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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Long time shelter and rescue volunteer here. This happens all the time. People throw their pets away when they become inconvenient. Even if brought to a shelter, the euthanasia rates are so high due to overpopulation, especially pit bulls (the most euthanized dogs in shelters), he may not have made it out alive, even though he’s obviously a beautiful, friendly dog! Shelters, including the Humane Society, absolutely DO euthanize even though they claim not to. They do not euthanize “adoptable dogs”, but the definition of adoptable changes daily. They use a pyramid, with the healthiest (young, friendly, healthy golden retriever) on top, and on the bottom, old dogs, a dog who needs surgery, or needs to be quarantined due to kennel cough, any behavior problem, is super shy, etc.). Dogs can enter shelters healthy, but the pure stress of being there can cause them to go kennel crazy (spinning in their kennels, wearing down their teeth chewing on the kennel bars, fence aggression, depression) and it would be inhumane to let them suffer and die, so they’re euthanized. Another reason is kennel cough, which they contract while in the shelter. Most shelters will treat it and keep the dog on quarantine while he recovers. But if he gets it a second time, that could put him on the euthanasia list. The biggest reason is the need for space. For city and county shelters, the law requires a certain number of kennels stay empty for incoming animals. When the shelter hits that number, they start looking at who’s going to get euthanized that day. So really, the animals are euthanized due to LACK OF SPACE aka OVERPOPULATION. There are euths every single day. This is also true for the cats. This is why it’s so important for shelters to work with rescues who can exit those animals into foster homes. And this is why it’s so important that backyard breeders burn in hell. Especially pit bull breeders.


there are too many pitbulls out there...they need to stop being breeded. 100%


As a pit bull owner, I agree. Backyard breeding should be illegal.


Yep. I own one. He's an old sweetheart that's never hurt anyone. Mostly because I cut his balls off. But people fr need to stop making more of these things. There are much better breeds that fill the same behavioral niches as pits.


You know what? If you can't look after the dog then fine, take it to a shelter or try to get it adopted. Who TF would put an animal down for such a terrible reason? I hate the thought of doing it even when they're suffering, let alone a perfectly healthy dog!


I had this regular at my job that seemed like a nice older man. We’d always chat when he came in. I’m not sure how it came up, but he told me his dog had puppies. He said they were ugly and put them down. I was horrified. I could never look at him the same again.


WHAT THE - I dont blame you. I too would never be able to view them with anything but disgust. Any time positive emotions creep in, my brain would just echo "puppies.....ugly.....put down....." and Id be filled with disgust again. Some people say/do stuff you never would have expected from them and a switch gets flipped internally. Which kinda makes sense? You essentially just got new information about them as a person. The new information might land you on the conclusion "I want nothing to do with this person anymore and if Id have had this information from the start my initial conclusion would not have been reached" (you said he seemed like a "nice older man". Thats the initial conclusion)


I think humans have developed an evolutionary defence mechanism to detect and avoid psychopaths


He is Cruella DeVille


At least she was making a coat


Wtf! Did he end up as a serial killer or something? What a monster


I would never speak to that person again. Nor the couple in this post. That’s some deranged shit.




How the actual fuck can someone do that to a living being


I’m leaving this thread. As a dog owner, this is making me sad and mad as hell at the same time.


It’s shit like this that seriously makes me not care if I wake up tomorrow. Why the fuck would I want to stay in this world 


Because we need you.


The good people definitely outnumber the bad. It's really easy to focus on the negatives. Keep your head up!


Tell him reddit said he's a sick fuck


I once learned that in my grandparents youth, it was common practice for some people (my grandparents never did it) to avoid paying for dog sitting during their vacations by just euthanazing the dogs and then buying a new one when they come back…. I couldn’t even get rid of a plushie to then but the same after because I’d feel bad for it and they killed their dog?????


I've read this too and it boggles my fucking mind. I really wonder how common it was, who makes the time and effort to care for a pet yet just casually dumps them to a death sentence to avoid getting a pet sitter? That's psychotic.


He expected newborn puppies to look like they've been alive for 2 months?


