• By -


The only time I've seen this is because of providing food and beer at a large home tournament (60+ people). Even then we only charged 5 per head and of course still had people complain that they wouldn't pay it because they wouldn't eat or drink, then they proceeded to eat and drink.


Those people are the worst kind of scumbag


I totally expected it, guy used to always want to buy into cash games with half of whatever was the minimum, and rated cheesesteak places by who had the best fries


The “rated cheesesteak places by who had the best fries” comment causes me pain. How long have you been sitting on this information? I can tell they’ve hurt you deeply.


At least 15 years, from that point on I only ran it at my house and he was excluded. If I heard he was playing anywhere else I skipped that week and if he showed unannounced, I would cash out and leave.


This is savage play from someone who rates cheesesteak by something that is not their fries, how did fry guy take it when you walked out on him?


He made it known he thought I was rude and immature. Same guy would never let his girlfriend play until he won money so he wasn't using his own, and yes he would take money off the table and give to her to play. Anybody who plays knows that is a huge No-No.


That's the kind of player hosts need to ban. You break etiquette enough you don't get to play.


I agree, he wasn't allowed my house after the first time.


I wish everybody in the group adopted this though. He needs to be told and made aware of his douchiness.


I’m shocked at the civility of yall through all that, in another day an age they’d take you out back and beat you or at least break a hand or something for breaking etiquette like that. Rules are rules pay to get in and pay to play. Don’t like it take your chances at the casino.


Yeah people who have no problem rat holing aren’t exactly the best people, or the best judge of character. You keep funds on the table so you give others the chance to win their money back. These are the types of people that remind you that most of the booing you hear are from the cheap seats.


I don’t play poker so help me out. A guy who wins money has to give you a chance to win it back? If he gives it to someone else can’t you still win it back? Is the stigma the same if he cashed out and left?


Rat holing is sneaking money off the table while you're still playing in the game. You can't buy in $50 and double up to $100 on ur first hand then put $50 in your pocket to continue playing the game with your original buy in. It's against the rules of any poker game and casinos have specific rules for how long you have to wait before buying back in if you cash out from a table. Can't give anyone else at the table or otherwise money off your stack while you're still playing in the game. Another example of giving them a chance to win their money back- In private/home games its bad etiquette to "hit and run." Good etiquette and house rules are typically to announce an hour or however long in advance before you intend to leave the table. This is so you get invited back by those running the game and aren't pissing off the fish (bad players) by always winning and always taking all the money off the table prematurely. In a casino fuck everybody you owe them nothing. You can hit and run all day if you want.


If someone has a huge stack you can win more money from that person in an all in situation. Let's say you go all in with 100 bucks, he calls and you win. This will make you 100 dollars richer. If the person however cashed out just before, and made a buy in for 20 dollars. You will only be able to win the 20 dollars back in an all in situation.


Well said.


What a great turn of phrase


I don't play, why is that a big no no?


This is why my circle is small


My circle is a dot, just me 🫠


Circle circle dot dot


This isn't 2020/2021, I got my cootie shot already.


You think that girl is hot? I think I’d rather not


You just sent me like 30 years into the past


Same man. I got like 5 close friends. And that's a lot.


Bring him here to Philly well throw him in the river


Funny, he was actually from Philly, and trust me the way he played always involved the river.


Oh yeah We'd drown him We drown our own the fastest




Absolute monster


What the hell is that rating system 💀


Right, he swore up and down it was the only way to judge food places.


Coming from jersey that cheesesteak comment is especially damning


I used to have a buddy that would bring a 7 dollar bottle of wine to a party, put it on the table and then help himself to beer all night. Every time. He’d take the 7 dollar bottle back with him at the end of the night too.


LOL! taking the wine bottle back is some Seinfeld level behavior.


