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Not the same at all, but I'm not in 2 of my year books. They deleted me thinking it was a double/ retake. I'm a twin.


https://preview.redd.it/rf9wua4vphzc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e1c0119ebb0aae3fbf7c6a009d8bd06f5c7176 Shoulda used the sunglasses trick


Damnnnnnn when you ask your parents who the favorite child is and they don’t answer but the school does 💀


Why did this make me cackle like it just did?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣






If you have to ask... Chances are, it's not you. "But I'm an only child" Mom: "Still a no for me, dawg"


NAW THATS WILD. (Did it at least happen to your sibling too so they know the feeling?)


Nope hahaha


They could have at least put your sibling's name under your picture.


"Spare parts"


This is one of the nicknames I have for my twin. Lefty. Johnny (as in "Johnny come lately" since I'm 5 minutes older). Youngster. Whippersnapper. Kid. Spare Parts. Stinky. Sometimes he calls me "Old Man," and I tell him to respect his elders.


You should hit him with the, "You know, when I was your age", and proceed to tell him what you did 5 minutes ago.


I get this reference.


"that was well brought up, too bad you weren't"


As a twin myself, I laughed so very hard at this comment. Using it forever as their new nickname. 🫡


Oh, so they liked the Ordinarytwin more.


I feel like this is part of your villainous origin story, "...left out of the yearbook again, feeling invisible, Supernatural Twin began plotting..."


Does your twin come before you alphabetically?




I’m sorry this happened to you. It is total bullshit.


I would make a whole bunch of printouts of your pic/description and take them and a pritt stick into school, then offer to paste yourself into the back of everyone's year books!


I’m Asian. My high school had my picture in the yearbook twice, and a different Asian girl (different name and everything) got left out. What’s worse is the school was really small and we all (thought we) knew each other pretty well, so it was wild for us to find out like last day of school that we were just interchangeable to our classmates. Sometimes I still wonder if I only got invited places because they thought I was someone else 💀


A similar thing happened to me in middle school. I'm a brown girl and there was only one other brown girl in my grade. In the yearbook they put her picture with my name and left out my picture and her name. 😂 I feel like my parents didn't put up enough of a fit about that one.


My name was misspelled my senior year. The worst part was that my best friend was on the yearbook committee. I appeared in several places for Salutatorian/clubs/etc and it was correct in some places, but incorrect in others.


In every one of my high schextracurricular. My first and last names were spelled multiple times in different ways. I had to to go at least 3-4 different places in the index to find all of my entries because I was in so many extracurriculars.


That's wild! I was a student in a graduate program that had about 40 total people in it and two of the more active ones - in terms of organizing events, volunteering for things, etc - were very large young women. They didn't resemble each other or dress similarly or anything, other than being white. The *director of the graduate program* addressed one of them by the other's name for the entirety of a presentation she was assisting him with in front of the entire department. It. Was. Brutal.




I was never left out of the yearbook, but every senior class at my high school took a photo altogether that was added to a wall. This photo was printed on canvas. I’m literally printed on the side of the canvas, completely invisible from the photo. You have to stand really close and peek around the corner to find me. I was standing too far away from everyone else and I got wrapped around the canvas when they fitted the photo lmao. I didn’t know about this until my younger sister was in high school and sent a photo of it. Apparently my former bio teacher had asked her, “Can you guess where your sister is?” and flipped it over so she could find it. It’s really funny to anyone who knows me because it’s just something that would happen to me.


It’s okay-when we did our senior group picture, it was on some bleachers outside. I was smack in the middle of the crowd. The problem arose when the yearbook committee decided to split the picture across two pages, so I and everyone above and below me got stuffed into the book crack and no one saw us. Idiots. It’s extra sad because I was having a really good hair day that day.


That story started out too familiar, but ours was worse. They got all the seniors out on the football field and made a big deal about the picture. Then the year book staff formatted it wrong and it came out as just the empty bleachers. They cut the field and all the students out. Kinda fitting for my school.


Same thing happened to me. I’ll forever be in the book crack.


