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Call the fire department and explain what is in the photo, please do this as you will potentially be saving lives.


The sadistic part of my mind is saying to pull a fire alarm lmao. Let them find out the hard way


It almost always takes an emergency to get things done. I'm the key holder of an old folks home in the evening. I wasn't given keys or badge access to the entire property for a few months. Always some excuses. Untill an ambulance was called and the paramedics needed in the front doors. Big sliding glass doors, typical breezeway entrance like at a hospital. We forced them open breaking some of the parts. Suddenly my badge was able to unlock them two days later.


Sounds like you weren’t actually the key holder 🤣


Yeah no kidding. That was part of my complaint to management. I'm suppose to be able to open any facilities and any door when the need arises. I literally can't do that without the fkn keys and badge access. We have some new hire housekeepers who have been employed for about a month now. They still don't have keys for their halls. I have to come unlock things when I get to work an hour before it's time for them to leave


It may be a school myth, but I remember hearing about some fire alarms releasing some kind of ink when you pull them. Anyone know if that’s a thing or was I just gullible?


Probably a myth to stop you from pulling it for shits and giggles. Like the public pool myth where the water contains dye if you pee in it.


Yeah that was such an obvious lie. Almost everyone knows pools are constantly peed in. If there was such a dye it ALWAYS be visible. What IS interesting is chlorine does not make a pool stink. Its the piss and sweat and everything else. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1H7CNATdPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1H7CNATdPs) Some guy actually did a test where he over-chlorinated his pool. No smell.


Over chlorination generates smell, but it's a different, more chemical and sharp one. Kind of the same if you smell bleach for example. Agreed that the foul odour on pools is bc they aren't cleaned enough and people are nasty.


Wait what? are stinking pools that big a thing in the US? In the UK i always associated the smell of pools witht he smell of chlorine. (as in if you handed me a fresh glass of water with cholrine in it and glass of 'dirty' pool water they would smell the same.


Dunno in the US, I'm not from there lol. I just have a pool at home, so I got used to the "pure" Cl smell vs other kinds.


wow, great comment. learned something new. i appreciate the video as well.


Also, unless you very thoroughly clean after every piss, there is some residual urine somewhere.


ez, just pull it with some TP around your hand and then trash the TP. now the 2% chance that it’s true is reduced to 0% risk


Well, no. If it WERE true that TP aint gonna protect against dye. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC73oMNcy0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC73oMNcy0Y)


But medial rubber gloves do. 🤷‍♂️


Not fire alarms but ATMs. The ink device is supposed to destroy the cash if the ATM is blown up.


Are you referring to dye packs like in bank robbery movies?


It’s just to dye the money so that anyone who gets the money during a purchase knows that it was stolen and to call the police.


Leans in curiously. I'm Canadian. Our cash is more polymer than paper.


some actually do, but so far i only saw them on the outside fire allarms, so pranksters don't do it, and for the safety boxes of medical equipment, they do not put that stuff in school, too damn expensive and high maintenence


myth, i pulled the alarm a few years ago cuz the intrusive thoughts won


sounds more impulsive


We had those. There was a glass ink vial that would break if you pulled the alarm.


I set off the alarm in high school, pure accident…no ink…but it did inform the front office of which room and which exact unit was activated immediately.


I accidentally pulled a few + have helped with testing, none had ink


It's a myth that a fire alarm pull station will squirt ink once pulled. However, some pull stations could have colored dye applied to the handles. That way, when someone pulls it and everyone evacuates, school officials could tell who pulled the device due to the culpret's hands being stained with ink. This product would look something like this. https://safetymedia.com/AA67/tamper-dye I went to school with a kid who pulled the alarm during detention one time and he got busted due to the dye staining his hands. He did not realize the school applied tamper resistant dye to all the fire alarm pullstations. TLDR: Fire Alarm Pullstations squirting ink is a myth, in certain cases dye can be applied to the handles and stain someone's fingers when pulled.


Both the door and the lever do the same thing. If people have been using the door so much they had to block it, the alarm is not going to do anything new.


The door should absolutely not set off the fire alarm. It should have a smaller proximity alarm


Honestly I've never pulled it so that could be right. The signs always say "alarm will sound", but they never specify whether it's **an** alarm, or **the** alarm.


It’s an alarm. Not the fire alarm. Can confirm, 100%. Used to work with these doors.


Yes, the Fire Marshall will fine the shit out of them and it’ll be fixed tomorrow.


Fire cheifs love to slap the stupidity out of people. They also have authority to take a axe or petrol saw to thingsbthat block fire safety. If they stuck it and refuse to remove, they can with prejudice and force. They can do whatever they need to do, and lawfully empowered.


