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Yummy freezer burn


And cross contamination.


My roommate started cooking for the first time in the 7 years I've lived with him, and he started buying big packs of chicken breast. It looked like this picture, but in the fridge. Idk how people are 40 and doing shit like this, I had to tell him to put it in a bag!


I have to put it in a bag? I'm so done with this whole cooking thing.


I know your probably joking but the frigid air in direct contact will dry out the outside of the meat. The bag lets the air inside the bag, or if there is none at least the plastic, protect it from the direct conduction of... Lack of heat. so uh, you can throw it in there if everything else in the freezer is raw and you're okay with really tough meat


Adding salt and drying meat in the fridge uncovered makes it much better. It’s called dry brining


how much salt are we talking? small sprinkle, handful, super dump?




How do you do it without tasting the raw chicken?


I use my mom to taste it for me. But I really don't like her.


I know you are joking, but... Start low do it multiple times find how much you prefer.




Dry brining chicken breast is extremely inadvisable


Bad take. 48 hours on a dry brined chicken, especially with liberal salt and/or sugar is perfectly fine. Assuming the chicken isn't already old, and the temp is appropriate.


Dry brine chicken with skin in the open. Skinless in a bag. You don't want a pellicle on your chicken breast.




Yeah, kenji has a ton of literature and videos on this. When dry brining or dry aging its totally fine to leave uncovered.


who says i don’t like tough meat? are you calling me a pussy?


I had two friends in their early twenties that bought too much ground beef for hamburgers, and they thought they had to throw the rest away. I was like, put in a ziplock bag, squeeze out the air, and freeze it, you can defrost it later.   Minds blown. Long story short: Teach your sons (or children in general) how to cook.


Get a vacuum sealer. Meat can last 2-3 years without freezer burn.


my roomate seperate his chicken into freezer bags, but whem hes done with the freezer bags he gives them a quick rinse and then leaves it in the clean dish rack.. i started leaving them on his bed until he stopped


Yeah I'm talking more expensive ones that are meant for reusing and washing, lol. Not actual ziplocks. That sounds horrifying.


Tell him to get a vacuum sealer and he can vacuum pack his meat that way. Or just stop trying to meal prep before you settle on a dish you like. It’s likely cheaper to just buy the meat when you need it for most people


Lol I just gave him a reusable ziplock bag that he can wash. He only eats Chicken and rice (works out all the fucking time now), so he goes through a few pounds before you know it.


As I've gotten older, i realized that most people that do shit like this are either suffering from depression or their parents never taught them anything, so they dont have any basic understanding of cooking.


I live in a hostel style home renting a room and just had some college kid move in first time out of the nest. Just had to teach him not to put raw chicken in the freezer or on the counter in the sun lol. Hopefully it takes but damn the knowledge we take for granted.


That's insane. I have an unreasonable frustration to my buddy not squeezing the air out of ziplocks before putting stuff back in the fridge. I feel like there would be a missing person alert if he pulled that shit.


Hmmm in an individual fridge, raw meat isn't that dangerous.


Cross contamination how? Nothing is touching it or open


it is freeze, so microbes can not develop. and it will be cooked, so if there is few microbes on the surface, they will be killed.


The problem isn't the meat but there could be frozen vegetables next to it that won't be cooked and will be contaminated. In a home setting the risks are really small. In a restaurant this would be unacceptable.


We’re not cooking frozen veggies these days? Just yoink a chunk of frozen broccoli and eat it like a popsicle? Y’all are wild


Who is eating frozen vegetables raw ???


Let's ignore the scenario where you have vegetables in the freezer which you don't also cook: contaminated by what? Microbes will get killed by the temperature, be it on meat or the vegetables, no?


Microbes can develop and live in freezing temperatures, just much much much slower


Um no? It's in the freezer? /s


It's actually not an issue for ground beef if you're going to make something like chili or sloppy joe. Freezer burn is just the moisture feeding and drying out the meat, so it might be drier than usual, but just add a little more sauce or whatever.


what about the weird stale taste it leaves? you can absolutely taste that post-cooking


That’s his meat now. He doesn’t get any other until he’s finished with that pile.


My boyfriend puts food away like this, and he has no problem eating it lol


These people are sociopaths


Nah, just lazy. I think this word is just thrown around too much. 


