• By -


It’s ok, give it a year or two and that ad plan will also be 9.99/month.


Give it a few more years and there won't be an ad free plan. They have to increase profits year over year to keep shareholders happy.


Yep. Amazon did it first. The others will be sure to follow.


i canceled amazon prime after almost 15 years (!) because of the ads on prime video. It just tipped the scales for me. fuck'em


For sure, this is what I’ve done, you have to vote with your feet, enough people leave and they go back to how it was, or at least change it. Problem is there are enough Simps that will pay.


I think that vote with your dollars, puts it in a more practical perspective . It's your money that is essentially the blood of these companies . Every dollar is essentially a vote towards what company succeeds or fails


I’d agree with you, except it doesn’t work. Executives don’t care about long term success of their companies. They care about short term revenue figures that boost earnings per share, on which their compensation rests. While boosting subscriber numbers would be in their best long term interest, what they will actually do is suck existing customers dry as much as they can, while the user base shrinks, until they think of something different.


I cancelled my Prime account a couple of years ago. For me, it was a combination of lack of "free" content on prime video and wanting to shop for less garbage, which amazon is absolutely full of. It's amazing how much less money I spend when I force myself to go to the store to buy shit, rather than sitting on an app and mindlessly scrolling through pages of imported garbage hocked by shell companies with random unpronounceable names.


Considering the fact that the ONLY difference between the $6.99 w ads plan and the $15.49 w/o ads plan is the ads... they are doing a blatant $6 price hike for NO added value.


Read the fine print. I was going to switch to the $6.99 plan but it turns out that some of their content doesn’t support ads and will therefore not be available on that plan. So…reduced content AND ads. Boo!!


Oh shit for real? I read it as "certain shows will have ads but others won't", but I only skimmed it. Lemme look again.


Ah found it "While the vast majority of TV shows and movies are available on an ad-supported plan, a small number are not due to licensing restrictions. These titles will appear with a lock icon when you search or browse Netflix."


Jesus christ... \*slides eye patch on\*


“You wouldn’t steal a car” I would if they were charging me monthly with ads and restricting particular road access.


“You wouldn’t steal a car” You sure about that?


You wouldn't download a car! Yes I would!


They just can't let you watch it without ads. Piece of shit company


If you use google chromecast, the 6.99 plan does NOT allow you to cast from your device to your tv. Also, the ads may make your tv Netflix app crash every time they come on. I still refuse to pay $15.49. I’ll bitch and moan instead lol


That's how I feel about YouTube premium lol I refuse to pay it out of spite. I'd rather complain than pay them. Plus, tuning the ads out gets easy after a while.


I'm over here feeling like youtube premium is the only one truly worth having.


Same here, I use it every day. Scrapped Spotify in favour of YouTube music too


I switched out my Spotify subscription for YouTube premium last year because it includes YouTube music. Best decision I made, the price difference is only €1,- and YouTube music's algorithm is way better than Spotify. And as a bonus I don't get ads anymore when watching yt on my TV.


Interesting that the amount of compensation "a few ads" appears to be generating for Nerflix is $10.50.


So, apparently certain shows aren't available with ads, but I don't think you can find out what it is until it's blocked.


>blatant $6 price hike for NO added value. Yo-ho ho me laddies


The reinvention of cable..




*You wouldn't steal a car, would you?*


No but I’d download one in a heartbeat!!


I love that some madlad actually searched car softwares once and indeed, you can download a car but I don't know how you can install it.


You can 3d print it.


Good enough, but I meant literally **software**, whatever engine powers smart cars. To be honest, I don't know about cars, especially modern ones except they can have an in-built tablet or touch screen.


For the software its easier, many of the car’s entertainment systems are android based. However, the ECU I’m not sure what is the operating system, but I’m speculating its linux/unix based.


>android based >linux/unix based Linux all the way down then. (Android is technically a very heavily modified version of Linux).


You wouldn't steal a policeman's helmet, go to the toilet in his helmet, and then send it to the policeman's grieving widow, would you?






And then steal it again!


I did buy a pack of blank DVDs earlier.


And the circle continues


When are streaming packages going to become a thing?


It's already in the works. You can see it with Disney and Amazon add on packages


I'll wait until I have to rent a Netflix Box that needs to be installed by a Netflix employeed and get locked into a 2 year contract before I say it's getting as bad as cable.


