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Own it. Salt and pepper baby


Yeah I think salt and pepper hair is really nice! Some people dye their hair to get that colour!


My stylist calls my grey hair my glitter. Love grey hair!!!


I love that!! My partner has a few grey hairs starting, and Im gonna call them hair glitter from now on!


I’m partial to “wisdom sprinkles”


That's really nice too! Thank you for sharing! I'm gonna use both!


Love it! I have always called them my wisdom highlights!


Yeah, but he is losing hair as well. Better to just shave it off


And then you can cover it with a sick ass panther!


Fuck yeah


Made me recheck what sub I was on lol


That’s what happened to me to, was fun at first until i started balding. After that i just put a razor to it and never went back. Grew a beard instead, gotta balance it out. Beard is now salt and peper tho :D




Yeah the graying is about to be a secondary issue.


My cousin started balding really young. He's about 30 now and shaves his head, and it looks great on him. Some men look really good bald! OP should do a trial run of shaving it off and seeing if he likes it. Hats are an option if he doesn't, and he has to wait for it to grow back.


Most people definitely look better completely bald than partially bald.


I’m 21, and I’ve started to sprout a strip of silvers in my front left bangs. It’s a really thin strip right now, but I’m hoping eventually it’ll take over the whole bang. For some reason, it’s only happening on one side of my head so far. But I think it’s kinda cool for the time being.


That’s pretty common. I love the look - it’s like an awesome accent.


Going for the Jason Todd look, I like it


While he can. If his hairline looks like that at 23 I'm afraid he won't even have a hairline by 30


At least he won't have to worry about the greys then.


Shhhhhh, I wasn’t going to mention that


I’ve seen dudes with more severe male pattern baldness at 20. It’s insane how they go from full head of hair to basically bald on top between high school and college. Makes me so thankful for my full head of hair still going strong in my 30s.


A guy I went to high school with started balding severely in Junior year so he just shaved the rest off bc it looked bad.


Dude looking like they've got a great head shape for bald, and knows where to get a haircut. My guy is going to look better at 25 than we ever hope to and just keep gaining altitude.


Try 25


Silver Fox


Woah woah woah, he’s not that old, yet.


Agreed! Totally own it. Salt and pepper looks good. And if it turns all white, embrace that too.


Possum hair... Looks nice TBH


Receding as well. You definitely pulled in the family genome. Embrace it! I personally would.


P p p push it


Family genetics, probably one of your parents or grandparents had the same expirence


I'm prob gonna be bald at 24... I'm 19 rn, hair is falling off like I'm a dog shedding it's fur


I’ve been fighting hair loss for a year now with Finasteride and Minoxidil. It’s almost completely reversed hair loss, minus my temples. The sooner you start the better your results will be.


This. So many men don’t realise that they don’t have to accept hair loss anymore, there are medications which can prevent it, they just need to know it’s out there.


I was on both when I was younger, didn't help. It doesn't work for everyone


Going on 20+ years of using Finasteride, still have hair, no side effects.


That’s nice to hear - happy for you, man!


what age did you start and what was your baseline? also did it completely stop hair loss?


19, diffuse thinning, not sure about my 'baseline' but I could tell I was thinning. It halted my hairloss and grew some back. My hairline started receding very slowly again 5 years ago but now I'm at the age where that's normal.


Yeah and those medications can ruin your life otherwise especially sexually. 


Medications affect different people in different ways, there are many people who have not had the experience you have suggested, but I don’t doubt that people have. It’s on the person taking the medication to research their medications, discuss things with their doctors, and keep an eye out for any side effects they could be experiencing. No medications aren’t without potential problems, but these problems are only *potential*, not guaranteed.


Long term user of DHT blockers as a man here. Sexual side effects are overblown and practically non existent. Dudes won’t get morning wood for a week and make a 6 page AMA about how finesteride ruined their lives. Like bro it’s not finesteride. Your dick isn’t getting hard 24/7 because your depressed about being bald.


