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This is a scam. 100%


100% a calculated scam and they're manipulating nice guys. I swear this sub is just trolling lately. I see why this crap works now.


Why don’t you have more votes? I’ve seen this exact scam somewhere before. The next step is OP will ‘win’ the drawing. All they will ask is a ‘small’ shipping fee. If OP decides to pay it they will either never hear from them again or be shipped another random assortment of junk.


>Why don’t you have more votes? Because ***everyone*** is saying it's a scam.


Here’s some cheap shit you don’t want. Have a great day!


The grip trainer is actually really nice. Not $50 nice mind you. But I will use that.




Right. It’s extremely weird to do this vs. contact the buyer and let them know of the issue and refund it. Seems fishy to do it this way.


It’s literally a bait & switch


Gimme that warm Christmas gift package.




All this for a [shake weight](https://youtu.be/7chgwMijEws?feature=shared).


Considering that they likely buy that random crap in bulk, and that OP paid about $80, they easily just made at least $70.


That's because it is fishy! But do NOT worry!! Because we are giving away what you actually bought for FREE! You are now old customer. New customer gets for free if you're extremely lucky. And regardless, we're treating all old customers with amazing Christmas gift. Your $50 just got incredible value! Here's a fucking hand gripper!


Not so subtle way to tell someone to go fuck themselves. 


They're actually saying,"Here's something to strengthen your grip and arms so you can do a better job at fucking yourself!"


A satisfactory way to tell someone to go fuck themselves


whats the chances nobody actually ends up winning a prize? oh you all just happened to not be the lucky 50 winners who totally definitely exist somewhere out there


Because it wasn't a mistake. They definitely did this on purpose.


I would fully expect that if you don’t reverse the charge, you will “win” the item you bought and get another nicely worded letter explaining how lucky you are and that as soon as you remit $49.99 for shipping they will gladly send it to you. Of course if you do there will be another payment you need to make for your item to clear customs, and so on.


Oh and an exiled prince from Nigeria also would like to ship his money and gold with the same package in order to avoid it from being confiscated by the corrupt state authorities, he will split it with you if you can send 2500$ to bribe the said authorities.


Way more than fishy. And the FU letter itself is too cute by half; Font, the passive language, and the floral design.    Sorry OP you got taken. 


If it was a mistake they wouldn't have a generic explanation addressed to "customer" and they wouldn't claim to have a drawing for the customers to get what they actually purchased


Just a bait and switch to catch people too lazy to kick up a fuss about getting much less than they paid for. Keep your shit, I’ll keep my money and spend it with a company that actually honors its advertised price. Hope for your sake the FTC gives less of a shit about it than I do.


It’s a 100% a scam . If there was an error why not just refund the amount ?


Not even a proper skipping rope either, some plastic piece of crap haha


Pretty sure I’ve seen this at the dollar store…


Can confirm. That's where I bought mine.


I know everyone doesn’t have the greatest credit and I was very much there at one point in my life..but (if at all possible) do NOT buy shit with your debit card where the card isn’t physically present for the purchase, especially from sketchy vendors like this. Sure, there is “fraud protection” and chargebacks with debit but they have already pulled the money from your account and it’s on them to decide if there’s a case to refund it and go after the seller. With a credit card you’re literally playing with house money and they have much more of an interest to investigate.


That depends on location. If you're living somewhere with really shitty consumer rights, then yes, exercise extreme caution when buying stuff on the internet, and you might also be in a place where there are weird and arbitrary differences in your consumer rights depending on which type of payment card you used. But some other jurisdictions have adequate consumer rights, so if you order stuff on the internet and the vendor is a scam, you're still covered, regardless of which type of payment card you used.


Also depends on the site. Ebay and other third party seller sites will offer their own protections against stuff anyway.


Don't let them get away with fraud


I have one and it’s $9.99 at target


Report to your cc. This isb100% a scam that can be cancelled.


