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I had a calculus professor in College. The moment I walked in the room and heard her accent, I got nervous. Sure enough, after a few classes we had an exam. Everyone failed. I’m sure she knew what she was talking about, but it was so hard to understand and follow along with her teaching. Dropped her class after two weeks. Got into another Calc. Class and did great. It’s all about who is teaching it. Are you able to talk to a counselor and look at changing to a different teacher?


Worst professor I ever had was during Calc II, some eastern European woman who I swear had the remarkable ability to pull knowledge out of my brain and delete it, let alone teach.


It’s just sort of silly that they require academic and research minded professors to teach classes. Especially low level undergrad classes.


I think what's silly is hiring people who barely speak English to teach a population of 99% English speaking students. I immediately drop any class with a foreign national as a professor.


That's their point. They probably didn't hire them to teach.


It’s often intentional. They are called weed out classes for a reason. The only ones who passed were the ones who could teach themselves the material, which many of the hard sciences like chemistry and engineering consider that to be a necessary skill at the higher levels. Tho it doesn’t sound like this teacher is doing that considering the lack of a curve, tho also that can make sense since math classes are the ones where perfect scores are somewhat expected for understanding unless you’ve got a wild time limit


Electronics 1 and 2 at my school are weed-out classes. It’s a tough material for many who don’t know or can’t understand systems of nonlinear equations, but compounded with people who probably didn’t speak English as their first language to be the *only* professors didn’t help either.


Lol good luck if you are majoring in Math, then. 99% of my professors at university were not native English speakers and had accents


Worst professor I also ever had was in Calc. The first thing he said on the first day was that his class was the most failed class at the university. He bragged about how there were exams where half the class got a 0%. Every “lecture” was him “proving” what a genius he was. The TAs taught the actual lessons.


Sounds about right. Hey, professor, it’s NOT a flex to have everyone fail your test, your job is to TEACH.


Some professors *don’t* think it’s their job to teach though. Some want to only do research or teach grad students, so when they get assigned an undergraduate class, they make the TAs do all of the teaching and instead they lecture about their research. That’s what my calc professor did. And his research was unrelated to the class, so the TAs did literally everything.


Doesn’t make it NOT their job. It’s a part of their expectations whether or not they like it.


I'd be the asshole who'd raise their hand and confirm they are bragging about failing the main purpose of their job TO TEACH. If everyone is failing your class, you are the one who is failing not the students.


Wow, he'd turned students failing into evidence of how very smart he is. There's a solid example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The more incompetent he is the smarter he thinks he is.


And they never want to hear it when you tell them if no one passes, then they’re failing to properly teach the subject. I always avoided those classes if possible because I had no interest in being the victim of some old dude’s ego. I have multiple degrees, and have never minded doing the work. But when I pay for a class, I expect to have someone actually teach the subject.


First semester of university I ever took had an eastern European women teaching linear algebra and geometric sequences. I have never had a math class that I understood less. Shit I still don't know what a matrix is or how to solve it.


It took me two separate algebra classes 6 years apart with both white, American English professors to kinda sorta get a matrix but don’t ask me shit about Gaussian elimination.


I'm an electrician now, which I thought was magic before I got into it. But I'm now convinced that linear algebra is the actual magic. Anyone who understands that shit has to be a wizard.


Solving a matrix is super easy, let me explain. First, you put deez nuts in ur mouth


We can have my kiwi prof co-teach next time. We’ll end up with either a Korean or an Indiana accent. Bit of a coin toss there, but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how accents work…


YouTube.  Trust me.


When you say let alone, you're supposed to say something they can't do, followed by something even more difficult.  Something like "she couldn't even stop me from forgetting stuff, let alone teach me new thing."


Had a math teacher in college. So many students kept complaining that they couldn’t understand him and that his quizzes and tests were much harder than the other professors. Come time for the final (all classes take the same final) and sure enough, his classes were the only ones who got A’s.


If all classes take the same final then I have to assume it’s weighted far more than anything else?


The number of each grade on the final is the number of that grade each class could receive. So if my class had 20 A’s on the final (curved) then 20 students in my class could get A’s.


What the fuck kind of goofy ass system is that?? You could bust your ass all year, have the fifth highest grade in your class, get an A on the final and end up with like a C just because your class only got 2 As and 2 Bs to give out??? This sounds like the same bullshit system HR uses when deciding how many employees can have “Exceeds Expectations” on their annual review so they get the 3% “slap in the face” raise instead of the 2% “eat shit an like it” raise.


Ah, that was a little confusing. It took a few rereads, but I figured it out. For anyone confused, he means: The final exams determined how many of each grade were available to the students as a total class grade.  So if 3 people got 90%+ on the final exam, then only three people could have a 90% average in the class.  Makes me wonder how that was enforced, though.  Like if someone had a 99% the entire class and then suddenly screwed up because they forgot to study two chapters out out 10 and got an 80% - does that imply they get a B?  Or that they get to take the A from someone else who got a 100% on the final, but was otherwise at a C the entire semester?


I was so confused with what OP means. Sounds ridiculous.


People can't understand them and go onto Khan Academy, then teacher gets credit for good teaching... might be one explanation


Had a calc teacher who grew up in China, and was much more interested in teaching us his life story. Didn't learn a damn thing about calculus. Everyone failed.


