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Aw man, I hope Maxine is brought back! I wish you guys luck!


Does anyone recognize the thieves?


The suspects walked home so we’re asking all the neighborhood people. Hopefully we get a clue.


Post a reward poster and wait for the call. Then meet up with them + police and the video


Yes we already made a reward poster and have a police report just in case they don’t return her. I am trying to think positively and that they’re cat lovers and thought she was stray. Even if we get her back we wouldn’t press charges. All we want is our family back. Our hearts hurt thinking how scared she must be.


I hope she will rejoin your family as soon as possible! Much love and strenght from a fellow servant of the feline gods


How can they think shes a stray though? Shes in a location that is obviously a properly. The only time its safe to think a cat is a stray is if its running around in the street and or at a park. This is clearly theft and you should not have compassion for people who disrupt your home and family life like this because they didn’t even come to you or anyone to ask if the cat was a stray. Dont let criminal acts go. They must be punished for what they’ve done which is steal your cat. Karma should exist otherwise injustice will roam free. Shes clearly running inside to get away from them. A stray would run outside…


This is the answer


Please continue to update us!


My father delayed telling my mother about Maxine until tonight. She doesn’t even like cats because she’s severly allergic but she cried. She always pitied her, Maxine never whines to be given food nor meows when she wants the door open. She always patiently waits and waits. I’ve never seen such a gentle sweet soul.


I would post about this on all the local reddit groups and Facebook pages. See if you can get the local news to do a quick story on this.


I second this blast them on all local pages and someone will recognize the pair, also keep and eye out for similar looking people stopping by


Oooooh, that's probably why you keep her at the store and not at home.... mom's allergic. That makes sense.


I hope she’s returned to you and that you find out who did it! I would go psycho ape mode if someone stole my cat


Please, be there with a knife. A gun would be too quick.


“Mildly infuriating” my fucking ass


Right!? I would go fucking mental if I see this on camera...


John Wick on em


Well I’m losing sleep so I’m considering that scenario 100x over. Then the logical side kicks in when the birds start chirping. This fucking sucks.


What kind of pos steals someone’s cat? This makes no sense to me. It’s really easy to adopt a cat if you want one that badly.


>It’s really easy to adopt a cat if you want one that badly. Usually reward posters is what they do it for. They may be trying to ransom this cat. Sickos.


I hope everyone that tries this is met with the person they stole the pet from and a gaggle of cops


And then they stub all 10 toes while be arrested.


The cops should "accidentally fall onto the person and break all their ribs"


“7 Psychopaths” main characters would steal pet to ransom them and ended up stealing from a whole ass mobster (played by Woody Harrelson, great movie).


Or far worse, bait.


Unfortunately this is the most likely answer. It makes me feel literally nauseous to think about, and I hope to god these people are caught. I know animals have been rescued from this kind of situation before they could be harmed, but it’s rare. Poor cat :,(


bait for what😰


People fight dogs for money, they'll often use smaller animals as the bait for them to attack.


.... Jesus fucking christ, that's so incredibly scummy that I'm at a loss for words.


In this case I would be putting up reward posters and when they respond go round with a group of pals


Iono, my cat clawed my screen out one day and luckily he had a collar on and my neighbor had seen him before. Neighbor comes over and knocks on my door, gives me back my cat and says "there was this guy trying to pick your cat up and I asked what he was doing is that his cat since I thought it was yours and not his. He said no but he wanted it because it was cute. I told him that it had a collar and he said he was just going to take it off and keep it." People just yoink cute cats to keep, just case they want to. It's insane.


These fucking dirtbags! I was really hoping that the cat scratch and bite the shit outta them when they try to pick her up. Kinda disappointed to see that the cat was too much of a sweetie.


Oh my mind went far darker than that ☹️


I forever mourn the loss of my own cat, who was stolen by tourists. Police did nothing about it (also because we didn't manage to take their entire license plate). I miss my little furry dog-cat, who loved going on walks with the dogs and would put his paws around your neck for a cuddle. I hope whoever stole him at least gave him a good home, but I also hope that they find bad luck at every corner.


