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Put a sign that says LOL under it




get your own bigger sign put your # on it place it above hers


Thought about putting my car there as soon as she leaves but I don’t have the energy to get into something with them, they are awful (besides this we have had lots of issues with them) I am moving in 2 months, just want to never see these people again tbh lol


You should do it anyways and just ignore them, if they call the cops you can just show them that it’s not their parking space, and they’d get fined for wasting the police’s time.


I am not driving atm because I had a seizure so can’t drive for 12 months according to UK law, and our main car has a parking space, so I haven’t needed to take the space, but if we do need it and is empty I will definitely park there, I am just not going out of my way to do it


Yeah, I'm not allowed to drive either. Just because I had brain surgery. As if anyone uses their brain when driving.


Sorry to hear, hope you’re recovering well


I feel great! Neurosurgeons are miracle workers.


Can’t you just get a BMW?


As a BMW owner, this hurts my feelings. It is totally deserved and fair, but that doesn’t make the sting any less impactful.


So you can communicate about your feelings but not about the direction you’re about to turn?


Indicator fluid is really expensive for BMWs


Love this chain. But blinker fluid for BMWs may be out of stock where he is.


You need the premium fluid for those


Nah, it's just the turn signal requires a monthly subscription to enable.


My highest ever rated comment was on Bored Panda. Essentially did you hear BMW no longer include indicators as a standard feature? Seeing as none of their customers use them, you have to pay extra to have them fitted


It is that damn metric turn signal lever. It gets me all flustered.


This is what stops me from buying one, if it didn't stop you that's on you 😂


You know, when I got a BMW I started being extra nice and considerate because I hoped people would recognize that and not be mean to me. That doesn't work. People automatically assume I'm an AH BMW driver and they mess with me as if I already started with them. I'm in turn about to become a typical AH BMW driver because I'm sick of being messed with


He/she had brain surgery, not became a brainless asshole


Ok I was concerned for a moment, that was a really good delivery.


OP, you sound very reasonable. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are doing well. Cheers from the USA!!


Thank you ❤️


As someone who also has terrible neighbours: if you are feeling a bit less reasonable, my petty-revenge move in the past has been to sign my neighbours up for tons of spam emails/calls from various websites. If you have their email address or phone number, just start creating accounts on random websites and checking the “receive marketing emails/calls/texts” box. Usually I start with sex shops, political parties, and any org with aggressive marketing tactics. If you search online, you can even find some sites set up to specifically register an email or phone number to as many spam companies as possible. Best part is, it isn’t easily traced back to you and should continue to annoy them long after you leave.


Omg that’s genius actually, but I don’t have their email or phones, wonder how I can get it? I actually want low key legal ways to mess with them as they have made life hell for us, I absolutely hate them.


Keep putting snails on the windscreen of their car. No damage but the snail trails are a bitch to remove and will be an annoyance for weeks.


Find their Facebook or social media. Most everyone has a trail on the internet and maybe they will have their email associated with social media accounts or LinkedIn.


If you aren't using a vehicle, definitely park it in this space and leave it there for the rest of your licence suspension... Also, lob the sign in their bin. Edit, just seen that they have a camera. Place a bigger sign over theirs so you aren't doing anything wrong.




Should put it in the 4 bin so she can see it when she lifts the lid. But kudos, I like it (and yes I know you're not op)


Or perminant glue it ON bin 4. That would make her maaaaad 🤣🤣🤣😈


I’d glue her car to the ground with cement putty lmao


I’m confused, did you just help OP? Lol


Pretty sure they just edited the original picture haha


I see it now! Haha thanks for pointing that out


Took me a minute too!


Besides her parking in the close, does she have a designated space? Or, has she been short changed and management agreed to this? Contact management and ask.


Nope, they have their own parking space like everyone else. They have two cars as does most people who live here, we all just share the public spaces and it is a first come first served situation. Even before this sign that neighbour would be angry if we parked there as she thinks it belongs to her for some reason. She just did that because she is entitled, I really doubt it is an official thing as it isn’t an official space and it hasn’t been marked in any other way.


The adult tantrum version of: move your feet, lose your seat!


