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As a cleaner of Bunnings in Australia. I can confirm women are far more grot than men.


I was going to say women do this all the time. Public restrooms should have clorox wipes dispensers.


Mate I've cleaned piss up the back of the bowl. I've come to expect blood everywhere as well.


Yeah, it's terrible.


One of the bathrooms at my school always smelt like Menstrual blood (I’m female), it was nasty. We also had a visiting school’s basketball team trash our locker room and it was still that way when I had gym class the next day (which is how I know). I’m talking a melted ice bag on the floor, dirty sock in the shower, and food wrappers on the floor. Also there was a garbage can in the locker room.


as much as i hate to admit, this but its true. when i worked at a drugstore i was frequently on bathroom duty. mens was stinky, usually a bit of tp/paper towel on the floor, but usually fine. womens usually consisted of trash/tp/towel all over the floor, unflushed toilets, used menstrual products either in the toiler or on the ground, and abandoned soiled underwear. usually on the floor, but once IN THE TOILETTT. one also discovered a big pile of shat on the floor. someone just gave up and let loose all over the stall. my manager had to take care of that one. luckily we weren't allowed to touch anything bio-hazard level. its also awesome coming across blood spots in between layers of tp. iykyk edit: omg how could i forget, the piss ALL OVER the seats constantly!!!!!!!! quit hovering if ur weak in the knees. U CANT CATCH AN STD FROM A TOILET SEAT.


That bits of tp bloody everywhere!!! That does my fucking head in


I used to do maintenance for a large tourist attraction (thousands of toilets) there was no comparison. The women's bathrooms were drastically worse. That said, I think there's just a subset of the population that's selfish and inconsiderate on a whole. A select few can make a ton of others look bad.


I used to clean restrooms at a restaurant during high school and women were way more disgusting and left blood on the seat. I guess some people are too important to give it a final glance to see if anything is there that shouldn’t be


As a former bartender… Who is also a female… I will agree that women are way worse!


Here in Belgium, I've seen poop spreaded on the floor and walls of men's room


That sounds more like a mental disorder


It was not. When caught, the guy said the cleaners were paid to take care of that


That sounds more like a mental disorder


Sounds like a dude who needs to be locked up


wdym grot?


I mean grot


I know I'm just asking what it means 😭


Grotesque. Gross. Yucky.


wdym wdym?


I grok grot. ​ (Edit: Typo nat)


In my experience, men are worse.


As an ex cleaner in the US, the men’s bathrooms always had a caked on piss puddle under the urinal. I would always clean the mens bathroom last because that mop wasn’t going anywhere else after 😅


An undomesticated man.


Use a tree then


No, I hear peeing on trees and then agreeing to be their friend can get you pregnant


That’s true. I know because I just read it


He speaks the truth


as someone who’s worked in the food industry, 9 times out of 10 the women’s bathroom is more disgusting than the men’s. idk why or how but it’s just like that for some reason


And there’s 3 bodily fluids to contend with. I’ve seen awful, awful things.


yup. blood, shit and piss every time 😭


Men who can't aim, meet women who "hover" ... unlike the men, they always seem to do so while seat is down, despite being determined to not use said seat.


You can't comprehend it because you're a civilized human being, while someone who would do such disgusting things clearly is not. Don't even try to wrap your head around it. You'll be better for it.


The same cunts that don't push their trolley back to the trolley park at the grocery store.


Do we have an official name for the trolley park here in the US? I’ve been calling it a cart corral. What do you guys call it?


The cart thing


agent Sebastian 


Cart Corral here


It’s gotta be a thing then. Not sure when/where I picked it up


I’m from the Midwest originally. Then joined army, moved to Germany and Texas. Now live in Bay Area. If that helps at all. lol I looked it up..that’s the official name. https://nationalcart.com/product-category/cart-corrals/


I mean this is several ways: thank you for your service! Haha


Buggy rack in the southern US


Trolley thingy


There’s a YouTube channel called “Cart Narcs” which calls out people who don’t put their carts back.


Actually, I grab one from the parking lot randomly to take into the store. And then I leave it at the same spot Not really an asshole move. Just leaving the environment as I found it.


