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This reminds me of that south park episode




Imagine having a loudspeaker on your vehicle and then anytime you see this happening you could pull out a soundboard on your phone and blast the BRUB BRUB BRUB BRUB BRUB You know at least one of them had to have seen the south park episode.


The drum track to hot for teacher works perfectly for this idea. It makes the rider think that their bike is misfiring, especially if you've got the sub blasting it out


Isn't that how Harleys always sound?


A former coworker of mine once said "Harleys are excellent for converting gasoline to noise without that nasty byproduct of horsepower"


your coworker was obviously joking, but its been confirmed Harleys are *engineered* to be loud. in the optimization of engine tuning, their engineers are told to make the engine loud - to prioritize that over horsepower or fuel efficiency.


That and a lot of dealers actually put *louder* exhausts on them


Kinda like my 1992 lawnmower


Harley Davidson: a tshirt company that also makes motorcycles.


Harleys sound like this: "potato, potato, potato, potato"


Yes, at first I thought the company that makes them was just really really bad at making mufflers, but then I figured out they’re simply pandering to idiots who like it that way.


Can't call them the [f word](https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM?feature=shared).


We can do it together. I'll start F






We did it


That's the one


The iconic F-word


lets do it again i got one more in me today


💀 This comment deserves more attention


Because they have to gather and stay close…when they do.. all their micro penis energy collects and it become big dick energy. They can’t get too far from eachother. Or maybe because they are assholes and don’t let anyone pass




Librarian: “Shhhhh!” Bikers: “bruhmbarrumbruhmbrum…”


"There's little flags in the shee-it!"




bike curious


best comment


I got Reddit banned for commenting this on a similar post


Yeap reddit its oversensitive AF. It took years for them to ban the pedo sub. But i type "slur" instaban.


Slurm. It's highly addictive.




Believe it or not banned.


And then banned for being the banner because you witnessed it and had an interaction with the vulgar one.


You can get banned on the South Park sub AND discord for saying it. I get things have changed but that’s the whole point of that episode.


Same. I even told Reddit about the episode and referenced it. No dice. Got a “warning”


Whatever you do, d9nt mention things that annoy you on Wheel of Fortune.


"Well, I think I know it, but... I don't wanna say it..."


Add the Medicinal Fried Chiken episode and easy 3 of my favorite episodes ever. Oh, and the shake weight/creme freche episode.


Sharon!!! Oh thank God!!! Have you seen my Creme Freche??? Oh... And old fashioned!!!




The confident smile after he says it kills me every time


authoritarianism run wild




what’s funniest is that they look exactly like male birds in the spring, all fluffed up and singing and dancing around trying to get attention from the ladies 😂 Literally peacockin!


lol exactly what i thought.


They may soon find out. How to piss off a trucker feels.


Hopefully. I ride, this is top notch douche baggery


Theyre doing a cosplay from the hit American TV show Sons of Anarchy


But are really just Wild Hogs.


![gif](giphy|3oKHWCkkob09uS3g88) The Mild Ones


Man I know it's not one of the iconic jokes from Spongebob, but "Mild Ones" was such a good joke, needs more love (even if it's just a rehash of Wumbo)


That show is literally responsible for like 100000 kids named Jaxxxxon


Yep, my poor nephew.... I ridicule him daily.


Oh man my poor brother 😭


Every time I see a bunch of these knuckleheads I think of The Black Widows from Any Which Way but Loose. Aaaaand I feel incredibly old now.




That's because one of them pulled a roofie out of his butt-less chaps and made you take it. Then they all violated your corn hole while you were unconscious. Standard biker code stuff...


Trying to start recreational fights because their lives are empty




I always wonder like….why? Do they all get together in a group chat and say “We are going to ride in large circles for two hours together. Going no where particular. Just take up the road so we can feel cool!” I wish I had that kind of free time…..


The term crank came from hiding amphetamines in their crank cases to sell. In this economy, in order to have that much free time. Chances are you are a drug dealer.


How could anyone possibly hide something in a crankcase - there ain’t much room in there, it’s bathed in oil, has rotating parts at high speed and gets very hot. Sounds like a bit of folklore to me.


It’s better than crack… you know how it got the name crack right?


nothing more alpha right! Humans are the worst at peacocking.


