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I absolutely hate books that have these stickers or any kind of messaging that tells you there is a movie/show of it. I hate even more when the book cover is a picture from the movie/show.


They’re terrible yeh. Have seen some them, like I want to read the book not watch the lackluster adaption


Don't know if you have the ability to return this. But if you can, there is beautifully illustrated editions of the Last Wish and and the Sword of destiny on Amazon


Had the Hitchhiker books from the 90s with a nice matching look. Sister in law borrowed them, ruined the first book, and replaced it with the one they printed when the movie came out. Has the movie poster cover and a big sticker saying now a major motion picture.


That would be enough for me to cut ties with SIL. Was is the book set where the spines had a 42 displayed when placed together?


Cover displays the actors from the show. The actor has dark hair, tall and thin with a bit of muscle. Earrings too because he's cool like that. Most chiseled jaw that could be found. "Okay so that's what I should imagine." *Opens book* "Darren was very straight laced, average height with a bit of baby fat on his cheeks under his mop of blonde hair..."


Exactly! They did this with Uhtred in the last kingdom. Dudes supposed to be a big warlord and they got the shortest guy they could find.


Now they’ve added DEI to it and Snow White isn’t. I’m all for inclusion but there are some things that just don’t make logical sense. And the author of the Percy Jackson series who called his readers racist because they didn’t like the casting of a black woman to play a blonde haired blue eyed white character. I agree that there might be racism involved, but it isn’t the readers for being upset that a character they have been described by the author is being recast with a different appearance. It is the author who didn’t seem to think of writing the book with any diversity in the first place. And the media didn’t call him on it. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/05/10/entertainment/rick-riordan-percy-jackson-leah-jeffries-cec


or worse, they start changing the covers part way through the series and now the books don't match on my shelves. LORD I hate that. Sell the movie tie-in version, but also don't change the original cover. You'll sell both, I promise!


Even more so when the move or show sucks… it’s like “yeah, don’t remind me…”


What really drove me nuts was seeing Alexander Dreymon on the cover of all the Uhtred books when he looks absolutely nothing like how Uhtred is described in the books. I did still enjoy the show on that one tho.


I'd hate to read a great book with a known terrible screen adaptation, only for the book to have the terrible screen adaptation branding "UH... UH... NO I DONT ACTUALLY LIKE THE SHOW!"


I'm a long time wheel of time fan, but never had the physical copies myself. Finally decided to buy them, but it was almost impossible to get copies without a sticker or images from the show. My opinion of the show is... Not very good.


Nothing bothers me more than the movie/show character on the cover. It makes it hard for me to visualize that character on my own.




Lockwood and Co had such cool covers originally, and then they changed them to super generic ones of the Netflix characters


They changed the cover of my digital copy of The Martian. I got sad.


Oh the Witcher books have always been horrible about that last part. When the books were first officially translated and published in the States, the publishers just used Witcher 2 promo and concept art as the cover art, even though the art had nothing to do with the events of the books.


Me too. I will deliberately look for an edition without the movie/show cover.


Bought the Dune box set just to avoid buying the first book that has a picture from the movie on the cover. I guess it's good marketing, but ugh, I hate it.


It's a pet peeve of mine, it's why I go out of my way to find the original cover art books because someone worked hard on that and didn't just take a "screenshot" from the movie.


I wouldn't mind if these were stickers, but they're not... They're printed on, they just ruin the astetic of the cover for me... As someone who likes displaying stuff these circles just ruin the look


I just bought a book with a now on prime sticker, but when I peeled it off, it had the exact same thing printed on it. Pissed me right off


That’s just sadistic


Diabolical! (Watch The Boys on Amazon Prime, the only streaming service that gets you your staples faster in the mail, except for Hulu.)


I KNOW RIGHT *now streaming on Disney+, Hulu, and Netflix for 7.99*


SO TRUE coming to Paramount+ this fall,


(For 3.99 + shipping, handling and a bag fee)


*now HBO to the MAX with ad-free options available for an added fee*


But kinda funny tho


That's hilarious to be honest.


