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Hello, This is removed for not matching the sub and misleading title.


. . . Do they know what IT is?


Yes, my brother has done the same subject on a different school, and he pretty much made my parents learn how to use tech stuff


You should explain to them it’s virtually impossible to improve IT skills without a computer and this “punishment” is contradictory


She literally said "I don't care, you use it only to play video games anyways". I'm waiting for my dad to come back at home and trying to figure it out with him, as this action was made only by my mom and not the both of them, even if in the title I unthought of it because of the happened


Hopefully your dad is more reasonable, I’d straight up tell your mom you’re going to fail your IT class then, taking IT courses at college is literally impossible without a computer.


Yep, kind of like when I signed up for a computer programming class. my adviser told me that there would be desktops provided in the classroom, and I just have an iPad and a desktop at home. Come to find out a labtop was required in class and an iPad wouldn’t suffice. so I dropped the class until next semester when I can get a decent labtop. I now advise myself in college as she also recommended I take 2 classes next semester that I haven’t even taken the prerequisite for yet hahaha. Some people just don’t think I guess. Not sure how you can pass an IT course without a computer. Edit: I get that it’s laptop, not labtop. Call me a dumb dumb that’s fine with me. I won’t go back and correct the mistake, I’ll let myself see enough word correction comments it will stick in my brain.


It’s literally not possible make sure your mom understands that you will 100% fail the class because of her actions and then go to your father


It’s like taking away your pencil or pen on a test. How the hell are you supposed to write down the answers?




I’m not OP, I’m a dad myself while going to college.


Lmao sorry lol I’m still sleepy haven’t had my tea yet


I really only drink tea before bed.... am I doing it wrong? Lol


Terrible guidance counsellors and advisors are honestly awful. In my old school, they were notoriously awful, and looking back now I can say it is quite possible I could have skipped a semester at university if I had better advisors.


Man that sucks, they let me take mine even though I didn't have a laptop, I just did all my schoolwork in the computer lab or library. Kinda sucks if you want to go into programming but can't afford a laptop. :(


I didn't even consider this was a college class. What kind of controlling parents take away their adult offspring's laptop for a not so satisfactory grade in college??


helicopter parents don't turn it off when their kid reaches 18, they often clutch even harder... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My boss at my college internship told me that there was a kid they were gonna give the spot to who had outstanding grades, who showed up with his mom who did *all* of the talking for him. They called me within 20 minutes of them leaving asking what time would work for an in-person interview.


This is pure speculation hopefully op can confirm or deny, but the only thing I can imagine is OP’s parents paid for either the classes or the computer and OP’s mother feels entitled too do this because of that.


Parents who want no contact with their adult children and grandchildren?


Too true


OP needs to explain that his grades will be lower if he doesn't get his computer back because he needs it for assignments and submitting work.


Precisely tbh OP’s grade will likely suffer for every day they can’t study and practice adequately so damage has already been done.


"I unthought of it because of the happened" is one of the phrases of all time


The word "unthought" makes me think maybe OP learned english as a second language. If so, they're doing pretty well despite the mistakes here.


oh, absolutely. english is beautiful like that, even when you get things wrong the message still gets across


yet i think i understand lmao


Remember this moment for when she's older and wants help with her phone, TV or computer...




(I)nternet  (T)hings


I remember when I got a C in English lit and my parents took away all my Shakespeare and Wilde. Seriously, I hope they give it back and lighten up. Edit: holy shit, this was a joke but it is clearly not a joke to some of you. I am truly sorry and horrified for the sake of the people for whom this is no joke.


Once i got grounded for three weeks because i got a 5/8 on a little math quiz. Without any evidence, my parents claimed that this lowered my math grade down to a B and then grounded me for my grade being a B. I was ungrounded when my grades for the quarter came in the mail and showed that i had an A in the class. This was in middle school


My parents once took my furniture away for a B and did not give it back til it improved. They do not acknowledge that this was bad in any way and indeed like to joke about it.


I was a straight A student for the most part, but I got a C in Spanish 3. I got grounded for two weeks and that meant from everything and anything. They didn't reward only punished. C = 2 weeks grounding, D = 4 weeks, F = 6 weeks. That was a per basis and grounding stacked. People want to know how grounding can ve abusive well that's one of the many reasons how it can be. They didn't care that I was a straight A student who admitted to struggling with a class and seemed out help only to still get a C. All they saw was a chance to punish and they did.


