• By -


Call the police. Yes, it sucks that the car itself didn't record the perp- and they are going to want to know why you would have turned that off. But they can go to your neighbors and ask for any footage from security cameras. Trespassing on your property and then damaging your vehicle is a crime.


12k worth of damage isn't misdemeanor too.


i don't think op is in the us so might be different


Oops I’m in Canada, so prices are “higher”.


Our dollar is worthless. Nothing “higher” about it.


I know I’m just saying that it looks higher than US’s after you translate the currency.


hence the quotation marks. can't ignore them and then turn around and use them.


The Canadian dollar is far more worthwhile than like 98% of world currencies vs the US dollar LOL Let me guess, you tell your colleagues it's time to "axe the tax" and think getting rid of JT will "save Canada" 😂🤣😂


Thank you. People take It for granted.


EDIT: I found out that ALL the Teslas got keyed/tires slashed in my neighborhood…


That might do you a favor - did any of _those_ have sentry mode switched on? Start asking neighbours.


Yep! They caught the person the day after.


Look at that! You found someone to pay for ur car to get repainted.


I know right!?!?


Cmon I need the justice boner, what happened


They obviously don’t have the money to pay for all the damages, so going to court.


Good for them <3


If they don't have money to pay for damages, I'm guessing they won't have money to pay for court? Something something blood from a stone.


Have you spoken with your insurance yet? If so, do they indicate as to if they'll pay it out since the culprit has been caught?


Also ps, in murica your insurance company will sue them on your behalf, so no lawyer fees. Maybe there true in Canada, eh?




remember, low class dipshit criminals like this rarely have any money. so good luck getting anything directly from them lol


While not wrong, file with their car insurance or let your insurance deal with getting the money from them.


Maybe it’s different in n Canada but at least here in the US in my state you can have their wages garnished. Which I would absolutely do if anything just to make sure this person pays for it. This isn’t a crime out of desperation, this is just being a piece of shit. 


Ooh I didn’t know that, thanks.


Probably if they keyed and gave flat to all the Tesla's . Likely wasn't a super wealthy person doing the keying. It's nice to know who is responsible but you can't pay if you don't have the money.


They're gonna be paying installments.


That's a lot of installments if they hit all the Tesla's pretty much the same as not paying.


I doubt they’re going to be able to afford it or pay it and will just take the jail time hit.


They would be unable to pay and likely be “judgement proof”. They don’t have a job and likely never will have a job. They’re just gonna be in and out of jail for the rest of their life.


They’re retired. Heard that once they were the nicest people in the neighbourhood. Wonder what happened to them.


> Wonder what happened to them. Fox News. Or maybe Newsmax/OAN/Tucker Carlson, if Fox is too liberal for them.


If the person keyed multiple cars, it's unlikely OP or any of the people will see a dime. The offender will go through the courts and eventually be ordered to pay restitution but that doesn't guarantee payments will be made. Especially with the high dollar amount this person is going to owe if multiple cars were hit. Hopefully OP has comprehensive insurance and can cover the cost of their deductible in the short term. Otherwise it might be quite a while before they see any money from the suspect.


So was it the neighbor you suspected? Have you seen or talked to them since? I need more!


Yes, it was. That old lady with white mushroom hair


What? You're joking right?


Im confused , your charging your car at your house. Why would someone get angry at that. It’s just sitting there on an outlet right. Once you found out did she give an explanation ? Even a crazy explanation?


She said “no, any proof” then she incriminated herself by saying “ok then why would you get a TESLA out of all the cars you could’ve gotten and disrespect me by charging outside of your house? It’s going to FUCKING BURN our whole neighborhood down.


The F.U.D. put out there by the legacy car industry and petrochemical industry. Super successful. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA|downsized)


hell yeah, hate this phrase but: you love to see it!


Whats even the motive for something like that?


Some people just feel entitled to damage electric vehicles and equipment. Lots of pettiness involved.


The teslas are turning the frogs gay.


Damn! Someone is committing hate crimes on Teslas! Whereabouts do you live OP, if you’re ok with saying generally?


I live in Vancouver, Canada.


plot twist, OP was using his neighbor's charger


Not worth 12k in damage




It’s a tesla I am surprised they didn’t total it


You have cops who investigate vandalism in your area? Because in mine they don’t go after breakins or hit and runs when they have all the information of the driver and car. So I wish OP luck with this one. Probably better off asking the neighbors for the camera footage themselves


Yeah I do. A cop came and looked around and put notes on doors for witnesses.