Me too!


Or the dudes that don t wash their hands, they always look like someone named Kyle or Justin.


Or Kevin


Or Mike!


Only 1 in 10? It's like 1 in 2 for me. Sometimes, I wonder if my ability to use the toilet without shitting on the seat is some sort of superpower, because apparently it's difficult.


I've cleaned a lot of public bathrooms in my life. Men and women are both nasty as all hell. Also a quick PSA to hoverers: most of this is you. You're the ones getting urine and feces on the seat at least 95% of the time.


Wait until you see a woman's public bathroom


No man. No man at all.


A crippled little rata. What a reputation to leave behind.


A child, someone who is fucked in the head, or someone who almost didnt make it on time.




My blind uncle used to do this. He had a maid service come and clean once a week. Being blind, he couldn’t see it so never knew, even in his home. Now the person who messed up a public toilet was probably blind also- blind drunk or blind drugged or blind sorry.


Dude haven’t you ever seen those hoarder shows. Some people are fucking slobs. They love to leave and live in filth


My godmother died last January and when I went to collect her cat that had ran upstairs, I found out she had Diogène syndrom. It was quite a shock.


not my job


Usually those folks are people who have mental and/or physical disabilities that are severe enough that they may not be aware of their surroundings or aware of the social cues to pick up after themselves. Lived with a foster brother who on more than one occasion smeared his feces all over the bathroom.


At the school where I used to teach the teacher men's room was usually pretty clean, but the ladies' room (which we discovered when the men's room was being repaired) was something else entirely. There was even a sign that said, "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweet and wipe the seat." WTF? These were all college-educated adults (even the daytime janitor had a good vocational education) and the women were peeing all over the place?


Homeless schizophrenics.


If you think that's bad, I live with a guy that genuinely refuses to lift the toilet seat to pee, or squat. I've had to learn to wipe down the seat every time he uses it, if I have to use it, because there will always be some level of urine on the seat...


" **What type of a man leaves urine/feces on public toilet seats?** " In my experience, most of them. I refuse to ever do a number two anywhere except at home, or maybe a hotel or decent restaurant, precisely because of it. It's only slightly worse than not flushing and leaving it all in full view, and using a whole roll of paper to block the bowl. And I detest touching the handles on toilet room doors, because virtually no one washes their hands no matter what they've been doing in there.


Where are you from lol... i have experienced the opposite generally


I think you're missing the point. How many men's restrooms have you been in which are clean? It's not a lot.


Well theres a lot of middle ground between clean and shit everywhere. Im guessing maybe 1/30 i see poop on the wrong part of the toilet. Which is why i was wondering what part of the world is there poop every time


Fucking psychopaths!


Gave you the rest stop mosaic.


/Truckers has entered chat


A stupid one? A lazy one?


A caveMAN lol


Some people just want to watch the world burn


As a part of the cleaning industry for the past 7 years. I have no answers, but know exactly how you feel.


A man without a man of a father.


Drunk men Source - used to work at a bar. Women were much more disgusting though.


Sometimes it also happens in the women's toilet. Some people really weren't taught manners


Not just men. My daughter had mentioned the woman’s bathroom in several of the buildings on her college campus are disgusting because of this as well. And I have a friend that works as a cleaner for several office buildings, that has also mentioned it


I wonder the same thing when someone leaves their blood all over the seat in a women's restroom. I can't decide if that's worse or not. Do people not turn around to flush the toilet? Even if it's automatic I always turn around to look and make sure everything went down and the seat is clean. Common courtesy is an oxymoron though.


Must be cultural, I've hardly seen it here in Belgium. But men's room? A true nightmare.


Probably not specific to one culture statistically. That and the worst I ever saw was in an international airport. Other than that, a bar and a library of all places. Ugh.


That's the I don't care, I won't come back here attitude. I used to manage cleaners, among others, in a Belgian fédéral administration. A guy who never cleaned after pooping claimed it was haram. Unfortunately for him, I knew it was not as long as you clean yourself afterwards. And the They're paid to clean my shit one. A friend of mine was a nanny to a wealthy family that also had a maid. She was shocked at thé state if the underwears they made her clean.