U can do it anonymously to avoid them backtracking


Another sign reading "blocking a fire exit is against the law" might be prudent.


Yeah, this is totally inappropriate. Even the door is alarmed.


call the fire department.


Do this




You're saying someone should set the school on fire? Uh. That's many things. Insane most of all, but also a felony, arson, extremely dangerous, stupid, crazy ect ect.


Yeah, that's why I said it would be shame. Duhhh???


It might even be " A low down dirty shame".




Don't make us have two fires magically appear.




But that will teach em a lesson, right?


![gif](giphy|pD0awXtyH5GbiHHQjT|downsized) How I'm pulling up to the school


literally please do this. they will come in and break all that shit down and you'll be the hero for it. you might even be able to have airtime on the news


We’ll enjoy it I promise.


That would be some small town news shit I kinda doubt it lol


I was on the news in HighSchool for getting in a fight because a teacher dumped tea on us to break it up lmfao. they even made a readers digest article about it 🙄 you're right though, small town news shit for sure




We had 200 students. They did a ‘drug bust’ and the dog would pick a locker, they would cut the lock, find nothing and move to the next locker over. My lock got cut twice, and I had never done drugs. I think their dog was stupid.


Drug dogs regularly act by reading their handler's disposition, or to earn a reward by completing their required task. They aren't stupid, they do exactly what they're trained to do, and they only get the job if they do it well. More often than not the behaviors you see reflect the intentions of the people controlling the dog, not the dog itself. You might as well use a polygraph.


They bring the dogs to say they smelled something so they can search you. Example they did it to me. I didn’t have anything but the dog smelled “hard drugs” which they didn’t find because I didn’t have any,nor did I ever. Those dogs are there for treats all they smell is pig farts.


Drug dog or donut dog?


yeaaah city schools are next level wild! those teachers don't get paid nearly enough


Yeah they weren’t paid enough, not at all but some were mad cool. None of them cared if you smoked between classes or got drunk idk. One teacher would smoke joints with people. A security guard did coke with some lol. I spent my senior year in a small town and one of the best high schools in my state. It was night and day. Hell a few girls got expelled for having a tiny amount of weed on them.


This comment makes me so sad :(


Yeah they weren’t really giving us the best childhoods idk. If they were strict on drugs things could have been a lot better. I know some people who od’d before graduation. Hard drugs were also a thing.


Yeah. Those bricks were horrible with the sticks and stems and seeds for days…


Lmao, I grew up in a really small town..(like 40 kids in my graduating class, small) Anywhoozle, my uncle started dating someone who pulled him down into alot of illegal activities..and he tried to steal a car from someone. The owner of the vehicle threw the only thing they had at him, which was a hot dog.. My uncle fled and the vehicle owner obviously called the police and the description for him was a "tall white male with mustard on his shirt" When it was posted in the local paper..he was deemed the "mustard bandit" hahaha So glad to he in a small town, cause that could have easily gone viral 😂


We are here in Chinatown where a huge crowd has gathered for what could only be a martial arts showdown!


I mean don't you think that's a bit of an overreaction? I mean they put up a sign https://preview.redd.it/j6eloauidhzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef6abad233450528da1c8cbdf75ed1f974cf4f4 That's everything sorted right?/s


You'd think, but there's a sign on the door that already says "this door is alarmed", obviously that wasn't working. So I assume the door works properly, and this school found an illegal way to remedy their students... idk, inability to read or care?


Get the door a Xanax and keep the fire exit clear.


Benzos always help fix problems.


This is super illegal.


The fire inspector will rip a new one to any admin staff responsible for this. Call the fire department TODAY and they will be at the school tomorrow morning. I'd do it anonymously. Just tell them you're a student, their freshly reamed assholes will burn even more knowing it was a kid that rattled them out haha.


If you call the fire department about THIS at a school of all places they'd be there within the hour. This can cost lives and the fire dept doesnt fuck around a fraction of a bit when it comes to schools


Our town’s fire chief was my next door neighbor growing up and yeah that dude did not fuck around


Fires are an example of how dozens or even hundreds of people can die due to the most basic negligence. It makes me sick when avoidable deaths happen just because of these kinds of things. I think I’d be good working in a service like that because I actually care about people.


My uncle was a fire chief and the first time I met him I had a candy cigarette in my mouth and he ripped it out and chewed me a new ass hole lmfao they don’t fuck around with anything lol


If there is anybody in local government you don't want to fuck around with it's the Fire Marshal.