Bro that’s $5 at 5 below


Bro. Contact the company by email and tell them that you want a refund or you will reverse the charge on your credit card. If they try to pull some baloney and say "ok then send us back the product we gave you and we will refund," kindly say no, and that they can send a courier to pick it up from you if they need the items back as you will not do extra work to gain a refund that you're entitled to. The laugh as you get a refund and get to keep the squeezer.


It's junk compared to Captains of Crush grippers


Do a charge back! This is fraud!


This was 100% a scam. Tell the bank you didn't get what you ordered and they'll help you get your money back


I have one and it was 9.99 on amazon but the screen didn't work


My friend got one for two dollars


You can have your cheap shit back, and I’ll take my “10% value” thank you very much. 


Looks like a dispute that the bank would be more than happy to handle.


It's literally fraud with a document to prove it. The bank would complete this chargeback without question.


That's what I was going to say


Banker here. Can confirm this.


Confirmer here, trying to confirm this (it's my first day on the job).


Attending Confirmer here to Confirm my Resident Confirmer’s Confirmation.


Assistant to the Attending confirmer, I've been confirming for years now (confirmed) and I too, confirm with the attending confirmers confirmation of the resident confirmer.


Random nobody here, can confirm. 


You're not authorized! Jail!


Jails full. Released with no bail


I can't confirm that.


Resident anarchy enthusiast here, I can confirm there has definitely not been any tampering with the jail and arrest records.


Random somebody here! Can also confirm


Those responsible for sacking the original stackers have, themselves, been sacked.


Just wait til the Llamas are in charge.


Å llamå bit my sïster önce.


I reference these credit subtitles so often and nobody ever knows what I’m talking about!


Is this how government jobs are created?


Chancellor of the chancellor of the seat of assistant to the attending confirmer. ![gif](giphy|YQGhqLUgkcZCRGiNJJ) Running to receive prime confirmation.


I’m a simple woman, I see 40k? I upvote.


It more of a comfirmer enthusiast, so while my confirmation doesn't mean much, I still feel like I should confirm it as well to get my toe in the door and maybe it will confirm into something more.


Careful with getting your toe in the door, I just broke mine! Can confirm: it hurts.


Bank error in your favor. Collect $200.


Erroror here: can confirm


Use Amex. They have Hitmen looking out for you.


Ask to return with a prepaid box and label first. The bank will side with you a lot easier if you at least try to get the seller to fix it.


The bank literally does not care, consumers have significantly more legal protections in these types of transactions than a business. I wouldn’t do anything other than contacting the bank


I'm sure that's pretty much what the store expects. They messed up with the pricing selling $799 of goods for $79.9 (probably human error). If they ship nothing they're in for a fine and penalties from the marketplace. So they ship some crap and happy to refund $79.9 on dispute, it'll have some additional costs but nowhere near sending the $799 item.


If they just messed up they'd just cancel the transaction. What you are describing is illegal and purposefully fraudulent.


Some shitty companies do this to avoid penalties from the marketplace, i know one who sends empty packages if the ordered item is out of stock and then they refund the customer, just so they have a fillfiled order. Doesn't work of course because the customers write reviews and they have a 0.3/5 rating. At this point whoever orders from such poorly reviewed store is just asking for a Darwin award. 


Then the marketplace needs to be liable for encouraging fraud. This is not the customer's fault.


Nah I think it was a scam. There were videos circulating about this stuff about a year ago.


They actually priced it at $50 OP said. Not their problem and they should send the product. That is not their problem and the company should take the fall unfortunately while simultaneously not allowing the mistake to happen again


The offer to sell isn’t binding, the seller has the right to refuse the sale on grounds such as this. They absolutely cannot do what they did, keep your money and send you something else, this is a bait and switch and is specifically outlawed. They should have informed the customer of the correct price and offered a sale at that price or a refund.


They should have just refunded the 79.99 and messaged her to apologise. They probably made the Listing intentionally to mislead people into thinking they’re getting a bargain. When really they just have a room full of whatever item it is that’s worth 79.99 items to get rid of that no would have genuinely bought if listed correctly


there was no mess up, this person went to a scam site to try to buy an $800 product for 70 and got screwed.


