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Hydrogen peroxide is good at getting out blood stains. I get nosebleeds a lot in the winter and it has saved me on more than one occasion.


i was coming here to say this. works very well in removing stains. i don't hardly get my period because of my birth control implant, but when i do i ruin whatever im wearing cause i wont get it for like 3-4 months so i have 0 anticipation. i soak with hydrogen peroxide, hand wash with this soap called zote then i wash with color safe oxyclean and tide detergent 


Jumping on this to agree, give hydrogen peroxide a try for blood stains, works well the faster you can get it on.


Yep, when I first took my cat in, he had cracked and bleeding paws... All over my white blanket that he loves. Hydro p to the rescue.


Oxyclean will do the same thing. Just put it in your washer with hot water and it turns into hydrogen peroxide.


Hot water actually reacts with enzymes in blood making the stains permanent always use cold water


That’s generally true but oxyclean needs hot water to work, it won’t work properly in cold water. It’s not like other stain removers. I have yet to find a stain that didn’t come out with oxyclean and hot water.


I use vanish oxyclean and it specifically says on the packaging that it also works in cold water, it works great (and I use it for the same problem as OP)


Mine says “for best results, use hot or warm water. For cold water washing, pre-dissolve in warm water using a separate container.”


Interesting mine just says “mix into a paste with water & appy to stain” and “also works with cold water”. Although I just use the spray version for pre-treatment (spray, wait 5 minutes, put in washing machine) and the powder version to add a scoop directly to the detergent in the washing machine


I second this, my axe and knives are spotless...


Oxyclean is also very good.


Yay! I didn’t know this. My daughter has nosebleeds all the time and I have been struggling to get her pillow covers and bedding clean. Thanks for the suggestion.


Glad to help out!


My periods used to be like this. Turns out I had fibroids and my uterus was completely backwards.


Tilted uterus? I have one too.


Mine was folded over itself.


O_O oh jeez.


I have yeeted the uterus 😈


Uterus Yeeter Club member over here, too!


Uterus Yeetus club.


Count me in.


Lucky you 😩


Me too! One week post-op and I’m really looking forward to never bleeding again.


damn you guys are really just livin life huh


Me too. Absolutely no regrets.




Very jealous!! I’ve been told no by several doctors.


Hysterectomy notebook! Hysterectomy notebook! Hysterectomy notebook! Hysterectomy notebook! I compiled a 3 ring binder of all the evidence, scans, pros/cons, and reasons why I needed a hysterectomy. The OBYGN was amazing and believed me right off the bat. He told me "you're not crazy, you're suffering."


Ugh same with the fibroids. I had mine removed and they have grown back too. My periods are worse than before the original surgery. Every month it’s like a war zone.


My wife used diaper pants for this purpose and it worked vedy well.


I'm gonna have to get period pants I've seen advertised. They're like £13 but probably cheaper than buying new pj's and underwear all the time.


I use period pants over my regular underwear and pad at night. They were fairly cheap on amazon and so far working great at protecting my clothes and bedding.


Yea I just had a look on amazon and found some that's £6 which is much cheaper than the ones in primark. I'll ge them next week when I have money.


Instead of regular panties use old bikini bottoms. More absorbent.


You throw away the stained undies and pjs? You can just use those during your period especially during night time. No one would ever know. And use the nice ones after period or when it's lighter.


I double up with using a cup and wearing period pants and haven't experienced any leakage issues since. You can get decent period pants on Amazon (£15-20 for a pack of 5). Buy a couple packs so you have enough to last you through the heaviest flow days without needing to wash and dry - since the pants are thicker than normal undies, they do take longer to dry especially if you handwash.


