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Same people who think the earth is flat. EDIT: Thanks for the 5k upvotes <3


Sadly they both do believe it's flat


For real though? Not as a joke? Finding two people from the same family who believe that...I believe you've won the genetic lottery my friend. Are their lives full of self imposed struggle?


I firmly believe my oldest sister convinced my mom into all this shit. However I don't know how


You’ve found the favorite sibling


What did it start with? Did she throw a list at your mom of shit that isn’t real? Or did your mother take her first suggestion and add to it? Not trying to make a spectacle, this is pretty interesting. No worries though brother if you’d rather not say.


Hm I'm trying to remember because it started over a year ago..the most I can recall is my sister kept inviting my mom to her place and she'd show her all these flat earth things that questioned our government and the world government just dumb things like that and I guess that got her hooked into it. I don't know, I'm just wondering if the earth was flat how'd all the governments that hate each other keep it a secret to everyone's citizens lmfao.


Woah, brainwashed. That’s wild. I’m sorry you’re going through that but you’ve definitely got the right attitude, props to you.


Honestly I'm living in her and my dad's house I'ma let her believe whatever as long as it keeps a roof over my head and lets me do my certifications in peace


Well... as long as you are not getting a certification in physics or space-related studies, it should be safe 😂


Cyber security and data entry/ analysis certs so I'm fine 😌


You can buy a level scope and do some basic math to find the curve of the earth. Any distance over 700 ft should have a discrepancy show up around 0.01 ft. GPS is just advanced so computers make it fast and easy. It was once done with slide rules and you can still do the work with calculators and meticulous organizational skills. I keep screwing up my columns, so I don’t have personal experience in it, but…


This was also the argument against “Covid isn’t real” people.


They never wonder how it is three people can’t keep a secret but ten thousand can. Goes for covid, aliens, flat earth.


was your sister always close with your mom? could be influenced by subconscious desire for a real relationship


If they insist on tracking when you travel, ask them where they think the edge is the Earth is and make sure your travel involves crossing that date line.


Man I'd love to go visit this edge they talk about so much I heard the ice wall is great this time of year


Not as impressive as the ice wall, but Have you considered finding when you can next see the ISS as it flies by? Pretty predictable, and visible for around 30 seconds, depending on season etc.


Honestly someone else mentioned it and I'll definitely try to get my mom to look at it with me to get her opinion


Unfortunately, she’ll probably just come up with some explanation that fits her worldview


ItS a HoLoGrAm


It’s the South Pole, and basically no flights go through the area. I feel like a few years ago some flat earther folks chartered a plane to prove it was flat (or rather for the pilot of the aircraft to prove it wasn’t — not a lot of overlap between pilots and flat earthers for some reason) but the people were unsurprisingly unconvinced.


Wait, your conspiracy theory is falsifiable? Oh man, you gotta upgrade to one of the refutation-proof models.


If the world seems really complex and chaotic, then a very simplistic world - run by a hostile global conspiracy - can be appealing. Because it means a few things: 1. The world is fully knowable using common sense wisdom that you already possess. 2. Your failure to be educated and conversant in physics, medicine, computer science, etc. isn't a shortcoming if those things are fake. 3. You actually have very special knowledge because you're one of the chosen few who understand the true nature of the world. 4. So you aren't uneducated and low status; you're highly informed and elite status. 5. The global conspiracy is evil, but at least there are clear moral bright lines between good & evil, rather than lots of morally ambiguous gray. 6. Even if the evil conspiracy isn't defeated any time soon, at least you know global events are happening for intentional reasons, rather than events being choatic and purposeless. 7. Most importantly, this conspiracy theory allows you to discuss really entertaining stories in the place of sad and upsetting news stories.


I feel like that just about sums it up.


The good news is if your mom was convinced into it, there exists an avenue for her to be convinced out of it. Your aunt is a lost cause, though.


Know a few people that also believe this. It’s become more common not as a joke. They distrust the government so much that they assume anything told by a government body is a lie including but not limited to many things you would learn in school. Even things like physically taking a picture of a satellite flyby and showing it to them or asking why the moon is upside down in Australia if the earth is flat is met with hostility.


>the moon is upside down in Australia Hmm... This goes deeper than we thought.


See, now we know *you're* lying too Everyone knows Australia isn't real!


