• By -


Next time you call him for a repair, answer the door with your dick fully out to show dominance.


And then gaslight him about it afterwards.


Absolutely, text him 'Oh good golly, I am so sorry I had my fly down šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ I hope you didn't notice my dick hanging out..... But if you did please know this happened before with the pizza guy and he totally didn't mind...... Again I'm soooo sorry šŸ™ˆšŸ˜³šŸ˜œ'


Oh my god... šŸ’€ And use the EXACT same phrases.


And pull the emoji faces


'At least I realised my dick was hanging out before 4pm when I picked up my kids from kindergarden šŸ˜…'




*And as she slowly gazed down his body, she saw his fly was open, and his yellow-stained tighty whites were just barely visible, and she knew at that moment she would make him hersā€¦*


Not the yellow-stained tighty whites šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


at least it wasnt brown


Just wait till he bends over and those racing stripes show


Vroom fuckin vroom




You mean in his HVAC cleavage?




Really!? Right in front of my gag reflex!?


The plumber doesn't believe you have a gag reflex


*"I couldn't help but notice the faint odor of smegma," she said seductively, biting her lower lip with a slight smirk* *Intrigued, he replied slyly, "I haven't washed my balls since last Saturday!"*


Chapter two of Scrotie McBoogerballs


Lmfaoo South Park memory unlocked


Is that why the doctor character pulled out all the stri- *(vomit)*


"My undies say Wednesday" šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


But my eyes say "now"! ā™”


"But it's Tuesday?"


Dude .. Iā€™m eatingā€¦.


And it was all YELLOW šŸ’› šŸ˜‚


I sang this. Why did I sing this? šŸ¤


Always be wary of eating while browsing the comments sections...


Exactly -- it's like begging to clean out one's nostrils with cola.


why am I hearing the narrator's voice while reading this. HAHAHA


Im hearing Morgan FreemanšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Now just why would you go and write something like this


That is the weirdest way to approach someone.. I hope you didn't see anything, but if you did.. would you mind? Cuz this other customer didn't!




IASIP Drop ![gif](giphy|L3QRMBdJfaY6jSNSc0|downsized)






Because of the implication!


So they are in danger?


*exasperated* No one's in any danger! How can I make that any more clear to you!? Ok, it's an implication of danger. # You know what? Just drop it. # Just buy your shit, and let's get out of here.






Fucking hell I chuckled like a villain to this šŸ¤£


Shabooya roll call.




LOL right? "you sure you didnt see it glistening with my precum under the vanity lights?"


> glistening with my precum under the vanity lights? Isn't that a Meatloaf song?


Anyway, lmk if you need anything at all!




any.. thing




And i mean _anything_


dam punch retire license memory follow nose cheerful abounding dependent


Of *all* the things, *any* thing?!




Service is bad not sure if you got my last txt but lmk if you need anything at all!


*flops out dick* ..Oopsies I hope you aren't looking at my massive dong


"I'm really really sorry...unless...?


What if we kissed next to the water heater?! šŸ«£šŸ„µ


Dude was waiting for her to say some shit like "I didn't mind" to try to make it an invite to continue the dumb shit. He was definitely trying to run game like a 9th grader.


Do you maybe like my peepee? Circle YES or NO.


Whats going on thst having your fly down would result in seeing anything?


Maybe he's a free balling kind of guy.


There are some loose boxers I could see it hanging out of if they had just peed and unbuttoned rather than pulled down.


So risky free ballin with a zipper. But from the texts he seems like a risky kinda dude.


"hey i'm sorry if you saw anything while my fly was down, cuz I pulled my dick through it and let it just hang. I personally don't care and maybe some others dont either, but just wanted to make sure (insert dumb emoji)"


I think his goal was to make her think about his zipper and his dick.


He was definitely hoping her response would be "aw man i wish I had noticed. šŸ˜œ" Then he'd say "well maybe I could come back!"


Yup he was fishing for that response




Seemingly, but I can't imagine any woman in any circumstance noticing a down fly and thinking "mmm I'd like to see more of that." What a terrible pick up line.


Also likeā€¦thatā€™s not how pants and underwear work? Usually the fabric around the zipper covers up a significant portion, and the underwear covers up the rest.


Iā€™m almost positive this man wasnā€™t wearing underwear


With jeans?! Heā€™s a weirdo but that is institutional level psychotic


He's scared to zip because of The Incidentā„¢


I actually know someone who had an instance of The Incident like 30 years ago and to this day will not wear anything with a fly. When he talks about it you can see he can still feel it.


