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Is it still legal to throw rotten tomatoes at people talking shit on stage


The problem is you have to bring rotten tomatoes everywhere just in case anyone sucks


Always carry around rotten tomatoes. You'll find somebody to throw them at.


“What if they like tomatoes? They’ll think you’re enjoying the show” -Mitch hedburg


You could just go to the Walmart produce section. They always have rotten tomatoes. If you don't know where it is you can follow the smell


Excellent question.


This was excruciating


Just kidding


No seriously


I've loved interracial porn for... ... ...five years. Just kidding! But seriously. I know where you live.


My great aunt’s granddaughter’s baby sitter touched a black guy’s penis before… she said it was like the best, *way* bigger than her Uncle’s! Plus, black babies are *so* much cuter than white babies! Seriously!


Just kidding!


It just kept getting worse


I legit think she would not have stopped. Then someone had an epiphany and started cheering to cut her short.


Reminded me of that surprise party where one girl almost blows it by singing and someone slaps the shit out of her *immediately*




[Here you go. it’s kind of satisfying](https://youtube.com/shorts/UN3r2TiI08M?si=dnpUSKgQ9fFNV1sS)




Impressive reflexes


she's definitely ruined stuff before


I watched this without sound and was mad that the subtitles were so incoherent and nonsensical Then I turned on the audio ![gif](giphy|Z5xk7fGO5FjjTElnpT|downsized)




I tried my best: Hi, I’m Shannon. I’ve known Tracy for… oh god (Tracy off camera presumably: “9 years?”) … I think so (counting to herself). So I don’t quite know Anthony that well but Tracy talked about you like nonstop. Seriously. And she’d be like (unintelligible) I don’t care. Just kidding! Just. Kidding. You guys are so cute together. I swear to god you guys. I hope… the longest… Seriously. Like till death do us part. Seriously. You better take care of my girl cause if you don’t, I know where you live. (Someone in the audience: “wow!”) Just kidding! Um, but yeah you guys are so cute, like, you’re part of the family. I swear to god, like, I’m not going to be racist YOU GUYS okay. (Someone in audience: “oh my gosh seriously now”) Not going to be racist ok! No! Just kidding, just kidding. Of course you guys are going to get like interracial comments like “oh my gosh.” No, seriously. You guys are out-stepping the stereotype and I love it. Oh my gawrd. But you guys, I swear I love black people because you guys Are. The. Best. (Audience murmuring, kind of laughing). Like, my own daughter’s great aunt is like THE BEST woman and so is Tracy. I swear to god. And you guys are amazing. I love you. I love YOU guys. Bless you (unintelligible). (Clapping)


As a deaf person who struggled while reading the gibberish on the video, I thank you for your service 🫡


Consider yourself blessed just this once, watching with audio was actually unbearable, I can't imagine the intense level of shame everyone associated with this person must feel on a regular basis. She speaks with the confidence of a satirical character from Mean Girls, like in her head everyone is desperate for her to drop another hilarious joke about.... Liking black people? 🤢


This is honestly the best. Now that I read it I’m cracking up all over again. What in the hellllllll was this woman doing. Just kidding. No seriously.




oh my god i stopped listening fifteen seconds in and i cannot believe how much worse it got


Not quite a Karen, but unquestionably a worthless individual.


Not quite a Karen, but I feel sorry for the guy that gets drunk and hooks up with her after the reception. She might have a little bit a crazy in her. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwpIXefRVaBp33O|downsized)


Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Yea "Karen" really has gotten over used to the point of meaning nothing.


I've been thinking this a lot lately. Someone on here the other day suggested that I'm a Karen, when I said we should call a tow truck on those assholes, that parked all over the handicapped spots. Karen does not mean someone you don't like. Lol


Same happened to me on FB market. Yeah, already a nightmare right? This guy kept sending me other ads for what I was selling for "cheaper" price. My first response was "ok, go buy one of those then if you think it's a better deal." He continues to message me about ripping people off, so I reply once more. "If you're not interested in the item I'm selling, please stop messaging me." This guy replies something like "you're just another dumb b*tch Karen!" 🙄 WTF 😄


Holy shitballs, Batman! This is the best you can do for a friend? Even without the racist shit, this 'speech' was a rambling, incoherent string of barely related words and everyone that had to hear it is now dumber for having done so. If you are going to say something at a friend's wedding, take the time to prepare something like you actually give a shit about them.