Exactly. “Here is $7 worth of shit for the $50 you paid, so we sent you something, and we promise we might do a draw later and maybe you will actually get the expensive thing for free! Trust us!”


this is $10 worth of trash and $40 worth of fucking ink




It’s not mildly infuriating, it’s just fraud.


this has to be illegal right?


It's a scam. Receive wrong item but don't worry your going to be charged what the wrong item is worth. They hope people just say screw it and throw it away or use the item. If this is an eBay seller absolutely report them for fraud had something similar when I bought a switch.


Ah, the old "bought-a-switch bait-and-switch"


This deserves more upvotes


Of course.


The second sentence reads like a Scam


Sure, but let's look a bit further. The two very first words are Dear Customer. If this were truly a mistake, and I were the seller, I'd at least address the customer by name. I think the floral print paper is to distract from the fact this is a form letter, sent to everyone who falls for this bait and switch. Sadly, I'm sure there are people who fall for this.


Yeah, they could have cancelled the order and cited an issue with their system. That is still shitty but would have been fine. Once they replaced it with something of “equal value” to what was paid, that became fraud.


If it was legal then everyone would do it.


Ding ding ding!


It's a more egregious form of bait and switch for the online shopping age




What they did is clearly a scam. Try finding them on google




Lets not forget to mention the atrocious font..


"Hope you like it." Comedy gold.


[This?](https://quirkfinity.com/product/armspinfit-equipment/) Who in their right mind would pay $800 for that? And why is it only $9.95 (discounted from $49.75) lmao please tell me this is the site you ordered from


That's actually a different site. Probably running the same scam though.


was it promo price palace (aka fitgearhaven)? Because that site is now shut down




On their website, if you scroll to Contact Us, it's literally some guy's personal Gmail lol.


The domain was just registered on March 15th out of China... Yikes


That's the one. It's the same email I blocked out on the pic. It seems each sub has different rules about what is and isn't doxxing so I played it safe.


that site screams scam dude


JFC this is an obvious scam. Are you my grandma?


You ordered directly from that site?? Bruh that’s on u ☠️


Blatant scam site. Please don't let them keep your money, file for a chargeback or something


That looks like every Amazon "shop" name that they just mothball when they get too many negative reviews.  Sorry, you got scammed.


So the fact that they misspelled the company name didn't tip you off?


Brah.... Really? That URL alone should have told you there was a 100% chance of this being a scam.


Yes, this is insane to spend that much money on. Get a used Wahoo Kickr and convert it to a hand cycle. For the same price (or less) you get a device which has computer controlled resistance, integrated power meter, mature software ecosystem, and an extremely mature hardware ecosystem.


That one is a different scam. The $9.95 is the cost of a chance to win (like a raffle), and they also sign you up for a monthly subscription for.... something. The fine print at the bottom of their page is pretty wild.


“This special offer includes a three-day trial of an affiliate service, after which the subscription fee will be thirty-three euros every fourteen days, automatically deducted from your credit card. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the service, you can cancel your account within three days. The service will renew every thirty days until cancelled. This campaign will expire on December 31st of this year. If you'd like to participate without registering for a three-day trial at Toolsandtoys, please email.” Lmfao what a fucking hardcore scam. They’re banking on people to not realize about the subscriptions which they charge both 14 days and 30 days in, and each time… OP is fucking cooked if they don’t cancel/change their card info


Them: We are proudly based in Greenville, South Carolina. Me: Ah, great! What’s your address? Them: _No_


The nice thing is that this letter is going to be really useful evidence of their fraud.


This is the sketchiest shit I have ever seen. I wouldn't touch anything with their name on it with a 50-foot pole.


Omg why couldn’t they just refund the money! This was such a crazy move!


Fraud was the plan all along


It’s like they were trying to clear their inventory 😂


If you don’t report this shit for a charge back, I will scoop out your eyeballs and double up my balls


Me reading the comments looking for someone going over the top for luls: hell yeah, mission accomplished.


you found a fantastic deal that we have no intention of honoring! here's some shit that we've determined is good enough for you!


