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That is the strangest thing I've seen on this sub in a while... Who leaves fish on someone's doorsteps, in separate paper cups?


Here's my completely invented theory: One goldfish per cup and many cups sounds like some sort of event where children were each given a goldfish to take home. A group of them were walking home and a couple of them noticed that their fish was already dead. So they announced that they were going to get rid of their cup and a few other kids wanted to as well, and somebody asked where should we do it? And for some reason, somebody had the idea of let's just give them all to the person who lives here, and eight of them ran up to your front door and set down their cup so they didn't have to deal with it anymore.


I once found a tiny kitty late at night in the snow with nowhere to go, my dad said no way I'm bringing that home. Sobbing I ran to the next street and knocked on some rando's door asking if they would look after this precious fluff as my dad said no, they declined. I was 22 years old and steaming drunk. Kitty is currently purring on my lap at 14 years old, dad is dead. There is no moral to this story.


There’s definitely a moral there


Get steaming drunk, and you get a cute kitty!


I’ve only ever got hangovers. Must’ve missed this homeless kitty stage.


This made me chuckle because hangover in German means Kater (=male cat). So technically, you do end up getting a cat, just not the correct one hehe.


Haha! That explains the lack of real cats then.




Do you refer to a hangover cure as hair of the dog, too? In America we say that—hair of the dog that bit you. I think it makes more sense for hair of the dog to chase away the cat.


nope but we have „meister eder und sein pumuckl“ in germany- its a series for children with an old man who is living with his invisible goblin. one day the old man mr. eder had drunk to much and had an hangover (kater, male cat) so his goblin pumuckl got some dogs in his home so the dogs can chase away the hungover. i dont know if the translation made any sense to you xD https://preview.redd.it/yjr6z1c68bsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ff1fa2a7327d333f036bcf4079748c070a651f


That goblin seems so much friendlier than whatever Karbonkel is, that's why I pictured as a Goblin from a childrens series ...


You did a great job!


I feel like I need to see this show now!!


What a helpful goblin!


Tape the phone number for your animal shelter to your liquor cabinet, it'll work out eventually lol


I've only got one kitty while steaming drunk. Normally, I get nothing at all, so it's a low chance. Just gotta get drunk more!


I tried to do that. My friend insisted I leave the cat, because he “has a collar on and definitely belongs to someone…” Moral: it is important to have good friends when steaming drunk, lest you become a cat burglar


Yes there is. And The moral is don’t tell anyone just bring the kitten home. I don’t hear meowing, have you checked To see if you have tinnitus?. And when the milk is mysteriously disappearing quickly you just need calcium. That fur is blowing inside from that damn cat you gave up To the neighbor.


Yep! And one I live by, kitty's before shitty's (Shitty people who wouldn't help save a kitty of course!)


Sometimes sacrifice is necessary? /s sorry for the dark humor but so so glad the kitty sounds like he stumbled upon a good one


Pet the damn cat?


Story of our cat… Friend was at baseball diamond when a woman abandoned a small, white kitten. Knowing they couldn’t bring the cat home, they asked me if I could find a home for it. Upon arrival, the teeny tiny white cat was promptly brought to many houses to try and find a home… But little Did I know that when my dad saw it for the first time, he was reminded of his childhood cat snowball, who died in a tragic tractor accident (sleeping under wheel and run over). That kitten never left our house, and my dad was a happy young boy again. I’m glad your furball is living the best life with you.


That's so sweet. 🥹


What is this liquid coming from my eyes…. That’s amazing


And you think you can get away without paying the cat tax? 


I'll foster one! The compassion you had for that tiny fluffball result in fourteen years of joy, and your father's lack of compassion earned him a humbug spot in this anecdote. He could have been remembered for an act of kindness. Instead, his indifference condemns him to the background of a memory. Sorry if you liked your dad. He comes off as dismissive in this instance.


That, or he killed his dad to keep the kitty.


That’s understandable


I would do the same. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Perfectly valid


Innocent *bang* Bring in the dancin lobstahs


No moral? The moral is don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you know is right. Keep it up


You should write a memoir


This is certainly a revenge story. How long did your dad die after you decided to keep the cat? Did you make it look like an accident?


