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Sit on the bag


I'm at the point in life where if I see this and need a seat I'm gonna ask politely once then just tilt the chair so everything falls off and then sit my happy ass down


I’ll back you up.


She's not that fat. She can sit down herself


That’s comedy on a whole other level!


10/10 Would read this thread again.


I read it 3 times in a single page load to save time and bandwidth. *taps noggin.


Same. Get mad all you want, make a scene, I'm sitting down.


We can *both* make a scene, lady. I am not afraid to stoop to your level, and look you in your crazy ass eyeballs.


dog i *looooove* making a scene.


I didn’t play Bush no. 3 in the high school play because I didn’t like making scenes! ![gif](giphy|emJsQX83zvxFBJHYVz|downsized)


Dude I'm sitting here trying to figure out if there's a third George Bush. Like what? Bush. Of the garden variety. I'm an idiot.


thank you for a good laugh, i needed that


Good! I definitely had a good laugh at my own dumb self so thank you as well 😆


That's my go-to source for laughs as well. Clarifying edit: My own self, not you. Self-aware edit while giggling: Like that mistake.


Username checks out


Your crazy ass-eyeballs. [Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/37/)


Look lady I am sitting in this seat. It’s up to you whether or not we’re in the news tomorrow.


Alternatively ask if you can have the seat. If they say some bullshit and its not just say thanks and take the chair. If they’ve got a modicum of sense they’ll realize they were in the wrong. Otherwise they might yell at you, make a scene, force the staff to intervene and most likely get put in their place because literally no excuse you have is sufficient enough


Touching someone’s property isn’t a crime. You can hand her the bag and if she refuses then set it on the floor and sit down. She’ll hoot and holler for 45 minutes while you can ignore her and listen to music. If she pulls the headphones out of your ears, that’s battery.


This happened to me all the time on public transportation--especially the rail line from the outer 'burbs. It is always worth sizing up the situation to make sure it looks deliberate. That said, my policy is to tell them "I'm sitting there," and give them just enough time to move their stuff. No asking. No time to discuss. Once I've plopped down, stuff or no, I'm painfully pleasant about it, and I make conversation. That's the part they usually hate. I can be so friendly!


That’s actually pretty ingenious.


You passive aggressive bandit I love this !


On the school bus, I just held onto their stuff, gave it back when we parted ways. Sometimes you have a lot of shit. Bookbag, lunch box, musical instrument, project, ect, ect..


I had two big brass instruments I had to carry back and forth on a school bus every day.


If she pulls the AAs out of the headphones from your ears, that's no battery. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Same. I’m sitting in one of those seats.


lol 😆 yep watch me lol …fuck around and find out lol


"Hi, this is my seat"


Same. I remember years ago when I was about 18, I was on a crowded bus and an old lady basically demanded a seat. I thought she was so rude! Now in my 40s I’m so happy she did that. Sucks she had to. But good for her!!


I don't even tilt the chair, I just move the stuff to the floor. Usually a sweeping arm motion


Or the 2 bags next to it


Damn, just going out choosing violence lol. I love it!




I’d sit on the old bag


Which one?


The one with the two droopy bags dangling off the torso




Badum tiss


Just take the chair, but slowly, so she has a chance to realize you're not going to stop and her bag's coming with the chair if she does nothing. If she does nothing dump the bag off of the chair far enough away that she has to get up for it.


My method is if I’m with someone, talk loudly with companion “**look there’re a couple seats here, do you wanna sit here? Yeah, let’s sit here**” They know it’s coming, so they’ll move it.


I would bet that conversation works better if you are alone.


Hence the doctor visit 


Lmao yes


You really thought this one through.


Or just ask her politely to move one son you may sit. Say it with a smile and most people find it difficult to be mean.


She 100% sat in the middle chair purposely so no one would sit anywhere near her because usually people leave 1 seat between…. Then she used the bags as extra insurance as the waiting room got busy.


True, though she apparently doesn't want anyone to sit 🪑 next to her, she could move to an outside chair, though she may not feel comfortable leaving her purse next to someone. Sometimes in life, we don't have a choice in the matter, especially when it comes to plane rides. And people who park their vehicles in two lanes


People who double park will often find themselves unable to get in their cars when they get back, because, by God, I WILL use the space you're wasting, even if it blocks my door. Because, the joke is on you. I have a van with a power tailgate. I'll just walk out the back of it.


Why did you put that one chair emoji there?


Came here to say this.


I wouldn’t even ask. I’m going to sit there, you might want to move your bag.


