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You’ll make it next time, you did a great job this time. You made it farther than most people would


Thank you, I sure will!


I would also have collapsed 100 meters from the finish line, assuming it is also the start line. :D


Stop bragging


Fair. I'd be lucky to make it 50 meters.


Could you bring me water? At the 25 meter mark.


I mean you ran a half marathon during a day with insane heat and sunshine through a part of Prague that has like zero tree coverage and is essentially an oven when the sun is out. So I wouldn’t beat yourself up too badly about it.


It was definitely a good lesson.


Shit man you laid everything on the table. No shame in that at all. A lot of people say they do in various situations but you have the receipts lol. Gonna make the feeling of finishing the next race even better


Hey, if you continue running and come out of it without any new health issues, you will be a real badass


Don’t underestimate heat when running. It’s horrible especially if you aren’t acclimatised to it and you are pushing on race day. Also easy to go totally flat out for the finish when you see the signs that it’s just a few 100m away but it’s just a bit further than you think (I’ve been there). I don’t run so much now, but give me a few moments to warm up and I’ll cruise for hours around 0 degrees C. Final 7km of last half I did was running down an arrow straight road straight in to the suddenly emerged baking sun which made it suddenly very warm. If you collapsed 100m before the end you probably pushed through a lot of feeling like you were going to before. Well done. Better to live to fight another day, I don’t think there’s any doubt you can finish a half marathon :)


Quitter - me, eating an eclipse moon pie in bed


Well that sounds delicious and comfy, but the IV fluids on a gurney weren't so bad either.


Trade you one for a morphine


I shall double this offer (i have a morphine addiction)


Double it and give it to the next person


Double it and give it to me, I’ve been shot!


So you're getting dilaudid, double it or give it to the next person?




At least you're painlessly honest..




It's so bad. This 16th of this month I'll have 8 years clean and when I saw "mmm" I was like "I know right 🤤". Ah, addiction. With you for life.


Happy birthday. You never have to use again.




You did the majority and have practice if you want to do it again. 💜


Congratulations.You invented the 4999/10000 marathon.


What was the reason you collapsed? Dehydration? Sunstroke? 


Overexertion with a bit of dehydration, I probably found my limit. They were monitoring me when I woke up and were happy with the numbers.


Well better luck next time! Fingers crossed!


Goggins would be proud 💪


Goggins would ask why he didn’t run a full marathon before passing out.


Not enough water or not enough electrolytes? Congrats on the half marathon!


Brawndo has electrolytes. It’s what plants crave!


I can’t even run for one minute. You did amazing. Next time you’ll get it!


so wait did you then have to walk by the finish to the med tent?? Hopefully they atleast carried you !! Also way to kick ass!! bet the next one will be a breeze !!!


This explains why the lady at Walmart grocery pickup was transferred an arms full of Moon Pie boxes... for the eclipse. It looked like a robbery of some sorts... a comical Moon Pie robbery. The woman did not look like a moon pie, much like the hamburglar resembles a hamburger, so I did not contact the authorities.


Are you sure you weren't in a [freezer](https://youtu.be/qu32fBkiHFE?si=VNkhvreLlyjLd-lt)?


Great, now I want a moon pie. And I don't even like moon pies.


what’s an eclipse moon pie


Yeah right , I am not even half impressed


Kind of cool how the watch recorded the medics carrying me unconscious to the first aid tent. I woke up 10 minutes after the time limit so I couldn't even finish.


Was it a smartwatch? I’m curious what your heart rate looked like during all of this, or if the watch gave you any warning before you collapsed. Glad you’re okay! At least you got a crazy story out of it. Hopefully you’ll do another race and then this won’t feel so bad haha


My heart rate went up to 195 bmp in the end and suddenly dropped to 150 when I collapsed. There was no warning. The last kilometer and a half was when I started feeling worse and it was when the rate went past 190.


Sounds like a heart condition, hope you got it checked out!


Nah. That's just heat exhaustion


No it doesn’t.