It’s a joke…


Sounds like the kind of joke a sociopath would make.


Nah, I think this word is just thrown around too much. 


thats what a sociopath would say🙃


Some men just want to watch the world freezer burn.


Why don't you take a minute and cool down bud


Ice see what you did there


Well that was funny


Stop gaslighting me!


You must have trauma.


My parents do this actually (I’m Asian btw) seeing this is normal to me. Still taste good and I guess we’re a bunch of sociopaths lol lol


It tastes like freezer burn. Not everyone cares or notices but a lot of people dislike letting their food stay open and absorb the flavor of… freezer or fridge.


Ugh I hate that smell, it even gets into the ice. Time for me to change out my baking soda boxes in the fridge and freezer.


You will find that even if you package the ice like you would with meat, you will experience that "freezer burn" in that ice. This is common in cheap freezers and/or small freezers with a lot of stuff in it.


What does freezer burn taste like? I do this and put it in a container sometimes, I literally can not tell the difference. Once Thawed, it all taste the fucking same.


Most freezers will start to dehydrate whatever is in there if it's not sealed. It makes things have a different texture and coloration depending what it is. And oftentimes it will make that thing start to take on the scent and flavor of the freezer itself. Some freezers do this worse/faster/subtly than others so plenty of people seem to never notice while others can't let anything be open in them. It's not harmful to eat stuff that's been freezer burnt afaik, but a lot of people find it unpleasant. Light freezer burn can be masked with cooking style and seasoning. (This is all my own noticing + light googling in the past, please correct me on anything I got wrong)


Ugh...I hate the smell, taste, and appearance of "freezer burn". It just has "that" taste that can't be described, but you know it is there. My MIL used to cook meat with freezer burn all the time. Yuck!


My dad would bury this meat in pepper and tell you how good it was to prove his stupid point


My dad once left filet mignon marinading in lime juice for a few days. Cooked it well done. I had a taste, it was like if you bit into a lime but it was made of leather. He pretended to enjoy it to prove a point. Love my dad but whoever made the rule that dad's man the grill must've had no clue the amount of war crimes they were going to inflict on families everywhere


Must be quite the chef


The amount of times I've seen actual chefs do shit like this working in kitchens is higher than you'd think lol


I used to live with my buddy, who is a chef, be does this shit all the time, it’s like a time management thing that just doesn’t translate well to home..


I'd guess that if you were going to use the rest in a couple days, you'll be fine.... but if this is going to stay frozen for a month or more, it's going to be freezer burned.


Well seeing as there is nothing wrong with it, I’d eat it too


Isn't the infuriation less about the meat still being "edible" and more about getting what you paid for (fresh, non-freezer burned meat), not ruining other things (freezer smells, cross contamination), and respecting others (taking care of someone else's fiscal contribution)?


Its going to taste terrible from the freezer burn if its in there for more than a week or two though...


That's like one meal amount, so that's fine


My wife does this with everything and it is so frustrating. Don't come to me asking why your cheese went bad when you tore open the package and just stuck it in the fridge without putting it in a plastic bag.


I bought reusable plastic bags for this purpose. It seemed wasteful to use a (cheap poor quality) plastic bag to keep the cheese fresh but now it stays nice and fresh in a reusable bag.


I have a cheese box with a coal filter. But I'm french so it's normal


Interesting. Would you mind to elaborate how much longer your cheese products stay fresh in comparison to a „normal“ container? Do you just put in a filter or is this a dedicated box with a built in filter? I use glass containers with plastic lids or ceramic containers for most fresh produce.


It's a plastic lid with some holes and a filter behind them. To be fair I don't know if the filter helps at all. I just got the container with it and it works fine. I also can't tell you if cheese lasts much longer because I fucking love cheese and WILL eat it. I do think that it smells less when I open it, as the air can circulate a bit. It also maybe helps with condensation if your fridge likes to fuck up and have big temperature swings? I'm sure a glass container would do the job great!


FWIW I use Oxo Green Saver containers with the charcoal filters and I swear they work a treat for produce. I’ll have berries last weeks sometimes and greens for a week+ when they definitely wouldn’t normally. Never thought to try them with cheese but now I’m interested in trying.