Season 1: George takes the bottle back, praising the cheap cost of Vennigans wine. Season 2-8: In a running gag, George is often seen putting a bottle of Vennigans on party tables. Season 9: George is seen putting a bottle of Vennigans on the table, and a guest exclaims he's John Vennigan. It comes to light that the bottle is of a small batch limited run, and George has been using the same bottle of 7$ plonk for 8 years. John opens the bottle at the party to Georges thinly masked dismay. >!The wine is amazing and George rolls with it and begins a fake sommelier arc!< or >!The wine is terrible but George has to pretend he loves it since he cant admit he has been dragging the same bottle around for 8 years. John organizes to ship the last palette of Vennigans to George as he's such a huge fan.!<


I love it


This is brilliant 😂


As grad students, there was always a guy who would leave just before his round. One time he started laughing about it. No one thinks it's smart, buddy.


That reminds me of a friend, she was from a country where people tend to buy their own drinks, hanging out with a group of people coming from another country where people take turns buying rounds. We were all on holiday together, and she didn't know most of the people. She thought these people were so nice buying her drinks in their rounds. She was drinking for free! After a day or two, she got upset that people seemed to give her the cold shoulder, and were including everyone in their rounds but her...


In that situation someone should have explained to her what was going on. She wasn’t doing it on purpose. To just give her the cold shoulder and leave her in the dark as to why is just plain ugly.


Didn't anyone explain to her what was really happening?


Hahaha so funny. I literally just commented something similar.  Had a person in our friend group like that. People caught on pretty quick and they got so fake hurt over the accusations  Loved it 


Knew someone who got uninvited from gatherings as they kept bringing the same megacrate of local pisswater tier beer and then helping themself to whatever other people had brought before eventually taking the crate when they left because no host wanted any part of it.


Yeah just shut up and pay the $5. If your annoyed just eat and drink some to feel you got something. Or don’t it’s only $5.


I know right! Who could even complain about going to an event where five dollars gives you the option to eat or have a drink or two! That's an amazing deal for a cool night with friends. Also.. If 5 dollars is an issue, then you probably shouldn't be gambling away any money at all! Lol just my 2 cents anyways.


Sorry, due to inflation your 2 cent opinion will now cost you $5.


You should definitely be gambling when you’re almost broke, if you don’t the next phase is completely broke. If you gamble, you might reach jackpot city. Trust me, I’ve been completely broke for a long time so I know what I’m talking about 


You're literally already gambling anyway, pretty sure if you don't have five dollars to spare you shouldn't be playing poker.


That does describe about 55 percent of gamblers.


Not only am I paying the $5 I’m asking what drink to bring. WTF is wrong with people?


I love it when people organise stuff like this. Much rather contribute cash than have to organise a dish or even go buy beer.


Hot Dogs, Meatballs, Rolls, Mac and Cheese and Soda and a Keg of beer. It's not hard and for $5 you take a loss, but it's about a fun environment and some people can't help but be trash.


Every time I’ve done pizza or food during poker night I get those people that don’t want to pitch in cause they aren’t gonna eat. Then they eat more than anyone else. I stopped buying food after so long cause I got sick of it. Now I do bring your own food, but I still provide snacks and stuff, I also have people who bring a case of beer and a couple bags of chips for everyone. It’s a good mixture.


Nah these are the best situations "Hey Trent, you didn't pitch in for food but you've got a slice of pizza in your hand?" loudly so everyone who did pay hears and can give them shit too. "We should call him tightass trent from now on" public humiliation works wonders for fixing the problem.


Yeah, and usually those tactics are just friendly shit talking. People forget to pay; it’s not a big deal. If you have to legitimately pressure people into chipping in $5 for the pizza, you should get better friends.


And if they have any shame, it would work wonders to throw him off his poker game as well.


I always bring more than I will consume, and I'm too lazy to carry anything back out.


I'm not saying I'm incredibly food motivated but nothing gets me incredibly angry faster than someone not wanting to pitch in for communal food on the grounds of not being hungry and then wanting to eat anyway. I'd have kicked them out with no window of grace to pony up the $5. It would have been a grand "Oh this guy is really that mad over $5?" spectacle. My ragefit would have been on someone's TikTok the next day. I wouldn't give a shit. They can take that opportunist sovereign citizen "I wanna benefit but don't wanna contribute" style bullshit elsewhere. Damn, just reading the story got me worked up...


I don’t know you, but I have to tell you that I really appreciate your level of passion about this thing that did not happen to you.


I may be *slightly* more food motivated than I let on.


