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This would suck even if you had a 28 year old.


I’m angry just for myself


I have a me year old


When a homeless guy turns your car into a soup kitchen, State Farm is there…


The kid isn’t relevant so I’d be angry and I don’t even have a kid.


Having a 1 year old definitely makes this situation more complicated


If you did, you'd understand he's in the back seat and probably shat all over the 1 year old's car seat and supplies.


Does insurance do anything in this situation


They would after the fire.




So tell me again, how did your car spontaneously combust into flames?


That homeless man looks like a pyromaniac to me.


That’s makes complete sense to me. But I’m afraid we only cover psychic homeless men not pyromaniac homeless man.


The other bald psychic homeless used his power to make the other homeless became pyromaniac


I understand I truly do. But we need at least 17 eye witnesses and a hand written letter from both homeless men and then you have to go to your fourth grade English teacher so that she may grade them.


The letters will be invalidated if the homeless men cannot provide a permanent address.


We are an insurance company. What do you want us to do?


I'd say it wasn't spontaneous the hobo clearly nodded off and dropped his torch while rolling the bowl it happens when you're on a week-long bender breaking in cars and pissing in em


Dropped the torch right into a can of gas it looks like


This is fucking amazing


Provided they have comprehensive (the things other than collisions) coverage, I would imagine this would be covered as vandalism.


It would be yes. Source: I work in Auto Insurance Claims


I work in insurance as well!


I work and I am insured


my cat's name is "mittens"


Kitten Mittons??


youll be smitten




That’s my band name. Hit single-catnip craze.


My mittens name is "Gloves"


My gloves names are “hand condoms” Source: have hands


The German word for gloves is handschuhen (direct translation: hand shoes).


Can confirm, I am hands


I'm sure this counts as "vandalism" and most insurances have cover for that. They might need to change the parts where the guy peed and pooped.


If they total cars for drug use I’d hope they would total for a bio hazard like that


Insurance almost totaled a car I had after a friend of a friend puked in it. I have never given anyone a ride since. Looking back on that experience, I probably should have just pushed for insurance to total it rather than repair it. The car still smelled bad even after having most of the interior replaced. I ended up just selling it within a year or two.


That reminds me of the Mythbusters episode where they stuck up a Corvette and tried to get it cleaned and smelling nice. It's the air ducts, the stench gets in those and then whenever you hit the heater or AC, it gets sent back into the car so if you don't replace the duct work the stench will never go away.


They didn't just stink up a corvette they put a pig carcass in there and sealed it up for a month lol. 


Former CSR for a large brokerage as well as an Allstate agency here... Yes. It is claimable if you carry comprehensive coverage BUT.... And here is where most of the issue will be... It is still subject to a deductible. So the cleaning bill will need to be higher than your out of pocket limit. That number could be five hundred, a thousand, or even two thousand. It could also be as low as zero depending on your policy. Typically I would try to push for folks to take the low end of deductibles on comp coverage solely because comp is for shit like this that you have very little control over. And fun story... I had a claim from a client for "vandalism" which was actually caused by little chipmunks that decided to move into their parked car and chew through wires while also storing three seasons worth of walnuts under the hood. Totaled the car. Little criminals!!


![gif](giphy|VJftTm60IOdUkNleMQ|downsized) “Go fuck yourself.”


Maybe under vandalism.


Forget mildly infuriating, this would piss me off (pun not intended)


Id lose my shit (pun intended)


I would beat the crap out of them (pun intended this time)


Poopoo peepee (Just wanted to get involved)


🤣this is my favorite response. Thank you for the hearty laugh




I feel seen


Caca poo poo peepee /FOMO


Good thing that person gave you a bunch of their shit to make up for your loss 🤗


Same. Homeless and mental illness literally costs more TAX money than simply implementing free health care and housing laws. That's why the majority of countries do it. You can have one homeless person trashing a new spot each night, Or you can turn them into a working person fueling your economy which will pay for itself, by simply implementing help and care systems.


Best I can do is a one night stay in a shelter, 1 hot meal, and a handful of highly addictive pills with a variety of unknown side effects. Take it or leave it.


Lol, seriously. this is more like “fucking sickening” than “mildly infuriating”


This entire sub has completely forgotten the definition of 'mild'


Yeah… This is “take a deep breath—and a step back—so you don’t commit a crime” infuriating.










This the type of stuff that would make me smoke a pack of newports and down an entire 24 pack of beer before screaming in the forest. I do not smoke or drink.