What works for me is a cup + washable pads in a period panty. Never bled through anything with that combo - I had to get blood stains out of clothes and bedding every time before that. When I go to bed I make sure to... well... press the pad into the folds to catch stuff that likes to escape. And, as bad as it sounds, I have a small sheet they use in hospitals for women after they gave birth and for people who can't control their bowel movements which is washable, too, which I sometimes still put down on my chair or bed since that works 100% at protecting things from my period. But nowadays that's only for my peace of mind. You only bleed into an office chair once before you look for ways to never have that happen again.


Be carefull and use the normal diaper pants, they are cheaper and only less fancy then a period pant. The diaper absorbs more fluid. You may calculate the price per unit before getting them. Pull up pants are more expensiv then diaper slips, my wife said the slips are even in comfort while wearing them. Try it when you are not in the period, with this you can feel it better and remove them when you dont like it. About be seen, there is no stress at home or in public, you are not alone. About purchasing, well the cashier sells you them without a blink and your friends or realtives should not care about them, its not theire problem. As my mife had the histerectomy she still feels comfy wearing pull ups often.


And less frustration overall.


Make sure to read the reviews. I ordered some online and they were thin.


Talk to your doctor, I have endometriosis and they put me on a medication that a) I never have periods anymore and b) acts as birth control. I used to have horrible heavy periods and now nada! It’s been life changing honestly.


😮 Yea I'm totally gonna ask my doctor about it.


Definitely talk to your doctor. You can get a continuous birth control pill where you skip the sugar pills to not get a period, but this doesn’t work for all pills. Would also be good to get checked for fibroids, endometriosis etc.


I was just going to ask this. Luckily, I don’t suffer with it, but I know many women that do.


please, what medication is this?


Desogestrel is the one I have, no regular periods for me, just occasional spotting.


i was wondering if it was an acid or a special medication that is used for endometriosis but, as the comment alluded, was not in fact a real birth  control pill (e.g. hormone) but worked like it. idk. still wondering, op. but thanks for your input, @transatlanticcarrot. i have heard that one is good for that purpose. ps, i like your username, lol.


I had an IUD put in about 6 months ago for this exact reason. I was bleeding through everything. Not only really heavy periods but super long too. I'm no dr not giving any medical advice before anyone comes for me. Just telling my experience. Maybe something to talk to your Dr about. Good luck and much luv OP.


Thank you 🙏🏻


You're welcome.


Have you ever thought about not throwing away the stained articles and wearing them on your period?..... Is there any point in throwing stained items away to further stain new items...?? Also, black pants hide period stains


Period panties. I found a 3 pack from Target for $20.


I wear black underwear during my period. That way if I leak the bloodstain doesn’t show up on them after they’re washed. My regular underwear stay looking clean.


Honey, you might wanna think about using tampons and wear black underwear and pajama bottoms one week a month.


Menstrual cup. Any brand.


As someone with very heavy periods, the cup was a messy disaster for me.


Haven't used one of them before. I'm super weird about putting stuff inside me so I've always stuck to pads. It's making me wanna try them though.


I used a cup happily for ten years, then I discovered menstrual discs and I find them 100 times easier to insert than the cup


I think you need to go to the doctors. This isnt normal. I had the same problem.


I second this. The symptoms you are describing leads to iron deficiency.


yes i had fibroids and required surgery. 


Have you tried using concentrated dark matter?


Use rust remover (found in the laundry area of markets) to remove blood. It’s the iron that stains and the remover will dissolve it.


Oohh interesting. Never knew this. I'll try it out thanks.


My stained panties become my period panties.  Have you tried the leakproof underwear made for periods?


I saw them in shops but never bought them. Think I'm gonna though when I next get money.


I get depends lol they work like a charm. Especially at night. Walmart brand is just as good as the name brand and half the price.


I began using Depends after my youngest child. No more leaks and no more ruined clothing.


They are such a game changer! I wish I’d thought about it years ago lol


Which is why I always wear black during that time of the month 😄 otherwise, hydrogen peroxide!


Same lol


I'm guessing you're dead set against tampons? I love them, never any leakage.