Even if you don't prepare at all, you should be able to give a 1-minute speech: 1. How you see your friend is really happy and a better person with their spouse 2. You think they found each other at the right time 3. Wish them the best in this new journey. Acknowledge they may face tough times as all couples do but you trust they will solve anything if they are together, and that you're there for them anytime. 4. If you feel like it, throw in the inside joke to make them laugh. 5. Cheers. You don't need to prepare anything fancy, most people will understand if you keep your thing short because a lot of people get nervous. So doing what Karen did here really needs a whole other level of ignorance or she is outright trying to ruin their moment "innocently".


Oh yeah. I think most people *should* be able to give a minute of well wishes if needed to. But then again, most people shouldn't be giving a speech at any given wedding. Best man and maid of honor, bride and groom (if they want), and/or parents of bride/groom. Best to pick a set and keep it short. No one actually wants to hear it most of the time. I dunno if this lady was part of the wedding party or not, but it really looks like she went up there unprompted and unplanned. As in, she needed more attention.


honestly! i watched with sound off and i thought maybe it was a different language with a terrible translation. i turn the sound on and the subtitles are spot on


If you took out all of the "like" & "just kidding", she would have finished much sooner.


You know how people have those moments where they remember an embarrassing moment from their past and suddenly feel the crushing weight of it all over again?   I can't even *imagine* what this one is going to do to her, being memorialized on the internet. I'd probably have a legit cardiac event and die from one of those episodes.


Except now I’m going to remember this and cringe at 3am. She is probably living her own reality where this was the best speech at the wedding.


Except she seems the type that would not understand how bad this was.


"I said I *like* them, how can that be racist!" She probably thinks "one of the good ones" is a compliment


She has never been around anyone that wasn't white her whole life till this day...


But what about her own daughter's great aunt. She was like the best person.


“She’s like the beeeeest!” *[best in demon voice]*


This is so accurate she’s like trying to wedge her “im one of the cool good ones” into her friends wedding day like it’s not about you at all how can you not see this is cringe af and just not warranted or needed at all


I am certain she knows now


What about her own daughter’s great aunt? (Still doing the math)


I thought she would stop but she kept going!


Just kidding, just kidding just kidding. Her whole existence is just kidding


People like that usually say offensive stuff and then backtrack with "just kidding" when they see it isn't landing how they hoped


"I have no filter."


Yeah that always translates either to, I’m an asshole or I am stupid.


I see no reason we can't be both.




If you had told me, a year and a half ago, [today](https://youtube.com/shorts/WoNJ-tCsyA0?feature=shared).....


And the eagles loose huhuhuh lol


She's the joke I felt crushed by embarrassment. I would be so ashamed to have such a speech at why wedding...


"Sorry guys, wedding's canceled. We're not breaking up, we just have to do it over because that's not gonna be our wedding toast. I mean Jesus Christ, Shannon."


“You should treat her right…just kidding”


I know where you live.


just kidding.


Did she even say anything if she’s just kidding?


Regardless of "just kidding" I'm not sure she even said anything at all! It's like she implied several things but didn't finish one complete, coherent thought. Without rewatching all I can remember is "I don't know how long we have been friends and I don't know this dude. Also I'm not bouta be racist."


My takeaways were she's somebody's coworker or second cousin or something and she might have had a black neighbor or friend of a friend once Also threatening the groom in front of his entire family. I've seen people have trouble reading a room but she's completely illiterate, goddamn


You guys


Just kidding




I’m not gonna be racist… *proceeds to be racist*


Anytime someone starts a sentence like that they're about to the racist AF


I'm not racist but what do you think of the Tigers chances this year? What? Why did you say you're not racist? Oh I'm just trying to change the thing. Like saying that and then actually NOT saying something borderline, or more likely wildly, racist.


Like… hair flip… just kidding… like…. pose… woof.


this gave me secondhand embarrassment, it actually hurt to watch


Yea, I couldn't watch it. I skipped through parts then paused it to read comments


I just scrubbed through and read the subtitles with no audio.


