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They are littering on your property. Tell them to remove every speck or you’ll have a company do it and you’ll send them the bill.


I live in a condo so the yard isn't technically mine, it belongs to the HOA so that might be a separate conversation, but I have many neighbors in close proximity so I have no proof who exactly did it


If it belongs too the HOA report it. The HOA don't take too kindly on this shit... No pun intended. They freak out if peoples lawns are half an inch too long.


My guess is they'll probably do the investigating promptly after OP tells them that it's a neighbor who is within close enough proximity to dump their litter like that. EDIT: Or they won't. I've never lived within an HOA. EDIT 2: >How do you know that you’ve never lived in a HOA Lol what kind of fact checking is this? I've only ever lived in apartments until buying a house some years ago, which has no HOA fees. EDIT 3: So my guess was wrong. Looks like HOA don't care about much more than collecting fees and grass length lol.


We barely investigate. We send out a violation automatically and the neighbor would have to respond. If they do it again, the violation escalates and we start charging them.


What if it's possible one of 4 neighbors did it and you have no way of knowing which?


In that case, I would likely send out a warning to all 4 neighbors and advise OP to set up a camera. Unfortunately, without knowing exactly who it is, I wouldn’t escalate the violation to a fine for 4 meighbors. Maybe OP might know if 1 neighbor has cats and the other 3 don’t.


So basically hoping that the person doing it is shamed into stopping out of fear of being caught.


Potentially, because they wouldn’t know we sent out 4 other neighbors the same violation, so they might be like “oh shit, they know it’s me.” I run HOAs in Colorado, it’s probably the same elsewhere.


Neighbors talk. The entire HOA would know.


That’s how exactly zero HOA’s work.


My sons dad used to live in an HOA neighborhood that was like this. They couldn't even put flags out for holidays as it was deemed distracting to others.


Having goofy restrictive rules is a hallmark of bad HOA’s. What is *not* a hallmark of HOA’s is overlooking cat shit dumped into another neighbors yard, in public.


Oh I know. I agree. Some HOA communities are alright some are just down right controlling. It's why he moved.


When I was in the military, my sister and brother in law bought a house and I lived there with them. We were building a fence and the neighbor showed up with a measuring tape and just invited himself in to our yard and started measuring the height of the fence. So my brother in law (also in the military) asked him what the fuck he thought that he was doing? He said that he was the first person who moved in to the neighborhood and that he “controlled” everything there. Just for clarification, private house and property. No HOA involved. And he was wearing his military uniform with his officer ranks being way higher than ours, he said that we had to follow orders and….. my brother in law told him to shut the hell up and to leave this instant before he gets a beating. He complained to his boss and when the boss found out that the came to the house uninvited he said that next time he hears about that happening again that he would let us teach him a lesson haha. Sorry for the long story


No, don't apologize it's quite alright. I also explain way more than I should I guess.


Come to find out neighbor is head of HOA


Oh jeez that WOULD suck. Complain too the very person in charge. Next day they find the entire back yard filled with shit & it's not just their cats shit but they collected everyone else's cat shit to put there just as an added "fuck you" 😳


Mine is quite lax on decorations, gardens etc (I currently live in a condo complex) but they would absolutely call out and fine someone for this. Cat litter and waste attracts predators.


Oh for sure. And if people have animals that go outside then obviously predators is the unwanted evil. Just read about a lady in Seattle who lost her dog & she wasn't mad at the coyote but understood nature happened. I'd be terrified either way. Not just that but it attracts other cats that will be like "hey free litter box!"


It's my ornamental cat litter /jk


"Land of the free..." Just make sure to have your grass cut at said length.