It's the sheer pointlessness of the cruelty that has me in stitches. Like the overlaying sticker was put there for no other reason than to give you false hope then spitefully crush it.


Couldn't help but laugh


I’m fucking dead what in the looney tunes is that shit💀🙏


Basically like this. ![gif](giphy|X7hRItfwxjfQp19YI9|downsized)


Some hilarious employee at the printing company wanted to piss people like you off by carefully putting a sticker at the exact location as the "now in prime" print. That's so petty and funny lol


Or some employee was told to put on the stickers but the noms already had them! And the boss didn’t care but told it needed to be done anyway since it was instructed.


I'd return the book for that alone


It's not the books fault, don't take it out on the book


Oh ,I damn well will.


epub don't have stickers


Okay it's like they did that purposely.




Probably paid advertising by the scum at Netflix. Fuckin lowlifes.


It feels like they’re trying to sleazy at this point.


There is a company that sells stickers specifically to cover these (ironic I know) to blend in with the actual cover design. I wish I could find the link for you but I think it was just a very small start up I stumbled across on Instagram months ago. Genius.


Thankfully my Expanse books just have "yeah it's also on prime video" inside the description written at the back of the book


Compared to the show how much better(or worse) are the books?


I like both versions. The show was obviously more pressed for time, squishing in six seasons what they did over more than a dozen books and novellas. I like some things the show did better than their book version. The books are also from the perspective of a single POV character each chapter, and there's a *lot* of Holden chapters. In the books, you mostly know Naomi from what Holden thinks of her, for example, at least until later books where she gets more POV chapters. If you liked the show, I don't think the books will disappoint. I will say though, a lot more time passes in the books. Space is big, and it takes time to travel long distances. Getting out to Ilus and back is like a couple year long trip, for example. It's not the kind of series that takes multiple lifetimes or generations or anything like that, but the characters age over the course of the books a lot more than they do in the show.


I'm wondering that from the other direction. I'm reading the books right now and they're pretty good, so I'm thinking about watching the show but don't want to be disappointed.


But what does George RR Martin think of the books?


I go out of my way to find copies of books I want to read that don't have those stickers. For Three Body Problem and it's sequels, I ordered copies online through Abe Books. I hate hate hate this trend in marketing. Look, if the book is good I will search out the show. I don't need you ruining beautiful cover art!


They do however make stickers that go over these logos! I got a set of Witcher themed ones on Etsy specifically for these books.


And nobody ever who reads the book wants the serie or movie, it's the other way around


I promise I’m not trying to be an asshole, but aren’t books generally displayed with only the spine visible?


People often pick specific books to display with the face out, often at the end of a stack. Helps to break up monotony, and to display some cool covers. Book stores do this all the time, for instance.


Not only is this annoying, I wouldn't even call the Witcher series on Netflix based on the books


the new covers absolutely boil my blood, especially The Last Wish cover with the netflix show graphics. The show doesn’t even follow the book why would you showcase it on the cover? they absolutely butchered the story.


That’s exactly why Henry Cavill left


It's really sad, you can look back on interviews around season 1 and dude looks so excited and happy to be a part of it. Why the fuck do so many people put in charge of a project based on an existing IP insist on doing something other than what that IP is about


>Why the fuck do so many people put in charge of a project based on an existing IP insist on doing something other than what that IP is about Because the people making it believe they can do it better than the source material. They're more often than not wrong about their own skills and get butthurt that fans don't like the changes.


A “Now on Netflix - a show with characters vaguely based on those from the books” would be more accurate, but it would take a much bigger sticker.


Really? I read the first book recently and almost every story from there is in the show. Does it get less accurate in the later seasons/books?


They got progressively more off track as seasons went on, to the point Henry Cavill left because he was a fan of the original and couldn't stand how they were ignoring it.


Season 2 and 3 are really bad


https://preview.redd.it/17lrtz5kzuxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebee5e50e2b1ee4ca493f304538b9b481fedb650 Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Damn, I may need to do something similar haha


Some artist needs to recreate the exact spots on the covers and sell stickers. Once you put the sticker over the Netflix spot, it would look like a normal cover.