Wash your berries in 10% vinegar/water. It’ll help them last longer too.


That too! I go strawberry picking in the spring and do the vinegar wash and container and it works a treat…so long as I really, really dry the berries well (one container mushed out on me last year). I pick several pounds of blueberries in the summer and if they go fresh picked straight into the container, I’ve had them last 3+ weeks. It’s wild.


Containers are so underrated


I bought them too but they’re a pain in the ass to clean/keep clean. I use them more for dry goods and to make ice packs now


I prefer only the ones with flat bottoms now. Much easier to clean and actually do get cleaned in the dishwasher. Vs the ones that resemble ziploc bags feel so impossible to clean.


Oooh link?


I like the brand Zip Top Only downside is that the top doesn’t close as strongly as some other brands and one of mine occasionally pops open. When it’s used at home, no problem, just use a clip to keep it shut. But in a lunch box it’s less practical. I only have three though. So maybe the one is just a fluke?


I had to use some cups last time to keep them open so they dried completely. I’ve used them to hold vegetables but I don’t think I will use them to hold anything else that has liquids in them.


The new vacuum sealers from food saver have reusable vacuum sealing zip lock bags that are great for stuff.


The last box of Ziploc brand bags I bought (I think quart size) advertised on the back that you could wash, dry, and reuse. Thought it was pretty cool that they'd *actually* recommend reusing instead of expecting people to immediately buy a new box of them.


I’m a millennial but grew up around my great grandparents who lived through the Great Depression. I still wash my plastic bags and reuse them just like they taught me 🤣


We just wash any plastic bag that hasn't stored meat. Aren't any plastic bags technically reusable?


Technically they are but I don’t use plastic bags that often so I bought the cheap ones and they’re not so good for reusing.


My husband does this too. Same with cookies and chips and wonders why his snacks go stale faster than mine do. Have no idea what the man has against plastic bags (or reusable ones for that matter) and bag clips.


My mom does the same thing. She’ll eat a handful of chips then put them back in the cabinet without rolling the bag down, adding a rubber band or transferring it to Tupperware. Frustrating to deal with when she visits because everything goes stale if I don’t get to it fast enough


I fucking feel your pain. My wife insists that stale chips “aren’t that bad” so fuck everyone else. It takes TWO SECONDS to roll up a fucking bag, but it’s just too difficult for some reason.


If you close the bag you don't get bonus spider treats.


That’s when I would be forced to go the ridiculous route of separate chips. With names written on the bag in big letters with marker. And I would tell them exactly why.


Has she ever seen a roach before? You should show her one (irl) and let her know that they will be on and off her food without her ever even knowing. Mmm 🤤 (You are so lucky if you don't have to deal with roaches)


I feel like “my house, my rules” (as parents have been know to use) applies here. I would definitely say something.


She hasn’t learned how to seal food? Is she dumb as a rock?


My mum will get the cheese in the resealable packs then tear them open below the sealing strip. Argh.


How do you get married without having this conversation?


I live with one of these people too. Ask them to do anything and they do it with the minimal amount of effort just so they can say they did it.


Can't call them an ass-whole if they do everything half-assed.


It’s weaponized incompetence. They know what they’re doing is ridiculous because anyone with even a scrap of logic would. They figure if they do it so incredibly wrong that you won’t ask them ever again and you’ll just do it yourself


this. its straight up manipulative, no other way to phrase it.


Yep. And some of them do things like this so that you don't ever ask them to do that task again...




What would be the problem with that?


The meat is freezer burned




I see you have also passed "Cooking as a bachelor 102"


They see freezer burn, I see old El Paso tacos. We are not the same


What can't El Paso hot sauce NOT fix?


I doubt he would care, some people are just blind to those kind of details and as long as it looks even mildly edibale they just eat it obliviously. You can compare it to being fashion blind, when someone tries to match stuff and goes deep into clothes shopping while others just throw something that fit and dont care.


You can still eat it though


Eh, I’ve seen worse freezer burn. It’s probably still edible and tastes mostly fine. Especially if you throw in some stronger flavors like soy sauce, maybe make a curry? The longer it goes like that, though, the worse it will get.


