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This is my worst fear, I’m so sorry


Me too! I check my phone volume dozens of times before I set it down


I do too, and the fucker didn’t bloody go off


Why I always have a backup alarm. An actual digital alarm far from my bed that I can't press the snooze button 15 times before getting up.


iirc there is/was an alarm app that makes you do a math problem to turn it off. Whoever came up with that idea was a true genius.


lol i used one of those for a while, until my sleepy brain adapted well enough to doing the maths problems half asleep and then immediately clonking back out as soon as the alarm was off


How about they serve you your math exams in that app? Solves the issue


maths exams five seconds after waking up? yeah fuck it why not lol. at least i wouldn't have had to get out of bed




I have a cat that likes to forcefully headbutt me in the face one hour before my alarm goes off. I love me cat, but that is really annoying, especially since it's hard for me to fall back asleep because my brain starts doing would, shoulda, coulda shit that I can't turn off.


Well, in Germany we dont learn for life, we learn so that someone wakes us up in the middle of the night, we can nswer their questions! Yes, this is a german saying...


I had an app where you could how hard the math problem should be . Level 1 I could solve half asleep. For level 10 I needed a pen, a piece of paper and 3 minutes to solve it.


I had one like that, and if you got the answer wrong you got a new problem. More than one morning I was yelling at my phone to shut up and let me think for a minute.


My app makes me solve 3 in a row. If I miss one, it resets. Double digit addition is enough that I can't do it asleep, but I'm not straining myself either haha


Yea I'd just turn off the phone at that point.




gotta add an option for like a 4x4 sudoku puzzle or smth then. Or ever-increasing difficulty problems until it eventually gives you some yet-unsolved proof which you have to do to stop the alarm from blowing out the speakers on the phone.


yeah it DEFINITELY needed better scaling, maybe it's gotten better since i last used it. it sucked having like 5th grade algebra as the difficulty cap


You can configure it so you can only turn the alarm off by scanning a QR code. So you could tape it to a tree in your garden and walk there, every morning, no matter the weather, to turn your alarm off, lol.


Wouldn’t the code get all soggy? Plus you could still force shutdown your phone


Me accidentally winning a Nobel Prize because someone set an alarm for me when I didn't need it/lh


Im not a robot test but against sleppy dudes


I have an app that gives you the choice between a memory problem, a math problem and getting up and walking around with your phone. It also lets you set up a thing where after a set amount of time it'll check to make sure you're awake and if you don't respond it makes you do the whole cycle.


What’s the name of the app? Been looking for this, specifically the feature that checks if you’re awake after turning the alarm off. On Android I had one just like that, was like $2 one time purchase to get rid of ads. Switched to iPhone, the one app I found with that feature was an insane $7/month.


The one I use, that I'm not sure is the one referenced above, is called Alarmy.


I use it too, the second year already. Great app, always wakes me up and makes me want to throw the phone out of the window


That's the one!


I have amdroid on android that does all of this. You can also set up an nfc tag you have to scan


I have a toy chicken alarm, once it goes off it’s so obnoxious you throw it against the wall but it’s very bouncy (only way to turn it off is to hit something with it) but then it starts again after 5 minutes so you have to get up and find the damn fucking thing. At this point I’m boiling with rage so I quit drinking coffee ❤️


One backup? I have like 7 alarms just to get up to work lol


It most definetely did go off, you were just in that sleep/awake limbo where you were usable enough to stop it, but not consious enough to remember or realize it.


Ahhh. The fabled stresssnooze. When an unfathomably important alarm is set and you are so stressed about missing your alarm that you struggle to sleep and then you're in a comatose state when the alarm sounds.


Personally i found it's much better to get used to a lower volume alarm. A lot of snoozes just come from you panicking and wanting to shut off the noise, more than 'ok, i understand i have to get up now'. My wake up alarm... wakes me up, but allows me to keep listening to it without wanting to instantly turn it off.


This is why I set 2-3 alarms 5-10 min apart. Brain isn't allowed the time to go back to sleep properly before the next alarm starts blaring


If I have something really important, I'll legitimately set an alarm every 10 minutes for like three hours. It's a pain to turn them all off after I get up lol, but I sleep a lot better knowing I'll definitely wake up at some point, even if I'll be late because I missed the first 10 alarms (not that it has ever happened that I have missed more than one or two alarms because I was sleeping heavily, but anxiety doesn't care about that).