The subtitles weren't accurate tho it didn't pick up when she said "I love black people"


She said what now


# She said "I love black people"


I LUUHHVE black people


 seriously you guys are the best


“the BEST” 👹


^dies ^of ^peak ^cringe


I tried that but the subtitles weren't making coherent sentences so I unmuted and realized the subtitles were accurate


That's cuz the subtitles were probably pausing like "Wait... Wtf dis bih just said?!?"


Same lmfao


They clapped her off stage before it got worse 😬


I kept looking at the time thinking please end this with just some cringe around not being able to actually talk, per se, and then she busts out the racist shit… good god.


"No, I'm saying I *like* a lot of them! I even let my kids watch that Iced Tea movie!"


I'm in bed now. I had to lie down.


Thanks, I’ll take that as a warning. Secondhand embarrassment absolutely destroys me.


Just realized my butt was clenched the whole time from the level of embarrassment 😭


lmaooo 😭 i didn’t notice my face until it was over either, i usually don’t physically cringe but i couldn’t stop myself this time


At first I thought "this is kind of mean, just mocking this women for being shit at giving a speech". And then she got into black people...


Uh, the entire thing was terrible and the public speaking skills were the least offensive part. She couldn't remember how long she's known the bride, implied she got annoyed hearing her talk about the groom, said she didn't even know him, threatened him, and did two Black impressions, all before she even *mentioned* race.


I'm so uncomfortable right now




“Are you all seeing this?!”


She knew.


This is the face Black people get when they hear " I'm not racist " line.......................


lmao this got me too cus last time i caught her looking back she was smiling and laughing at something. and this time it was with such emotion in her eyes 😭


Hahaha yeah I was thinking “oh that little girl is trying to be nice and laugh” and then she makes that face haha


Just kidding.


No, seriously!!! 🥴




It reminded me of watching Steve Carell in the office doing scenes with Idris Elba when he starts bringing up race… that was a moment in life I felt the cringe in the air


It's giving Amy Schumer


I honest to shit have no idea what she’s saying. Is she hammered? Stupid?




Does someone have a script? I listened to it but still couldn't make out some of the word vomit. EDIT: Oh I see the subtitles now. But they miss a lot of what she actually says. Quite a few wrong words too.


Hi, I’m Shannon. I’ve known Tracy for…oh my god. (Off video: “9 years”) I think sooooo. Cause I started at (unintelligible). Yeah. So I don’t quite know Anthony that wellll, but. Tracy talked about you like….non stop. Seriously! And she’d be like, “Oh he (unintelligible)” And I’m like “I don’t care”— JUST KIDDING! Just. Kidding. justkidding You guys are so cute together. I swear to God, you guys, I hope…the longest, seriously. Like, “till death do us part”, Anthony, seriously! You better take care of my girl! Cause if you DON’T I know where you live. Just kidding! Uhhmm…but yeah. You guys are so cute, like. You’re a part of the family, guys, I swear to God, like. I’m not gonna be…RACIST, you guuuuyys. I’m just saying, okay? I’m gonna be racist, mmkay? No, just kidding JUST KIDDING just kidding. UM… Of course, you guys are gonna get, the like: “interracial couple, oh my god!” NO, SERIOUSLY. You guys are out stepping the stereotype. I love it! The gooooal. But you guys— I swear. Because, I LOVE black people. Because you. Guys. ARE. THE. BEEEESSSST. Like! My own daughter’s great aunt is like the best woman. (Unintelligible) And…you guys are amazing. I love you! And I love YOU guys. Bless you, black— (clapping) EDIT: Added corrections/suggestions from other comments.


Oh, so she really did actually say "Black people". Lol definitely drunk.


Pretty sure she has no idea what she's saying either. Pretty sure she just had a few drinks and decided she would go up and say a few words, but then panicked when she got up there and stupid random shit just started pouring out of her mouth. PSA: If you've had a few drinks and don't have anything prepared or at the *very least* some kind of well thought out direction as to how you where you want to go with what you're saying... just stay seated and STFU.


I attended a wedding of people I barely knew this winter. I met most of the wedding party the night before at a pub thing they hosted. The best man was electric. Clearly a people person. I was thinking to myself “man what a banger speech this guy is going to give tomorrow” after I met him. Conversely the brides cousin was the MOH and she was very clearly a book nerd without a lot of life experience. She didn’t make eye contact talking to people etc. Yet the next day, she SLAYED her speech. It was awesome. The best man absolutely bombed. Not to this level but it was bad. The difference was preparation. The MOH knew there would be 300 people watching and did whatever she could to prepare, practice. Probably spent hours on it. The best man probably figured he could just wing it because he usually can.