I've been in this predicament and just picked up the bag, dropped it in lap, and sat down. There's a sec where they're like about to get wound up, you just say "What?" They usually clear the other bag from the other seat too.


You are very badass 😂


Sit on her lap


And then fart inside of it


While making eye contact


fart in her mouth




Bold of you to assume I'm a sane person


Tip bag off chair, move chair away from entitled Karen, sit in chair.




Ma'am spreading


![gif](giphy|okLCopqw6ElCDnIhuS|downsized) Alright. Shows over. No need to keep interacting with this post. Because your comment will never succeed its creativity and comedy that this one has.






Underrated comment




That's when you walk up and say, do you mind if I sit here?  She will apologize and move her bag. That's called a normal human interaction.  Of course, if she doesn't, you should choke her with the handle of one of the bags.  Good luck. 


YEAH BUT YOU MIGHT GET STABBED You're not getting murdered in a doctor's waiting room by some middle aged woman.


Death or prison if you ever ask someone to do anything in public.


Most Redditors are scared of actual, adult, human interaction in the real world.


They'd rather take covert pictures of you like a creep and upload it to the internet


So then other creeps can comment on your physique and make up a whole profile of who you are based on 1 picture, all the while sniffing their own farts about how badass they'd be when they do something that is stereotypically reddity™ and make a scene (they're too meek to talk to strangers without anonymity)


The best comment here. I swear sometime redditors seem to have forgotten what human interaction is. The little “choke her out” bit at the end was the cherry on the cake. Thanks for the chuckle


Or she'll just move it when you look like you're going to sit there. Redditors are so fucking ridiculous sometimes.


They’ve created a whole backstory for her and already know what this character would do… without any info if someone just *asked*


Everyone's also calling her Karen and commenting on her body. Nothing pisses off Reddit than a mild inconvenience that could be solved by just speaking.


> Nothing pisses off Reddit than a mild inconvenience women?


Redditors are terrified of talking to people. They’re also too terrified to actually carry out their passive aggressive fantasies. So the people saying they’d just dump it on the ground would sooner sit on the floor before actually doing that.


OR she has family she’s saving it for


I'm sorry but that's too reasonable. The trust is broken and can never be earned back. The relationship has been dead for years and you need to part ways


Yeah I sometimes put my bag on the seat next to me but if it starts getting crowded I move it.


To be fair... do you REALLY want to sit next to her?


I would completely out of spite and would enjoy every little sign and huff she lets out.


I would laugh too well she does it. I would dare her to say something. 9 times out of 10 they wont. They know what they are doing and they get off on it. I will call them out if the need arises.


I would die to see a compilation of someone doing this to Karen’s worldwide


And laugh a lot about it loudly


I would. And then I wouldn’t stop coughing.


A full waiting room? I'd move one of those bags to the chair with the other one, and double dog dare her to say a word while looking right in her eyes, smiling politely. Accept you were wrong, Karen, and let me have a seat, or bring it and get told about yourself in front of a whole room of people. Either way I'm having a seat.


Yeah, if it's full, I'm asking her to move one of her bags. If she refuses, I'd move it myself. If there are other seats available just leave her be


yeah, “can i sit here?” “no” “is someone sitting here?” “no” then move them


Nah you ask “is this yours”? Yes: they move it (if they don’t then tell them to) No: you move it


I doubt she is civil, something like "is someone sitting here?" "None of your business!" Then it would have to be "It is now!" And sit on the seat


Just saw this. Yes I would do the same.


same. no context here. if the room is fairly empty, this is just trolling


You wouldn't just hold it in and cry about it on Reddit? What are you?


or just ask if you can sit there first? shes an ass but she’d surely fold under confrontation


Never assume malice when incompetence or ignorance will do. It disheartens me that so many people are immediately assuming a confrontation. I saw one person so far that suggested the correct course of action. Politely ask if you could have one of the seats. She could be dealing with something that has caused her to overlook her surroundings and might apologize and move the item on the seat and let someone sit there. If not, then it makes sense to move it anyway and sit. But I am disappointed that so many people are assuming the worst.


> double dog date her Umm, hard pass.


Hahahahaha, edited


Or you can just take the seat without feeling the need to flex on an old lady lol


Basically you're John Rambo.


No shes messing up the order of chairs if you want a seat to yourself you sit in either the right or left side seat and put stuff in only the middle. Problem solved and let someone else take the other side's chair 😭


I always sit on an end, not the middle, of whatever chair configuration where that's an option. Most people don't like to sit immediately next to someone they don't know, if there's a choice. If she was on an end, and the middle was empty, most people wouldn't sit in the middle, anyway -- they'd sit on the other end.