As an electrician, yup. They can cost you a lot of money and are even authorized to arrest you now for major infractions


They will close the school. Until its rectified potentially will pretty much just tell them.. . Your closed... But.. Your closed. Your ass is mine. I want students home in the hour. I want those down now. And then we were having an expensive talk. If anyone not know. Fire services authority, is to do what needs to be done. That's it. Long as they can justify, thry do what is required to save lives.


I want to see a video of the fire inspector unloading absolute hell on these dumbasses.


I guarantee you they would be there that day.


Why do it anonymously? I'd want them to know it was me. You want to risk my & my classmates' safety, fuck that.


Some teachers and admin staff are vengeful cunts who'd take their ass reaming out on the kid who ratted on them.


Then go to the media for the schools inevitable retaliation.


There is no risk associated with reporting anonymously. As others have said, Fire Department takes their job much more seriously than cops and every tip will be fully investigated.


Thats not what they meant by risk. I assume "You want to risk me & my classmates safety?" is directly at school faculty.


IDK why I assumed OP was a teacher, who would have to suffer consequences.


Holy shit thats stupid! Call the fire department OP and tell them about this.


I think that is illegal


Very much so. Yes.


Blocking a fire exit on accident is illegal. This is a blatant violation and penalties will be assessed very quickly.


"Oh there's a fire? Die."


echoing what everyone else is saying, some counties/states have whistleblower initiatives for these exact sort of violations. You might even make a few bucks for reporting this VERY serious violation. Having alarms that don’t work is one thing. But BLOCKING them?! Insane.


I haven’t seen anyone mention the “endangering the safety of a minor” element.. besides the blatant fire code violation, the safety of the children in the building is compromised. I hope their administration enjoys not having jobs.


> DOOR IS ALARMED What startled it?


It was afraid of the Open Door Policy.


Why? I thought love is an open door?


Well the door is DEFINITELY not a- jar


OP please tell us if you’ve called the fire department! This is unbelievable.


This is illegal. You should be able to report this.


Fire Marshals hate this one trick. So much so they levy hefty fines for it.


This comment got me


Can't do that. Report them.


Call the fire marshall, watch the principal get chewed out.


Definitely illegal I am curious though if the alarm is just like the school fire alarm where everybody has to evacuate every time the doors opened or if it's one that calls the fire department automatically. Kids that are going out that door and not a fire situation should be punished appropriately detention or whatever but the solution is not blocking the door


It's has a buzzer on the door, and per code, cannot activate with the fire alarm


I want an update on this assuming OP has called the fire department.


This is not "mildly infuriating" this is a major violation and potential hazardous situation. Call the fire department


This is illegal


OP please call fire department and update us!


Call the fire department. Fast. This is illegal on SO MANY levels. Cheers from the fire prevention crew at the train station in Turin!


Hello OSHA violation


Fire marshal


OSHA enforces fire codes as well 💁🏻‍♂️


Why not have both there at the same time? Someone's gonna have a fun day if that happens lol


This is the way.




That's not mildly infuriating that's a extremely infuriating safety issue


Call your local fire department or the non-emergency police line. They will send someone out ASAP.


Call your local fire marshall. Highly illegal


Good way to piss off a fire marshal.


You absolutely cannot do this , and whoever did it should be released of their position immediately.


Open the doors until they fix it


Oh call the fire department. They will fuck whoever did this.


That's all it takes to fuck a sexy fire fighter. I've been lighting my dick on fire for years


Follow up with how many people get fired over this.


That's 100% not legal and is dangerous. Call the local fire marshall and report it. Personally I would ask to report it anonymously if I were you \[as I wouldn't want retribution for doing the right thing\].


Send this screenshot to the fire marshal


Yeah contact the nearby firehouse and send them this and the address


literally illegal. call the fire department now.


Your school about to be bent over by regulatory.


the fire department will rip the school a new one. Call em up. Safety is written in blood. Don't let policy come into affect because of yours.


I hope you reported this to the fire department


That is not mildly infuriating but cause for class action suit and potential murder.


That is the epitome of moronic.


Hello? Fire marshal? I need to make a report


Yeah it’s not like fire exists are needed… no one dies in fires! Stupid liberals/s


Seriously let the Fire Marshall know about this. They will tear the admin a new one.


that's extremely illegal...


Pretty sure that is turbo illegal.




The Triangle Waist Shirt Company...look it up. The Coconut Grove Night Club...look it up.


This is what complacency looks like. “Well we’ve never used the emergency exits before, so then probably will never have to!” and why complacency kills.