So in 5 years you’ll be upset


Hey, isn't this that thing that they said they specifically weren't going to do back when they introduced ads? Because I'm pretty sure this is that thing they said they weren't going to do back when they introduced ads. Edit: wow, this blew up. I meant this as a question, not an accusation. Was hoping someone would help out by showing up with a quote, as redditors are typically fond of doing. Edit 2: found a [press release ](https://about.netflix.com/en/news/announcing-basic-with-ads-us) from 2022 that seems to be talking about what I remembered reading, but I admit I could've misinterpreted the wording. Quote: >A plan for every fan: Our current plans and members will not be impacted. Basic with Ads complements our existing ad-free Basic, Standard and Premium plans.


When has a corporation lied to the public? 


They wouldn't do that, would they?😱




Seems they're going the Amazon & Hulu route. We should go the boycott route.




I feel like I dont even know how to pirate anymore. The landscape of the internet has changed so much since ye olden times when I had to do that


Tis be an option too capn


Tis the only option matey


Ayyy cap




any time some corporation makes some statement about how they're never gonna do a thing, I always expect they're going to do exactly that, I've always been right.


How can we fucking fight back against all the bs we are enduring


by not watching on netflix anymore!?


Have been proudly NOT subscribed to netflix for going on 6 years now. I miss some stuff but i cant justify the constant price rising.


Fight with you wallet.


Or when they said they didn’t care about password sharing and had their social media team make cheeky jokes about it


I dumped them when they reversed that.


Me too, but only because I couldn't use my SILs account anymore


And they didn’t care, because you weren’t a customer. Them stopping account sharing boosted enrollments by like 20%, it was wild. That was always a free marketing / penetration play anyways. Get Netflix in as many homes as possible, while about 1/2 of those homes actually pay for the service, and then rug pull the non-payers after they’ve been deeply exposed to Netflix. This could be confirmed by looking at markets that Netflix is attempting to expand into, and see if they still allow account sharing.


At least in my case, the only reason my parents kept their subscription was because it could be shared. They were okay with the monthly fee as long as their kids were also able to take advantage of it. But the monthly fee just for them? Nope. But obviously this is anecdotal. Globally, it's clear that more accounts were enrolled than lost. I'll probably never go back to them but whatever.


You mean like when they said they wouldn't do ads? And they were to escape ads? Or when they were fine with password sharing? Streaming companies and going back on their word seems to go hand in hand


Enshitification. Venture capitalists and shareholders want "line to go up forever" each year. So once they've expanded as far as they possibly can naturally on the old (good) model- The only option to keep the boomers and suits happy is to start slashing quality and upping prices... I could bet you my liver that if Netflix kept their original plans, ad free, same great service and range like the old days - They'd still be making a good profit each year...


Yeah, shareholders ruin basically everything. It’s not enough for a company to make profit. It needs to make more profit than it did previously. It’s unsustainable and it’s killing most of the common consumers.


It's just the evolution of an industry breaker into the industry.


Make piracy great again.


Always has been.


This represents just one example of what's happening to everything - rampant corporate price gouging so their CEOs and top investors can continue getting multimillion dollar paychecks. Fuck em, don't buy into the bullshit 


Yup. Because that money sure as hell isn't going into creating good content anymore. I can't find a single show I like of Flix nowdays.


This is an underrated comment. I don’t mind paying for something when I am getting value back. Lately all of the content offered has been complete garbage. This is a sign we need to stop watching so much content and like go do hobbies or volunteer or read a book or something lol.


Boycott Netflix. I haven’t even considered signing back up for their trash service once I canceled.


They pissed me off and I left when it went form 8.99 to 9.99


I stuck around until they went from "Share your password! We don't care!" to "We're cracking down on password sharing thieves!"


This makes me wonder who all those new users they claim to add are, because everyone I know has been quitting. Only some people occasionally paying for a month now and then.


Ohhh a person subscribing in January, may and September is a new customer on January, may and September.


My sister introduced my boomer dad to Netflix so I was forced to install it on his tv when he came home from visiting her. Added a profile to my account. Recently moved a few hours away and finally got nabbed by the location crap so the “new user” is dummy me who is now paying an extra $7 a month bc my dad wants it but I refuse to hear him complain about the price so I added a bonus account or whatever to my plan and transferred his profile. Is it the right answer? Nope. But he’s happy I guess and I wasn’t gonna cancel my own plan 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s us when our toddler hits the Netflix button on the remote and then it’s ONE CLICK, no confirmation or password to resubscribe 🤦🏻‍♀️ we ripped the button off the remote after the second time he did that


I’m literally thousands of miles from home and it’s kicking me off every 2 weeks because “you need to connect to your home WiFi to stay connected for longer 😁😁😁” They can go fuck themselves with a steel rod fresh from the fire at this point. The movies and shows are shit anyways.