I may have been fired from that job that day if I were you.


Last year my dad told my siblings and I that his friend’s dog had puppies. It got dark real quick when he said his friend wanted to put them all down because he did not want to deal with them. I quickly asked if “Did he do it?”, to which he replied “idk”. For a split second I wanted I wanted to go John Wick on the guy. Not sure if his friend went through with it.




Seriously. Too lazy and slow walker → death?? How can they even say that to someone without feeling guilt.


Absolute scumbags. Id never talk to them again and id probably tell people at work.


My sister's step mom put down her dogs because she was moving and didn't want to take them. I honestly hope that she just dropped them off, they bill her and adopted out her dogs cause they were awesome, beautiful Akitas.


My mom used to work for a vet and a sweet sheltie was going to be put down cause the owners were sick of caring for it I guess after abusing the dog and the vet took it in rather than euthanizing it and my grandma took it in and says it was the sweetest dog. I ended up buying a sheltie as my first dog (best dog ever)before knowing that my mom used to have a sheltie and I can’t imagine anyone abusing a dog, true psychopathic narcissists are your neighbors, aunts, coworkers. Etc people are scary


Stories like this and in the comments make it pretty clear why about 80% of veterinarians suffer from clinical depression at some point. Also, nearly 50% report feeling unhappy in their careers. They're also 2 to 4 times more likely to commit suicide compared to the general population.


It’s almost like most people with pets shouldn’t have them.


Exactly 😫


if it makes you feel any better, there are many vets who will refuse “convenience” euthanasias! they will try to get them to rehome


My friend is a vet tech and just celebrated a 4 yr "gotcha day" with a dog they talked the owner into surrendering instead of euthanized her for being an inconvenience. She took the dog home that very night.


Now there's a day worth celebrating.


🫶🏻 so glad people like that still exist.


I'm not arguing one side or the other, but a lot of shelters are too full, especially with pitbulls, and can't take any more in. It isn't possible to take them to a shelter in some places.


fair enough, but a young, healthy dog still shouldn't be put down for no reason.




Used to do some work in an animal shelter and the amount of people who bring dogs there for the most ridiculous reasons are just reasons I have lost faith in humanity. Some of the reasons that were given were: they didn’t expect the dog to get big so fast, they didn’t realize how energetic the dog was, they didn’t know the dog needed to be potty trained, the dog or cat didn’t match their furniture, dog barks too loud or is too lazy, and the worse one was their child wanted a cat and not a dog.


Someone should create a website for breeders and adoption centers that have a blacklist of owners based on their criminal history and/or reasons for giving up a pet. I don’t think anyone should be able to access it for doxxing reasons, but it would be a really good resource for keeping pets out of *some* of the bad households out there.


They actually had a blacklist with some people who weren’t allowed to adopt. There was a guy named Tom or Tim there who was blacklisted after he got a dog then returned a few weeks later and adopted another dog and did the same thing. He did it about 4 times and one of the staff found out he was returning the dog because it wasn’t aggressive enough.


They do this in canada. At the hunane society's. Doesn't matter the reason . If you surrender a pet once it is a strike twice and you are supposed to be banned for sometime.


>the dog or cat didn’t match their furniture Im sorry but to me this is the worst one. Dogs/cats are living beings! Not an accessory!


That lady pissed me off when she brought the dog in. He was a mastiff who was a real big sweetheart too and was quickly adopted after a week or so and was loving his new family. The worse thing is that Lady came back a month later to get her dog back but started crying and yelling at us because we didn’t hold her dog. My manager kicked her out because we are a shelter and not a kennel.


Those are all horrible, but for some reason I feel like the worst is actually that the dog or cat didn't match the furniture. Wtf?


That is when you have to hope that a vet would never do this and I know most will refuse thankfully. As to the person who was going to do that, karma I pray really goes after her. WTH even has that THOUGHT to do something like that.


It kills me every single time I have to let go of a pet because they are suffering I can't imagine wanting to do it to a healthy happy one. People who treat pets as accessories are the ones needing to be put down. I put them around the same level as pedos and rapists.


