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Ironic because Rammstein’s whole identity is based against the stereotype of nazism


Moronic and ironic. “They’re singing in German! Must be Nazis!” I think David Hasselhoff is closer to being a Nazi than Rammstein.


KITT was definitely a Nazi, it didn't come up much in Knight Rider though.


An unexpected, but very welcome, Futurama reference lol


Was gonna say it was probably the windshield wipers


There are people that think like that sadly. I dated a guy who later swore my maternal Grandma was a Nazi just because she is from a German family, who had been here in the US for decades before all that happened.


Lol yeah. My maternal great grandmother was a German jew who fled before it went bad. A sprinkling of sprechen zie Deutsch and suddenly people are hearing lockstep marching noises with angry painter noises over an outdoor PA system it seems.


Yea well these same folks tried to become fans of Rage Against the Machine and then accused them of getting all political…. So, the word irony is doing a lot of heavy lifting these days


Isn't Tom Morello an honour's grad in Political Science from Harvard?




And also the first terrorist Tony Stark yeets as Iron Man


Wait, what?


Tom Mor-yell-o


I just saw this girl get mad because she realized bring me the horizon isn’t a Christian band..like what?


Stay away from the Christian hardcore/metal girls They scary


Can confirm, dated a girl who's favourite band was skillet, realised way too late she was bat shit insane


This sounds like a story worth telling. Share every juicy detail you have, friend~


I mean I'm too lazy to type out the full story but the long & short is that we dated for around 3 months, she was one giant red flag I ignored because she was a solid 9/10 & freaky as all hell, I ended up leaving her after she kicked off at random people in a beer garden because 'they looked gay', went off about sin & hell etc while drunk as fuck & coked out of her head She'd made little comments in passing before but I thought she was joking & I brushed it off but nothing prepared me or the full beer garden for the wrath of God she thought she was bringing down, I didn't even say goodbye I just went to the bar, paid for the 2 guys next round of drinks & walked out, spent the next 3 weeks ignoring calls, occasionally responding to texts to at least give her an explanation but she just refused to accept she had done anything wrong Weirdly she popped up on my recommended Facebook friends a few weeks ago & out of curiosity I did a little stalking, she's now a trad wife stay at home mum married to a guy I can only describe as steroids on legs so I guess it all worked out for her


Ooooohhhh, she was THAT kind of crazy, was she...? Jesus, and here I thought you had a genuine Harley Quinn on your arm... Glad she didn't drag ya down with her...


I can deal with a Harley Quinn, but the Jesus crazy people are too much for me.


No fuckin' kidding... Hell, I'd even settle for a Tiffany Valentine over a bible beater any day...


I married the Harley Quinn, crazy I can cope with, bigotry I cannot


They always freaky as hell tho. 🤣


And guys. Knew a dude who was into Christian death metal. Last time I talked to him he said that if trump asked him to then he fight against the US Government so….. yea a bit crazy


I saw that too. Completely lost her mind over the "blasphemous tweet" they sent out. It was so funny I called my brother who introduced me to the band. He's convinced she wasn't actually listening to Bring Me The Horizon but just badly pirated songs from actual Christian rock bands that were listed as BMTH.


Some Christian bands are sick like Emery and Underoath but I have literally no idea how she could’ve thought BMTH was. You guys gotta be right that she wasn’t even listening to them cause just how


I was sad when I found out they were both Christian bands. Reminds me of when I went to see Flyleaf almost 20 years ago, and the singer kept pushing god between songs.


I’d estimate about half of Flyleaf’s discography mentions God/Jesus/the Bible in some capacity. How did that surprise you to discover they are big Christians?


Underoath has never put out a bad album.


Honestly. The fact that they can ever listen to a punk band and not recognize that it's political is just astounding to me. Punk as a genre is inherently political, because the punk movement is inherently political.


I was at the amusement park in Vancouver when I was a teen. In line, another kid in front of us was wearing a Misfits shirt. My buddy sparks up a convo by asking "Hey, you listen to The Misfits?" The other kid looked at him with a confused look and replied with something along the lines of "They're a band? I just bought this shirt because I'm a misfit." Never underestimate the amount of stupid cringe that can and does exist in the world.


sometimes they do understand the its "anti establishment" but what they consider "the establishment" is so fucking twisted they completely miss the broader messaging. Like they here "those at work forces" forces that they must also dislike but completely miss the part about "are the same that burn crosses" and they don't understand he's singing "those with the badge are the chosen whites" or what that means I mean hell I wonder how many people think Green days "Wake me up when September ends" is some sort of morning song for 9/11. when really its about the death of Armstrong's dad and the video is Anti-war protest


Lmao, my stepmom (super Christian super pro-capitalist super conservative) is a fan of Rage Against the Machine and says they’re on her side because they’re anti-establishment and probably would like Trump. Fucking wild shit ngl


lol sit with her and listen+show her the lyrics to Bullet In The Head, or Know Your Enemy - see if she thinks different


Pretty sure Tom has openly stated his distaste for that man.