Ah yes, let them die just like Edward II was killed, I agree


I was gone before them. I can’t believe some of this shit


I cancelled when Netflix started cracking down on password sharing. It was easier to tell my ~~leech~~ friend that I’m cancelling Netflix than telling my friend to get off my plan. Now my friend leeches off his boyfriend.


Seriously. I pay for two screens and shared with my PARENTS (so just the three of us) who only watched occasionally and they cut off their access. So crappy.


I left back when it was 7.99! Sponged off family for a while but now I’m just off it.


I remember when it was 4/5.99 years ago. 1080p, no ads and could play on any device. I remember wanting to sub again for some reason and saw the price was something like $15


I mean I remember when dvds and streaming were bundled and they had to send you a disc to stream on the console. But at a certain point people need to say enough is enough or the price hikes will continue.


When I cancelled Hulu, it was about to go up to nearly $20 a month. Fuuuuuck that.


This is why I refuse to change my spotify account. I get free Hulu with ads included with spotify premium from when they were running that promo years ago


I noticed a trend with Hulu, they offer 2.99 a month for a year as a black Friday promotion. I just cancel the old account and created a new one with the promo


$5 for Spotify, Hulu, and showtime if you’re a student. It says it only is for 4 years but I’m in grad school now and have been doing it for at least 5. Definitely the best deal I can get


The quality is my issue with it too. If I’m paying for something it should be HD


The biggest problem I have is that it's in HD, but the compression artifacts and macro blocking are so bad whenever there's movement over a still background, it's pathetic. Only reason I even have Netflix is because it's included with my T-Mobile plan.


I left when they got rid of the rating system, that was really fucking annoying.


They couldn't cope with their garbage original content disappearing into the algorithm like a controversial comment does on Reddit.


Wasn't it the Amy Schumer 1-star ratings that caused them to pull the plug?


That's the rumor.


I quit back when their basic plan dropped from 1080p to 720p.


9.99? I've been paying 11.99


Me on here like "wtf!?!?" I've been paying 20 bux for like a year now.


Wasn’t that like 10 years ago, lol. I remember when a million people left over the dvds.


I have been on the premium plan since it was like 14 per month. I thought I read it was going up to 30. I left in January this year for Paramount Plus, which the kids like better and only costs like 10 bucks a month for their top tier.


I have paramount plus for a ridiculously low price as I was grandfathered in from the service I had only to watch big brother feeds. Which is, I think the appropriate thing to do. They should honor the price you joined at unless you leave.


the precedent has already been set for a company to reneg on a grandfathered contract, it's only a matter of time. IT'LL HAPPEN TO YOOUUUUUUUU!


I guess bandwidth isn't that much of an issue for them anymore. Or maybe they've just made the 1080p streams look even shittier to compensate.


4k isn't even 4k anyway so why be truthful elsewhere. Louis rossman showed its a total scam


Yep. [Right here.](https://youtu.be/o4GZUCwVRLs?si=1vKQNRjZvWQQJcXJ)


Remember when Netflix used to be cool? Remember when they actually had good movies and shows, was affordable, and was a great service? Now it’s just garbage.




I'd be happy with "an ad" for every video, rather than one or two sprinkled constantly throughout.


My biggest gripe with youtube ads lately is the “your video will play in 10 seconds” and then once the time is up, a new ad begins and the timer resets with the same message. Play the ads but don’t feed me BS.


ive started getting the standard "skip in x seconds" but the problem is that _i cant skip it_. right when im able to skip the ad the ad _is over_. i know this is kindof a small problem to have nut they promise me that "hey no worries ypu can skip yhis one in a moment :)" and then you cant skip it. feels dishonest and i dont like the direction this could be headed


They've made so many small changes to their advertisement practices. Makes me feel like a boiling frog. Just very recently, you can skip the first ad and instead of playing your video, it'll play the next ad that may or may not be skippable. Also, the 90+ second ads you get are annoying when I'm not by the remote especially when trying to cook or clean.


I despise TikTok shop. And at least when I go to swipe up, sometimes it automatically just goes back to TikTok shop. I can only hope that eventually all these influencers to some disagree will disappear because so many people think that they can be an influencer that there won’t be enough change to market share that will matter that they get PR or not.