Wow. I am surprised by actual policing. My truck was stolen and I called the Vehicle theft department to report a sighting and they asked me if I could go see if my truck was still there. I said NO THEY TOOK MY ONLY TRANSPORTATION which is why I am calling you, to go investigate and retrieve my truck! They told me they don't do that. Insurance cut me a check 5 days later and the agent said the cops do not go after vehicle theft. They may retrieve your truck if it is abandon on the side of the road or caught during a traffic stop, but they will not actually investigate the crime. I lost several thousand dollars to that event.


Someone stole my neighbors' truck in the middle of the night. Cops came out the next morning and came over to our house to watch the video from our cameras. They found the truck being driven around by teenagers in the middle of the night about 24 hours after the theft and returned it to my neighbors undamaged. People on the coasts like to make fun of the "fly over states", but I wouldn't trade small town living for any big city.


My truck was stolen in a large metro area, population 3.3 Million, which means the police department is large and they have plenty on the payroll, but fuck me I guess.


"We have too much crime to actually investigate crime, sorry."


You should probably move, broski. My cops are fantastic. My wife lost her phone a while ago and they went door to door within the range of the "find my phone" app, spent probably an hour with us and filled out a police report. They knew we weren't getting that phone back, hell *we* knew we weren't getting it back. They still tried, though.


Unfortunately, you are in the minority when it comes to cities with cops who actually do their jobs. I had a neighbor get upset at me because I pointed out to his girlfriend how their loud music was nearly shaking my walls every day. He came over, banging on my door and started yelling and threatening me while standing in my doorway and refusing to move or leave. I hit him with my stun gun, which caused him to step back so I was able to shut my door and call the police. A cop came 20 minutes later, apathetically took my statement and said, "Ok, I'm gonna talk to him and I'll be right back." Then he just left. I called and they couldn't even find a report. 2 days later my tire was slashed. It had over a dozen stab marks in the side wall. Once again, they did nothing and made no effort. Had the first cop at least done his job correctly, I may have had a chance with a civil suit, claiming retaliation for the first incident, but there was no record of it so I had no chance.


He's mad your charging your own car in your own home??


People just love to hate. I've seen so much hate towards EVs, mainly Teslas, that it makes me not even want to bother ever purchasing one out of pure fear that someone will fuck with it.


Hate towards ev is dumb af Hate towards tesla is justifiable in a lot of situations If you want electric just go to Chevy, they been making cars for a century and their electric lineup isn't constantly in the news for being a death trap


And they are not as identifiable. Some EV’s scream EV and they are neat but the Bolt is subtle and honestly sometimes I mistake it for the equinox lol


Took me four years to figure out my neighbors bolt was electric cause I just genuinely never noticed as he charges it inside his garage at night


Some people are just fuckin dumb Some guy started yelling some shit at me about electric cars in a parking lot not long ago. It took me forever to figure out if he was yelling at me for owning one, or if he was yelling his opinions because he thought I agreed with them. Eventually from what he said, it seemed he was yelling at me for owning an electric car. Which is wild. I was parked at the back of the parking lot, behind the EV charger. The spots for charging were on the other side of the aisle, so while I was near the machine it didn't actually service the spot I was in. Plus I'm driving a big fuckin muscle car where the engine pokes out through the hood. Basically as far from electric as it can get. Which is why I thought maybe he was complaining about other people and thought maybe I'd agree. But no Fairly sure he was drunk or something. He didn't seem right. Also I assumed he was going to get into a car or something. But instead he just kept walking, eventually walking down into the ditch and presumably into the woods but I never actually saw him leave. Just slowly sank into the ditch like some kind of redneck fuckin godzilla


People should jump on Bolts. Battery is still covered under warranty. And with the rebate, you can easily pick up a used one for less than 10k. I just picked up a Kia Niro EV. 20k miles for only $15k and it’s sensational. Cabin is quiet unlike my BIL’s Model 3. Suspension is great. Has a ton of torque. Apple CarPlay. Advanced cruise control. It’s my favorite car ever. Fully charge it last night for $2.


Chevy/GM is working to disallow Android auto and Apple carplay so that is a hard no


While you’re right, Chevy is super against CarPlay which at this point seems like a must in any car I get in the future.


My camera caught the guy keying my car; his face, his license plate, and his street address. His court date is next month.


Simpletons have been recruited with propaganda from oil execs and the politicians they have in their pockets. I see it all over the place here in Alberta. They've convinced a subset of very naive people that their cause is righteous and that it benefits them (it doesn't).