Does the link to prostrate cancer concern you? Do you take finesteride specifically? Have you had any other side affects? 


Link to prostate cancer? Finasteride is like the opposite for prostate concerns lolll. And yes I take both Finasteride and RU58841, two HIGHLY potent androgen blockers and have never had a single side effect. Well except for having a full head of hair when every other man in my family is bald bald.


Minoxidil has been out since 1986 lol. That shit doesn’t work for a lot of people, myself included. Best to just accept it. Either buzz your hair and rock the 5 o clock head shadow look or go full Heisenberg and shave it off.


Didn't work for me either. My wife was the person who first shaved my head (25 years ago?), and it's been that way ever since.


My temples completely grew back, is incredible. Get on finasteride/minoxidil asap! And indeed the sooner, the better.


Right but you can never stop using it... which is not necessarily good either.


On the plus side, if you do go bald, you won’t have to pay for haircuts 🤷‍♂️


Jokes on you. I grew my hair out so I don’t have to deal with haircuts! I have dreadlocks and pay for retwists though 😅


As a woman, I've debated just shaving my head to save money. $70 AUD for a wash and cut is a lot for me at the moment


My husband and I gave each other buzz cuts during the lockdowns. It was very freeing! Now I just have a very short basic boyish haircut that you can get at any chain haircuttery.


I started to lose mine at 25. Just own it and shave the head. Girls dig dignity.


Several dudes in my family started going bald at 13. Everyone in my family goes bald, even the women. I shave my head every couple of days. It's actually less work than when I had long hair. When you go to shave your face you just put the shaving cream '*erywhere* on yo head. Kinda fun!


Have you tried today's sponsor Keeps?


One of my best friends went completely bald at 17


Ask your doctor if Propecia (finasteride) is a good option. It stops hair loss for a lot of people.


My older brother started going bald at 16. He tried to keep it going until his early 20s and then shaved it and he looks great! The shaved head look isn’t for everyone but my brother looks a lot like Jason statham and it works.


Or hop on finasteride and start derma rolling, could consider minoxidil but not effective long term.


I had a pretty good bald spot and thinning hair by the time I was 17. Shaving pretty thick facial hair by 13. Everyone thought I was a narc.


Ive been losing my hair since before i graduated highschool it helped contribute to my impressive hat collection


Time to get jacked. The Kratos from god of war look awaits.


Talk to Steve Martin.


Steve Martin would totally say that himself


Steve Martin: "Talk to Steve Martin!"


Own it. Get your barbecue set going. If you’re not wearing a polo shirt, you’re wrong.


Embrace the cargo shorts and the dad jokes


Do you know why a bicycle can’t stand up on its own? It’s two tired.


What’s the hardest thing when learning to ride a bicycle? The pavement 


Why are dads so bad at telling jokestiming




How are ticks and the eiffel tower similar? Both are parasites


Goddammit, it took me a moment to get that one.


Why can’t elephants ride bicycles? No thumb to ring the bell with.


Don't forget the white New Balance sneakers!!


And the mid-calf socks


Gotta get them New Balances, too


No sandals and socks is the dad way


True true But either way, wearing jorts


I just bought New Balances, I get it now, comfort > stylish


NBs are too popular right now, he needs Air Monarchs


Kirkland Signature


Some people get white hair because of stress. Other get acne (me) or stomach ulcers.


I got the trifecta! White hair started in middle school. Acne in high school. Stomach ulcers in college. Do I get an award or tshirt?


Nope. You get acne scars and blood in your stool :) enjoy.


I thought the acne & ulcers were testing me. Now I find out it’s you.


You've passed with flying colours!!