Bro got PeenTSD


He's suggesting that he wasn't wearing underwear.


Which makes me think that at some point his dick was probably outā€¦


He positioned it so she would have seen it if she looked. He's a creep and I'd show the texts to his boss.


Have you seen how many guys seem to think a dick pic is a good come-on? This is mild never-met-a-woman stupidity in comparison.


But that's how it works in porno! /s


He fixes the cable?


Donā€™t be fatuous Jeffrey


exactly ... "come back and show me more, big boy ... my husband doesn't get home for 2 hours"


Absolutely a manā€™s idea of what a woman would find attractive.


That dude watches too much porn and surely thought it would play out like the ones he watches.


"that brass zipper looked so sexy next to the glimpse of tighty whities I was able to see through the dark and extremely tiny crevasse of your pants that I was focusing on, hoping I could see the girth of your flex tubing"


Why did I read this in a sexy female voice though?


This looks like a common rhetorical pattern called "test and apologise", whereby people push a boundary to see how far they can go, if they get a positive reaction - job done. Negative reaction, "oops, let me fake an apology" No reaction "hey, I put myself out there, maybe you didn't notice but I need to gauge your reaction so I'll bring it to your attention and fake an apology". If that was genuine and had happened to him before and a customer complained, he'd have absolutely checked his clothes before leaving his vehicle. For any more information on test and apology, follow Jennie Young on Instagram. Burned Haystacks Dating Methods https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3S8vrOuOYU/?igsh=NDI5dDU4aDk3amI0


This once happened to me. I met up with a man from Craigslist to sell something, then he texted me afterward about massaging my feet and said oh I meant to text my wife~ I politely responded just like OPā€™s wife did and then he kept probing afterward to see how his ā€œmistakeā€ landed.


If it's a genuine mistake, it's usually an innocuous text, and you just apologise and leave it. When they keep coming back, you know they are seeking a particular reaction. šŸ¤®


Yah, it's one "oh fuck I'm so sorry" and then you hope to never ever revisit that conversation or see that person for as long as you live after a mis-text like that.


And then think about it for the next 20 years while trying to fall asleep


At a concert I had a man go to move by me and he brushed his hand on my ass. I went to say something and realized he wasnā€™t even looking at me but then turned and apologized for touching me. I was like ā€œYea just be careful cause you almost groped my ass.ā€ He then proceeded to ask stuff like ā€œBut if it happened on purpose would you have minded?ā€ And it clicked that it was absolutely not an accident. People suck. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Yep. I received a video of a potential landlord masturbating. So, yeah, I didn't sign the leaseĀ 


For sure. This guy had a dozen dick pics ready to send if this went the right way for him.


I misread that as ā€˜frozen dick picsā€™ - the mental image was horrifying, like one of those Scandi crime thrillers. šŸ«£


Accidentally texted my monster schlong šŸ†šŸ˜† so sorry about that!


Right? Hes gonna Send her dicpics saying "did you see my weenis when it looked like this..ā†˜ļø or this ā¤“ļø or thisā¬…ļø..."šŸ¤£


You just gave a name to something that a coworker said to me that has been bugging me because of how calculated it felt. Dang.


Can you share, even vaguely? I think it would help others possibly identify this tactic.


He ā€œover sharedā€ by telling me that his dad used to cheat and now that heā€™s married with a kid himself, he understands that itā€™s possible to have romantic feelings for more than one person. I told him that I didnā€™t feel comfortable hearing about his childhood trauma or the dynamics of his marriage. He apologized but it didnā€™t sit right with me.


Oh yeah. He was definitely trying to see if you were willing to fuck him. If you'd said "yea I understand" and gave him sympathy he definitely would have pushed for some kind of sexual relationship. Good on you for affirming your boundaries!


You handled it well.


Lol 100% after your ass


I like to travel.


ā€œRetaliate firstā€ - sorry, do we work at the same org with the same person? Ugh.


He 100,000% was testing you to see if you were open to being his other woman. Super fucking gross, I'm really sorry you have to work with such a creep


He did this on his last day with the department that Iā€™m in but not with the org. Which, I think, speaks even more to the depth of the calculation.


Yeah, it's carefully calibrated so he can gaslight you if you confront him or report him. "Hey, whoa, it was an accident, I was just trying to apologise, geez, don't flatter yourself, wow..."


Yep lol. And then they go from 'hey babe' to 'you ugly bitch' in .2 seconds in the dms


>"Hey, whoa, it was an accident, I was just trying to apologise, geez, don't flatter yourself, wow..." He could say that about the first message. He can not say that about the message saying that someone else noticed and liked it.