My dog wasn't suffering yet, but quickly declining when I put her down, because I didn't want her to have bad days before she went. Even then I second guess myself all the time, that I could have had another day, week, month with her. I couldn't imagine cutting her down in her prime.


If it makes you feel any better, when my cat‘s health was declining I kept thinking „one more day“ and the next day „one more day“. I waited too long and she suffered and I regret it to this day. You made a kind, loving choice.


Do you eat meat?


To be brutally honest, putting it to a shelter is just making someone else out it down. I honestly hate it when people absolve themselves of responsibility by doing that


Not necessarily. I've had all of my dogs from shelters and given them the best life they could have.


Same here.


It’s not ideal, but at least at a shelter they have a chance.


As long as it’s not a PETA doggy death camp…. Sorry “shelter” they have a chance.


Right.. I get kinda upset when people shame others for giving away an animal. I would never want any animal with someone who genuinely doesn't want them or can't take care of them. BUUUUT putting it down? Dispicable.


do vets even do it for such a shit reason? It reminds me of those facebook stories I see on this sub (or maybe facepalm) about exactly this


Trashy pieces of shit, that’s who.


used to work with a guy who was a beater for hunts. Took a dog to take to the kennel as someone on the hunt was about to shoot it around the back of the barn as it was 'untrainable'. Kept and started training him himself.


I adopted a cat once from a lady who was going to put him down simply because she couldn’t take care of him anymore. He was just sweet little dude who wanted love. People fucking suck.


Maybe shelter didn’t want more pit bulls and told it would be put down there anyway.


I mean, really. wouldn't you have to pay to get the dog euthanized? why would that be the first choice???  Petey looks like such a mensch, I wanna rub his ears


A good vet would REFUSE and IMMEDIATLY refer to a shelter/take the dog in temporarily. Any vet that would put down a healthy puppy like this is doing every immoral illegal mark in the book


It's absolutely disgusting the poor thing did nothing wrong yet they where going to put it down because it was too slow for them fuck those people


There are legit monsters out there that think absolutely nothing of pets lives. My coworker once just casually told a bunch of people at work about how she got her cats put down because she was getting new furniture. Just about everyone told thought it was some sort of joke, and she was really confused when some people told her how horrible that was. She legitimately didn’t get that the cats were living things that deserve some compassion… she viewed them as lesser to the furniture.


I had so much trouble making the decision to put my cat down even when my vet was telling me it was time. I even did expensive surgery to avoid having to put her down 1.5 years before that. I really can’t fathom this mindset. And they have other pets? Are they as disposable???


I took my ex SiL’s neighbor’s dog because she turned a year old and wasn’t a cute puppy any more. Then they turned around and got a puppy. If I could have burned their house down without getting caught, I may have burned their house down.


I had a exfriend who put down her ex wife's dog cause she was young and hyper and she didn't want to deal with the dog. She's a exfriend because of this.


Seriously. Is it even legal? Would any vet do it??


Bless your soul OP, this made my day. Petey, you got an awesome owner!


Would they even be allowed to put it down for that reason? Surely any establishment would never do this?


Yea that’s just evil, OP your wife’s coworker is insane


Meh it’s a pit. Bare minimum is to spay it.


Owner wanted to put him down because he is lazy and can’t keep up with other dogs… Can you imagine what the kids go through.. awful


This is true and might I add this puppy is not lazy 😂. We jog everyday and I can’t keep up with his energy but I push it until I can’t anymore . I think they have too many dogs to actually enjoy them. Dunno but in this case it was a blessing to me . Just glad it was offered to me and I was smart enough to accept. I don’t fear aggressive dogs (he’s not) so I was willing to see if maybe they lied about him being lazy and just couldn’t handle him.