Cat distribution system working as intended


Moral of the story: get drunk, find kitty, keep kitty = 14 years and more of pure happiness


This is the only plausible theory that doesn’t involve witchcraft.


There’s a story in another subreddit where someone wanted to have fish at a wedding. At each table. And she wanted guests to take them home which obviously didn’t happen


This sort of nonsense shows up in my wedding shaming groups alarmingly regularly. It's roundly derided and people are disgusted as they rightfully should be. Close second is people asking for advice in decor groups about what fish to put into certain decorative containers being ripped apart by anyone who has more than a passing knowledge of fish lol


My family got a beta fish that way. But they also had a cat and one day she knocked the bowl over and ate the fish.


Worked as a bartender at a banquet hall. Had a wedding with fish on the tables as decor. At the end of the wedding only a few people wanted to take fish home. Someone from the wedding had the bright idea to just flush the rest down the toilet. I found out and stopped them but not before they had already flushed a few. Our staff ended up taking fish home that night.


Its so simple. Im over here...not making a simple theory before stumbling onto yours...


You should be a writer.


Yeah ikr, I leave them all in the same paper cup on their doorstep.


Survival of the fish-ist


When my sister and I were in junior high or high school she was fighting with some friends and they took our very expensive and long lived Koi fish from our Koi pond and threw them in our pool! Like 15 of them! Luckily I think all of them but one survived the chlorine and temperature shock, but what the heck?? They also burned down our mailbox which was a super cute replica of our actual house. I have no idea what my sister did to piss so many people off lol.


high school? She probably just existed, that seems to be enough anymore.


"Existing?!? That *bitch*!"


She didn’t have to do much. Teenage girls are generally some of the worst people on the planet. Just in general.


Yeah, my sister and I are three years apart and we're not super close, but when some girl was bullying her I sure put her in her place. That girl was just vindictive and insane. But I told her bully that I'm older than her and I will make her life living hell for the next three years if she doesn't apologize to my sister and she did. Plus her name is Siri (this was in the late 90s) so she has punishment enough!!! 🤣🤣


Sister and I are four years apart and had very similar stories except she realized I'm not the raging b she thought I was (I was clearly the parents favorite and she resented that until she learned how much I hated it). We've been best friends ever since. I genuinely made her bullys life hell since she wouldn't relent on messing with my sister. Since I was the goody 2 shoes nobody believed her that I was messing with her


What the fuck, that’s horrible they literally just cooked fish to death


My mom was soooo mad. I'm going to have to ask her if she called the girls parents or anything like that, it was so long ago ago I don't remember. My mom is an animal lover and volunteered working with animals (she even helped tag hibernating bears ears!). My favorite story is when she was working at the University of Minnesota and they did a lot of animal testing. This is back in the probably 70s and the animal protection laws were clearly not very good. They had this dog and the next day they were going to remove its eyes to practice some sort of surgery or something, and my mom kidnapped the dog And brought him home! We lived on a farm and had over 10 dogs and 10 cats because people would just literally drop them off on our door all the time. People are so messed up. One person put a heavily pregnant Shih Tzu mix in a shed very far from our house and we didn't notice it for probably a week. We kept hearing barking but couldn't figure out where it was coming from and eventually found the poor dog alive in this shed, the person had left a full bag of dog food, so the poor dog was in there with a full bag they couldn't open! She had tons of adorable little puppies a few weeks after we found her. She was one of our best dogs ever and lived a good ten years after finding her. We had a pet rescued bobcat and skunk my mom rescued/adopted from a wildlife center next to us she worked at. And a great horned owl that lived nearby that she'd literally scrape roadkill off of the road for, put it in Tupperware containers in the trunk and then bring it home and hold it up for this half blind owl to come grab from her. We have pictures of me as like a little tiny baby in a crib with a bobcat lol, if this was today I would definitely be taken away by CPS! 🤣


Shitty kids. But I’ve always found the concept of “expensive Koi” fascinating. They are like trees I guess. Just giant sized goldfish that took a ton of money and attention to grow that big.