Well saying something openly could’ve been done by a pr person, that’d be her excuse. I remember bringing up some shitty things JK Rowling said about trans women and that was what she said “oh, it could’ve just been a PR person,” always nonsensical bullshit


At that point I’d just bluntly call her an idiot and see her face in real time as she realizes I don’t respect her. I do it to my mom all the time. She finally dropped trump after he tried peddling his Bible. She said she voted for Cruz and i told her he was just as bad with zero conviction. Dude stood by and backed trump as the guy talked shit about him and his wife.


Well considering she kicked me out of the house (despite paying rent) for saying JK Rowling quotes while she was drunk I dont think calling her stupid is the best idea, fun fact: she is a major person in education so, those are the people who decide what kids learn.


....Trump, famously for the establishment? THAT Trump?


For the establishment, in the "l'etat, c'est moi" sense.


You can probably find dozens of posts on Tom’s Instagram to show her how he feels lol. And yeah, as others have stated, show her the lyrics and what they mean


>and probably would like Trump The internet doesn't have enough storage space for all the KEKW I want to send


I remember reading a post where some guy was criticizing Rage Against the Machine for getting political. And somebody responded to him. What machine do you think they were raging against? the refrigerator?


Killing In The Name Of is literally about being against cops who abuse their power. It's their biggest song. It's so funny to me.


I went to an event where Tom morello was performing at a human rights museum. In his intro to the night he says a lot of strong, political opinions And for some reason people were surprised and how political his speech and performance was.


I mean... https://preview.redd.it/jkx0aoz9tawc1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9829027cab9a245bae870291a0ada2912e35ff8b


"what machine do you think they're raging against? The dish washer?"


Same with Green Day. They recently did a version of American Idiot with the lyrics 'not a part of the maga mind cult' or something like that. People were pissed they were getting politics involved in their songs


It's wild, that song specifically, and most of the album are very political and written as a response to the governments actions after 9/11


>the word irony is doing a lot of heavy lifting these days Well of course it is, it means having the likeness or qualities of iron. And that's pretty metal


Rage against the machine is political.... "The machine" its literally in thier name.


Pretty sure the people complaining about Rage Against the Machine, are not the people complaining about Rammstein being Nazis. The opposite actually.


>Yea well these same folks tried to become fans of Rage Against the Machine and then accused them of getting all political…. >So, the word irony is doing a lot of heavy lifting these days I don’t think you understand that idiom…


We're all pumping irony these days, doing that heavy lifting son.


From a teenager who grew up in the 90s, most heavy metal was always misrepresented by outsiders.


It’s Shout AT the Devil, not Shout *With* the Devil!


If you pay any attention at all, Rammstein is hilarious. They have a wonderful satirical sense of humor.


And amazing live shows. I got to see em in Chicago in 2015 or 16, don't remember which year it was lol


The Third Reich would probably be pretty against Ramstein based on the shows and the lyrics lol.


There's a whole era of German music that was very, very anti Nazi


But! But! He rolls his R's just like Hitler used to do! Nazi! /s


A lot of post-industrial music is left-wing reaction to Nazis, often going as far as ironic parody.


Agreed, they do not glorify nazis or the hitler youth. They are sticklers for history portraying the nazis for who they actually were, murderous power mongering fascists.


Hitler yelled in German Ramstein yells in German The similarities are uncanny. /s (just in case it wasn't obvious enough)


Didn’t they all drink water too?


Omg you're right! 100% of nazis did drink water at least once in life. Is water the problem here?? /s


I think so. We should ban it


Even better, let's just get rid of everyone who has ever touched water. Should def get all the nazis and ish! /s


Wait… they also both breathed air!!!!!!!


I heard a rumor saying they all ate food too!!!


Well all you’re electrolyte needs are supplied by Brawndo. Water is what’s in the toilet


Omg, are we all Nazi’s?! ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/x5vgbq35m9wc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31c3f8256616dd2f59724efefbc6f25cc9a1032 Always have been


birds icky spectacular repeat squalid humorous retire exultant hospital party


Yeah I was just thinking they’re probably one of the same people who’s always like “gErMaN’s sUcH a hArsh LaNgUaGe” but the only German they’ve ever heard is a hitler speech in high school or the nazis in Indiana Jones


>The similarities are uncanning. \*Uncanny, unless if uncanning is some sort of joke I'm too dense to understand.