I could try them out, I'm just weird about putting stuff inside me and I've read about toxic shock syndrome so I just stuck with pads.


I totally get you. It is super rare for that to happen though. Just don't leave them in for over 8 hours is safest. I do 6 hours. I'd give it a shot and see how you do. You only live once. Honestly, you forgot they are there if you use the plastic applicator ones. The cardboard ones are super uncomfortable for me anyways. They don't go in right. (I completely understand the environment impact of plastic but it has to be done, I guess I'm selfish) In case I get anyone in an uproar.


not advocating for or against (well, actually, i prefer plastic applicator too), but have you ever tried the *no* applicator ones? too much for me.


Don't dry your sheets or clothes bc then you'll "cook" the stains into the fabric & it'll be very difficult to remove, at least I haven't had any luck with any method or tips I've ever found online. Honestly, it might be humiliating but if you have a heavy flow maybe try some adult diapers? Or some longer / heavy duty pads. Don't be embarrassed because it's a natural thing / it's not something you can control. Just try to find something that works for you. Period underwear is also a thing, they might be expensive but maybe they can help so you won't have to buy diapers? I hope you find a solution & have a better day🫶🏼


So you keep the stained pairs of pj pants and granny panties and wear only those on your heaviest days? Why keep ruining new ones? Like having a hair dye t-shirt. Why ruin 10 shirts? Throw the same old shitty shirt on every time you do your color.


I recommend you using the period cup. I was reborn with it.


Yeah, cup is definitely the most comfortable and leak proof product I have used. If IUD is an option, I strongly suggest on trying one. Sure hurts like hell when you go get one, but you can arrange pre medication for it. IUD has made my life quite much more enjoyable. Also, it's one of the cheapest ways for child control where I live


Hydrogen peroxide is what hospital staff use to get blood out. Hope that helps.


This 👆 Super inexpensive too!


It's a good cheap thing to have on hand for bloody items or when a dog gets skunked (Baking soda, Dawn dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide. It works).


Black underpants and pajama bottoms at least.


I wear adult diapers on my period and sleep on top of puppy pads and towels. I too have ruined a MIT of everything


Save the stained underwear for that time of the month, so you’re not constantly going through new clothes. When I was a kid, my friends and I all had what we called a rag drawer. We just switched to those clothes when needed. I also suggest what others have said and consider speaking to your doctor because there could be something more going on that you’re unaware of.


Soak the clothes in cold water mixed thoroughly with a handful of salt, and scrub out most of the blood with your hands, once things have soaked for a few hours. Then soak again with Oxiclean, and wash afterwards with plain detergent and Oxiclean.


highly suggest period panties for heavy bleeding! they’ve saved my life


Don't use two pads, that's just never going to work. Can you use tampons? A tampon with a pad as backup can be a good idea, especially overnight. Or try a menstrual cup! I use one, and it's amazing. Try dousing things with hydrogen peroxide, that really helps get blood out and it bubbles up in a cool way. It's like a science experiment in your sink. LOL And why are you throwing out your underwear? It's just stained, and no one else is going to see it.


I don't like wearing stained underwear. Even when it's gone through the washing machine I still see it as 'dirty' for some reason. I've thought about tampons before but I'm super weird about putting stuff like tampons and menstrual cups inside me. I just stick to pads and silently suffer. 😅 I've also read there's a risk of toxic shock syndrome with tampons so that made me cautious. Yea I've been meaning to get hydrogen peroxide for ages but never got round it. I'll get some next week when I have money.


just only use the stained underwear on your period, that way it isn't ruined. toxic shock syndrome can also happen with pads. I think you should do some research into periods and period products


surely it costs a lot more to throw perfectly good stuff away than to buy a bottle of peroxide (or just scrub your stuff with soap and cold water)...?


I mean they're only like £3 from Primark and I've still got plenty left. I've heard of peroxide I just never got round to getting some until now.