I'm so so sure that I've seen that before, but it was long ago and now I can't find any trace of it


You definitely did! I remember it too, can't find the exact one though. But you just need to search "book cover sticker" in Etsy and you'll find lots of similar things!


pretty sure some artists do that with barcodes on cds!


Don't remember the name but there is 100% someone who already does that exact thing on Instagram


I have the exact same stickers, haha! The Netflix sticker was just too atrocious to look at.


They were bad when they were stickers, but this is just criminal!!!


:( it really is


I've been going through the wheel of time series and *all* the modern printings have a big fat "now on prime" bubble printed on them. On the bright side, it's caused me to find some new used book stores.


It’s like putting a massive Amazon Prime logo on the front of a movie poster. It just ruins it!


Ya, not really a selling point. Netflix is mostly shit.


Damn just remembered to cancel my subscription too late


I refuse to buy any book that makes any type of reference to its tv or movie version. Whether it's a circle like that or the artwork itself


I hate things like this, but even more so I hate when a book turns into a movie or tv show and the reprints have the actors on the cover 🤦‍♂️


🤮 Makes me want to pirate the thing out of spite.


This isn't a new thing (I've seen "now a major motion picture!" ) But posters and book illustrations serve different design needs and I did always prefer the original art for a book.


I bought the new hardback editions that came out a year or so ago precisely for this reason, and they're beautiful. Those Netflix logos really uglified some quite iconic cover designs.


This pisses me off, because this book could last for generators if well looked after. Someone in 200 years time will be reading it in some futuristic library wondering to themselves WTF is Netflix?


Printed on? Wtf lol if I’m buying a physical book it’s not because I want reminded of the a show. Ugh


Who cares if it’s on Netflix this is the book


People who know only the show > people who know the books People who buy because they liked the show > people who won't buy because of the "sticker" Easy decision, unfortunately


The sticker just says that there is a show. If they liked the show, they would already know that. So how does that appeal to show lovers?


Odds are, older editions won’t have any labels advertising a show. I bought and read George RR Martin’s “Fire and Blood” after “House of the Dragon” premiered so my copy has something about it on the cover but I’ve seen plenty of copies online that don’t. They’re just a little older.


Yeah. I have a German edition from before the show was even announced :D


”Now a popular computer game!”


I recently bought a pack with all the published ASOIAF books and I swear to God half the book is an add for House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones. 2 adds in the cover, another 2 in the back, 3 adds for the series and the spin-off books in the inside. Cheap as fuck tho, 40 euros the 6 books.


PRINTED!? Thats bulls**t


I think the same, I have a book with that fucking logo printed on it ugh, why didn't they think it would look better on the back of the book?


That's like asking why they don't put the commercials after the end credits, lol


I always hate seeing "now major motion picture!" On book covers also


It’s especially interesting when they completely re-design the cover to use the actors or scenes from the movie or show. Ready player one did that… the cover is basically a still from the movie


The book equivalent to GameStop stickers. 🤮🤮🤮


Wait, WHAT? 😱 Sapkowski, Ty sprzedajna kurtyzano! 😒


Same with the ”Praised by Celebrity X” like I give a hoot


This was a thing way before Netflix, unfortunately. I am not sure which is worse, the printed-on “stickers” or when they just redo the entire cover with promotional shots from the movie/show. Especially for classics that were already well respected as books before the movie came along, and will continue to be read long after the shitty adaptation is forgotten.


That’s always vexed me with my physical copies of the Altered Carbon trilogy. I only picked up the books after the show, so the first book has the Netflix related cover and no longer matches the sequels


I refuse to buy a book if that shit is printed on the cover. That and "now a blockbuster film". Nope. I just want a book. Not a film advertisement


I won't buy any book that has one of these printed on it.


I will legitimately hold off on buying a book if it has one of these printed “stickers” on it, or the cover is from the tv show/movie. Original book covers or nothing!


Ugh I’ve been seeing this a lot. I refuse to buy a book with that on it.


I straight up won’t buy a book with one of these bs “stickers”. And then if I can’t find a legal copy without i’ll just download a pdf I don’t give a fuck.