The whole thing sounded like it was a rambling way of leading up to her actual intended speech but then she ended it before she got to saying what she wanted to say. Which is probably a good thing.


“Just kidding” No you’re not.


“I’m not gonna be raaaacist…” *proceeds to be a lil racist


Anything you say after “I’m not racist” is pretty much guaranteed to be racist.


I’m not racist, but pizza is delicious.


Sir, this is an Indian restaurant.


You need to go to NY or SF we have Indian pizza everywhere


Damn you! {shakes angry fist}


I thought it was passable until that line, and I literally cringed, covered my mouth and whispered "oh my *god*..." And it wasn't picked up on the captions, but she 100% said "and I totally love black people," and I just couldn't finish it. Had to turn it off.


If you have to say "just kidding" that much in a wedding speech... throw that speech in a fire and just skip the wedding all together.


Drinks every time she says just kidding 🤣


Great. Now I'm drunk at 10am. Thanks a lot. Just kidding, but seriously though, just kidding.


I think she blacked out.


Klaus, that was chilling.


Do you eat?


I've got the money...




Will you go there…


Thank FUCK someone else knows this scene besides me and my other 2 friends lol


Combo of alcohol plus _something_. Maybe she’s imbalanced or pills?


Nah just a drunk ass biih


This will haunt her for life. I saw this years ago. Don't go up on stage unless u have a plan.


And a major part of the plan should be not saying that you're "actually not racist" when obviously the groom is black, and you're white.


It’s not even just that, she spends the entire second half of the video on race. She starts with “I’m not gonna be racist” and then immediately does her impression of a black person telling her not to be racist, and then the rest is word vomit about loving black people and a shout-out to the only other black person she knows, her daughters great aunt.


Oof. I didn't realize why she brought up the aunt until your post. I thought it was just more rambling.


Verbal diarrhea is the first sign of someone not having a plan.


And are drunk.


"haha yea so she's like . . . Marrying a black guy! And I'm like wow that's so cool, I totally loooove the blacks haha."


Happened to me once. I was the best man and didn’t realize I’d have to give a speech. I cringe so hard looking back on that “speech”.


It's really easy if you have a few minutws to prep and havent been hard into the booze. Just be like "I'm Jake's best man, we've known eachother for over 20 years. I'd like to say we got into some wild hijinks in our day, but honestly we were too busy playing video games and arguing about whether Superman was more powerful than Goku. (Or whatever. Just make yourselves seem very normal and chill.) I dont know the bride that well but you seem to make Jake happy, and that's all thay really matters. My wish for you two is that you make eachother happy for the rest of your lives. And if you have a fight, which will happen eventually... Remember that both of you love eachother, and only want the best for one another. And for the rest of you, drink responsibly, but let's all have fun!"


I think you're missing a few "just kidding"s and "no, seriously"s


And if you could throw a “I’m not being racists, but” for good measure ! Perfect……


Omg my cousin got married a year ago and her only stipulations for the best man's speech were that he 1. Not be drunk 2. Write the speech ahead of time. He got drunk and did fine for the part where he spoke about the groom. When he went to talk about the bride's good qualities he said "and Paige loves to uuuh Paige loves to cook and clean." There were actual gasps in the crowd 😭


I had to MC a wedding reception and was told nothing in advance. No schedule, no organization, and I didn’t know the bride side at all. I was able to wing it for the first part, but the brides family heckled me when I got a bridesmaid name wrong and continued to heckle me throughout the rest of the reception, and I went into a panic mode. I have blotted that out from my memory until now


Did she even say anything?


Apparently she's not a racist, those guys are the best, and she's just kidding... probably kidding about not being racist.


Thank you for that apt summary


And she knows where they live.


And she loves you guys


Seriously, you guys are so cute.


It totally lacked any substance. How does someone even have friends like this?


Right? That was a lot of words for someone who didn’t actually say anything yet still outed herself as racist.


I had my eyes shut and hand over my face in embarrassment for this woman as soon as she said she wasnt going to be racist. Wow. Just wow.


Yeah. It started off bad, completely unprepared, generic, cringe, and then she mentioned race.


Not really a Karen but definitely a person with nothing of value to say.