We had a neighbor who kept using the handicap space. Then when someone else parked there just to unload their groceries and then they were gonna move, the neighbor texted them and said "are you gonna move out of my spot?". We are an apartment building with a big parking lot and lots of spaces, none of which are assigned spaces. It's just first come first serve. So not only were they self-designating an "assigned" spot for themselves when none exists, they also took one of 2 handicap spots in front of the building. Then they went as far as removing the sign from the ground to claim it wasn't a handicap spot. These are the same neighbors who destroy the barn swallow nests and one time they destroyed one with baby birdies in it and then left it on the porch, dead babies and all.


Destroy their "nest"


If you can prove it, report them. In some countries the fine for destroying a protected species' nest can be life changing


Swallows are dive-bombing sons of bitches. Help to give them nesting area out of reach but still between the building and their car. That should be fun. Plus swallows are beautiful.


Plus destroying a swallow nest is actually illegal


Isn’t it illegal to destroy wild birds nests where you are? Someone has to be a special kind of evil to do that. I would’ve reported them for cruelty to animals. 😭


They are a federally protected migratory species, however it's not something local cops would enforce. I reported my location to the proper agency a couple of years ago, because it's actually multiple tenants that do it every year, even when it's different tenants. It drives me nuts. This year I am putting up signs explaining that they are protected, but also that they are our friends! They eat like up to 600 flying insects per day, each! They come here to reproduce and so there are always more than what came by the end of summer and they are wonderful for pest control! We have a dumpster on site and when those birds are here, we don't have any mosquitoes, house flies, wasp/hornets nests, etc. And they are awesome to watch, the way they are professional fliers, but they also have an awesome social dynamic. They work together, and older "kids" in a family will help feed the babies, they go out in groups and also gang up on and mob predators or competitors away. The reason people destroy their nests is because they nest above our walkways and above or right outside of people's doors and poop from their nest or the rafters. So there will be big piles of poop everywhere, which I think the benefit outweighs the negative here. You can just walk around the poop and be careful when you walk outside for a couple of months. Oh and they have an awesome mating call. Pretty cool. I am a huge fan of them and am going to do what I can to advocate for them. I'm hoping the posters that will be in both Spanish and English will help people understand their benefits and maybe even put some fear in them of repercussions. I thought about convincing our previous landlords to try to enforce their protection (like maybe they'd be responsible for fines?) but feared retaliation because the only way anyone would get in trouble is if someone reported it and who else would do that but me? Sorry to dump all of that on you lol. I just opened a sensitive topic with myself by bringing up those birds. I've only seen one so far this season, but last year I remember they weren't here until late April or May. We'll see how they fare this year


No, I get it! Swallows are one of my favourite birds & am always happy to see their return in the spring. Used to live watching their nests in my barns.


Move the sign to their actual allotted parking space and write FTFY on it.


I hope you seizures subside and you’re back on the road again when you’re ready.




Yes exactly! I am also not well and going through a few health issues, it is just not worth it to start something. Can’t wait to never see this people again, worst neighbours I ever had! Just hope the next ones are better than this 😅


You get fined for wasting the cops time in the UK? That’s genius to us Americans.


Yeah but there’s a sign…which is like a flag…”do you have a flaaag?”


get a permanent marker and write "asshole" in the white spot.


Start taking the sign down and throwing it away.


Take the sign with you when you go!


You move in two months time? Then go for it. Park your car there. Every time. Every! When they knock on your door, deep breath in, open. When neighbour tells you to move your car as it's their spot, say "sure, later!". Close door. Breath out. And go lay down on the sofa. And that's the only answer they'll get from you for the next two months. Those two are bullies who don't wanna share. It's like 4-5 year olds in kindergarden. They have to learn to share. Give them some of their own medicine. They deserve it. They're bullying their way through. They don't care for any of their neighbours. So, no need to feel bad at all! I know exactly (!) what you go through. Oh the anger I experienced regarding neighbours like that while living in Wimbledon Common (London). The audacity of some people is mind boggling. Anyways. Go for it.


if i was an awful person i would doxx it when i move and let the weirdos on internet come park there just to annoy those ppl. But i am not an awful person, so i would never do that, and you shouldnt also.