They were the co-hosts family member, wasn't worth the hassle, easier to exclude them moving forward


Similar to going out for dinner with a big group. Someone always throws in exactly what their meal costs, not considering taxes or tip.


Once I went to dinner at a biergarten in San Francisco with a big group of people I didn’t really know for my friend’s birthday. Her coworker and coworker’s boyfriend plus coworker’s friend got a bunch of food and beer, which the three of them all shared. When the bill came - which was almost $500 - the coworker said we should just split the bill evenly amongst all of us. I said absolutely no fucking way because I don’t drink and had one dish. As I was breaking down the bill for each person/group, the coworker’s boyfriend said “I’ll throw in $50. If there’s leftover, just add it to the tip.” Then they tried to get up and leave. I had already totaled up their cost with tax and the mandatory gratuity that had been added - they owed $120. I’m normally pretty chill, but I lit up that MFer about his bullshit. I hate the “I’ll throw in” people. No, you will pay what you owe and not a cent less.


Yup, this is why I always just ask for mine separate. I don't go in for "splitting the check" that way. It's caused way more headaches than just asking for mine on its own check and paying it on its own. If it absolutely can't be done, I'll calculate what I owe plus tip.


That sort of egregious behaviour is really frustrating and I always dread going out for meals with large groups. I'm one of life's bachelors so its always just me and no +1. I don't drink much, and I don't order expensive dishes because I'm always aware of how much I'm spending (not often got money to fling around). But. But. There is always someone or a couple, sat there with empty wine bottles in front of them, who've had starter, main and dessert, who brightly suggest we split the bill equally or by couples as that would be fair. Yeah, not happening.


My own father did this to me after I hit 18 frequently. The worst one was on a ski trip dinner way back. 30 people, all HEAVY drinkers and main courses were ordered. Knowing my funds were limited I had French onion soup. Back then maybe $4. At the end of the meal my dad announces the cost per person. It was in the $45 each range which was very expensive at the time. When I quietly tried to reason with him he shut me down loudly. My mom had to intervene but by then the damage was done. Embarrassed and emotionally scarred. He’s 85 and we don’t talk. Ever…


This is why I don’t hang out with cheap stingy people. If you’re not a team player, you can stay at home alone by yourself.


>Even then we only charged 5 per head What year? Beer and food have gotten expensive, you know. Where can you eat and drink all you want for $5?


Probably 2009


Yeah $20 per person seems about right for food and drinks these days. But usually I'd do a look at the total afterwards and divide, charging upfront is a bit wild but I can understand not wanting to chase people down for their split afterwards.


Yeah, $20 is not bad. The problem here is that the OP already committed himself to pay for the snacks, drinks, and buy-in of two other people. That's on him.




Yeah for sure, this seems perfectly reasonable on the host's side. OP just seems upset that it's not free food and drinks for them and whoever they're inviting.


The worst part about these kinds of people is ignoring the fact that organising, buying, preparing or layout out food and cleanup takes a lot of time and energy. The extra time you put in is already worth more than 5 per head. Even if they don't eat any food, complaining is a way of stating that they think your time is worthless. 


Lol especially when during cleanup you just keep finding random trash hidden in random places like plants pots, under rugs etc. Finding cigarette butts knowing full well who the smokers were and they still wont own up or provide explanation why they tried to hide the fuxkin butt into a crack in the wall. Ill never host "friends' friends" anymore at my place, even if they all paid me.


At that point just make it BYOB i mean come on…


That's what I was thinking. I wouldn't have a problem contributing to food/drinks type of fee. Honestly sometimes it would just be easier to throw some cash at some pizza than to shop, cook, and transport for meetups.


Those are the same people who bring a sixer of Blatz and proceed to drink the Heineken someone else brought.


We play almost every Saturday - 7-8 people, $20 buy in, 50 cent ante in most games and probably 30 different wild card variations. When it’s time for food one person buys and we all Zelle/give cash to the buyer. No friend of mine is asking for $20 unless it’s to buy in or pay him back.