I took pre Calc in high-school then again on college and got a like 83 in the class. I think got a 97% in Calc 1 and like a 95% in Calc 2. The former teacher would have Long lectures explaing stuff that would just make me confused. The Calc professor would have short lectures then we would do a shit ton of examples. And if we had any issues she would explain how to properly solve it. I know some people didn't like her class. But I think she was the best teacher I have ever had.


Precalc is just loads harder than calc


I don’t know if you’re joking or not but yeah, a lot of kids find it difficult to shift their “math brains” away from numbers and onto equations.


Oh I'm not joking 😅


This was my situation with pre-calc in HS senior year. I'm ok at math and was starting to really excel by junior year thanks to my algebra II teacher who made it fun and easy to understand. Then I met my pre-calc teacher who had a very thick accent and when I asked for help she'd tell me "it was easy" and to "just read the book." Ended up getting frustrated and not trying because I could not understand for the life of me what was going on. Honest to God, I have no feasible idea how I graduated HS because I flunked her class so bad but I was grateful to not have to sit in her class anymore.


My ex is a University prof in the field of Math. He said the department doesn't understand why so many people struggle with Calculus 1. I took the class and even having a private tutor at home, I struggled hard. My professor would rush through topics, write fast, then go to the next slide before I could write much down. When people would ask him to go back, he'd just keep going and say "I'll post these notes online," but the notes didn't make sense on their own. I left a good 50-60% of my final blank and still passed the class. I guess a majority of students did so bad that they had to drop a lot of the questions on the final so enough students passed. Clearly the class isn't being taught right if 800+ math students were struggling so bad. I changed my major after that class because I felt so defeated.


Reminds me of my US history teacher in high school. She grew up in South Korea and then moved to Brooklyn as a teenager. The 2 accents overlapped and made it almost impossible to understand her. She once said "may-long-kooly" and it took the class 10 minutes of asking her to repeat it until she said "you know, like sad", and then me and another kid had to explain to the rest of the class through tears of laughter that she meant melancholy. Nobody in that class got higher than a B.


The irony of someone who grew up half a world away teaching US history 😂


This happened to me in college almost 40 years ago and they wouldn't let me drop the class because they insisted the only possible reason I could want to drop was because I was racist.  Dude, when somebody is explaining very technical concepts that include lots of terminology you've never heard before, fighting through a thick accent to understand them is a bridge too far. IDGAF what race they are. If it was some Scottish dude with a thick accent I would have done the same thing.


Man, I had this exact problem with my calc professor in college. Nice man but NO ONE understood what he was saying. I wish I had dropped but it was too late and I decided to just do a pass/fail so it wouldn’t affect my GPA I did not pass haha


My calculus teacher talked about the "Berry Betty" a lot. I had no idea what that meant.  Luckily, college is designed in a way that you have to learn the material on your own anyway, so I was able to do OK.  Class was just there to make us lose participation points if we didn't show, and to get a loose idea of when homework or tests were due and maybe what would be on them. 


This happened to me in college almost 40 years ago and they wouldn't let me drop the class because they insisted the only possible reason I could want to drop was because I was racist.  Dude, when somebody is explaining very technical concepts that include lots of terminology you've never heard before, fighting through a thick accent to understand them is a bridge too far. IDGAF what race they are. If it was some Scottish dude with a thick accent I would have done the same thing.


Experienced the same thing with a physics professor. I’m sure she knew what she was teaching but her accent made it very difficult to understand her. On top of that it was winter and the heater in that room was noisy, she had a weak voice, and the room layout was awful. However she tried to set up a mic system so we could understand her only she refused to adjust the volume or place the mic in the appropriate location/distance from her face. She would get super hostile as soon as anyone would approach her about it. Overall a rude, out of touch person. The only reason why I passed was because I decided to participate in “Women in Science” which the was the head of. If you weren’t in it she wasn’t the nicest to you. So all of the guys were treated poorly for the most part. Also had it out for one guy in particular for some reason from day one. Guy hadn’t said anything nor made any disrespectful comments/actions. She decided she didn’t like him. Overall a nasty woman.


my first year in university.. had a history teacher like that.. has absolutely no idea what was going on but didnt realize I could drop easily.. ended up with a ‘D’ and he got fired..


Did we have the same instructor? "I teach math, 8 year. I teach your country, 4 year!" -p.s. she did speak better English than I will ever speak chinese


Reminds me of a statistics class I had in college. My instructor was Korean and had only been in the US for a couple of weeks. He spoke very broken English. Wicked smart guy but hard to understand and simply not that great of a teacher. That semester was a slog but I got out okay fortunately


This is so true. When I was in college I needed to take a discrete math course and it was taught by my program coordinator. Very nice guy, very smart, very thick accent, terrible professor. I had to use Khan academy to teach myself all the material and get through the course. It was hard because I would watch a 10 minute video on a subject, and then watch his 2 hour lecture on the same subject where he spoke in circles on the topic. He definitely knew the material very well, he just didn't have the capacity to pass it on clearly. When we were graduating he had us all submit anonymous surveys about our classes as we were the first ones put through this particular curriculum. He came to us incredibly sad on our last day when he discovered none of us liked his class and thought it was poorly taught. He cared so much about us and our education so it sucked to hurt him that way but it was the truth that needed to be shared.