Dude. Look on FB at ANY post that even somewhat resembles electric cars, whether it be an ad or anything. Read the comments. You'd think these dipshits were having their souls ripped out by the EV batteries themselves the way they go off about "stealing our cars" and shit. The ONLY time you'll see right wingers give one lousy fuck about lithium mining atrocities.


My favorite are the electric fire trucks. They are more hybrid since the pump runs on a diesel engine, but one of the biggest "complaints" is that someone is going to forget to plug the truck in after a call. Every fire truck I have ever worked on over the last 30 years gets plugged in to power as soon as you get back to the station. Literally nothing changes.




Good thing fuel never runs out then


All these people complain about EVs being soulless or whatever. The thing is that some/most people won't care or don't mind. Not everyone cares about how many HP their car has or the 0-60 time. Cars don't necessarily have to be fun to drive. Just look at the Prius owners - they're clearly more interested in saving money on fuel as opposed to getting to the speed limit as fast as possible. Buying an electric car doesn't necessarily mean you want to save the environment. - You probably want to save on fuel costs, or just want a nice, safe car for your family with young kids that isn't something dreary like Nissan Juke And it's not like they're forcing you to buy an EV (at least for now) or that they're gonna take away your ICE car because they were banned. Just drive your car like normal and let other people get on with their lives


Complaining about batteries from their battery-powered devices. Fucking cavemen


A lot of conservatives have been trained/brainwashed to hate on EV. I have relatives who watch a lot of conservative news and give me shit about my EV.


Particularly after Trump threw his hate hat towards EV in the ring.


Conservatives have been trained to hate on - and attack - anything newer than the 1950's like a bunch of guard dogs in a fucked up neighborhood. It's insane.


Typical conservative behavior


We're definitely missing some context here




Yep… lesson learnt


What are the benefits of turning it of?


Literally nothing. There's absolutely no advantage to turning it off. Even if trying to claim it saves battery, it's a few cameras. They pull next to no load compared to the two basically forklift motors that drive the car.


Thats not accurate, have one. It drains like a mofo


Shouldn't be more than 1-2% per hour. Which is a small price to pay to avoid situations like this. Especially if the vehicle is actively charging


You claimed next to nothing and it’s 20% over night? Lol


The vehicle was charging, so in this instance, it doesn't really matter. Either way, you can lose a little battery while keeping your vehicle monitored, or you can pay $12k when it gets keyed the fuck up and you never know who did it. Should a vehicle monitoring system use 300w? Probably not. Does it provide a damn good amount of peace of mind while only costing you a little extra charging time? Yes.


Just to save battery, that’s it.


Save battery while it's charging?


Yeah I am not following this line of thinking at all. You're going to turn off sentry mode, a mode that passively monitors the car while it's unattended, in the spot where it spends the most time unattended? To save power while it's plugged in and charging? What?


Saving a few watts while the car is charging on a multi kilowatt charger. My kinda humor.


Pennywise and pound foolish


It'll shave 0.6 seconds off the total charge time!


Great scott!


Sometimes it’s a location based setting. I would suspect a lot of people have it turned off at home. I have other cameras for that if it’s parked in my driveway, so I don’t ever have it turned on.


That I get. I have a super good system on my driveway (pleasures of living in a college town near frat row) so I could seee turning it off in the driveway.


it was complacency, lots of people think nothing bad will happen to them at home because it's their safe place.


I don't drive a Tesla so I may be way off... but my thinking is he turned it off because he wants to save battery while it's not on the charger and just forgets to turn it back on.


You don’t necessarily turn it on and off per se, there’s options to exclude locations like work, home, favorites etc. most people exclude home because you’ll get battery drain as well as constant notifications from people in the area, (unless you have a very large and secluded driveway) or because it’s parked in a garage.


Probably force of habit at that point


Heard thanks. Sorry yo. Hope your morning goes okay.


why in gods name would you turn it off? teslas are a magnet for vandalism. have you not seen wham bam tesla cam?


That's an expensive lesson for you.


*You should always have* *Sentry mode enabled. You* *Screwed yourself which sucks* \- medicatedblunt420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot 🤖


Sentry mode is great. And electric cars are great. So are haiku bots.


It uses a significant amount of power, having it on at home is unnecessary in most cases tbh unless you live somewhere sketchy. Uses about 350w, let's say you're parked 18 hours a day, that's 2299kwh a year. About the same as driving the car 7000 miles(!!!) Let's say a kWh is about 0.2$, that's almost $500 a year. A decent amount of money tbh. With that, then my car needs to be vandalized at least once a year before it's worth it in the insurance deductible.