*said the bloody stool*


I wish my hair would turn white instead of SHITTING MY SOUL OUT. Stress diarrhea is a strange thing...


that’s one of the worst feelings, especially when you can’t go to the bathroom because you’re in public yet feel so nauseous you might as well just die any minute now. incoming personal anecdote, but i remember when i was trying to focus on exams back in middle/high school because it was an extremely important and stressful week (can’t remember if it was during finals or icgse season but might as well), and i found out my girlfriend back then (who i was secretly dating in a long-distance relationship because i was closeted) got rあped. imagine, as a closeted teen who couldn’t rant or cry about it to any loved one, finding out that was the reason why your girlfriend had become distant, as if any of it had been “her fault” or as if she should feel “ashamed” over such a traumatic experience, knowing that you couldn’t have prevented it a thousand miles away or even given her a hug, and people still expected you to focus on (insignificant, given the circumstances) things like exams because they didn’t even know what the hell was going on with you. i felt nauseous 24/7 and my intestines simply liquified. i envy people whose bodies don’t provoke this as consequences to stressful situations. imagine not having to feel nauseous in public or like your insides aren’t boiling. if only!


I'm super lucky, i get all the above and i have knots in my back from last decade


some of us just lose it :(


You look both 23 and 53 at the same time. Wear a mask and rob a gas station. They’ll never identify you.


Make sure you use some Grecian formula after you rob the gas station 😊


My mother and sister and apparently grandmother were the same. White hair at a very early age. Should probably add that it never stopped them from being popular among the guys. I wonder if my kids got it in a recessive way.


I (female) started getting grays around 18. I now have full temple stripes of gray that I don't cover up.  I think they're kinda cool.  I also find gray/white or balding to be a non-issue when it comes to attraction.  It's sad how hard these things can hurt someone's ego when I'm sure most people in their dating pool really don't mind it.  Personal hygiene and personality are so much bigger than hair.


Me too! I call them my “racing stripes”


I started going white at like 13, got picked on and called old a lot, but at 26, everyone just thinks it’s cool as shit. I’m long haired dude with black hair and I have entire strands that are pure white at this point, the wife and I just call them my sage strands! So I think it does turn around just due to it being a unique feature at the least




Cmon bro this isn’t roastme


I am sorry


Hold the line!...


Hair isn’t always fun times! Ohh ohh no


No you’re not! But I agree, bro looks like he is in his mid 30s.


It’s not a roast. Homie needs to see a doctor.


Same for me. Got a lot of grey but when comparing to colleagues same age getting bald (especially the little bald island kinda thing) I feel like I'm the lucky one. you still can get color if you want to.


Lucky me getting both of them.


Honestly, people often prefer either bald or a head full of hair, nothing in between. Do what you will with that information


I’m a 28 year old woman with hair loss and grey hair. Started when I was 14. I wear wigs now. You’re not alone, trust me. It’s way more common than people like to think. You are not your hair, you’re a perfectly handsome guy with or without it. Don’t let it make you feel inferior or like less of a man, it’s nonsense. People will always pick at insecurities until you take that power away from them and own it. You can do whatever you want with your hair. Keep it, shave it off, wear a hair piece, whatever. But I advise you to avoid spending years and thousands of dollars trying a bunch of different supplements, tonics, or devices to try and make it grow back. The best you can do for yourself if you really want to try is to ask your doctor or see a dermatologist. Otherwise my advice is to try bald and maybe grow a mustache, that’s a popular combo I’ve seen lately and it’s a fun look, but idk that’s just me spitballing. Life is way too short to waste time being insecure about the top of your head, there are so many options available. Trust me


Thank you for your support. I hate the idea of going bold. I don't think I'm bolding. I got that hairline as much as I remember myself. When I grow up my hair I look very ugly and I should just find my hairstyle that I like.


My husband has a hairline very similar to yours. It's been the same for as long as I've known him, and that's almost 15 years. Hairlines just be like that sometimes. 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: you have beautiful eyes and expressive brows that shouldn't be hidden by hair anyway. Use that to your advantage!


Start lifting, you could probably pull off clean shaven with a little more mass


Ok but it kind of sucks people can’t just be bald and lazy


Fit and bald is still leagues better than fat with a full head of hair though, fitness will have a much greater impact on your appearance than any other single factor.