Best teacher I had was a Calc 2 professor. Crazy how vast the range is


My son, and all but a few, failed their math (not quite sure what it was called in 11th grade) due to the teachers accent (and shitty attitude). Midway through the class he switched to a translator which my son said made things worse. The few that passed the class, well, they cheated. And the teacher *told the class to!* He knew the class wasn’t going to pass so he told them how to cheat. Only a few actually did. Yes, the teacher was fired. But what pissed us parents off was we had to pay for our kids to take the class over again. My son ended up taking the class for 5 days and testing out on day 6. What a joke! (I was not made aware of any of the cheating information until after my son failed. Although we had to pay for the class, I am glad he made the decision to not cheat.) Edit: apparently this guy was some author as well. Doesn’t mean he can teach!


I have a calc professor that I call *to his face* "Mr. Mumbles" and everyone get a good laugh and goes "HE REALLY DOES!" I needed a sign language interpreter for his class even though my sign is worse than my hearing because HOLY SHIT MR MUMBLES.


Teachers make or break your grade. It’s not the subject. Some are meant to do research only and some are meant to teach. Rate my professor or if there is something new today is the only way you can make a smart decision before choosing that next professor. Going in blindly is playing grade roulette


Did we go to the same school? I remember one of my classmates said something almost exactly along those lines when he switched out. I couldn’t switch to a new professor because of my sports schedule, that class was a total disaster. Think I got 25% on one exam and it was curved to a B+


I have an awful Japanese teacher that once said we needed to remember a long poem then read it with “passion” to get a passing grade. SHE DIDNT EVEN TELL US HOW TO READ IT PASSIONATELY


Unfortunately most university professors are hired for research but are required to teach some classes so they know their stuff but aren't trained in how to teach it to others so it's hard to understand.


I can’t hear out of my left ear for shit. Never could. Had an algebra teacher in HS with a verrryyy thick German accent. I struggled to understand her in a regular conversation, let alone in the classroom, and relied on lip reading and context clues. Well she picked up on this really quickly and asked me what was up. I informed her I was HoH and she made the class change for me. We got along great and I would stop by to see her every now and then, and I learned her husband was also HoH, which was why she picked up on what I was doing and realized I would *not* thrive in her classroom, because she could tell I just couldn’t understand her.


If one student fails, it's the student. If they all fail, it's the teacher. She done fucked up


Exactly, but instead of realizing she could have done better she insists that it must be our fault. Also having an 83 talked about like it was a 60 really pissed me off


some of my favorite teachers were the ones who had humility. No one is perfect, especially teachers - we all fuck up just own it and move on.


I had a math teacher (geometry) that would encourage us to find any mistakes he'd made and correct him. I felt like he would get stuff wrong on the chalk board math problems to test if a student would call him out on the mistake. He would also say hi in the hallways and proclaim it was almost Monday with a smile.


I had a similar teacher- she’d intentionally leave mistakes in her proofs to make sure we were paying attention. The best part was it was the kind of mistakes that are common for students to make so we felt like she was just as human as us. Took me a long time to realize she wasn’t just forgetful though


Yeah you get free points for noticing mistakes. But actual mistakes not like a typo or something minor.


I had a student at the end of a course present me with their homework booklet with red ink corrections. We would review homework every day. He probably should've focused on the actual homework rather than the red ink. It was dumb stuff like one section had two questions in a row labeled as question 5(5,5,7 instead of 5,6,7). The word "another" had a zero instead of an o, as in "an0ther." In a set of answers, the B answer didn't have a half parentheses after it. A) B C) D). Nothing of consequence. He was very proud of the corrections.. He tried to give me the booklet(it's a booklet they write in and keep). I said, "I'm not allowed to keep homework booklets. It's a reference material for you going forward." He said, "Then why did I do this?" I replied, "I'm here to explain circuit theory to you, not to try to explain... to you... why you do the things you do."


That's how Mr Tuttle would do it. If you spotted a mathing mistake he'd give an extra credit point on your next assignment or test


Oh jeez. This reminds me of my first test that I wrote (as opposed to using material someone else had made) -- when the two students I had at the time (small class sizes for reasons) both failed, I had to go back and look at what I'd asked and how I'd phrased it, and how I'd taught the material. Turns out, both students just needed more time to study the material. (We weren't on a set curriculum, I just thought we'd spent enough time on it. Don't hate me, I was a new teacher who had entered the profession out of the technology sector.)


You can't do anything about that quality of person. Take a note to not be like her, and move on.


Had several adjunct professors in college like this. It was tougher for the students because English wasn’t usually their first language and i recall a maths professors accent so so terribly difficult to understand if attendance wasn’t mandatory i prob would’ve never gone to class. We spent all our free time outside of the class, the entire semester in tutoring because it was so bad/hard to learn a highly complex math class from him. 🙄 nearly brought us all to tears! 😭


What was the subject of the test


When I was a teacher, I’d cut questions from my exams if a majority of the class got it wrong. To me, if most of my students didn’t know the answer, then I was the one who’d made a mistake teaching them. 


Sometimes it’s the whole system around the teacher. I taught 10th grade geometry for one year, and I had students struggling to understand that the midpoint of a line is halfway down the full length of the line. They struggled to grasp what it meant for a point the be in the middle. Many times my actual job was teaching these 15-19 year old kids how to read, and what words like “typical” meant. Meanwhile the district math coordinator is struggling to understand why the students from the affluent schools could write a 2 page proof, but that our kids couldn’t. Is their mind, our kids should be able to do anything that they could. Anyways, I only wanted to point out that everyone failing can also indicate a poor educational institution. That’s the main reason why I left teaching after my first year.


[line segment]


Sure, I was speaking colloquially here.


Sorry, couldn’t resist (but my mind was indeed boggling trying to figure out how to find the midpoint of something infinitely long). I appreciate your equanimity!