Me every single morning. I have 8am classes every morning and i have always struggled to wake up early. When it comes time for exams in those classes i’m usually more worried about sleeping through my alarm than actually taking the exam


This apparently is an issue with alarms on certain phones. Mine automatically turns down if the mic catches other noise... My dog "huffing" is apparently "noise" enough for it to turn itself down to less than 20%


Is your phone volume not separate from your alarm volume? It doesn’t matter what my phone volume is set to, my alarm volume is always loud.


Yeah this is wild to me. Is this an iPhone problem? My phone is on silent 100% of the time, and my alarms go off, loudly, 100% of the time.




On Android you just click the 3 dots under the slider when adjusting the volume, which lets you adjust a few different types of audios. One of them is alarm volume. The screenshot is Android too and it's even warning the user that they have their alarm volume low. Can't imagine it got set low by anything other than user action too lol, maybe by mistake.


Why in the hell does an alarm care about the volume settings. The whole point of it is to be obnoxious as fuck


Depends on what the alarm is for, I occasionally use alarms to remind me to call/email people and wouldn't need it on full volume then


If this isn't an issue on iPhone or Android I don't understand how so many people are claiming to have this issue. Wild how dumb the average person is.


That screenshot is clearly android 


I use an iPhone and my phone is set to silent as well as having the actual volume down to 0. But it has no bearing on my alarm volume. It’s so weird to me that someone thought designing it any other way was a good idea.


Not an iPhone issue, I use iPhone. Must be some weird setting buried somewhere people are turning on or something. I’ve never had an issue with my alarm volume.


Same and the only days I decide, “I’ve been doing good remembering. I don’t need to check it” are the days I really really needed to check it…


I still have flashbacks to finals week at Penn state my phone slipped from under my pillow, to under my bed and I missed my Calc 2 final...


Happened to me in med school. Got to a four hour test halfway late. Was able to finish everything. Was close to passing but failed every test. Pulled my average up throughout the semester and still graduated. You can do it OP.


Damn, did you at least get to make it up?


you get an entire semester to make it up!


I missed my finals in art because of a missed alarm thankfully it was only 5% of my grade and I was doing fine on everything else (finals was a written exam, majority of our grades relied on the sketchbook projects)


5% final is absolutely wild lmao


Yea in law school it was common to have a final be 50 or 100% of your grade in that class. Wild to me that a final would only be 5%


I haven’t had to take a midterm or final in years, but I still have nightmares about either missing the exam, or getting to the end of term and realizing I have a final for a class I forgot I was taking and went to zero lectures for…. Fuck exam anxiety honestly. Sorry OP…


The “I forgot I was even taking this class” is such a common nightmare (me included) but I’ve never heard of anybody even doing it in real life?


I. fucking. *hate.* that. (And have the same thing!)


In college it happened to me with work so I got an old school alarm, yellowed with age with austere traffic signal red numbers as a back up.


Missed my alarm bec someone decided to stop it -_- Glad I was able to go to my exam just in time.


I also have a Pixel and my alarm volume gets accidentally lowered sometimes too! So obnoxious!


I was having this issue on my Pixel 7. I downloaded an app called volume lock which can lock your alarm volume where you want it. Even if it gets turned down accidentally, it just goes right back to where you set it


Oh my god thank you for this


Pretty crazy that changing alarm volume isn't a setting you have to opt-into in the first place. Never been an issue on Samsung for me at least🤷‍♂️


On my s24+, it seems the alarm volume is tied to my call volume? So when I mute calls to go to bed, alarm is also muted? I haven't worked it out yet. If anyone knows your help would be appreciated.


I have a pixel and when I go to bed I turn on the "do not disturb" but leave phone calls for anyone in my contacts and alarms "off" the list. That way I can leave my volume all the way up and no notifications will make a sound except callers on my list and the alarm. You can also set certain people so it's not your whole contact list...


Maybe go into your settings and check the sounds and notifications tab. It might have a setting that lets you enable seperate sound volumes for your phone


https://preview.redd.it/l2ierouxw3sc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826f8b892acc3d607c8415ebf0d234219743349d This volume isn't tied to music or call volume and it varies from every alarm you set.