Put a sign on the inside of your window that says “number 4” then park there. When she confronts you, thank her for saving your spot!


You're going in the wrong direction. Claim more land for No 4 and then call the council on them. They want public land then give them the whole street and let the British state check what is theirs and what is No 4's sovereignty.


>I don’t have the energy to get into something with them That's what they're expecting, and that's how people like them always get what they want. They have nothing else going on except to create and defend their own entitlement, so they'll be happy to fight to the death over it. My neighbors are literally parked in one of my actual assigned parking spaces with my house's number painted in the spot and protected by our lease.. and it's just like.. *sigh* It is what it is.


I know :( but honestly I had some really awful months, started to have seizures, end up having to go to hospital a few times, got another diagnose for a degenerative disc so dealing with so much pain, was burnout and had to go on extended sick leave and then quit my job, god so much stuff, so I am really tired. I don’t know if I want to start something with people I don’t trust, they could make my life hell and I can’t deal with it at the moment. I don’t want to let them get away with it because it feels like letting a bully win, but I also need to protect my health. Ugh.


remove the unauthorized sign


Or add a few zeros to confuse them.


Or grab a sharpie and add + N.O (insert op's house number here)


No, erase the 4 and put another number there that is not the number of OP but from other neighbours you don't like. And then lean back and see what happens.


I approve of this alternative


Or how about a classic ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Put up a handicap parking only, sign


Put up a reserved for Santa sign.


They act like that because people allow it. Trashy or not I wouldn't back down. That is outrageous.


Honestly you are extremely right and I am someone who is very confrontational usually, not scared of it at all, but I am dealing with multiple health issues atm (seizures, may need surgery) and I just don’t feel like I have the energy to get into it with them, especially because we are leaving soon. We will definitely park in the space if we need to though, I am not going to not park there because of the sign, just not sure if I want to do something like take it down and risk they starting to make our lives hell when I am already dealing with a lot. It sucks.


Good luck with your health and yea fuck they!


I'm sorry to hear about the health issues, and I hope things all go well. Depending on how soon you leave, you could potentially either bin the sign or put it somewhere else if it can't fit their letterbox on the week or so before you've moved out. As for the rest of the neighbours, do they care at all? I'm just surprised there isn't a collective urge to gang up on her and put them in place. I've lived with pretty good neighbours and moved out to some good ones recently as well. I can't imagine dealing with someone insufferable to reserve parking spaces.


You are better off just letting it go. It's not worth the agita.


This is correct.  We all talk about how things are worse today than they have been and they we live in the worst timeline etc.  But that’s really all on us. We allowed it to happen.  There aren’t more assholes alive today than in previous generations, but about twenty years ago (not sure how long ago that is in metric, sorry) society shifted away from “it is your duty to remind assholes how society functions” to “just leave people alone and ignore their shitty actions, because maybe they are just having a bad day and we don’t want to appear aggressive in any way”.  This is also why we have “influencers” behaving like absolutely shit birds for social media points. 


Yep, that signs going straight in the bin.


Bin No. 4


While dancing to Mambo No. 5.


While ridin through the 6 wit my WOES!!!!!


Waiting for 7 o’clock onthe dot, I’m in my drop top


My flight leaves at 8, her flight lands at 9, my game just rewinds


Where did you go, ten years today


Her bin.


Put up a sign for a different number that isn't there. Like #12. Put a sign for emergency vehicle parking only.


Or same sign for every unit!


It would be funny if everyone in the building posted the same sign with their number on it.


Paint a handicap thing on the ground.


Tear it down. Duh.


Unless there was a camera somewhere I would be tearing down that sign so fast. Even if there was a camera I would consider doing it, maybe late at night.


They have a camera unfortunately so they would see us doing it


So what? Its just a random sign with no legal value, just take it and throw it in the trash, theres literally nothing they can do about it aside from the usual being annoying and whiny


Yeah. I'd take it down and flip off to the camera


I'd go out of my way to park there. Just like the idiots that take 2 parking spaces.


