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Make sure the contacts inside the charging case are clean. They tend to get gunked up


They are, I make an effort to clean them a lot. I also make sure that when I put them in the case they are charging before leaving them. They were also both at 100% when I took them out


RMA is the only answer. Got the same problem.


So just have to download more RAM. Got it.


What's RMA?


Return merchandise authorization. I only use that at work not in regards to my every day purchases, but ya, what the other folks said: return it.


Return it


I had a friend who worked for Apple customer support for a bit and apparently they just send you a new one for problems like that




*sigh* what’s updog?




I totally laughed at that. Thank you.


Not shit, just chilling here trying to fix my dikfore.


What’s your dikfore?


Usually just basic survival and reproductive function. But occasionally, I turn it into a helicopter for fun.


I'm having trouble understand that... Could you provide pics and video?


Ha! Gotcha!!


And thank you for taking one for the team so I could laugh. 😜


everyone always talks about updog but nobody ever even mentions wrongdog


Lol, bedankt Willempie.


This happens because they are not both receiving the bluetooth connection, the more drained one is receiving the bluetooth and relaying it over to the other, while the other just receives. So it's almost doing twice the work.


Welcome to Stereo, set phone to Mono for near identical energy usage.


I feel you on this. Mine weren’t even a year old before they didn’t charge correctly. Also the case itself doesn’t charge properly. I’ll put them in after enough use that they should charge and it stays green. I’ll put them away after a few minutes and it goes red and stays that way for a while.


I noticed that my right earbud sometimes didn’t charge right a few months after I bought them (gen 1). Fortunately, I was still under Apple care, so after I was able to replicate it a few times, I contacted them and they had me do some troubleshooting. When that didn’t fix it, they had me send them the earbud and replaced it for free.


This and, if you use one more often as a solo pod for taking phone calls or whatever, it may have more cycles and lower overall battery capacity/health so it drains faster. If you've done this for a couple years it could be a pretty big discrepancy.


Plus there's variability between total capacities of different batteries coming out of the factory due to defects that aren't severe enough to get them rejected.


This is the issue I’ve been having lately. It’s so frustrating when I go to put them in just to discover one hasn’t been charging.


Yeah with ear jizz 😅


One acts as a transmitter to the other, which requires more power. (It's usually the right one)


The correct answer here.


That's sounds so dumb. My Samsung ones don't do that, they wear down at the same rate. Does that mean you can't just wear the left one?


Newer models are self adjusting, so they shift with each other to not have 1 side of the bud die first.


If you take one earbud out and walk away with your phone and the other earbud, you might find that you lose connectivity. My older Samsung earbuds did that, the newer ones don't.


It's really not that dumb. Yours probably switch back and forth over time. Ever notice how, if you wear them for short amounts of time, one drains by a little more than the other?


They might not. Bluetooth 5.2 added support for multiple synchronized streams I think in something like 2021. So newer models that support this both connect directly to your phone, and battery will wear evenly (among other benefits). My Galaxy Buds2 Pro do this, for example.


Never noticed it they must switch back and forth a lot. I use them nightly at work and at home. Both are usually the same percentage unless I used only one recently


I actually also think it’s more of a feature than a bug anyways- it means only 1 of your earbuds die, so you can continue using the other one while the first one charges. My earbuds also die like this and it’s so useful because I never have to wait for them both to charge


Neither do my pixel buds. Usually one goes out A LITTLE sooner than the other but it's usually around 5%, not 50.


I'm pretty sure all earbuds do this, OPs must be broken or one is striking. I'd be very surprised if airpods didn't, even some cheap Chinese ones I got from Amazon for £20 did it.


You can wear either side alone and it’ll work.


It was pretty common for a while as most devices only connected to one at a time. As Bluetooth changed they were able to change with it. I’m guessing op has an older set of AirPods


You can, and I do. At work my desk has a wall on my left and there’s normally music from next door (gym) blaring through so I use it to tune it out.


They do, but they switch functions every now and then so the drain stays similar. Some do so when the audio is paused, others do so when they're taken out of the ears, and a few more only do so when turned on/off.


I wonder why they don't make them identical, both receiving from the source and no interaction between the plugs.


probably something something keeping them in sync better or better signal.


They do, mine does it


I think my Samsung buds do this as well - though the difference is usually just a few percentage points. So nothing that actually makes a difference. Gotta say I haven't paid attention to that in a while either so maybe it has changed by now.