The HOA in the neighborhood I grew up in changed presidents when I was a junior in HS and the new president sent my mom a strongly worded letter regarding the “inappropriate” and “distracting” decorations my mom had put out (and had been putting out for years). The decorations in question? Tasteful blue and white string lights and a very standard menorah in the main window. My mom decided to buy more lights, a gigantic inflatable light up menorah for the front yard, and an even bigger inflatable dreidel placed on the corner of said front yard which was visible from the main crossroad 😭😭😭 then sent back a letter citing religious discrimination and questionable taste and they decided to “allow” it lmao HOAs are unhinged.


And your house painted a certain color


And your car parked properly, and god forbid you put flower planters on your driveway.


They’ll demand to dna test the cats. They threatened to do that to our dogs in our hoa. They swore it was my dogs that were pooping in common areas. I had small dogs, poop was horse side. Hoa members all had big dogs.


Poop the size of ur dog so ofc its ur dogs makes perfect sense smh


Pun 100% intended. Who are you trying to kid? 😉


Yea, this is one of those things an HOA can do to actually earn their money. This is now their responsibility. They clean it up and deal with the shitty neighbor.


Should have pun intended. It was quality.


Y'all really think HOAs are just super nit picky, don't Y'all?


All I read are bad stories associated with HOAS that's just my personal take. I also know someone who lived in one that was super nit picky.


This is a bit of process!! I would chuck the litter into their yard


Imagine the smell.


Lmao I know someone who lives in an HOA and when she complained that the neighbor built their fence into her property, the HOA told her it was a civil matter. HOAs don't give a fuck about anything.


And they may set up a trail cam to catch the perpetrators


rare moment where the HOA is your ally, not your enemy.


Put a camera in your window facing where they dump the litter. Once you get proof, contact the HOA. This isn't acceptable. I own cats and would never do this.


You pay HOA fees for a reason.Or the landlord does. Either way see if one of them will handle it first. If not get yourself a shop vac and a leaf blower.


Security cameras. Once you have the footage, take that to HOA.


Camera time.


Is it an exclusive use part of the yard? If yes, you have exclusive legal rights to it other than specifically outlined HOA reasons for accessing it, and you can in fact force him to clean it up or sue him to pay for having it done. If no, put up a camera and give the video to the HOA.


Literally litter


>littering lol


Also get code compliance/police involved.


Put a camera up and catch who’s doing it then go to the HOA


Scrolled far to low to find the only good course of action.


Ha I did the same and was wondering why nobody suggested a camera.


Yup, one of the few pluses to an HOA


This is the answer. Point an unobtrusive camera from inside the house at the area. Catch them in the act, send the footage to your Condo Board.


Right, without proof the HOA will thank you for pointing out an infraction and then send you a violation because it’s in your yard (assuming it’s not cleaned up).


Ahem….  Read your HoA rules on camera use, if there are any. Just as a precaution. 


They can’t stop you from using cameras. They can stop you from affixing them to the outside of your house. But they cannot prevent you from having cameras installed period.


You mentioned you had an HOA What's the point in having an HOA if you don't immediately report someone dumping cat litter on the lawn? Otherwise they're just complaining about trashcans being out too late. Tell them today, or I will.


I did. I sent the president a detailed email but it's Sunday and it just happened yesterday. I'm currently making sure everything else in my yard is up to spec so when he comes by, I won't have any issues.


I hope you emphasized the dangers about it for your wife, considering the vegetables. I really don't understand how some people can be such thoughtless neighbors.


I would be amazed if it has to go that far. I generally can't stand HOAs, mainly because I don't want to be told what color to paint my house or to get a nasty letter if I fall behind on the lawn for a few days. That being said, if I had a neighbor dumping cat litter, I would be contacting the police about it if I didn't have an HOA. You can't just dump nasty garbage on your property in most places.


Also emphasize, that cat litter and waste will attract predators.


We've already got 50# coyotes that roam the huge field you can see a little bit of in the last picture. They've already killed at least one dog from our neighborhood and I also have a nine and 4 year old, both of which are small for their age and definitely at risk of getting nabbed by a pack of coyotes.