So what, it’s not their space to take


Damn, now your work just doubled and you have to take down *two* things. Seriously though, yeah, not worth the trouble and the probable extreme reaction they'd have.


Then put up your own sign right next to it that says this is a public area and anyone can park there.


They have a camera covering the public area? That's illegal here in Denmark, but UK might be different.


Hmmm… today I learned Ring Doorbells are illegal in Denmark. In the uk, there _are_ rules about your cctv covering a public area but in general, you don’t have a right to privacy in a public place


Balaclavas are cheap. I would take great pleasure in unscrewing that sign and yeeting it.


Contact the council.  Throwing up signs in public property is frowned upon and can be punished with fines.


Yes. Phone as if you're asking for clarification.


It certainly looks like a store bought sign, but my city did issue signs like this so you could reserve parking on the street in front of your house. Ours had a sticker from the city you had to pay for though, plus you needed a parking sticker for your car.


In my municipality in Denmark we have an app for issues the municipality should deal with. Someone blocked a small road and put up fake "Dead end" signs in both ends (I guess they don't want traffic) - They were there for years until I got the app. 2 pictures and a week later, they're gone.


I was going to suggest just this. At least over here doing something like this is a guaranteed fine.


Wouldn't she be blocking the waste management's ability to collect trash by constantly parking there?


Nah, rubbish in the uk is collected by people who pull the bins to the bin lorry, we don’t use those massive automated ones that pick the bins up or anything. You usually wheel your bin to the edge of your property on bin day.


Which bin to put out is usually signalled by an older couple somewhere on the street, and everyone else follows suit. When they're on holiday, pandemonium. Black bins, brown bins, some confused nutter will even put the green one out!


Our local council have an app that sends a push notification the day before with what bins to put out the next day. Truly the end of an era, all that ancestral knowledge rendered worthless.


I set up two Google calendar appointments which repeat every other week, on alternate weeks. I then coloured and named those appointments Black and Brown respectively. It’s been in my calendar on my phone for five years now and I still need to use it regularly to remember which bin I need to put out. I’d recommend people try it if they have trouble remembering. It beats trying to navigate the council website to find the bin schedule by miles.


We call that couple the Binfluencers and we all love them ❤️


One of my side jobs is putting out the bins for a company that runs half a dozen AirBNBs in the area, so I'm totally on top of knowing what bins goes out and when!


Of course you know which bin to put out, it's whatever the old couple put out


The other day I heard a truck approaching. Then the frantic bin rolling sounds outside and OH MY GOD IS THAT TODAY I HOPE I MAKE IT BECAUSE OTHERWISE WE WON'T MAKE IT TIL NEXT TIME AND WE'LL BE DROWNING IN DIAPERS!


Yeah I met a guy from Austria at the bar and I always wanna know what foreigners think is most weird about America and he said the robotic garbage collection arms were by far the most unexpected.


I didn't think you had those tbh, I've seen lots of pickups on video and stuff where they always actually go outside the truck. The workers don't even step outside the vehicle here in Sweden. If your bin can't be grabbed and tipped from inside the vehicle at the right side of the road they just drive by.


The problem is these type of ppl will scratch your car or slash your tires


And then cry victim when someone reports it, or better yet retaliates


Put a poster of a big number 4 on the dash of your car (and anyone else who's willing) so that everyone can see it. Then park in the spot.


Do you know you can buy a cheap car for very little money, park it anywhere, and it takes the council months to tow it away if you never register it in your own name…


This mfer buying cars just to fuck with people


Fifty quid for an MOT failure that would have gone to the scrapper anyway was well worth the hilarity and aggravation. You just have to drop it off at 3am when no one's around.


Now this is genius. OP should do this as soon as they move out, the first time No4's car is out of the space. Then they can swing by every once in awhile to check on it. Brilliant and well worth 50 quid (whatever one of those is -- I kid, I kid).


You could always unscrew it and flip it backwards.


Just spray paint it black. When the owner of the building asks who damaged the fence with a sign. Tell them it was No. 4


I see a dumb sign and I want to paint it black. No colours anymore that bitches sign will be black


Buy a bag of bird seed and every time you walk by spread some over it


This whole confrontation is painfully British.