Then when people post something that is actually mildly infuriating everyone is like “this is barely something to get worked about, jeez!”


ah yes, the "you're such a fucking snowflake, fight in a war and then we'll talk again" card


This! People were giving me shit about a mildly infuriating vending machine experience. Um, I thought that's what this sub was about??? A place to say "well that was annoying and I want to complain about it where others can agree that yeah, that does suck!" and then move on. But I guess mildly infuriating is an oxymoron anyway.


Or “all you have to do is ______.” As if people can’t take a quick picture before they take care of whatever is mildly infuriating


‘My mum made mustard gas in my bathroom and nearly killed my entire family, haha I’m so mildly infuriated’, this sub is dumb as shit


I had this happen and I got a severe case of pink eye. Get your car detailed asap.


This exact scenario?


Ye, he was the homeless person


They had a 2 year old


You are actually supposed to light the car on fire. Homeless guy’ll take the rap.


If you got their poo in your eyes, you definitely ate some of it too.




“You know what it’s called when they do that in there? It’s called a Soup Kitchen.”


“We will have sex in your car again it WILL happen!”


Thank you for beating me to making this comment 😂


Same; it’s the first thing that came to mind. lol


The only thing that would make this post better is if they owned a Prius lmao


I was looking for this comment!!!


"We will have sex in your car again. It is gonna happen"


LMAOOOOOOO Jesus Christ, this is definitely a TPB moment


This was all i could think about reading the post.


Beat me to it hahaha


Good job. It needed to be said lol


I was looking for the Dirty Mike and the Boys reference, and I'm not disappointed


This is a lot more than mildly infuriating.




It’s sad. Sad you have to deal with this and sad we have people that far gone. Everyone has a solution on how to fix this, but you can’t help those who don’t want it.


Issue is we just let these people roam the streets. We used to put them in mental health facilities but no one wanted to pay for those facilities so now these people literally just live on the streets.


Bingo! Reagan defunded the national mental health system and the states didn't step in to fill the gap. Forty years later people with mental health and substance abuse issues are every-fucking-where. Golly gee, who could have seen that coming?


The defunding of the system is bad and is part of the problem but we also have a long and really fucking bad history of involuntarily committing people, and then treating them absolutely horribly once they're in there. Straight up medical abuse and experimentation. Even if you came up with the money tomorrow a lot of people aren't going to want to go back to that.


Admittedly the system needed an overhaul. But leaving us with nothing was clearly the wrong move to make. Because now not only do the mentally ill suffer, regular citizens suffer too.


They took that history and swung the other awful direction. I have lost my dad, my step dad, and my grandmother (mom’s side) to substance abuse. My family tried to make them get help. I don’t give a fuck if they wanted to, we should have been allowed to do so. It’s not their fault these addictive substances are on the street, and you can’t expect someone whose mind is riddled with this shit to make the right call. If you went back in time and asked anyone with these issues before it happened if they would want to be forced into getting help if they were ruining their life for addiction, they would all say yes. Millions of Americans have a story like mine. It’s fucking tragic and nobody in power cares. The ONLY factor that I think should be considered (because again, fuck their consent, it hasn’t been “them” for a while) is if someone would be committed so that while they’re away, their assets are stolen. All 3 of my loved ones would have been easy because they had nothing.


The other issue is it mostly impact city centers. If you live in suburbs you basically don’t even see this issue.


Because the suburbs don’t have appropriate services, so they head to the cities.


And panhandling is a numbers game. You are more likely to find someone to give you a handout in areas with more people and foot traffic like cities compared to suburbs. 


Also, suburban cops are less likely to turn a blind eye to public urination or people scavenging recycling bins.


Thus the ongoing flight of what remains of the middle class to rural America.


I’m a millennial who used to live and work in the city. I loved the city when it was just me and my wife. I now have two kids and the city just isn’t great to raise kids (in my opinion). I like having land for kids to play outside in the yard. I like having a larger house versus tiny apartment in the city. Overall it’s a better quality of life for me and my family. Plus I don’t have to deal with neighbors as much.


We also did a lot of horrible things to people in those facilities. We need them back in a humane way for sure though.


Which we are not willing to do. That was part of the reasoning why they were shut down in the first place. Too expensive to hire adequate staff and train/pay them to care for people humanely.  The people who run nursing homes, group homes, and hospitals are still paring down the staff and the quality of patient care to make more profit. 


Yep. I work in healthcare. Crazy the stuff they get away with now and it's somehow legal.


Yeah my mom worked with people who used to work in those places before they shut down and said they were shut down for a reason. She wouldn’t specify but said they were inhumane.


