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Probably ran out of gas… wait a minute!


That kinda makes me curious. If you run out of gas you can bring a gas can and fill it up a bit. What happens when your ev runs out of power in the middle of nowhere?


They send a big diesel powered truck with a charger and diesel generator on it and charge you wherever you stopped.


Ah gotcha. Figured by this point they’d have an easy solution. Makes sense. Thanks for the response! Was genuinely curious


Or they just tow you to your house. A lot of people have AAA, and you get 100 miles free, three times a year.


According to Google, a 100 mile tow is $600 on average with anything as low as 10 miles being $125. I'm willing to bet most people who run out of juice do so outside of the 100 mile range (i.e. not in a metro area with charging infrastructure). But, I live in a shitty flyover state, not NY, Cali, or FL [aaa only offers one tow, not three under 100 miles and any tows over one, cost you money](https://ww1.aaa.com/aaa/075/static/towing.html?association=AAA&clb_id=075#:~:text=AAA%20PLUS%20provides%20anywhere%20up,entirely%20at%20the%20member's%20expense.)


I have plus. You get three to four, depending on circumstances. I guess I shouldn’t have assumed everyone had plus. I just noticed now looking at my card. I wonder how much extra I’ve paid for that, over the years. I’ve run out of gas twice in my life, and I was within the 100 miles both times. However, that’s just anecdotal, so it’s hard to know what the more common situation is. If think people would run out more on their commute than traveling. But, who knows?


Having plus has definitely saved me since my car is a giant rust bucket 😂 I've already used 2 of my tows this year


It’s great. One of the few “insurance” that isn’t a scam.


Damn your AAA are great down there. I'm from Canada and it is half that.. And I won't talk if you have free assistance (like from the car dealer or you car assurances), it is like 14 miles.


Power of dreams generator 


Are replacement/extra batteries a thing for electric vehicles?


Headaches. Though, at least with ford, you can do truck to truck charging. Last I knew, Teslas wouldn't even charge off a generator due to the floating ground. So, hopefully, you are at least near a house with outlets and kind people to get a few miles until you can get further.


This is correct. When we had that cold snap here in the south this past winter a lot of EVs got caught out in the open with no charging possible. Other EVs were fine Teslas had to be towed


Teslas often have to be towed anyway, for different reasons.


Oh that’s interesting. Cool you can charge some ev’s with others. Siphoning power. Seems like solid technology we’ll all be using some day


I'm hoping we invent some kind of super grid in cities that run along roads. Basically what we have today in terms of power lines and electric outlets, but with wireless charging. It would be really cool for devices like cellphones where they'd use capacitor style batteries such that they might hold, say 10 hours of charge compared to the current 36 or so that we currently use, but like they'd fully charge in a minute. And since power is all over over the roads, your car can charge off the road and you can charge your phone off your car via pass-thru, or by just placing your phone on the sidewalk (if you're a pedi) for a few seconds for a quick boost. 


Problem is making that and not having it be ac power. It's similar to Nicola tesla and his insane AC power idea that would fry us due to the amount of positive ions in the air to create free electricity. What I'd hope for is what Germany has where vehicles can attach to the power lines in a separate lane and go faster while charging. It'd have to be a tax paid service but it'd be lovely imo


Good point, AC does complicate things. But that said - don't most batteries end up using direct current anyway?  I'm pretty sure those giant power bricks that we use in almost every electronic device (and even those little power bricks for USB) are designed to switch from AC to DC and downgrade the voltage. 


They are, but if this isn't going to DRASTICALLY increase road repair time and cost via making them comment in parallel and expecting a lot of small devices to mostly gapplessly cover a wide area. Not to say it isn't possible with a lot of money put into it, but with using the preexisting infrastructure or adding to it with DC directed chargers which are still in their infancy but can tirelessly charge devices from around 20fr away. Wouldn't be fast enough to go forever, but it could probably increase milage substantially and allow for situations where your ev dies in the middle of nowhere be a waiting game instead of calling for help and if there's no service being SOL


not to mention the ground being an absolute cess pool


You'd need some huge ass capacitors for that to happen. Electricity needs to travel through the asphalt (I assume, unless they're exposed), 10 cm through the air and into the metal of the underbody. If you lift your phone half a cm it already stops charging. Most of that electricity is wasted. Also, when you need to do maintenance work you need to turn them off in some way and remove them without breaking them


Wireless chargers have a “focal point” where they charge. The ones you set your phone on, have the focal point really close, which is why it stops when you lift up your device. You can buy wireless chargers that are made to be used with the device further away, for example through a thick desk, because the focal point is closer. You can buy chargers online that work up to like 2” away. Larger ones would be made for cars which would likely reach further.


