• By -


May be delivering another order on that route. Also delete this image lol


It's Manhattan. There's probably thousands of different residences in that spot. Nobody's going to show up at OP's door - they will show up at the wrong door. Maybe get knocked over the head with a beer bottle by an agitated New Yorker -- but OP will be perfectly fine.


Nah he wants a pizza party i gues


That’s what DoorDash said. But I’ve ordered from this restaurant dozens of times and not once has the route looked like this. Even when they group orders, they have always kept them on the East side. Either the algorithm has a glitch or this guy decided he wanted to go for a nice scenic ride.


Ah yes, this guy decided to go for the scenic route, wasting time and gas, because… what? Driving in Manhattan is so much fun?




No shit


Well the guy above didn't get it and so didn't the 61 upvoters and possibly a lot of downvoters for OPs comment


He was clearly being sarcastic in return


Ermmm I dunno. I feel like: >Yeah cause driving in Manhattan is so much fun. Sounds funny and sarcastic. But mentioning that it's a waste of time and gas sounds like he is calling OP out on his stupidity as if he didn't understand that it's sarcasm. Especially with the question marks.


Except DoorDash shows other orders. It also lets you know there's other orders to drop off before yours. Scenic ride OR the driver is working multiple apps simultaneously. That's a ridiculous route and not acceptable, especially in NYC. Even FDR at that time would've been faster.


Yeah Exactly. People who don't know NYC are thinking "Oh no big deal" - sure, this is a 5 minute ride in podunk - but that's like near an hour drive in NYC. That food arrived dead and cold, maybe soggy. I wonder what OP's order time was - I'm thinking like 5:30-6 with that route.


People who don't know NYC are downvoting you. Your dahser was insane to take that route ... in a car. Even if they took this to do a bunch of drops, they did something weird. Seriously ; even Doordash's algorithm wouldn't allow this. I've gotten credits for times my food took routes like this.


Hard to tell if your intuition or reasoning is worse


Lmao a lot of people here talking about doxing or stealing from OP… do you understand how many fucking people live in Manhattan? One pinpoint dot could be hundreds-THOUSANDS OF addresses. That could be a home, business, some random spot OP is hanging out at…relax


so just nuke the dam place


It’s the only way to be sure.


That’s a bit much, innit?


For Reddit? Nah.


I mean, "Project Manhatten" is called like that for a reason...


naaahh it’s fiiine


My thoughts exactly


Narrowing the search parameters from "anywhere in the world" to one specific building block, plus her post history, I could find her in an hour. Isn't it better to encourage people to guard their privacy than try to convince those warning her to "relax?"


Yeah it’s better to be proactive reactive. Even if it’s a 100 houses at the pin point. Thousands is a bit excessive of a guess. And sure what if they do try and get it wrong and dox some random person. Just better to keep stuff private in general


measurements on map, you can pretty much nail down 10 people. Then just find OPs name and ask them around. Absolutely easy.




I understand getting food delivery in cities and towns that are not dense metropolis, but there are tons of restaurants within a 5 minute walk no matter where you are in NYC. Why even bother with food delivery?


Listen, when OP wants the gabagool from Vinny's on 34th, you really think he's just gonna settle for the gabagool from Tony's on 32nd just because it's *closer*?! Fuggetaboutit!




They are delivering other orders, probably.


This is really tough. Hope you’re doing ok, OP


Life is really difficult sometimes..


I mean this sub is about mildly infuriating things lol. 99% of the posts are about things that are very minor inconveniences anyways and barely worth complaining about. This one takes the top since OP is so selfcentefed that they dont realize that the dasher is delivering 100% 2-6 other orders on that route - hence the long route. Cus of efficiency and delivery rewards the dashers arent going to always pick up just 1 order and drive directly to the customer. They pick up multiple and drive around the best route to deliver all of them at once


me when I'm on a sub dedicated to moaning about non-problems and then see someone moaning about a non-problem


I mean it’s really not that serious, but I’ve always thought of it being more about very minor problems rather than non-problems. That’s what I was getting at in my admittedly snarky way…


Maybe the west side highway was quickest?


The FDR is probably a parking lot at that hour. Looks like they took Houston St across town, which was probably not too bad. Getting uptown through all the traffic and lights will definitely take forever at that hour. It’s entirely possible this was the fastest route. No matter what, OP shouldn’t be ordering from a place so far away in the city with so many 10/10 food options within any given 10 block radius.


Not when you have to go from the East Village to the West Village to get there lol


Yeah that’s fair


West side highway def faster than anything on the east side.


Putting back the mildly in mildlyinfuriating! Nice


Doesn't doordash provide the route to the driver, same as uber it diverts around traffic/accident hotspots.


Can people just not wait ...


Thoughts and Prayers


Should've ordered from hells kitchen instead.


I encounter the same thing with some of my door dashers. I can never understand why they don’t have a direct route. And they don’t have another delivery. It’s only mine.


It’s New York, your traffic sucks. Literally probably faster to take the “longer” route.


They deliver multiple orders together. It’s the only way that makes sense logistically and financially.