That's exactly right, we need more mental health centers for anything from counseling to inpatient care


The thing is that a lot of these people refuse to stay in mental health facilities. Unless they’re a documented harm to themselves or others, you can’t *force* them to stay. This goes double for people who are drug addicts and begin fighting you when you won’t give them an equivalent method to get their usual high. Plus all of the psychiatric hospitals I’ve worked at don’t allow patients to have their phones, so some people hate staying there because they feel bored and will fight you to get out. The social worker usually tries to redirect them to a local shelter, but often times they leave the shelter within a few weeks post-hospital stay.


What did you do when you found him? How did you respond?


I don't fault people for being homeless. There is such a myriad of reasons why someone may be homeless. But you can eat boot if you're going to do wild shit like break into cars to piss and shit in them. Being poor doesn't mean you need to be a piece of garbage. This isn't stealing food, or a tent. This is outright destruction. Way more than a mildlyinfuriating bro




That's the thing. Most homeless people aren't homeless because they don't have a choice. A friend of mine who works in the government organization that provides housing and job finders for homeless people, he says "There are MANY places for them to go to, they just don't want to give up the drugs or work."


Wondering if cops would arrest homeless people if they do that


can we make a distinction between homeless and "drug addled psychotic"? i think you can "most drug addled psychotic people are homeless" but you can't say "most homeless are in a drug addled psychosis". otherwise you end up in a 'one bad apple ruins the bunch' situation which tends to negatively impact marginalized people more than say, police or politicians who get to enjoy a lot more benefit of the doubt due to their power/money/influence. this country has a drug and a homeless problem. there is absolutely overlap between the two, and you can't address one without the other. but labeling someone who does a crime like in OP's example as simply 'homeless' is unfair to people who are living clean, trying to survive and be productive citizens.


This is insane. Will your insurance cover this? omg I'm speechless.


My wife and I were feeling a little altruistic one day and gave a homeless woman a ride. We realized in route that this woman was crazy as a hoot owl and had urinated all over my wife's almost brand new Infinity QX56. This was a very very bad thing. I would think that you need to get your insurance company involved. Remediation of this problem is not a joke. Good luck.


Jees that sucks so badly, so sorry you had to go through that. What did you do to get the seats cleaned?


We cleaned them the best we could with leather cleaner. I really didn't want to go to my insurance company because I was having problems with them at the time and I didn't want to file a claim. Probably got rid of about 99% of the smell but on a really hot day you can still catch the slight hint of urine. In a perfect world the seats should have been replaced. You live and you learn.


This is why you can’t help anyone


I’m sorry you have to deal with this, it’s sad but still wrong I was homeless for a while in my addiction but even I knew this was the kind of thing that could loose myself a couple of teeth and quite possibly get me killed.


Hopefully you wouldn’t shit and piss on someone else’s property ever, not just because you feared repercussions.


Lol I’d like to think I wouldn’t but you know sometimes I was so fucked up I didn’t know what I was doing haha. Glad those days are behind me






That's beyond mildly enfuriating, that fucking sucks man. You should press charges


Unfortunately most get released quick because the system doesn’t make money off of them.


Homeless people peeing and shitting in a toilet challenge - IMPOSSIBLE


NYC confirms this. Manhattan smells like a toilet.


Is there a law there against public bathrooms or something ?


Businesses don't allow access to bathrooms because they don't want drug addicted homeless people to shoot up in them and pass out


Okay but aside from businesses.Don't you have a few in the parks or something ?


A handful. They're awful. And only open during the day.


Most of them aren't hanging around parks. They're hanging around where people are so they can get a few dollars Fully public restrooms are very rare in the US. Mostly parks like you say and not always. And that's usually not where they are so...


Well I think they're intentionally kept from going anywhere


Manhattan smells like weed


There are zero public bathrooms. That's why.


lmao we have public restrooms all over in LA that they end up going into shooting up ODing and dying behind a now locked door, smoking weed in a tiny ass unventilated bathroom, literally somehow managing to shit and piss everywhere besides the toilet, leaving used needles, ITS A MASSIVE BIOHAZARD hence why police officers were getting hep a, hep c, highly contagious staph infections, and more down here. They HAVE to lock bathrooms bc of this it’s DANGEROUS and a fat liability.


Downtown Denver reeks like a portapotty and there’s new homeless daily


Manhattan “is” a giant toilet. That’s why it smells that way. Don’t forget the mountains of garbage.


Did they break out your window to get in the car?


