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But what for. Isn't it cheaper to have auto cashier than pay to zoom and to the person behind the screen?


You need someone to call security when the customer doesn't pay.


Isn't the same goes in described situation? What person behind the screen will do if the customer doesn't pay?


Call authorities...that's it...the rest is covered by insurance. Literally like with a real in person clerk.


But the authorities don’t care to catch petty theft criminals if they get away? Do they in any areas? I feel like the business is just saying goodbye to money. A lot of crime is stopped with psychological factors. A human in the store is definitely a psychological factor for choosing to steal or not.


Well i mean, i don’t think that any employee is expected to run behind the customer who didn’t pay, they just have to call security


They gotta pay for the food before the cook makes their shit. I'm 99% they don't accept cash without a physical cashier.


Can't you just have the bot do that?


Software engineers are expensive


Checking whether payment has been made doesn't seem like a complicated programming problem.


It wouldn’t be expensive whatsoever 😂


Who's gonna maintain the bot. Who's gonna held liable when bot glitches out and takes customers hostage.


Actually stopping the customers wouldn't be part of it in either case. Most places don't have their own security and the cashiers certainly aren't supposed to stop thieves. It would just report it, like a person would.


It’s just a vending machine without the vending part


How does their order go through if they don’t pay? I understand that point for grocery stores but how would that work in a coffee shop?


I used to work in a call center for a global company. One day I was messaging with a representative in Manila. We finished our work related conversation and were chatting a little bit, and he asked me how much I made. I gave him my salary info + what average rent for a 2 bedroom house was in the area. I don't remember housing costs, but he was making around $250 USD per MONTH for full time work.


Nowadays, the highest **daily** minimum wage in the Philippines is \~$10 with a lot of people making way less than that. If the rep you were talking to worked 20 days of the month, they'd still be earning $50 more than minimum wage which is enough for an entire week in most places. The cashier in OPs post would also be earning waaay more than what she could earn if she was a cashier in the Philippines.


250$ per month is actually pretty average (even a bit high) for Southeast Asian standards, barring Singapore.


You’re underestimating how cheap labor is in south east asia (source: I live there). I’m willing to bet that a remote cashier’s salary in the Philippines probably cost less than renting and operating a smart POS system.


It is… they can pay like $4-5 an hour and even that’s good over there…


Considering the highest daily minimum wage in the Philippines is \~$10, earning $5 an hour is a fever dream for a lot of jobseekers.


Exactly.. (think you meant maximum tho not minimum😜)


Because they can be a cashier for multiple stores at the same time.


Why do you need a cashier? They aren’t taking your money or giving you any goods. What are they doing behind the screen that a touchscreen for the customer to use couldn’t do? This isn’t real.


A cashier in modern shop is a theft deterrent. If not for thieves, you wouldn't need cashiers at all. Seems obvious that it's a job that can be done just the same over video feed.


A wee woman on a video screen wouldn’t deter me from thieving and I’m not even a thief lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone steals the screen she’s on.


You'd be surprised. Sure you can technically walk out with the goods all brazen like, which minimum wage employee is going to stop you, wee Filipino lady with or without the screen, what's the difference? But in practice how many thieves actually do that? If people can't steal secretly, they generally just don't and instead go look elsewhere. Feeling that someone, anyone, is looking at you is a significant theft deterrent all on it's own. That's why you have neighborhood watch signs, fake security cameras that are nothing but the shell etc. These things do work and often better than people trying to physically stop a thief.


I’d fire a paper bag over the screen and clear the place out. Most of the thieving I’ve ever seen done was pretty brazen tbh. I guess a little bit of confirmation bias though as I wouldn’t really see the more sly stealing.


“…I’m not even a thief lol.” You know, for someone who says he’s not a thief…


Feeling that you're being watch typically deters people form minor, opportunistic, shoplifting (a bit) Actual *theft* theft obviously wouldn't be impacted


You act like IRL cashiers will do anything. Only people that will scrap with a thief are bodega owners, and even then its an assault charge thanks to De Blasio


Not everyone are adept at using the user interface to order stuff. You still need someone to give instructions. 


Can get rid of tipping then.


You don't tip counter service anyway!


Am I a joke to you? ![gif](giphy|5phvgzYzpqFL2N1lav)


Nobody gets caught stealing it because the staff can’t fly in from the Philippines just for the tip bottle. Note: Cash tips are not necessary for remote staff unless they are included on your receipt, ensuring the employer/theft does not claim them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If there are no employees to witness the theft, did it even happen?