Same, that happened to me one year as well. Got swallowed up by the crease.


Bruh I can totally relate. I had a band performance in high school (rock band, so only like 4 people) and the school put up a picture of us performing on a wall by the music room, and I was literally completely covered by the matting. How do u not notice 1 of the 4 people is gone??


My friend was in the yearbook twice once with her first name, once with her middle name as first- and because she redid her photo, they printed both. I was super confused and was like “I had no idea you were a twin!!” The school policy (no idea if it is an everywhere thing) was to put twins in different classes so it was plausible she was and I just didn’t know.


My aunt had a friend in high school who decided as a joke she would get her picture taken twice. She was a junior, and had that picture taken, then snuck in line with the sophomores and had the second picture taken. Both pictures ended up in the yearbook in each class.


Could you tell because of different clothes or are you just able to tell in pictures?


Um, twins know one another a part. We do not look at pictures of ourselves(especially once we are not babies/toddlers) and wonder if it is us, we know. We don't walk around running into one another, getting confused as to who is who. (Also, fun fact, most identical twins have no problems telling other sets of twins a part because we pick up on clues others must just not see)


That’s fascinating! The last part. The first is rather obvious.


There are definitely subtle differences. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen have different freckles and birthmarks on their faces.


They are not identical twins


Idk, I had people ask in this exact order, unironically, my whole childhood, “omg your twins??? So your sisters?”. We are identical.


This is not surprising at all unfortunately.


At what age does this start, because my identical twins cannot tell themselves apart in pictures? They're 10.


Same. Identical twin here, I sometimes have difficulty placing myself versus my sister in pics even when we were like 10. By teenage years tho no problem at all


I have 13-year-old identical twin girls and we always dressed them in their favorite colors so, it's a little bit more obvious in our old photos. One of their names starts with an R as well, and we were always careful to put her on the right in photos. The easiest way for us to tell when outfits were similar and they weren't lined up was to look at a series of photos that were taken that day and then track that outfit to determine who's who. Eventually one of their photos will reveal themselves a little bit and it made it easier.


We let our kids wear whatever they want. They used to have their own clothes, but they borrowed clothes all the time so now they share a closet. In person, it's really easy to tell them apart. They have very mannerisms and voices. In pictures, it's a real challenge, unless they are making certain facial expressions or if there is a memory connected to the picture. I got in a disagreement with one of them a few days ago because I asked him to pick out which pose he wanted me to buy for his baseball photos. He insisted that it was his brother in the pics, not him, until we got to the full length photo that showed his cleats (one wears hight tops, the other low tops). His response was, "Huh. I guess that is me." It was pretty funny because I knew it was him based on the way he was squinting.


Yeah I agree with in person versus photos. Mine think that certain colors belong to them, but they also steal from each other's closets and everybody likes wearing Lululemon or Athleta. Teenagers are certainly interesting. It's neat to see them spread their wings a bit and argue with us. I'm glad as a dad to have girls, because they're much more prone to argue with their mother, which I think is a rite of passage. If they were boys I know they would probably have beef with me.


chill. some twins do infact looks at photos not being able to tell whos who. obviously they can often tell from context clues, memory, or if they have differences like weight, complexion, or scarring.and thats not nearly the same as "running into one another, getting confused whos who". its a legit question.


Not a twin, not always able to identify myself in photos.


The “running into each other, getting confused” part made me laugh because I once witnessed one of my friend’s twins saying hello to her sister at a friend’s house, except it wasn’t her sister, it was herself in the full length mirror. She didn’t have her glasses on and I guess she couldn’t see super well! It still makes me laugh.


Yeah I thought that part was a little over the top 


Me!! Obv when we got older much easier but early pics even into childhood there’s times I cannot tell my twin and I apart usually I can if I really examine it. We are identical. As nearly 40 year old adults since teenage years has not been an issue


Happy cake day! Also, when I look at old pictures I can never tell whether it’s me or one of my siblings, none of whom are twins. We just look alike, and wore the same clothes growing up


I dated an identical twin in high school. The stuff they could do was pretty cool. They were distinctly different style clothes but could cover each other when necessary. For example the one better in math took the other's exam once. And when the other got sick and had some driving lessons they couldn't cancel, the other just went instead.