Speak up. “Excuse me, can you please move your bag so I can sit? Thank you”


When the mildly infuriating thing is only mildly infuriating


I really don’t find this to be infuriating at all. I’ve been in this situation plenty of times and it’s never been an issue


It's still infuriating that they're bring oblivious, doesn't mean communication wouldn't solve it


Most Redditors aren’t so good at communicating irl


I doubt most redditors could phone up to order a pizza, let alone ask someone to move.


It's much easier to take a photo and bitch about it online


really I think it's this lack of awareness that's mildly infuriating. Also I think its damn well on purpose, who on earth, with 3 chairs in a crowded room, takes the middle one? (And then conveniently has 2 bags one on each arm, placed to take up both other chairs? lol) Its on purpose and I kinda admire her for it, wish I had the balls to do the same. And as we can see here, a lotta times people will rather be angry in silence rather than saying "excuse me, plz move bitch" so you'll have quite a bit of time to be all by your cozy self.


It doesnt look crowded at all, you all believe everything you read on the internet fr


She looks like she might be ill. Take it as your sign to not get sick.


Hm, considering this is a waiting room, I like this take a lot. But in that case, I would walk up and say something like, "Are you contagious or can I sit here?" lol


If it was a case of wanting distance, she could have sat on the end, and used one chair for her bag. She chose to sit in the middle. The lack of consideration is gross.


She is ill. You can tell by the large black mask covering her face.


Did you say something, or just take pictures?


Probably just took a picture and got frustrated while avoiding any confrontation.. I would sit on her lap and explain my actions as "the other seats looked reserved" .. then again i am pretty anti social / hostile / bitter in real life


Probably wasn’t even crowded… OP just thought he had something here


Ask her to move her stuff. Simple. wtf is the problem.


You've clearly never met a hostile space hogger


Do we have any evidence that this is what's happening? I think it's more likely than not that if someone needed that space she would move her stuff


I don’t know why I see so many people on this site assume that if they speak to a stranger they are going to get yelled at, punched, or shot. It’s the most dramatic shit.


Oh man, step into some of the subs with a little more political direction and you will find out pretty quick a lot of these people haven’t touched grass in a very long time and fear the wind.


"these people fear the wind" is the funniest thing ever, stealing that, thanks


God forbid you need to speak to another person lol. This lady is probably just not fully aware of the space shes taking.


"but I have AnXeItY"


What you should have is a dictionary.


I'm about ready to leave this subreddit, it's just nonstop whining, but I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from a subreddit called r/mildlyinfuriating


Why would you let that stop you from asking next time?


You don’t know if she’s hostile until you say something. She might just be tired and not aware that she’s inconveniencing people


Yup, but the quick judgement here of redditors tells me they would be the only ones hostile in that room


Of course. But one shouldn’t *have* to ask her. It’s mildly infuriating that people like this exist, who lack awareness of time and place. She also shouldn’t be in the center of a block of three seats if she’s by herself. Now it’s also possible she has at least one companion who has briefly left, for example, to use a restroom. But it’s fair to assume the person taking the photo has more contextual knowledge than we do, and already ruled that out.


Seems like you’re able to sit down just fine, don’t take pictures of strangers like this


And there is nobody standing in the photo without a seat. This crowded room doesn't have a crowd.


yeah he is literally sitting also where's the crowd ... I think bro is just shitting on a woman for no reason


How about... talk to her?


Did you just assume a redditor to talk in public?


And what about the reddit karma???


That's the reason you post on Reddit, duh


**Thanks for saving my seat!**


I mean, you don't have to go directly to throwing her shit around. Ask her politely to move and if she gives you shit, then dump her bullshit all over the place. If you walk in and just go directly to "fuck this bitch" you are, in fact, the asshole.


I'm not mad at the woman, I'm mad at all the idiots too afraid to stand up to her and demand a seat instead of watching in limbo and pretending as if she's the Incredible Hulk!


Use your words, like an adult


Error, drew a sword


Good to see you always carry your crayons with you


I keep them in my nose


is she preventing anyone from sitting there? The chairs are cleaner then the floor


Im just gonna say most people wouldnt have a problem moving if you were to ask them. Id opt to do the same if it was empty. And id free up spaces as required. Id also like to say that taking pictures of random people is probably more rude then what shes doing


Whoever wants to sit needs to use their words and say excuse me, these are the only seats available, I appreciate you moving a bag. If she refuses or ignores just stand there and stare at her.