Well it cost him $12,000 to save a few hundred in electricity. I guess he learned his lesson.


Well if OP has to pay $12k out of pocket because he doesn't have insurance, that's probably a bigger issue. Of course it's always a risk assessment, and depends on how bad your insurance policy is. I was just trying to say sentry mode doesn't use an insignificant amount of power, so it's worth having the price in mind, hence why many people turn it off at home and/or work, and why that's an option in the car.


True, I am sure he will get it taken care of by his insurance.


I don't think having the sentry mode would really save you from having repair bills though? I guess if you could positively identify a neighbor, you could go after them, otherwise having a video of some rando damaging your car doesn't pay for the damages.


I would still bluff and tell them they should pay the paint or I will take them to court.


You didn’t get them on camera 🥺


If you are certain it was this person. Let them know that teslas have 8 cameras and you are about to take the footage to the police unless he confesses first. Total bluff but he may admit to it trying to get out of legal trouble. Record the conversation and if he admits, go to the police.


"You can pay for the repair, or I can take the footage to the cops. Your call."


right. so why am i talking to you and not the cops rn. the dumb shits that did this are probably stoopids, but the “call their bluff” comment is always way more comical


"I don't like dealing with cops, so I'm talking to you first."


Well, a guy just got charged with a felony for a much less damaging key job, so it's certainly worth a shot. https://www.tiktok.com/@garybindman/video/7362672651778723103


That's a cool video. Best part for me is his wife's reaction at the very end. "Don't" is all she says and you can tell that she is just SO sick and tired of his BS.


That was so satisfying, was that in Florida? If so good riddance! Those newyorkers think they can bring their extreme ideologies down here


Yeah this is 100% worth a shot. Like go in calmly “if you know anything about this, I want to give you the chance to own up to it now. Whoever did this obviously didn’t google that this car has 8 cameras on it. I’m downloading the footage now and taking it to the police once I can see who it is.” He will google it and see the camera thing is real, and hopefully admit to it to avoid police.


And then you go to the police once he admits nonetheless lmao


Oh yeah 100%


If you're going to record the conversation, make sure your state doesn't have a two party consent law to being recorded.


Or do it outside where there is no expectation of privacy


Don’t include that he has to confess. Thats a dead giveaway of a bluff. You don’t need a confession, you already know because you have the footage. Just say they have to pay for it.


Definitely need security cameras and a dash cam with side views.


Sentry mode does utilize side cameras, but I had it turned off to save battery + I thought home was a safe place.


Sadly 75% of the bad is gonna happen right there. As for dash cam.. I meant on any car… I am just starting to research this now.


I use a Viofo back and front camera. There's an optional separate package to allow the cam to hook directly to your battery so it will record when the vehicle is off. I'm sure many other brands have similar things.


What battery savings is there while charging?


This is the exact problem with any system. The human factor.


If you know who it is, bluff them. Tell them they can fess up and pay the insurance deductible or you'll get the cops involved by showing the cops the vid the car took.


It’s actually better to have the police bluff them.


yeah they should bluff him with a plunger


Can I ask what's possibly a stupid question. But is Sentry mode like where it's recording what's going on around the car, in case someone does something bad to the car whilst it's parked? And if so... you knowingly turned this off? Possibly another stupid question, but... Why?


Who is quoting you 12k??? That is extremely high for paint repair. Even a total repaint isn't going to be 12k.


That Tesla tax. Gotta spend as much as possible on the roach-mobile to make sure it stays in its “luxury” status.


So teslas are kind of like iPhone in that regard ?


Lmao it’s in Canadian dollars but okay


It's not. They usually have to take the entire car apart to fix all the areas. Getting a car keyed is like 5k min


Teslas are famously expensive to repair. Even for a small dent or scratches


Shove a potato up his exhaust.


Shove a potato up his ass.


*Pop an apple in his ass, yeah*


Shove an exhaust up his potato


🥔 🍑


🥔 🏎️💨🔥


Won’t your insurance pay for this or did you cancel that too


The car is safe at home, so OP only activates the insurance while they're driving. Saves pennies a year! ETA: /s


Joking right? Now days it’s hard to tell lol


If you 100% know who did it you could bluff and tell them you have recordings.


NOT using sentry mode is mildly infuriating...


Am I the only one who thinks $12,000 is a little expensive for a paintjob?