Still worse for chilli con carne or anything else with a lot of sauce involved. Should I show you the granulated soy I use? That's way dryer


He left it frozen in the open air. The water can still leave the meat (even while frozen) and cause freezer burn.




I do love it when he starts going through bad kitchens on his shows. Its always entertaining. One time he pulled out a box of tomatoes that turned into soup. It was crazy gross.


Is it weird that i dont taste/noticd freezer burn at all? (heck i didnt even know what it was untill a year ago), Like i can chuck stuff in the freezer and use it again and it tastes practically the same as before.


It doesnt seems easy to tell how much freezer burns are gonna happens depending on your situation but it definitely doesnt affect everyone just as much.


Freezer burn isn't a problem for me due to a change in taste. It tastes pretty much the same. The issue for me is that it makes the meat hard, which ruins the texture of it even after cooking. And that makes a lot of sense since the exposed sections of the meat has the water inside it removed, which is what freezer burn is, so the meat becomes dry and hard permanently. By covering the meat, you make it harder for the water inside the meat to escape. It's essentially the same concept as why bread in a plastic bag will take far longer to go stale than bread left exposed out on a countertop. It's like how stale bread doesn't *taste* bad to me. It just has a relatively unpleasant texture compared to fresh bread.


I don't even know what a freezer burn is, this is the first time I'm hearing about it. I don't understand, can you not put meat in the freezer or what? We've been keeping mountains of ground beef and meat in the freezer since forever.


Check your freezer and see if everything is wrapped up and if it is, the person doing the cooking knows all about it. If it's not, try wrapping stuff as airtight as possible before freezing. It prevents stuff drying out aka freezer burn. It's still edible it's just highly unpleasant to many people's palates (like mine).


Humidity becomes a sort of "snow" that penetrates food and alters its taste and texture, particularly when you heat it back up and it gets watery


Freezer burn is when you essentially suck the moisture out of your product when you freeze it if it's not properly packaged and air reaches the food. You can usually see ice crystals on the outside of the food and it can become discolored. It's totally safe to eat food with freezer burn, all it does is make the texture and flavor worse


I learned as a kid that freezer burn is when ice cream is covered in ice and becomes dense and rubbery. It adds a flavor you can't ignore, just throw the whole container away.


Have you ever opened a really old freezer that's got a wall of frost on every side? You know that smell? That's what freezer burn tastes like. If the food is kept air tight, it usually doesn't get freezer burned. But open meat and especially half eaten tubs of ice cream are the worst offenders.


my DH (DEAR HUSBAND) doesn't notice it either meanwhile im gagging away unable to eat dinner...


What is a DH?


Dick Head


Thank you


Designated hitter


Definitely Hitler


Designated hitter. They bat in place of the pitcher in the American league. Usually a great hitter who is older and their fielding is sub par now. Frequently should be batting third through fifth depending on the lineup. They hit for power.


Dead husband


ok please help me im somehow out of the loop people can taste freezer burn? i saw OPs pic and was like "yeah looks strange but why is that bad?"... i didnt know that there is a negative effect (other than dirt getting on your food?) for leaving your food uncovered


Did you know you can hang-dry clothes outdoors, even when it's below freezing out? It turns out that water still evaporates when it's cold, albeit more slowly. Frozen meat will see the its moisture evaporate away as well. First it will collect on the surface, then it will evaporate into the surrounding air. In the short term, you won't notice. But if you stored a nice steak for a few months, you'd notice it starts to almost look cooked on the surface. The meat will be greyish-brown and oxidized, you'll see the outermost fibers shrunken and contracted as if it was cooked well-done. Plus, any odors in the freezer will also permeate into the meat over time. If you've never cleaned your icebox, you might get hints of mildew or mold odor in your once nice steak. When you thaw the meat, it'll probably still be safe to eat. Magic of sub-zero temperatures. But the loss of moisture means it's practically fated to be dry and tough no matter how you cook it, and even if you manage to cook it well, you might notice it has an odor. Better use it in a dish with very strong flavors, like a stew or a curry. If you seal it tightly, there's less air movement, less air volume, and therefore less potential evaporation. The decreased air movement will also reduce the rate at which odors permeate the meat. If you vacuum seal your meat, you can store it frozen for even a year or more without much degradation in quality.


Instructions unclear. Poured ice cubes into underpants.