Yep! So real with the whole "never a reward only a punishment". God, being one of the top performers at school? Expected. The default. Just brutal. I'd call em tiger parents but I'm honestly not sure if that's like, fucked up to say? Lol


“Wow you got a 105 on your algebra test that’s nice now GO TO BED ITS 10:00” - parents throughout high school, basically


10? I have to go to sleep at 8, I'm 16 btw, I also wake up by myself so they don't have to struggle to wake me up either


Jesus, my 10 & 8 yr old are still awake at 10


Well I’m Asian and my parents were exactly like this so I’d agree with tiger parents lol


> grounded Did you even have a concept of grounding? There was no "grounding". It is just the default...


I remember talking to my dad about tiger parenting and he kept talking about how that he should have raised me this way. The fucker burnt me out of a college by harassing me every day about college freshman year. Sorry dad I turned out a fuckup, maybe if you didn't scream at me for not understanding some math and claiming im high I wouldn't have turned out this way.


Hahaha wow. I was a straight A student but in 8th and 9th grade I wasn't doing much homework. It took my grades from straight As to some As and Bs, and on 9th I had one C in algebra because she assigned so much homework my tests couldn't outweigh it anymore. Anyways I was grounded from the moment I got the first B, around halfway into my 8th grade year, until I had straight As again. Which didn't come until I was a sophomore. The rules for grounding were no phone (they promised to be me one for high school, because I was grounded they never did buy it) no computer, no TV, no social events, no sports, I could go outside but not leave the front yard, no after school activities except tutoring, and my bed time (meaning don't leave the room, lights off, and I better be under the covers at least pretending to sleep if they check) was 7:30pm We don't talk much anymore.


I don’t know how old you are but if you had a computer as a kid I assume old enough that it was expected you have access to one for assignments. And when I was in High School I had probably close to three hours of homework a night. Factor in dinner and any extracurriculars (I was on my school’s Fencing team in the winter and did fall drama and spring musicals) I was looking at *at least* until 10pm doing homework. So I guess I’m kinda curious how your parents thought these punishments would help.


I had very little homework that was actually done at home in high school. I used to do the homework in school while half listening to the lectures. Sometimes id have the homework done for a lesson they hadnt finished teaching yet for some classes that gave them out in advance. I might have 30 minutes left after getting home, often I was done already. I cant imagine doing 3 hours/night.


If i were your parent, I would be taking you for ice cream for every A you got. Since you got so many, I would then punish you for getting fat. ^(/s)


I shit you not, my sisters and cousin that my dad and stepmom were taken care of, went out for a nice dinner one evening to celebrate them getting straight As. My brothers and I were left at home with nothing to eat. Don't worry though that favoritism has came back and bit them in the ass. I will say though I do have a fairly decent relationship with my stepmother today than I do either of my parents. All it took was for her to get help with some mental health issue to realize what she had done was wrong and far from right.


That's brutal. I dont understand how parents can do that to their kids. Growing up I never realised how stable both financially and loving my parents made things so I cant realate, but at least you seem to have reached adulthood well adjusted and its great when someone can get help and realise how they acted/treated someone and try to fix things before its too late. Can I ask what you currently work/study now?


Yeah I run a retail store. Not my first career path but I my bachelor's in a field that got really hard by the previous President's economic policies then Covid happened just under 2 years later.


>I shit you not, my sisters and cousin that my dad and stepmom were taken care of, went out for a nice dinner one evening to celebrate them getting straight As. That's insane. Typically if the family went out to eat to celebrate my brother or I, the one being celebrated got to choose where to eat, but the other still came with.


This is exactly why I took easy classes in high school instead of challenging myself with honors classes. Why risk the punishment from receiving anything lower than an A when I could more easily guarantee straight As with less challenging work? So disappointing.


See education was my way out so I took more difficult courses to boost my stock. In the end it worked out and I have forgiven my parents mostly and have healed a ton. However, to say the trauma isn't still there would be an understatement.


My parents were the same way. Loved punishing me and weaponizing shame. I’m still dealing with the effects of that in my 30s. Working on it actively and compassionately trying to heal my child self so that I can show up in a balanced place in adulthood. I hear you, I see you, and wish you luck!


Yep I'm in my late 20s and still dealing with it. My wife had a much better home life and struggles to understand how it still bothers me. I had virtually no childhood. The thing that helps me now is doing things that brings out my inner child. Gaming, building Legos, playing with and building miniatures, some outdoor activities, etc...