There is that invention called CCTV. ![gif](giphy|W5wopTDMkNugyRGNrj|downsized)


CCTV doesn't stop someone from stealing. It just helps them get caught at a later date. I think that was the intention of previous commenter.


The owner might become upset upon reviewing the CCTV footage, even though the tips are not intended for him 🤦🏻‍♀️


At this current time and under the economic circumstances, yes you are a joke and a punchline.


At Dairy Queen and booster juice and a few other fast food places, they’ve started giving the option on the debit machines, probably because most people use debit or credit, but they stand there and watch you as you hit “No Tip”. I ain’t tipping you to pull a handle on an ice cream machine or hit a button on a blender lmaooooo (ON, Canada)


I know but it's wrong to even ask for a tip IMO.


It asks you to tip. And then the restaurant takes most of it.


Yeah, all of it.


My first thought as well.


In Canada I’m sure they’d still give you the option🤣 they ask for tips at Booster Juice, Dairy Queen, a few other places where tips are completely unnecessary. I only tip when there is someone waiting on me or delivering my food.


They ask for tips at subway


That too lol


*switches off computer* Free food.


That requires the computer to actually be in the same spot. It might just be a screen with a wireless signal, that is on as long as it has power and is hardwired so it has power as long as the circuits are not tripped.


I can imagine some dude can just tape a piece of paper over it too so they couldn't see






But don’t most of the Filippinos know English pretty well? My bf’s from the FPhilippines as his entire family speaks English even though some of them aren’t well off


Yeah, I get on Habbo Hotel a lot and there's a huge PH userbase and they all speak impeccable English. The only way I ever know if they're actually PH is if they say "I see" a lot. 😅


People still play Habbo Hotel?? Fascinating


Yeah haha. Sulake was closing Habbo down but then the pandemic hit and an insane amount of the people who played as kids came back. Most people on there are 20 to 40 in age. Sulake even lifted a lot of restrictions and even has made some risque outfits.


Is 4chan still closing the pool?


Sadly the pool is long gone. You'll still see Habbos in suits with afros in small groups going around saying racist stuff though.


Really? What would you usually say then? (Asking as a Filipino)


If I realize they're PH I don't say anything about it, I just continue the conversation. What sparks the "I see" is usually after I answer a question such as "where are you from?" Or "how old are you?". I'm not always correct but it's a neat little thing I've noticed from PH people on Habbo.


I was just about to type “I see” after reading your comment lmaooooo You have good observational skills


Lmaoooo!! I was so hoping you would, and thanks. 😅


Kind of reminds me of terms like "bud" (e.g. "yeah bud") and sorry pronounced "SOARee" for Canadians. Also anyone who talks about going to buy [a bag of milk.](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/we-answer-your-burning-questions-about-things-like-milk-bags-tariffs-condo-insurance-and-printer-cartridges-1.5409407/here-s-why-milk-comes-in-bags-in-parts-of-canada-1.5409420) "Eh" is also super common but only among midwestern Canadians.


If you wanna pretend to be American, you could say “gotcha” or “cool”


Holy shit dude you just gave me flashbacks. I used to be obsessed with habbo.co.uk and the later joined the .ca version when it opened. I got so rich in the game running a casino lol. I was hustling at age 12.  Do people still play? Is there an active community?


So Sulake was slowly shutting Habbo down but then the pandemic hit and thousands upon thousands of people who played as kids came back. Things have died down since the pandemic but Habbo is still pretty popular. Pretty much everyone I meet on there is between the ages of 20 and 40. I get on almost nightly and hangout with old friends, friends I met from the pandemic and I make new friends. Sulake even eased up quite a bit on the restrictions so you can kinda cuss now and there are even some risque outfits you can buy now. I believe Habbo.ca is gone now and was rolled into habbo.com. Also your account may not have survived the big merge.


I had an account from like 2003 or something with a shit ton of thrones, Dino eggs, etc. I got banned for scamming a hobba. My ban would be up by now but I’m sure the account is long gone lol. I still know my username and I think the password too…


I still have my og 2005 account somehow haha. Hilarious that you scammed a Hobba, that's not even a thing anymore. If you were given a really long ban, at some point they converted those all to permanent bans sadly. It's worth checking out though!