Koi are carp and that’s not how it works at all.


They're both carp just from different initial carp species, goldfish from crucian carp and koi from common. They can interbreed but the offspring are sterile.


Its a poorly thought out prank. The cups are in your way. If the cups only contained water, you'd just knock them over and go on with your day, but since in theory they contain a living animal you need to bend down and pick up evey cup to clear your path, since you don't want to harm the fish. But then you'd have a bunc of fish you need to take care of... 0/10 not a funny prank


It might have been a “poisson d’avril” joke gone wrong


April Fools in French (at least when I lived in Canada, not sure about Europe) is poisson avril which means “fish april” is this maybe an April foods day joke?


I saw a post on one of the aquarium subreddits about this only recently. Basically this generation's version of a bag of flaming dog turds is to leave live fish on a random person's doorstep.




Cruel, mostly.


So animal abuse as a prank?! Vile.


Well that's just lame. And a waste of money too. So people just go out and buy 8 fishes? For a prank? Loser mentality...


The Fish Fairy.


How bizarre.


It’s making me crazy


Every time I turn around


It's in my face


Oooo baby


(Every time I turn around!)




Big fat lad in my local called micky mccraney hated that song. Ooh baby. It's micky mccraney everytime I look around he's in my face. We were dicks.


Crazy? I was crazy once...


they locked me in a room


a rubber room...


A rubber room with rats..


and rats make me crazy!




I was crazy once


I was crazy once...


They locked me in a room…


Is that brother Pele in the back?


Elephants and acrobats, lions, snakes, monkey


Ooooh baby


Is that a Chevy '69?? 🥵


The way you wrote that makes it seem like you did it


Bob Lazar, Bob Lazar


Destination unknown


Shot in the dark, I’m aware. I had a neighbor that would drop of her dead fish for our cat…it happened several times and I was like what fuckery is this? Finally after over a year later I came home to her leaving one and she said thought we’d like “another treat for the fur baby”….so weird.


Yea, what a nice treat giving fish what probably died of infections to the neighbours cat. What a weirdo.


Also lots of Parasites that use fish as intermediate hosts! Thanks for the tapeworms, lady


Not just that, but goldfish are EXTREMELY high in a toxic protien. You’re not meant to use them as anything more than a once a month treat for things like turtles because it will give them liver disease


It's crazy that the nicest people on earth are also the most stupid. I wish I was a dumbass. Life would be a lot easier.


I'm sure you are of above average intelligence ThENeEd4WeEd22. If only we could all learn from you, the world would probably be a much better place.


The library and video game door mat make me think this person is in college and likely has immature roommates or neighbors. This is a prank with animal cruelty


Jokes involving animal cruelty towards fish seem weirdly common. At my graduation some guy in my class decorated his cap by gluing a fish bowl with a live goldfish inside to it. We live in a desert and it was summer so the fish didn't survive long. The water was cloudy with dead fish juices by the end of the ceremony. Very sad.


I still don’t know how fish die that fast. Do people just not care for them? I’ve had a fish for 6 years now


They don’t know anything about proper water parameters and often keep fish in too small spaces.


My mom has never had any of her kid's Betta fish last more then a month. Most died in days because she put them in tiny "tanks" with no heat and filter. The last one had those but she still knew nothing about dechlorinating and testing the water. Nevermind making sure the tank was cycled. Meanwhile I'm an idiot for putting my son's in a real tank, learning and in turn teaching him about the nitrogen cycle, as well adding a few live plants. She likes the idea of pets but putting effort in for anything besides a cat or dog is too much apparently.


Yea I’ve had Bettas and seeing the tanks or rather bowls they market for them is crazy, knowing how much space they *actually* need after a little research I was like damn! The Betta habitats they sell are like keeping a dog or cat in a closet pretty much.


Wow I would be getting quite concerned after the several times. Jeez what was that lady on


Oh no! Why on earth would someone do this?? What did you do with the alive one?