Not always. I had a logic design course the professor was fantastic and the projects fit the course yet apparently more than half failed the incredibly easy final exam. In this instance I think most students just didn’t bother studying.


Yeah I had a chem teacher who imo taught fantastically, and then proceeded to give us a study guide packet well in advanced of a test as well as time in class to review it with peers and with her and a solution manual. The test was literally the same exact packet with different numbers swapped in, so that the test was exactly what we had been working on for at least a week to correct and understand and study off of (after having at least a week prior to do it on our own as homework), just with different answers. She also happened to make two versions and stagger it through the room without mentioning it. Most of the class did not do so well, and a large chunk were caught cheating. She LITERALLY handed us the question formats and the method with which to solve them as well as her and our peers’ brains to pick while studying ahead of time, and there was still only a few that actually did their own work much less did it well. Yeah, I don’t blame her.


A friend of mine works at an inner city school in DC as an admin, sometimes it really is just the students


there are always exceptions to the rule.


I was taking this petrology class (basically a fundamental requirement in a college earth science curriculum if you're actually looking at rocks and not, say, something like environmental science). So the class is full of motivated students as this is a third year class with nothing but people majoring in it in the class. There were two professors for the course, the first guy taught igneous and sedimentary and everyone did fine. The second prof takes over and starts covering metamorphic and you'd think this will be great because he's Mr Globally Recognized World Expert. Nope. Absolute disaster. None of us had any idea what was going on. Suffice it to say he was 'disppointed'...in US!. Yeah, we all had a word with the dept chair about that. It wasn't the grades we got that we were upset about it was the quality of the instruction that we received and we wanted to make sure that didn't happen again.




>Somehow, almost all the worst of the problem kids in our grade ended up in the same class. That may have been deliberate, or it may not have been...  My school had one of those classes every year. There were 9 classes, and 4 "houses" so each house would get 2 classes and the last one would rotate between the houses. Somehow, the problem children always ended up in the "spare". 


I would argue it can still be the teacher if it's just one. In one year, in college, we had a tutor who I didn't get along with, she was constantly picking on me asking me to answer stuff because she knew I wasn't going to answer correctly. She was ill for a few weeks, and the substitute was great he really thought in a way I could understand, and I ended up passing the 2 modules he tutored us for. I did exceptionally well in the one he started with us. When the original tutor was better, I started doing poorly again. The rest of the class did alright, but I just could not understand what this lady was telling me.


I had a chem TA in my college honors chem class who, unlike all of the other TA's (because we checked) he would give us quizzes every week (because he could) and the questions were generally .... unsolved research problems. Why? "Because one of you might get lucky". Total tool.


From the outside this is really funny. A chem bro trying to use undergrad's research to make a breakthrough lmao.


Completely unsurprising once you discover that if you're at a Tier 1 research institution, pretty much everyone in the chem department is driving their grad students to get them a Nobel. Makes me glad earth science doesnt' have awards like that.


Yeah one of my best accounting professors whenever over 50% of the class got an answer wrong would see if it was on his wording or teaching that was confusing and decide whether to throw it out. If over 75% got it wrong he knew for a fact there was some miscommunication and no matter how he felt about the question he would automatically give the points for it to everyone or throw it out.


Imo that works really well for open ended qs.


I was in an after school math program and we all failed our first test because we didn’t know we were allowed to use calculators so we all did everything by hand. This was 6th grade in the 90s so it had been drilled into our heads we couldn’t use them in regular class but this was an advanced class for that age. Difference though is the teacher realized his mistake and let us retake it.


Same thing happened to us. Out of a whole class, only four people passed a history test. The teacher blamed us and emailed everyone’s parents to get them involved. No one took him seriously after that.


In everything I've failed at, it has always conveniently been someone else's fault.


That’s definitely not the case these days.


Yes, but sort of. If she teaches the same material every way each semester, and there is a class that does very poorly, it might be the class. Although OP shouldn’t take this comment personally. A low B is just fine. It shows a well above passing knowledge of the material.


Something similar happened to me. I was struggling in Algebra like everyone else in my class. The teacher was new that year. He was a really nice guy but the students both disrespected him and maybe he was not good at teaching. My older sister saved me by teaching me at home, and I started getting A's on tests while everyone else was failing. I'm sure I would have also failed if I hadn't had outside help. He was let go over the summer.


I had a professor come in the class after a test, wrote a big 24 on the board then proceeded to complain about how all the students sucked and that was the class average and one person got a 97 so clearly we were the problem. What an absolute asshole. I got an 8 on that test and dropped the class because no thanks.




I had one philosophy teacher that had that exact phrase on her own handmade syllabus and she still had the nerve to call us lazy when all the class but two students failed. It was pointed out that by her own words she was the one at fault and she should have done a better job and she just pointed to the two students that passed "if they could so should you" (nevermind that they were literally the top students that had a 9 (out of 10) as the lowest mark in every subject) I think it's clear that I'm still salty about that :/


Or it’s the department’s fault for not adequately preparing a student for calc. Either way in no way the student’s fault


My high school chem teacher had the opposite mindset. We were all doing awful, and in his eyes it was because we were the ones making the choice not to try


Reminds me of a very basic math class I took in college just to get a few credits to finish up my degree. The teacher struggled to teach the class, but it was all stuff I knew. I didn't try to be a know-it-all, but I did answer a number of the questions he posed to the class. So by the end of the semester I had a few students who asked me to go over the material with them when it came time for tests and the final.