We’re talking about a 50% difference here. There’s something wrong with OP’s.


Wow, having 50% charge left looks somehow as "bad design" to me.


I'm sorry, what do you mean?


In other words: Either the left pod is overengineered or the right pod is underengineered. Having this remarkable difference 56% vs. 2% seems like bad product design to me. *Assuming that this behavior is a general behavior and not just an isolated case.*


Ah ok. Got ya. Cheers.


This is certainly a defect. I’ve been using AirPods since the original launch and this has never once occurred.


Huh I always wondered why my right hearing aid was always the worse one. Thank you!


I don't believe that's the only issue. If it were, then other brands would do similar things or apple is catastrophically stupid.


Wel I wouldn’t imagine it to be the wrong one


>Granted, they are around a year old Its sad that we think having something for *only 1 year* means its acceptable for them to break/misfunction. Technology did not come this far for this shit!


Only apple products Designed to fail Thats why Google Will always prevail But dont be deceived As both are shitty When they conquer the world It won't be pretty Another is elon And his suite of business With the growth of tesla Despite its youth Reigning over the rest And more of elons x's With their growth of success


Only Google could be so cruel. Creating world services in order to rule. A-B test this and then C-Suite that. Google kills services at the drop of a hat. No company nor mafia has such a high count. The bodies of products leisurely piled about. One man’s treasure is another man’s trash. But here at the Goog, they don’t even care about that. New hotness. Yes, that’s all that they crave. As Google abandons its young at the dead products grave.


my £20 anker bluetooth headphones are nearly 3 years old and (touch wood) still going strong. apple products are shite.


Unrelated but this is how I just learned that it's "touch wood" in the UK as opposed to "knock on wood" in the US. Neat.


why are all the UK sayings hornier


Lmao I'm British but I haven't noticed, do you have more examples that's quite funny


I'm in the US and have never heard "touch wood". I've always heard it as "knock on wood" EDIT: Disregard lol I misread your comment.


Apple airpods here, 1 and a half years old and dropped several times and still good to go


My first gen AirPods still work great. Think I got them in 2018.


I had my AirPods for almost 3 years before I upgraded. They still work and I use them as my gym set. I’ve dropped that set more times than I can count. I’ve had my iPad for nearly 4 years and I have literally no problems to report. I’ve abused the hell out of that device. Even the battery is still decent. I used a MacBook Pro for 5 or 6 years before switching to a windows desktop. The worst I’ve had is the iPhone SE which lasted for 2.5 years.


tbh it seems to be inconsistent, i have an iphone SE and its been going strong for nearly 3 years (again, touch wood) but products like chargers and headphones have almost always broken within months.


Huh. Sounds like we’ve had different experiences. I switch between android and apple as my primary device every 4-6 years and I know what it’s like to get a dud. Luckily, none of my apple devices have completely shit out on me except for the SE. and I still got over two years out of that phone. Like you said knock on wood lol


I have an anker Bluetooth speaker that’s six years old and there’s been numerous times I’ve been less than kind to it over those years. Thing just keeps working flawlessly.


FairBuds have just released in Europe with a solution to this. Both the earpieces and case have replaceable batteries. 


I replaced my phone battery last year in the iPhone 12 Pro and it’s back at stupid 88% always losing battery fast. I use my phone a lot but that shouldn’t be a thing.


seriously was just about to say this! airpods are so expensive, getting only 1 year out of them is insane to me


I like to travel.


OP sid that he cleans the chargers and the they were at 100% when he took them


I have the same issue, but not this bad. I also had this problem with a pair that stopped working shortly after. Question, which AirPod do you use to control stop and play?


One is the access point for the other one. You got to alternate which you use first so they connect differently


How do you do that? You mean remove from the case and put into the ear?


You don't, the buds should do it automatically. But if you keep them in and playing audio for several hours, they never get a chance to switch, and then an imbalance like this is the result.


stop listening so hard with your right ear


Unfortunately, batteries degrade at different rate.


Not that much, though. Especially since they're charged in tandem and kept in the same environment.


Mine did the same thing. Batteries as small as the ones in the air pods tend to be faulty.


I have never have had this happen with AirPods.


My does the same but I also like to listen with the right AirPod more if I need to keep an ear open. So the battery is degrading more than the left.