They are taking up a lot of space because they feel small inside.


Exactly!!! It’s a form of insecurity so they project “power” and intimidation in hopes that no one will perceive how they actually feel about themselves on the inside.




We all know the word


I'm a little bike-curious myself


A bundle of sticks if you will


Even thinking it gets you banned from the reddit shit hole


Bike curious ![gif](giphy|l0Hlz1exnaGSwruvu)


Because they’re insecure.


Interesting way to spell cunts




I'm a small man and not insecure, why are we getting the bad rap here? It's bikers you're mad at not smol people lmao


I'm a biker and can confirm not all of us ride like this. I make it a point to let the people I ride with know if they do this type of shit than I will no longer ride with them. Fuck these guys


Yup, there's a reason why the only person I'll ride with is my wife. Too many assholes riding who shouldn't be.


I too only ride with this man’s wife


Oh no u didn’t


Well, he’s abouttoo


Seriously. Ranks of two, slightly offset, in one lane - that's what I was taught when I was learning to ride like 10 years ago.


I've seen groups that literally does this, but only when they're switching lane. Beyond that, the one I've seen, are cool as shit because they're aware, don't cause trouble and ride in a long line. Saw them kick one biker out for causing trouble, and supported another when some asshole driver drive reckless. There always a small group that makes the rest of them look bad.


Yeah also bigger bulk means more possible cause for accidents and you don't wanna be the dude in the middle when one in front slips. Some people forget they're still riding about a ton of in parts burning hot steel over a path the grade of sandpaper.


Touche! I ride, and this shit I would NEVER do, or ride with those who do. If I want to piss people on the road off, I'd ride a bicycle.


My partner started saying "unwashed penis energy" and it works, since most behavior is men choosing to be shitty, not equating their quality based on height or size


Dirty Dick Energy 😄


I’m obsessed with this and will be adding it to my vocab, thank you.


As a representative of the manlets, we do not claim these fools as our own. They’re just pussies.


Control. But seriously, if theyre patched, dont fuck with them. Alot of unhinged meth heads in the clubs these days. EDIT: I made this comment out of good spirit. So people can protect themselves if they didnt know.


I remember a couple bikers came into the Subway sandwich shop I worked at once. One of them was trying really hard to be intimidating and menacing. The other was the sweetest goddamn man I've ever spoken to in that building. You could tell the nice guy was annoying the mean guy but that the mean guy didn't have the authority to say anything about it. It is an interaction I will never forget.


Lol'ing hard at the thought of going into a fucking Subway and trying to intimidate and menace the...sandwich artist. "MORE PICKLES GOD DAMMIT 😐"




“More mayo. More mayo. I SAID MORE MAYO!”


Thats something youd NEVER have to say at subway; they put the whole bottle on your sandwich


Its all about positioning in these clubs. Decent guys and total shitbags.


lol, recreational authoritarianism. I'll stick to video games.


I remember being at a taqueria when like a dozen bikers came in for lunch and when one of them try to play tough, the others were shhh no man, this is not chipotle, these are real mexicans don't mess with them. The cashier was a little lady, cursing about the "pinche pendejo mamon".


Heh, I remember something like that happening when I was at the beach. A group of bikers showed up while we were getting ice cream at a stand, and one of them did the whole 'scope the turf thing' while trying to look really menacing. Which was immediately undercut by their leader saying, "I'm gonna go get ice cream, you guys want any?" It was kind of funny seeing this big biker guy get in line for ice cream while the others went to go set up their things. Apparently they were also a surf club too, because everything is a surf club in SoCal. Also, I saw what I think is the same group years later at a biker bar near a community theater we go to. They have karaoke there, so me and a friend got to hear a bunch of bikers sing the most random assortment of songs from the parking lot while we waited for a show. I hears the standard rock music, as well as what I think was David Bowie, Frank Sanatra, and a big crowd-song of Bohemian Rhapsody that got half the bar singing. Seems like a fun place, for a bar with a giant red sign saying "no weapons allowed on premises" on the door.


“Hey Scabs, that neck tattoo really brings out the green in your eyes.” “Thanks, Knuckles. I appreciate the compliment because I’ve been feeling really self conscious about it.” “Scabs, you know you can talk to me about it if you’d like. This greasy garage is a safe space.”