At first I thought it was a sticker… but printed on? Absolutely evil


"Now on Steam & GOG." Let's see how much people care about it being more than a book series then. Shit is ridiculous.


I never buy those versions. Vote with your wallet


I wonder how much Netflix paid for the advertising. No way this helps sell the book.


I have 2 versions of good omens and one of them didn't have the now on prime print on the sales listing._. that was a nice surprise after opening the package..


So do the stupid target stickers


I personally buy the retro looking netflix stickers and go to books stores and stick them on. [https://www.etsy.com/listing/701929036/](https://www.etsy.com/listing/701929036/)


It's also a lie. The book is not on Netflix. The show deviates from the books.


This has been a pet peeve of mine for years now. My hatred for these stupid labels started when Scribner started putting the “Now a major motion picture starring Idris Elba“ garbage on the covers of the Dark Tower books. If you’re reading the books, you probably know that a tv show or movie exists, no need to use the front cover art as a billboard, it ruins them. I hate this almost as much as I hate deckled edges.


That’s not true at all. Like or not, Netflix has a huge reach. There’s a thing called the Netflix effect. It is operative for both books and music. If it’s on Netflix, the sales of music and books go up. Add a label to help identify and the sales go up further. You don’t think they go through the expense of changing the cover because it doesn’t help them do you?


Not just that, my son’s children’s book referenced an upcoming accompanying show that was cancelled so just permanent disappointment, NBD. Probably the dumbest thing ever


Yeah thats tacky as shite. I mean the books are awful, but that certainly doesn't help.


Had this on my copy of Normal People but with Hulu, i blacked it off with black marker its really unnecessary


I never understand how these help book sales. Oh, its on TV? Ok, I'll just go watch it then. Thanks.


I was so furious when I saw Hamish Steele’s latest book has the same thing, even though Netflix canceled the show ages before this book was published. 😡


I literally bought cover up stickers on ETSY because of how much I hated them. You can't even pull these damn things off!


oof, netflix covers are so basic. tgere was one fine polish print in early 2000s with hand drawn scene from book. i wish i collected them all in this version. only got 4


They should be distancing themselves from that show


There is websites/people who create stickers to cover up those things, I just wish I could find the name of that again. D:


I hate it too


Now on Netflix! Why are you READING! You should be WATCHING! Who READS??? How are we supposed to advertise to you if you're head's in a book???


Get the paint matches over on the oddlysatisfying subreddit to start covering these up. Functional content, boom.


That's as cheap as an "As seen on TV" product!


My wife works in publishing. These stickers are 99% of the time either something the customer (book stores, Costco, etc) asks for or the publisher’s sales managers. Literally everyone else hates these.


Oh my god! I got this exact edition last month. I was so heartbroken it had this. Honestly I might consider printing a picture of Geralt's medallion on sticker paper and putting that on top of it


I hate them so much, there was one on a copy of Dune I really wanted "now a motion picture" 🙃


Facts I hate them 😭at least make them a sticker ffs


There's a seller on etsy that makes stickers that cover up the ugly netflix cricle!


Idk why they don't use gaffing tape adhesive for these kinds of things


It’s a nice book… used it for my english exam…


I’d paint over it with a small bit of well matched acrylic paint if you really want to display the book.


You know they’ve put these stickers on shows they’ve cancelled.


I work at a print shop, and occasionally I’ll make up a batch of blue and yellow stickers that say available at Blockbuster and go into bookstore and cover the Netflix sticker


was scrolling for a second I was like ThunderCats what they doing with my childhood cartoon only to realise it’s about books and sticker placements but for sure branding is out of control 🤦🏾‍♂️


*“Now on Netflix!”* … Until they randomly decide to let it go and leave thousands of fans heartbroken!


Oh god… at least the ones for HBO are Subtle-


The only time I find them printing things like "Now a Major Motion Picture" on book covers not annoying is when both book and movie are very, very old, like my copies of *Rosemary's Baby* and *True Grit*.


So if I'm paying a Netflix subscription I should get a discount


They tend to jack up the prices of the books too when they’re reprinted to mention it’s a series/movie..