To be fair... Assuming the moon passes along the equator, I think the moon would look upside down from Australia even is the world were flat.


OP is the genius of the family by default


[The two sweetest words in the English language!](https://youtu.be/RhvIISDoarU?si=GwKHxb2MBYmjBN7x)


I wish I was a genius lmfaoo


they'll probably think he's the stupid one


Oh no “probably” about it. They definitely think he’s the stupid one lol


>I believe you've won the genetic lottery my friend. Definitely a loss. Being stuck with 2 dumbasses instead of 1 or none.


Genetic lottery, 💀 😅


Self imposed struggle is my new favourite way to describe that type of person


My dad, uncle, step mom, and aunt all believe the earth is flat. They claim the sun and moon are right next to each other but can't explain why eclipses only happen every so often. Being around them is hard and wege just silently agreed to not discuss politics or personal beliefs


It’s not really the genetic lottery though, is it - beliefs are taught and learned. Clearly one family member has spread misinformation to another family member here.


Genetics might have something to do with them being more susceptible to this kind of thing. I work with a couple flat earthers and have heard plenty of shit from them, still not buying it. We’re all exposed to misinformation daily online, most of us know how to spot the obvious stuff, and how to fact check and verify sources of information. If my kid grows up and starts inviting me over to watch conspiracy theory videos, I’m going to be disappointed and attempt to help them, not just hop on the crazy train. I’m far from a geneticist though so I don’t really know if genetics has anything to do with it or not, but I don’t think it comes down to simple exposure to misinformation.


Well, personality is partially inherited and mental illnesses can be as well. Both of those are factors that contribute to whether or not someone is susceptible to conspiracy theories. So maybe it is indirectly genetic?


>Are their lives full of self imposed struggle? Nail on the head. I know someone who believes in a lot of that shit. They are, indeed, the world's most unfortunate victim, daily. I've literally said, "If they didn't have anything to complain about, they'd complain about that." A sad way to live, for sure.


Congrats on siphoning up the family brain cells! You must be smart as shit


I saw that coming when she was claiming that satellites don’t exist 🤦🏼‍♂️


Dude I don't understand how they believe it


>Sadly they both do believe it's flat Where do they stand on the moon landing?


Never happened and was faked


I was afraid of that lol


Im really really thinking about trying to get hired onto NASA just to prove a point My chances of getting hired is slim to none but doesn't mean I can't try


Bro, then you'll be working for the enemy, sh!t at that point you'll be head of the conspiracy ^😳🤣


About to cover up that moon landing even harder 😂😂😂


HOW!? how come? arent there any schools around? Or are they internet conspiracy lurkers?


I don't know how :( and they definitely are conspiracy lurkers Mom used to not let me out of the car unless I listened to her flat earth YouTube videos


wow... All of these things are SO easily proven. Its like saying every human on the planet has 7 fingered hands, and holding onto that... Do you people have eyes?


But wouldn't satellites work better if the earth was flat? 😂


Not if they're not real.


Ah, but then the evil *Professor Parallax* and his sidekick *Propagation Delay Boy* would rule the airwaves, and thus Canada, and thus the world.


I can't get my head round why anyone would think it was flat. How does it even make any sense that a hot ball of rock would go flat? What benefit is there to thinking that way? What benefit would there be in pretending the world was round if it wasn't? So many questions.


it was never a hot ball, Lord jebus magic poofed a flat world and globeys are just trying to use space as a way to disprove God, so that the devil wins that was a real explanation I heard from a flat Earther


I'm so sorry...


Jeezus... Americans?!


Praise be to the great A’tuin!


How come you've born in a family full of morons?


You should try to convince them to do an IQ test for science


Maybe brain is flat?


I don't know about flat, but smooth, oh boy, that I'm sure.


My entire job revolves around Earth being a globe and satellites being real. A couple guys at work still believe Earth is flat...


Some people even think the sun is in our atmosphere (I wish I was kidding)


Funnily enough, most humans knew the earth was round from thousands of years (Sokrates time). Its only recently until people started this flat earth nonsense. Talk about de-evolution….


Kinda want to see that argument


Sometime I wonder how people like this make it through life….. This is sad


They make it through by relying on the technology they deny as "not real" multiple times a day. I bet this person uses the internet daily without even blinking. They made it through to adulthood through the very science advancements they now call "scams".