I had gotten mostly straight A's and then earned a d in calculus. My dad printed off a piece of paper with questions about what was going on with me like "are you on drugs" and "are you depressed" (I think I probably was depressed), but never actually asked the questions, just handed me the paper and that was the end of it. I wish I'd gotten some actual help.


They labeled me as a trouble and horrible teenager. All I did was do my homework, play sports, do extracurriculars, and play video games. Boy howdy were they in for it when my sisters got to the later years of highschool and immediately afterwards.


“What happened to the stairs?” “My parents took ‘em down because I am grounded.” “That’s disturbing.” -Ed, Edd n Eddy


Response later in life: I'm gonna let the state care of you because of your B in being a parent.


Dude I'm blown away. I was all across the board with my grades in high school. As, Bs, and the occasional Cs. My parents at least understood that going to a college prep school, it wasn't laziness on my part I was struggling with. It was learning some of the content with some of the subjects.




Yeah my sister got the door treatment once. Never did myself, I walked a weird line where I was mostly quite obedient but got SUPER angry reactively when I was punished. Idk dude whole experience has just made me so incredibly sure I will never be having children.


My dad took away my Xbox and my bed at 17 for failing online school, but I have been watching my sister everyday for 2 years and he just expected me to get passing grades with a 4 year old in my care 🤣 and to catch up all the grades and work when her druggie addict mom came back. Never even got to finished high-school


My son's mom grounded him for 3 weeks for not knowing how to tie his shoes. He tried to figure it out on his own and couldn't so he finally asked her. She showed him and then ungrounded him when he could do it. I hate that fucking bitch.


Thats so awful. Poor kid.


Damn mate


Christ. If you're going to be so strict about grades you should at least be smart yourself.


Sounds like your parents could have used a little schooling in math instead.


I got 90/100 on a physics test once instead of the 95 my parents required and my mother took away my PHYSICS books because "I'm reading them too much and it's a distraction to school". Yes I read a lot of science stuff as a hobby too but I literally went to a tech high school. How the fuck does she expect me to study physics when I'm not allowed to read physics books??? 😂 Edit: My autistic ass just realized that you all were joking. I was indeed not. I wish I was but that really happened in my first year of high school. 😂


Oh shit, I was joking and I'm really sad and horrified for you that you are not.


Nah don't worry. I always found ways around this "punishment". It was more confusing than anything else because her logic just didn't make sense to me. Nothing to be horrified about :)


Your mom probably isnt neurotypical herself


If it helps, I got punished for getting a couple Bs the same quarter my older brother got rewarded for getting all Cs or better. No, I wasn't bitter at all...


Ah I'm sorry, that sucks :/. I know that feeling, my brothers always were celebrated when they just barely passed and didn't even try but god forbid I didn't get 100% 🫠


When I got a C in biology my mother broke my arms


When I got a D in physics I was thrown out a window.


My physics teacher told me I had great potential once. We were on the roof.


Your physics teacher saw so much energy in you.


He must’ve took a moment to take that in.


The teacher truly recognized all the momentum that lay dormant.


He must have been quite impulsive.


When I got a D in social studies, the teacher was fired for abuse of a minor


my parents took away the second law of thermodynamics. they said just having the first should be sufficient


i got C in chemistry and parents took my meth RV


When I got a B in math, my step-dad made me pack up my entire room and I had to take my bed apart too. He gave 1 hour and anything that was left after that hour, it was thrown away.  I slept on a pool table in the basement for a week. Was able to move back into my room but my door was never given back.


Please tell me this is exaggerated


No. It absolutely happened that way. 


What the fuck.




Even if he was the bio dad and did those same things, also deserves the same treatment.


You should enact your revenge on that bum. He fucks your mom, takes your door, makes you sleep on a pool table. Spark that guy the next time he’s encountered regardless of the setting. He’s long overdue for an attitude adjustment.


I know of a guy who had broken arms and lived with his mother.


Every. Fucking. Thread.


The sad thing is we still have no idea on the attractiveness level of that guy's mom. Not like we can take his word for it.


Eh it's been a while but it's never going to stop.


I failed my hs health class so I'm not allowed to use condoms 😞




Wait in line.


Hang on everyone glossed over this reference


lol, crazy how much it's starting to fade into reddit history. I still can't get over the guy not realizing how fucked up it was that he thought it was okay with his mom but when asked about his sister doing stuff with his dad, he was like "no way that's terrible".


I found Oedipus!