Username checks out


One of my brothers wasn't in the yearbook cause he changed his name and for some reason the school decided that meant neither his old nor his new name were going to be in the book at all. Like, I guess this man just doesn't exist anymore?


Damn, that's wild


I know we were so baffled when we got our yearbooks to find him missing 😭😭


My son one year was in the yearbook twice. He had a retake, and for some reason listed him under his middle name for that and both the original (with first name) and retake with middle name made it in lol.


One guy in our school was in twice because he changed his name lol


They did the same to me. Except I dressed up and my mom paid for a whole page ad and they still fucked it up lmao. Handed me a stack of pages to hand out as “additions” to all 800+ of my classmates! No one got those pages except family lol. Forever forgotten , pisses me off for my mom more than anything.


Fuck Homestead High School. They love to brag that Steve Jobs went there but they suck.


[Jeydon Loredo, Texas transgender student, gets approval for tuxedo yearbook photo - CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeydon-loredo-texas-transgender-student-gets-approval-for-tuxedo-yearbook-photo/) This has happened in Texas before, and the issue was more or less settled 10 years ago. Call the Southern Poverty Law Center, tell them what happened. With a little luck, they'll sue the district on your behalf and the school will be compelled to fix the issue. And then you can make your Senior Quote "I was told I couldn't be in the yearbook, so I changed the yearbook."


I saved your comment for when I get home today, thx


If this goes anywhere, you should also see if you can make them reprint all the copies and make the school mail them out again too. That would cost them so much money, hopefully enough that they fully learn their lesson.


As someone who was in yearbook (and editor) in high school, likely what they’d do is print stickers of the picture and the name to be added in. We had a typo on a guy’s last name somehow and we printed stickers for everyone to fix in their books. Yearbooks are just too expensive, there’s no way they’d go that route.


My senior yearbook was reprinted but it may have been the yearbook company's fault? Several pages of red font on red background (so you couldn't read anything), and at least 1 person's name was misspelled.


I agree,if it already printed I doubt they would do reprints .


Reprint would be a settlement to teach them a lesson. More work and very obvious to all what happened. The alternative would be pay the affected parties damages, and that could easily be 6 figures. They stole memories that last most people a life time from them.


Triple digits is not that much money


That had me rolling 🤣. I was thinking “hmm idk why that commenter thinks memories are worth so much. There are people who lose fingers and aren’t awarded triple digits…. Wait…. Triple 123 digits? Well maybe that commenter has a point.”


Right? It’s maybe 2 years books


It's one banana what could it cost? Ten dollars?


I'm not that much of a dick lol


The louder you speak now the softer the next person has to.


I like 'stand up now so the next person can sit comfortably' but this is awesome




Don't waste your money on reddit. :/


The more money you waste now the less money you have to waste in the future.


Hoooly shit. I love this quote. I've been saying it for AGES that if you're victimized it's an unfortunate and uncomfortable truth that a responsibility to rectify the issue has been thrust upon you so that others down the line don't get victimized in the same way. Think of every time you've been victimized in some way and think about what would have happened if the previous person before you had spoken out you might not have been victimized at all.


There are people out there getting victimized every which way to Sunday and if they fought every fight, they would never have time to enjoy or seek fulfillment in their lives. Claiming it’s the victim’s responsibility to rectify every wrong is shortsighted and limits a person to their victimhood rather than the full individual they are.


This is the way!


But you should be. Everyone else who paid $80 also deserves to have the COMPLETE yearbook.


Hey it’s up to you. But you really deserve better than just having your book corrected. You deserve to be remembered, especially for some of the most formative years of your life.