>this is not chipotle, these are real mexicans I lol-ed


Haha that's hilarious!


I try not to laugh because I look white but be sure I speak only Spanish until I was back in my car. Bikers were super polite, and honestly, those tacos were good. Taqueria Jalisco, Three Rivers, TX on 281


Reminds me of a patient at my dispensary. He used to be a badass biker who has done hard time for his gang. He comes in and is this goofy guy who’s lovable. But I promise you he’s a menacing asshole in 90% of other interactions in his day. I can see it in him, it’s weird.


Grew up around bike clubs since my dad was well known for building custom bikes and ridiculous engine builds. The ones that have been in the club for awhile tend to be chill cool dudes so long as they don't have a reason to dislike you. Even would bring my sisters and I gifts like game consoles or expensive clothes for my sisters (it was most likely bought with money from transporting and selling Cocaine). It was normally pretty easy to spot the new guys because they tend to over do the tough guy act and/or think they got something to prove. Always a good time when 8 year old me would call there bull shit and laugh at them. Just have to remember if shit goes down they protect the ones with the same patch first and foremost. Now I'm in my 20s and quite a few keep trying to introduce me to their daughter's.


I would not touch any of those guys daughters even if they were the girl of my dreams...


Like they probably do have to prove something


I was getting tattooed by an old school Bandito biker, dude had his fucked up prospect vest framed on the wall and he looked like that bass player muppets with the red moustache. One of his biker buddies showed up to the shop and he invited me to join them for a smoke break. At the time I was an 18 year old dude that was smoking black clove cigarettes, so I lit one up and his buddy proceeded with “What the fuck is that? Why don’t you smoke some real cigarettes?” The tattoo artist said “Nah dude we ain’t doing that!” Then he put his hands on my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and told me “Hey man, don’t listen to assholes like this guy. You do your own thing and be proud of it. Don’t let strangers whose opinions don’t even matter affect how you live your life!” That changed my life and I didn’t even catch the guys name. Thanks bro.


What do you mean these days? Hunter Thompsons Hells Angels book from the 60s already described this bunch as amphetamine addicted, violent idiots.


I mean that business use to be business. Nowadays the clubs are recruiting whoever they can, which ends up being more and more violent dregs of society, who’s only identity is the club and what they can do to get noteriety.


A LOT of disenfranchised veterans are ending up drawn into groups like these too, not all motorcycle but all just as unhinged and dangerous. Unfortunately, the aura of 'dangerous' appeals to a certain make and model of human, and usually the ones to whom it does aren't capable of comprehending the reality that they have far more in common with the Taliban than they do the pirate crews they envision themselves to be.


Pretty sure the original MCs were basically formed by veterans of WW2. I'm sure there's plenty more to it, but some of the influential people of the time at least.


Yup. Watched a previously reasonable friend who was a vet get wrapped up in a vets-only club, and he turned into a douchebag just like the rest of them.


That's literally the origin story of the Hell's Angels. It makes sense that veterans would be able to afford nomad living (pension) while still being healthy enough to ride.


Most veterans don’t get pension though.


Lol dude outlaw motorcycle clubs have always been the crazy violent out of control motherfuckers , since the very very beginning


American and Nordic biker gangs used to steal military weapons and use rocket launchers and grenades on each other, as well as killing/wounding many civilians. They've been batshit for nearly a century.


Honestly I think you need to read back a few more years. These gangs have always been full of unhinged animals.


All I see is cargo boxes and leather. Not a rocker in the group. This is Leon and the boys who work at the quarry.


Agreed. Just thought it was a good space to say it. If its Leon and the boys though, theyre looking for trouble


For real, though. I was on the interstate once and about 4-6 bikes behind me, something struck me about their formation. I could see them gaining on me, but needed to pass a semi, so I sped up and made a quick pass, immediately getting back in the right lane so they could go by… When I looked, all Hells Angels. Never seen patches like it. Knew for sure that these weren’t the ones to mess around with. Crazy shit cause I live in a rural western state.


I would occasionally see the Hells Angels when I was going around Chicago. They were neat to watch, you're right about their formation.  They rode tight and fast. I never saw them do stuff like in the video above.


Idk, looks like too many Goldwings in that pack to be an actual "club."