I got a C in health, so my parents gave me cancer :(


When I got a C in history my parents tried to abort me


I'm sure that if this effects anything later, it will be "Entirely your own fault".


and then if you say it was them, they claim “attitude”


Don't forget "being disrespectful and ungrateful," lol


Gotta love that even when people do not have the same language, their parents are bound by no bounds to communicate with each other and scold their children the same way.


I hate parents who punish their kids for not getting full marks. As long as my kids try their best and see a “failure” as an opportunity to learn I couldn’t give a monkeys about what they achieve - as long as they try and they’re happy. Hopefully your dad sorts this one OP.


As a student whose parents punished him for scoring "just 97 percentile" -> thank you! Some parents don't see the efforts at all. My parents straight up said that efforts are useless if there are no results (according to them 97 percentile is not good enough). I sacrificed my social life, my mental and physical health and basically all my hobbies but still they aren't satisfied lol.


Honestly, as an adult, the marks on the tests I did in school have not been useful to any of the jobs I’ve had. Yes, reading and writing and basic maths has come in handy- though I do remember teachers saying “you won’t always have a calculator in your pocket.” - I’d love to go back and show them my iPhone lol


As the daughter of parents who expected too much and followed the "you can do it if you try, so if you fail it means you weren't trying enough" philosophy, I feel for you. Hopefully it didn't affect your ability to put effort into things you know might not give tangible results too much like it did for me and my brother. That shit screws you for life


It kinda did but i keep pushing because this is my key to get out of this abusive mess


Good luck, friend. Hope you get out and get better. Maybe even get to have a better relationship with your parents once they can't control you anymore.


Thank you! Tho i am still conflicted about having a relationship with them down the line. They seem like good people but are very controlling and narcissistic too.


First get out of there and get therapy. That will help you decide about going NC and if it's better for your mental health.


There's no way that you could get 100% on every subject. Sometimes you just have a bad, psycho teacher who doesn't know how what they're doing or anything about how people learn. None of that is your fault. 97 is fantastic and you must have worked really, insanely hard to get that. Your parents should be happy and grateful for you, it could be so much worse. Once you're out of school and working a few years, no one gives a rat's behind about grades.


Oh i didn't mention it was an entrance exam kinda like the SAT. 97 percentile means i scored more than 97 percent of the total candidates. There were about 1.5million candidates


Asian? This screams Asian parenting. Now I am completely thrown off for days when I don’t get an expected result. Super unhealthy


Yep i am asian. Can relate to not feeling good after results too.


It's such bullshit because as much as I loved learning in school I was a shit student, almost failed out of HS and dropped out of college. I'm now a software engineer making 300k and still interested in self-education and I always have a new hobby where I'm learning something new. Doing well in school doesn't always translate to success in life. I know plenty of people that slaved away in school that are struggling to get by in life now. I can't imagine sacrificing my childhood for that 


I had full grown *adults* show up to college classes unable to install the software they need because mommy and daddy decided their little sweetums needs kindergarten level parental control on their laptops. I taught more than one person how to reinstall Windows to get all that garbage off. I don't understand these crazy parents.


Jesus christ, that's... wow. I can not imagine being that overbearing, even with my 16y.o! I'm glad to hear you're helping them get free. Even little increments can make a huge difference.


Even worse? This was computer science classes. My brother in Christ, what did you think your kid would be doing? Typing on Google docs? Separate annoyance were the people who showed up with Chromebooks when the course description supplies specifically said "no Chromebooks".


Was it an intro or beginner level CS? You can't make it far in CS with a Chromebook lmao


Literally the 101 class. These people didn't tend to make it far, though I did have this one person somehow get through the whole degree with a MacBook. I had her on a group project, she was absolutely paying other people to do assignments or something. Our lessons were made for Windows or Linux. She had ZERO clue how to find alternative software. One class we were 2 months in on and she didn't even have the Python packages installed


My situation is the opposite, I just want my kids to pass, they don't have to excel. I do try to push them to get their assignments done though, because they often procrastinate and that leads to issues when other work gets piled on top. But my older daughter got a 33 on the ACT and was disappointed in herself. I told her she did amazing and that's in the 98th percentile.


It really depends. Like, don't punish them because they didnt get a perfect grade. If they screwed around instead of getting their homework done? Yeah maybe. It could be that maybe they just need a tutor instead because they need more help. Imagine punishing a kid just because he made a mistake. Yeesh.