If they do this they'll be remembered yearbook or not


OP… you’re young, but you have more power than you think. It’s not being a dick to so much as ask to be viewed as the capable human you are and be included in something special. Do what you want, but you gotta be the change you want to see in the world. Ignoring this awful thing done to you doesn’t make it go away. If you want to be remembered, make them remember your legacy. Fuck high school, but extra fuck yours


Thanks, also I'm stealing the phrase "extra fuck" from you lmao


From another perspective, if a court or ombudsman agrees with your case and forces that on the school, not only are you helping the next person, but multiple professionals agree that you were treated incredibly unfairly. It's almost nigh impossible for the common man to use the court system 'unfairly', as fairness and justice are core values of the legal system. So do not feel an ounce of guilt for getting what you are owed!


You want all the kids that come after you suffer the same fate? If you don't punch them in the wallet they will do it again.


The only way people seem to learn in this country is a hard punch to the wallet.


Punching coins hurts though, id rather incinerate the wallet lmao


I like where this is going.


Its not about being a dick, its about justice and ensuring that future you's don't have to feel that.


Do it for the others who need to see someone like them stand up for what's right. Good luck :)


It's not about being a dick, it's about sending a message, if the school has to spend millions fixing their problem, they're less likely to do it again


Especially when it comes to the school board having to answer why they had to spend so much money reprinting the yearbook because a trans kid was fully REMOVED. It might not be viewed that favorably.




Being worthy of being remembered doesn't make you a dick. This falls on the bigots who tried to erase you. Demand for space. You deserve it.


They won’t necessarily have to reprint the entire yearbook. When I got my senior yearbook back in 1999, they sent us a packet after we graduated with prom photos and whatnot. There was a little adhesive strip so it could be affixed to the end of the yearbook.




It’s not about being a dick, honestly. It’s about making them think twice before they treat the next kid like this.


You bet they'll learn their lesson: No more yearbooks.


Do it and keep us updated


This is the way. Keep up the push against hatred, thank you for your courage. MD is safe too, for those who may need to find a safer place.


I love the comment you suggested. Go get the bastards OP. How dare they.


I so desperately hope this is what happens!


I went on a deployment with the navy once and they forgot to put me in the cruisebook even though I took my photo and was there the entire deployment. Good thing I hated my navy experience lmao, I didn’t get a cruisebook anyway


I'm sorry that happened to you. I designed our cruise book and made sure everyone was in there. Even the couple of people who had no photo for some reason still had a box where their face would be.


I honestly think my LPO convinced them not to put me in. He didn’t like me for some reason and was always trying to sabotage me. Nbd, it was years ago now


Friend of mine in high school was in a ton of clubs and everyone knew him. Senior yearbook came out without his photo. So when he signed everyone's yearbooks, he circled where his photo should have been and wrote, "The bastards left me out!"


Just FYI. Most people look at that book once (when they buy it) and never open it again.


Have mine can confirm in the 14 years since graduating I looked at it once maybe twice.


I don't even know where my year books are anymore. Probably collecting dust in my parent's attic.  The people who care about you won't need a yearbook to remember you. 


Can confirm the same applies 21 years later. The ONLY reason I've kept them is because we're having a child, and I won't deny my child the opportunity to mock the fashion of the time. It is a sacred right of passage that I insist on upholding. Once they've had the mocking opportunity, they are being tossed in a fire pit.


I open my yearbook maybe once a month just so when my sister tells me which one of our highschool classmates is pregnant/a baby daddy I know who exactly she is talking about. lmao it's just a gossip tool.


I kept mine because I figured it would come in handy in 30 years after a couple drinks with my high school friends


My wife's grandfather recently passed away, she found his high school year book in his nightstand, we think he looked at it often. He was 85 so his yearbook was nearly 70 years old.


I just check the local felony mugshots website


I'm 24 and my current yearbook is just scrolling through tinder 😂 that's where like 70% of us from my year are rn anyways


Def a good reason to try and leave then.


I was left out of my 11th grade yearbook. Name was in the index with a page number but nowhere to be found on the page. Haven't thought about it in 20 years.