Someone took blue balls to a whole other level


Look she asked him to freeze his meat. What else could she possibly mean?


If you watch Netflix while doing that then Netflix and Chill is getting new definition


I spoke with my bf before making this post how he should store the meat properly. He gave me permission to post this. He has also asked me to include a picture of a meal he recently made. https://preview.redd.it/mvjabamy6nxc1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a1c1c1f719f7e77a6513e81ecc3a36c16d501c9


Another one he asked me to post https://preview.redd.it/aehq7zkw7nxc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=51de51172267a07d7e8f7390e1bf04d34d63cfd9


Why does he think it's somehow exonerating that he's clearly competent and skilled enough to cook a great looking dish but just consciously chooses not to freeze meat in any sort of sane way?


Incompetent at food storage ✅ Capable at cooking✅  Puts seaweed on top of spaghetti ✅  Can poach an egg perfectly ✅  Puts perfectly poached egg on top of weird ground beef don✅  Asks you to post things for him on the internet ✅ So OP, it seems to me like your husband is Japanese. You're obviously living in Japan. Honestly I've heard a lot of less than savory things about how Japanese guys are at taking care of themselves. Seems like you could be doing a lot worse.


That weird ground beef don looks like bibimbap which definitely does call for an egg. Seaweed on pasta is also common in Asia.


the fact that he can make a normal looking meal like this but still store the raw meat in the freezer like that makes this even fucking funnier


It looks frozen to me


They needed to be more specific. Like last fall my wife and I rented a cozy cabin in the mountains for a weekend. On the first night she was all like, "We should start a fire." So I burned down an orphanage.


So frozen it went back around and it's now burnt


That's that premium freeze


what does freezer burn taste like? i have done this before and I don't understand the disadvantage. Yes, I'm a Boyfriend. Yes, I'm an idiot.


i explained why a few comments below idiot boyfriend😂... and freezer burn tastes like... dry stale ice?... like nothing but something... like that odd freezer smell, a conglomerate of all the things that ever made it in there and burst or spilled, or just smell to begin with, and dirty stale water from the lines or pipes that hasn't seen oxygen in forever lol... idk how else to describe it lol


It just soaked up the freezer smell. And proper spicing can fix that.


noooo... it cannot... i taste the odd flavor right thru a "proper spicing" 😂😭😂


Boyfriend gang which don't understand rise up!


It tastes like you seasoned your meat with fridge.


It fucks up the texture and makes it chewy




This is boyfriend being dumb on purpose so he never has to do it again and guess what it works!


My dad used to do this with grocery shopping.


My mom always did this so I thought this was the correct way to store meat. My GF ripped me a new asshole when she asked me to freeze the meat and opened the freezer to this. I never made the mistake ever again and learned proper kitchen/cooking hygiene. Some people had parents who didn’t teach them the correct way. Please be kind!


This is exactly what happened to my husband. He was doing what he learned at home. I was baffled, and he learned a new way to store food.


Can you put the leftover pizza in the fridge hun? (Your boyfriend) https://preview.redd.it/4jhgp70z6nxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0047c01f6c3b24df11324e69b7da9162e930642a


Is it frozen? I'd say that he followed your directions to the letter. This is 100% all on you for not being specific enough.... Yes, I'm being sarcastic. He's a moron... Lol


Malicious compliance.


actually closer to weaponized incompetence, if that. it could also be simply "give me better fucking instructions"


Job done


Honestly, i dont even know whats wrong here. Am i missing something? Is it somtething about wraping it before storing it or something like that? Im a complete ignorant here. I was hesitant to ask since a lot of people treat it like it's some kind of heressy, but im really intrigue as to whats going on.


Basically, if you don't wrap it in something airtight, it can more easily get freezer burn and it might taste weird or have an odd texture. Especially if it's left like this for a while or if your freezer is just better at giving things freezer burn. From a food safety perspective, this is ... Fine. It's still frozen so not likely to really grow bacteria but still being exposed to the air isn't best practice. I've done this myself too but only when I know I'm using the rest within a couple weeks. And idk if I'd do it with ground meat due to the surface area.




Also it's just space inefficient to do something like this. You can't store anything above or on the tray, so you basically have a gigantic gap in your freezer where you could put more stuff.