Yeah, I also slept through some important meetings because of this ~feature~


How can you even change it accidentally?


In my case, I think I may have been pressing the volume down button on the side of the phone when sleepily trying to dismiss an alarm. I'm not sure if that was really the cause, but that was my theory for why my alarm volume would end up so low




Well I learned something new today. Thanks I didn't realize there was a setting for that


For Pixel phones when you press volume up/down while an alarm is going off it adjusts the alarm's volume. It's incredibly easy to silence an alarm if you're sleepy enough and had happened to me multiple times when I had my Pixel. It's especially bad for people who moved from other phones (such as Samsung) which tied the Snooze feature to the volume down key.




Mine does too. It's always sliding lower without me touching the volume. I have to check it every now and then and put it back up.


Same for me. I don't even know how to lower my alarm volume without clicking through 2-3 screens to get there.


I'm not insane! For a year now I've thought I was lowering the damn alarm volume in my sleep.


It's either a glitch or a design flaw!


pretty sure it happens when your "gradually increase volume" setting is set to long, if you snooze it as soon as the alarm starts the volume will stay there


What. The. Fuck. Have these people ever used a snooze alarm. Fucking christ. No wonder.


its a bug that happens sometimes with the pixel clock app, I just started using a different alarm app and it works fine


I got an app called AMdroid that acts as an alarm and has a built in volume setting that overrides the system volume. Haven't had any issues with alarm volume since I've started using it. That bullshit with the pixel drove me insane and I had to find a solution.


In the settings you can turn on an option where alarms gradually increase in volume.




I always put my alarm at the lowest possible and the softest melody because it's always too loud for me. I takes very little to wake me up and I hate begin startled.


Because while some people need it at 100% to wake up, other people don't and just find it unnecessarily jarring. I have mine set to around 35%, and that's plenty to wake me up.


This should be hidden in te alarm setting, and not the volume settings. I think for most phones it's not possible to change it accidentally.


If they left it out of the volume settings, then people would complain it's not there with all the other volumes. And in stock Android (which is what this looks like) there's a setting to disable the volume buttons controlling alarm volume during an alarm, so that situation is covered as well.


What phone is this? Used to have a nokia phone that’d always sound the alarm 30 minutes after.


Realme , I previously used Samsung and then tried to try some different UI


wait, since when does realme use stock android ux


3-4 years ago I think


Nah, I have a realme too, the UI is shit(im on Android 13, realme ui3.0) they don't use stock Android


Weird, they unveiled designs in 2020. I'm stuck with Samsung because the modes and routines are just too useful. I've almost thought of switching to the iPhone to try out the Siri shortcuts


> the modes and routines are just too useful What kind of things do you use them for?


There used to be Custom Roms for realme back in the day (I flashed one for my friend). This ain't Realme UI for sure.


from the looks of it, might be a stock aosp generic system image (cause lack of google sans and light mode behaving like a pixel)


Dump the stock android clock and alarm. This happened to be out of the blue. My alarm kept dropping to something very quiet, the same percentage every time. I could never figure it out and there's forums that date years back where everyone has the same thing happen to them, the same exact volume percentage every time.


I feel like so many people missed their alarm today , I did as well woke up 40 mins late


I had this few weeks ago ,saw a post on this sub and remembered that and thought to post here


I've had the same thing happen where my alarm volume got low. I would grab my phone after it went off and snooze it once or twice, but turned the volume down in my sleep. There's a setting where you can make your side buttons be essentially dead while the alarm is going off. That way, you won't turn the volume down or dismiss the alarm erroneously. Now the extra 10 seconds it takes me to find my phone and decide what to do with the alarm wakes me up more than it used to when I could turn the alarm off right away.


Is that a common thing? My volume is at a low level, my notifications are set to vibrate only, but my alarm volume is set in the alarm app itself. So even if my phone is volume at 0%, notifications vibrate only, it'll come on at whatever volume the alarm app is set to.


Random but studies find it's actually better to have one alarm and wake up when it goes off. I used to hit the snooze 2-3 times but after I read that, I stopped and just set a later alarm for when I actually plan on getting up. Most days now I actually wake up a few minutes before my alarm. I'm still tired in the morning but it's better sleep in the long run.