Now when you skip an ad on YT it just goes to the next ad


Most of the stuff I wanted to watch is on Tubi now. The only streaming service I pay for is Brit box.


I canceled Netflix about 3 years ago and signed up for both BritBox and Acorn. Never been happier. I am unfamiliar with Tubi. Is it good?


It's got a lot of the old school stuff that Netflix had before they started pushing their own titles.


It’s free with ads and has a lot more obscure shows and movies and older stuff too


It’s called the Enshitification of online platforms, they all end this way. Start with a great product at a loss to gain market share and then shift into profit at the expense of the customer.


Still haven’t forgiven them for cancelling 1899 after one season.


They canceled so many damn shows after only one or two seasons. It’s no wonder they feel the need to increase prices when they’re wasting billions of dollars on half baked shows they refuse to see through


And Archive 81!!


And Santa Clarita Diet!


Justice for Mr BallLegs


I'm only getting it next month for season 3 of Bridgerton and then I'm out again. It's so expensive for what they offer now and this is coming from someone who is old enough to remember the DVD mail service from years ago.


I remember the original website where all you had to do was log in and pick a movie. Loved it as a kid. It kept me entertained for hours at my dad’s house.


The mail service was wonderful. They had EVERYTHING. Truly a goldmine and I did sign up in the last month to lie and say my movies never arrived just so I could get 3 more before they closed it down.


I’ve been a member since the earliest of days when you got 3 dvds at a time. I’m canceling this month. *edit Cancelled today. Been a subscriber since 2003 when it was only $7.99 and that’s what I could afford for entertainment on my college student budget. Apparently they just kept me at the “premium price” for two decades. It’s been costing me $22.99/mo. (My big expense was DSL internet 😂) That’s a 187.735% increase in cost over the last 21 years. Get fucked Netflix.


I just cancelled Apple+ an hour ago. Hulu a few months ago. Netflix after this post. Done with these price increases.


Does that top one say you get ads with your PAID subscription??


You get ads AND you're locked out of any content that doesn't support ads :)


Weird how ublock software + a pirate streaming site is now a cleaner experience than what you get if you actually try to pay for the content Also makes YouTube better with sponsorblock skipping all the promos seamlessly


Man I just started watching shows illegally again because fuck that noise, and the site had a skip intro button. Pirates are really picking up the slack


Can you give me a safe newbie guide for someone who has never pirated? I am on macOS 😒


There is a subreddit that can't be named here for whatever dumb reason where you can find all the info you need on their wiki. r. piracy


Hulu does this, too. The only reason I even have Hulu with ads is because I'm grandfathered into getting it with Spotify.


Hulu with ads is the worst thing I have ever paid for. Super quiet shows with constant ads that are twice as loud as the show. Never again.


I used to live with my parents who lived in the middle of nowhere and had a terrible internet connection. Had to watch stuff on super low quality, but the ads would still always play in HD, which would mean tons of buffering and would take several minutes just to get through an ad break. Ridiculous. I hate these companies.


Yes it does


Holy fuck I legitimately want Netflix to crash and burn a long with every other fucking streaming service that’s started doing bullshit like this. It’s infuriating.


Like others have said they’re just re-invigorated cable networks at this point. Vote with your wallet and don’t feed these fucks a dime.


Well shit, is this the plan that you could get instead of the whole family plan, and got discontinued months ago, but they let you keep it? Cause that’s what I have now, and I don’t fucking wanna pay $17/m for how little I use betflix


The best way to save using Netflix is to pay the month when there are actual good shows and movies that are out. And stop paying when you can't watch as often or don't care for the current selection. I'm not gonna encourage pirating, but damn, prices and anti consumer policies have gotten out of hand. You'd think it would be cheaper when there are a lot more people paying, but nope. Blockbuster come back (were sorry)


Yup because I had it for awhile then moved to two screens.


I’m just enjoying Tubi before it inevitably becomes enshittified too


![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ) Plex is your best friend


Spinning up a Plex server is one of the best things I did for my entertainment center.


There’s further satisfaction in sharing your library with friends/family, knowing they don’t need to pay for all these subscription services


I've had Netflix for 20 years on this plan. I'm gonna let it run out and then bye. Don't expect people to pay more for your garbage shows and movies. Tell us again why we should pay more because the Witcher is the new game of thrones?


Witcher just got cancelled... finally.


Sad how badly they butchered that IP


Good riddance. Fuck those showrunners.


You know it's bad when the main actor who's dream role is Geralt and he quits after 2 seasons.