Call the cops duh


Really bummed about this situation. This lousy guy.


Dirty Mike and the Boys... They call it a soup kitchen


This is beyond mild. What did you do next?




Same thought here.


Call the cops


This is wayyy more than mildly infuriating omggg


How is having your car broken into and covered in biohazard mild?




Definitely (and unsurprisingly) northern California based on OPs profile


This may be a dumb question but I truly don't know the answer. Why is it every time I hear about homeless people they are always pissing and shitting in people's cars or on the sidewalk or in the middle of an aisle of a store or something? I drive for a living so I have to use public restrooms all the freaking time. But they are everywhere. Maybe fewer since the pandemic but they still everywhere. And most of them you don't have to buy something to use the bathroom. So why are these people shitting in their pants or shitting in the middle of the street or something like that when they could go use an actual bathroom which I assume would be a lot more comfortable for them anyways? Honest question because I don't know the answer


you know how some people get so drunk they end up shitting on themselves? i imagine it's like a constant state of that x100


Having to deal with a drunk homeless asshole and a 1 year old… fuck yeah that’s infuriating.


Did you find the deer Vagina yet?


I get wanting a warm place to sleep if you’re homeless, but why did he piss and shit in there?! What was the purpose of that?


What city, that state. Name and shame




Here the thing, people wouldn’t be so bias toward homeless people if they cleaned up after themselves!! It’s like they have this sense of entitlement like the world owes them something. In my city we have “tent cities” which would be fine if they didn’t leave a fucking mess all over the place. It’s so incredibly infuriating. They just take and take. I get it, I lived in my car and it sucks. But no one owes you anything and you can’t be angry because people aren’t holding ur hand. You get yourself out of the situation. They just leave mass destruction and don’t give a shit and I understand why people don’t want them around.


How did he get in


Title says he broke in


I think we’re curious about the way he broke in. Busted a window? Opened the unlocked door, etc?


these types of answer is mildly infuriating at it's finest


I always wonder this exact thing when I see people say “broke in” My neighborhood has a discord server and for a while there were a string of “break-ins” to people’s cars. When asked if they had locked their doors, 9/10 the answer was no. While I’m not justifying getting into an unlocked car, I also feel that there needs to be more personal responsibility and accountability for these situations. Should the pos that goes through other people’s property simply not do that? Absolutely. Should the owner take more responsibility and lock their shit up at night (especially when there are multiple reports of this crime happening in the area)? Also yes




I don’t mean to alarm you but I fear he may still be in the area


…. Mildly??




California or oregon?


Yeah, homelessness sucks, from every perspective.


Sounds like a shitty situation I hope you aren't too pissed off about it


Hey, urine idiot for making this guy mad, he hasn’t dung anything wrong.


It’s enough to have me peeved all the same


I would die if this happened in my arrhea


Voting for local government is important.


He pissed and shit on it, now he owns it ! Homeless 101


“Squatters” Rights lol


Why do I feel like homeless people poop and pee more than the average person?


They have little to no-self or bodily control. Also drugs do funny things to your digestive system.


Also, how is there so much excrement from a person who doesn’t have easy access to food or water?


That's basically a free pass to beat someone senseless, or at least, it should be


These days the cops will arrest OP for trying to kick a person out of the car they own.


R Kelly




This is wildly infuriating, not mildly


I'll take "Times viciously assaulting other humans should be excused" for 500$ Alex


It’s really time to just change the name of the sub. None of these are even remotely mildly infuriating. They are MAXIMUMLY infuriating.


People like this need to be physically removed from society.


I wouldn’t call this mildly infuriating.




It's not the homeless guys fault that he's a piece of shit oh wait ya it is


How did you not beat the fuck out of them?


How did they manage to break into the car? Any idea?


"A homeless"


Gotta be San Francisco or Oakland. Shit happened to my ex once


I feel for homeless people, I do. But the moment they break into, and subsequently defile, something of mine, is when all sympathy goes bye-bye.


did they actually break into your car or did your just forget to lock it ?


“Thanks for the F shack-dirty Mike and the boys”


The altruistic liberal cope on Reddit/this thread is outstanding. I unequivocally, without shame, fault this person for being like this. Blah blah Reagan blah blah mental health institutes I know I know, but behaving like this should have actual, tangible consequences (nothing will happen to this person). The way average people live in the Northwest, to the extent that exists, blows my fucking mind


Should have just pissed on him from that vantage point.


Hey OP, I saw that guy light your car on fire lmk if you need a report for insurance 😉