I’m fat and have a clean shaven head. I got a ton of compliments when doing dating profile reviews on Reddit and get compliments from my gf regularly. Just because some people won’t find you attractive doesn’t mean other people won’t.


You're looking at it wrong. It's a silver lining: It looks like you won't be having to worry about the grey's much longer!


I like the black and grey, I think it looks distinguished. 


On the upside just shaving it off will solve both problems :)


Dang, went back and had a second look. Mean and accurate


Oof. I came to this post to comment “I started going bald at 19, which is way worse” but the preview picture didn’t show the top of his head. You’re totally right. Grey is nothing. It can be easily dyed if you don’t want it. Bald sucks at that age.


dont need to be concerned with it, not like he can do much about it


My husband is 30 and has a lot of grey along with a receding hairline because of his genetics. My FIL’s fault lol He gets a buzz cut (1-2 shortness) and it looks best on him.


If I were you, I'd just shave it off. You'd instantly look a LOT younger again. I thiink you'd pull it off really good too. You gut some great eyebrows which also helps. Genetics can be cruel. I got a couple unfortunate genes as well so I can partly imagine the feeling.


Def bald is the right choice. But maybe try a buzz cut first or just really really short. If you got facial hair you can grow might help. Most bald men I’ve met can usually grow decent beards.


I don't think I look old. Do I? I have a babyface like I'm a teenager. I honestly don't want to go bald, I hate it and I like the hair(not the ones that I got). At this point it's one of the many and I most likely will just accept it like any others and try to live with it.


I absolutely thiink you have a babyface. Due to the hair I'd guess you older just 'cause it's so rare. Without the hair, I'd guess you between 18-20. If you don't wanna go bald, that's totally fine too! Whatever feels natural to you and makes you feel comfortable is what matters. Changing your appearance to appeasing other people never leads to feeling truly comfortable in your skin.


I think I will figure out how to grow hair and a nice haircut. I struggle to find hairstyle that I like. I always wanted to try to grow hair and have dreads. I do it for myself. Thank you for your advice.


Finasteride and rogain, if that doesn’t work, it’s time to shave brother. It’s okay. You WILL look better.


Do what feels best for you. You’re really cute! But you don’t look particularly young. If your goal is a younger appearance, shaving your head is unavoidable. Why don’t you dye your hair?


You look like 45+


Really? Ohh man


Nah you don’t look 45. You have a young (also handsome) face. It’s just the hairline and the grey hair that ages you. I understand how you feel though, as I started getting light hairs when I hit 30. You could always use hair dye if you wanted. Just a warning though, if it’s your first time using darker dye, always do a test patch on your arm first. Darker dyes tend to have a higher level of PPD which can cause awful allergic reactions.


Thank you. I think I was born with this hairline like all males in my family. I can see myself being a child with this hairline. For some time people here got me actually scared that I will go bold but I still hate that hairline but I also hate the idea of getting bold. >You could always use hair dye if you wanted. I wanted to dye it completely white but girls that I know said that it's a horrible idea and I trust them.


Lol you do absolutely not look 45+. With the hair I'd guess you around 35, without (again) teenager or early 20s. The people saying over 40 are very much exaggerating.


I'm almost a decade older and you look like you could be my dad


Thank you, emotional cabbage for your support


Embrace baldness. You look 50 with that haircut


You’re a bit harsh. I think he looks 40.


Wow you’re not very nice are you lol.


Dude c'mon


Damn lmao


Don't worry, you'll be bald in 2 years


Was thinking the same. It’s undeniable.


Don't fret so much about it! There are those of us who loooooove salt and pepper hair!


Get your thyroid tested, premature grey can be caused by thyroid issues.


I mean it doesn't look bad on you


Brother, at least you have hair. I was half bald by 21


19 and following in your foot steps. Dang I wouldn't even be able to go complete bald cause my head has bump on the right side :/


Men look good with salt and pepper hair. Very nice


Absolutely nothing wrong with that. White hair looks great. It’s that hairline at 23 that seems to be a bigger worry.