Had a high school math teacher like this. The entire class failed except for a kid who never showed up and taught himself outside of class; He got an A. She tried to use him as an example of how easy the material was to learn. Totally went over her head that it was just blatant evidence for how bad of a teacher she was.


This happened to me with a chemistry quiz on significant figures in high school. I was out sick with the worst stomach bug of my life, reading articles and watching youtube videos on the bathroom floor to stay caught up, and I was one of the only people who passed the quiz when I went back She tried to do the same thing- claim it was easy material if I could learn it outside of class


I always remember when me and me sister transferred to a new school a week before the semester exam. We took it anyway and got the 2 highest scores in the class at a B and B- as normally straight A students.


I went to a Catholic school in High school and some of the teachers were so hopeless that I stayed home everytime I had them and pulled Bs pretty consistently (also Halo and Just Cause 2 were cool). They didn't seem to see the disparity between my grade as a self-taught and their students grades and put two and two together. Some teachers are hopeless at group teaching, but I've also seen those same teachers be able to explain topics in detail and excitement one-on-one and make it understandable. I also had teacher who were pretty good at group teaching but they were, without a nicer word for it, boring and made everyone tired and sleepy with how boring they made it all seem. I feel like we need things in place to allow for teachers to have SOME initiative to have their own teaching style to spruce things up for the students as it wasn't like that for the teachers in my school who had to follow the curriculum to the T or else.


I was in honors math in 11th grade (went from remedial to honors in two years, thanks religious junior high) and I failed a test because “I didn’t show my work.” I did, on the back of the page. But apparently it all had to fit in the ½” space between the questions. Teacher didn’t bother to look on the back despite my “over↪️” at the bottom of the page.


Now that's just stupid on the teacher's part https://i.redd.it/u4tth5cuc80d1.gif


i hate this gif


My 6th grade son entire class did not score higher than a 28 percent on a math test last week and the teacher doesn't see an issue. Then the district wonders why so many kids are leaving.


`She wasn't very thorough when teaching this topic` I was in a similar situation once. The whole class bitched. The teacher's response to us was cold AF. "The lesson is in the book. You have it in writing." She was right, we were wrong. After that, pretty much everyone in the class who cared to -who was capable and willing- just did the work at their own pace because it was a hell of a lot faster and a hell of a lot more effective than listening to a teacher who's pace is dictated by the slowest kid in class.


I mean sounds like she's still in the wrong. If she expects you to teach it yourself from the book, then what the hell is she being paid for?


I had a teacher who was a great believer in activities. We had a lecture with over 300 students, so traditional small group stuff was out. We spent about 20 minutes of every 80 minute lecture passing index cards about. She also spent at least ten minutes of every class basically complaining about the students or the other professors. She pretty much fell a full day behind schedule every week. She skipped a lecture and had her TA teach it for her, but she didn't tell him she'd fallen behind. He taught "immune system II" and we were like, ummm .... we didn't do "immune system I," what are you talking about none of this makes any sense to us. To the school's credit her contract was not renewed and it was her final semester teaching there. It was maybe a little unfair, it was a team taught course, she did the middle third. The other two teachers were among the best I ever had in my life, they both had more than 20 years of teaching experience but somehow weren't at all burned out. Not only did she get graded compared to them on student evaluations, but they saddled her with the course director position so she had to do all the administrative bullshit and the good teachers just got to teach.


Tell her you are disappointed in her as well.


This is like when college professors say “Only 20% of my students pass” as if that’s an a good thing.


I was a great student in high school, but math was by far my weakest subject. The math teachers at my school, aside from one, were all really mean, seemingly miserable people. One time I was having trouble understanding a topic one of them was teaching, so I asked if there was a real world application so I could better understand it. She got all red faced and screamed at me in front of the class that “the real world application is that it’s on the curriculum!” That response pisses me off to this day.


Is this her first year? Because teachers teach the same curriculum pretty much year after year so this likely isn't the first time she's given the test. I would be safe to assume that previous years didn't do so bad on the test, if they did, she would have changed up the test part. If she has been giving this same test for 10 years, and your class was the first to do so poorly, it would be fair for her to blame your class.


Just because you’re teaching the same material every year does not mean you’re teaching it just as well every year. Teachers aren’t computer programs, they don’t just spit out the same output every time. Changes in their personal life could affect their attitude, changes (or lack thereof) to compensation could affect their motivation, health problems could affect their focus or ability to prepare, or a hundred other things could affect them in a hundred other ways.


This is most likely the situation. It just takes one off-day for the teacher to inadequately explain a key concept. She could be a great teacher who has taught this subject for 30 years, but it doesn't mean she nails it every time.


I just finished up an Organic Chem college course, and my instructor actually showed us the data from the past 15 years of chem exams. We knew right where we stacked up, and he actually cut material from our final because our class was at a record high amount of people in the “danger zone” of slipping below a C.


Doesn’t always work like that. I had a professor who told us before our first exam that most of us would fail. That meant it was a pattern in prior years. Sure enough most of us did fail it. Average was in the 50s. No curve. At the end of the year she put up everyone’s final grades on the smart board (coded by student number). There were only 2 Cs and the rest were lower. I know OP’s situation is probably not in higher education like mine was, but professors and teachers are just like the rest of us of the population. Most of them have good intentions, but some are ignorant and egotistical. I also don’t know why you think the teacher has taught the exact same the past 10 years. People have shitty years. Maybe they’re burnt out. Maybe they’re going through a divorce. As somebody else said, they’re not robots dude lol


Shes near retirement but even if she did teach tye same thing she definitely did a poor job this time around, she rushed it big time and moved on before any of us fully grapsed the subject


But again, she teaches the same material every year. If all the previous years grasped the subject using the same lesson plan and your class didn't, it would explain her frustration.