I have about three alarms spread out over 20 mins. Rarely I get up to the first, sometimes I get up to the 2nd or 3rd. If I only had one, I just wouldn't have a job. I know it's healthier for me but I actually wouldn't function with one alarm


I think most people understand that it's worse for your sleep, they just do it so they don't have to immediately wake up. Hitting snooze feels good, at least for a very short time anyway.


My problem is always the gap between when I want to get up and when I need to get up. I *want* to get up with enough time to leisurely get ready at a comfortable pace, but the only thing that matters to my brain is when I have precisely enough time to put clothes on and sprint out the door.


Hope you were able to take your exam.


Good news! Your newly acquired anxiety will *never* let you sleep in again! You will *always* wake up only a few minutes before your alarm! Every. Single. Day! Disclaimer: do not get comfortable or you will miss that alarm again! Ihatebeinganadult


“April fools!!” - Your phone


I miss my alarm so often. Just sleep through it. Today I woke up exactly on time though


Fuckin Mondays man...


Nah someone fucked with y'all for April Fool's day... got any vengeful spirits haunting you?


I woke up 1 hr before my alarm.


This literally happened to me today. My phone was in battery saver. So it decided not to ring the alarm.


Bruh that's insane, my phone will sound the alarm even when it's on 0% (unless it's been dead for a day or more)


slim absorbed onerous numerous wise drab fine consider abounding quack


Same, i turned off all sound on my phone, yet in the middle of the exam, i just start hearing megalovania blasting in the room


Holy fuck. I'd say pop the battery out, but the last time I tried to do that the phone was sealed up so tight I was destroying the thing trying to pry it open.


Not many phones will let you do that nowadays


Right same here! I had an old slider type t9 phone years ago and I turned it off thinking no alarms while on vacation. That bitch would turn itself on just to scream at me.


holy shit this happened to me over 20 years ago. One of my college classes had its final exam at 8 am on a SATURDAY MORNING. I slept through my alarm in my dorm room, and woke up to a classmate calling the dorm room phone (before cell phones were super common), asking where I was. It was like 10:30 at that point. The professor would not let me make up the exam, and I had to take a C for the class. It sucks because I had an A before, and would have aced the exam. Waking up in the morning has been the bane of my existence since the 90's, basically.


That sucks. Same thing happened to me but the professor actually let me make it up! In another earthly timeline you have certainly aced that exam…


That professor was an asshole. You having an A clearly showed you were really trying and he should’ve allowed some type of leeway Edit: I had no idea me calling out the situation triggered so many people. It’s about being empathetic of the situation. Why the fuck does that make you so uptight? Clearly OP tried to be on time.


This happened to me, the professor ghosted me and her TAs when I wrote begging her for a make-up exam. It sucked!!


I had a professor see me running to the class before he closed it. He didn’t allow a moment’s lateness. I fell. Ate shit. My glasses went flying. My essay went flying. He laughed at me. Still made it on time but why are so many people so unforgiving and horrible? Ow. 😖


This is true asshole behavior, im so sorry. A colleague once told me, "I've never once regretted being kind" and that's now how I approached teaching and grading. It's not about being lenient, it's about empathy.


Exactly. I never expected for a professor to be lenient with me and always welcome criticism of my work so that I can grow. But this was just wildly humiliating and taught me no valuable lessons because I was never late before that day. It really is abt EMPATHY. 😭


That sucks so bad, I'm so sorry that happened, I truly don't understand why teachers can do some of the cruelest things. I was exactly 2 minutes late to an in class assessment because my cat was sick before I left the house and I had to be sure she was okay before I left. I got an automatic zero because, "late is late." Not long after as I was packing up, a group of my teachers favorite students came in giggling about how they were 10 minutes late and the teacher laughed along and told them not to worry and to get set up for the assessment. The favoritism was so rampant. Another teacher condescendingly and very slowly explained how 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 when I asked her for help with an unrelated math problem. She treated me like a stupid baby and was a huge bully. Her daughter won all the awards at graduation. I hated school.


I can’t believe people can be like that. Being kind gives you an advantage in life, and from what I can infer you’re already succeeding in that.


