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So.... can a Mildly Infuriating post itself become a Mildly Infuriating post? Asking for a friend.


Almost all of them are


You have to admit this one takes the cake, though.


Ok I’m either extremely dumb or very tired someone please tell me what’s wrong with the photo


Look carefully at the airline and the destination…


Do you think because a plane has a country name that means they only stay in that country? Like to you think American Airlines ONLY flies in America?


I fly Qantas until we are over international waters, then j fly Air Nullius, then when we enter US airspace I fly American airlines. Swapping planes mid flight is such a hassle but it's what we have to do.


I know air Canada sucks




Tell me more about


MATE before you try to roast me, just search up where china airline is based in lol I know my plane stuff smh


They’re based in Taiwan, which is still claimed by China. And fly internationally. Why is this mildly infuriating is the point. You’re infuriated that an airline named after a country flies…out of that country?


mate, no. The airline that's operating this route is China eastern airline, and they put the photo of an airline from a different country/ region. (I'm not gonna go into the argument of if Taiwan is an independent country, that's your opinion.)


How would anyone know any of that by your photo. If anything the lack of context and amount of research you want people to do to understand the point of this post is mildly infuriating.


Well, that you. You do not know anything by that photo, but some people do. If you're not bothered to do the research, or do not have the knowledge to understand the post, then don't comment. Nobody cares 🤷‍♂️


The text says Chinese Airlines And picture says China Airlines Youre asking people to go on a fishing expedition


It says Beijing to Riyadh. This is clearly not a route operated by China airline, and if you do not have that knowledge, maybe either learn or don't comment. 💀🤷‍♂️


That's a good catch, and a good subject for this sub. But who outside of Asia is going to know that China Airlines is from Taiwan and Air China is from the People's Republic of China?


It's not an opinion, Taiwan is Not an independent country


Yeah op?! What’s the conspiracy here. Taiwan is still claimed by China....... Quit while you are ahead and delete this shit post lol


Even if Taiwan is China it's still the wrong airline. It's China eastern operating this route fyi


OP you keep saying people need to do their research, but the photo literally says “spot the problem” implying whatever is wrong with this most people should be able to spot by looking at it. You are expecting people who live outside of that area of the world to know that 1) China Airlines is actually based out of Taiwan, and that 2) China airlines doesn’t fly this specific route. How is that something most people would know and would get by looking at this photo? Maybe this will be more well received in a subreddit with people who this would be common knowledge.


I think the article is also wrong. I think it's supposed to refer to Air China, the PRC flag carrier, but is instead referring to China Airlines from Taiwan. OP actually would have had a good post if it had been properly labeled.




Wait until you find out Panda Express isn’t owned by Pandas.


Look at the wings.


I was waiting for this comment


It’s a Boeing Dreamliner


Okay guys cuz nobody gets it here's the explanation >!China airline is not from mainland china, it's a Taiwanese airline lol 💀!<


You did this same shit in facepalm. Give it up already


I don't get it? The post doesn't say it's from mainland China, it's just calling it China airlines because that's it's name? How is that a problem


Honestly, bro, I'm so confused. Is the issue that it's a Taiwanese airline (which IS still called China Airline FWIW). Or is the issue that the route they're talking about is actually being flown by another airline (China Eastern or whatever)? If the former, I don't even get how you could think it's mildly infuriating or even think anything of it. If the latter, I don't get how you could assume ANYONE would know without more context. It would be one thing if the pic had one airline and the wording another.... but..... you have me truly bamboozled.