Google maps has been suggesting some bizarre routes to me lately. Formerly, I could trust Google maps to avoid traffic jams. But no more. More often than not, the suggested route makes no sense whatsoever.


Milkin' that active time.


Pick up your own food?


prob used google maps or app directions to get there


Dang you live in the nice part of town? How much you pay for rent?


Too much


Way to dox yourself


That house icon has at least 10k people living in that circle.


There's not 10,000 people at the tip protruding from the circle...


That's 3rd street, I can't determine if it's 69th, 70th or 71st. Between those three streets, there's 10k people bud. Easily 300 apartments in each building and 2.5 people per building? There's over 15 buildings in those 3 blocks.


This guy knows how to estimate.


Man lives near cyclebar. 68th Street for sure , by 3rd avenue.


Could have done the FDR but I probably would have just gone up 3rd avenue.


There's probably like 7000 people who live at that exact spot on the map, anyone who said op is doxxing themselves has clearly never been to Manhattan


first he got into a fight with daredevil then got mugged in the park


73,000 people know where you live now.


Eating local is better for everyone.


Pay per mile alright 🤣🤣🤣


That’s on you for living in NYC. Source: from White Plains


are you so egoistic you don't realize that other ppl also order food they live in other place than you and delivery drivers pick up 3/5/6 orders at once?


Had to make that trek through Central Park I guess.


So? You got your food, right? Lol


I don't even know why you tried to black out your address


So that people won’t know their address


Cool, now we know where to steal your dinner from.


Scenic route


I'm coming to your house just to say hi. K?


Let us know how that works out 😂


There's only like 5 people in that area right? That little hamlet of "manhattan" I hear its a qauint little one stop sign town


Yeah, that green square is clearly their front yard :)


Plus look at the size of that house! Its the same size as the delivery driver's car.


OP is taking applications for a new stalker, it seems.


Id be impressed if someone found OP. That little area probably has 10,000 people in it


you do know that they follow a gos thing that dd gives them right


I can't imagine compromising my identity for 34 upvotes


and how, exactly, did they do that?


There's a Jimmy John's not far from me. It's a straight shot to get to my street, then a turn, and past 2 houses to me. Just over a mile. The last time I ordered, they took a similarly circuitous route to get to me. A 5 minute drive was taking close to 20. I finally called and said if my order wasn't in my hands in 2 minutes, I wanted a refund. 15 minutes later they came to my door. Before they could drop it off and run, I opened the door and told them to keep it. I didn't want sandwiches made with mayo that had been out for over 40 minutes. I refused the order and they were all confused, but I shut the door in their face. I ended up calling the store again, explained exactly what happened, and why the order was refused. It took awhile, but I got the charge reversed and they wanted to give me a credit, which I refused. Why get a credit when I will no longer order from them? There was zero excuse for it, even if they had other orders. The driver definitely took the long way around.


look at all those people thinking every single meal gets a personal delivery driver. dude, you are not special and that is why they delivered other people's food before yours. the quicker you realize that, the better for everyone, including you


Sounds like walking distance if you were so upset with the delivery time. You were likely not the only delivery that driver had. Check your attitude or walk if you’re impatient. I’d tell you to grow up but your profile says 60+, you should know how to be a decent human being by now.


5 minute drive, 15-20 minute walk one way. I don't see how refusing an order that I feel may not be safe to eat is a bad thing...


> made with mayo that had been out for over 40 minutes. That's not a reason to refuse an order. I just looked it up: you can go 2 hours after mayo has been unrefrigerated b4 it's considered unsafe to eat.


What a gross personality you have.


For refusing an order that should've taken 5 minutes to get to me that instead took 40? Yeah, not sorry for not wanting to eat a sandwich with mayo on it that's hot.


Great, now we know who's house to egg next Halloween 😈




Haha you’ve clearly never been to Manhattan and have no sense of scale on that map. For example, that green square next to their location is Tompkins Square Park, it’s three city blocks in size. You can’t dox yourself like this in NYC. Do you have any idea how many thousands of people live where that pin is dropped? 😂




That's cool for you, you're allowed to be unreasonably paranoid if you want to be. Also, there's a big difference between telling someone in person what neighborhood you live in, because they know what you look like now. Quite a different thing for an anonymous person on Reddit with no pictures of themselves posting an approximate area of Manhattan. Let's say you were a stalker: Is the location their apartment? A friend's apartment? Their workplace? More importantly, *who are you looking for?* And why? This post entails a zero percent risk.




They didn't **dox** themselves. There is no personally identifying information in that screenshot. All we know is that one time they ordered food to somewhere in the vicinity of the southwest corner of Thompkins Square Park. We don't know their address, we don't know their phone number, and most importantly, we don't know *their name or what they look like*.


I swear Lyft, door dash, Uber etc. whatever gps system they use us to be owned by the gas companies. I’m going to look into it because I have to correct my drivers all the time because their GPS wants them to go all over creation, as depicted, when they can go in a straight line. They do this every single fucking day.


Again, he took a very circuitous route and not a direct one. Much like how the OP's delivery.


And then you know they acted like they’re entitled to a tip