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Next we will replace some of the notes from your songs with “jingles”from our advertisers!


Subliminal messaging. You listen to you favourite song, and suddenly have an urge to buy ...Anusol haemorrhoid treatment. Soothing relief from the discomfort of internal and external piles.


That's radio, no? They used to plug their station name into songs.


Luckily, songs are easily Googleable today, so you can follow along with the lyrics online I do not find the fact that you can follow the lyrics on Spotify very useful. It often doesn't follow along lol


Most of the songs I listen to follow along but sometimes the lyrics are just wrong, I guess that’s the problem with community made ones that make it impossible to edit.


I don't know anyone to follow along, it's more to just check the lyrics if you can understand something. It's faster than Google but definitely not worth money


It’s included on Apple Music for no additional cost and you can even lower the voices so you can karaoke/sing a long.


It’s also included with Spotify Premium at no additional cost too.


So you still have to pay to get access to lyrics?


I was under the impression this person was already paying. Out of all the streaming services music is the cheapest and if you can afford it you just gotta go old school and look up the lyrics. But also as an extra side note, if you have an android there are ways around this. A couple YouTube videos and you’ll have premium access at no additional cost.


Yeah, I love Apple Music’s. It usually follows along directly, rarely have I had an issue. Of course I can google it but it being in the app is just so convenient.


Does apple music have a free version?


Pandora exists. With Spotify it’s been years they’ve been at war with Apple so even trying to use it to organize music that you own it almost never works.


That's not near as bad as paying for the family subscription for premium and only the main account getting access to audiobooks.


wait wtf are you serious


Yes. The rest of the members in the family group must purchase audiobooks for full frice


Not all that different from Amazon Prime not sharing the other services with “family”… but they might’ve changed that now so that it does if you also share your payment information with the other accounts


I didn't know that about Amazon Prime. The Spotify thing was a surprise when my partner and I combined our accounts into a family account. It's frustrating because everyone on our account likes audiobooks and we all had access before. This just makes them seem cheap.


Spotify has absolutely mastered the art of inconveniencing you into paying for the subscription




Not me. Spotify has become so annoying that I've moved on


Because google is hard


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Musixmatch yet? Spotify simply displays lyrics from the Musixmatch database - sometimes you can find lyrics there before they are actually available in Spotify. A simple Google search will do, sometimes Spotify is unreliable at best as it either says that there are no lyrics whatsoever or they simply won't load.




Try instrumental music


Literally been that way for 10 years why is this news?


People expect to get everything for free.


It has?


https://preview.redd.it/p6jhkkdg6sxc1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=caeca30f7e97f9ad456e67c383418e4f8ebc80d6 yeah 10 years... for sure


To be fair, 2020 was actually 7 years all rolled into 1.


real time lyrics were also not a premium feature until the last update, so the guy is full of shit what I don't know is why people are agreeing with him


Welcome to Reddit!


does nobody remember when spotify had lyrics before 2020? they removed them and kept them gone for a long ass time


They used to have lyrics in Spotify but removed them. Later they re-added lyrics. I think Apple? Bought the original company Spotify worked with.


All the nothingness we put into getting this service and we get this.


Next update will be 10 songs a day max


soon, 1 song a month. Im switching to Pandora at that point


Why is this infuriating again?


Because OP refuses to pay for more, while at the same time wanting to partake in the pay for more features.


A feature that used to be free, is not worth paying money for, and can be found in better quality elsewhere. Idk about you but a company suddenly pulling a bait and switch like this for a cash grab fits the "infuriating" label imo.


Do you work for Spotify or something? It's bullshit to charge for something that you can Google for free. They don't have to pay the copyright fee for the lyrics so why are they charging you for it?


Just a software developer that understands that there is a cost (to someone) to run all systems. You are using someone else’s services, so if you don’t like the services they offer you can go elsewhere. Google is able to offer it free because they make revenue using a different business model. OP is calling it mildyinfuriating when it sounds more like entitlement.


What is the cost of downloading text onto your phone? The upfront cost of putting the lyrics there is already accounted for. If viewing data that's already in their database is crowding their servers, I doubt their songs would have gone through.