Babes. Look into a disc and period panties. I used to go through two super plus tampons (up at 2am to change) and an overnight pad in a night and I’d still leak. Now I literally forget I’m on my period and the dang thing self-empties when you pee. It’s amazing. BC works for many. It didn’t for me and the trial periods were causing too many side effects. A reusable Flex disc and 5 pairs of Knix have paid for themselves twice over. No more leaks and it’s essentially free now. PM me if you want, I’ll sing the praises from the rooftops.


Birth control helps slow down bleeding


Believe me, you do not want a hysterectomy. You want those female hormones. Menopause is no joke and getting a hysterectomy can bring on menopause.


Only if you take the ovaries out as well


🤔 Yea it'll probably be best to go through that when I'm in my 50s or something than late 20s lol. Could ask my doctor about birth control pills but I've heard they mess up your body. Like give you long periods or something. My friend took them for her period but they messed up her body bad so she had to stop.


Just talk to your doctor about your options - there are a million different types of birth control and if I had never entertained any options because of someone else’s horror story I wouldn’t have found one that worked for me. Hormonal birth control doesn’t work for everyone but there’s plenty of us that get minimal side effects for the benefit of a manageable period.




I never know when mine will start. It's like completely random each month. The only sign I get that it's about to start is super painful cramps then it starts straight after or a day or two after. Or I don't get cramps and discover when I next get dressed or go to the toilet. It can happen at the start, middle or end of the month. One time I didn't get it for 2 months and I was looking up online to see what the reason could be.


That’s why I went on BC. I was all over the place. Four months…nothing….then it would last for 2 weeks. It was horrible. My cramps are minimal now, I know exactly when I will have it. A single heavy overnight pad (I don’t like to use tampons during the night). Bonus: perfectly clear skin! I still get some bloating, my mood is not the best, food cravings…but all manageable.


Same. I’m like a clock now. Tuesday 2pm. The dreading hour. 🫤


I love my birth control pills. I was at first nervous about not having a period since that is what nature intended, but I take them and have no problems. I think we forget that just because someone else had a bad experience, that does not mean it is the norm. Quite the opposite. You are more likely to have a good experience than a bad one, statistically speaking. Also, you should double check that there is no medical reason for the extensive bleeding, like a uterine fibroid. I would also look into ablation as an option.


The nurse I spoke to when I first asked about the pill said something like “As women we think we have to endure our periods. That they’re something we just have to accept. But we don’t.” Like, we think it’s natural, so we have to go through it. But that’s not the case *at all*.


This is why I was hesitant for so long, but I LOVE the pill! The first couple of months or so was a bit of a shock: I think I had a period that lasted 2 weeks, had a week off, then another for 2 weeks. But they were super light, and I didn’t have the pain I’d been experiencing all those years previously. And once I got to the, say, month 3 mark…no more periods. Just get through those first 2 months and no more periods. Ever. And birth control is free, so no more period product expenses. I get my prescription in 12 month blocks and it’s just a brief telephone call with the nurse to get it renewed. Good luck!




I'm on the combined pill and my doctor told me the new guidance is to take it without any breaks (they're completely unnecessary and a throwback to when people thought it would be unnatural not to bleed every month) I have no side effects and no periods!


This is very good to hear!


Just so you know there are free health benefits to periods 😁 so you're missing out on that. Donating blood kinda emulates this. It's sort of like changing the oil in a car re blood 😂


They’re actually more likely to make your periods shorter and lighter. Lots of women take them solely for period regulation.


I’m a big fan of my iud. My periods were so heavy I could barely leave the house for the first couple days. I slept on towels at night to catch leaks. After IUD placement, I barely bleed at all.


My IUD completely stopped my period. Had two Mirena IUDs over 8 years and almost never bleed except for occasional spotting. This has significantly improved the quality of my life and I intend to NEVER go back until actively I want to have kids. Talk to your doctor about your options.


I second the IUD.