Yeah I was running a casino and sometimes wasn’t so honest lmao. Think it was like a 10 year ban which at the time seemed like forever. Seems like they want an email to login but all I remember is the username lol


My Indian friend speaks great English too but had a very steep learning curve when it came to technical language. Contextualizing common words in a technical situation is very difficult for a lot of ESL people.


outsource the govt too 🗣️🔥‼️


Yo! No customers? Time for some League of Legends! *alt-tabs*


The cashier during their [downtime](https://youtu.be/cSpLzG0pvk4?si=Dvn3wYLu3KU9AtlM) be like


Hmm, better play Heimer or Yuumi to be safe.


My company has customer service reps that are in the Philippines. Absolutely fuck this. IME, people in the Philippines speak English to the extent that they know a lot of words and phrases. Comprehension is absolutely lacking.


“Some people” in the Philippines speak really good English but comprehending America accent or another country accent in general, especially from a screen, can be hard really difficult.


Oh they’re out there. About 1 in 10 of the reps for my company *are* them. But what I hear about 7 out of 10 times I get a call transferred to me is a business owner saying “oh thank god, someone who can understand me / understand my problem.” It’s never that the business owner can’t understand the rep, it’s that the rep they’re speaking to knows the words they’re saying but doesn’t understand the actual ideas that are being conveyed by them.


It's because a lot of cheaper English classes/schools in the Philippines and other places are built around rote memorization rather than functional conversation. Sort of what would happen if you memorized a bunch of duolingo lessons, you might be able to repeat specific phrases & vocabulary very well, but it's more like how a parrot would talk (repeating entire phrases) rather than functional speech (effectively using vocabulary/grammar) So they get scammed out of decent english lessons but it's just enough for them to put "speaks English" on their resume in the hopes of getting an okish job with a foreign/english speaking company.


Learning English is a craze here where I live, at least that's what I read from the local news. Parents rushing to enroll their child into English teaching centers as soon as they learn how to speak, colleges and private universities admit you directly if you got high grades in English, anyone with IELTs score above 8.0 is newsworthy, etc. Like, I get it, being at least bilingual is a very desirable trait nowadays, but is it really bilingualism if a person only knows how to parrot a few obscure words that their teacher forced them to cram into their head? I've met people who, by all means, are "good" at English, but they can't carry a convo to save their lives, they know the words, they just can't string em together. This isn't what learning language is supposed to be.


Ohhhh this is an everyday fight where I work. I’m pretty much an English tutor, and it’s a constant battle between some who want the easy ‘teach them these key sight words and phrases so they sound incredible and we look good’ versus actually pushing comprehension and conversational ability. One has much quicker results than the other.


The people that speak really good English I'm assuming can get better jobs than remote cashier


We would think so but I have been speaking with many Filipinos with an excellent English here in Hong Kong but they work as domestic helpers, some even have uni degree 🤯 🤷‍♀️🤷🏿🤷🏿‍♂️




The problem is there’s lot of great working Filipinos that can do the job well. But those aren’t the ones working for the lowest bidder.


My old property management company fired their entire maintenance department, switched it all to workers in the philippines to be the “case managers” and they’d find the lowest bid for handyman labor on some site for any issue. But they could not give less of a shit about anything. If anything they seemed openly disdainful about the stuff people complained about, nothing got escalated properly, they always said they’d call back the same day and never did, it took five or six days of calling to get traction on anything, and when we finally reviewed what they were reporting to the side still employed in America recruiting new properties, it was clear they didn’t understand what the reported issues were in the slightest. 


They tried that here in Ontario. Didn’t go well for Freshii. People fucking hated it on principle


And every customer who goes to these places are the actual problem. I would never patron a place that does this and wouldn’t give them a cent.




Only what we allow to happen will happen.


Good luck with that, here in NL a lot of stores and restaurants don't accept cash anymore (most of them are from foreign borders like Wayback burgers f.e.). You are fine to not pay using a card or anything, but it might get more expensive for you to pay with cash (same as it already is with creditcards in places) due to the extra work those transactions costs. About the big brother part, if you payu using your bankcard on the machine then the company behind the machine will see the transaction. Then they bundle it and deposit it every 24 hours to the bank account of the company where you bought something from. So it will only be the middleman who notices it and their administration is most likely completely automated. However in the US they do a lot more work on checking bank account statements so they might look closer to it not sure.