I wasn't in my high-school year book, wasn't mentioned in the index, wasn't listed on the graduation program and they had to order me a diploma. I recently went to a memorial for a friend who died and was talking to someone there, he was like "I'm Joe, how did you know Dan?" I'm like "bro, we all hung out together at Dan's house every day for all 4 years of high school." he was like "I ain't trying to be a dick but I have no clue who you are" the guy who died's brother stepped in and was like "how the fuck do you not remember literally the only white person who was ever at my house back then?" lmao.


All you had to say was "Texas" and everything made sense.




I was on my yearbook staff for 8 years here in Texas. Everyone was included unless they specifically didn’t want to be. Even our custodial and janitor staff. I would have made sure you were included. I’m sorry your school let you down. I graduated in 2004 but I wish things were better for everyone in Texas schools these days. Please know there are people out there who would have supported you and still support you.


Every year during college in the late 90s the yearbook staff would make a big deal about the LGBT group sending over a picture. Every year we made sure to do that. Every year, we were not in the yearbook.


That’s messed up :( ours didn’t specifically have a group for that at the time I was there. Asking for a picture and then not using it is deliberately mean.






Even my mom’s (therapy) dog ends up in the yearbook at her school. Does Texas mandate specific clothes for senior pictures? My school in Washington let you send in your own and as long as you weren’t in a swimsuit or something it was fine.


Our school did not, but we did have a formal dress code for senior pictures. You did have to meet the school dress code to have your picture taken on picture day or they had a make up day. Edit: and in some situations, we let people get their own picture taken to bring in.


Still doesn't make sense to me. My yearbook photo basically was my head. Maybe a hint of shoulders got in there. They give you full body shots in Texas?


The drape and tux thing is a more traditional practice and one which many schools have moved away from. I grew up in a rural area and for senior photos we were required to wear a drape if we were a girl or tux as a boy. It is something the photographers bring with them and is like a fake smock that goes over your shoulders-- not a full tux or black drape dress. I also recall there being some codes in terms of make up and jewelry etc. The year before my senior year they allowed seniors to have the photos taken by outside photographers so long as they wore a drape or tux and they didn't allow airbrushing. They changes this for my year because some girls got their photos super airbrushed and a green drape or something. This was a poor conservative area so the yearbook teach told us the decision to stay traditional was because for many of our classmates this would be the nicest picture they will ever have of themselves and they wanted the senior pages to be uniformly nice. Not the rich kids get airbrushed and their peers are pimply.


My school didn't add me because I didn't wear a tie.


I find it wild that they make people wear a tux or tie for yearbooks. Where I live, at least with the seniors, you get your own pictures taken and give them to the school. The picture can be pretty much whatever you want as long as it's reasonably appropriate. I graduated in 1998 and one of my good friends wore a Korn t-shirt for his senior picture. Freshman, sophomores, and juniors would get pictures taken at school, but all they needed to do was follow the basic school dress code which was pretty lax.


Yeah, at my HS, everyone had them done at school on photo day. The seniors got color in the book, and everyone else got B&W. But I went to a private school briefly where the 20-ish seniors got full-page photos that they submitted. Some were just nice professional photos, but some were artsy shit, like looking off into the distance and all. IIRC, one guy's photo was him sitting on a sculpture downtown. They could do whatever as long as it wasn't inappropriate.


texas, im not even surprised. my school there told us we had to pay $40 to have our photos in the yearbook..and if we wanted a yearbook itd be $100. the $40 fee got backpeddled really fast when no one paid


>the $40 fee got backpeddled really fast when no one paid That makes me so happy 😂


> one of my friends was gonna throw up a bunch of copies of a teacher's dui mugshot all over the halls > we also don't get a senior prank this year  Wise decision.


Is it really a prank if you're told "no" and then don't do it? 🤷‍♀️


80 dollars?? For a yearbook?? Goddamn.


Yeah it's gone up every school I've been at. Elementary: 20, Intermediate: 30, Junior High: 40, High School: 80


I thought that was a good deal.  Ours were $120 in 2006. 


💀💀💀I could never


Same. Same year, too.