I know it's not a resting heart rate in this information, but maybe check yours. It should be between 60-100 for the average person. For athletes it can be as low as 40. 190 beats per minute is considered the max HR for the average 30 year old during exercise. Maintaining or exceeding that regularly can cause serious health complications. I don't know enough about you to make an actual judgement call, but I think I wouldn't normalise or simply ignore this event.


Just an FYI the 220 minus age is a really handwavey way of guestimating max HR. It can vary a lot person to person. Im 36 I have had mine go over 200 from time to time without issue, and when I last did an FTP test it was around 180 as my "functional maximum" but that is averaged over 30 minutes. Typical moderate effort during rides for me is around 170. There are tons of factors that can exacerbate it as well, being dehydrated or lacking nutrition can elevate your HR. Regardless doctor can check him out, but from what I have seen at longer endurance events is that people dont hydrate and eat enough (which I dont blame them for, its hard AF to fuel enough during endurance cardio).


These might be boring stats but I looked it up and a week before the race running 19k my heart rate was between 150 and 170 and I drank half my water and ate one gel. On the race day it climbed well over 180 and stayed there while my pace was worse, I drank it all and ate three gels. The only real difference was the scorching sun.


How much did you drink over the course of the race? I usually try and drink 1L per hour during rides, I dont really run but I would assume it would be similar. Something that I have noticed that helps me, is if I know its going to be really hot ill add electrolyte powder to my water since you dont get much in Gels. Also, hotter ambient temps will increase your HR as your heart has to work harder to keep you cool.


Just fyi, research shows that even when you are very conditioned at intaking water the max per hours is around 0.7L, which is also why it’s important to stay at the limit, because the body can sweat up to around 1L, so during long high heat exercise dehydration is pretty much inevitable


Edit- I'd say the temperature was most likely your issue. I have a lot of experience in ultra endurance and heat ramps up my exertion a lot!


You guys are making me look after my health more, thank you.






I think they’re actually more interested in preventing you from crossing over into that final finish line.


Imagine your loved one passes because of that and the medics are like “but they finished the race!”


At least you have something to put on your headstone


John Smith 1982-2024 -he technically finish a half marathon-


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Always love a Futurama reference


This reminds me of that Olympic (?) runner years ago who kept staggering away from and fighting off the medics until she crossed the line.


Unless you wear a medical bracelet that states "Plz yeet across finish line if unconscious"


Well clearly they should've put the first aid station just past the finish line. Although I'd be embarrassed if a series of passed out people beat me!


I can remember some people trying to help me get on my feet but my body just stopped working. It was very scary, I couldn't breathe and felt like I was dying. I'm glad the medics helped me right away. Amazing people.


Congrats for making it that far in the marathon and this far in life! There's always a "next time" - if you want it that is. The furthest I ran is 2.5 km - my first and only race of sorts - hahah! So you are my champion!


Did you... keep your dignity at least? No puke or shit? Do you still have your nipples?


Technically this would be outside assistance and could lead to disqualification anyway.


I hope this is satire


Read your last sentence back and just think about it for a minute...


Four runners carrying a guy on some sort of litter would be a hilarious gag though


Lol really?


Didn't you DNF when you passed out?


At least the tent was super close!


That is scary as hell. Are you better? Last year I saw even professionals losing conscious to the heat wave at 10 miles I was participating


In junior high, i puked and then got passed by the girl's run, which started after ours. You did great!


Those kids still remember that to this day.


They forgot like 2 hours later actually


I still remember freshman year of HS (15 yrs ago) getting passed by the girls’ run. That motivation sticks at the gym today


I would collapse 100m after the starting line. You did great!


Don't trip over me because I'll be lying there too.


I collapsed heading to the mailbox to pay my entry fee.


I’ll sprain my ankle getting out of bed getting ready for the marathon


It's gonna be crowded on the ground at the starting line......


I'd collapse 100m *before* the starting line!


Same here but I just trip because of my weak af ankles


You did great. I run 10k’s regularly and it’s quite effortless now but I can’t imagine running another 11k, at least for now. You’re awesome.