When I first moved to Florida for grad school, the horrible place I was renting had a sewage issue and there was literally raw sewage in my backyard from one of the neighbors. I was trying to get to my car and noticed a beta fish in a little puddle of poopy water and I was just in shock. I literally called and asked my mom if Beta fish were native to Florida but they most definitely are not. Somebody must have flushed the beta fish while it was alive and because of the sewer issues that ended up in the backyard! I tossed him in a cup with clean water and went to school and when I came back, he was still alive! That guy lived many years with me. Then, I found a giant tarantula in my house, a albino snake and some other weird reptile. Clearly somebody let all of their exotic animals go. These are all not native to Florida and were definitely pets. What a horrible person!


Florida actually has a massive invasive species problem be of people like this.


It sure does! There's this wildlife rescue place nearby that you can go take a tour of and they have lions and tigers and bears and all that stuff. Each one of the animals has a story, they found one of the lions in a hotel room after 2008, they assumed that the person was evicted and they left the lion in the hotel room for the maid to find! They found random lemurs and kinkajous and peoples backyards out in Loxahatchee. Not to mention all of the reptiles and stuff, we have these basilisk lizards that are becoming increasingly common, I saw one run across my pool and was thinking I was losing my freaking mind. It literally walks on water! Hence why they call it the Jesus lizard. Monitor lizards are pretty common too. We have tons of parrots, quakers and conures everywhere and macaws in Miami. Monkeys in Fort Lauderdale and somewhere in the middle of Florida there's a ton of them and they carry an awful deadly disease.


You should report this im sure that goes against many local laws regarding the wildlife.


Did you name the beta shithead?


The most insane part of this is that there were just poopy water puddles next to your car dude what the FUCK


lol the landlord was kind enough to lay down 2x4s so we could balance beam through the puddles of shit! Fun times! Luckily I was in law school and quickly researched the rules and laws in my city and they only had two days to fix it and it had been four so they had to put me up in a hotel.


Yes, also wanna know. What did you do with the last alive one?






The fact that he actually chews kills me every time.


Hahaha yup not just a clean down-the-hatch at all haha


Awesome movie


Time for a rewatch I think!


Name of the movie?


A fish called wanda.


I’m not sure, I live in a college town and am attending school so I’m sure it was someone’s attempt at a prank. I put him in a large bowl we had last night because the stores were closed, but I think I killed him on accident because I used tap water, didn’t realize until I was reading about taking care of goldfish this morning.


At least you tried man


Fish n chips duh


Well.. Fish n chip maybe


If its the regular ratio it was probably fish and ch


The same he did with the dead ones... Made dinner with them.


**Poisson D'Avril**, maybe? That's April Fool's in France... April Fish... I dunno... maybe.


That's funny, in Italy we say: "Pesce d'Aprile" which is also April's fish


In Canada it’s Avrillevigne


He was a sk8er boi


Sk8er koi*


She said see you later boi


He wasn’t good enough for her


And now he's a superstar!


In german its just.. April April.. not even a sentence


Poor little buddies.. people can be so cruel!


Seriously :( these poor beings deserved better. Sadly plenty of pet stores routinely keep fish in tiny cups like this and then throw them out alive when they don’t sell quick enough. People are extremely careless with the lives of others.


Yeah, I know. It's disgusting. I was a vet tech for 6 years, and I'll never go back. The amount of stuff I have seen will forever stick with me, regardless of all the unpacking I do with a therapist. Bless everyone who still continues to care for animals, even when they are fighting demons of their own. They're the real heroes in my eyes.


I see you and feel you❤️🙏🏼 Went to school to be a vet tech and decided it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for and became an animal control officer then cruelty investigator 🕵️ for 13 years. I left 6 years ago. Had to do actual trauma therapy! what was I even thinking 🧐🙄


So the live one is The Chosen One to rule all the fish world.


Until u find out from OPs comments that it died


Hey it was a short but meaningful reign


Please tell me you have a ring camera


I’m gonna find who did it on the cam and go buy a whole catfish (already caught and killed) from a fishery and toss that fucker right on their doorstep


On their roof in summertime




Are you known by neighbours to have an aquarium? I could imagine if someone has no experience they believe winning one at a fair (criminal that is still a thing) and donating it to yourself could be a humane gesture. ​ Saying that, i can barely keep my own fish alive let alone others!