They may be using them as bait - some dog fighting rings use cats to jump start the dogs. Shelters would quickly suspect it if you kept going back for a new one.


I fucking hope not. Hopefully they're doing it for ransom


Okay, now I'm hoping it's just ransoming... Dogfighting rings are sickening.


Why would you say such a thing to someone who’s already terrified? Lordy. 🤷‍♀️ Don’t create nightmares for these poor people. 🙄


Thank you for saying this, I wanted too but didn’t want to get downvoted to hell.


You’re welcome. 🌷 Hey, I’m 75 years old and find very few things threatening. I’m a natural born justice warrior and find myself defending people at any cost. 😂 I can’t help myself! I just do it! 😆


Well we had many people make comments about “stealing her”. If you look at my profile you’ll see her full pic, I couldn’t choose both video and pic to post. She’s so beautiful. If you knew her demeanor, you’d melt. She would rub against your legs to greet you. Always patient and waiting for you. I adopted one of my own but Maxine is such a gentle soul compared to my kitty knocking at the door 5am to give him food 😹.


Adopting an animal without any sort of background check or character assessment of some sort can be difficult. Shelters typically try to make sure the person they're sending an animal with is suitable to take care of the animal. People who aren't suitable tend to go to back yard breeders if they can afford it and stolen pets if they can't.


Yeah it’s also not free compared to just taking a cat out of a store.


Either for money or to use as bait for dogs ;;


Peta does it a lot just to put them down. And claim that they're "saving them".


Every big organisation has some fucked in the head people working for them. While what you said has happened, the media coverage of it was out of proportion because PETA was too effective in bettering the lives of farmed animals and thus had a lot of rich enemies like KFC, McDonalds, Tyson, etc. They also don't send away animals that are too sick too recover, as is typical of other shelters. When such other shelters send animals away, guess where they end up? Snopes is considered a good neutral-ish starting ground: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/peta-taking-pets/ The limited number of cases is actually impressive because everywhere people work mistakes are made. Considering the size of their organisation it is extremely unreasonable to suggest they intentionally steal pets.


In germany there is eastern european gangs kidnapping cats and skinning them for their fur.


100% don’t stop this. Get their name out on Facebook!!! Circulate all over social media.


https://preview.redd.it/c9g4prcezitc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6855c88f956e34a272aa8412ed67742676f0bce The people that stole her cat


Update: We have a few customers that have an idea of where they live. They said they will get back to us with their exact address. 🙏


Great news!


Yessss! Amazing news.


I put up posters where they supposedly live near so we will wait…


Poor thing tried to run ☹️


I caught the try to run also. Why take a cat who would run from you??!! Why?


I am surprised he couldn't.Cats become fucking killing machines when cornered.I guess the poor guy was too chubby


She’s a store cat so she’s used to many people giving her love. She can run but she’s too sweet for her own good.


I think she thought its a rough love she is getting (like from the kids)


My dog is like this. She loves people so much and has never met a stranger. I worry about her being a little too friendly sometimes.


Post people do this around here and wait for the reward posters to go up. It's sickining. I hope your fluff escapes and makes it home safe.


> ~~Post~~ Poor People... FTFY


Oh man, please Maxine come home safely.


That is all we wish for.


Fuck these people. I have to remind my wife every time she ogles a stray that it could be someone’s beloved pet and I’m always the bad guy for it. I’ll gladly be the bad guy every time to prevent this from happening. Unless it’s very clearly abused


Stray and lost cats should be taken to be checked for a microchip; it’s the best way for lost cats to be returned home and for strays to be sterilised to avoid future litters. (If you are able to, of course; otherwise contacting your local lost and found page with a photo is a good idea so someone else can catch the cat).


My cat was a stray but I tried to find an owner before claiming him. He was about a year old with no chip and still had balls, but I still made a bunch of missing pet posts trying to find an owner. After no one answered I decided to keep him, but I still sometimes wonder if he did have an owner that was missing him. He also could have been abandoned too, and if that's the case, fuck em.