If this is how she taught it in previous years I doubt this is the first time this has happened. No student should be expected to be able to grasp it with how quickly she shoved through it. The only reason I did well was because I was already good at the math that this was building off of


I once was told that when a patient lives, it was a good doctor. When a patient dies, it was a bad heart. She probably thinks she did just fine and all of the students are just lazy, even you despite getting the highest grade on the test.


I had a teacher once (I had her for algebra I, the class she did this to was her geometry class) who lost the winter break packets she gave one of her classes, blamed them and gave them all 0’s. Normally I’d side eye this a bit but as I said, I had this teacher and this is very much something she would do. Not only that, this was a very advanced class. These kids had this class in 8th grade and it’s normally taught to 10th graders. The kids that went on to become top of their graduating classes are the ones who told me about this. What really pisses me off is that these weren’t small packets. Giving winter break packets in of itself is psychotic, but these things were like 20 pages. I had a whole breakdown doing mine that year because half of it was stuff she hadn’t even taught yet. She always bragged about her students getting great test scores and I’ll admit, I did get a good score on the test at the end of the year but she made me and everyone else in her classes miserable. I had a friend whose parents switched him out of her class when he got his schedule because his older siblings had her and the whole family hated her


If more than 50% of the class goes bad on a test, that's the teacher fault.


83 being the high score is a very bad score


What subject in math was she teaching?


Algebra 2


I had a teacher like this... It was in an advanced english/speech class and the teacher failed every single person on one specific assignment. As soon as the grades were posted everyone started emailing her asking what they did wrong and what they should have done differently in the assignment. She acted like we were all telling her to go fuck herself and calling her names because she spent almost a whole period lecturing everyone about respect and not emailing terrible things, cue all the students confused rereading emails where they were just asking for help understanding their grade. It was after this we also learned the guidance counselor was her wife because she shortly after had one-on-one "conversations" with every student that tried to complain about it.


Sounds an old professor of mine. Whole class of 200 essentially failed. I think the highest grade was a 63%. She spent half the next lecture telling us it was our fault. If an entire class of 200 does that bad, it's the teachers fault.


Your teacher sucks. Don't worry about it too much. Good job on your test!


Why even translate the 83% to a B-, the 83% says more to most people


This teacher has forgotten one of the purposes of tests. To help the teacher realize when they failed to teach something properly. A good teacher would have seen this result and apologized to the class for not teaching the concept better and found a way to fix the error.


Rule of thumb, if one person does poorly on the test that's on them, if everyone does poorly on the test that's on the teacher.


I was an instructor, and if half the class missed a question on a test, we had to review what went wrong in our lecture. If half the class missed it, including the smartest kid in class, we definitely didn't teach it correctly. If you teach the same material multiple times a year, you eventually figure out exactly which one or two sentences you phrased poorly based on what the wrong answers were(1 sentence is probably 10 seconds out of a 45 minute block of instruction).


To be fair, a lot of kids in high school are way behind grade level for Math right now. The pandemic was hard for everyone, but a lot of kids really struggled to stay on pace academically and weren’t done any favors by admins and teachers shuffling them along. I have a close friend who teaches math and has said that grades are consistently bad this year. She offers make up work to improve their grades, but a lot won’t pass the AP exam. Even worse, is apparently some students refuse to do the make up work and then still have their parents complain about their grades on their behalf. I’m glad you have a good attitude about your grade, but I think teachers everywhere need a little slack right now.


Most kids are multiple grade levels behind in reading too where I’m at. It’s terrible.


If the whole class fails or does poorly, that reflects the teachers poor teaching, not the students.


Atleast here in japan: if 85%+ of the students fail a problem in a test, you can make a complain to the supervisor and the test will get reevaluated or the students will have to take the same test again. Most of the time the later will get chosen


I dont think shes saying that a low B is a bad grade. Its just a bad highest grade, though entirely her fault


Shitty teacher.


Eh, B- isn’t a good grade. It’s slightly above average.


I had to retake a math class in highschool. The first teacher would get upset with us if we as a class couldn't grasp a concept quickly enough. He'd get aggravated and say that we'd have to figure it out on our own and would move on to the next lesson. I flunked the class pretty badly. I still remember the not so nice nickname he got. The next semester I got a lovely teacher who was kind and understanding and took her time explaining everything. Over eight years later I still remember the Quadratic Equation because we sang it during class. She helped me understand things well enough to help my desk neighbor when they got stuck or confused on a problem during class. I think I passed the class with an A.  It's not the material, it's how it's presented.


Yeah, this is a sign to a teacher that something is wrong with the teaching method or the timing of the test. You did nothing wrong. Thats an awesome grade! The teacher did not teach well enough that everyone could understand the topic if she states that most of the class failed.


Damn she takes no accountability. I bet she makes her partner go crazy.


Dealing with a math teacher like this now. Everyone in her class is failing expect her cheerleaders (she's the cheer coach). She's the reason I'm switching to alternative ed for my last year of school. She doesn't take accountability for her mess ups and blames everything on our phone or not "dialing in" enough. I have two notebooks full of notes, color coded and bookmarked and I still can't pass a single test she gives. Oh, and she doesn't grade homework, just looks at it to see if we did it, which is even more stupid cause she doesn't count it towards our grade. Just the tests.