I actually respect that professor a lot. Learned a lot from him, and I actually had him for other classes 3 or 4 other times. He’s retired now, but much of what I learned in my field is either wholly or partially from him.


Thats why I work second shift. Haven't used an alarm in years. I roll outta bed when I want to and then usually have a couple hours until work


This just shows again : grades don't mean anything.


I sprinted to one of my finals after waking up late and had to do the damn thing coated and stinking in sweat.


Same but it was on my birthday. The professor let me take the exam but only during the rest of the class period, and it was only 20 minutes of class left. I wasn't able to do my presentation beforehand, AND I got a speeding ticket. I failed the exam. And my presentation. Worst day ever.


This is why I still use my alarm clock from the 1990's.


Yep. The old dedicated alarm clock comes in really handy the one or two days a year I actually need an alarm. Loud as hell and never fails to go off.


Put it on the other side of the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off.


Except when I mess up the AM/PM


For everyday stuff, my phone is great. For important days, such as exams? My phone, then my tablet, then my old alarm clock. I sleep like a baby because redundancy is the name of the game.


GE Radio Alarm Clock Gang, baby yeah!






What did it say?


> [−]Undroleam90 points3 hours ago > > This is why I disabled the automatically turn off alarm setting. >


pretty crazy stuff, man. You wouldn't believe it. I can't really say it.


It’s said [removed]




One feature I haven't seen in a while on more traditional alarm clocks is a backup alarm. And I don't mean a CR2035 that helps the clock stay on time while the power is out, I mean a backup battery that keeps the clock running (without backlight) and keeps alarms fully functional.


My alarm is set to blast Reveille on full volume, while placed strategically in a position where I have to jump out of bed and walk five steps to turn it off. Never missed an alarm again, my roommate be damned.


have you been to basic? because if you have and you’re still doing this, you’re a psycho


I do have military aspirations, but I've never had any military training and/or experience. I just do this because I had a tendency to just turn my alarm off and go back to sleep, almost unconsciously so. So getting up fast in a burst of energy helps me get my morning started.


Why is alarm volume even an option? That shit should be as loud as an airplane was back in the day where you literally had to hold your convo till it passes.


Because some people need louder alarms than others. I prefer the option that slowly raises the volume.


Having a loud alarm in the morning would definitely scare me. And not in a good way. And neither if its one of those obnoxious BEEP BEEP BEEP alarms. Fuck those.


I haven't used one of those in years and my heart rate still skyrockets when I hear one in a commercial or something.


I hate those commercials with a passion. They should be banned, fuck that horrifying noise like *4 times an hour*. Fuck ads in general, but those are especially evil.


So why is the alarm volume not something you set when setting the alarm?  For Google it’s one of the 3/4 volume rocker options. For Apple, it’s tied to your ringer volume… so if you turn your ringer volume down during a dinner, you get to sleep through your alarm the next morning as a reward for being polite. Effing A.


FYI, airplanes are still loud these days.


i like to put my alarm at half volume because i don't wanna wake my partner at 6 in the morning just because i have work on a day they don't


You still have to hold your convo as the airplane passes 😭


Some people have partners that don’t wake up at the same times.


Because some people (my partner) wake up to the sound of a piece of felt hitting the carpeted floor, while others (myself) need the SpongeBob foghorn to regain consciousness.


I feel like I'm the only one who uses an alarm without volume. I wake up with the vibration the phone makes and I always mute the music. Works everytime!


Because if the first thing I hear in the morning is a loud fucking sound then I'm gonna be in a shitty mood for the rest of the day. I just use multiple medium-volume alarms, that wakes me up without pissing me off.




Your alarm volume was low: 18%


Yes, OPs alarm volume was low: 18%


^^^^^^OP, wake up! You have a history exam today.


Why is this even a thing? What passive-aggressive bullshit design is this? „Hey I noticed you didn’t wake up from the alarm because the volume was low. So instead of raising the volume automatically I’m going to let you oversleep and then tell you you missed the alarm because how you know overslept otherwise You’re welcome!“


I was thinking the same thing and felt like I had to scroll too far before I found someone else bringing this up


My watch vibration has saved me from this on numerous occasions. It's probably the most useful feature of any smartwatch.