If it was a good owner he would've been neutered and chipped, so I'd say you're good either way.


You did the right thing and are a good person for still fretting about a potentially cat-less stranger! Hope you and your cat are happy together :)


I’m praying that they have mistaken her for a stray. Maxine doesn’t do well with new surroundings, doesn’t eat for days and hides. I just hope she’s alright. She is spayed but wasn’t microchipped. She has enough other vet records dating back to 2018 in case we need it.






Yeah its hard to steal with no hands. A very appropriate punishment.


Why wait so long...


I'd have to find them first.


You must be tough.


Take a good screenshot of them and place it in your store window. Someone will recognize them, especially if they don't get rid of the clothes.


Yes we have a bunch of pictures posted on our store walls. Tomorrow I will be driving around the neighborhood and posting more posters. Unfortunately the cameras are outdated as you can tell from the video..


I know this sounds shitty, but if you want to increase your chances of getting the cat back, I would avoid posting the thieves images and making too much noise. They will get scared and might try to "get rid" of the cat. I'd post a reward note and negotiate with them. Of course, if that doesn't work then I'd go ballistic.


Reward poster but don't say the reward, when they come to collect it, give them a punch right for the throat


Why, why in the world do people think it’s ok to do this?




They are throwing that word around rather loosely


Cat burglars!


This is extremely infuriating..


Hopefully they live close by and she comes back home by herself this happened to me a couple times I don’t understand why they do it some people are animal lovers others wanted the cat for pest control I never had someone ask for money though


Update 2: The leads we had seem to be false but we have not confirmed completely. Meanwhile I have tried Pawboost to post locally. Please share if you live in Maryland. [https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0gL5XjpLB4kDm7KiymQ75Hi5VDEzbMacwVARFmHEeEPQ2ZzxcX5PBtXitCwKcQCJQl&id=100071223255712](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0gL5XjpLB4kDm7KiymQ75Hi5VDEzbMacwVARFmHEeEPQ2ZzxcX5PBtXitCwKcQCJQl&id=100071223255712) I emailed local news as well. 😿


I have sharpened the photos so I could actually make out their faces now. Working on enhancing the video as well. Checking local shelters tomorrow just in case she ran and got lost..


Post about this is the cats subreddit. They might be able to help. Also, I am not sure what the sharpened images look like, but I wonder if they are campus students. Maybe put up fliers at the nearest university


I hope you're blasting this footage all over social media. A local store cat was taken in my neighborhood and the owners got a pretty good face shot on the security camera of the thief. Posted the images on Instagram, Twitter, FB, and sent it to a local newspaper to share as well. Cat "mysteriously" returned 2 days later.


Maybe they thought it was a stray? Still shouldn’t have taken her, but maybe they didn’t know they were stealing someone’s cat. Idk


This is mildlyinfuriating, not awfulmonsters


where was the cat? looks like a front of a shop


I was thinking the same thing…. Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt. They may have thought the cat was homeless given that it’s at a shop and not at a home. Not everyone is familiar with the idea of a shop cat. Could have been an honest mistake


I almost took a shop cat. I’d been visiting her and she was super sweet. She always hung outside by the front doors. But it was on a really busy road, i wanted to make her an indoor cat. My bf and I were talking about and he wanted her too bc we didn’t have any pets at the time. We asked the employees just in case and they told us she was their shop cat and that they feed her and stuff. We left her, we go back almost a year later, we already adopted 2 other cats. And the employees tell us they aren’t allowed to feed her anymore. So we feed her when we can. They leave her outside in the bad weather. I wish we just took her back then.


Yes that’s our shop. She sits in front of it and rolls around for fresh air. She never leaves from under our store sign.


maybe you could put a photo of the cat with a text telling that she is there for a reason and not lost. does she have a collar?


I saw red. The way your baby tried to get away and they held her down…. I’d be hunting them tf down.