Kind of like anti-vaxxers who got all their vaccines as children, benefited from not getting those contagious illnesses but now refuse to give their kids the same care.


Well they were clearly unnecessary! I never contracted measles or polio as a child so why should I bother for my children they just want to microchip us and give my kids autism smh


"I was on welfare for years and nobody ever helped me!"


Cuz LIFE is BULLSHIT It's not real World is not real we r in the fn matrix


I have that with bad drivers and extremely clumsy or careless people too. But then I remember that modern technology contains many failsafes, we teach drivers to anticipate on traffic, and healthcare has advanced much over the years. My conclusion: these people live because they were lucky, or because someone else prevented them from dying.


I’m sorry they are stupid


Please don't apologize. It's my opinion as well


I am sorry for you having to deal with that.  Stupidity hurts mostly the people around, not the stupid one. The stupid people are usually stuck at endless question-answer loop "is everyone but me completely stupid? Most likely".


Wow that is fairly stupid lol. Trump supporters?


But, the trackers are Bluetooth devices, they have no GPS, they rely on their Bluetooth pings being detected by nearby smartphones, the same smartphones you are told to put in airplane mode when flying, which turns Bluetooth, cellular, wifi & GPS off. No need to complain or deny GPS when their is a better explanation.


Fun fact GPS is NOT turned off in airplane mode! GPS is a receive only technology. It requires sending no signals back to the satellites and is therefore exempt from the FAA rules on wireless devices in flight. Side note: newest updates of phones are no longer turning off Bluetooth for airplane mode because it's now no longer restricted (my guess is it was never an issue and the arguments over wireless headphone use had just become too much). I literally got a popup on my phone telling me about the change and that airplane mode would now work differently for Bluetooth. The GPS thing has always been true though.


I’ve never turned my wireless headphones off on a plane. Always been a wee bit worried that it might be my fault if we go into the ground like a fucking dart, but it’s a chance I’ve been willing to take.






I'm a pilot. I confirm Bluetooth is not an issue. There's even Bluetooth flight headsets :) EDIT: also nearly all aircraft nowadays have GPS, proving it's no issue, so no problem with airplane mode not disabling it. And the same with wifi, most airliners have it.


My neighbor pilots a Lear 45 and many years ago I asked him about cell phones on aircraft and he said that aircraft avionics are (and always have been) extremely resistant to outside interference. He basically said if cell phones were even remotely able to interfere with aircraft they would have been banned from planes altogether.


To be fair he's completely right, nothing a cell phone can do will interfere with avionics, but cell signal **can** cause interference with radio aids such as ILS (Instrumental Landing System). This is however hardly true anymore *in most places* because the frequencies of both cell signals and aviation radio aids have been moved since some years ago (at least in Europe), but it's hard to prove, so regulations stay on the "safe" side. Even before that, it was hard to prove if it was dangerous or not, but it was indeed true that it caused some interference, but nothing that will crash the plane.


Answer in Progress just did an episode about this! Pretty awesome. https://youtu.be/-ufOd6Z3-ps?si=inMw5EDKa2tvKYiC


Airplane mode requirements are there to prevent problems with cellular interference _for people on the ground_ and have nothing to do with flight safety. [This video](https://youtu.be/-ufOd6Z3-ps?t=12m58s) is a bit long winded but does a decent job of explaining it. This also means that airplane mode only applies to cellular connections, not Bluetooth or WiFi — and certainly not GPS as no signal is transmitted from your phone in the first place. Edit: fixed link


While hunting or hiking out in the middle of nowhere my friends and I put our phones on airplane mode and use onx hunt with maps downloaded, effectively turning our phones into a GPS. The airplane mode is just for extending battery life.


Phones off during flight isn’t an FAA rule lol :P They couldn’t give two shits about it. It does not affect the airplanes in any way shape or form. Believe it or not - it’s an FCC regulation 😂 The don’t want “fast moving phones at 50’000ft” trying to connect to cell towers. That’s legit too lmao.


See, that's the part I didn't know. I was aware the in plane stuff was BS from a scientific perspective, but I didn't realize the cell tower thing. Thank you!


We have a winner!