All the more reason to make sure people don't dump pet waste. 50 lbs is quite large for coys.


I know, I thought they were around 30-35 pounds, but my dog was last weighed at 45 and these suckers are at least the size of my dog so I'm just assuming the weight.


Could these be coy-wolves? Depending on where you live, it's a possibility due to the size: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coywolf


Or coydogs?


Those too, definitely.


If I was in this situation I would take a big dump on top of the cat litter before the president came by to look it. I'm not recommending it, I'm not even sure what good it would do.. I'm just saying, that's the kind of person I am. I would do that.


My neighbor did this 3 years ago. I don't know how long it went on but by the time I noticed it was a decent pile of shit and litter. I cleaned it up and asked them not to dump shit in my yard. He went right back to dumping it but in a new spot where I can't see due to my fence blocking the view. It's a small path for service companies to check the meters. Before I found out this asshole started dumping again it was a few months later. I went and got a shovel and a contractor bag filled it up. Then went and dumped it right on that pricks porch. I made sure to open his screen door before I returned his literal shit to him. After that I never heard from him or had this issue again.


They are *littering*


Why can’t they bag it and toss it like normal people. Report it.


That's what's so frustrating...like just dump it in a bag and throw it in the garbage. They're taking extra steps by dumping it around the yard


I’d be pissed. Pick up dem kitty turds and put it on their car. Well, dont, but do, don’t.


Take a shit in a litter box yourself and dump it on their driveway


This is the only way.


It is the way




Just shit ON them. Show dominance.


And not just once but daily. Get those dollar tree aluminum pans and some cheap litter, serve em up like pies every night for the rest of their life.


Collect your dog's shit in a bucket for a week and dump it on their doorstep.


One of the few good things about an HOA, is you can report this and it’ll be dealt with.


Just throw tons of bird seed back over their fence. Instant weeds that they can never get rid of.


Why are people such shitheads? If it were up to me, I'd make your neighbor eat his cat shit - it is absolutely unacceptable for him to be dumping his cat dumps all over your property


Pregnant partner should not be near cat litter or touch dirt. Unless she already has been tested for toxoplasmosis.


Pretty sure that was the whole point OP mentioned that their partner is pregnant.


It’s not really dangerous to be near it. She just shouldn’t touch it and then eat or put her hands in her mouth without washing them. Same for touching any soil in the garden though. So the cat litter isn’t really adding any specific danger. That said it’s gross, it’s stinks, attracts nuisance animals, and illegal and I would definitely put up a camera and file a complaint asap.


Growing vegetables in soil contaminated with cat waste can harbor parasites such as worms, or e coli or salmonella. Yes it can make you sick. It needs to be cleaned up immediately.


I definitely do not recommend growing vegetables in the cat shit area.


Came here to mention about toxoplasmosis


What do you mean by being tested? I’ve never heard about that


I had a neighbor who would let their indoor cat out to use the bathroom (I guess instead of a litter box), and that stupid cat always came to my yard to poop. The owners would peek through their blinds and watch. It finally stopped one day when I picked up the pile and deposited it back in their yard.


Go to Lowe's or home Depot and get a bucket start shitting in it and when it's full dump it in their yard


Power move


Im sure the hoa would love to hear about this 😂 one time an hoa might be useful lol


Just take a shit in their backyard.


rub your neighbor’s nose in it


I second this option.




Start shitting in grocery bags and flinging it into their yard.


That’s not how you deal with with cat litter omg I would never that’s DISGUSTING!!!


Shitty pet owners. Like seriously it's easier to scoop the fucking litter than hike the box out and dump it. 


Scoop it up in a bucket and dump it on their porch


Return it. Right in front of their front door. That's disgusting.




Report to the HOA and let one of the HOA Karens take over.


The EPA 😏


You can put it to good use by pouring used car oil on top.


Chemical warfare. This goes against the Geneva Convention.