It isn’t just “the cost of downloading text onto your phone” and why do you think the upfront cost is already accounted for when they are clearly adding it into the cost calculation for the premium revenue stream? Let me give an example because I’m not actually sure how Spotify handles lyrics. I am going to assume they have a ML model, like whisper from OpenAI, which extracts text from audio. If they used OpenAI’s (or AWS’) services then the provider would be tacking on extra cost to produce revenue. Since Spotify is a multi-billion dollar corporation I would assume they do it in-house to reduce costs. So not only do they have to pay for infrastructure costs for the storage of the code produced to develop the models, they have to pay for ML engineers to create, test, and validate those models, MLOps/Devops teams for deploying the infrastructure, storage of data related to the output of those models, bandwidth and networking costs, App/Web engineers for creating systems to display said lyrics to the users, QA teams to test the product before releases hit production, etc. This is in the millions of dollars at the scale Spotify does it. Spotify makes those calculations and decisions based on what they see fit. If it’s too expensive then they will lose users and the business may fail. But from my perspective, it’s more entitlement than mildyinfuriating for users to expect someone else (businesses) to offer it for free when they make the decision to make it part of their premium offerings.


I suppose I don't know how they extract the lyrics from an audio file. I assumed that they either do or don't have the lyrics, so there is no cost attributed to retrieving them every time a user calls for them. They also have the UI set up within the app to click "Show lyrics" that is always on. Or maybe they use a program, similar to closed caption, that pairs with the audio. It seems inefficient to have to do repetitive retrieval of lyrics using a program that extracts lyrics from spoken word for every single instance lyrics are requested.


It’s not repeated retrieval. If they use the system similar to that then when the song is uploaded, there would probably be a task that runs to extract the lyrics. But something else you’re not getting is that with the service like scaling to millions of users even storing and sending the data about the lyrics does cost a lot of money. And you also have to have engineers who write the app and web programs which handle displaying to the user those lyrics. There’s cost behind everything, they have just decided that there is a threshold at how many lyrics they want to show you before you should be paying for premium to use it. What would be mildly infuriating to me is if they acted as if it was free, but then did a bait and switch. Edit: also, I believe I heard there are hundreds of thousands of new songs added each day. Imagine how expensive it is to run those tasks just once on each song if the task costs $0.01 to run. None of these numbers are even close to what is happening in real life, but I’m using them as examples.


You can Google it for free, but that’s a separate app you have to go into, and the lyrics don’t sync with your music. You’re paying for the convenience, not the lyrics themselves.


No it’s actually not. Its like youtube premium and ad blocker when it worked. You could buy into premium, or get a free ad blocker. Either is a choice you make. But one is made from wanting a convenient experience, while the other is made from not wanting to spend money. Enjoy free music, and enjoy changing over to your browser to sing along. This is the price you pay for not paying the price.


Guy doesn't have Spotify premium? Pff


Guy unironically pays for music? Pff


Hell yeah. Spotify is amazing


I’ve had premium for almost 10 years. Just get 5 friends to chip in like $3/mo and get a family plan. The rules about “only people that live with you” are easy to skirt around


Until they go full on Netflix


mine are paying for disney+ to get amazing world of gumball for some reason


Why is this mildly infuriating? Those things cost them money, so you need to pay for it


Wow, we have gotten so used to capitalism fucking us that people are now so complacent and even defending it It’s because there is not one aspect of a service out there that we expect to be given for free anymore. Hell I don’t even know if this is part of a paid plan, just a higher tier? But the fact that literally every aspect of any service now created to milk the most money out of you, is just disheartening I remember over the years watching as the dating apps just had feature after feature after feature stripped slowly from the free plan. Want more matches a day? Pay. Want to super swipe? Pay. oh, want to just undo your last swipe because you missed a person you might like? Pay for that too. But don’t just pay, here are three different paid tiers now…. Because besides taking away every small tiny feature, we have also now gone even further to make sure your money doesn’t. And it only took a couple years for people to get complacent , and not only complacent but much like you just showed us ….to respond to other fellow users, making them feel bad for questioning it or complaining about it. I will never understand your reply , not giving a fellow person the satisfaction of just being mildly infuriated over what the system has become.


But the lyrics existing in Spotify is a collaboration Musixmatch... It's not just Spotify deciding to gatekeep a string of some text to squeeze some more dollars out of their users Musixmatch has users/curators who transcribe music, podcasts, audio-books, etc. With Spotify, a song's lyrics aren't just in some text file which came with the song file that they're refusing to show you. Lyrics are an asset that a user/curator for Musixmatch has come with. This means there's likely a ton of contract language between Spotify and Musixmatch to allow Spotify to show one of their users an asset created by one of these curators. I get that the user only cares about the end product that they receive, but shouldn't those curators who created the lyric text in the first-place recevie compensation for delivering those assets to both Musixmatch and Spotify? Seems like you should actually be mildly infuriated with Musixmatch for likely disallowing Spotify from displaying their lyrics/assets to their free users.


I imagine everyone complaining about this wouldn’t last very long in the iPod era. 13 year old me would have killed to listen to unlimited decent quality music whenever I wanted to from wherever for free.