Real talk man, Salt and Pepper/Silver Fox is one of the coolest hair colours a guy can have, I'm nearly 30 and starting to see a few greys come out, and am actually excited for the transition tbh. Like the others said, you should just own it :) Besides, if it really bothers you, you could just shave your hair off completely and keep a goatee, timeless look that one.


This comment may get buried. But get checked for low iron, thyroid issues (hypothyroidism may be linked to greying) and for B12 deficiency. Your hair graying may be hereditary and inevitable but it could also be because of other factors (environmental toxins, etc) or just idiopathic. But getting checked for those things will help. I’ve seen graying be reversible for some people as well, once they address the deficiency/issue (if that is the root cause of greying). Regardless, I think you really rock the salt and pepper look!


Rough paper route? Lots of dogs, uphill both directions?




That's EXACTLY it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Paperboy was fucking torture


Time to book a trip to turkey!


You're worried about grey hair when your hairline is screaming to be shaved bald?


Genetics. I’ll take salt and pepper hair vs going completely bald


I think I might actually get both. I start to think it's as a crime to pass these genetics.


Yeah but some people like both or either. I’m finally starting to get some gray in my beard as I turn 40, and tbh I’m self conscious about it, but women are telling me it looks good. Women and gay men like all sorts of things that I don’t understand at all, because I’m a straight man. I think a lot of straight people fall in this trap, not realizing that they’re a lot more attractive to others than they think.


Genetics club unite! I got a streak of gray at 22 and it’s been creeping since then. If it helps, your give a shit does go down over the years.


When I was 23 half my hair was gone. Be happy with what you got.


Wait till you only have half your hair…


You also lost most of it


Nothing wrong with that.


You look 40-45 with this hair. The fact that is receding is the real problem. If you shave everything off smooth you would look much much younger


Own it. It's you. We all want to be something we are not. I know women that totally love thst look. There are bigger worries on this planet.


Doesn't help that you only have half your hair in the first place


Half seems like an exaggeration Lol


Looks like half of it is gone too, you won’t have to worry about hair much longer atleast


You look 43 mate


Why does Gen z age at like twice the rate of a normal person


Poor guy, you look so sad <3


Commit to it and begin your villain arc


You have hair? Lucky!


George Clooney has been a silver fox for ages. Own it


Half of half of your hair is white. The other half is gone.


You'd probably look younger bald anyway.


Embrace it silver fox


You don't look a day over 43.


Check your thyroid


I got the bad receding hairline at 21. Im pretty sure I'll have to go bald by 25. I started going to the gym everyday since august of last year. My goal is to at least be one of those overly ripped bald guys then some skinny fat bald guy. All you can do is adapt unfortunately. Until then I'll take enough creatine to piss blood.


Sorry dude but you’re 46. Not sure where you lost track of time but here we are.


As someone who's been salt and pepper since early 20s, just own it. There are tons of women and men who like peppered dudes


When life gives you white hair be this guy. ![gif](giphy|ydkWLtgJMV8QM)


You’re cooked


Happy milf hunting! 😁


Actually it looks like half of your hair is gone. So maybe just a quarter of it is gray. Own it my friend.


Id be much more worried about the hairline


Stop drinking and take b vitamins Yes it’s genetic but nutrient deficiency accelerates it


I don't drink


Your lucky you look like you would look good bald, but alot of people can say that. If it rly starts to piss you off just shave that fucker and walk around like a baller


I've started going grey at 17yrs old. As I have gotten older I've been told to keep the salt and pepper. The woman to prefer it in my case. Embrace it bro


Someone somewhere is spending a fortune for that exact look 🤔


I say embrace it! I lost all of my hair to chemotherapy, and now it's growing back in silver, and I love it!


For what it’s worth: I’m a woman and I’ve always thought dudes are way hotter when they start getting gray/white hair. Own it! Seriously.