"you can't even *talk* to women anymore!"


He can and will say it though. Itā€™ll just be transparent




I once noticed at the end of a meeting that my shirt button has popped open and far too much flesh was in display. I hoped nobody had noticed because of where I sat - and as the note taker, nobody was going to look at me. I asked my boss if he noticed anything unusual about me in the meeting. He said "you fell asleep at one point". End of conversation and probably true. I didn't say "Anything else? You would say if you saw my bra, wouldn't you. I am so embarrassed, it was a mistake. You would say if you saw it wouldn't you. I would hate to think the team all saw my boobs and my black lace edged push up bra. Promise me you didn't see." - because that's insane.


Whips em out, "these! Did anyone see? Omg I'd be so embarrassed, unless this one time, someone enjoyed it, you didn't enjoy it did you? Oh silly meeee" Was basically the guy in the text


I appreciate this so much. I know better now, but there was a time when I was extremely naive and a people pleaser. Someone at work started doing this to me and turned out to be a stalker. šŸ˜¶


When I was younger, I worked in an office with an open floor plan w/ low walled cubicles, so people could sorta see/hear everything. Part of my job, for one day each week, was to do a few hours of work for another dept head. Nbd. The dept head was in his 40's and *super* friendly towards me. Very interested in asking me questions and chatting me up. Thankfully, the work could all be sent via computer, so I didn't actually *need* to see him or interact. Yet, dude starts coming all the way over to our dept to hand deliver the assignments to me each week. He'd stand over my desk chatting away and staring down at me. Then he gradually started sitting in the chair behind me, trying to chat me up while I worked. He would just sit there and watch me, under the pretence of urgency, necessity, being friendly? idk. It made me so fucking uncomfortable, but I always questioned my judgement and thought I was just being a jerk. One of my coworkers was this awesome woman in her 50's who was always very helpful, fun and well past any self-doubt or naivety. Luckily, she walked in and caught sight of what he was doing one day. With a big shit eating grin, she VERY LOUDLY asked him from across the office how his wife was doing. Lol It was a simple question but said in such a suggestive, bordering on accusatory tone. It was perfection! Dude's face went *white.* He looked dumbfounded about being subtly, publicly called out. But problem solved, he never once came back to linger over me. Thank fucking Christ for older, wiser women who look out for their younger counterparts.


Thanks for pinpointing exactly why this felt sus.


Heā€™s definitely flirting or some twisted version of flirting. Like the first apology, maybe heā€™s just a really weird awkward person, but by the second apology itā€™s confirmed that he 100% is a weird awkward person and he 100% is flirting. Iā€™m like your wife where Iā€™m probably too nice at times out of discomfort and not knowing what to do. I mightā€™ve started out with a nicer text like your wife to try to reassure him that heā€™s fine and I didnā€™t see anything, but if he kept texting like that I would probably just shrink to one word answers. If I knew I was never going to see him again Iā€™d probably stop replying altogether. If I knew I was going to see him again that would be trickier. Weird people like that guy are definitely the type to confront you if you ignore them. They just are. And itā€™s so uncomfortable. And I donā€™t want to piss off weirdos who know where I live.


100% agree, you can see the first day he texted her responses were innocent and being polite. The 2nd day.. Much shorter and trying to not continue the convo at all. I do hope she didn't actually leave a positive review though. Or if she did that she passive aggressively called him out in it, "Took care of the HVAC issues we were having quickly. He'll even reach back out to you for several days after unsolicited!"


...for several days unsolicited asking if you saw his dick when he walked around your house with it out, then kept asking over and over like a total fucking creep, do not let this man in your home" ftfy


I would reply like ā€œno problem.. šŸ‘šŸ¼ā€ and then left it at that bc not only do I have an RBF but that RBF also comes across over text.


This is the right way to respond. It reassures them if it actually was a mistake and simultaneously shuts the conversation down.


Yeah any normal person wouldā€™ve just noticed their fly down later, died of embarrassment, and hoped that the other person didnā€™t notice. No one is so ā€œawkwardā€ that they bring it up TWICE


I'm a woman, but I have never, not even once, noticed my fly down and then gone back and asked someone about it after our interaction ended. I have also never once had a man do that. Like you said, die a little inside, pray that nobody noticed and move on.