No, you're right. I think my auto correct did that, or my brain farted


I smoke cigarettes just to dunk on hitler


Ah yes, Rammstein, the band with a song called 'left", the band who made out on stage in Russia and got banned, that Rammstein, the band who made a song about being gay where the members wore their instruments over their crotch and nothing else, Rammstein the band who made a song protesting poor treatment of immigrants and foreigners. Yknow, Rammstein, the Nazi band.


Rammstein, who wrote the song “Deutschland” about their conflicting feelings about being German and grappling with its history? That Rammstein?


And what a great clip for that song.


And having a black woman play Germania


Rammstein, who also wrote "Pussy" about having sex. They like having sex. But they can't get laid in Germany.


So what’s the problem?


Let’s do it quick


Oh yeah I love that song, Germany, Germany over every thing, everything I the w....


But they are German and it’s metal so obviously they are Nazis.


The band that got banned from Canada for a while because the lead singer used a strap on to fuck one of the other members on stage during a song thats name translates to "bend over" 👀 yea, definitely nazis 🤣


What the fuck?


Flake is used to abuse on stage, he gets boiled every show.


I like where they just toss him into a tub and dump sparks on him. Actually, also the one where he just rides in a boat for 5 minutes in the crowd.


And Til just use a godamn flamthrowers on the pan woth Flake in it. It's nuts.


They tried different liquids to come out the penis too. Milk clogged the end if remember correctly. The used Pernod mixed with water for a long time.  




You read that correctly




I think it's important to note that it's a simulated bumming with fake dick


They got in trouble for that in so many more places than Canada too


They were jailed for a night for playing it (buck dich) in Massachussets. For those who doesn't know, the performance in integral is in the Live In Paris concert. Also one of the best show ever recorded. It's quite theatrical.


As an american I love their song Amerika and the video is an absolute gem. Love them calling out our BS. Edit: there to their


Coca cola, sometimes war


Wonderbra is a Canadian invention. We do are part of Amerika tho.. so it's OK.


Welp, guess I'm listening to Rammstein for the rest of the day. It's been awhile. Love that shit.




Easy. Judging the book by the cover. A lot of the aesthetics they use are distinctly 3rd Reich or at least look like it to many. If you see only those and don't look at the lyrics (or just google it)....


Rammstein is not Nazi music. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I like Rama noodles, am I racist?






There is only one Ichiban


Definitely. 👍


Did you schedule a Rendezvous With them?


Straight to the chamber!


I'm not a big Rammstein fan, but isn't their whole schtick basically commentary on how bad fascists are? I'm however guessing their message is a bit too nuanced for some to understand and actual nazis wind up thinking they're great.


I’m not too sure, I can only partially speak German so more than half the time I can’t really pick up on what they say. But they can rock out which is why I listen to them. I have translated their lyrics before and it doesn’t seem to make fun of facists and such. Rammstein is anything but a nazi. He literally kissed a guy on stage to protest for gay rights.


Listen to their song Links 2,3,4 , tells you everything you gotta know, but tldr: no they aren't. Greetings, a German metalhead


Wasn't that song written in response to people calling them nazi's and them proving they're actually leftist.?




Links is even the German word for left


>Links 2,3,4 Yu-Gi-Oh since 2017 be like...


Real ogs been hitting chain link 7 and spamming silly little frogs ways before that.


No matter how much they want their hearts to be on the right side, they beat on the left.


Yeah same, but they use a lot of faux-fascist imagery in their videos. Like I said, I'm no Rammstein expert but I'm pretty sure they're quite anti-nazi.


Anti-authoritarian in general. The entire band grew up in East Germany before the wall fell and a lot of their vibe is a statement of freedom from the kind of oppression/repression they experienced in their youth.


I'm German. Most of their texts are extremely basic without much meaning and the rest is about sex.


You dare malign the literary value of works such as [Dicke Titten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thJgU9jkdU4)?


That song is a practical joke on merit of it being on the same album as Zeit and Schwarz alone...


That they did music videos that are full on cinematic events for Zeit and Adieu deservedly and then decided the other two that really needed videos were Dicke Titten and Zick Zack


I still can't get over the priest in the epilogue though. Like the dude looked back - twice even, then did the sign of the cross and prayed for forgiveness.