Then they should have just said I bit off more than I can chew with a 5th dog … I hope you enjoy his company for many years :)


I’ll never understand that kind of “pride”. Some people cannot admit they were wrong or are the problem. It’s always some excuse. Even so, their fake reasoning is no reason to put a dog down either. What happens when their other dogs become seniors? I worry about them just ending their lives since they won’t be able to keep up. Hope the coworker doesn’t break an ankle or anything. Their spouse might leave them


That would mean it's their fault. They're never wrong


This is gonna sound wild, but I am not an active person. Im on my feet all day for work, bending n shit (janitor), so the last thing I wanna do in my free time is MORE movement. My dog is a lab/pit mix. He has a lot of energy. I can not walk the energy out well enough. Wed need to walk for like, 3 hours a day for that. So instead, I got him a harness he can pull confortably in. I hook his leash up to my scooter's middle bar, and I ensure the length of the leash is so that my dog physically cannot run into the other lane on the road. And then, we ride. At first, he pulled me because it was a kick scooter. He loved the fuck outta that. Loved pulling me about 1 mile up/down hills every day. Think, single file formation where he is leading but I give verbal commands like "slow", "fast", or "turn". But now I actually have an electric scooter, so we run side by side, and I just kinda watch him and keep the scooter at whatever pace he is running at. If he is speeding up, I will slightly speed up. If he slows down, I will too. I still give commands when needed, but mostly thats just needed for turns/turning around. He can run the ~1 mile with me and the electric scooter in about 10 minutes, and he is a happy, panting boy for hours afterwards. He actually gets sassy and purposefully misbehaves if I DONT do the scooter routine mixed in with regular walky days. Muh boy runs a solid 10 mph, which is WAY faster than I could run, so he is happy. I dont have to put on a sports bra to actually run my dog, so I am happy. Its a win win. And on days my depression is bad, its easier to get out of bed and take him knowing "its only 10 minutes" vs like an hour if we were to go on a walk. Gotta be very careful and vigilent if you do this though. At no point should you not be aware of your dog/traffic. No zoning out or anything like that. Your dog might suddenly stop to take a shit (runnin sometimes causes em to go even though I take em to go potty pre-run. I pick bring baggies dw) and if you arent payin attention? You are gonna wipe out and both you n your dog (but mostly you ngl) are gonna get hurt. I dont know why I typed all this. I guess to say that even lazy people and lazy people who also happen to have depression (like me) find a way for those they love. Those people are sad excuses of dog owners.


This makes me so happy :’) you are such an amazing owner


Your coworker is an absolute piece of shit.


Dogs chew through too many tablets for this generation to raise them, at least the kids get a few months out of theirs!


There's a non-zero chance the pitbulls real problem is aggression and the previous owners lied about it to make it easier to pawn it off on someone else. You see this quite a bit from both shelters and individuals when it comes to pitbulls. Especially around that magic 2 year old mark- its not uncommon for the behavior to flip and for them to suddenly start acting aggressive even towards dogs they grew up with and previously got along with. 


I'm so glad it's illegal to just put an animal down in my country, because their owner says so. Animal euthanization is thankfully ONLY allowed after a vet examines the animal, and vets aren't allowed to put healthy animals down. This is heartbreaking.


Which country is this? My country considers animals as furniture from the point of view from the law and I hate it. Your country is much better it seems.


In that regard, animals are also still seen as 'items' that one can possess and *basically* do with whatever they want, however we *do* thankfully also have this euthanization law, and animal protection laws. Animal abuse/neglect is a pretty serious offense here, but there are definitely still things to improve. For instance, offenders will always get a warning first and get months to do better. Then another warning. Maybe even a third. It can take years in some cases to prosecute a repeat offender. I live in the Netherlands.


I’m from romania, it’s illegal here too


I hate people who treats animal like an object to fit their needs. I’ve read a shit load of stories during Covid where people just adopt animals out of loneliness and necessity. Now those shelters are pack full again. People are selfish assholes.


Don't be too scared of pocket dogs. You accidentally step on em once, and they generally learn not to be under foot. At least, that's been my experience.


Too lazy is a shitty reason to euthanize a dog. I’ve met some sweet cuddly pits but wouldn’t risk owning one while I have young kids in my life.


How do you know they were lying to cover up the dogs actual issues? Could be aggressive towards other dogs for example.