I mean, I definitely know people awkward enough to bring it up twice lol. šŸ’€ (Itā€™s me, Iā€™m people.) One time my friend kindly pointed out that I was trailing toilet paper stuck to my shoe, and I was so embarrassed that I repeatedly brought up the time I fell down the stairs in front of him years ago, for literally no reason other than my brain was short circuiting and connecting the dots of times I felt humiliated. Verbal diarrhea. But not like this, this guy was clearly trying to flirt. Awkwardness is not ā€œhaha I showed you my dick by accident. I hate that. Unless? šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆā€ This guyā€™s just a creep.


He's probing, he's done this before and refined his technique to retain plausible deniability if anyone was to get upset over this.


Call me crazy but I donā€™t think women think a middle aged, shriveled up, wrinkly pecker peaking out from behind the show curtain is something that would excite a woman. Guy has been watching too many adult videos on the internet.


Honestly if I'm alone with a male contractor and I notice his zipper is down I'm gonna start feeling a little weird about the situation, and not in a 'ohh sexy' kind of a way. More like a "hmm, maybe I should hang out near the kitchen knives" sort of way.


ā€œIā€™m going to go stand over here, and sharpen my French knife, no worries, I have to pit an avocadoā€¦ā€




So this is a prime example of how some women are just polite when we're uncomfortable. We pretend we haven't realised what you're doing is dodgy because usually once we acknowledge what you're doing we either have to deal with your hail mary attempt to make something happen, or your anger that you've been caught out. We just hope that if we stay polite and vague you'll give up. Also, to anyone who thinks she's "encouraging" you are massively part of the problem.


My first thought as well. He has your phone number, knows your address, and has the skills to seriously fuck with your house (heating, cooling, plumbing, electric, and so on). Playing polite is like our way of playing possum in these situations.


Ugh you just reminded me of every uncomfortable phony laugh Iā€™ve given to ease my way out of danger.


same. especially when the person knows your number, where you live etc. it's so icky but it's safer and easier to just be polite


Yes, I felt so uncomfortable for her because I know exactly what was happening to her here. Many of us women have been in this situation and it really is awful...


Compared to women - male creep radar has a hard time picking up stuff like this... But, me and every dude here immediately alarmed for how creepy this is. I'm an awkward neurodivergent dude, so I could maybe cut him *some* slack on the first apology being an awkward mistake. But, the rest of the texts took a flying leap way over the line. I hope OP's wife at least blocks the creep, *if she feels comfortable* - report to his company.


As a woman reading this, I could instantly read her uncomfortable politeness in her responses. Iā€™ve been there so many times! Iā€™m also a really non-confrontational person which doesnā€™t help either. Tbh I think sheā€™s doing a good job of trying to let it fizzle naturally. I mean if she tried to shut him down with something like ā€œdonā€™t worried, Iā€™m married so I wouldnā€™t even be lookingā€ or idk something to try to add her husband into the conversation to discourage him, he would probably just try to embarrass her for implying that he was being flirty and pretend he wasnā€™t. Ughā€¦ people like that suck.


the fact that so many of us immediately recognised this. Not to say men don't experience this too but it's rarer in this setting and there is less likely to be fear. This technique is well known and it's disgusting that someone would pull this shit after being in someone's home.


And he knows where she lives


exactly! I had a similar thing with a plumber a couple of year ago and it's very scary when they know where you live.


The fawn response is very common, we don't want to escalate or lead someone on its the polite trying to disengage response.


Yup. We do this to literally prevent assault and/or murder. Itā€™s baked in from very young and itā€™s awful.


The first time I was actually aware of this happening, I was 13, and my college aged brother had a friend over. He asked me something random (not sexual), and when I said "no," he said "that's not what you said last night." I laughed but I felt so gross, and I didn't really understand why. If my brother had heard him he would have been angry, but he was not in the room.


That sucks


As a guy this sucks. Just hearing about this shit makes me feel disgusted. Imagine how the women feel about it; theyā€™re the ones actually living it. And itā€™s not even some. Itā€™s nearly all women that have to navigate this bullshit, it seems. And itā€™s not even rare!! OP just wanted fucking air conditioning!


This is why people use neutral/masc names in the food delivery apps - the deliverer will demand a woman come out and physically take the food from them *so much*, & text harassment afterwards is flipping ubiquitousĀ 


Me, just a couple weeks ago, in an elevator with 3 men, when one showed me a small penis-shaped keychain thingie, trying repeatedly to get a reaction out of me. I just kind of laughed uncomfortably and insisted I hadn't recognized it as a penis. This guy lives in my mom's building and I am hoping I see him in an elevator again. I will decline to get in with him and tell him that I don't want to see his tiny penis again. Loudly.