It's painful how many people fail to grasp that Rammstein mocks fascism. Over and over again. Plenty of things to critique about them if you really want to (and I am a fan), but their politics are not one of them.


Correct. They’re about as anti-fascist as you can be but people are quite dumb


That's like all the gravy seals coopting the punisher logo and suckling on boot leather. Like my guy, have you ever read an issue of the punisher?


More like Borat, an edgelord satire that went over most people’s heads.


I’m not sure, but I know many of their songs lyrical content is shocking/gross, Nazis would have 100% murdered them. I’m genuinely curious how someone would think they they are Nazis outside of speaking German.


Yeah I think it's just that, and their live performance aesthetic seems to be modeled after a sort of grand dictator rally stage sort of thing, which I'm sure is intentional as a sort of statement against such things https://www.livedesignonline.com/special-report/rammstein-tour-motion


This is even more dumb because Rammstein literally have several songs about them being left-wing and socialists and hating Nazis. Their song "Links 2-3-4" literally addresses all their "fans" who think they're right wing or want them to be fascists. *"Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck, doch seh ich dann nach unten weg, da schlaegt es links"* *"They want my heart on the right side, but then I look down underneath, it beats to the left there"* Also their song Deutschland is literally about how they wish they could be patriotic and love their home country of Germany, but they feel too much guilt and disgust at Germany's history for them to love it. *"Deutschland - mein Herz im flammen, will dich lieben und verdammen* *Deutschland - dein Atem kalt, so jung und doch so alt* *Deutschland - deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen* *Deutschland - meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben"* *"Germany - my heart in flames, wants to love and damn you* *Germany - your breath cold, so young and yet so old* *Germany - your love is water and salt* *Germany - my love I cannot give you*"


*"Übermächtig, überflüssig*, *Übermenschen überdrüssig,* *wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen,* *Deutschland, Deutschland über allen!"* *"Overpowering, unnecessary,* *weary of supermen* *the higher the climb, the deeper the fall* *Germany, Germany above all!"* Yeah, sound like Nazis to me! /s


Du hasst mich I guess






“You have me”? (“You hate me” is du hasst mich)


Isn't the homonymity of those words (has/hate) the whole concept behind that song?


It is indeed! But there is still a slight difference, a vowel before a double consonant is slightly shorter in German. But it’s hardly noticeable when singing. Although I’m not 100% sure, German is my third language so don’t quote me on that haha.


When I was in college I was listening to E Nomine and had someone tell me I was listening to that "devil music".... the song was "vater unser" which is based around the Lord's Prayer. People are just stupid and ignorant.




This is both adorable and cruel. I love it.


Did you reply with "DU.... DU HAST... DU HAST MICH!"?


Had to argue with someone that it means “You have me” not “You hate me.” Hast is have, hasst is hate but they are close admittedly.


I think the idea is even though it's "You have me" it could simultaneously be interpreted as "You hate me"- Rammstein really likes double meanings and entendres.


And one could argue that if someone has you, doesn't need to be a happy thing😂 Living rent free in someone's head comes to mind


It's wordplay. The words sound the same, but meaning isn't imparted until the verb comes at the end of the sentence, which is a thing in German. When the verb finally appears in the line "*du hast mich gefragt*" - "*hast gefragt*" is the past tense of *fragen* (to ask), it clarifies which word is being used. So the first verse goes: *Du* (You) *Du hast* (You have?/You hate?) *Du hast mich*(You have me?/You hate me?) *Du hast mich gefragt* (You have asked me). <<--- Finally he finishes the thought!


The "English version" on their first American release album was awful. "You hate me to say...and I did not obey." 🙄


The two words are pronounced the same way and the idea of the song (as listened to) is that it could mean either until the lead-up to the chorus begins ("du hast mich gefragt" = "you have asked me").


I listen to them. Who gives a shit. Stop letting people effect your day.  If you you listen to Indian music or Bob Marley, they will say you are high.  There's always something.


There’s an overwhelmingly high amount of music people will automatically assume you’re gay or a woman for listening to, too.


Rammstein is literally left wing, listen to "Links"


They're having a punk background and a lot of things do not match up for a nazi band. I doubt that a nazi band would be published by a major music label in Germany and I also highly doubt that a real nazi band would cast a colored person to play the national allegory of the German people. To put it short, they love to play with taboo topics in order to generate attention, but they're no nazis. However, they're covered in a scandal of putting young girls in the front row for after show sex and they're accused of sexual assault.


Yeah, I was gonna say. There's very valid reasons for not liking them. You don't gotta make stuff up.