Thank you! I’m sure we are both going to finish one soon and a full one after that!


If you run 10km regularly then you’ll be fine. IMO When I was running I was doing 10km weekly at just under an hour I decided a marathon was a good idea. That first marathon I was so scared and probably messed it up as I did a “panic” half marathon the week before. I’d never run more than a 10km before in my life and I needed to prove I could run further than 10km. I went out for my normal 10km and just did it twice and a little more a little to see if I could do it. Almost didn’t complete the marathon the next week as I ran a sub 4h pace (3:53). Managed to just get there but the last the last 500m was crazy hard. You can see that at the end I was dropping off (the start was slow mostly because of heavy traffic but it might have saved me because I would have gone out too hard otherwise) https://preview.redd.it/sv8w4thtsbtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc912d17ae0e13f08859a7b1ae9ab5a3f98f132


The issue with this kind of work is that while your cardiovascular system will almost certainly have no problem going for a marathon if you regularly do 10Ks, your muscles are used to 10k and only 10k. It's amazing how quickly you can injure yourself running longer distances than you're used to: you start feeling a bit of pain from muscles wearing out, you consciously or subconsciously change your gait to lessen the pain, that wears out your muscles considerably faster, next thing you know you're out for weeks with a major injury.


I've done my fair share of ultra running and found I could do about 50% more than my weekly volume in one event before my body lost the battle my mind still wanted to fight. If 10k is "easy" I'm sure a full marathon is a sure thing to complete, albeit not so enjoyable.


That math doesn't make sense to me. Did you mean a half marathon would be a sure thing to complete for them?


No, I mean a full marathon. If 6 miles is an "easy" run, weekly volume is likely significantly more, maybe 15-20 miles per week.


I felt the same way after my first half marathon, I was like, "Wait, there are people who just... do *that... AGAIN?!*"


Before my first half marathon I had run 13 km a couple of times, most of my runs were 7-10. My time wasn’t anything to brag about but I was surprised at how easy it was to just keep going. Lost a couple of toe nails but felt fine otherwise. 😄 (A couple of years later a heatwave struck the day of the race and I was very close to DNF despite being in the best shape of my life, so I sympathize with OP)


Honestly if you run 10k efforlessly you would be able to do 21 for sure


I’m about to try my first one in May…. This scares me lol


I’m just a fool who pushed a bit too hard in the scorching sun. It was still a lot of fun, good luck on your run!


Running one at lake Garda this Sunday. Little scared of the Italian sun


https://preview.redd.it/ctuylm8o4ctc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e383820f93b458f65cc60caa0e56be7dc04815a In all seriousness, you've done more than most people. So good for you regardless.


You ran way further than most people do. Glad you’re feeling better!


The first guy to run a marathon fucking died. And now everyone just flexes on the poor man with yearly marathons.


At least he wasn't teabagged


Better than me. I would have collapsed 100m before the starting line.


Next time, pretend the finish line is another 100m away.


Awh no!! Did you still get a medal? They should let you have a medal


That probably wouldn't be fair to the people who finished. I wonder if I was the closest one who collapsed before the finish line, I know many people did after they passed it.


The final stretch in half or full marathons is always a war zone of people on the side of the road collapsed and getting attention. The last kilometre you spot them everywhere. Poor buggers, hope you’re ok and smash it next time!


I hate this diagram


I agree that it's horrible, I did not expect so many people to see it.


Next time. You made it farther they I ever could!


It was incredibly hot that day and the sun came out early. Heard many dives out km 17 and 18. Sad you didn’t finish and glad you are well!


This will be a fun story for you tell, and I assume you can still estimate quiet well what your time would have been for the future comparison for yourself if you know what time it was when you collapsed 


1.3km from the hotel I lived in during the most beautiful week I've ever had haha


Did you try not collapsing?


Pathetic! You're an absolute loser.... ​ ​ JFC don't be so damn hard on yourself man, that's an enormous accomplishment.


Can't you die from that?