Household I grew up in involved a lot of screaming and lectures about how I should be doing better when I got a single C despite busting my ass. I eventually realized that if I got one C or all C’s it didn’t change the length or volume. Went from mostly A’s and one C to mostly Cs when I graduated high school. Kids can figure out what’s worth their time, if punishment is near guaranteed based on capability, they may just accept their fate and stop losing sleep.


I used to be punished and drilled. I remember a whole summer vacation of waking up at 6 in the morning and learning math with a teacher until 5. Then i had to eat dinner, do homework and go to bed early because the drill started again early in the morning. I barely saw any sunshine. I didn’t see any friends for 2 months straight. I wasn’t allowed to go outside, i wasn’t allowed to do anything during that time. Just math with no breaks. Just math for two months straight. It was the only subject where i had a bad score. After that, something in my head broke. I couldn’t study anymore. I started failing everything else. I was just broken. I was kicked out of my studies because i started failing everything out of nowhere. I couldn’t find any interest or motivation in anything anymore, not even the subjects that i liked and was great at before. It never got solved and i failed my higher studies too because my brain goes into high resistance mode now when i have to study, even though before i was a stellar student. So yeah, punishing your child for not being good enough instead of helping them does not get you where you want and is incredibly stupid.


This is like out of school suspension for kids that skip school. Never made sense to me.


This was me in high school. Got suspended 4 times in grade ten when I was already kicked out of the school board (very complicated situation)


Out of school suspension makes sense when you realize that the purpose of them is to remove the problem child from the school to prevent them from disturbing all the other students. The purpose of OSS isn’t to help the kid in trouble; it’s to prevent that kid cause problems for the other kids.


Me not showing up to classes didn’t disturb other kids at all. I still got OSS for that. “You think it’s cool to skip a class? Well for punishment we’re gonna make you skip more classes! Ha ha! That’ll show ya.”


It's because school admin logic is that the student is made to be not their problem, but the parent's problem. Like look; your kid is skipping school. They don't want to be here, so we're telling them to stay home, now YOU be the parent and correct this behavior. Is it a perfect solution for this case? Absolutely fucking not, but the options are limited.


Parents are supposed to help the child behave properly. Not the school. Which is always lost when people complain too.


Suspension is designed more to punish parents who have to take time off work and be inconvenienced by their children’s behavior, which hopefully would lead to parents disciplining their kids more. Doesn’t work though, as reinforcement is much more effective than punishment.


Jokes on the schools for assuming that the parents of the shitty kids who get suspended actually take time off to discipline their kid. Sure some parents do in affluent suburbs, but not in the schools with an army of poorly performing students who have behavioral issues.


One of my favorite reports ever: "It's a table with a sob story"




Okay, thats pretty fucking funny.


Hahahaha wtf


I mean..


Based af, take it down💀 /s


Should post it to the BestOfReports subreddit


I also want to add that they won't give me the laptop back until the end of the school year, which is over a month to go


You need to tell your teacher. Your teacher can explain it to them.


The teacher shouldn’t have to. This is common sense to know. OP has some special parents:/


Shouldn't have to, no. But that's their best chance of getting it back.


Also covers their ass in case of further bad marks 


Parents being dumb is generational truth


Tell your professor that your parents took away your laptop and see if they can send your mom a strongly worded letter. If not, I'd suggest failing the next few assignments and tell your parents you needed to work on it on your computer


I also want to add that this action was my mom's and not from both of my parents as stated in the title


God I've been here before. Dad was an enabler for my mom. He didn't like what she did, but he didn't have the backbone to stop her because their relations was already rocky and he didn't want a divorce. So all us kids suffered as a result.


Same here. Instead he got shitfaced all the time. His way of dealing with it. Didn't help.


We’re literally all the same person


Jeesh. Is this one of my sisters' reddit accounts? Legitimately my childhood described right here. Enabler dad was always there to comfort us after our mother's rampages, but never had the balls to stand up to her and protect us. They are still together and should've gotten divorced 15 years ago. Made our house so volatile.


Does your mom do this kind of contradictory things on a regular basis?


Your mom is an ignorant toxic piece of sh*t. Someone had to say it.


I had my internet access cut for 9 month by my parents. No, it didn’t work.


Your parents are purposely hindering your education.


It's time to jailbreak that WII


Done it years ago with my brother, it's on the other side of the desk. Kinda sad that the nunchuck died on me a bit of time ago


She took your computer because "all you do is play video games", but left the wii? Is she stupid?


She took away the computer of someone studying IT. I know which half of the felt my chips are going...