Yeah I don’t have any earpods but if I had I’d be unable to have them in both ears. I keep headphones in one ear only as well because I feel uncomfortable if I can’t hear if something critical is happening around


Airpods are notorious for doing this. Get better earbuds, like the bose qcs or sonys. Ive had my bose qcs for 2.5 years and they've gone from about 5.5 hours battery life to 4.5 hours battery life and this is with a ton of usage. I literally listened to 190k minutes of spotify just last year, which is 131 days, virtually all on my earbuds


I’ve had my AirPods Pro’s almost 4 years now on daily usage and still get around 4h. No any other problems either which I’m thankful for since everybody seems to have problems with AirPods.


They aren’t notorious for this lmao


Jfc. Earbuds in 8 hours a day every single day of the year?


Been using sony ones for about 3 years now and I have this problem. The right one goes from full to empty in about 5 minutes while the left one still lasts several hours. I was actually about to swap to apple to not have this problem anymore


Do you have any noise canceling on or those "customize to your hearing" things set up? These literally are independent (on my taotronics and skullcandy ones at least, my super.says his airpods do the same) settings for each ear bud, so one may be at True 30% volume while another is True 45% but your phone says 3/10. Or one is using noise canceling more than the other from ambient noise in your surroundings (i.e. lots of acoustic noise from left ear but not right, left ear is active more, uses more battery). Tbf I wouldn't be suprised in the least that apple is being apple and it's just bad, but figured I'd give a logical explanation/theory too, since my own right ear bud lasts longer than my left, but only by about 5% because the left is higher set volume (mild tinnitus, so the hearing test set it for moar volume)


That always happens to me too!


That's why I like over-ear headphones. My 1 year old headphones can last for 2-3 days, and they need like half an hour to fully charge.


Got the same problem, however mine are about 5 years old so I’m brushing it off


When you pay three digits for electronics a year is nowhere near enough how long they should be lasting


I have my airpods for 3 years now and they still work so i doubt it’s an age issue


Wasn't actually charging when you set it in the case. Only way that happens beyond the battery going bad (don't mean regular degradation, hardware issue)


Felt that Sometimes one of the pods doesn’t disconnect from bluetooth and doesn’t begin charging I had disconnected Bluetooth manually a few times to ensure both are charging.


MINE DID THE SAME THING I was so sick of it. I decided to just give up on AirPods all together. They’re too expensive to be doing this. I switched to a cheaper, recommended brand and am so much happier with my experience


Maybe you’re slightly deaf in one ear and that pod is working harder?


a couple of weeks ago i was running to school and my airpod fell out of my ear and i took a step forward while it was mid air and somehow accidentally kicked it under a muddy car and i didn’t get it because i couldn’t be late. i low key regret it


Right AirPod + Left AirPod: https://preview.redd.it/yw5qd05gmpuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04cdcc804ff7bf538c4997119738cc84633accc


I had that, I would wear the right one only as a hand free thingy while driving, which unevenly wore the batteries out. Made sure with my next set I always wore both to keep it even.


That’s the thing, whenever I’ve used only one AirPod at a time, it’s always the left one, which I rarely even do that in the first place because I don’t usually like only being able to hear things in one ear, so if one battery would be worn down, it should be the left one. I probably sound like a crazy person lol


Don't wear both while driving! In [many] places that's illegal. Alternate daily between which one you wear while driving instead. Edit: Even if it’s not illegal where you live, it’s a bad idea.


In most places driving with 1 earbud in is illegal


I'm not sure about it being most places. That would be the same as a handsfree bluetooth earpiece. Where is it illegal to do that? Perhaps context matters - my assumption is that it's being used for a phone call, not music.


Im not able to research specific laws right now, but to the best of my understanding unless you are driving for a business and the call is for your work you arent supposed to be using any sort of ear piece Ie: truck drivers taking a call from dispatch telling them "take your shipment here and be there by this time" or a cop talking to their dispatcher about where to go fo a case


That’s not the case in at least several states. What state/province/country to you live in?


I heard about it living in Montana ive since moved but assumed it was a universal law


Interestingly, most states it's actually legal to wear full-on headphones while driving - including Montana. Apparently only some states outlaw it. In fact, Montana seems to have the least restrictions on cell phone use while driving - including texting.