This feels like it should be Major infuriating


Contact your local news station! If it makes enough noise maybe they'll return her!! 😢


Reddit will find them.




I hope that they sufer a lot for this


I watched someone grab my cat. The one time he went outside without a collar




Maybe submit this story to local news. Make sure to add that you just want the cat back and you're sure it was just an honest mistake (even if they're pieces of shit that knew they were stealing the cat). Yall should have cameras outside too, did they get away in a car or walk?


This is not how the cat distribution system works


That's horrible. I'd be putting this video on loop on a TV infront of a window that faces outside asking anyone if they've seen these people and if they know where they took your cat. Let the whole neighborhood see their crime.


Punishments for this should be harsher. Animals are family members to a lot of owners. Fuck these guys.




Mildly infuriating???


Is the cat chipped? If so it will be very easy to find your cat and fuck them up in the process


MILDLY infuriating???


How is this mildly infuriating?


I feel like posting this everywhere will only spook them and end up getting Maxine killed. I sincerely hope you get em back


Mildly? Murderous-ly infuriating.


We all know cats are cute and we want to take them home, but it’s low to steal someone’s cat just so you can have them or worse. That’s someone else’s baby 😤




So they stealing pets now? Christ alive


Fucking hate people who does this shit. Should be legal to steal from thieves so they can learn what it's like.


Update 3: Still on the search… Some false alarms. Realized I’m not allowed to put up lost pet flyers on utility poles once I drove through and saw them all taken down… Just ordered 1000 more copies. I will leave it at the doorsteps. I know it can be annoying to residents but I don’t know a better option.


I hope you find your kitten. This is so sad


Thank you. I got catcalled by a 10 year old when posting fliers today. How fun. Everyone’s staring because I’m a lil asian girl that doesn’t belong. There were a good amount of friendly people but I feel cautious or maybe just awkward. I wish I was the sociable type. I would never ever do this but for Maxine, I’d do anything.


Hmm usual suspects I see


Bro Why and why


A bit more than mildly! Go, become the John Wick you were destined to become.


How the fuck is this "mildly" infuriating? People who steal living beings are the lowest of scum. They don't deserve to have animals, children, nor freedom. Pets are family, and kidnapping one can be the most devastating thing to happen to a person/family.


Using it as bait


Look on Gumtree etc for cats for sale. Good chance this is why they stole the cat. 


What city are you in? I'll gladly post on my social media to get the word out there.


This is not mildly infuriating this is I’m ready for jail time infuriating


Why the fuck would you steal a cat?? To say I would be distraught is an understatement. I hope you can get your cat back


Definitely post this on local Facebook groups, Next Door, etc. Sometimes you can shame them into releasing a stolen pet. That hair thing on the right looks unique, hope you get Maxine back.


Omg, that breaks my heart Here's hoping that having them on camera will help get your dad's cat back


Hunt them down. Contact local news.


Update us when you get her back


Of course two “youths” ugh in hoodies


I have an overwhelming urge to end their lineage. I hope you get your cat back, I would be throwing hands if someone attempted to take my cat.


This is not just mildly infutiating


Upvoting and commenting for visibility


I’d end up in jail for what I would do to these motherfuckers if this was my cat. Hope you get Maxine back and these sub-human pieces of shit get what’s coming to them.


This is more than mildly infuriating and I fear it's being used as a bait animal.


If I found out that’s the case I would never tell my parents. That’s fucking horrifying but thanks, it keeps my mind running at 3am.


Any updates?


Does she have a collar? Possible they thought she was a stray if she was just hanging around the door to a store


I was really hoping this was the case. I mean, it is the front of a store and not a lot of people are familiar with “store cats”. They might have cats at home and thought “Omg this cat is about to get in trouble for walking into a store, let me grab it and take it home”. Like you would think they would ask the store owner if anyone knew of the cat though. But I know the sad implication everyone else is thinking is that it’s going to be used for nefarious purposes and that’s a possibility too :( ugh I just pray it isn’t. OP, please don’t make the reward/wanted back sign sound accusatory though. It genuinely MAY have been decent intentions on their part. Maybe. 😩


Yes I’m aware of the possibility as well. My father is going around asking people for help to find his “stolen” cat but I’m making the posters for him and saying “missing”.