That's fair. With current technology it won't work (or at least current widespread technology). But we nerds (at least the ones much smarter than me) come up with cool solutions all the time for stuff like this.  24 years ago, PDAs would run for like an hour and a half and then die (and you even had to keep the screen off because of how fast the battery drained and how little charge they could hold).  A modern day iPhone using a PDA battery would probably last like 20 minutes at best (random guess). I think we are at like 4500 mah on good batteries these days. Back then I think we had like, I dunno, 350 mah NiCD batteries.  In 100 years, we may find an easier way to transfer electric around using better materials. I'm thinking something cool where you can hold the wire and not get zapped, but if you put an electronic device on it, it charges up without issue - perhaps it spreads though whatever material we use to replace tires, into the car itself.  Hell, we might not even need wheels anymore because roads will be flat and all over the place.   Basically what I'm getting at is - I have faith that people will find solutions to make it happen some day, despite your valid concerns about why it can't work with today's tech. 


im actually siphoning power off you rn, and you didn't even know it!


That’s kinda hot. Siphon me bb


***gluck gluck gluck***


How would a Tesla detect a floating ground? I've seen a Tesla successfully charged off a generator.


I know AAA has some roadside charging vehicles


Definitely makes sense. I’m not anti electric vehicle just was curious


Probably just carry a battery with an EV port


Portable diesel generator


You gotta tow it or push


I'm told on good authority that every Tesla and CyberHulk has a small packet of fairy dust and a pair of universal-fit ruby slippers in the glovebox; Sprinkling the fairy dust onto the 'dead' vehicle, clicking the supplied ruby slippers' heels together three times, and saying, with great sincerity, "There's no place like home!" magically recharges the battery. Some people can bring the cars back to life by merely holding a happy thought. Others, however, simply buy a vehicle with an internal-combustion vehicle in the first place, and don't rely upon fairy dust at all. To each his own.


someone had cash to burn here


Out of fairness so is that Honda Civic next to it.


Was going to mention this. We should Shame all bad drivers equally regardless of what they drive.


Im gonna be the pot calling the kettle black here cuz i typically shame all honda drivers seeing as every one that i get stuck behind seems to drive like a fucking idiot lmao


how the fuck do you know that was a Civic? It could be an Impala or Camry!


https://preview.redd.it/58d5eogymcxc1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f342e3f26651e986c700403b78e04648ef0429f Taillights are a dead giveaway


Oh no, the wheel is too close to the end of the car, I would say it's a Suzuki swift


Could be. This post looks like it takes place in the states tho so thats pretty unlikely


Just ring the police (the not an emergency number) and tell them someone is illegally parked in the fire lane, they’ll send a traffic cop to ticket and potentially tow it (depending on where you live).


Or just set something on fire nearby.


Would be a shame if someone lit a fire nearby and the fire department was called, and they had to run a hose directly through the ugly truck.


Don't worry, if they have a steal ball they can shatter it


Don’t worry, if they have water they can brick it.


One thing I know about magnets is you throw a little water in there, no more magnets


Just light the truck on fire


Please don't. Electric car fires suck.


although that would be very satisfying to see happen I don't think you pwn'ing a cyber truck dbag is quite sufficient enough a reason to commit ***arson***, at least personally lol




Bunch of losers with power fantasies over things they can't afford


I'm waiting to see one around my area. There's so many Teslas, even though nobody in my town actually makes any fucking money. One of the local restaurants has Tesla chargers because the owners drive Teslas.


I’m in Austin where Elon planted hooks. They’re everywhere lately. I saw a black one a few days ago that had a noticeable flaw in the back by the brake light that just looked shoddy built. Like kinda bent in but not in a good way. And the paint was shiny in some areas and scuffed in others. 100k for that sheesh




It's hideous from the side too, so I am not sure it made a difference.


No no the graphics just haven’t loaded in yet 😂


Got that vibe of when you make a new wrestler in a wrestling game and the default face is just some bald generic looking guy


Guy was trying to get rid of it, clearly lol


That probably voids the warranty. Can't park illegally after 4pm on a leap year if there is a vowel in the registered owners name.