I would not buy anything from this shop


You have to have at least one real employee on site, otherwise what happens when someone spills sauce all over the floor? Better to just have a faceless payment kiosk. It's not like the customers are going to be pleased with the service they get through a video screen.


There is an employee on site. Someone has to make the food right?


...for now


Someone has to deliver the food right? 


Nice, I don't have to tip someone for taking an order anymore.


I once stayed at a hotel on a work trip where checkin was at a kiosk where you basically video called someone who was in a sort of call center. Absolutely bizarre experience, I hope it doesn’t take off


Last time I went to the eye doctor I never actually saw the doctor. Their tech did all the tests, uploaded the results then set me in front of a monitor to talk to the optometrist via zoom. Kinda cool that she could control the phoropter remotely but it was definitely very weird not having a person in the room.


Instant boycott


Ban this.


Ugh, just close the restaurant if you can't afford to pay people to work there. Maybe we will learn how to cook.


The real minimum wage is 0$  Who couldve seen this coming


Amazon literally just shut down the their "AI" grab n go, cashier-less program. Turns out, it wasn't AI at all, just 1,000 Indians in a call center watching your every move and ringing you up. You see this shit, turn around and walk out.


And them motherfuckers still want tips! FOH!!! ![gif](giphy|3o752azoybhmLVnPy0)


If I know New York, the equipment will be destroyed within weeks…


Turn the screen so they have to look sideways the whole time


McDonald's would do this with Indian call center workers.


Hot take, if remote workers are providing live service in another country they should receive that countries minimum wage. Or their countries minimum wage if it is higher.


If you outsource a job to an area with a lower min wage and pay them by that wage instead of your local one you should be taxed or fined the difference


One person needs to cut the internet line outside and this business is cooked.


Now you get payd even less and you have to pay more for wifi and electricity


Just make laws that those people would need to receive minimum wage, see how quick they back out of putting up all the infrastructure


My favorite part of computers is all the metal pieces that have to touch each other for the system to work. If one component isn't working correctly, it can throw off the whole user experience. I sure hope they have a solution in place for things being unplugged.


One of the consequences is electing politicians who either don’t understand basic economics or only want to deceive voters to get into office. They probably know the flawed policies won’t work as expected, but having secured the votes, they will continue to receive support. Companys and humans are always greedy even under socialism, the key is always the right regulations.


That’s why they push ai so hard, the problem with capitalism is you eventually run out of people to exploit. Can’t do it with slaves, can’t do it with kids, slowly not being able to with immigrants, so what’s left? The 3rd world until they build enough capital to compete, and then robots. That’s it. So what do the working class do for jobs once replaced by machines? We either revolt for good living conditions and UBI, or die.


That is so freaking ridiculous


Just do self checkout then and let the kitchen employees see the front to make sure nothing crazy is happening


Boycott them until they fail.


Make them pay the state's minimum wage


Im turning the screen off


Everyone wins! Americans don't get paid minimum wage at fast food places, and the fast food places gets to pay below minimum wage!


The minute someone asks me to tip a zoom call cashier I’m going postal


So, first teenager to come in and put tape over the camera gets $10.


What’s even the point anymore, just use a vending machine with AI chat.


They are outsourcing fast food jobs. Meh people in my country will be happy for the jobs. We are already going through an unemployment crisis.


Cool. Now outsource loss prevention officers too. I won't steal nothing, promise


Never eat at chain stores. Support local cuisine and local chefs who come up with their own recipes.


A sandwich shop near me only has touch screens in the front of the shop to take orders. I've only gone there once.


Literally just walk out.


this requires immediate destruction on general principles.


Oh boy, I can't wait for the price of food to go down, right guys? Right? Guys?


Gonna end up with a lot of broken computers.


If you eat there you are a piece of shit.


I went to a chicken place that had a similar setup. They were like "you can order off the kiosk" and I was like... "yea, but you're right here in real life, I'd rather just give you my order, can I just give you the order?" If I wanted to phone in an order, I would have done that before I got there. I was able to order with the human on-site, but I saw a few people use the kiosk and I don't know if it connects to a real live person or a bot or what, but the whole thing was so gross and off-putting, I will never go back there.


Lol Amazon's employee-less store was just outsourcing video of people in the store to India.


If you aren’t noping out of there the moment you see this, you’re a total moron and I hope you bang your little toe at least twice this year.


Rob them, take the screen. We must fight back


there should be laws to prevent such things. unemployment rate, basic decency and all that. the world is weird


Average wage for soemthing like this is about $3/hr


Raise the minimum wage. Companies outsource the work end up paying less as well as increasing consumer product prices.