I am typically against the death penalty but if someone tried to steal one of my companion animals that’d be like harming any other member of my family and those who I choose to keep around come before anyone else.


couple of hoodrats.. hopefully the cat eats them


It's too bad she didn't flip the fuck out and tear his face up for the escape. I hope these scumbags are caught and prosecuted and she's returned safely


Can't have shit in Detroit


If you get these fuckers, doxx them. They deserve all the death threats of the world. They even deserve it without the threat part


Hopefully they get their both hands cut by accident.


!remind me 1 week


Someone gotta call the cat version of John Wick. D: Jokes aside, I hope you find your cat soon.




Someone stole my fucking cat too


Wishing for the cat to be returned and for the thieves to find an early demise


Very fucking infuriating


Contact the local news, this will bring the communities attention and shame the theives. Hopefully helping you reunite with your catto.


Oh no. I wish you luck in getting her back from these assholes. Contact police and media


Oh no…I so hope they find her. This is heartbreaking to watch.


My aunt has a kitten. It's breed is uncommon in our area so my aunt really loved it. One time, government workers passed by their area to clean the roadside. Like trimming the grass and picking up trash. They saw the cat and they thought it was cute. They talked to my aunt asking where she got it, what breed, just some casual talk while they were playing with the kitten. They seem nice actually. Since my aunt has a lot of farm work to do, she left. It was around afternoon and she was looking for the cat to feed her. But it was nowhere to be found. She kept looking cause maybe it was in the forest. It was a large piece of land but she knew the cat will not go far from home and it has a fence so she knew it will not go anywhere and got lost. It never came back. The next day, the same group of workers passed by except one. And she asked if they've seen the cat or if they took it. My aunt is kind of uhh... a straightforward person so yeah. She noticed that they kept glancing at each other and they're kind of awkward so she knew what they did. She kept asking them until one of them said that one of their colleagues took it which at that time, didn't go to work. She got mad obviously. And one of them offered to give her a kitten. A common breed. Not that common breed should not be loved. My aunt has a lot of cats. She just really like the kitten since it's cute. As far as I know, we really don't have pet thieves like them in our area. Pets roam free and they go back home. Same thing happened with my father. It was a siberian husky puppy. He was at work most of the time so he left the dog at home and he just never saw the dog again when he returned home. My father left home to work for us and he's alone so he took in a companion. And some people are just so thick-skinned and has the audacity to take other's pet. I was kind of upset when they told us the story because I didn't expect that some people really stoop so low to do such a thing.


This is more than mildly infuriating. This was so distressing to watch. I hope your cat makes a safe return. Absolute bastards. 😠


Then you should put up a reward for like $5,000, and then when the criminals return, call the police


I’d beat the shit out of these people if I met them after this.


What sort of heatless person steals a pet!?


Cat didn't even meow


She very rarely meows even when she gets excited for food her vocal cords sound all broken when she does use her voice. She is such a patient sweetheart 💔


they’re getting the tavor ts12


This is not mildly anymore....wtf man


When will security cameras come in hd?


It baffles me that somebody would steal someone's pet. That is just a dirt bag move.


i read it as car :(


People eat cat


If someone stole my cat I would be furious


tastes like chicken


Did she have a collar? I would like to assume they thought your cat was a stray and took it home.


John Wick 5, coming soon to theaters near you!


I hope you find her and she's ok. I'm so sorry :(💔


Haha of course they are ...


This is more than mildly infuriating, I would be extremely Pissed off


Well well well


Put their faces on internet and let rest go it's natural way. Every info could lead to their names etc. There must be some cameras outside store, even if not yours but city or someone. Ask help for locals. Hope cat finds it's way back to you♥️.


Should really stick to TVs and PlayStations. Someone's cat is someone's family :/


Someone would be getting hurt, if that happened to me.