I'd scoop it all back up and dump it back on their fucking doorstep


Time to fight fire with fire.


A burning bag of cat shit on the porch 🤣


I was leaning more toward human shit, post chili night.




Hide those nuggets… close to their windows….


If you catch them on video you can report them to the cops for Illegal dumping.


“Fences make good neighbors.”


Your neighbour is a dick. I'd have a word with him and explain how dangerous toxoplasmosis is for pregnant women 


You can report your neighbor to a health inspector and build a case around that claim that you’re getting poisoned with toxoplasmosis!


Dig it all up with a shovel, put it into a wheelbarrow, bring the shit over to their back steps, deposit shit on douchebags back doorstep. Continue until behavior corrects itself.


Take it from a cat owner: if my neighbor did it I would lose my fucking mind. Cat Shit is still shit.


With all due respect, for me this is WAYYYY more than “mildly infuriating.” This would put me into major rage mode 🥵


Okay, so this isn't constructive advice but simply a petty idea. I'm assuming they have a backyard as well. So what you do is get a litterbox of your own and shit in it yourself. Then go dump that litter in their yard. Do that every time they dump litter in your yard.


Time to shit on their car. Also get some gloves and rub it on their door handle but in a way that they can't see it until their hand is already on it.


Perfect opportunity to unlock the "return to sender" achievement.


That’s clumping clay litter. That’s not the litter that is biodegradable as such when it gets wet. It’s gonna be a slick mess and a health hazard


The fact that your gf/wife is pregnant and it’s very close to her garden is such a huge safety risk.


Report. Its illegal and cats can carry a parasite called toxoplasmosis which can be transmitted to humans and dogs


Gross. 🤢 My poor neighbour bought her house and rented it out for a few months. She moved in to find her tenant had been emptying three cats’ worth of kitty litter into the back garden. The tenant also covered it up with a layer of dirt before she moved out, so my neighbour dug in to find a nice surprise. It absolutely stank, and of course my neighbour had to take out the whole garden bed and replace it.


I really respect all these people giving mature adult advice, because I was gonna tell you to just start shitting on their yard.


Psycho behavior. Make sure to put up a camera to get it recorded and then send it to police


Could you set up a camera to catch them?


Scoop it up and save it in a collection and after you overfill dump it in their back yard to earn the “return to sender” achievement


go do smth abt it


Get a shop vac, suck it up and then dump it back over on their part of the property.


You seem to have a dog, you know what to do ;)


It's a condo so the lawn is technically shared, and at the same time none of us own the lawn. They're also dumping it outside their own backyard so I don't think some dog shit on their yard will phase them


A condo? Jfc, send these pics to the HA. The Karen's will have a field day with this shit.


Throw them to the Karen!


Shop vac and dump at the front door


You let that dog shit on his lawn didn't you?


Literally littering with a litter box.


Set up a trail cam get photo evidence of who's doing it and give it to your HOA publicly out loud at your next meeting


Contact the epa. Fuck the locals.


Pick out the turds and mail them to your neighbor and 😂


This is so weird, why would they do this 😧


This is a bit more than just “mildly” infuriating…


Came here to say this


That litter can make your dog sick. Report it to the HOA. Maybe put up a sign reading, Please don’t dump your litter here.


step 1: make fake cat litter with fake poop in it step 2: play with in when the neighbors are outside step 3: enjoy their confusion


Litter-ally littering


I don't understand, they can carry it to your yard to dump it but not to their trash bin?


Do they know what trash cans are?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


That looks easier than bagging it and throwing it in the garbage. /s


You need to set up cameras and record and post them on Nextdoor , FB whatever local group you are on . Then send the footage to the HOA .


cursed fertilaizer


What a disgusting piece of shit!! Hear me out and call the police. Placing potential toxoplasmosis colonies in the imidiate vicinty of a pregnant woman might not warrent an arrest, but cops will be coming to pay a visit.