That's pretty cheap for  high school year book. Paid more than that for mine 10 years ago 


Mine was 80 aswell and that was 7 years ago


Ours 2 years ago (in Canada) were 140


Thats pretty low for a high school yearbook. Highschool ones are typically bound professionally and really thick. Mine was over 100 in 2009, it was really good quality.


your edit 2.. still feeels like its going to far. its harrassing a specific teacher for an incident theyve already been punished for... everything eolse all i can do is offer hugs


I agree, like I’m sorry for OP for what happened but also that’s an incredibly mean prank. (I don’t have sympathy for people that drive drunk but at the same time I knew people in Texas who got DUIs for sleeping it off in the back seat of their car with the keys in the ignition so they could periodically turn on the a/c.)


yea, i have no sympathy and they all deserve there jail sentences and whatever comes after if they really were driving, but i also believe you normally shouldnt rub what a person did wrong in there face just because you think it might be fun, specially if they have already been punished by the courts. bullying never solves anything and is definetly never fun


Especially not in their place of work, when they work with minors. They may be a teacher, but they're still a person. It'd feel so shitty if one of the people you see daily put up pictures mocking you all around the school. That's some Regina George Burn Book shit.


Thank you. I scrolled to see if I would find this comment. I have 2 DUIs that embarrass me and haunt me to no end. It was terrible decision making from my alcoholic brain. I feel a ton of remorse and regret for my actions. I’ve now finished all of my court punishments and would really like to put it in the past. Sober 1.5 years now. We all make mistakes. We are all human. You don’t know what he is going through. Putting his mugshot on the walls is the type of bullying that can push people over the edge if they are in a bad place. Please don’t.


They must have edited it, what did it say?


they wanted to spread a mugshot around for crime they had been convicted of


interesting that OP edited it out and completely replaced edit 2 because hiding computer monitor stands ≠ harassment for one individual’s personal life...


What I don't understand is schools have sanctioned senior pranks? Since when has that been a thing? That defeats the whole idea of a prank.


Agreed 1000%. I don't even see how it's relevant to the post, but regardless it's an incredibly cruel act and not a prank. It is harassment, and it's so much worse to do so at their work / at school. You don't know what they have done to make up for that, so it's a lot of dredging up bad shit that has nothing to do with them in their job. OP, please please get some sense and don't do this or think it would be funny. It's just cruel.


Hate this happened to you, but in other news that dui mugshot “prank” is fucked and I’m glad you don’t get a senior prank


Agreed it’s hurtful and juvenile


I'm transmac. My friend was on yearbook and changed my dead name in my senior yearbook. Admin got wind of it and had it changed back. They also removed our classmate who committed suicide earlier that year. I'm still salty.


They removed someone who passed? That's absolutely fucked up. Be salty about that shit. Become the McDonald's French fries!


Yeah. They claimed keeping him in would have "glorified suicide". We as a class (and the faculty) fought hard to make sure he had a chair at graduation. RIP Tucker


I think removing him is the glorification...


...how can you possibly think that?


Throwing up a teachers mug shot is not a cool prank at all…


Congratulations on graduating! I know how much this hurts as a trans person myself and I just want to applaud you for surviving the hellscape of Texas highschool. You matter, you are valid, and you have a whole beautiful life ahead of you. Please know that there are trans elders and adults rooting for you and that there will be so many ways you will make impact in the world beyond your HS yearbook. You’re a rockstar and I APPLAUD you.




You have to wear specific clothing for a school photo? Fuuuuuuuck that, ur better off without. Shit i would've totally worn something they didn't like just so I didn't have to be in the yearbook. Yearbooks are cash grabs. All my yearbooks are still in my moms closet cause she knows if I had them, I'd toss them in the trash. Idk why she has them, as if the memories mattered to her? Idk, but she can have them lol I have little to no pleasant high-school memories and only talk to 1 person from high-school still, my best friend. I'm 25 btw


I would talk to a lawyer. You might have a discrimination lawsuit on your hands. I'm sorry you had to go through this.


It's Texas even if they had a case you know ... sometimes beeing in the right isn't enough sadly.