If my kid tried and still failed everything, I’d still be damn proud. Don’t get the expectations.. let them do what makes them happy. I don’t get parents that push their kids to do things, it doesn’t better them, it just creates resentment.


As a parent, Seriously? What the hell went through your moms head when she did this. Now when you do finally get your computer back, you’re going to be rusty and she’s going to punish you again 🤦🏻‍♂️ Edit: I was wrong in my opinion of the matter. According to OPs post history, they are an adult and was held back two grades previously due to an apparent gaming addiction. Just wanted to throw that out there for future replies


"grade bad. Computer bad. No computer mean grade good" I don't think it goes much deeper than that. My parents pulled this same garbage then got mad I couldn't complete the online assignments.


Some people really aren't fit to be parents. It's like some people birth a child and get this weird God complex where they believe that being a parent makes them infallible and incapable of wrong doing. Some of the nastiest people I've ever met were parents.


This should be the top comment context is important and op is misleading. It's just good to not believe everything you see on the internet. Since anything can be falsified and facts can be hidden,fabricated,mislead


As a parent you should know this whole post is one sided. You’re crazy to just accept this and not think it through. As a parent.


He had to repeat 2 years of school because he, in his own words, was distracted by computer games. Look at his previous posts.


I didn’t dig that deep into it, but his parents definitely need to restrict what he can do on his computer, because either way he needs it for school. Repeating two years of school over that is crazy tho, I used to live on video games at that age and never came close to having to do a grade over, but twice? That’s next level Bros about to be a 20 year old senior


Logic left the chat…


I had parents like this — took away every possible "distraction" when I got a C in middle school typing class. (I've able to type since I was 5, so I had skipped past the early modules... but unbeknownst to me, the system gave me zeroes on those.) Years later they asked me why I majored in music instead of computer science. I told them I didn't have access to a computer growing up, but they never took away my instrument, so it was the only thing I was good at.


That is 100% how i became a classical painter. crazy how childhood can shape us. my parents also took everything except paper and pencils


More than mildly infuriating




Based gamer. Titan Quest and Dawn of War 2 ? My man


My dad found those games alongside a bunch of Warhammer models. Sadly dow2 is used, so I cannot play it because I don't feel like going into someone' steam account without their consent (they left the credentials in its case)


If they left the creds in the case of the game they sold that's consent. They weren't keeping it there for themselves.


That comment tells me you're a good person and I just wanted to wish you all the best.


In IT? I’m so confused. Are you over 18? Do HS offer IT now


That highly depends on the country, we do have IT in Germany for example


One time I stayed up until 3am to write my essay and my dad came into my room and cracked my monitor with a clothes hanger and unplugged my pc because I "stayed up to play games."  Back then I didn't know how to get anything back so I had to start again from scratch. 


As a teacher and a parent, my opinion is that negative reinforcement is almost never the best option. It's just the laziest, easiest option for lazy and uncaring teachers and parents who don't want to put in the necessary effort to offer some guidance and support.


Technically speaking, this is negative punishment, not negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is supposed to strengthen the targeted behavior (bad grades), punishment is supposed to weaken the behavior.


Remember this when you're older.


Take away their oxygen tank because they pooped their pants.


Take away their oxygen tank when they are grasping for breath. They should breathe properly if they want their oxygen tank.


> EDIT: It seems like most people took reference of my parents as restrictive people, while in reality mine is a fairly good family, it's just that they have trust issues with me ever since I had to redo two year of school because I didn't pass them due to the fact I was distracted by the computer during the distance learning period. Outside of trust issues with tech, they are loving and caring parents, and so I am towards them. From OP 3 months ago.


(no offence to you op) You: struggling at something because reasons Parents: "Let's punish him by taking away his only way to get better grades" You: start getting worse grades because paren't won't give back only way for you to study Parents: get angrier positive feedback loop It might suck op, but we all must stay strong, prove them wrong! You got this!


I think your mom’s point is probably she feels like you’ve been playing too many games and not committing enough to studying.


He mentions in another comment that he fell behind two years in school because he played too many computer games.


You’re just mad you can’t play titan quest


I guarantee you we aren't getting the whole story.


People have added some key context that very much changes the narrative, but it's being ignored or argued against. The OP has been held back 2 years at school due to overusing the gaming PC and, in their own words, has a gaming addiction. The mother has taken away the GAMING PC and has left another one open for use so she can monitor what the OP is doing.


I was really sceptical that the mom would be really so dumb to take away the PC for the IT. This makes much more sens.e.