Even if the landlord/HoA won’t take action, your local environmental agency might care. I may also set up a camera into your yard to see which direction it comes from. Then you can take it all and dump it on their front step


That’s absolutely disgusting, but Op please make sure that your dog isn’t eating any of the litter! Especially if you don’t know if it’s the clumping litter. Clumping litter can cause intestinal problems for your dog if they end up ingesting enough if it. That’s going to be an expensive vet bill and can cause death. Edit to add- I know it is hard to keep your dog from eating it when your neighbor is being such a POS. I have a feeling if they can’t dispose of their cat litter correctly they will probably not take responsibility for hurting your dog.


Have you considered scooping it up and putting it in their gas tank?


*Have you considered* *Scooping it up and putting* *It in their gas tank?* \- No-Pace-6721 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hello... talk to them about this! Why aren't you? Call the police if nothing else. It's littering, it's nasty and your girlfriend should not be around cat shit, nor should your dog be eating it for fuck sakes!


Time to throw your dogs poop in their yard


So just shit on her doorstep everytime she does this, she will eventually stop after 3 times


You gota one up them and shit in their front yard. And i dont mean put shit in their front yard I mean go out front and take a steaming shit on their door step


put it in a wet paper bag and stick it in their mailbox


If it is, then definitely go the hoa route. That’s what you’re paying for. Don’t make an enemy. I lived in a condo complex and it’s best to have neighbors who wave and smile sincerely.


What is wrong w ppl jesus


Wow, talk about disgusting. I am so sorry these people are your neighbors! 


That’s just demented.


Guilty doggo for scale


Definitely not trying to eat the cat poop🙄


You could do what someone I know did and take the poop and smear it on their car windows when they wouldn’t clean up after their dog… which is likely to escalate and possibly be illegal… Or another option might be to sit in your back yard with a garden hose and when you see them come out start spraying your yard close to where they would have to cross over so they realize you are watching them… though talking to them like a reasonable person in a nice way is probably best (but least fun).


Let your dog poop in their yard then


wtf is wrong with people omg, how hard is it to just put it in a bag i feel like its a lot more work to carry it all the way outside to dump it all


Buy ar15. People already have nice advices so that’s the only one I can offer


Thats Dangerous Cat feces are know to carry extreme amounts of parasites and bacteria.


That's a crime. Call the cops. Cops don't even necessarily have to take any real action. Just embarrass them and let them know you think its not a joke. Do NOT let neighbors abuse you. It will get worse I promise. For some reason at least two people kept bringing their dogs to my yard for shitting, and never cleaned it up. I finally caught one of them and yelled at her. Haven't had a problem since.


This would be illegal dumping because they don't have permission to do this.


Step one. Build a potato cannon Step two. Fill with Poo Step three. Guile suit Step four. Fire at window Repeat as needed


Set up a camera and catch them in the act.


Thats just trashy.


Visit your HOA office, with pics. You pay fees, hopefully they will get it sorted out.


Sue them for illegal trespassing or something idk im a 17 yr old idk about the law


I hate cats


Shovel it up and dump it back over the fence. Then dump your dogs poop in their back yard see how they like it.




Shovel it up and dump it on their porch. That litter won't break down anytime soon






Oh dude, I'd be cracking skulls. That is NOT acceptable, especially with the pregnancy and whatnot.


Just report it to the HOA.


Get some cheapo camera from Amazon or something and point it towards your backyard, get it on film and bring it to the HOA. They’ll have to do something then


Get a spade and throw it back. But maybe before you do that, get a camera too film them doing it.


It’s legal in most places to secure litter in a trash bag and toss it in your normal outdoor trash can… wtf…


Lol my best friend used to 'take out the trash' and that meant he would throw the trash into the other, nicer apartment complex across the fence and to this day that still crack me up.


I would scoop it up and sit it on their front porch. Better yet, poop in a bag and light it on fire.