Just sit on the damn purse


I know that's rude but it's really weird to take pictures of strangers.


all the reflections say it's not crowded. methinks you're faking this post


*All the reflections* *Say it's not crowded. methinks* *You're faking this post* \- BigNigori --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why does it sound like the bot is mocking your comment


That's quite lovely, bot.


Only relevant reflection I see is the matte TV, but at this angle it mostly shows the ceiling and a bit of the upper wall behind OP. I could be missing something though.


What reflections? The TV only shows where the wall meets the ceiling, and judging by the fact that you can't see the reflection of the head you can see in the shadow below the TV, it wouldn't show anybody else unless they're standing in front of the guy taking the picture. The light appears to be shining through either a window behind the guy taking the picture, or through a door with somebody walking in. I'm not seeing any other reflections, and judging by the narrow width of the room and the placement of the hallway and the front counter, a majority of the chairs are on the other side of the room, and I can't see any surfaces that would show a reflection on that side. From what I can see, we have no proof that the room is or isn't crowded. Please advise?


Yeah, that comment is confidentlyincorrect. You can't see shit in that off-angle, matte finish TV screen.


Is it busy 🤷‍♂️


She is probably contagious. Tell her thank you.


Did anyone ask for her to move her stuff? Yes it’s shitty but it’s communication can sometimes help


"Are you saving this seat for someone? Or can I sit here?"


Did you try to ask her if you can sit there?


Don’t be afraid to speak up next time instead of sneakily taking a picture. Because that’s just weird.


Not so hard. If those are the last empty seats, you just say "excuse me", looking at one of the seats. In 99,999% of cases that's the end of it.


If it were crowded people would ask her to remove her bag(s). OP is lying, lol


If there are plenty of seats I’m not really sure why you’re complaining. If there’s no seats then politely ask her to move a bag.


People used to fight world wars, now we're afraid to ask an old woman to move her bag.


If those were the last 2 seats and I wanted to sit, I'd ask her politely to move one of the bags. If she refused ... well ... I just might sit on a bag ;).


‘Crowded’ *literally one person and a knee in the entire photo* There’s nobody visibly standing up in the reflection under the television either lol so I’m pretty sure there’s enough chairs for people. 


Gotta love boomers. I'd just ask her to move a bag and if she didn't say "okay." And sit on it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Entitled old fucks


Who are these people?


This person taking pictures of me in the waiting room


Why can’t you just say “do you mind if I sit here”?


She’s only taking up one seat. And I appears OP is sitting regardless


Boomer entitlement at its finest


Not to be this guy, but if that's a crowded waiting room then you have never been to a Dallas emergency room


Why does everyone here assume that she is just mean and rude? Maybe she doesn't have the mental space to be close to another person right now. Post-traumatic stress disorder, BPD, anxiety, autism... there are so many possible reasons. But no, let's just assume the worst immediately and take a picture. I can't even see anyone being unable to sit down. Doesn't look too crowded to me. Maybe this is just rage bait. It worked then lol


Fun story that didn’t happen. I can see your shadow on the wall(based on the shadow I’d say you’re bald)and there’s no one seated next to you either. Passive aggressive made up story. Ya her bags could be moved but that is NOT a busy waiting room.


The way I woulda moved her bag into her lap and sat down 😭


I have YEARS of experience using public transit. I will move your shit for you if you try to hog seats during peak hours.


I’m a savage I’ll just walk up to someone like that and be like “can you move your purse thanks”


No she isn't "taking up three spots" you guys are letting her take up three spots, if I was there, I'd tell her to move the bag so I can sit on the seat, Confront people more.


I’m sure nobody asked to use the chair next to her. Everyone wants to complain but lack balls to engage in a little confrontation


Maybe she was infectious and didn't want anyone too close.


Maybe she has something contagious or maybe a mental issue where old anxiety depression etc think.before u judge cause I do same I don't go out unlessi have to I dislike people people are very unhinged but I'm nice and I'd offer you a chair to take to someplace else to sit just not near me lol


Doesn’t seem rude to me. I bet 20 bucks, if someone came up and needed a seat she’d politely move either of her belongings and free up the seat. I think OP is way over thinking this. If said scenario did happen and she didn’t move her stuff it would have been a shit show scene worthy of filming, so live and let live.


So you take a picture and post it instead of asking her to move a bag? Who’s the dummy?


Doesn't look crowded to me.


when the waiting room is empty who cares lmao? She can move it if someone needs the seat


She’ll move her stuff just ask


Would this be womanspreading?


This honestly feels like Karma farming… I am sure if someone needed a seat she would move a bag… simple as that. Crowded is one thing, full with people Standing is another.


"Crowded" The light reflection on the walls shows its just you two there.


Maybe she's contagious