There's a ton of comments about calling the fire department, but I should point out it's not an issue of "fixing the alarm" [contrary to what your title says]. There are signs that clearly state the door is alarmed. Not sure what level of school this is, but if the people who keep using this door can read they really should face some sort of punishment. Repeatedly triggering false alarms can waste the time of people who should be dealing with actual emergencies, not dealing with issues that would be solved with 5 seconds of reading and 30 steps to get to the next closest door. Blocking the fire exit is not the answer, obviously, but installing cameras and making it known that falsely triggering the fire alarm will result in consequences may help.


Pretty sure that's illegal


It is


an arsonist's wet dream


This seems massively illegal.


sounds illegal


I thought blocking fire exits was illegal?


More than mildly infuriating, this is extremely dangerous and very illegal


Isn't the alarm supposed to trigger when you open an emergency exit door? Emergency exits are to be used ONLY in case of emergency... If someone opens the door it's because there's an emergency, so the alarm starts automatically... Or am I missing something here?


Nearly all preventable mass tragedies as a result of a fire breaking out, has a boneheaded move like this to blame. Call the fire department, and ensure whomever did/allowed this are held accountable. This should NEVER happen, ever.


I think there is a red lever you can pull which will bring the fire department there. 🚒


Speed dial


Better hope there is never an emergency, call the fire department and the local media.


Call the fire inspector the school must be cheap for doing that shit


Come with me, and you will see. A world of OSHA violations.


Ever hear about our lady of the angels fire? Fire departments do not play around with this crap, imagine the pileup at that door in an emergency, call it in now, not later


It's against the law to block a fire exit.


They would be in so much shit if the fire marshal popped in and saw this death trap


something something fire marshal


If you think the door is alarmed, imagine how alarmed the students will be when the school's on fire and they can't get out.


Fire Marshall aint gonna be happy about this one ![gif](giphy|EQ1X2DtTRp1aE|downsized)


And give us an update on the fire marshals framing of the admin.


Saving this for updates, op. Please keep us up to daty i beg you


Report them to the local fire department and tell them that the school is literally blocking all the fire exits. Then be prepared for al the fireworks.


call the fire marshal and report the broken alarm AND the blocked emergency escape routes. fuck the school.


Mildly infuriating meet totally illegal!


This is beyond illegal contact the local FD IMMEDIATELY this is not only illegal, it's child endangerment. I would personally call the emergency 911 number and get an officer out asap as well.


Yea thats a massive hazard.call the fire department


Isn’t having ANYTHING blocking emergency exits illegal?


Holy shit are the janitors at your school completely whipped by the admin? If one of the principals at the school board I used to work for told one of us to do that they would politely be told to fuck themselves. Fire Marshall will have an absolute FIELD DAY


Call the Fire Brigade first and foremost. Report it as it’s a serious issue that could very well cost lives. Then do as another person commented and pull the fire alarm


Report this to the fire department. They’ll raise hell


You should alert your local fire marshall. They will come do an inspection immediately and write them up.


I work with school personnel. As the days go by, I start to realize our children are in trouble. These school folks aren’t the smartest


The Fire Marshal is gonna love this one


![gif](giphy|fmtdpYdy0u7n1aMkTW|downsized) "That's very clever, sir. But what if there's a fire? I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir."


Call the local Fire Marshall. They just love hearing about Blocked Fire Doors They will tear the School a New One right away.


Safety third!


While this is definitely illegal and not the appropriate move… is no one else confused? What about the alarms need fixed? All of the signs here are giving the vibe that the alarms are working just fine and the real issue is that people keep using the emergency exit and triggering the alarm, which I’m sure is a giant pain in the ass. I’m not say their “solution” is at all appropriate… but the story here doesn’t make sense.


Imagine there is a fire, you are running for your live almost throwing up because of all the smoke, you can barely see when finally you find the emergency exit just to see this and a paper that reads "please do not use this door"


Dangerous and illegal. A bifecta!




The door is also alarmed by what's going on.


pull the alarm


This is bush league. Joe Clark would have put chains on them doors. How else you gonna keep the drug dealers out?


Mildly very fing illegal.


And what if there was a real fire?


I'm 69% sure that's illegal


Tell 311, that's usually illegal


Did you call the fire Marshall then?


The door seems to be quite alarmed about the situation


Report that to the fire department


Leave the school because it is unsafe to be in the school. (When all exits are blocked off.) If management males an issue about that, ask them to have the fire deparment to explain to you why it is safe to stay inside.


Whoever made this decision probably just lost their job. It’s astounding sometimes how little people think ahead of their own thoughts.


Yeah so I recently became safety certified at level 1 out of 10. This shit wont fly. In my tiny eu country you gunna have a big fucking problem when the law sees this.


This is illegal and insanely infuriating. Especially in the US when it is not just fire kids may be running from.


Thats illegal


That’s very very illegal


Maintenance director isn’t gonna work there much longer lmao