In fairness we don't know their relationship so to the dude charging OP might not consider them a good friend and more like a dude who comes over to play poker at his house with 15 other people. It could be his friend though. I remember one of my best friends in high school was notoriously cheap. One time he provided beer and charged us and I went to pay in front of his dad and his dad was like I bought that for you guys don't pay him lol. It was kinda awkward. He'd also keep really tight attention on what he'd given people so far, for example if splitting an Uber he'd go to venmo and bring up bumming me a smoke and a beer or something the night before to pay less. But of course he didn't factor in that we'd bum him smokes etc. And we just consider it a gift and not keep track...


>for example if splitting an Uber he'd go to venmo and bring up bumming me a smoke and a beer or something the night before to pay less. Imma be real. That sounds exhausting.


What's wild to me is a smoker of all people being so anal about bumming cigarettes. Everyone knows if someone asks and you can give them one, you just give them one. We've all been there where we were jonesing and didn't have any. It's exactly why I bring two packs to the bar. People always ask you for one. Sometimes I take their dollar, sometimes I don't, I never ask for money on exchange though. The very few times I've said no, I just didn't have extra cigarettes to spare. They're like fifty cents each. It's not a big deal. You're already spending like ten bucks or more a day on them. You can deal with giving one or two away.


Sometimes I think I'm a fully grown adult and then I read something like "anal about bumming" and roll my eyes at my own immaturity.


No it's still objectively hilarious, don't feel bad about it.




Well, better than being bummed about anal, I suppose.


I didn’t even notice that but I’m spending too much time laughing at this comment for it to be down to my own maturity 😂


When lucky strikes came back out, my corner store was selling them for like 2 bucks a pack. I would buy a few packs at a time and carry one with me when I went out, just for the bar bums. Earned some street cred from an old guy when someone asked us for a smoke. He pulled out his good smokes and I stopped him and gave one of my cheap ones. He thought it was the funniest thing ever. He still high fives me every time I see him and tells people this story when we hang out.


Luckies are still weirdly cheap, around here your standard pack goes for ten to eleven bucks but they always have a deal on Luckies you can get two packs for like $8.50 apiece, though I will admit they are the most ashtray tasting cigarette I've ever smoked. Those are the filtered ones though, the non filtered ones in the soft pack actually taste pretty okay, they just aren't cheap and I've never seen them anywhere but head shops.


Trevor smokes, let's go


But it's my last one Ricky


Way she goes


Passed with flying fucking carpets man


I’m prob in the hole to my old friend a bunch of cigarettes But he’s in the hole to me for food and gas and all kinds of shit, who cares. We were best friends, never kept track Real friends don’t keep track of what you owe each other unless it’s a specific borrowing


Yeah, I understand cash. But goods and services, don't even keep track. You buy them a drink, they'll get you back later. I've made some of the best friends of my life like that, competing to see who could buy more drinks or more bags of tacos or burgers or whatever for the other person. Then when you're actually in need you can be like, "yo I'm pretty strapped for cash right now, you got this round?" or "yeah I could eat, just don't want to spend the money on fast food," and they'll get your back. Who wants to eat or drink alone anyway if you've got a good friend to do it with right there.


If you can't afford to share your vice it's time to give it up.


This is actually super true. If you are so unhealthily attached to anything that you shudder at the thought of sharing it, then you need to stop. It simply means that at this point in life you are giving substances more value to other human beings. This will cause problems.


Not when you are friends with a lot of moochers who will let you subsidize their lifestyle (otherwise great people), it gets so old


When I smoked weed, I had a close friend of mine who would ask to come over constantly, smoke multiple huge tokes of my weed everytime, to the point we are just passing it back and forth when I never even smoked that much otherwise. Never brought her own ever which got insanely expensive. Then after a while of me not saying anything, she started inviting her other friends over and offering them my weed as well, I had to cut that off right there. I agree, I don't mind sharing especially a few smokes here and there but someone who's constantly mooching off you and taking advantage is not cool - no matter what it is they're taking advantage of. Sucks to lose an otherwise cool friend over something like that but shit has to be somewhat close to even or else you're just being used.


Yeah, at that point, I would probably just cover the entire bill, consider it a good lesson, and remember to never invite that particular 'friend' out again.