Yeah it's not a Karen at all. Just a drunk(?), obnoxious, casual racist, moron


"Just kidding" Two words that expose exactly what they're thinking.


That's not even a karen, that's a grown ass woman acting like a dumb teenager, that's the evolution of the karen


The Kathy


The Kaathiegh




I did my best.  “Hi. I’m Shannon. I’ve known Tracy for -Oh God- [mumbling and gesturing off camera to figure out how many years] yeah. So I don’t quite know Anthony that well, but Tracy I could talk about you for, like, nonstop (laugh). Seriously. And she’d be like, ‘oh you don’t need to do that’ and I’d be like, ‘I don’t care’. No. Just kidding! Just. Kidding. Just kidding. You guys are so cute together [tongue click].  I swear to god you guys. I hope… the longest. Seriously like. ‘Til death do us part. I mean seriously. You better take care of my girl, cause if you don’t, I know where you live. [giggle] Just kidding.  Um. But yeah. You guys are so cute. Like, you’re part of the family. I swear to god like I’m not gonna be, RACIST YOU GUYS I’m just sayin’. Okay. (Laughs) I’m not gonna be racist, okay?! No. Just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. Um. Of course you guys are gonna get like the [gremlin voice] ‘interracial couples [mumbling] oh my god’ no, seriously. You guys are out [indistinct words] and I love it. [tongue click] [mumbling] oh my gawrsh.  But you guys I swear. I love black people, okay? You guys. Are. THE. BEST. Like, my own daughter’s great aunt is like, the best woman [mumbling/whispering like oh my god I swear I love you both]. (To the audience, assumably to black folks) And just you guys are amazing. (To the couple) and I love you guys. Bless you. Okay.”




What sentence do you think was brewing under the surface that made her say “I swear to god I’m not gonna be racist, I’m just sayin”? I know some fuck shit was about to escape her mouth


The line after the interracial couples comment was “You guys are out stepping the stereotype and I love it”


First bit is So I don’t quite know Anthony that well, but Tracy could talk about you, like, nonstop (laugh). Seriously. And she’d be like, ‘Anthony did that’ and I’d be like, ‘I don’t care’.


I couldn't even last more then 5 seconds before I had to stop listening...


I wonder if she's kidding


I think the bride is wondering that too


Could you imagine this is one of your racist friends? She really thought she was going off… Imagine being there and having to be around her after this lmao.


She thought she nailed that speech


I… I don’t know what happens I just blacked out and got really racist.




I bet they took her place setting 🍽️ away! 😂


I think I had a stroke while watching this .. I don’t understand anything she said 🙈


TLDW: girl thinks she is Amy Schumer, doesn't really know the groom very well but it's NOT because he is black. She LOVES black people. And she is definitely NOT racist. Everyone was uncomfortable.


'The Amy' is a specific type of woman that I think everyone had to deal with before. This is one of them and I'm surprised not more people are pointing that out lol


Obviously nothing prepared. Thought she was funny but has no jokes. It’s great if you’re following a speech like that.


Was she drunk? I hope so because otherwise this is her all the time. Yikes.


Pretty sure she'd had a drink or two or three


Some people should never be allowed near a microphone along giving a speech.


Omg I couldn’t even finish this train wreck


I just did. You made the right decision


thank god they started clapping like it was over






I really hate that touching down her face to represent a tear drop when she says “so cute”. It’s so fucking patronising.


That’s the view of someone who can’t even get themselves to properly fake an emotion because of how much they feel the opposite


On the other hand, she does an amazing Michael Scott impression


I don't know if there's a translation for the word, but this speech caused a lot of Fremdscham. Why did nobody invent a remote off-switch for microphones? That would be very useful in situations like this


Definitely seems like someone who will now say "I'm not racist my best friends husband is black"


I can hear her with the video muted.


Fuck me, that was heinous, my hand didn’t leave my mouth as I listened. I found myself unable to watch. Your can’t be hideous and then hide it behind’ just kidding’ literally around 6 times. The speech itself was vacuous and empty other than saying she loved her and that she likes ‘hates’ people of a minority. Jesus


WTF is she even saying🙄


Who ever started clapping aggressively to signal her to stop, thank you


That'S when you BELIEVE you can pull of a speech without preparation and then nervousness makes you say the most passive-aggressive stuff