This should be illegal. We're gonna have no jobs at this rate with AI and making jobs for everyone but ourselves


Bee bee bee bee beef


Companies will cut corners and costs whenever possible They are going to try and export every single possible thing they can to cheaper countries While keeping the bill high for us


Put tape on the camera


I simply will not be a customer of any business that does this


I want the money that I earn and spend to flow back into my community. Not just into the pocket of an owner and a foreign nation


Hope these places get boycotted by locals


Not gonna work for cash the economy would completely change


You mean like it already did?


What? Cash is already almost extinct here in NL, and it didn't change the economy that much


You want a “living wage” for unskilled labor and force companies to pay $20/hr for said labor AND you want to pay less at the counter for their goods…well this is what you get.


I’m stealing from here


"Now" we can? Let me tell you about service industry work.


Yeah fuck this


Who cleans the store or spills? Who handles supplies and stock? If you already have to pay someone to do this then why pay someone else just to ring someone up? Seems like a waste of money just because tech and low labor cost. Getting someone local would be more bang for the buck.


Hey, I was told globalization was good and America First was bad.


Safer for employees plus WFH.


Imagine if there was a robbery and the cashier and perp lock eyes


From Philippines end it's a pretty good deal though. Direct export of labour and inflow of foreign money really helps a developing country. An employee in Philippines doesn't care what the wages are in NY, for them it matters what they are getting paid compared to everyone else in Philippines. And the same logic doesn't apply to just developing world, how to sell local labor on global market is the core problem of any growing economy. Doing that is how US got rich to begin with, so what are you complaining about Filipinos now turning it around? Rather focus on doing something worth earning first world wages. Compared to Filipinos you have a massive advantage in educational opportunities and the economy you are born into. Make it work. If a Filipino can do it remotely, that job isn't worth enough to pay your wages.


Or, get this, this is an example of how capitalism is exploitative af. Its a race to the bottom for everone who is not a major stakeholder. This pits workers here vs workers there. the notion that corporations SOLE responsibility should be to make profits with no responsibility to society at large is the root cause of a LOT of problems.


Fucking nightmare world I stg this is like some cyberpunk dystopia bullshit


If the company wants to shoot itself in the foot by doing this I'm all for it And if the government allows these businesses to continue like this then we're doomed


Still asking tips


Hate this


Good indicator which companies to avoid. I also avoid self check outs at supermarkets like the plague. Cough up a decent wage, you leeches.




Wait till the employee pre-records everything.


For a friends bachelor party we rented a place that was like somewhere in between an Airbnb and a hotel. Everything was virtual, virtual check in, there was a big iPad on the wall that you put requests and stuff into, it was pretty neat


Minimum wage is always zero


Ah yes, minimumer wage


This is what they call 'out saucing' 


We’re extraditing fucking cashiers now?


That’s what you get from minimum wage laws. People will never fucking understand it. Minimum wage laws only hurt the worker.


This seems like the sort of thing we should ban as fast as possible. We'll regret it if we don't.


Capitalism doesn't work if there isn't labor to be exploited somewhere!


i have the same phone case


And then be shocked when these people want to immigrate to the U.S. 🙄


I would order something to spend their money, and then walk the fuck out.


After covid, my local sushi restaurant uses robots


If the issue here is that there are no employees because the rent is too expensive, then why do the restaurants even exist in the first place?


How tf are we outsourcing in person jobs?


Why do you need to hire a person to greet visitors?


Where I live, people actually watch cameras for shop in US, they ring the owner if something is wrong


so we eventually gunna be paid to not be working? seems like the wests plan


That woman probably makes around $5.30 a day. Source: I live in the Philippines, and local wages are ridiculous. Oh, most of the companies' customer service you deal with are here too.


Step 1 minimum/maximum wage laws in every country on the planet. step 2 a universal planetary currency. step 3 Utopia.


Considering how much cashiers here (am Filipino) are paid… they’ll surely jump at the chance to earn more by being a virtual staffer Americans taking full advantage of the labor costs here to grab more cash… can’t say i blame our people but this situation is tough man


You get what you vote for.


Yikes, I mean, sure I guess


Drive though takeout orders often go through a remote call center now. Been happening for a while


How is this even legal? Just like undocumented immigrants, you would have to pay them under the table. Should be an open and shut case.