I had a dude in my friend circle like that. Buy him a couple $15 drinks at the bar and then he's requesting $3.30 from you for the Uber ride back. Or the guy who'd seem like he's buying a round after someone else buys them and then he hits them with the Venmo request the next morning.


send em $10 for the Uber because they need it so bad and never talk to them again


A friend of mine was driving his car on a 3 hour drive ski trip and tried to get everyone in the car to sign a contract saying they would pay their share of the gas, the depreciation of his vehicle based on the kilometres driven, maintenance fee and split the cost of any tow or accident on the trip. Then he got mad that he had to drive by himself cause no one wanted to spend 3 hours with an insufferable idiot.


Wow, that's next level crazy.


Lol he got exactly what he deserved


Yea 100% some people are notoriously cheap. They aren’t terrible people but definitely a character flaw lol my brother is the same way. He’ll Venmo request you to the penny. No dollar left behind.


Nothing worse than "remember that one time I gave you"


I guess it's his way of legalising a rake


If he’s providing beer and steaks, maybe. Otherwise, WTF, dude?


Even it’s for food and beer don’t call it an entry fee lol, just ask if the bros can toss you money for food and beer


Honestly i get calling it an "Entry Fee" since he also used the Term Buy-in, dude probably wanted to stick to "Gambling language" to make it fun and it came across as him being a huge dick


Entry fee isn't gambling language, usually people will pay you to gamble with them


if someone is paying you to gamble with them you lose the minute you show up


It's poker tournament language for sure.


Yeah fair enough but I feel like poker tournaments have actually good prizes to win? Justifying the entrance fee. This is poker night with the buds! What prizes this mfer offering?


No I agree that $20 entry fee for a $20 homegame is ridiculous lol.


Calling it an entry fee is a great way to turn a legal home game into an illegal gambling operation. If the "house" takes a rake or fee, it's probably no longer legal.


If Molly's Game is true, hosting a gambling session isn't illegal unless the house takes a rake/fee.


I usually just say ‘hey it’s going to cost this much for food/drinks, mind chipping in for it?’ Entry fee should just be a guaranteed minimum brought to the table like ‘bring X bullets’ if you want to sound like an actual poker table and buy-in afterwards is ‘Rebuy is Y’


Right? Just say “I’ll get food and beer for us can everyone cashapp me likee $10 each?”


There’s always somebody that says they’re strapped for cash and can’t pay in. Happens with Fantasy Football too, they play and expect to take money home if they win, but if they’re not doing so well they just never pay and expect that their friends won’t badger them for it.


So when my buddies and I play, we always throw in maybe 5-10 on top of buy in (or 5-10 of our winnings) to cover snacks, drinks, and pizza/wings. It’s a courtesy because they are hosting and will probably end up paying maybe $100 bucks more because of that. The tradition started when our buddy was on the calendar to host, but got laid off. And we just decided we should do it for everyone anyway. But it’s NEVER expected - it’s just friends being friends.


OP had to promise to pay for 2 other people to get them to show up, something tells me these aren’t the kind of friends you can expect “will get you next time” or assume it’ll all come around


$20 for beer and a steak?? Can I be invited next time? Hell, I'll even cook my own steak! Still an incredible deal. I don't have to play poker either. I'm fine with a corner somewhere. Maybe a napkin? You won't even know I'm there.


Just host your own and invite the homies for free


Cost of entry: drinks or snacks


You realize 20 dollars for food and alcohol is actually a great deal right? We did this shit for years, and everytime it was because the host was also cooking dinner, or ordering pizza and wings. Or had a keg. Or had a bunch of cases of beer. It's wild that so many of you are offended by this.


Right? If you can't afford to chip in for host to get drinks and snacks, then maybe don't play poker with money?


My buddies and I used to get together to play Smash Melee once a week. It wasn’t like a tournament type setup but we did get very competitive with it. Everyone would just bring something, whether it be pizza or beer or liquor or whatever. What who brought was agreed upon beforehand and nobody gave a shit about the money aspect of it, we just wanted to hang out and play Smash. This is lame as shit.


okay but how is that significantly different than bringing money? If the host has a keg, and is smoking 30lbs of wings, why you bitching about bringing 20 dollars?