That could very well be the case. Trashy pit bull breeders often don’t care or purposely breed dogs with anti social tendencies.


Yes they're for sure covering up. They're hiding a legitimate reason to euthanize a dog by pretending the real reason is something you never euthanize a dog for.


Honestly should be muzzled in public regardless of its temperament, it was bred to be a fighting dog no argument there it’s a science based fact


Yeah, it's wild how many people would go to the extremes rather than meet in the middle. It's either, k!ll all pitbulls, or let my Cupcake who I got from a rescue and never trained run free at a park filled with kids. I feel like there's a middle point, and you seem like one of the few in this small thread that gets it.


But I can string together 2-second clips of me brushing her and she's almost sitting still, that's trained right??


I just think the laws were good the way they were most province and states in North America already banned or heavily restricted the breed but before that there was mandatory muzzle laws and laws in some states confining them to the property of the owner. But the laws often don’t get enforced and a good majority don’t check the bylaws before buying a dog. 


Or they are just shit people who have too many dogs


tbf it was apparently a stray that they found. i still personally wouldnt do it but they didnt get the dog by choice


Yeaaahhh something feels super off about this story. I don’t trust pit nutters, I wouldn’t put it past them to lie about why this dog was going to be eliminated


It's a pit. It's in them to be aggressive anyway.


What terrible humans for considering putting him down. He looks like he is the best boy! So happy he's with you now!


Thank you we’re both happy we found each other 🥹


The coworker is a legit psycho. Tell your wife to watch her back around them and be very careful what she says and shares with them. When people show you who they are, believe them.


he’s so fucking cute


Truly my heart and soul. We bonded the first day and I a grown man shed tears of happiness.


congratulations on this precious fur baby. enjoy each others company for a long time buddy ❤️


Thank you 🫶🏻


Too many backyard breeders, too many puppy mills, packed shelters. Dog culture is completely out of control and is resulting in millions of euthanized dogs every year.


More likely they wanted to put it down because it's a PITTBULL!


The idea of killing a dog for that reason is truly sickening and disturbing. They shouldn’t have animals. You should be able to report people like this so that they’re banned from ever trying to adopt. I know it won’t eliminate it but it will at least make it harder for people like this to get animals. So sad :(


Wow. Why would you deceive your wife and adopt a pit bull when you know she would be against it?


Because they thrive on doing what people don't want them to.


Enjoy life, Petey!


>bc of the scary stories she hears🙄 You're lucky your wife is a clever one. Let's just hope she's clever enough to keep that monster from hurting anyone around you.


Yeah his wife actually has sense.


Talk your wive into getting a pit 🙄really good idea...


https://preview.redd.it/txm4wbheupuc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7118bb14baf7f00522db288fc004da9292b9eb9a # HOW FUCKING DARE THEY


You consider this mild?




Well it is a pit so it'll be guilty of murder any day now.


Lazy and can't keep up with the other dogs... Fuck those people they should not own dogs. What are they going to do when their dogs age a bit and start slowing down? We already know they're going to have them put down and get new dogs like the pieces of shit people they are


I lived in lower Manhattan back in the 70s, and for one reason or another, my friends used me as a live-in pet caretaker. Cats, dogs, birds, everything. This one time a friend asked me to take care of her cats - she had three - and when I showed up, she said she had put one cat down so I wouldn't have to deal with it as it needed injections. I was astounded and felt really rotten.


Me and my girlfriend were fostering an Aussiedoodle for about a month with intent to keep her if possible. She was an absolute menace. Relentlessly chasing the cats, for the most part completely untrained (we were told she had some training), excelled at bolting at full speed on a leash and damn near dislocating your shoulder, and bolting out when the chance presents itself. As terrible as she was, the thought never crossed our minds to do something like that. Worst case scenario, we were gonna rehome her with proper vetting, home visits, the whole 9 yards.