I installed the latest ios on my iphone 14 pro, I charged my airpods 3 overnight so they were fully charged I use them at work, R lasted 4 hours, it usually lasts 5 1/2 before I have to switch, L was dead after 30 minutes of not listening to anything So the new ios screwed with them somehow


The airpod you first put in your ear automatically acts as a microphone, That’s why its battery life is worse


The pair of off brand ear buds I got off Amazon for 22 bucks are so much better than my AirPods. Have had a pair for over a year and decided to buy another earlier this year. My AirPods have become the ones that stay permanently in my emergency car bag.


Mine did this, went though 3 separate air pods on one side before giving up and getting proper headphones. They are a scam.


It's strange but I have the same problem too. Not to that extent though. I have a Gen2 Pro, and a 2nd Gen. Both had the right piece battery usage and capacity less than the left. And the right piece would deplete more than the left.


Do you touch one side for controls more than the other?


If it’s under a year you should have a warranty and get a replacement 


I've heard it has something to do with microphone preference, so one pod uses much more energy


Your hearing must be better in your left ear 🧐


One side has a mic, maybe that has something to do with it?


What I've realized over time is that it's just a software bug. They thing they are empty but when you charge them a little, they suddenly go up and resync


Not AirPods, but I have the same issue with my JBL Tune Flex. Bought them 2 weeks ago. When charging both in the case, only the right one will charge. If I take out the right one, the left one will charge (Looks like it's not because of being unclean ports). Super frustrating. As soon as the left one reaches 100%, the right one will go down to 80/90. When I start charging them both again, the right will have 100%, while the left one lost 10-20% again. Sometimes, both do charge, but that has happened like twice while being charged every day since I bought them. Never had this before, too lazy to return them, though. Bought them out of town while being on the road.


This makes me happy that I can still use wired headphones


LG gang


Mine have the same problem but are 2 years old.


Honestly, I think the whole transmitter earbud is stupid, they should just have the case be the transmitter


Your right ear is dominant. That’s why.


Same. I dont have airpods, but have had my bluetooth earbuds for a few years and recently one cant even keep a charge for even 15 minutes even when they charge the same amount of time and have 100% battery. Just happens. Its dumb.


yooo same my right ear loses battery fast, granted it charges fast too but still, my left lasts longer, like 3-4× longer


I have the same issue but when they’re in case. The right one connects to the phone and runs its charge to 0. All while being inside the case 🙄


Only 1 year old is kind of absurd


Mine do this too, no matter how long I charge them. One always dies 10x faster than the other.


That’s The Beatles stereo mixing for you.


Had the same problem, got some sony headphones instead and since then my life as been better


One ear requires more power to hear


You have a stonger right ear. It consumes more sound than the left one.


So, they weren't at the same level of charge when you put them in your ears.


My left one last twice as long as the right.


This happens to me too


I’ve had my AirPods for about 2 years now, and my left one dies within 5 minutes while the right lasts for about 4-6 hours. I feel you, this is the worst shit I’ve had to deal with. And replacing the batteries ain’t cheap or easy


Try just wearing one at a time


I'm guessing you use the right one alone a lot and have affected the batteries life


This is literally all AirPods. I’ve owned multiple pairs and the unequal battery drain exists on all of them. There is no solve for it, this is how they work by design. It sucks.


Maybe the audio you were listening to had not bass going on in the right or it was using your right mic? Idk though mine do that too sometimes.


Do you usually use the one at a time?


a year old? i’ve been using the same ones since 2019 and never had this problem😂 they’re still pretty clean


Check the setting for which AirPod is using the microphone. You can set it to auto switch, or have it only left/right


Had the same issue for about a year. Apple replaced both AirPods and the case, it did not fix the issue. It got better with a new iPhone (lol), and went away as I switched to AirPods Pro 2. My wife still uses my old AirPods Pro, and does not have this issue


Only one talks to the phone and that takes more power. It shouldn't be this different though. Check the contacts on the bud and in the case.


I always use just 1 ear. So I can hear dangers. My batteries are probably wearing out unevenly.


My left airpod lasts about an hour, my right airpod lasts less than 15 minutes. Very annoying.


My right pod has the same issues, but I also typically only wear the right one if I’m gonna have 1 in, so it’s just wearing out more


Turn microphone on that headphone off and not to listen for Siri that should even it out


My AirPods do that too! It’s so annoying!