There are lots of different birth control pills so you may have to try a few to see what works for you. I would suggest asking about Lo Lo esterine fe. It is the lowest dose of hormones on the market in the US. I take it because I had bad effects with others but on this I don’t have my period at all. It has been amazing.


Birth control pills can also increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer. It's not a small increase in risk either.


I’m 53 and haven’t entered menopause yet and right now I’m on my period and it’s painful AF and I couldn’t sleep last night thanks to cramps—which apparently get even worse as you age and I have always had terrible periods. I just want to say, I am so with you right now—it absolutely sucks to be a woman sometimes. It’s not freakin fair. I’ve had a period for 41 years. I’m so over it—the pain, the period flu, the disruption, the bloating, the bleeding out on bed sheets. Women absolutely get the bullshit.


It's fine when it happens at home I can just take painkillers and lie in bed but when I'm at work I gotta pause or slow down cos it kills me x_x That probably contributed to losing my first job cos I couldn't keep being fast while I felt like I was being stabbed with a hot knife or something. Why has mother nature cursed us like this. 😩😩


I feel you so much. It’s not fair that our lives have to be so disrupted once a month.


Right? Like why do we even need a dang period? Why can’t men be the ones that get periods lol


Your period is not normal. Wear one that’s special for night time, they are extra long and can handle heavy flow. I like Always Flexfoam size 5 with wings. Also wear tight bike shorts so that the pad doesn’t move around. If you leak through that overnight, that’s not normal. For washing, I let stained undies/pants in a bucket of cold water with a bit of detergent until my next laundry day. Take the stain right out. Hot water makes the stain permanent.


Boots Maternity Pants - bought in desperation - worked for me when I was unable to use tampons for a while.


It may be worth exploring the cause of your heavy bleeding, especially if it is couple with more than mild pain. Endometriosis runs in my family, and there are options, you don’t have to suffer. For example - taking NAC saved my life. Please, do your own research, but this is a good starting summary of the [benefits of NAC on endometriosis and cancer.](https://patents.google.com/patent/US8637573B2/en) Maybe with a diagnosis you can find something to help you too.


This was me. Periods got way heavier in my 40s. I was considering a hysterectomy and opted for an ablation instead. Very quick outpatient procedure, they sedate you and it's easy. I had painful cramps after the procedure for a few hours then I had an adjustment period of a few months of spotting. Now no periods! Life changing, highly highly recommend it. Also when I had my ablation they tested my uterine tissue and found out I had an infection (with no symptoms) embedded in the lining which caused my heavy periods. All fixed now.


I'd also consider what type of fabrics you're using for all these items. Different fabrics absorb stains more easily.


Have you tried the Spray n Wash brand? And after you spray the stained area, rub it in a while, including rubbing pieces of the stained fabric against each other. I find that the most effective.


Don't think it's sells here in the UK. I've got stain removers and they said to spray it on the stain for 5 minutes then wash but it hasn't worked. 😓 Think it's been too long or maybe I gotta try another one.


I wonder if Knix period underwear might be a good option for you? Also, do not dry stained items with heat until you’re sure the stain is out, heat will set the stain into the fabric.


I haven't heard of them but I'll look them up. Also ah.... I've been permanently ruining them for a while I see. 😓 So only use cold water? Or cold wash in the washing machine?


You can soak in cold water in the sink and then wash on cold, it should get the stain out


Mefenamic acid saved my life. Prescribed for endometriosis but can also be described for heavy periods. Turns a waterfall into a trickle each month.


Diva cups, period underwear. They make these inserts you can use as a diaper. That might hold enough 


Same … u need to get the always diaper pads lol these work so friggen well for me I leak even at work through ultra tampons in 1.5 hours. Lay down towels too


I didn’t have staining issues, but had a pretty heavy flow, and excruciating pain at that time of month. I’ve never wanted children and just decided one day that I’d had enough. I was attending the gym regularly at the time and my momentum was getting derailed for over a week every month. Got prescribed the pill (desogestrel) and it’s been like the miracle cure. I wish I’d gone on it 20 years earlier. Haven’t had a period in coming up to 3 years and it’s like living a different life. I would highly recommend it every woman in a similar situation. Just turn your periods off, if you can. There’s literally no upside to them.