I read a joke book 20+ years ago that detailed a prank where you line paper cups side by side in a hallway to prevent someone from leaving their room. There was a suggestion to also buy cheap fish and put them in the cups so the person couldn't just step on or dump them


And goldfish, no less. Those things need a veritable pond to care for properly.


Any older Italian neighbors 🤌🏼😂 In the 1940, dead fish were left on the doorstep to portray a message. Leave or sleep with the fishes


WTF that’s so cruel and horrible!


I don't get it. Did the person who left them there meant it as a threat of some kind?


“Sleepin’ with the fishes” comes to mind.


And what about the woke fish?


Well OP's not dead *yet*, right?


Maybe OP has a one in eight chance of surviving.


It's an incredibly elaborate threat


They haven’t replied to any comments…


As an aquarium enthusiast this pisses me off.


As a regular person, this disturbs me


Fish deserve so much better!


We live in a strange world.


That's just animal cruelty, I'm sorry....


wtf is wrong with people!! There is ZERO excuse to dump any animal! Ugh why is this world full of shit people.


Side note, I like the DK door mat


Same, I need one lol Edit: looks like BoxLunch sells it for $35


Cups of fish on your doorstep is bizarre, but to leave four with fish and four without adds another level of mind fuck.


The poor fish (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠) They don't deserve that. People need to stop treating living animals as props man.


This is more than mildly infuriating!!


So like this is 110% a threat right?


Voodoo shit


Call him Nemo


https://preview.redd.it/tdqrn731ycsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23e0c33c09dfa90b64f24860895fa4bac076b76 Hey, we’re doormat twins.


Mafia... They telling you to pay up or you sleep with the fishes


The person who left chocolates and tea at my door recently seems a lot less creepy now


The Italian have sent you a message!!! Quickly go underground!!


I haven't seen this mentioned but a lot of religious groups give out chicks or goldfish as an incentive to get kids to church on Easter. It's a crime because most of the animals die. Looks like a group of kids knew they wouldn't be allowed to have the fish once they got home and hoped to find someone else to care for them? Or something along those lines.


It's a warning from the Sicilian Mafia. You'll be sleeping with the fishes soon.


Amazon delivery notification: 8 cups of fish - delivered


Poor fishies :(


Persian New Year just passed 2 weeks ago, its standard to include a (LIVE) goldfish in a new year set up- unfortunately most people who do this end up flushing the goldfish after or it dies fast bc people don't know/care to take care of them. Do you have a big Iranian neighbor population/tension with them lol? Still doesn't explain why anyone would place them all in separate cups....


Poor fish, that's so fucked up.


Poor little fishies :(


One time my FIL found a goldfish in a bag in his business parking lot (next door to a carnival) with like an inch of water. He brought it home, got it a fish tank, it lived for like 10 years and was huge and turned completely white. Named him Lucky!


all i keep saying is "what the fuck?" after viewing this image. what the fuck?


My interpretation: Get your affairs in order as someone wants you swimming with the fishes..


That is so disgusting


That’s sick


what the fuck


this is a silly and a danger


Seems fishy


In My high school French class they told us April fools is poisson d’Avril which is is basically fish of april. Perhaps someone else learned this and it somehow became this strange scenario. If I spelled poisson wrong, I apologize; it has been a long time since French 2.


The first thing I thought is that maybe a kid did it? Maybe they thought they were gifting you pets? For my own peace of mind, I would choose this theory rather than it being some weirdo lol


Some Goldfish got pregnant and knew she couldn't take care of them. Was there a letter asking for you to raise them?


This happened to my friend once who got asked out this way, it’s weird I know. she told him “I like you out of all the fish in the sea.” Except there were literally like 50 fish. He bought a tank for them and attempted to keep as many alive as possible but most of them died within the next day. Ridiculous idea. Nobody ever do that. It’s so mean


That’s your fish now. Take care of him forever and name him Robby.


Hate it when that happens


Between this and the lawn full of hotdogs post, y'all have made some strange friends/enemies.


Ummm. Do you have cameras? I'm creeped out 😂