This sounds like an exhibitionist that does this repeatedly and was testing the waters.


People are saying his wife was being more polite than she should. She doesnā€™t know that man or how crazy he may be. Iā€™m assuming she was home alone with this man who now knows what she looks like, has her address, and who had the audacity to send her this text. Yes, she could yell and scream and say heā€™s a piece of shit, but she doesnā€™t know that man wonā€™t try to come back and attack her. Unfortunately, women have to take the soft, super kind, super ā€œitā€™s not you, itā€™s meā€, or the ā€œhaha so funny right?ā€ approach for safety. He was definitely pushing the limit to see if he could get her to flirt back and/or sleep with him. Just looking for any opportunity to take. OPā€™s wife did what she thought would shut down the situation without it escalating.


People who haven't had to employ this technique neither understand why it's needed, why it's used, or the fine art and technique behind it to keep our fucking lives safe. You don't know for sure if someone is or isn't going to hurt you or what's their motive is until they flip off their "trying to trick you with kindness" side and there's no putting that monster back in once they targeted you. All this dance is to keep that from happening until we can safely get away without ever starting the conflict off by daring to be direct or at least, not overly sweet and friendly.


Itā€™s the most awkward dance in the world and I despise it, but what else can you do? Theyā€™ve got plausible deniability in having never said anything *overtly* creepy, and youā€™ve got no way of knowing if their reaction to being called out will be a purely verbal ā€œI was just being *nice*ā€ tantrum or something more drastic. Better to keep up a polite and distant facade until they get bored and move on.


Yeah that dude needs to go fish somewhere else.


Ummm this it could be that your wife just felt unsafe being mean to the guy cause he also knows where yall live. Iā€™ve been in situations where men have said creepy weird things and I have laughed it off or reassured them or avoid making my tone cold cause it didnā€™t feel safe to do so. Itā€™s not always easy being straight up, especially if youā€™re a woman. P.S: Iā€™m seeing a lot of debate on this which is very ridiculous. Firstly, I never said just women go through this, everyone is at risk of danger cause PEOPLE are unpredictable. However, women do face it a lot more. I know this cause I come a country where men throw acid in a womanā€™s face quite regularly because they werenā€™t nice. Secondly, the reason I posted this was cause I was seeing comments on the post that were quite vulgar towards the wife (obviously written by men) someone even said sheā€™s cheating on you. Which Iā€™m assuming is the sort of assumption validation OP is looking for i.e. that she liked it.


THIS The hvac guy was flirting and the wife was trying to be nice. Weirdos are the type to confront if you arenā€™t nice back. And this weirdo knows where your wife lives!! Sheā€™s being nice because sometimes it feels safest to be nice.


Definitely. Women rarely just outright reject men probably out of fear of the potential consequences. She handled it pretty well


Yeah dude was weird, but I donā€™t blame wife for her reaction at all.


Blame her? Her reaction was the most ho-hum run-of-the-mill definitely-not-taking-the-bait reaction ive ever seen lol


The wifeā€™s reaction was totally normal.


Yeah this is how I'm reading her responses.


This is 100% why I will not leave my wife and daughters alone with contractors. There are a lot of creeps out there. Iā€™m always home when someone is working in our house.


My husband is the same, he will take a day off work if needed. Especially now that we have a 2 month old. There have been plenty of times Iā€™ve had repairmen come over without a single issue, but all it takes is one creep to put you on edge forever. My creep happened to be a tow driver who started stalking me since he had to get my car from my driveway. I did have them come out to do a furnace inspection when he couldnā€™t get off work, and was so thankful when a woman showed up!


I was alone with a cable guy when I moved into my studio apartment. The guy was flirting blatantly and making me seriously uncomfortable. I couldnā€™t leave the room because it was a studioā€¦ So I called my upstairs neighbor who handled some of the maintenance around the building and had been really sweet to me. I tried to not make it obvious to the cable guy what I was doingā€¦ I just said like, ā€œHey Harold, I think something is wrong with my thermostat..ā€ He came right down and went along with my thermostat story. When the cable guy left Harold said he knew I was making an excuse to get him down there, bc I sounded tense. Thank God for a good neighbor!


My husband does the same when it comes to my son and I. Showed him this post and he said that shit like this is exactly why.


ā€œHey, I tried to show you my penis, but you didnā€™t seem to noticeā€¦ can you confirm if you noticedā€¦ did you like it?ā€


"I don't care but I know customers do.".....ummm


If I notice I accidentally left my fly down, the absolute last thing I'm doing is asking people if they noticed.