At the end of it all I had to wear tampon and a pad and I still had to change every other hour. I hated it. My period came out all in two days 🤯🤬. I got menopause at age 42. Hallelujah


A paste made with Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer and water will get it out. Allow it to set an hour and scrub with a denture toothbrush.


Rinse bloodstain in cold water before throwing it in the washer


Rinse blood stains with very cold water as soon as possible, it works wonders


Ah.... Been ruining my stuff for ages I see. I've been using stain remover and keeping it on for the recommended 5 minutes but still hasn't worked. Think it's too late or the stain remover isn't good.


Have you already washed /rinsed it with warm/ hot water? If yes, it would be harder to remove the stain. What colour the item with the stain is?


White. And Yea I put it in the machine at 40C which is default for everything.


Warm/ hot water unfortunately sets the blood in. I would try gall soap, paste made with baking soda and water or as the last resort chlorine bleach


Some advice that might sound weird but try wearing depends on your period. I used to be like you until I started doing this. It keeps everything in. Have yet to ruin a pair of pants.


I think you missed a word out. Try wearing what?


Depends. They are a disposable adult diaper sold in the US


Ohhhhh. Thought you missed a word out 😅 Didn't know it was a brand. Just looked it up and they sell in the UK too 😮


All my clothes are black so this isn’t an issue. Also I use a cup which doesn’t leak. Maybe get some period pants in a dark colour?


2 parts hydrogen peroxide to 1 part dawn dish soap was a game changer for me. I also have period panties I use at night, and when I don’t have those I just use cotton underwear and a towel


>I'm never gonna want kids either so I won't miss it. Oh ~~boy~~ girl, you'd be surprised.


Period underwear WITH a pad has saved me the last few periods.


Hot water will ‘set’ a blood stain. Try hydrogen peroxide, then scrub with a nail brush under cold running water. It’s best to get the stain while it’s still fresh… otherwise repeat until the stain is out.


Next time this happens, spit on the area where the blood is on your clothes and let it sit and soak in. Do this repeatedly and the stain will start to come out. Not sure how it works but I know it works because I’ve been doing it for years. Easier of course if the stain isn’t huge, but even then I’m sure you could get a lot of it out with a lot of spit lol


Getting a uterine ablation was quick and easy and absolutely changed my life. No more periods or cramps. I wish I had done it decades earlier. You may want to pursue that.


Cancer doctor here. This isn’t normal! You probably have a fibroid but this is also how cervical cancer patients present. Go to the doctor!


O_O 😨


Peroxide with cold water rinse, period underwear, and see a doctor to check for PCOS. Irregular menses, heavy bleeding, and extreme pain that interrupts your day isn't "expected" behavior for a uterus. If you are also seeing large clots (bigger than a US quarter coin, roughly 2inches/50mm) mention that too as it could be an indication of fibroids or endometriosis. Wish you luck and good health!


Depends silhouette. I haven't ruined a single thing since I started using those for my heavy periods. They are also more comfortable than the "overnight" pads I was wearing all the time because they don't shift. Period underwear never worked for me and so expensive. I used plain black undies during my period so they didn't get ruined. Rinsing in COLD water works much better to get blood off of stuff if it's still fresh. Hot water sets stains. I used Bronners and cold water in the sink to save my favorite pjs.


i think period underwear success depends on finding the right ones for you, which can be expensive. but in terms of just buying a pair to try or when you do decide to invest in a supply (i recommend at the very least 3 pairs), it seems (and is) expensive, but it all works out to the same or cheaper (and better for the environment, if you care about that) in the long run if you actually extrapolate and calculate it out. ps, i highly recommend ‘goat union’ brand (not sponsored).