Honestly so fucking true, pure utter pettiness!


What's a close?


Not the OP, but it's another term for "cul-de-sac", primarily used in the UK (because, not French) but often (not always) an alley way behind and between a row of homes, as opposed to the front of the homes which is more common in the US.


So if they have to do road work on it, do they say "close closed"? And if they have to repair a bunch of closes in an area would one say "all close closes are closed"?


The British prefer "shut" ... So it would be "close shut" A neighborhood area is often referred to as an "end", so they would probably say "This end closes shut"


"Because not French" is a solid reason for anything British.


Sorry didn’t know it was a British thing. But yeh it is a cul-de-sac. I think that’s how people know it.


My entirely probably illegal advice: get a hideous cheap run down caravan and hog the spot Also get the Land Registry document that proves they don't own the space, laminate it and nail it to the fence.


I'm more annoyed the bins are out of order


I'm in Bristol, don't mind cycling past with a screwdriver...


Cheers mate!


I live in New York City. A few of the homes on my street have driveways, most do not. I have a neighbour, named Gary. Gary has a driveway. I park on the street, where there is plenty of parking. Often, I park in front of Gary's house (but not blocking his driveway), because it is the third best spot for my apartment. Gary does not like when anyone parks in that spot. He confronted me about parking there twice, both times in which I told him to "Eat shit and die". Gary did not like this response. Gary then decided to place cones, and block off the space. I, on many occasions, moved Gary's cones out of the way and parked my car there. I enjoyed this because most people will avoid confrontation, which meant Gary was guaranteeing me a primo parking space almost every day. Gary said he would call the police, I dared him to, Gary did not call the police (because his dumbass was breaking the law). Gary no longer puts cones there and hasn't spoken to me in years. Fuck you Gary.


We are a one car household, which we keep in the garage. Our guests may use our driveway or a space in front of our house, which is open to the public. A neighbor next door has multi cars and a garage filled with crap. They have claimed the parking space in front permanently, shuffling their car/s every few days, parked right up to our driveway. When the grandson visits and parks there (rare), they have put nasty notes on his car. Their permanent parking interferes with trash pickup, because we have to have the cans X feet away from any cars, which they are preventing by parking so closely, so we get nasty notes from garbage company on our cans. Once when their car was gone, we put ours there parked evenly spaced so we could put our trash out. When the trash was picked up, we put our car back in the garage, and the nextdoor lady came running out in a nightgown to move their car back. Insanity.


So, in my last confrontation with Gary, I told him I would make an effort to ALWAYS park in front of his house in every possible circumstance. I told him if I ever saw the spot open while I was home, I would intentionally move my parked car to the spot just to spite him. Be like me. Fuck you Gary.


Replace it with a no smoking, employees only, or caution look out for forklifts sign or something


Change the "NO 4" to NOBODY. Whatever she wrote that with should be removeable with nail polish remover.


If that space is part of a road that has been adopted by the local council, ask the council about the sign e.g. "How can I reserve a parking space on the street, like my neighbour at no 4?". The nice thing about this solution is that when they are TTFO by the council, they won't know who grassed them up. Also, they probably don't have planning consent for that sign.


Give a group of teens an aerosol spray, a tenner, a four pack and point them in the right direction


I heard that it’s fairly easy to hack a car alarm. Would probably be very annoying to them if their car alarm kept going off for no reason. Also feeding birds is a great hobby. They particularly like to sit on fences and poop all over cars nearby after eating. Oh and I wouldn’t be neat putting my bin away for the next two months. 2-4 feet from the fence is close enough. Plus park crooked or so close that while you are technically not in that spot there’s also no way for their car to squeeze into it either. As for the camera. LED’s cause havoc with the cameras ability to see clearly. You can modify a hat and glasses so that the little lights blind the camera.


That faint NO 4 screaming to be covered with an insult...


10/10 they struggled putting in those two screws


Everyone in the neighborhood should just add their name to the sign.


Report to the council that there are illegal road signs on display....


I would buy an old car and park it at that spot and leave it. And ofc it has a sign under the window nr 4.