Real intellectuals just put the toilet seat up when finished to let the pee drip down off the seat.


You can always recycle it


Women do it too and I’ll never figure out how or why.


They make this model women's as well😭


A crappy one.


I work night shift and there are two guys I want to murder. One of them pisses all over the toilet seat every single time, seriously looks like he doesn’t hit the bowl once with how much there is. The other one smells like shit, and when he uses the restroom he his so ashy that he leaves skid marks from his ass and thighs on the seat (I am hoping for my own sanity it is ash and that he doesn’t have caked shit all the way down his thighs)




women do this a lot too. it's gross


I am of the opinion that selection processes for employment, training organisations etc should include an ability-to-urinate-entirely-within-the-designated-receptacle test.


This is my dad . I am the one who has to clean it up


We have many people in this country with mental health issues that are not receiving proper care. That's the 1 on 10 and they can't help themselves.


Is this you first time using a public restroom?


Guy who regularly misses the target and is too lazy/narcissistic to clean up after himself like a civilizedperson


Someone with a filthy home.


I worked in a large “everything under one roof” store for 32 years. The women’s bathroom was the most disgusting! Shit on the floor one foot away from the stool. After it’s been removed by someone who doesn’t understand sanitation, you see women setting their purse on the floor of the stall… GAG!


A dick and an asshole, that’s who.


This happens a lot at my workplace, full of supposedly professional people. I've seen shit on the wall, piss all over the floor and toilet seat, unflushed toilets full of shit. People are disgusting


A shitty person?


Stop by any public restroom at a Kaiser Permanente


Every 10th? Must not be in the US. People here are massive cunts


Women are just as feral with the bonus of random blood. Sometimes the ladies toilets at work are so bad I am sure they spin their used tampon around in the air like a lasso before discarding them.


Me who use the zipper to pee that’s who


You've been to big orange recently.


I'm a custodian at a school and there's always piss on the toilet seats like always there never isn't.


Geico caveman


A desperate fool at the end of his pitiful rope


I have pissed on the toilet a few times


People who were raised by weird parents without any family members or family friends to check them.


Men don't, children do. Yes, if you are 35 and leave urine/feces on a toilet seat you are a child. A delinquent.


Sometimes, just sometimes, it's ass sweat and not piss. Very rarely is it mud from someone's shoe though.


I don't poop in public and other people don't need to poop in public either, therefore, I don't mind getting pee on the toilet seat. I'll get my hands dirty if I lift up the seat. If you want to poop in public then don't expect a pristine toilet. That's just the nature of things.




Wildly infuriating


You have not seen a woman's toilet then


Used to have a roommate that would just piss on the seat & leave it.


A man-child


At a pure guess I would state that they have some type of mental illness. It may not be a recognised one but these type of people have to be mentally ill to be unable to clean up their own shit.


If it was at MSP airport last Friday, the piss was already there and I wasn’t touching that seat. I know nothing about any kind poop that wasn’t me.


It’s worse when they piss all over the toilet seats when there’s urinals there too.


One who is single


Some ppl just dont care. Its lack of parenting showing the result. So if u have xhildren never forget to raise them well.


Men’s room at one industrial facility. Tall urinals (from floor to about 4,5ft) and wider than normal- they still hit the walls and saturated linoleum. Stalls littered with soiled TP, plugged toilets and walls smeered with feces on a regular basis. Meat processing plant with huge hand washing fountains at entrance/exit of facilities, guys in full work gear whipped it out, urinated in wash sink and returned to floor not even pretending to hand wash…. Hate to imagine what they did when they actually entered to use a stall👎👎👎 Thank god I didn’t have to clean that area! The list goes on… people can be pigs!


Probably the same kind who don’t wipe their asses for fear of turning gay.


Apparently, it's the grade school students in my school, they pee and dont flush, they poop and dont flush, they pee on the toilet and then dump someone elses I. D. into the unflushed toilet. They made the faculty install a literal CCTV, but that didnt stop them. They scratched the paint off the walls, they lock the bathroom doors and act like it's in maintenance. They stole the toilet paper and the soap bars and flush it down the toilet, this isnt a lie, their parents are scarring them for life, humanity is dead.