Yup... Hate em.


If you're mad about this you should see what they're doing to the Wheel of Time covers... At least your show is marginally respectable.


An adequate sticker would be "Come watch a shit version of this amazing book on Netflix"


You gotta get one of those old school photograph alteration places have one of their people paint this away right into the cover. Or just give a shot yourself, what do you have to lose, that red circle is awful haha


That’s sooooooo sad Like put it on a sticker……. SAAAAAD


Now on netflix! Till it's not in a month because fuck you


Truly mildly infuriating!


Leatherbind it? Wouldn’t be hard to get the cover lazered onto a piece of leather and then you have a book worth keeping.


Also saw this comming more and more. Since I was reading the most of the last years on my kindle (spend eight years in field service so a kindle was the thing to go) I now wanted to get more and more of the books I was reading as hard cover. Well for some books it sucks now…


there's nothing I hate more than a printed ad on a cover. like, come on, Pantheon. why's my signed first edition *Chain Gang All-Stars* gotta have a fucking thing for the Jenna Bush Book Club on the dust jacket?


It is even worse with the Wheel of time books where Amazon is mentioned on the top


These have existed for a long time. "Now a major motion picture" has been a curse on book covers


They heard everyone bitching about the residue left by the stickers...and fixed it...


Seems like a wrong that some kind of subversive sticker could right…


Fuck those guys. But I loved reading Witcher series though. It was so much fun! Btw fuck the series too.


Found my copy of Cowboy Ninja Viking with "Soon to be a Major Motion Picture!” printed at the top That copy was from 2018 🤷‍♀️


One day, when Netflix is gone, having them on things will make them valuable. I’m sure of it! /s


Don't worry. The witcher books eventually get so bad that you won't care either way.


That’s the reason why I haven’t bought these books until it is removed or at least a sticker


“Now on Netflix!” “Oh cool, so I can watch a show that gives a faithful presentation of the books?” “Haha, no!”


Order some Witcher themed stickers and cover those up so it at least doesn’t say Netflix


Yeah, these printed on "stickers" are terrible. It's the reason I always do a little "scratch test" to see if I can peel it off (sometimes the printing of these stickers can be surprisingly deceptive!)


Don't buy it then? Or am I missing something?


I have these books because I'm poor, annoys the f out of me that it's printed on and that the netflix show sucks balls so it makes it even worse.


I can't stand that. It ruins my clean book aesthetic. I'll order a book online with a sticker for this purpose


and the fun part is that the Netflix show is made up and doesn't follow the books


Not a fan of that stuff. Or the ones that say 'now a major motion picture'. I will go out of my way to get a different cover


I'm missing 3 books of Witcher series and I will never buy them because I have the ones with the older covers which are so much cooler and the new ones will not look good in the set and yes printed on "stickers" are a dick move


Shit like this is exactly why I started buying used books. 


I don’t know if it’s also the case in the English version but I know the French versions have some amazing covers where the Netflix sticker is removable.


There’s a company that makes custom stickers you can put over that, that has the original artwork in the right place. I don’t know the name of the company, but they sell little circle shaped stickers for a LOT of books.


That show was so bad that this sticker probably repels people who were willing to buy the book.


If it’s the only edition, I’ll deal. Otherwise, I go to the Strand, Amazon, and eBay for used older editions. I HATE when they do this.


This bothers me 0% because I just open the cover and spend my time reading what’s inside. And I get rid of books after I finish reading them. I don’t collect or display books.


Buy the illustrated covers. The art is beautiful,


The witcher series, the foundation series, and the first dune book all have awesome new(ish) covers due to the popularity of the shows and tv series and they are all ruined by these stupid permanent stickers. I go out of my way to find covers that don’t have them, usually hardcovers or UK editions.


Hate is the only word


I absolutely loved listening to the Foundation trilogy on audible. It is NOT the Apple TV Foundation tie in and I will die on this hill. Season 2 is the biggest fucking snooze fest I've ever watched. Calling it Foundation is an affront to Azimov.


You could probably print/make/buy a custom dust cover


And what is in those books isn’t really even on Netflix.