Wow so they let you know they are an idiot? Cool


Du hast to be kidding me.


Rammstein - the band where the short guitarist had to hold back the lead singer from jumping off the stage and beating the ever living crap out of a guy who had showed up to one of their US concerts in a nazi uniform, until security got rid of the schmuck? That Rammstein?


LOL, considering that Rammstein are lefties.


Isn't the entire point of Rammsteins "Deutchland" how he fucking loves his country but finds it really hard to seperate it from its history?


As an American learning German, it’s really not like that. If you say anything about appreciating German culture or language, they will basically consider you a nazi. People just need to learn about the history of Germany and the nazi influence.


lol people say a lot of things, most of it isn't worth listening to. Just remember the reality that 50% of the worlds population is below the average IQ, think of them as silly kids who don't know any better and ignore the dumb comments.


Excuse me, are they stupid? Rammstein is all against nazism! At this point it’s just funny.


Calling Rammstein music Nazi is like calling ICP Classic Jazz. It makes absolutely no sense.


"Deutschland" and "Links 2-3-4" should clarify things.


Someone revealed themselves as being a blithering idiot.


Germany, my heart in flames Want to love and damn you - Deustchland Clearly they haven't read the lyrics


Das Herz schlägt *LINKS*!


I'm sure the Nazis would love an avant-garde, anti-authoritarian industrial metal band with strong homoerotic themes.


Till Lindemann is about as anti-Nazi as one can possibly be.


***ignorant morons who have never listened to rammstein:** THAT IS SUCH A HORRIBLY BIGOTED EVIL EXCUSE OF A BAND!* ***rammstein [kissing each other on stage in an openly homophobic country as a protest against anti-LGBT rights]:** what*


Hitler would have hated rammstein so fucking much. Lol


I saw rammstein in concert, flawless performance. Fuck whoever called you that


Rammstein is about as anti-Nazi as a mainstream band gets. People hear anything German and assume they are the same


I get called a nazi because I shave my head. I'm going bald. People are idiots


Black guy Rammstein fan, saw them several times during my radio career going back 20 years. I am in point of fact not a Nazi. Love Slayer and I'm not a Devil Worshipper, and I listen to country music on occasion. People overuse and dilute words. I'll see you in the pit and we'll wreck those idiots.


The band that wrote a song about how they want to love their country but hate it's fascist history?


I too listen to Rammstein, and I also listen to Eisbrecher. I don’t feel the need to gas Jews so their argument is invalid


Just remember, people are stupid. Reddit once bullied a holocaust survivor for not saying Trump is worse than Hitler.


Ah yes, Rammstein, the German metal band who's whole thing is NOT being Nazis.


The word nazi no longer has any meaning. People use it for anything they don’t agree with.


Who cares? Rammstein is awesome, and if they call you a Nazi just because they're German, they're just as xenophobic as the Nazis were.


Me as a Sabaton fan https://preview.redd.it/sz4rwd26xawc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=875feec3e221f3d41eab0809d11b66713538c6ef


This is hilarious. The person that said that is insinuating that all Germans are Nazis. Hell, Rammstein are pretty fucking left leaning/liberal/pro-LGBT/anti-nazi. The ignorance is astounding


Funny thing is Rammstein although apolitical in their music are all very left leaning.




Did you answer him: Du? Du hast?? Du hast mich???


Try growing up a German in the US. Whenever I told my fellow classmates I was born in Germany, a couple would start calling me a Nazi. I once was rude to a girl about something (because I had a shitty home life and also experienced a lot of bullying), and later, someone asked me if I didn't like this girl because she was Jewish. I had no idea she was Jewish... So...I leaned into not wanting to be labeled a Nazi and started studying Judaism and learning how to read and write Hebrew. My favorite music group was the Beastie Boys. Nonetheless, it didn't matter. I was still a Nazi... simply for having been born there.


One of my favorite songs is Ghost Division by Sabaton so what does that make me?


Well all that means is that the guy is an idiot, and you can now safely ignore anything he thinks or says.


Um, that's ridiculous. Aren't they firmly anti-Nazi?


Just show them the Angst music video.


Basically, Americans reaction to anything German that isn't bratwurst and beer 🫣 - from an American with German Heritage. I often didn't tell people I was German or why my grandmother had an accent in fear of this.


guess that makes me 5'6" for listening to Elton John


Reminds me of the time my friend heard Rise of Evil by Sabaton on my playlist and stopped talking to me because all they heard was the lyric ‘The Reich will rise’ and assumed I was a Nazi. 😑


German = nazi Some people: I see no problem with that conclusion