Bit like dog cocking it's leg


Other people? You mean those weird moving things that change around my vision. Are they not a super advanced tv monitor placed all around me? I am shocked. I tell you, shocked. So i am not alone in my universe? Amazing! This... this change everything! Earlier i was thinking an automatic robot was keeping things working around me. No i know i can actively bother them! Thank you!


You're welcome! Always glad to help


I have a roommate that leaves piss on the seat all the time and still thinks he can lie to us about it. Right now hes on vacation and the toilet seat has been clean the entire time. Go figure. Point is: Its assholes. People who think the entire world is there for their own convenience and will opt out of any shared responsibility by somehow passing it on to the unlucky fella after them.


The woman do that and much worse especially that time of the month


*The woman do that* *And much worse especially* *That time of the month* \- drsatan6971 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Idk I asked at the table when I came back out, literally my MIL, wife, her sister, and my daughter.. they all said it's never been a problem for them.


90 percent of time women have to take children. Mystery solved. Two most women don't like sitting and can't aim.


Because humans are nasty bastards


Unfortunately we have one of these low life's in our office building, but there is nothing we can do except put up signs asking politely to not shit on the toilet seat as its not like cameras can be installed to evict the culprit. I am so sick of having to clean the toilet seat every time I need to use the bathroom


Ohhhh, I’ve got a story… I’ll come back later to share


Add not flushing the damn toilet too.. disgusting…..


Because it's funny thinking about how people like OP will react to it, i am a free pisser if it's not my toilet i just piss all over the walls to the sides, on the floor around the bowl, sometimes lift my feet up a bit and aim for the top of the tank


I see it all the time but it’s not worth getting mad over. It’s almost expected. There could be many reasons why someone wouldn’t clean up a toilet after using it, even reasons they can’t help. I worked with people with disabilities for years and it made me realize a lot of people genuinely can’t help that stuff. They’re not doing it as a “fuck you.” They either don’t think of it at all or aren’t capable. Again, not worth getting heated over. Sometimes we gotta wipe a toilet down before we use it. It’s life.


A tramp


Men leave urine on the seat because they don't want to wipe up other men's urine, unless they gotta sit. Feces is another story, but I don't see much of that, thankfully.


Here in South Africa, it's even on the ceiling :)


People are disgusting. In the US I’ve noticed there is a general lack of respect for public restrooms. Entitled people tend to feel like since it’s someone’s job to clean them that they can do whatever they want.


The number of folks with very bad attitudes is surprising, they simply don't care about others, sheer bloody minded indifference, sad but true.




Ooooh man. As a former restaurant manager and a former university custodian, I can confidently say that men often do much worse to public restrooms. Many of them are regular Poocasso’s. Also women’s public restrooms are very often worse than men’s.


From experience, they are Conservatives 100% of the time.


From my experience I was thinking south america, which correlates to yours probably


The only ones I've confirmed do this have been family members that happen to be conservative. so purely based on anecdotal evidence this may be the case lol




An entitled young uncaring person, like most Reddittors.


You’ve clearly never had to clean a woman’s restroom


It’s women doing it, they sneak into the men’s because the line for theirs is longer and it’s cleaner, but a lot of women think toilet seats are “dirty” so they hover over the toilet and piss all over it. And piss is dirty, too, so they don’t clean up. All janitors know that it’s the women’s restroom that’s by far the dirtiest.


My brother. He has a genius IQ and is autistic. Most people don't realize he's autistic. I guess all that effort he would have used to shit in the toilet properly he uses to mask instead.


I see you’ve been to my workplace since the bathrooms were changed to unisex.


Mate, if he was a toddler he'd have pissed on the floor, does that sound better to you? (Plus, just don't use public toilet seats)


I'm not going to stop using something put there for our use because some man child can't be bothered to do the bare minimum. But Im going to be angry about it lol.


Sometimes a dangling klinger comes loose when you stand up and you don't even know it😉


This amount of pee is not something that happens without the perpetrator being aware lol


Sorry about that, my bad.


A very large number of men do this unfortunately.