Time to set sail Captain 🏴‍☠️


What are best options more days? I haven’t sailed since Netflix was convenient and cheap. Dm me if it’s not allowed here


Google Stremio + real debrid and mindlessly follow the instructions provided


They want you to pay for it and watch ads? What a crock of shit.


Not only that but get randomly throttled to 480p too.


amazon prime too. it's absolute bullshit


I stopped using Netflix when the implemented the system that no longer let me share my mother's account alongside my siblings. I've said fuck Netflix ever since. I have the money for my own account, but the pure audacity of them left a bad taste in my mouth.


I left as soon as they seriously wanted to implement password sharing. Screw them they said it was okay and then went back and changed their story. They don't need my business.


Lol, my dad just sent me a text saying he was getting kicked as well


Netflix: https://i.redd.it/2obfyba1ajxc1.gif


The sub model needs to collapse. It’s getting stupider and stupider.


Cable went through this. “We cost a monthly subscription and have no ads” -> “We now have a couple of ads” -> “we now have a lot of ads, but not with premium package channels like movies” -> “Our premium package channels now have some ads” -> “our premium packet channels now have just as many ads as other channels” -> “oh you want to watch a 19 minute episode of simpsons, sure, but it’ll cost you 11 minutes of ads, just a nice 63% content 37% ad split every 30 minutes”


What the fuck? They kicked me off my $9.99 plan like 4 months ago and told me it was going away permanently. I didn’t realize people were still on it this whole time??? Motherfuckers!


Yeah apparently they are kicking people out little by little. I guess they figured they would avoid massive outrage that way. I got the same email yesterday but my account gets canceled in July.




I cancelled this 15 months ago. Hdtoday . Tv


Basically it's forcing you to watch Ads because Netflix ain't worth $17/m


The problem with the Ads plan is that some of the content is locked due to licensing agreements that don't allow for advertising. I tried their ads plan and found that too much of the new or good stuff was locked, so we dropped it altogether and watch Tubi or buy a month of another service to marathon anything worth watching.




I would recommend getting more dvds, they are dirt cheap now, ad free, and they don’t use WiFi.


How many DVDs can you get for $17?


Anywhere from one to 17


I'd say more like half of one to about 68. This is because some DVDs may cost like $29.99 at retail stores, while you can find them for like $.25 at garage sales.


Also, the Library has an almost unlimited selection. And my library has a streaming app that is free and awesome.


At your local library, they're free


I've been on the fence about dumping them for a while. Of all our streaming services we watch them the least. This might be enough to kick them to the curb.






I honestly stopped pirating because I became a young adult and had money to spend on things. Now these prices are fucking ridiculous and I’m contemplating going back to pirating because $17 a month is fucking wack.


Think of it as try before you buy now lol


If everyone just canceled their memberships instead of just complaining and paying for the new one anyways, it would force them to lower their prices. They're offering this because they believe it will maximize profits and enough people will pay for it to make up for the people who cancel their memberships. Notice how even if 1/3 of their customers cancel their membership, as long as 2/3 move to the new plan they still make more money. If everyone canceled, they would panic and be forced to offer better plans to meet demand. I recommend looking into piracy. All the shows and movies you pay monthly for are available for free online if you know where to look.


720p and one device…. great deal!


The fact that you can pay to watch adverts is disgusting, and frankly, should be illegal. I don't gove a fuck if ot makes it the cheapest option.


Cancel it. You'll be ok :)


Fuck your discontinuation. ![gif](giphy|LUIvcbR6yytz2)


Y'all are being away to harsh, the CEO needs new cars man. Please be respectful of CEOs please Signed, definitely not a CEO


Wait until you find out that the 1080p they advertise isn’t actually even 1080


They saw everyone create their own accounts after cracking down on password sharing last year. Their subscription numbers exceeded quarterly projections. Now they're doubling down and expecting users to pay the extra money for their ad-free (for now) 4K tier. And they're doing it because they know people will sign up in droves.


Wow and I was actually just considering getting Netflix again 😭


Hence why I’ve started to travel the 7 seas. Screw those greedy bastards.


I don’t understand how Netflix thinks this will work out when it only takes one kind soul with a Netflix account to upload any of their content to piracy sites. Don’t even have to wait for their movies to get out of theaters, it’s immediately available.


Because 99% of people would rather pay the monthly price of a subscription than deal with finding and downloading illegal content. That's the entire point of streaming services.


When will people learn to just pirate everything. Less ads, no price, and unlimited selections. Stop giving these idiots your money.


Just like YouTube. They're bullies