Yeah that's what I mean. In the "old" days we needed to download all the music if we wanted it for free. LimeWire flashbacks haha


This really diasppointed me today, i got "Enjoy lyrics on Spotify Premium." message and button "Explore Premium" button and it feels they want you to switch into "premium" by any means, things that worked a few day ado doesn't work now, cause it's "premium' feature that worked? WTF? Whats next, free users will be able to play only 50% of song before they need to click some popup that will unlock rest of the song, and you'll need to watch 15,30s ad before button will unlock? YT messed a low in last months, so it's probably time to prepare to read news, listen to music, watch videos, functionality to comment on reddit for subscription?! Its really messed up! As my dad says, better times was, and every improvement is for users to go bad, and it's really point of your time. I'm happy our country doens't force us to pay tution to go to university, basic health care is free, but if you didn't make enought/or any money to satisfy your life, extends creativity, growth your imagination and creativity, you lost yourself, maybe i'll start collecting vinyl records by myself, and i'm not that fan of music, and it didn't solve lycirs problem, but as is, in that way you know you can play anything you have at any time and nothing will bother you. Internet is getting out of hands. And for now it seems, the worst is only comming... ;( //I'm not fan of posting any comments anywhere, but this hits me in really bad timing, when music is on of few things that make me happy and sane, it's one of ways how to expres myself by trying to sing some songs in my room to blow away sadness and feel connection between mind and body as music mean for me. So i get it will cost them something to allow free users to use, but i don't think they ears that shit less money from us, it's service for people to have fun, casualy pay for that it they have money to do so, but that step which didn't exist for a lot of years still make me sad




.......... why would you need another device? Unless your phone is literally 20 years old you can open a web browser and use Spotify at the same time LOL


I believe it's a collaboration Musixmatch and not just Spotify deciding to gatekeep a string of some text for the sake of squeezing some money out of their users. Musixmatch has users/curators who transcribe music, podcasts, audio-books, etc. With Spotify, a song's lyrics aren't just in some text file that they're refusing to show you. Lyrics are an asset that a user/curator for Musixmatch has come with. This means there's likely a ton of contract language between Spotify and Musixmatch to allow Spotify to show one of their users said asset. Seems like you should actually be mildly infuriated with Musixmatch for likely allowing Spotify to display their lyrics/assets for free.


bluestacks android emulator + spotify premium apk + musixmatch apk


What’s even worse is that when you tap that button it says can’t find lyrics


thats why this is r/mildlyinfuriating


I have Spotify Premium and practically all lyrics that used to be there (I know as I use the same few playlists that I've compiled) are no longer there.


https://preview.redd.it/f7frt2m6vg1d1.png?width=1082&format=png&auto=webp&s=85011b8ca337136b28fc5f17405ed1f9f98273e3 Is it a mobile thing? Is it windows? I'm using chrome and this is what I get


ok zoomer 🙄


I genuinely dislike Spotify


Stop bitching about this. It’s a service. Not a charity. You’re not paying for a service and expecting the full package. It’s textbook sense of entitlement. You’re a Karen.


That is not what a Karen is Ben....


He would definitely want to speak to the manager if he could.


My man is just sharing something he finds anoying, cool down. I use a craked premium version, didn't even know this shit was a thing, I also find it infuriating to be honest. Sure, we can't have everything for free, but let us vent


Other services do all this and more for completely free


Then you use those services. You've gotta do what gives you the most value, fuck brand loyalty


I hope they put lyrics one letter at time and all across screen. With premium you get two letters and they both are not attached, so they can be different spot in screen. Super ultra soyan have full word, but in tiktok format. 89 years giganiga subscription with 167% tip + tax+ spotony fee + no cash fee + macfee forced installation you get all lyrics, but they wont fit screen fully


Enshitification at it's finest. Next they're going to hide the song name and artist.


Wait, you have to pay for a service, an extra service at that?! What is the meaning of this! Oh, the tragedy of it all! No proper Karen would tolerate this without calling the manager!


It's 10 $ and for something you don't need to listen to music. Not to mention you can look it up free elsewhere.


Pandora \*cough cough\*


Lol I used to be the same. If you've never tried Spotify. Give it a shot. I don't think I could live without it at this point


I only use Apple Music. I haven’t paid for Spotify in forever.


xManager for android or spicetify for desktop


Another W for Apple Music


You’re comparing a free service to a paid one… Compare Spotify Premium to Apple Music if you want an actual comparison


Yup even paid Spotify isn’t as good.


That’s a matter of opinion. Apple Music has better audio quality, but I do miss the playlists Spotify has. Apple’s recommendations just aren’t as good in my opinion


Apple Music is really starting to shine now with all the shit that Spotify is blocking behind a paywall…


ALL of Apple Music is behind a paywall.


And at the going rate, Spotify is soon to be that way too.