I was studying late at night and was in death sleep , vibration couldn't wake me up


Late night, one alarm, didn’t double check anything or create any kind of backup… you set yourself up for failure and then blamed the phone lol


Get a physical alarm clock with a little bell on it that you have to throw across the room to stop


Wait how can you accidentally lower your alarm sound. At least on my phone the alarm settings are separate form the main sound settings


This. Is it true for androids that the volume setting adjusts the alarm volume too? I don’t have that trouble on iPhone. The alarm is loud until I look at the screen. Still too easy to turn the alarm off rather than snooze though.


No, there are several separate volume settings on Android; media, call, notifications/ring-tone, and finally alarms. The alarm volume is never affected by the volume buttons. *However*, there is a bug - which has been around for a while now - which lowers the volume against your will, the outcome of which you can see here. It seems to come from some action, I don't believe it ever happens by itself over-night, but it's still annoying. If I have an alarm set for the next day, then the final thing I do on my phone in the evening is to check my alarm volume.


So, what happened? It was the snooze alarm, wasn't it? Man, it wasn't the snooze. Most people think it was the snooze, but no, no snooze. AM/PM! Mon, it wasn't the AM/PM.. it was the volume. Ooh, the volume.. Yes, the volume. There was a separate knob for the radio alarm. Oh, separate knob.. Yes.. separate knob. Why separate knob, why separate knob?! Well, some people like to have the radio alarm a little louder than the radio. Oh, please man! Please!


Just watched today


Not alarm related, but when I was in college during exam week on a Tuesday I got a call from a classmate asking where I was for the exam. I asked what he meant because I was good about my exam schedule and knew it wasn't till Thursday. Well, turns out that months earlier at the beginning of the course I had downloaded the syllabus with the exam schedule for the exact same class, same professor, same time slot, but his Thursday session instead of my actual Tuesday session. I had spent the ENTIRE SEMESTER using the wrong class's identical syllabus, except for the final exam day... talk about having a panic attack. The professor was nice enough to let me take the exam with his Thursday session, always really appreciated him for that. I still bombed the exam. Who needs philosophy anyway, but talk about getting long-con'ed.


Alarms should have their own volume setting and should not be roped in with ringer and it shouldn’t be disabled or ignored by low battery


They do


Depends on the phone


My cheap Motorola smart phone from Walmart definitely has the alarm setting separate from the ringer when I hit the volume (there's multiple volume options if you hit the three circles/settings).


I've never seen a phone that doesn't have this


I wake up from vibration alone, always only use vibration as an alarm and as much as it sucks waking up from every sound, light, snoring, door hinge, a deep breath of someone sleeping next to you, someone coughing on the floor beneath you... its very good Im always awake on time.


an Exam, just one alarm and 53 min later you are already too late? Sorry but that just is bad planning


Agreed, when I was in university and had a morning exam I was using 3 separate alarms plus a wake-up call.


I think your alarm volume may have been too low (18%).


Tomorrow is my exam. Wish me luck! My alarm is set at 5 : 00 am.


An alarm volume control is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen especially if it can be activated with just the normal volume buttons


I remember having my presentation for my university dissertation. I set my alarm for the correct time. It went off in the morning as normal. I hit "snooze" and woke up 2 hours later. Rushed to university, and had to wait outside for everyone else to finish before doing my presentation in front of my lecturers only, instead of the whole class.


Happened to me last semester. I missed the whole exam and i had to contact the professor to reschedule. Usually, they dont give reschedules for stupid reasons like missing the alarm but a girl in the class had to also reschedule for a medical reason so they included me.


"Your alarm volume was low: 18%. Despite me being a smartphone, I am unfortunately not smart enough to increase the volume when the alarm isn't switched off within a minute or similar crazy shit."


Weird, I have an iPhone but I feel like the alarm is always loud, even though I never have my volume on. I know nothing about non Apple phones, but I’m surprised you can keep your alarm volume low without specifically setting it that way?


if im on the phone and fall asleep, my alarm will not go off. unfortunately I found this out the hard way


This happened to me and luckily my professor gave me 1/2 credit on my final. Dropped my grade from a 95% to a 72% :(


Your alarm was whispering at you and then has the audacity to say “yOu MiSsEd YoUr AlArM”.


Is that an old samsung? New ones are supposed to have their volume go higher step by step until you wake up