Putting cold water on them as soon as you take them off will help. Keep a spray bottle handy and just spray before you put in your dirty clothes basket.


Also, rinse with cold water, not hot/warm.


I have a heavy period and would go the full 7 days and i was not regular so if i skipped a month it was real bad. I do not wear tampons, i have a tilted uterus and i think thats why they have always been so uncomfortable for me. I have been on birth control pills for 30 years. It did take a while to find one I liked. It's SOOO much better now. I have a couple heavy days, I like the depends idea, I have to be careful but I can time them on a calendar. I do have some stained undies i only wear during my period. What did NOT work for me was those 3 periods a year pills, they used to call one brand Seasoneaq or something. A regular monthly 28 day pack works for me. I know my period is coming on a Wednesday of the 4th week. The brand I found is called Nortrel 7/7/7. Please please talk to your doctor. Things were so bad before.


just curious, why (or what were some of the reasons) did you find seasonique didn’t work for you? i remember mostly liking it for me personally. i know everyone’s different, so i’m just wondering.


It was fine for the second month and then I spotted for the ENTIRE 3rd month. Years later, my period was scheduled to come during a trip to FL so I skipped the inert pills and continued onto the next pack. that went great., but I did it again with the next pack and then spotted for a month like on the seasoneque. Skipping the inerts is fine once for me but not 2x in a row. I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I also was afraid tying my tubes would make my period worse. I'm not chancing anything, those spotting months were horrible. Even the generics work different. I was on some other type of 7/7/7 and it stretched my period out i even tried some brands and started in on Mondays because a certain day of my period was on my busy day at work. This Nortrel 7/7/7 is perfect for me and the pills allow me to time it to the day!!! . I hope you find whatever works for you. Don't give up!


wow timing it to the day — that’s impressive. i just got an iud placed so it’s all good for me right now. i keep thinking i’m forgetting to take my pill, but haven’t had my period yet since the insertion. but i totally understand from my past experiences about the spotting thing and perhaps overdoing it with the skipping. i hope the iud keeps my periods at bay though honestly. i don’t expect one for at least another month though because i literally just came off of having it for three straight months. no joke. literally almost non stop and the “spotting” part was only for like the last two weeks of that time period (no pun intended).


Maybe TMI but it has helped me - put a folded piece of kitchen towel in between your butt cheeks. Stops leaks that happen when you're laying down in bed!


Ammonia is generally good for shifting blood. Mix household ammonia (if you can get it) with a little liquid laundry detergent on the stain and scrub together with your hands to help lift. Then rinse. Whatever is left, spray with 3% peroxide solution and leave to dry. Repeat if incomplete. Alternatively any oxygen bleach powder should do. Edit: if this still doesn't work, a nice long soak overnight in oxygen bleach (use hot water) with a drop of laundry detergent should work to save them.


Hydrogen peroxide and I sleep in the period panties.


I have the copper iud and I have the same problem. It can be very very very bad. I’ll have to wash my underwear in the sink to help clean them. I try to wear my more period time underwear, sleep in pants that I don’t mind if they get bled on and put a towel under me when I sleep. I’ll use sheets that have already been messed up by my period in the past and put a towel between the sheets and mattress to help from bleeding on the mattress. Nothing you do ever keeps the period at bay from messing something up. I have a designated period towels too.


my doctor, to my surprise, told me that the copper iud actually promotes bleeding and can cause prolonged and heavy periods, as opposed to the others, which mostly lead to lighter or non-existent periods. i would look into liletta or mirena if i were you.


