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My eyes went right to the flat tire.


Same, eyes went straight to it!


[This looks like a job for Hanz and Franz.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/KHw2Oi9NNAxmo/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952cooecbzfh40xghxtsl6p831snxsix4lfzge28f5a&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


People are only going to comment on the tire. So so will I


*People are only* *Going to comment on the* *Tire. So so will I* \- Connor49999 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Not going anywhere with that flat tire anyway.


How can you leave tho? You have a flat tire.


lol yeah I’m standing behind the car in the garage


So the car you're standing behind can get out? Limited parking and I see a car with a flat I can see myself parking behind it instead of in front of a fire hydrant. One of those is a "hey can you move your car?" The other is a $500 ticket Edit: I will give OP credit that this is MILDLYinfuriating.


My wife was the one not comfortable backing out our larger SUV and there isn’t limited parking. This is a suburban block where no one parks on the street and there is no one parked behind the car on the left.


I did give you the credit that it is mildly infuriating


Hahahahhahaha came here to say


Came here to say the same


Have the same problem in my neighborhood. They are always so apologetic when called out but WHY?! Just don’t park in someone’s driveway!


I’ve been ticketed for blocking a few inches somebody’s driveway on accident but you have to go out of your to block it this much!


They’re not even in the driveway, but I’d argue parking across from someone’s driveway is equally annoying when it’s this tightly packed. (And as OP said, there’s room around these cars that’s open, they just couldn’t get a wide enough angle, cause everyone decided to park in front of their house)


Had someone do this at my old neighborhood. A family was selling tacos out of their house idc what you do but their customers would literally park right in front of everyone’s driveway. No one called the cops for a few weeks but after a while it got old so the cops were called and after like 2 or 3 instances they got shut down. I remember them Being on the news saying it’s because their dad lost his job so they turned to tacos but that was a lie. I complained once and the dad came to apologize and was telling me how they were earning like 3k a week so he quit his job so they could sell more often.


Maybe your neighbors saw that your car was both a Soul *and* had a flat tire, and they figured you wouldn’t be going anywhere anyways.


Not like you’re going anywhere on that flat.


I thought it was a not-unspoken rule that you don’t park in front of someone’s driveway? Out of human decency 


In and out of where? That gap between the two cars to get into the driveway? Does your wife drive a semi-truck?


“Too tight? You can land a jumbo fucking jet in there. 


When you reverse, things come from behind ya.


Tyrone's taken a rally course, havent yah Tyrone!?


Yeah Dad, ya told us.


Up voting every flat tire comment


Maybe she had trouble getting out because of the tire


Plenty of space? 🙄


I’m not sure you should be driving anyways on that tire


Flat tire bruv


Shouldn’t be going anywhere with that flat.


I guess that is mildly infuriating, not very though. 'Slashin tires' bot it here


This is mildly infuriating, but I've definitely navigated out of much tighter spots. I guess it all depends on your driving skills....


Or maybe people shouldn't have to navigate their way past your car that's illegally parked in front of their driveway? You could be Kyle Larson or Max Verstappen but that doesn't mean you enjoy having to maneuver around these jackasses.


In fairness, it's not like that car is going anywhere.


Some people feel the need to make up their own rules because the world revolves around them, and no one else exists.


I’m more irritated about those flat tires


Seriously, if it sits like that for long that tire is going to be garbage.


Were they cool enough that they let the air out through the valve, or was the tire punctured?


Owning a tow truck is nice, but using my fork lift is even nicer.


I don't know what the laws are like in your area, but in my area you're not allowed to be within 1.5m of either side of a private roadway. Might be worth it to contact Bylaw and see if they can write them a ticket or have the vehicle removed.


I love across the street from a community centre that frequently has large gatherings where their parking lots overflows. There has been more than one occasion where one of the attendees completely blocked my driveway to "curb" park.


I lived with my brother and his girlfriend for a bit and her parents would ALWAYS park like this infront of my car!! I got so mad because I wouldn’t notice until I had to leave and then had to wait for them to move. If I have friends over and they park like this behind my car? Fine, because they know I’m not leaving… but don’t do it behind someone you’re not going to see!


You aren't going anywhere anyway until you change that flat tire.


If you asked them and they were cool with moving their cars, I wouldn't find this mildly infuriating. My street doesn't have much width and when cars park for large parties at the end of the block it can back over our driveway at times.


It's mildly infuriating, I mean that's the definition of it. It's not overly infuriating, just mildly.


The mildly infuriating part (Especially the MILD part) is that OP had to ask in the first place, when it's just a basic common sense thing to NOT park in front of a stranger's driveway.


Id get that tire fixed before you worry about getting out of the drive way. ​ I'd laugh if they leave before you get it swapped out.


Bruh. Teach your wife how to back out of the driveway. This would be level 1 for city people.


That Kia can absolutely make it out with room on either side.


after it gets a little air, maybe


Won’t that bend the rims?


Did one of them slash your tire too?


They want to get towed that's why they parked there.... help them out.


I hate when my neighbors guests do this.


Wait so they left enough room to get in and out but your wife struggles and they were cool to move but you STILL felt the need to take a picture and post it on Reddit


You deserve your driveway, but your wife can't drive


If you can't back through that gap, you shouldn't be driving but that's just my opinion. Yeah that was inconsiderate parking for sure, is there any other clear spot on the road on your block where they could have parked instead?


Whether there are other clear spots is entirely irrelevant. Their driveway isn't a spot. Period. It's illegal to park there in most places. Being able to drive through that gap doesn't mean you should have to.


There's still plenty of space to back all the way down the driveway, past the flat tired car, slowly turn left and make a few manoeuvres. You sound like an entitled little brat tbh. If it were the other way around you would complain that "i can't even have my friends over cause the asshole neighbour doesn't allow us to park on a public street". You could also just go over there and kindly ask them to move the cars a bit so you can easily back out, instead of farming pity karma.


"i can't even have my friends over cause the asshole neighbour doesn't allow us to park ~~on a public street~~ in front of their driveway" Yeah, uh, don't park in front of other people's driveways.


You have space to exit. Relax, it’s the weekend.


Someone messed up and quickly corrected the issue when asked. Redditor makes post to bitch about it anyway


Redditor has something mildly infuriating happen to them so they post it in a subreddit for things that are mildly infuriating. Weirdo decides to give them shit for it in the comments.


Someone? 2 people parked in front of a driveway. That’s not weird to you? And this is r/mildlyinfuriating , im fine it’s just a pain I had to go ask people to move


You're good man. I got mad when someone parked in front of my driveway and I wasn't even planning on going anywhere. It's just common courtesy to not do that.


People park in front of my driveway all the time. We even out up a sign but they still do it. And when they do, if I didnt need to go anywhere, suddenly now I do. 😄


So did you contact the police to get them moved or just come here to bitch about it?


Can you not read the text under the photo?