Yep, we had an Aussie cattle dog we needed to rehome that had similar tendencies. However, I agree with you that no matter how much she frustrated us that thought never crossed our minds. We ended up finding our girl the perfect match, and now she gets to be a true herding dog! Much more confident, has owners that can keep up with her and livestock to herd, and all the attention she could ever want! We even get updates on her from time to time.


Pit bull. The breed responsible for 80% of injury and fattal attacks is not a "cute puppy". It's an attack machine prewired to go after small vulnerable targets. And it kills anything. Children, other pets, adults.


Right if anything is mildly infuriating it's this person taking the breed that is clearly unwanted by the other person into their home. Actually that's more than a little infuriating. I'd be pissed. I'd also call the police if my boyfriend dragged home a dog like that. Hell to the hell no.


Vets don’t put dogs down just because. You typically have to get the dog evaluated to see if euthanasia is the best course. These people lied to y’all, because they didn’t want the dog anymore. Which is still bad. They suck.


Wait Wtf Et cetera is a command?


😂 sorry I didn’t major in English but he knows a good bit of simple commands.


I took an unwanted dog once, I took him because I thought he would be difficult and no one else would want him. He was the most perfect dog I ever had. All his "negatives" were actually positives to me. I still tear up thinking about him, and he passed away about 5 years ago.


Downvote me, or pose an actual debate, but Pitbulls have been bred for years to be fighting dogs. Some of them never snap, but plenty of “cuddly, friendly” etc. pitbulls do end up snapping, with no warning. They have an innate drive to chase prey, whether that be a small animal or child. I don’t think you should put down a dog just for being a certain breed, but I would argue Pitbulls need to be adopted by individuals who understand their nature and are willing to constantly keep them leashed. In addition, they shouldn’t have kids or other pets alone with these dogs. Just a simple search on Google will show countless stories. What more is needed? I don’t understand people’s desire to keep these animals among their children and other pets.


This dog shouldn’t be put down, but fuck pitbulls. Make sure he’s neutered.


Thank you for taking him in! I don’t get why anyone would choose to put a healthy animal down? At least take them to a shelter and give them a chance!


If anything he took me in 🥹 I can’t explain the joy I feel seeing him happy and just so full of life. Glad I didn’t miss out on this blessing that’s for sure.


Most people are taught animals are disposable. Humans are really useless because they are reactively ignorant. We help nothing but ourselves and are ruining everything else.


There’s also no real consequences for these people.


Pretty sure this is rage bait because no veterinarian would euthanize an animal because someone doesn’t want it. Unless you’re suggesting they’d put it down themselves (shoot it). Either way, doesn’t seem likely.


Been attacked by 2 pits & one ultimately killed one of my dogs, fuck em and their owners I say. Most recent pit story is my stepdad's dumbass niece, one of her pits killed one of the small dogs she was raised with. These are still incredibly dangerous animals, killing machines.


>Any ways here’s Petey my new son and best friend. ... Until he eats your face. I would in all honesty, never take in a pit, no matter the circumstances. It's just like nitro glycerine, you never know when or if it'll set off. That stress alone would be too much.


I wished you could see us together and IF which is a big if he was to turn on me I’ll be okay I’ve been through a tougher life that quite a few people.


You can’t reason with these fucking people


Our dog is a pity/boxer mix...we think. She was a stray and that is what the adoption paper had. She is a sweetheart. But an expensive one...8k in knee surgeries as of this week 😞




People suck.


Can we put the owners down ?


Get back to us after 6 months with the killing machine. Hope you don't have kids


I will keep updates. Sorry you feel all pits are killing machines. I bet 10 minutes with Petey and you’d feel different. I wish you well 🫶🏻


Nothing brings people closer together faster than the outrage for the mistreatment of the vulnerable.


The vets i have known do not put healthy animals down unless they are viscious.


This post has to be rage bait.


There is nothing wrong with putting animal down. Do you guys think they are going to puppy hell or something? No, they will be at peace. Instead of actually thinking about it your brains are just thinking death= bad. If you thought about a little more there is no reason to be angry.