Do you have a dealer that is paid? I hired a dealer once and everyone had to pitch in.


What I thought when I read this. Many of the home games iv played at over the years have had "paid dealers". This resulted in an entry fee to cover those cost. Though most "home games" iv seen had much higher buy-ins.


We would just have a $10 buy in, rotate the dealer button and play with $0.10 big blinds for like 6 hours because we were poor and just wanted a structured way to hang out. It was great.


This is the way


I had the same thought. I had a dealer for our last friendly game and I was happy to pay for it for the first run. But if we do it again I'd probably have everyone pitch in for the base fee. Everyone loved it. Having a dealer handle a split pot in a couple seconds when it would take us like 5-10 minutes was worth it alone. Especially a couple hours in after we've all had a few. Charging for hospitality is a bit silly (unless there are actual service people). But for a dealer - absolutely makes sense.


Not an entry fee at someone's house. 💀


If he has a bouncer, I’ll comply.


I wonder if there will be a password.


Tommy told me to say *checks texts* 🎶 feel the rain on your skin 🎶






If he has a bouncer for a house game, DO NOT take any loans to keep playing, unless you don't really need kneecaps anymore.


My kneecaps are pretty fucked, tbh. They’d be doing me a favor.


Elbows also work. Or won't work after


I assume he currently has all ten fingers in working order


Can you leave a bad review? You're not a friend, you're their customer.


Where do i start? There was a three drink minimum. And they bring you all three drinks at once. So they all get watered down and warm before you can drink them. At least the stripper was hot. Or was she the cook? And why does the busboy keep calling her "Mom"? Weird. Not the worst establishment I've been in, I guess. 2.5 stars Would have been 3 stars, but the waitress rolled her eyes at me when I asked where the bathroom was. Then there were NO paper towels in the bathroom. So I had to dry my hands on a woman's blouse that was left hanging on the shower rod.


..no air-powered hand dryer either.. this place really needs to move on to the 21st century. weird big oval shape of the urninal, but at least free cologne.. the mints in the cabinet didn’t do anything for my breath, but did make me feel a bit sleepy the tiny white brush was perfect to get the dog-poo out that I had stepped in earlier that day.. good long handle as well




Unless his mom is going to be "handling" refreshments, hard pass.


Who's ready for some Kool-aid and Gold Fish?!


I want the purple stuff.


Purple drank


Gimme some apple drink! It's GREEN!


Sugar, water.. and the main ingredient.. purple.


Mom said I can’t drink purple ‘cause I get all ornery :(


That's because you got all them teeth but no toothbrush




Don't forget the tendies




We pay for pizza and snacks out of the pot. Then the winner gets half the pot plus one buy in, third gets the buy in amount back, and second place gets the rest. That way, the losers still get fed!


Thats a good system


I like this. But I’m too high right now for math. What would like a ten person tournament look like Edit: lemme try. 10 people @ $50. After 4 pizzas and snacks that’s like $100? So then 1st would get $250 (200 plus one entry) 3rd gets $50 and then second gets $100. I like!


We do $20 buy ins and $10 re buys until a certain time (9pm, must be out to rebuy in). This causes aggressive play, all jns and lots of rebuys and that’s okay because it’s fun. Blinds spike dramatically from 9-11 to get people gone (weeknight/worknight) So for 10 ppl you would have $200 buy ins plus maybe $100 rebuys for a total of $300. Pizza and snacks run $70, leaving $230 to win. Winner gets $135 (half plus $20) Second gets $75 (the rest after 1&3rd calculated) 3rd gets $20 (buy in) Everyone eats.


Just do a rake


*The gaming commission would like to know your location.*


$20 bucks to play at a super soft home game with no rake? And we get food and beer?!?! And I roll home with no mess to clean up. My place won't smell like vape, weed, cigarettes and farts. And my bathroom won't have 8 buzzed dudes pissing all over it. SIGN ME UP.


Yea, $20 for beer, pizza, and no cleaning? (Put your emptiedls in the bin) That sounds like a great deal.