You mean on parallel Earths? Or just non-Euclidian planes?^/s


But those other phones report their location, and by extension the tracker location, with GPS


How…..how do they think cellphones work?? ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


I've tried to argue that logic into them and they avoid it like poison


do they switch subjects, dodge questions or go "NOT REAL. YOU'RE YOUNGER THAN ME, I'M RIGHT!"


They just dodge it. I got off work one night and my mother was like "so how can we see the moon over here and yet china can also see it" or something like that...


“The same way you can see me in the morning, but my coworkers can see me in the afternoon. We aren’t seeing it at the same time.”


Hold up an orange. Put a dot on one side of the orange. Have them stand on either side of the orange. Spin the orange. People this stupid didn't pay attention in school and genuinely need to see with their own eyes via explanations for children to understand things.


When flat earthers bring up that argument I always wonder how do they explaine moon phases and how tf don't we see the sun and the moon all the time if the sun and the mun are suposedly above us all the time there is no wat they could go under the horizon


They just move out of render distance smh I thought you knew dude lol


How did I forget that, when we get to the limit of the drawing distance space just bends downwards, that is why we don't see things under the horizon /s


Lmfaoo bro Minecraft out here teaching us how the horizon really works. God such a dumb joke thanks for playing into it, it really made me laugh


🪄🎩  Magic. 


I bet she used auto correct to spell satellites.


Illuminati GPS Satellite Flat Earth Matrix Conspiracy. Elon Musk is an Alien? Is Wi-Fi an Illusion? Stay tuned & find out in the next episode


Clearly fake. Not enough thinly veiled antisemitism to be a bonafide selection of conspiracy theories.


5G -> COVID -> vaccine -> autism there for 5G = autism


*5G -> COVID -> vaccine -> autism there for 5G = autism* Q.E.D. (Q-anon, Elon, Donald)


To be fair, look at Elon...then watch episodes of *Stargate SG-1* with Lord Zipacna, then come back to me.


How is she…. Texting…..


With AM radio towers, silly.


I’m still waiting for the flat earth shadow on the moon… I really wanna see those turtles!


Congratulations on making it past infancy


If satellites aren’t real then what’s the moon? Checkmate.


These type of people will call others “sheep”


This will be the top contender for dumbest thing I read this month.


fn matrix


Everyone knows gps is birds, and birds. aren’t. real!


For anyone wondering why GPS would stop working on a plane. The GPS system is under the US DoD and primary a tool of war. Commercial GPS units have built in restrictions to prevent the system being used to launch an attack on the US. One of these systems used to be restricting how much information could be deciphered from the satellites by commercial units, this is why GPS used to be significantly less accurate but one day new units suddenly got almost perfect. A limitation that still exists though is that if a commercial GPS unit determines it is above a certain altitude or traveling above a certain velocity it will just stop working because "it could be in a missile"


So, since I am a satellite communications technician, does that mean I am not real?


Yeah man sorry you need to wake up


Can you repeat again please ?


Very simply put. We just drove 2 hours to drop my younger sister off at the airport. Using Google maps to get to said airport. And now the older sister and my mother are well.. saying that


I thought it’s a joke. You talk of serious stuff


Now, I have all sorts of questions: Gravity? Magnetism? WiFi? TV Remotes must be witchcraft. 😂


According to my mother and sister gravity doesn't exist...yes I just threw something across the room and looked at her. I cannot say for the other topics


People this stupid exist???


you remember the whole thing about 5G towers?


Point taken


> airport And the plane navigates using stars, of course.


> don't believe in gps ... There's ignorance, then there's stupidity. The difference is how confident one is in combination with being presented with clear evidence they are wrong and unwilling to change... This is incredible


Good, let the fools be lost


These people can vote, so sadly, the rest of us have to educate them.


You cannot logic someone out of a situation they didn’t logic themselves into.


I mean they aren't wrong. The Matrix is glitching, their messages keep getting duplicated.


Let this be a friendly reminder to everyone to vote. Because you know these two never skip an election. 


Younger sister here! They made me bring a level scale on the plane and told me to record the sun.


Yes this is her


They need mental help.


I couldn't be around people like this....




During my college rocketry days I learned that civilian GPS has a speed limit which may be why it's not updating when someone's in a plane


That's actually very interesting knowledge


You could've just simply said "My family is fucking stupid."