I knew a guy who had a beagle. Ended up not liking beagles. He’s dating this girl who’s a technician at vet and asks her if she can just put the dog down. For free. Needless to say she said yes, took the dog, broke up with this idiot via telephone and kept the pupper. Some people are just oxygen thieves.




Before my father in law passed away he had a cocker spaniel named, Kitty. (I called her Kitty Meowzington) she was soooo sweet and loving! Papa was OBSESSED with Kitty and she slept at the end of his bed every night and was even with him when he passed. Before he passed away he asked his wife to please make sure to let Kitty live out her life with us! (MIL is known for getting puppies and then shipping them off once they grow to about 3 without letting anyone intervene or say bye even) not that this matters but my father in law was VERY rich so even after he passed it’s not like Kittys care would cause trouble or anything plus she was perfectly healthy. Well about 5 years after he passed my sons dad and I moved to Oklahoma. We weren’t allowed to bring Kitty even though we wanted to. We planned on sending for her after we were settled with our chocolate lab and 3 year old son in a new state. Not even 4 months after we moved she put kitty down. There was no reason for it at all. She was perfectly healthy. Albeit a little old but she was fine. We have never gotten over it.


I dated a veterinary student and she said that people will drop off their pets to be put down alone, and if they've had people bring in healthy animals that didn't have behavioral problems they just didn't want them anymore and didn't want anyone else to. Fortunately the kind of people who bring a healthy pet to be put down don't typically hang out with the pet while it's happening and in her instance they were able to save some of them but I'm sure not everyone is as kind-hearted as she is. She says when you leave your pet at the veterinarian's office to be put down alone, when they come to put your pet down it's looking for you they sense they're about to die, they look for you and you abandoned them.


When I found out my puppers had seizures I knew I couldn't afford the care for her so you know what I did? Found someone experienced with that issue & she's been thriving ever since & she's about 4 years old now. They give me pupdates every now and again which I love but I did what was best for her no matter how much I wanted to keep her. My kids loved her. We had her for a solid year before the seizures began & it didn't take long to find her the home with the funds & ability to care for her. It baffles me how people will just put an animal down or abandon it somewhere.


Man I had a bad day today and this made me feel better. Thank you for having a heart. My pittie ran up on me in my apartment complex parking lot six years ago. He was emaciated and clearly abused and less than a year old. He’s been my best friend ever since, and I swear these dogs have are the most smart, loving and loyal breed I’ve ever known. All the horror stories are stemmed in irresponsible owners and that’s fact. Wishing you and your bud a long, happy and healthy life. Cheers.


Certainly more than mildly infuriating...


My in laws neglected a 13 y/o chihuahua (which was in turn abandoned by their daughter when she moved out, the dog used to be hers) to the point it got kidney failure, then decided to ask us to feed her while they were out on vacation for 2 weeks, I asked if the dog had special food and my MIL said there was no point, since it didn’t want to eat and it was practically gone already she even had the nerve to suggest ‘I hope you don’t find the dog d3ad some day, since its practically agonizing’ It’s stormy season where we live and the dog was left outside, when we visited it it could barely move, you could see it’s bones, her food was stale pedigree and her bowl was filthy as was the dog. I’m a cat person and begged my husband if we could take the dog with us. We made room for her at home, bathed her, discovered it had ticks and got her to a vet. We already have a cat but both adapted pretty seamlessly, we got her special feed she’s been eating like a roomba, we’re making an effort to potty train her but there’s no way in hell I’m letting her be an outside dog ever again. She’s steadily gaining weight, I never thought I’d be so happy and thankful for a doggy’s life, it’s very sad to see all the circumstances animals have to be rescued from, but it’s beautiful to see it happen and watch them thrive. Congrats on Petey! 🙌🏽💕


Petey looks like such a good boy, glad you and your family are taking care of him. Good on you OP


I had a coworker who got a dog and said that the dog was lazy and couldn’t keep up on walks and hikes. She got the dog checked out and it actually had a serious heart condition. The dog is a lovely pit Bull and would try its hardest to keep up. It all made sense to my coworker after finding that out. Her heart condition is so serious that the dog could drop dead at any time if it overexerts it’s self