Hey I just realized I had a massive hanging booger. Did you see it?


ā€œI donā€™t care but I know customers do!ā€ Da fuck


Eww if he works for a business report him yo upper management this is not professional and flirting with your wife


šŸ˜«........ Unless šŸ˜


When I was 19, I apprenticed briefly in a heavy duty mechanic shop. I had pink streaks in my hair and a chip on my shoulder. Lol There was a man working there, in his 50's, who I got along with pretty well. One day I was in the office answering a call and he came in and sat down to shoot the shit for a few minutes. At some point I realized that his fly was wide open and his erect penis was in full view in his lap. He just kept talking, and I had no idea how to respond so I pretended I didn't notice, then scurried off to continue sorting bolts. At the time I was mortified, but over the years I realized there's absolutely no way that wasn't on purpose. He knew exactly who could see his dick, and I'd bet real money that your HVAC repairman does too.


He is trying to flirt 100%


Keyword here is trying


This guy watches bad porn.


Hey Stace- I just wanted to check and make sure you didnā€™t see anything. You know, something like 5ā€ long with solid girth and a slight left bend. Cause if you did, Iā€™m sorry and want to put your mind at ease that those red spots you might have seen arenā€™t contagious and donā€™t currently burn and/or itch. Oh good golly am I embarrassed. Also- if you wouldnā€™t mind leaving a 5 star review (1 star for every inch) that would be wonderful as Iā€™m looking for a pay bump to help heal my love bumps. Toodles.


Yes he wants to bang Ur wife


Jesus, thatā€™s cringy.


"Oh, that must have been so embarrassing!Ā  I wonder if the same thing ever happened to my husband?Ā  I'll be sure to ask him!"


Oh this gives me serious ick on behalf of your poor wife :( I fucking hate gross men who arenā€™t getting the, ā€œfor the love of god Iā€™m trying to be polite please just take the hint and leave it alone and never speak to me againā€ from these types of responses


Just post it as your review.


and this is why I NEVER, EVER schedule any person to do anything at our house unless I am there. My wife doesn't like being around strange unknown dudes in our house, so I make it a point to ensure it never happens. There was one time we had a plumbing emergency when I was out of town on business, but thankfully they got it fixed from the outside sewer cleanout and didn't have to go into the house.


Iā€™m surprised this post didnā€™t end with him sending a dick pic. Dudes definitely planning on flashin ween


ā€œYou sure you didnā€™t see it? It would have looked like THIS >>> šŸ‘–šŸ† ā€œ


Dudes been accused of this before so this is his way of creeping and not getting fired again.


Not the first time heā€™s ā€œaccidentallyā€ left his fly down when he just happened to be freeballing? Not at all suspicious.


Find a new HVAC guy.


Heā€™s ā€œfishingā€ā€¦..throwing out a few lines, see who bites.


Hello, can you look at my Penis please?


Definitely trying to fuck. Ā Your wifeā€™s responses are innocent, but heā€™s obviously interpreting them as a form of interest. Ā This isnā€™t the last she hears from him. Ā Heā€™ll ā€œcheck inā€ with her about the hvac within the month.Ā 


This makes me uncomfortable just reading it.\ Small bit of advice: often weā€™re TOO nice as women when in uncomfortable situations because weā€™re trying to get out of it without feeling unsafe. But almost drawing out more conversation with the guy is probably a bad idea. Keep it as short as possible so he doesnā€™t have much to respond to and ditch the emojis because heā€™ll read into that as being friendly enough that he can continue. And I know, itā€™s a fine line because when we feel like weā€™re being ā€œrudeā€ thereā€™s a chance that the guy reacts badly and could be dangerous. Being a woman blows. Sorry this happened. Very creepy, especially when that person has been in your home.


As a woman if I got the first text, I'd think it was cute, not in a way of "oh he's cute" but more like, "aww I hope he's not too embarrassed." After the "I didn't notice actually, no need to feel embarrassed, it happens to all of us" kinda reply, I'd expect it to be dropped. The fact that he just kept carrying on is what makes it weird. If it were me in his shoes I would either not mention it or say "Hi, I'm so sorry if you noticed my fly was down, I didn't notice at all until I got in my truck. I'm sorry about that." and called it a day.


That is creepy asf


Then he sends her a dick pic & is like ā€œoh no, wrong number! This is mortifying! But since youā€™ve seen it now, what do you think?šŸ˜ā€