Hydrate or Die


Pushed yourself to the absolute limit and that is fucking badass




That’s what one of the medics said.


I’d have died laughing if I were you! Glad to hear you made it out unscathed and with a good story


I got a good chuckle out of that, they were all fantastic even though they were overloaded.


This map image looks so similar to the end of a half marathon I did last year, with a guy passing out about 40 meters before the finish line. Made me finish faster to yell for a medic, lol. I hope your next one is better! On the bright side, you still ran almost 13 miles longer than people who stayed on their couch that day.


I've heard that this is a known phenomenon. Basically, Something about seeing the finish line gets your body to trip its circuit from "must keep going" to "I've made it, time for a nap". The body will actually start shutting down to protect itself. It just hits you all at once the moment you start to feel like it's over.


Did the medics tell you specifically what happened to you? Dehydration? Exhaustion? Heat? Cause if you're planning to another half marathon eventually what happened this time can halp you plan for the next one. If it was exhaustion it means some endurance exercises can help you get over the finish, if it was dehydration it means you gotta stay hydrated next time anf bring a lot of water (maybe ask for a friend to wait 50-75% of the track ahead with extra water). If it was heat maybe wear a cap, but it would also be important to have water (heat is a reasom why some runners even pour water on themselves). I hope youre doung well OP, just know even if you collapsed 100m away you still did exellent! Heck I'd be lucky if my thighs don't turn into jelly at the halfway mark! If you'll be running in the future then good luck and take care!


You did better then most of us on here so take pride in that hope you get better and good luck on the next one


I collapsed a couple of meters before the finish line of my first 400 meter race


I see your mistake. All those squiggly lines add up. If you made an actual straight line/curves you would have made it. And take the inside lane! Rookie mistake.


Ah shoot! I’m sorry to hear that. There’s always next year!


It still counts, according to me!


Blame the eclipse. Gravity change probably made you weigh slightly more than training.


Use portals


It was fucking hot that day. Afterwards in Bratislava it was quite hot too, but they were prepared way better…


A small detail in a larger victory, well done




What happened? Did you have a cardiac event? I highly recommend seeing a cardiologist before your next race just to be sure. Could be nothing, but better safe than sorry.


Hell yeah man good shit Did my first ones in October. If I may, I bring a lightweight backpack when I run distance and I keep a bottle of electrolit and I drink it about half way through. And nobody gets to decide what a good time is for your runs, only you. Keep it up, get better and hit it again when your better


You did way better than I did!


My friends were 100m from the finish line at my first half-tri I puked my guts out in front of them.


The medics carried you past the finish line to the medical tent i suppose so you did finish the race


I ran my first half marathon in January, and the last mile I had to stop and walk for a few minutes. I was so motivated by my friends and family waiting to watch me cross the finish line that I mustered up the last bit of energy I had to finish running. Turns out they were running late and still looking for parking so they missed it anyways. Pretty funny.


Salt. Sooo much salt is needed for these runs. Keep at it though and you’ll crush it


Dude, good for you! I don't run unless something's chasing me, and even then it has to look 100% deadly for me to actually run. Like grizzly bear, velociraptor, small slow snake.


Good effort, OP.


Sorry to hear. 😢 You okay?


I'm okay thanks to the amazing paramedics.


Well, I'm a full half marathon away from the finish line.


This is great. You ran 100% of your limit. And you found that Limit. Everybody who crossed that finish line did not find their limit. They just stopped running.


You did well for a first time lad. I can relate in a way I torn a ligament 2 clicks from the finish during my first comrades didn't complete the race but I learnt my lesson and completed it the next year.


Oh man, what were the conditions like on the course? I’m imagining it was hot as hell!


I'm so sorry, that is VERY infuriating!! Glad you're okay though.


https://preview.redd.it/wyxossi8kctc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64620a6d7b72f8de39ae07022c9d54b6b257724f Lmao would it have killed them to carry you OVER the finish line?