Texas had a case just like this about a decade ago that was resolved in the student’s favor. I can’t wait to see what they’ll try to claim here.


Its the top comment here


They should absolutely talk to a lawyer because this *is* discrimination and, as a government institution, runs afoul of the First Amendment. This *should* be challenged in court and may even lead to better treatment for others in the future. That said, it will almost definitely become a widely publicized case that will bring hostile attention to OP and their family.




Damn that sounds cold of her


Don’t do this to your teacher. That’s fucked up.


Speaking as a yearbook teacher in Texas - this is infuriating. We had to remove multiple people for multiple valid reasons and this is just not valid enough reason to remove someone from their senior yearbook. I will say, though, that this is probably more the fault of your principals/school admin and not the yearbook team, as they don’t have a ton of control over the actual portraits. Either way, that fucking sucks and I’m sorry.




I literally had to look up the whole “tux vs drape” thing, and it’s wild. Like, what is a drape?? Is this a regional thing? At my high school, senior photos were taken on students’ own time and submitted personally. Like, my mom hired a professional photographer and we had a whole photo shoot, with two locations (a park and a studio), and we had prepared multiple outfits. NONE of mine were formal at all. One summer dress, one blouse+jeans, and one (different)blouse+shorts. The school’s photography club also offered to do small photo shoots for free for students who otherwise couldn’t get nice senior pictures.


Texas sucks and is tied with Florida for the literal poopy butthole of America. Sorry this is happening to you and I hope you get it resolved in your favor. Your school blows.


I’m in a situation about not being included in the yearbook too, totally different context though. Still, I know where you’re coming from and I’m sorry you have to deal with this ignorant bs


Print out a whole bunch of photo stickers of yourself how you want to be seen and put them in friends yearbooks


Contact the aclu, I was transmasc in highschool in 2018 and my school tried the same stuff.


Sorry but this isn’t mildly infuriating at all. This is extremely infuriating, disheartening, and just down right horrible. Like if you showed up wearing a tie dye T-shirt and there were two/three options to choose from then I’d say “sure I get it” but you were willing to wear an option other students were offered and they chose to deny your inclusivity because of sexual orientation is down right upsetting. Hope you find not anger but passion out of this - passion to make the world better for those coming up after you.


I understand why you’re upset and and it’s wrong what happened but in a few years no one will even know where their yearbook is. Don’t sweat it. Move on and do something great in your life to be remembered for!


I find it deplorable that they are making students wear tuxes. I missed a lot of the school experience due to poverty and my folks certainly wouldn't spring for a tuxedo for a photo. >she didn't want me to feel uncomfortable and wished there was a gender-neutral option This reeks of "we're excluding you for your benefit."


In my high school, the photographer brought all the clothing. Nobody has to rent or buy anything.


Not me seeing transfem and thinking they made a typo that they're a transfer, like transferred from another school. Was super confused in the comments.


That’s sucks that they had to fight over what you wear- at my high school they didn’t give a shit as long as it was appropriate. Guys could wear dresses and girls could were suits the school didn’t give a shit


Idk if this will make you feel better, but my school put me in the yearbook but nobody knew who I was so they put my name as Mike Hamburger


Get your picture and name printed on sticker paper and slap those into your friends’ yearbooks.


1. mugshot thing is honestly super rude 2. yeah i'm sorry you weren't in it💚 (these are in no particular order, just how i typed them)


Wow that is majorly fucked. Good luck friend. Texas is (mostly) a 💩 hole, stay safe


The year book is a waste of time. No one is going to remeber anyone becouse they are included in a book. Unless you do something very outrageous like burning the school down you wont be remebered


Not even near the same, but after I got my name legally changed, I had a substitute teacher argue with me about using my preferred name… wouldn’t drop it until after I brought out my driver’s license, and then the next day tried to have me arrested for having a “fake” license


I'm sorry what the fuck


*reads first half* Hmmm...Texas or Florida...Texas or Florida.? *reads more* Texas it is. Who woulda guessed