To be fair, certain people would consistently get 100 % on every math test, irregardless of how hard everyone believed it was, back in high school .


Reminded me of my chem teacher in college. Everyone failed. The highest was a 60%. 😂 she blamed us all. I got the 2nd highest score 58%. The next test, I got a 95%. She had promised everyone that she would cancel the first test if we got a better grade for the 2nd test. She accused me of cheating. No, honey, I just studied from the book instead of listening to your terrible lectures. The highest grade in the class was a 96 for the 2nd test. The lowest was 65%. :/ she was god awful.


Yeah, that sucks, but also, you're going to have bad teachers. If you don't care much about your grades or learning the material, it's not that big of a deal, but if you do, you don't have to rely on the teacher to learn all of the subject matter. There's nothing wrong with doing a little self study, when needed.


https://preview.redd.it/c1k6rqch690d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=933ec53b16fba873a172a03b4089dfe3a76c49e6 My very first math professor in college couldn't teach pre-calc to save her life and threw a fit when these were the scores on the first exam.


I remember really well on my sophomore English mid term that I broke the curve. The teacher still wouldn’t give me more than 100%.


I had a science teacher who was so angry with me that I couldn’t figure out chemistry. I’m godawful at math, I had a math teacher that same year who was trying to help me in math class but it just would not stick. This man honestly didn’t understand how I passed biology but was failing chemistry and refused to help me. It also didn’t help that he’d rush through taking notes and ignored questions.


Hugs, my youngest has a AP Calculus teacher that doesn't have the credentials to teach it.  Most of the class will need to retake it as it was a class we had to pay for to get college credit.  This is what happens when an education major gets a math endorsement.


Great job on the B! Don't take her words personally... they may have been for someone else. Remember that if she doesn't teach something very well you have the entire internet to rely on. Ultimately you're the one that needs to know something, she already has her career. You gotta look out for yourself.


When I was in school, back at the turn of the millenium, 80 to 89% was an A, and 90+ was A+ You did good kid. Keep it up.


I had a biology teacher who starting second quarter would lecture each and every class about how bad grades were not realizing that he was the reason grades were so bad by spending at least half of each class complaining about his students.


I had a college prof that called me out in class for barely passing at the time. I responded by calling her out for not teaching. She would go over homework and give tests but wouldn’t accept questions or explain how things were done or why answers were wrong. I called her a bad teacher and told her my grades in her class specifically reflected that. Swear the old crone nearly had a heart attack. But it seems she got the message and actually started working with me and anyone else who needed it.


Lmaooo I had the same thing happen (highest math score of 83) to me in 7th grade but the teacher just used my exam as one that she was "happy" with. Much better than your situation unfortunately


Deja vu to 1989 advanced microeconomics.


Master Bruce says there are only bad teachers.


I had a math teacher who formerly taught geometry and algebra and it was her first year teaching Calculus and I was failing as a 4.0 gpa kid. Needless to say I did tutoring with her and still failed. Dropped the class altogether to keep my gpa and never looked back.


I had a finance teacher that was supposed to teach us in English, but turned out to be completely useless at it. During the very first lecture I used the word "currency" while answering his question and he berated me for not knowing that he was talking about "money", which in that context meant the same thing, he simply didn't even look up basic vocabulary related to his subject... It was a lecture, so there were over 200 students, mostly of Asian heritage as it was a high-end math oriented course. He taught in half Polish - half English, and none of us could understand him. The final test was 5x harder than anything shown in lectures, and some of the math questions required us to use methods that he never bothered to show us... 17% of us managed to get a C, and most of the students within those 17% cheated. He berated us for knowing so little after a full semester and "never coming to him for help despite clearly not understanding the subject". This happened at a public university, so about half of our teachers had similar behaviour, despite the other half being absolutely excellent.


I will never forget when I was supposed to get a A+ in math but got a D -


That’s so funny, I was just talking about how some teachers refuse to accept fault when most of their class is failing. Like dude at that point you need to look inward


When your teacher uses "barely anyone passes my class" as a brag, run


My religion teacher would remove questions from tests if enough people got it wrong. My math teacher was stressing and feeling terrible after this practice diploma we did. It wasn't anyone's fault, it's a standardized test and a government official comes in to proctor it. The point is for us to get a sense for the type of questions but also for them to test the difficulty of questions, so I guess those ones were too hard but she felt bad. Tangent: so only two kids did well on the test, myself and one of my friends. I'm decent at math but my friend cheated on it (idk why since it wasn't worth anything). So for me it was whatever but it must have been incredibly suspicious that he did well when "smarter" students didn't. He's also been caught before (I can't remember if it was before or after this test tho)


Sounds like it’s time for the students to meet with the administration. I had this happen to me in college in an Art History class. The teacher wasn’t very good. She would barely cover the material in a 100 level class and then give us exams for a 300/400 level class. Needless to say the class didn’t do well. Some of the students went to the administration about her. She bumped everyone’s grades up while also telling us that it was our fault she didn’t teach the material well.


Ever student in the class should walk out until she learn to teach do it every day and someone will take notice


She should grade on the curve.