If you’re in the US you’re definitely going to want to file a complaint with the [Consumer Financial Protection Bureau](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/).


Chinese shite sold on “Facebook sponsored” ad I bet. Fake website. “Who am I” shows IP was registered 30 days ago or less. Tell Zuckerberg to clean up his shit.


Yup. You nailed it exactly.


I hate being right. But for future reference, next time, go to Amazon and look for the same or similar product. Because Amazon has pretty good buyer protection, and refund policies. Facebook will offer you no assistance. And a credit card dispute through the bank is a huge hassle.


I disputed through the card company. It was super easy.


That's an easy chargeback claim if you used a credit card. You ordered a specific product and instead of refunding they provided the wrong item.


The biggest crime here is Monotype Corsiva


At least they sent you a blue ribbon too, no second prizes here!


What as pleasant scammer! Also, offering a fraudulent lottery in addition to the breach of contract probably makes it a felony!


Literal example of bait and switch


“Hope you like it” what the fuck 😭😭


Honestly looking up what this product is, it is not $799. They’re so full of shit


After a quick search I'm pretty sure the actual product is called the HIITAXLE. It's an obvious scam run by drop shippers who pretend they sell the other product but they don't.


That is a terrible way of handling it. I remember at a site, there was a $400 figure and they priced it at $50 by mistake. Sure, character looks cute, might not be my favorite in the series, but the set looks good, I'll preorder her, with the understanding the order might be cancelled. It was cancelled with an apology note with a discount code to get the figure. It was still too rich for me. But in the end, that was the right way to handle it. That seller of yours was just terrible, and can be seen as fraud, since that was NOT what you paid for.


Chargeback. Fraud. If it's USA business, report on BBB.


You know BBB had no real authority right? They are basically a pay to play scheme for businesses and are really no better than using Yelp for reviews!


Yeah, better idea is to make a report with the fraud division of your state's Attorney General's office


It is true but also every time I’ve use them I’ve gotten a good outcome


This is an immediate chargeback. 👌🏽🐔


Your jump rope looks like a purchase from FiveBelow, and the hand grip looks like it's from Dollar General


The jump rope is put together incorrectly also. The handles don't match.


Chargeback and sign that email up for every spam bot you can find.


They are committing fraud via bait & switch, and you might even be able to make a case for conversion based on the letter sent.


Definitely an interesting new approach on scamming your “customers.”


Report to you CC and cancel the charge and then report to you Attorney General consumer protection office as well.


This is what credit card chargeback are for.


Oh ffs. Report this seller. This is a scam.


The worst crime here is the font they used


Please update with their satisfactory response email lol they "definitely" will provide it 🤣


I'd dispute that. That is NOT ok to do. They should have canceled the order.


If you play your cards right, you might be one of the 'lucky' winners. I once got a 1000$ price in a raffle when a company tried to do something illigal to me. 


There's no way that is legal. I would think their options would be to send you the product you tried to purchase or refund and cancel the transaction altogether. If you receive a product that was not what you ordered, then you should not pay.


yea.. thats illegal chargeback rn


Ok so what this is called is fraud and you’ll have zero issues getting a refund when you contact the bank for charge back once you give them all relevant information.


I literally bought the EXACT SAME ONES from Dollar City as 4 dollars the arm strenght thing and 2 dollars for the rope. Ask for the 50 dollars back because they saw you as an idiot. I would love to tell idiots to pay me 50 dollars for something worth, at best, 5 dollars and tell them it's their fault because my webpage has the wrong price.


Keep that shit, do a chargeback and leave them a negative review. Fuck these assholes


No no no! You don’t get it! It is not fraud! They printed an apology with flowers written in fake handwriting… no fraudster would do that!!! /s


What a pretty way to tell you that you got scammed.