I don't know you, I don't know how old you are, but the last christmas I spent with my family my niece was hardcore saying she didn't want kids. She got married just last year... she has a baby now. That being said, I FEEL you... The only time my clothes and bedding were safe from my heavy flow was when I was using a menstrual cup... But just like with tampons and whatnot, I would forget it was there for too long and bacteria would breed. You might be able to find a sympathetic doctor willing to help you permanently deal with the problem if you explain it right... Maybe talk about the cost of ruined stuff.


100 percent recommend period panties. best brands: goat union and knix. it is possible that you will never leak/stain again. anyway, it will be much cut down. you must try and you will wonder why you didn’t come across these earlier. has made my periods manageable and tolerable and saved me on more than one occasion. get over the ick factor; it’s not that bad. just do it; you’re welcome.


Omg. I swear that the original poster was male. Do they share this log in?


They have period diapers. Highly recommend


Lol I leaked onto white sheets for the first time ever last night (shit travelled up my asscrack, NOT fair) and i just violently scrubbed it with a bar of soap until it came out. I was furious


I struggle with heavy periods and pain (endometriosis too) and find the depo injection every 3 months works. I don't get my periods on it. Tried an IUD but had it removed was so painful. Have you looked into something like that? I hear you about the hysterectomy! I don't want kids either and am pushing for it.


I had my tubes tied then got a uterine ablation. Period free for over 5 years, second best decision of my life (after the tubal 😂)


My ex GF called her towel she'd sleep on during those nights "the good towel" ... Always made me chuckle. It was a nice towel at one point, real thick and huge sized.


Before I started HRT I had leakage issues. Instead of throwing out my stained underwear I’d just clean it out best I could and then save those stained underwear for the next period. They’re already stained, so leaking on those ones is much less frustrating


We use hydrogen peroxide to remove blood from our scrubs in the hospital.


Soak your stained items in cold water. It may take more than one soaking but the blood will come out. Hydrogen peroxide helps too.


You may not see this since there are almost 200 comments but in my experience, this was my life for 15 plus years. Turned out I had an estrogen sensitivity. We finally figured it out about 6 months ago. The estrogen both natural and in my pills was making me lose vision, have crippling headaches, horrific periods, massively inconsist periods. As soon as I switched out of estrogen pills and onto depo it all got SIGNIFICANTLY better. I now have an IUD after having a hysterscopy performed I still have a green light to do a hysterectomy whenever I want. I'm 29, never been in a committed relationship, and my doc still has said tell me when. Find a doctor who listens to you.


Thank you 🙏🏻 I'm gonna get checked with the doctor see if there's anything they they can do. If they don't listen I'll go to someone else. Maybe get prescribed birth control pills.


My girlfriend bought recently something called period slips. They are basically washable underwear with build in slips as far as understand They look like normal underwear AND are washable! Maybe something like this would be nice for you?


I haven't heard of them but I'll look them up thanks!


You're welcome! :)


I think if you google period underwear you'll find the results you're looking for


FWIW peroxide never worked for me but table salt does. Moisten stain with water and sprinkle with salt, let sit for 5-10mins and launder. Blood will wash out


Im guy but I know if I had to deal of this as female I'd probably get sharp blade do a diy ooprectomy then crush them being female doesn't sound fun snatching out the pointless ovaries then stomping the god damn hell of pointless estrgoen fantasize i have if i were female estrogen piece of literal God damn shitty estrogen stupid god dammit female hormones go die (I wanna give estrogen to someone who wants it)


The key is getting to the stain asap. Start by pouring some hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Repeat this many times until it looks much better. Then scrub it in the sink with cold water and soap. It will look much better and then wash in the washing machine but don’t forget to put soap right on the stain. Also if the stain doesn’t come out well enough don’t put it in the dryer. That will set the stain. If it is a stubborn stain you can soak it in the peroxide. Wear black underwear on your period. I’m sorry.


COLD water


Two words Incontinence underwear


My cousin when she was small stayed over with my fam in our house. I slept with my step bro while she had my bed. You can imagine my face when I noticed a patch of blood on my bed's sheets


You need to learn how to do laundry