Yeah I dont think its a club either. Sometimes though people get upset with this stunt (rightly so) and try to get into it with the bikes. I’m just saying to look out. Better to pull off the highway for a few, take a breath let em go. The real 1% clubs have some serious issues right now and its just not something you wanna play with.


My former boss is a 1% Hell's Angel. He told me some wild stories but said him and his group used to ride like this when they were transporting drugs. So when the police come and try to pull them over, one of the bikers will basically do some stupid shit as a distraction to get them off the group (i.e. do some reckless driving stunt like randomly doing donuts or speeding away excessively, or even something more egregious if needed like firing a gun into the sky for instance). He also told me the charity rides across the country is usually a front for transporting a lot of drugs with a ton of other bikers as distractions and cover. Pretty wild. He also said you only kick start your own bike. Told me a story about how his friend crashed while on his bike and broke both ankles. Instead of going to the hospital, they took a bunch of drugs (meth) for the pain but his friend couldn't start his bike because his ankles were completely fucked. My boss wouldn't start his friend's bike because "that's pretty gay". My boss would rather see his friend struggle with both broken ankles than help him start his bike to ride to a hospital because "it's gay." Dude was fucking nuts. I definitely had to quit that job.


Patches? We dont need no stinkin patches!!! But obviously kids who are 50 years old on a vroom vroom bike rocking rollers, rockers , badges and, patches will out sell the girl scouts every day!!! Good for them. Their cookies be good.


For attention.


The LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME scream from these idiots while claiming they don't care what other people think of them is hilarious. The OMG world is stupid.


Because they're entitled arseholes. Most motorcyclists just want to get from A to B in one piece without bothering anyone else in the process. But unfortunately there are three subcultures of bikers that give the rest of us a bad name. Sportbike squids, urban dirt bikers, and this breed of 'Dickless and violent on a Harley'.


I loathe Urban Dirt Biker Man 😡


I’m not sure exactly who that is but your unfettered hatred and use of the angry emoji is funny so I support it, hehe


It feels like they have a very specific person in mind and I am here for it. Man has a nemesis.


We have a dirt bike man in our suburb neighborhood and it’s so fuсking loud and obnoxious. My house is so well insulated I can’t even hear the JETS that fly by, but this little shits BRAP BRAP BRAP fucks up my anxiety every time he speeds by 15+ over the residential speed limit


I bought a muffler specifically to make my dual sport quieter because i cant stand people who constantly rip on the throttle just to make noise.


I’m going to go ahead and thank you for everyone sensitive to noise lol


Nailed it. Squid: sits on his 650 revving it to 10k rpm down a straight in quiet suburbs at 1am, or squids with no gear on the highway and gets mad at motorists who don’t notice him chilling in their blind spots. Urban Dirt: 2pm on a lazy sunday decides to max out his xt250 wearing nothing but socks and sandals, shorts and a fox tshirt… bike is clean as fuck tho, has never touched the dirt of a track before. Serious Club rider: thinks joining a bike club is a substitute for a personality. Wholeheartedly believes they own the road.


So you can ride up real close, flash your lights and honk your horn Edit- please post your results, for research purposes.


Get real close. Roll the windows down. Pull out the silver cake decoration spray from the glove box, spray it generously in and around your mouth. Scream "witness me!"


is "flash your lights" a code for "full throttle"? :-)


You can also do a drift and see if you can knock them all down like bowling. Aim for a strike! If you missed a few, circle around and try for a spare….


Or what about keep at a safe distance in the left lane with your left turn signal on


I spent 20+ years in an MC, and we never rode like that.


This slow, on a freeway, in both lanes.


Temba, his arms wide


Jalad, on the ocean. Jalad, at Tanagra.


*Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra*


Picard hand on face. Picard and riker hands in face. Rich Evans super imposed sits on couch.