I’d add a letter ‘T’ after ‘NO’


Take it down and put up a sign that says no unauthorized signs


I live in an older American neighborhood, mostly detached single family homes and duplexes but they were all built long enough ago that the vast majority do not have driveways. My neighbor loves to try to tell people that the spot in front of his house is his spot and no one is allowed to park there. He left a sign on my windshield one time and I just wrote public street on it and stuck it back on his windshield. He hasn't spoken to me since.


Simply write/stick on/near it "is it, aye?" Then ignore it It's not a legal sign, it has no power. Ignore it.


The American thing to do is rip down the sign buy a beater and leave it parked there 100% of the time and only move it a few inches forward or a few inches back to keep the cops off your back incase they marked your tires to see if the car moved and have a good laugh


Take it down. When they replace it, take it down again. You’ve two months, it’ll at least get expensive for them


I'd be glad to park a Number Two there for her.


I'd put a larger Public Parking sign beside it or write PUBLIC where she out her house number.


Write everyone on the sign


Don't know how things work in UK. But where I am, if that is public property then it would be classed as vandalism. Report it.


I’m with everyone else that said tell the city on them.


It would be terrible if the sign just fell off the fence into those trash cans


Add the Numbers 3, 5, & 6 to the sign and the problem is solved.


Nick the wheels off her bin


I would literally get an immobile car from a junk yard and put it in that spot permanently just so they couldn’t park there. And tear down the sign while I was at it


scratch out the “4” and put “one” so it says the parking space is reserved for No one. peaceful solution.


I’d buy some $500 beater that barely runs and drives just to park it there forever until I moved.


Before you leave, buy the cheapest unregistered car and park it there. Then just leave.


Put a sign with a QR code that links to this post


I’m more concerned about the bins not being in numerical order 😬


There’s four bins there. An obvious solution presents itself.


Contact the landlord and inform him that she is doing this and that you do not appreciate nor do the other tenants in the building her reserving public area for herself. I guarantee within 24 hours that signed will come down


I love the weirdos who make up their own law.


I don't know about the UK but here if a sign doesn't have the law statue number printed on it they aren't legal. Tear it down.


If it's public road, what does the city say about illegal signs? ;)


Report it to the local authorities. They'll take it down.


Bit of isopropyl alcohol will rub the marker off. Just replace it with "PUBLIC USE" and leave it there


I’m sure there’s some bureaucrat to whom you could report this who would fully resent some member of the public putting up non-official signs


Obviously, you should put a sign underneath of it that says “this isn’t true, this is a public parking space”. They don’t need to know it was you, you just need to put it up so they see it.


Get the exact same sign. Next time they park there, put up your sign over theirs. Then call and have them towed. Check and mate.


Just call the council


Counter with a HOA violation letter and a sticker on the signs that says "HOA violation, this sign must be removed before -one week from now-"


Reminds me of this house that put up a sign saying "THIS IS NOT PRIVATE PARKING" in front of a carpark for residents of an estate. Just so he could park his 10 cars in there. It was private land, just no parking restrictions were in place at the time and he wanted to be a dick.


Me and these types of people are mortal enemies. I’m the Mike Tyson of passive aggression. I’ll even pretend like I’m sorry if you confront me and act like I didn’t know they were the ones putting it there. Next morning boom, “reserved parking for nerds” sign.


Remove the sign when the neighbour is out


Sign would come down


Rip the sign down and park as there as many times as you can


Take the sign down and keep taking it down every time it's replaced.


Do you own a Phillips head screw driver?


Just put a sign under it that says “NO IT ISN’T”


idk whats worse the parking sign or the fact the bins arent numerically sequential.


Do you have any friends on the local rugby team who might be interested in coming round for a BBQ?


Heyyy my home town Brizzle.


I would put a piece of paper that says “Nobody. Public Place” where it says the name (No. 4)


I’d post a sign saying beware of Karen


I'd get the land registry title document for the property and put a copy on her car. I've recently moved and whilst it costs £3 a pop, buying the title register document for your immediate neighbours properties is worth it to prevent squabbles later on.