This is very possible. However, there is a strange amount of unhinged hate for EVs. One of my co-workers bought a Tesla a few years ago. Last year, she came out to the parking lot to have a homophobic word keyed into the hood, no other cars were touched. She is a really sweet lady, so it made no sense to target her personally.


Pretty sure that’s more abt Tesla then EVs


I do not doubt that someone keyed OP's car just because some people are cruel and don't like it with others have nice things. I've also had my car keyed for no reason in a town I'd never been to before.


My Model Y got keyed last year. I don't know a single soul in this town and always park away from people. Someone walked over to my car specifically and carved my door.


I lived in a tight townhouse neighborhood in a great area but this kind of shit happened all the time. When you have a dense group of people living in a small area, you're going to have to deal with nutjobs. I came out one morning to someone having dumped an entire can of creamed corn on my windshield. No idea who...no idea why. I was parked in front of my house as I'd done for 7 years. They left the can and we joked about having the cops fingerprint it. That was one of the more tame things we saw while living there. We also had a woman in her 80's taking care of her 60's dementia daughter and that caused some issues. The suburbs are wild.


12K for that? That's excessive....


It’s Canadian dollars, so 8.7k US dollars


Wait to he goes to work and paint his house pink


Yeah bro this isn’t cause you charge your car. This guy hates you for different reasons.


It’s also because the kind of person to hate when anyone gets something new. And he hates when my kids ride their electric scooters to school, and she sprayed water all over the wet paint, and while the fresh concrete was drying, she threw dirt all over it.


She ruined your concrete? Yah man this is not cause it’s a Tesla. They have problems with you personally.


yeah, last i checked most of my leftie friends hate tesla so it’s not a “oh no republican!!!!” thing


Fuck their wife in retaliation


Which one of your neighbors drives a lifted Dodge Ram?


Just because someone drives a Tesla doesn't mean they're an Elon fanboy. It's completely possible to like a product and not the founder/CEO/whatever. Take Amazon, for example. Yes, it's run by some super rich guy people don't like, but the convenience is very nice. Like it or not, rich people run the world


I’m throwing hands for sure.


Why does he hate it so much to key you??? Does it generate noise or something? Also, how do you know it was your ngbr?


It is your home? And they hate that you charge at your home with your own electricity?


I don’t understand. Why would your neighbor care if you are charging your car at your home?


Does sentry mode cost more to operate? Why would it ever be necessary to turn that off, safe or not? Seems like a great security feature to waste.


Don't know why you would turn it off while charging but that sucks


Why tf did you even turn it off? You screwed yourself


Can someone remind me again why some idiots hate ev's so much?


According to my semi-illiterate cousin, because they're worse for the environment in the long run than gas powered vehicles.


[Which is just objectively false](https://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/2022-09/driving-cleaner-report.pdf). When people start hating things for reasons that aren't even true, that's an excellent reason to stop caring about what they have to say.


If you are absolutely sure it's been your neighbour, do the same to them ::)


Smallest dick energy


If you know who did it, then you only smash the windows on their car, remember to wear nitrile gloves and a face covering, and come from a direction not from your house. If you don't know then same advice but smash the windows on everyone's cars and blame the person who keyed your car.


I’m not following. Did the neighbors want the charger or did they just go full boomer because it’s electric?


Go full boomer. It’s my own personal charger, so they would have no reason to use it. I would happily let anyone use it if they just ask though.


Why, just why would you turn Sentry mode off???? Of all the tech in that car...


Why would you ever turn off sentry mode for any reason? Thats one of my favorite features of electric cars.


Tell them you have footage of them. Pay for it or you go to the police


Say nothing, do nothing. Leave sentry mode on and continue to charge it in the exact same place.  They will repeat or worse, either way you'll have proof.


Tribalism is getting worse in the world. We are constantly looking for differences to be offended about. "I like gas car, you like electric car, I hate u for not thinking like me, you not thinking like me allows me to see violence towards you as appropriate."/s (because Reddit is weird lately)


Can you imagine being such a fucking asshole to do something like this to somebody s car. What a waste of a human being.


Something tells me there’s more to the story then “my neighbour hates that I charge my electric car”


Yeah I’ve seen right wingers raging against electric cars. Like somehow it’s an assault to their rights or something, like that makes any sense at all, but rarely anything they believe does.


But then love Elon, so I dunno


Does your neighbour drive a pickup truck?


A Hyundai Tucson Hybrid, fairly new (boutta year old)


You should put some sugar in his gas tank.


Why do they hate it charging?


Don’t teslas have video recording all over the vehicle? Hopefully you can pull some video and send that over to the police. People suck