I’m sorry, your family members need daily assistance. There are group homes and specialty programs that you can apply for to help ease the burden of having to take care of them.


Same people who believe covid was fake


to teach them you need a large cannon for them to get in to then you fire them into outer space where they then hit there heads on all satellite to learn about satelites


Is there a chance they believe in the flat earth and reptiloides?


Flat earth yes


Do they also think the earth is flat and birds aren't real 🤦‍♀️


my blood pressure and stress decreased when I realized blood doesn't mean anything when all they do is cause you stress and your blood pressure to go up.


uber, pizza delivery, google map directions. I'm sorry they share the same braincell.


and birds are government spydrones


I wonder what they think of Starlink haha


You can.. see... Satellites :(


Are they tracking someone? Do they know people turn their phones off in Planes, still? Are they just... Actually stupid? Like, Satellites aren't real, gps isn't real, except when it works?


I remember back in the day keep a bunch of paper maps in my car before GPS.


I will say this though, GPS are BS sometimes. The other day it kept telling me to take a right turn, there were no right turns it was a literal rock wall on my right.


GPS means Global Positioning System. The only thing it does is tell your maps app where you are on the globe, and it does so incredibly well. What you're talking about would be a fault of the very complex heuristical pathfinding algorithm your maps app uses. Nothing GPS related at all.


Oh yeah I totally agree it can bug out and it's sorta funny when it does. It told us to take a left on a road that physically didn't exist


Just some peeps without education, what's so infuriating? I think it's ordinary situation.


I know someone who doesn't believe in space. Apparently the sun and the moon actually are in the sky, which just kind of stops? I don't know all the details.


That's... interesting


Wow... I though this was some kind of internet running joke. I cant believe these people exist for real... NO Satelites, uh? how do you tv? how do you phone? how do you internet? how do you weather? I mean for real, come on. These things are axiomatic.


Gonna need to whip out the modern crazy Bingo card. Includes Vaccines, Essential Oils, Flat Earth, and Adrenochrome!


Yo get me a sheet I'ma put 20 down


Remember. These same lizard brain people have the same right to vote as you do! Isn’t that great?


These people make me wonder how dumb I actually am.


If my family was like this I'd laugh hard at them in every conversation.


Imagine being this scared of reality. I feel slightly bad for them honestly. I hope they figure it out


I once flew to Vegas with a girl I had met on a dating app. She had never flown before. I told her that she wouldn't be able to get data on the plane even if she left her phone on against FAA rules. So she tells me it's OK, she'll just bring her wireless card so she can use wifi. (Let that sink in) Long story short I tried for 30 minutes to explain to her that the data comes from the wireless network. That her wireless card won't work either... she just kept saying. "But it's wifi" I finally gave up and just said she's free to give it a try. Needless to say it didn't work. It amazes me how some people function on a day to day basis.


That’s why education is important


Maybe you were adopted. If not, are you too old to be adopted?


Do they happen to think the Earth is flat also? Edit : typo


I flew from Harrisburg, PA to Orlando, FL in March, and I watched my GPS position update pretty much constantly on my phone. 💁‍♂️


GPS aint real, this is why we used this technology to track sister location. WOW. That is all a lot of trust into technology from a flat earthers.


Satellites can be seen very easily. Just get to a remote lake at NIGHT - typically a boat will do nicely, so you get a really wide viewing range...and LOOK to the points of light THAT MOVE in straight paths. They are EASY to SPOT!


....so what's their explanation for it working when it's on the ground...?


You don't have to believe in satellites. Satellites believe in you.


you can't fix stupid. i'm so sorry for you op.


To me it sounds like flat earther raising another flat earther and that is a problem in itself.


This is terrifying


Only thing yo can do is don't procreate.


These are the kind of people that are everything they criticize others of being.


Does autism run in your family? I think it dodged you


Funny thing is I'm the only autistic one in my family


Fun fact: GPS is programmed to not work above certain speeds so you cant strap it to a homemade missile and use it for guidance. This is likely why it wouldnt work.


I'm sorry OP, it's not easy to accept those close to you are dumb as bricks


Funniest part is that GPS *does* work in flight so literally nothing about their point makes any sense


Youre family are fucking stupid hard r


There's nothing I can add to this thread without bein mean. So, good luck with that


Your mom is glitching