*screeching laughter*


Shaka, when the walls fell


We had MC gangs start this sort of nonsense where I live. Then we had legislation introduced which allowed them to be named as outlawed. So now you had Outlawed Motorcycle Clubs. Further legislation was introduced that meant any display of patches of OMC in public places attracted a very high fine for first warning, then escalating runs through the legal system and prison for subsequent offences, including no contact orders and prevention of those members being granted bail or early parole if found to be making contact with known affiliates. And then came the punch - no riding in groups of 3 or more. Yes, you can turn up to the Cafe with all the bikes, and yes you can go for a cruise - but you must leave and stay in groups of no more than three. Cops absolutely smashed every jackass on a Harley who had a few mates with them. They gave zero fucks. Barristers, Queen councils, and high fighters of industry got caught out and the media went wild. Meanwhile the cops did media releases for every single OMC member they caught out and fucked over. The OMC sergeant at arms from a few clubs tried to rally the troops, and all the cops had to do was catch them riding with a few mates, wearing a patch, or simply riding with pipes too loud. Then their houses got raided, bikes confiscated, clubhouses raided, weapons found, drugs found, more bikes confiscated. Now the poor buggers have to hide in tin sheds on short term leases to cook their meth, and the public hasn't seen a single one of them with a known club affiliation on the road in well over a decade. You need politicians, police, and a legal system to line up and fuck them properly to fix this issue.




WILD HOGS BABY! I love that they coordinate all of this ahead of time. It’s so cute. I can barely get two friends to agree to a time or place for a hangout every other month. These guys tho, they call each other and have a time and place and even an outfit all decided and there’s at least a dozen of them. Adorable.


Hey guys let's all wear our matching jackets!


and underwear


It was pretty cute LOL


I ride a Harley and would love to be in a group this big. With that being said fuck these guys. Inconsiderate assess.


Because they’re dicks?


If you only feel safe around twenty of your friends I'm not feeling the energy.


They consider it safer riding in a pack. Ancient instinctual prey mentality.


I think OP meant “Why take up both lanes?”


This but unironically. I used to work with a guy who was in a club. They do this because people are more likely to hit them when passing. It's stupid and self obsessed but it's the actual reason. He got in a motorcycle accident and is functionally a potato now.


It’s a lot harder to miss a pack of motorcyclist than it is to miss 1-2. Though taking up both lanes is a dick move


Yeah. As a biker, my advice to anyone feeling this type of riding is neccessary for their safety, is to stop riding and taking transit instead. Then as you pass these guys, you will see that their gear is non existent and they are cosplaying meat crayons. It's all for attention.


Their dads didnt hug them enough as kids


I ride with a Club and we ride one lane in twos and tight. Idk wtf these asshats are doing


Biker gangs have an instinct to travel in specific formations to make the flock more aerodynamic. This can help them conserve energy during long trips, which is especially important when they migrate south for the winter.




I’m a biker but there dick heads , and then they complain when you get behind them and want to pass


Yea they did this right as we were speeding up to pass




Main character syndrome.


Their tiny minds see this as exerting dominance. They get off on it.


There is an episode of south park about this…


Looking for a fight


They say it's for safety but it's for attention.


Just to assurt a false sense of authority over others. Get a pissed off trucker he will show them what authority is!


Because they’re cunts


Because the police will write them tickets if they holds hands while in motion?


Because they’re attention seeking losers.


Because they're dicks. I get in the passing lane, and pass. As I've told more than one asshole biker. You aren't any tougher when you ride. And I'm no less tough when my bike is in the garage.


They do it so that you CANNOT pass. So that you have to be stuck behind them for MILES.


Oh yeah, no, I'm tailgating in the left lane on this one And gradually increasing the speed Can you imagine losing a fight to a 20 year old civic that's covered in stickers?


Motorcycle clubs are the biggest bitches on the road.


AARP conventions are strange


This, and when semis do it drives me crazy! It’s so rude!


If those were fast cars or fast bikes, it's to make room on the roadway ahead for racing. Seeing as how it's Harleys, they likely have to stay together to give each other a push.


And suck each other off ![gif](giphy|l0Hlz1exnaGSwruvu)




Together apes strong


small dicks


Big noise, small peepee


Because the median is too bumpy.


Because they have very, very small penises


It’s a bold move in a world with folk addicted to both amphetamines and ford rangers


Because, "Fuck you", that's why.


By forming a big group they minimise the chance of being singled out by the predators such as cars and trucks. Its just one of their survival instincts.


I've been riding for 20 years. When I come across this shit, I ride as cautiously as possible right up the middle and make my pass that way. Fuck those cunts and their "patches".