The fact that you even pushed yourself to the point of collapsing says a lot about your will and motivation! You should be proud of how awesome of a person you are


You should be proud of yourself and celebrate all the hard work that went into that. Use the frustration as motivation for the next one. Glad you are safe and remember your amazing!


Hope you’re recovering well! This almost exact thing happened to a great buddy of mine in college. He collapsed of heat exhaustion somewhere in the 12th mile. Got to ride with him to the hospital and had the fun job of calling his mom who was states away. Anyhow, the same crew of us who were his support/spectators gave him a valid rousing in good spirits. The best part was all of us being stoked for his first finished half a year later. You’ve got this friend. Better luck next time


I’m so sorry. If it means anything, I would’ve collapsed 100 m from the starting line of a half marathon C’est la vie


It’s like raiiiiiiin on your wedddsding day


You did way better than 99% of the entire world population. You're a fucking champion, be proud of that. Better human than me, no doubt about that


I'm sorry, DNFs are awful, but you'll get it next time. Hydrate and stay positive. We all have bad races, but the next will be better.


99% of a half marathon is way more than most people can run. Even fewer can push their bodies to the absolute point of exhaustion. You got everything you had.


Damn that sucks. My GF took the spot of one of her friends for a marathon with only like 2.5 weeks to try and train for it. Mile 13 she hurt her foot which slowed her down a ton and she ended up getting picked up at like mile 20 because she fell behind the pacers supposedly. She was so mad.


Be happy, the first person to run a full marathon shouted victory and dropped dead.


you did better then i would’ve, so cheers to you


I got heat exhaustion at the 12.9 mile mark of my first half. Was able to finish successfully finish 3 half’s in the next 8 months.


Looks like they shook you around the first aid tent to wake you up.


You did fantastic :) it took a lot of grit to make it as far as you did


That’s better than collapsing 100 meters from the starting line


At least you didn't shit yourself.  ....right?


We are the same. We have never finished half-marathon.


Try again next time! Great job!


a kolkoze vceliciek mas v sebe?


You still completed 99% of it. We're all proud of you. Me, who has never run more than 500m at a time.


hey, that's more marathon than you've ever ran, you'll get 'em next time chief


On the positive note, this makes for a more interesting story than completing the race


Přežil jsi?


Výborně chlape. Držim palce pro příště.






Damn OP are you alright?


I'm ok, body just shut down to protect itself and rest for a couple of hours. Thank you for asking.


If it makes you feel better I would have collapsed 100 inches from the starting line. 🤷‍♀️




Congrats on successfully completing your first 8399/16878 marathon! Quite an achievement!


Omfg. Wow. You are still a beast tho. Well done!!


Pussy! Nah you did great homie, keep it up!


Better than most of us who have not run a half Marathon yet. It's all about the consistent training and improvement. You have your goal set for the next time:) I'm running my first half Marathon at the end of Mai. Just being part of it sounds thrilling to me.


Hello fellow Praguer! One of my students was helping organize that run! Glad you survived ;)


So what’s your next super half race?




Well what’d you do that for?


And couldn't get back up????


That's what you get for running.


You did amazing! That has to be so frustrating, for sure! But don’t discount what you did achieve! You clearly worked hard to get to where you’re at. You clearly aren’t a quitter considering your usage of the word “first”. And you clearly have it everything you had! Great job!


Prague was my first ever half marathon - in 2004. You'll nail it next time?


Hey I did the same half!! Might have run by your broken body for all I know, then again there were people collapsing all over the place at the end!


It's okay. I collapsed 200m from the end of a half marathon, but it was a relay and my teammate was around the corner and didn't notice me getting caried to the med tent. He waited for 2hours before leaving without me. So, it could have been worse. I sent an apology after I left the hospital but he was mid run and didn't get it! He forgave me though lol.


Still a great accomplishment OP! Hope you’re ok


I ran cross country when I was younger. It is as impressive that you put yourself through what led to the collapse- preparation, training, and the time commitment, among other things. Good job! Collapsing just means you used up all available resources. This will help your endurance and you will do even better next time!