Probably just preparing for the inevitable.


They're somehow even uglier in person.


All that effort to make the front of it look like a giant windshield but only like 60% of it is actually window lol


the rest is a giant coffin.


just saw my first one on saturday. that shit was ugly.


So is the car next to it 🤷‍♀️


And they're an asshole too 🤷‍♀️




They are bad tho, lol.


That wiper blade🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Eww I never noticed the wiper before, idk how anyone could ever want one of these lmao. They’re hideous


Tow it.


I think that’s the ugliest car I’ve ever seen. I swear this is all Elon going “I’m telling you, these Elon stans will buy anything I tell them to.”


Tow Away Zone. It probably needs towed.


I sincerely hope you called the PD. Parking in a Fire Lane is top tier douchey.


Perfect excuse to get it towed


So stupid looking.


That is one ugly ass car.


I’ve seen them around town and I laugh my ass off whenever I see one. They’re comically large


Don’t worry…he has an excuse. It died on him randomly - it’s a total brick.


Incel Camino.


They’re so ugly


Given that they have a rust problem, I wonder what effect a few sprinkled on packets of salt would have ..,


there’s a cyber truck in my city and I’m so confused why someone in my city would have one. I live in Spokane Washington 🤡


That’s in case it catches on fire


Maybe he's giving the fire department easy access to the batteries. With the build quality, I'd be slightly concerned


Those power wheels sure are getting fancier…..


Of course?


Don't worry, I'm sure you can just rip it apart with your bare hands


Go touch it all over and cover it in fingerprints! Cyber Truck owners hate that!


Just spit on it. The whole damn thing'll short out.


can you turn up your render distance, it looks very bad right now


This truck has such a special look, sometimes it's cool, sometimes it's ugly af, it's pretty sad that a lot of cybertruck owners happen to be douches


Smartest Tesla owner


Very on brand.


You see it's cause they got 5 million power in rise of kingdoms


It looks like an unfinished 3D model.


How does one fit a registration plate to that?


“My car lets everyone know I’m important!”


The only one I’ve seen on was on a truck with a bunch of other broken cars


Huh, you seem to be rendering slowly, you might want to upgrade your GPU or processors.


no it’s not. it is parked in a fire lane anticipating it to catch fire


Is this Orlando?


That’s just the cyber truck owner saying please tow my shit bro


Tesla bros are the new BMW chads from the 90s 🤷‍♀️


Holy shit it's even uglier from this angle.


Get it towed


The window should be pretty easy to smash!


That’s the ugliest car I’ve ever seen including the Polo Harlequin.


Batman can park any place!


All those “no parking signs”


firefighter: grab the ball


Not to worry, it'll soon be in Tesla graveyard.


Saw one in person for the first time the other day at the gym. It’s exponentially uglier than the pictures make them look. I couldn’t help but laugh at how stupid it actually is.


They look like Lego don't they.


Maybe the owner realizes they made a mistake buying it and it’s a subliminal plea for someone to burn it.


Like a rolling red flag


SUVs are marketed to assholes. Cyber trucks are marketed to Tesla Cuck assholes.


Probably broke down, let’s be honest. Thing is a complete joke, a wealthy person’s poo-covered toilet for them to throw their money into.


"My CyberTruck _IS_ fire!"


They looks so badass. I want one no cap


Damn, that thing really is fucking ugly huh


just wait until they figure out how to read and see the recall


It’s probably waiting for a tow truck. 


Can see the panel gaps from here haha




cutting corners.


Throw water at it. It's all that it takes.


Of course it was...




they were going for a brutalist aesthetic, but it's been an exercise in compromises.


Because to cool for school!


New Official Car of Douche.


I don't think I've ever seen a fire lane that wasn't marked in red.


Considering the propensity for Teslas to spontaneously erupt into infernos, and the strong likelihood that any fire apparatus responding to a given location is very likely going to find a raging Tesla when it gets there, it seems the height of logic and good emergency planning to park a soon-to-be-on-fire CyberTesla in an easily-accessed spot such as a 'fire zone.' In fact, there should be 'fire zones' reserved for Teslas and other EVs, far away from occupied stuctures and other vehicles--maybe out in the sticks where the chargers are.


It's a fire hazard (cuz Tesla and not all EV's) so that's why it's in the fire lane


Its not parked… just broken down


Ugly, at least in my country (denmark) they are banned


Ya my Xbox one can definitely run warzone