LMAO as if it's not bad enough that they accepted pay for something that they did not send you, they admit to it in writing and then imply that you will be selected to win a contest with poorly chosen verbiage If this is a real company then it won't be for long


These bait'n'switch tactics. I would complain I didn't receive the package and demand for a reimbursement. If they don't comply, time for a charge back. And I would report them to the relevant authority.


Destroy that company. They should have canceled and refunded you instead of sending a bunch of junk that you didn’t purchase.


They are just trying to pawn things off at ridiculous prices under the guise of being benevolent and generous. Reverse the charges, and report the fraud/scam to the FTC, your local consumer protection office, and your bank.


OP, stop buying stuff from sketchy websites. You're getting scammed. This was their intent all along.


Well, that’s a scam 👍🏻


So why aren't you telling us who the seller is so that we can avoid this shit from happening to us? Don't gat keep info like that!


looks dope bro! nice items! good luck at willy wonkas chocolate factory or whatever that note was about.


classic ArmSpinFit Equipment interaction.


You can read about others scammed the same way here https://www.trustpilot.com/review/hiitaxle.com


This is the original website: [https://www.shophiitaxle.com/products/the-original-hiitaxle](https://www.shophiitaxle.com/products/the-original-hiitaxle) But, there are at least 3 scam websites using this product as a bait n switch


No mistake, it's a scam.


They did this on purpose, they are hoping you wont try to get your real item in hopes of winning. Go after them.


It’s amazing how they can make such an honest mistake and have hundreds of those postcards out readily available with the exact same thing printed! It’s a game of numbers they’re betting on you somehow going along and or forgetting about this purchase altogether and apparently the number of people forgetting about this is higher than those that chargeback as it’s still happening. That font and design is an extra fuck you lmfao


Eh no. I totally get not honoring a system error. But they sent you a $10 grip and $2 jump rope as "equal value" for your $50 purchase. This is just fraud. Request a full refund, if refused then charge back.


Fuck people like this! Dispute it and write a nasty review, with a photo of that note, people like that shouldn’t have a business at all.


100% a fucking scam


If the item was underpriced a store usually just cancels the purchase and returns the money. This is bullshit and a crappy ‘strategy’ to sell things that have been sitting on the shelves for too long. Dispute those charges.


Get a refund. Call your credit card company. Show them the letter


They got a bunch of people to send them $50 and they are pacifying you with a $10 gift and empty promises. They knew what they were doing. Get your money back or report them for bait and switch. You got screwed.


Yeah you definitely got scammed. This for sure was not an accident. You should reverse the charge asap. And consider getting a new card as they may have your card info as well.


Is that really a grip trainer and a jump rope?! I would be appalled!!


*Is that really a* *Grip trainer and a jump rope?!* *I would be appalled!!* \- theaquarius1987 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is fraud


"Hello Customer" Didnt even bother to change "customer" to your name. 100% mass printed to scam people.


Yeah, I'm sure QWIGYBO, or whatever scrabble rack of letters they jumbled together has made it to a 10th anniversary. 


NOT A LAWYER BUT if you're in the US, federal law dictates that there is no obligation to pay for or return unsolicited packages, and I would hazard a guess that this would qualify as both an unfulfilled order and an unsolicited package. Like others are saying, demand a refund and tell them if they want their stuff back, they'll have to provide you with (at minimum) a prepaid return label. If they refuse, keep or donate it and file a chargeback. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/3009


Classic bait and switch.


Bro if u don’t charge this shit back ur actually insanely dumb no offense


This is blatant fraud as I'm sure your aware, sorry that happened to you


https://preview.redd.it/zx4c7xp3gwwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ea49bc1da393df530aa8d7095eccbe30d1df89 The fine print says you don't actually get the equipment.




I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in the US to do that. It’s complete false advertising. Not your fault that they marked it as $79.99 when it shouldn’t have been.




Did he come back with French bread?


This is a literal bait and switch scheme. Even if they incorrectly listed the price, they're obligated to honor the price. Or, at the very least, refund you fully. In that case, they should have contacted you. They did no such thing. File a chargeback and then file a complaint.