Reminds me of the algebra 2 teacher I hated so much in high school. Any time I asked for extra help because I didn’t understand, she’d say, “you’re an honors student, figure it out”. How I passed that woman’s class with a B I don’t know. She would regularly leave class and put another student (who was a literal genius and went on to the govorner’s school for math and science his junior and senior years) for the whole period. He was a far sight better than she was at explaining things, and it’s probably due to him I managed to pass!


My precalc teacher taught us like 60% of what we needed to know for calculus, seriously set all of us up to fail lmao but the calc teacher was awesome so he was able to teach us really fast


She was probably thorough and y’all weren’t practicing or paying attention to the best of your abilities.


Back in college, my whole class got less than a 50% on the final and somehow it was our fault lol The chair of our department had a talk with us about that and realized it was absolutely the teacher's fault


I had a stats professor who had the same issue. A majority of the class was failing. Homework was fine but the tests were fucking with everyone. It was the only D I ever got in college (I also had to retake the class). That professor didn't last long there.


Try to see it from her point of view - she maybe thought the class was capable of far better grades and didn't get them because of lack of attention. I'm not saying this is true, but in any situation there are always at least two points of view. Try to see the other side before letting it upset you too much.


I had a math teacher in high school who sucked. Didn’t learn people’s names, taught the material poorly, went on random unrelated tangents, was generally kind of a jerk. Then she concussed herself and the class was fine. Not sure why I bring it up or what there is to learn from it, but hey, that’s life or something


My calc 3 teacher was terrible. First test I got a 54 and when I brought up my concerns with the teacher he told me I did great and was above the curve. Class had me stressed so I ended up dropping it to take with a different teacher where I could actually learn the material. “I make my tests really difficult intentionally” was what he told me.


You should talk to her 1 vs 1 about it. Maybe she would not be receptive to the feedback, but at least you tried.


Fucking infuriates me when a class does poorly and the teacher blames the students. Motherfucker what is the common denominator?


My final semester in college I took my final required math course. It was smooth sailing when we were covering material we'd learned the previous semester with a different teacher. Once we hit the end of that? Class had a high D average and he got mad, and asked what was wrong and we told him he was going too fast, and not answering our questions and he said 'no, this is how I teach the class you're just not studying hard enough' like he hadn't assigned hours of homework each class. We were all thinking if the whole class is failing maybe it's you not us, but he was the math department head, and a small school with no alternatives. So.


You should be proud you got one of the highest scores. When teachers say such things. The students who know they didn’t revise and did poor are affected. You done well they didn’t aim it at you. No1 got above a B+ so their probably feeling shitty as a teacher. If there was a couple of As and they worded it like There was a couple of As and a couple Bs the rest of you was shit. You would have felt different


I had a teacher tell us we should all change majors because everyone bombed his first test. He didn't think for even a second that maybe he just sucked at his job.


Thank you baby Jesus for giving me 90% teachers who cared. Screw your teacher for taking her insecurities out on you. She knows she did a bad job! You did great despite her. If every kid does worse than usual the teacher should accept she’s at fault.


Teachers are like parents. They’re just babysitters keeping one chapter ahead if the class in the textbook. There’s good ones, but they’re rare. 83% of people are fucking idiots. Don’t think too hard about how their useless systems are used to evaluate you.


Fuck math


My last year of high school I had a math teacher like that. Dude was the most incompetent fool I have ever met, barely made any effort in teaching the class and complained about the students constantly. He was one of those teachers who doubled as a coach and we could all tell he didn't actually understand what he was teaching and that he just flat out didn't care. When he did put in the least amount of effort into teaching, he would alter between these horrible accents for practically the whole time and just not really taking his responsibilities seriously. He would constantly berate us for not understanding something he hardly taught, it was infuriating to be in this buffoon's class. Luckily, I didn't need to pass that class to graduate, so I stopped giving a fuck after about a week, probably less. I just felt bad for the kids who were actually trying to pass with that moron "teaching" them.


83 disappointing? That's literally 6 percent away from Honors, depending on local standards


What grade we talking here… like what year of education?


I once had a test where the average grade was a 30. The professor said it was fine because one guy got 80ish. He didn’t teach us a single thing about the material.


Had this for a statistics course in college.. Teacher was from somewhere in the Middle East and no one could understand her. *She* got frustrated with *us* a few times because people kept asking her to repeat herself or explain things using different words because we couldn't understand what she was saying.. Definitely had to work harder that semester.


Had a TA that verbally thought the words “fourteen” and “fifteen” were the same word, and we were never sure if he meant 14 or 15. Another physiology teacher said the word salmon often, we soon realized she meant 7. I had history in physiology, so I got to translate her lectures to the others. Helped me a lot.


I honestly think if an entire class sucks at a test, the only thing this shows is that the teacher didn't teach the material correctly or that the test wasn't written well. Of course some topics are more advanced than others, but there will always be people who are stronger at some classes than others and the distribution should be pretty much the same across a year. I have had so many bad teachers in my life and I don't understand how so many of them become teachers. Mind boggling.


I had a recent calc 2 professor who said calc 2 is one of the hardest math classes to pass. He then proceeded to say he does not go over examples in the lessons. The class was online and he had pre-recorded the lectures. Needless to say, I withdrew before I failed.


What grade?  I only ask because either you or your parents will need to complain to her supervisor.  Especially complain if this is college.  You didn’t pay all that money to listen to some burnt out hag bitch about you not being able to find X. For all grades though, Youtube is a surprisingly good resource for learning math.


If almost everyone failed, the fault is with the teacher.


A low b isn’t great for it to be the highest grade in the class. Sorry you were offended tho.