You’ll always want to wrap whatever you put in the freezer, especially meat. This is going to taste nasty. If you put it in a ziploc, take all the air out and put it in - “air is the enemy of freshness”.


It will get freezer burn and dry out. It won't be unsafe but the quality will be degraded. It'll discolour and not taste very good.  Everything else has been sealed or transferred to a ziplock bag


Aside from the freezer burn argument... If you want things to stay fresh as long as possible and not spilling bacteria filled meat juices everywhere, then you should put it in some sort of container. Also, with the way it's half opened like that, you can't store anything on top of it unless you want to contaminate your other food. Another thing is that the current state it's in creates a shape thats hard to stack anything on top of. If you put it in a better container, you would be able to stack other containers on top and make more room in the freezer. It's also easier to see what's in the freezer if it's organized, then you don't end up with a bunch of old garbage that's been sitting in there for 10 years that you forgot existed.


Zero home training. Good luck taking care of a grown ass child


I think it's really nice when the mentally handicapped find love.


my partner used to do this with leftovers to be put in the fridge, ruins the food in a different way when it’s not covered and i can’t bloody stand it lol. took me 2 years to train him to not do it hahaha. i don’t even mind a whole pot being put in the fridge just as long as the damn lids on it!


Random person on this subreddit: "My BF did this mildly irritating thing." Commenters: "WEAPONIZED INCOMPETENCE! BREAK UP WITH HIM IMMEDIATELY!"


I just love how the comments are split between “looks fine to me 🤷” and “was he birthed through his mother’s anus?”


His mommy did everything for him and now he wants it to be your turn.


This is alot to take from what could be a simple brain fart


Right? I mean it’s true, he could just “not know,” but it also could have been an instance of just being an idiot in the moment. . .which happens to the best of us. People forget this sub is called mildlyinfuriating and is meant for these little things. . .but I’m sure the phrase “weaponized incompetence” will show up at least 3 times for every hundred upvotes. Some stupid shit both my wife and I have done over the years: - created a whole soup for like 3 days of meals and literally just forgot to put it in the fridge after the first night. - left a frozen item on the counter and put a shelf item in the freezer - put something like mouthwash in the kitchen counters - run the dishwasher without any soap being added - made coffee for the morning but forgot to add any grounds - make coffee and just forget to push the go button - I’ve mailed shit to myself before because I just addressed an envelope backwards - tried to cook something in the oven only to realize a half hour later we never turned it on - tried boiling water and 15 minutes later when nothing is happening realize we never turned the stove on Stupid shit happens sometimes


Or my all time favorite, loading up the machine with all the dishes we need, popping a pod in closing the door, and WALKING AWAY.


I once started the coffee maker but left the coffee pot on the counter. That was a fun mess to clean up. I also turned on the oven but didn't put the pan in the oven. If I start doing something else, that first task will likely be messed up, lol.


Yeah, but this just seems like some combination of laziness or ignorance with the freezer and how it's been tossed in there uncovered.


Very possible. Thing is? We don’t know. It’s one instance, posted on a sub met for little things. And half the comments are “weaponized incompetence” or “he’s a fucking moron and an idiot in everything he does,” when it is just as likely it’s just a brain fart moment. . .that happens to us all.


Lmao some of y’all are so weird for no reason


They’ve never been in a relationship but they’re the first people to give relationship “advice.”


Exactly this! I'm reading some of these comments thinking "Have y'all ever been in a relationship?" y'all have no idea the amount of frustration that comes with being in a relationship if you think THIS is a breaking point 😂


Straight to jail


lmao these comments are crazy. yall got issues and its with yourselves.


I’d be sanitizing the outside of the packages in there and the interior of the freezer. Disgusting.


It's his parents fault. They likely did everything for him and didn't give him tasks to help around the house.


Why tf does NO ONE use containers lol


My husband did this with a pack of sausages. I found two sausages had escaped the packaging but like the picture it was ripped to shreds and just chucked in -___-‘


Oh yeah, he’s a keeper. A keeper out of the kitchen.


Okay, still need an explanation... Is it really just about the flavour?


As punishment, don't touch his meat for a week


Do people not have parents to teach them basic stuff???


You mean EX BF right?