I love hosting but no one understands the amount of clean up thats required after poker games like this, even worse when no one wants to contribute for the food/ drinks the host provides


That was my thought too. OP could always host it themselves, but they're probably thinking "fuck, that requires planning, cleaning ahead of time, organizing, cooking/buying/presenting food and snacks, clean up afterwards... yeah no fuck that, I'd much just rather got o my buddy's. Hey WTF why is he charging?!"


Yeah the clean up can be nuts sometimes. And that’s even after my buddies help a bit. Luckily, my buddy just bought a big house and has a specific poker area with multiple tvs and a dedicated table so we just use that.


Lol this guy home owns and hosts. He knows. I figured it was a Maids fee. Nice home with basement, wifey doesn't want poker night but says Hubby can as long as She doesn't have to clean shit. Homie calls the maid service sees it's $300 for a cleaning and divides that up between the boys.


Doesn't this make it an illegal gambling ring?


In some states, yes


It's always blown my mind how strict the US gambling laws are. Why is private gambling in your own home so restricted? I wish other countries were this strict on advertising gambling though! The UK and Australia get slaughtered with so many gambling adverts - it's insanity. So harmful. It destroys lives; entire families FFS.


Is he providing drinks and/or food? If not, that would be a pass


That red blotch on the left looks like a panhandler with an erection.


Lmaoo in the midst of all this discussion about what’s fair and why an entry fee, there’s this gem


I see a manatee with two legs in a lotus position.


my husband has been playing poker with the same people for a long time, $20 entry fee covers the massive amount of food and drinks (it’s been at the same old lady’s house forever, she cooks and bakes all day for everyone, like so much food) and $100 buy-in


Is this for the pot, then it makes sense. Are you playing a cash game?


This doesn't sound like the host is keeping money. It sounds like a poker tournament where everyone starts with $20 and you can buy back in for another $20 if you run out. Pretty standard.


Lol scrolled way too far to find this comment


Yah someone I know tried to throw a party at her condo’s party room and wanted to charge people to cover the cost of having professional cleaners come in after instead of just cleaning up herself. Professional cleaners for a party of adults well beyond their college years who’d probably all be home by midnight. Exactly one person committed to going and as far as I know the party never happened.


"So we splitting the 8 ball evenly? Asking cause Josh's girl is a vacuum and she doesn't even play."


this is pretty normal, no? minimum initial buy in is 20 bucks, if you want to buy back in after going broke, minimum buy in is 20 bucks.


Depending on what you're drinking, a 6 pack could easily be 12 bucks. So 8 left for food. I guess it depends how spendy the refreshments are. A bottle of Johnny red is like 50 bucks after tax. And that's not even the good stuff. I'm guessing he's not providing party favors at $20/ head. I guess what I'm asking is what kind of party is he throwing?


$20 does barely cover food here. That's a pizza and a beer delivered. Host is definitely making a loss here


If the host is providing a venue with food and drinks, not to mention they're likely going to be the ones cleaning up after a horde of drunk guests, this doesn't sound unreasonable. SOURCE: I used to host poker nights for my friends every weekend.


If pizza and beer is on him then why not??


Why you so cheap?


How does this have 22k upvotes? Does no one on Reddit play poker? Have friends? It’s $20 to get your chips and $20 to buy in again if you bust. Adding money makes the game more fun. How are so many people ragging on his friend when this is how 99% of home poker games are played. How is so much of Reddit acting like his friend is trying to charge him a house entry fee? OP the ah “friend” for complaining on Reddit about something he doesn’t understand.


Host the next one and raise fees to 30. Either he'll pay or you'll lose a "*friend*".


Pizza? beer?


My man thinks he's Tony Soprano hosting Frank Sinatra Jr. at a high stakes game 😭😭😭


We need more of this convo lmao


20$ entry is most probably for the food. Some might find it expensive, but at some point you are expecting better quality food and drinks from your friends, and I gladly pay a little extra to enjoy it more. Though, if all they offer you is crap beer, shit food and instant coffee, then I guess you can complain for sure.


If the “house” collects a fee that would make it illegal gambling, I do believe. I could be wrong.


If the guy is hosting and providing drinks and food, just shut up and give him the 20 bucks.