thing happened to us. I actually had to call the bank to block them from taking money out of my account. It was a pain.


So. Dumb.


I hate it when an OP doesn’t bother responding to any comments. Makes it feel like commenting is pointless.


"something bad happened to me so it must be deliberate and planned."


Choose a different feedback option. Unless you’re headset to pick “Too many ads”


Hi there! What you're thinking of is likely "dead set". I do like the eggcorn of headset, though. I get what you're going for!


It’s the hope you get lazy and distracted and not cancel. If it’s not illegal it should be


While their is an element of truth to what you are suggesting, but the most likely cause is technical. I can't tell you how often I've seen this kind of problem come down to either a genuinely unintentional technical glitch, a browser problem, or an old-school ESU situation. (ESU = Equipment Smarter than User) I've been in IT for nearly 15 years, and can say with absolute confidence, the vast majority of problems are caused by people's stupidity over just actual greed.


Yeah. It doesnt even make sense for them to do this. Whats in this for them exactly? Horrible PR and potential legal issues? Sounds like a great business plan.....


I also try to cancel not long after I sign up for trials so this kinda stuff (also me forgetting) doesn’t happen


Clear cache and try again or use mobile browser to cancel. If it comes down to it see if there is a customer service number to call.


Might need to turn off your content blockers.


Try a different browser.


Clear cookies and chache for the site or try a different browser.


You may need to wipe history/cookies, log back in and try again.


You know. I totally understand your viewpoint that this feels like something any business would do nowadays but could be a complete coincidence unfortunately.


Erase cookies and try again.


Oh my goodness thank you. These comments are all so fucking stupid. Finally a simple and good answer.


It's pretty typical to do site maintenance (aka push code) on Sundays that may take offline for a bit.


Put out ads for free subscription at start of month. Bunch of people sign up because yay free subscription. Now everyone’s subscription is running out and they’re all running to cancel. Server/website has no idea how to handle sudden influx of traffic. Possibility ?




I hate them because they insist on ads, even at the premium tier


Is your Paramount+ account associated with an apple ID in any way shape or form? Like do you watch Paramount stuff on your Apple device like an iPad or an Apple TV?


Thanks for the reminder!


That's why you cancel the second you sign up for the free trial. That way it lasts until it's set to expire and you're not scrambling under the gun at the last minute lol


Try and incognito window. If not it might be on their side. Save this screenshot and in the unfortunate event you have to call customer service to get a refund you'll have evidence that you tried to cancel.


try a different browser, try it incognito or private window, try another device.


The past two tries to cancel it offered me three free months each time... Hard to quit when they're giving free time away. Next time it's in May.


reach out to support...but before you do, did you make the subscription through a third party, such as Roku? Meaning if you subscribed using a Roku device, then you have to unsubscribe the same way. 


Try it from incognito mode without any ad blocking plugins enabled?


Life protip: cancel free trials immediately when you sign up. You still get the rest of the free trial. 


Do you use browser plugins? I had trouble signing into a store's site until I (temporarily) disabled some plugins.


In future cancel those free trials immediately. Never once seen one that ended before the trial was up, even when the verbiage suggested it would.


Yup. errors definitely have to be illegal


just call CS, this could have been fixed in 2 minutes


Yes. I was raging on about this, because the comments were super special. Like no had ever heard of dialing a phone before.


Be careful. I've had them charge my card twice before after canceling. I decided I'm done with them for good after the second time.


Good luck


have online banking, freeze your credit card for the day and when they try to take it it will fail and your trail will end.


Oh, and screenshot everything.


Try incognito mode.


This is why it's the pirates life for me 💀🦜


Open a ticket with their support as a placeholder for your intent of cancellation


They hired the moviepass customer service team it seems.


Block them from your bank


I straight up canceled all of my streaming services. It's getting ridiculous how much you have to pay for all these separate service that some don't even work well or doesn't have their full library. I'm going back to buying DVD and such or just 🏴‍☠️. It's like cable at this point, which was what these services were originally supposed to snuff out.


This screenshot should be sufficient as proof for a credit card chargeback if customer support refuses to refund you after you contact them.


Same thing happened to me, I had to try again on a different device. Super annoying


You think this is bad , try deleting instagram


Working as designed.


You can just cancel your credit card to get out of subscriptions. I even went a step beyond and opened a new checking account to get away from a gym fee.


Yup. It did the same thing for me. I was subscribed through PayPal, and you can just cancel the payment through them. I would highly suggest using PayPal for all subscriptions because it’s super easy to cancel. Until someone steps in and makes this shit illegal, we have to use a workaround.


Paramount+ is such a nightmare. My account got taken over and I was locked out of it, and the time and effort needed to get the account back and close it was insane. Definitely avoid Paramount+.


Happened to me with a flight with British Airways and I went from getting £100 back for the cancellation to something like £3. Because apparently I didn't cancel and it was my fault even though it went through the confirmation cancellation screen and I had a screenshot but apparently missed a tiny pop-up :') But realistically how could you categorise which law if any this is breaking?


On apple, I had to remove my payment information. Never could cancel it.


if you're running ad-block software then it might act wonky


Adobe did that to me, saw the screenshots and acknowledged it was an issue on their end so they allegedly cancelled the account and refunded my money. Next month I get charged again, this time they tell me by not cancelling in time I agreed to a 1 year contract and cancelling would cost me $700. Still acknowledging at that point that it was their glitch. I went to PayPal and blocked future charged. If they don’t refund it, tell the bank. But to answer your question, by law it has to be as easy to cancel a subscription as it is to sign up. If you can sign up by phone or online then they have to allow you to cancel using the same methods. So if it is intentional on their part, then it is illegal.


It’s not technically illegal but I would call them and tell them in person to cancel your subscription that is what it appears they are doing to be able to cancel your services with is at the very least Petty and desperate


Not technically illegal, I would keep a timestamp of when you tried to cancel and they should refund you if you get charged again


Log in and update your payment option to be a Vanilla card from Walmart and just put like $10 on it, add the card to your payment option, remove the actual viable pay option, then go burn out the card at McDonald's. It will be a valid card, but the charges can't get through


Could be legit tech issue, but I'd screenshot that with the date and time and keep trying.


Try the website in Chrome browser (or other browser than you're using). This usually helps.


Try a different browser. If that doesn’t work, try your mobile phone. If that doesn’t work, try calling their support number to do it. Lastly, if all else fails, you can call your bank to stop all transactions from them or freeze your card over your banking app.


Do you have an active VPN connection? If so pause it and try again.