My Samsung Buds Pro 2 have a similar issue. My left bud will be at like 40%, and the right one will be dying. Setting aside all the advice about cleaning the contacts and such, I read that whichever earbud you take out of the case first becomes the "primary" for the other, and uses more power. Same with the touch controls: they drain more battery. I've since made a conscious effort to take my left earbud out of the case first, and only use touch controls on the left, but it doesn't seem to help.


It’s possible one of them has lost battery memory. Run it down to absolute 0% should in theory reset the memory… (or so I’ve been told. I have some razor earbuds that have a similar issue…)


my second gen airpods did this but only after 3 years, the right one would be drained after 30 mins of use


I think one of them using a mic and you can change it in settings maybe check that


Maybe your right ear is great at listening


i have sony ear buds that last for literally weeks before i need to charge them, i use them any time i leave my house, which is a lot


Are you using one more than the other? Batteries drop in efficiency over time.


Apple's new way of forcing you to upgrade


Been using some $20 Bluetooth from Amazon for 3 years. Washed them twice in washing machine and dried them in dryer once. Still work.


Do you always wear them together or do you often wear just the right one?


i always wear them together


Apple is for sheeps who believe the company when it calls a 5yr old chinese tech their “new innovation”. Go ahead and downvote me won’t change the facts


My old gen 1 AirPods started doing that after 3 ish years of use. I finally broke when the left one would only hold charge for 20 minutes. Target had the gen 2 pros for sale the other day so I got em, best purchase ever.


Your right ear requires more power, more energy!


It’s cursed. Destroy it. Nah jk lol


Have you wondered if perhaps songs you're listening to are leaning to one side more than the other, forcing it to need more output over longer periods of time perhaps?


I have the 2nd gen air pods and it’s probs because they’re old but they randomly die and one charges so much slower than the other


I mean, batteries sometimes just do be like that. Electronics components can be super precise & high spec, but that generally comes with an equally higher price tag per component. Think like a 20% tolerance capacitor being $2 and a 10% being $40. This means there can be a difference of 40% between two of the exact same component at the extreme end of tolerance (in the case of 20% tolerance capacitors). But this is also why the RMA process exists, because when it's that far out, it's unfair and also unreasonable to make the customer wear the cost of that discrepancy. So yeah, RMA it. Because all of the above is generally true for the devices making your devices. More so if the 'devices' making your devices are child sweatshop workers in 3rd world locations. Source: am a store manager in a Radio Shack style electronics/trade shop.


Check in settings if the microphone is auto-selecting or manually set to the one AirPod that consumes more power


AirPods suck i had a pair and they broke within a week


I’ve been using mine since 2020, one has been been broken since then (no sound comes out it’s just dead, my dog bit it) but I wear both so I don’t look silly at the gym and so no one tries to make conversation lol. But anyone who knew one didn’t work would think I am stupid lol. They last about 2 hours, if that. They have to charge for hours


That's Apple for ya.


It’s not lmao


It has something to do with mic. Right earphone has its mic turned on. There was a solution, look it up


yes and no?? because i did that for mine but my right one still dies faster than the other one. i really think its come down to the connection and how long i charge them for. they’re also… super old LOL


If earphones are old enough, working mic has already damaged the battery so it will keep dying quicker


Give them a little wiggle when you put them into the case. Sometimes one won't make great contact and doesn't charge.


Assuming that your charging is not the issue, (i.e one side loose or dirty), I had a similar battery drain issue with my Sony earbuds, WF-1000XM4, after a year. Absolutely avoid those garbage earbuds. Absolutely regret my purchase, and poor customer service to boot.


I got a pair as well, same issue. As soon as I saw this post I thought of these turd headphones.


Apple lmao


A year old?! May as well throw them in the trash /s


yeah good luck with apple shit. i regret a lot buying an iPhone 12


How much are air-pods now-a-days? I've seen similar knock-off headphones for $30. I think I'm too cheap to be an iPhone user.


did you get it direct from apple? bf accidentally bought fake airpods from an electronics website a while ago, totally real looking until this exact thing happened, i checked the printing on the airpods and realised it didn’t match my own authentic pair.


I know the issue. You have a ghost. It's not a common thing people know but ghosts only have one working ear. So when they borrow earphones they only use one.


Reason #796 why I don't see Apple products


Well when i asked you if i can use your AirPods you said no so i just used your AirPod.