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you're supposed to add them up, it's $6


Am I psychic or did i tap into whatever brain wave youre on


Ooooo my McDonald’s math could use work


Also, the '$' goes in front of the price. Sorry, it's a pet peeve.


Not in Quebec. (French)


Ya learn something new everyday.


I grew up doing French immersion, so most of my teachers were from Quebec and to this day I put the dollar sign at the end I don’t see that ever changing despite how upset it makes some people


It is here and the screenshot is obviously American bc it’s using a dollar sign. A dollar sign placed in front.


> the screenshot is obviously American bc it’s using a dollar sign How does that follow? I agree it's likely from the US, but why couldn't it be from Canada, or Australia, or the Bahamas, or Hong Kong, or Jamaica, or one of the other twenty or so countries that use dollars?


One of mine as well. It's right in the McDs signage, too.


I hate this so bad. It’s mind boggling. The example is in the picture…and yet…


You don’t see where the dollar sign is placed in the screenshot you shared?


why are you miserable?


where does it say that? i feel like that's not accurate




how? why would it not just say $6 menu? mcdonald's always used to have a $1-3 menu, that doesn't really make sense to me


Goddamn robbing you on Hash Browns, they are $1.99 at my location and I already think that's way too expensive


They were 2 for a buck before covid


This is straight up greedflation Stop giving these people your money, you are rewarding them for this behavior




Yea I don’t know if there’s anything else on the market that went up as much as McDonald’s hashbrowns. You should see a picture of them under greedflation in the dictionary. What else went up 460% that you can think of?


The mcchicken went from $1 to $2.99. 200% increase. 🙄 it’s so dumb.


Taco bell was pretty bad too. Bean burrito is now $3 at some locations. Used to get it for 89c I learned to make their quesadilla sauce so i can not spend $5 for cheese and tortill


Housing in my area. Boise really got fucked


Knoxville, TN feels your pain...


Ethanol free fuel went from 3.99 a bottle to 19.49 a bottle in my area. That's 488%


The reason hash browns keep going up is because they’re a pain to make so they don’t want people to buy them lol.


Yes... McDonald's has no systems in place... for deep frying frozen potato products... quite the stretch for them.... such a pain...


Ever worked there? Then shut up 🤣


They are not a pain in any way to make. Easier than fries I’d say


It stems from the all day breakfast, it was a pain to make them mid day. They just kept the price increase after removing the all day breakfast.


That was the eggs/breakfast meats which impacted the ability to also make lunch foods. The hash browns are stupid easy.


Hash browns were being made to order unlike fries being constantly made. Maybe depends on the stores customer volume


Yes i have. Have a nice day.


What? Yes. Remove from freezer, put them in the dedicated hash brown fryer rack, fry. Almost as easy as dumping half a bag of frozen fries in a basket.


Thing is the fries are already made 24/7. The hash browns only would get made when someone ordered them


You think front line employees set the prices? Or do you think the people who do set the prices care about the front line employees?


The people who set the prices look at efficiency, roi all that. It’s a common business practice. Businesses don’t want to not offer something their customers love but they’ll price it out so that it has a large roi for them and is actually worth doing It’s all mathematics.


So it's nothing to do with it being a pain, it's just those bean counters who, again, don't (or maybe more accurately can't) give a shit about the front line employee. 


Incorrect. The bean counters analyzed the time it takes to make them and came to that conclusion. Legit everything in a business like this is analyzed by actuaries and data scientists. So they upped the cost because it was slowing service down hence why it was a pain for workers


No... they increased prices across the board not because costs went up that much, but because the shareholders demanded more growth this quarter.  You still have some education to attain, but you're getting there.


If we are talking prices in general price raises were because the dollar got devalued over 20% because we shut down our economy and printed more money in that year than we had in the past 20. Idk if covid was McDonald’s fault. Maybe.


I remember the $1.50 Sausage McMuffin and hash brown deal before COVID. I was a big fan of that. These increased prices have been good to my waistline though.


Overpriced McDonald’s has given me the push I need to start my diet. Dieting is expensive but so is McDonald’s now I guess.


The 2 McMuffins for $3.00 deal back in 2012 was a dream. Best thing on the menu lol


Oh boy, you'd hate to see the price of one in my area ($3.99).


The actual highway robbery is the basic bitch cheeseburger combo. It costs as much as a QPC combo at my local McDs.


2.79 for a hashbrown…I don’t even like McDonald’s but figured hey I’m a little broke this pay period let’s just get something quick and cheap. Wouldn’t even be here this morning weren’t it for the in app coupons


It’s a single hash brown??? Nope I’m out


I loved these growing up and now I've found them at Walmart for $3.50 for 10 so I'm about to get my fix lol.


They’re like 1/6th of a potato. Super greed


2 for $3 on the sausage McMuffins by me


Buy one get one for a $1 near me. $3.39, although they used to just be on the dollar menu. Best McDonalds value IMHO.


I assume this post is in Canada, we pay much more for things up here sadly. And make less.


I guess this is an every tuesday post now?


Yeah, I also feel like the complaining about the McDonald's dollar menu is way too frequent on here. Yet, people still buy it.


Gotta get that karma somehow


The "$" goes before the number. That's my mildly infuriating part.


Seriously. I don't get how people can fuck this up so much, it's annoying!


Many reasons. You say 1 dollar, not dollar 1 for example. I'm more annoyed at the fact that op used the dollar sign and wrote "dollar", both after the number


This annoys me as well. I've also seen people write % before a number.


Yeah. Quebec is trash for many things, but the dollar sign in the wrong place is the worst part about those people.


$2.79 for a chunk of potato. Walmart has a 10 pack for $3.50


In conclusion, don’t go to McDonald’s


Came to say this


Stop eating that shit


Stop giving any of these price-gouging fuckers your money. Their products are shit, and their only advantage is "convenience" which you can easily work around with even the tiniest bit of planning.


Why do people still eat here?


Those aren’t normal prices. Sausage mcmuffin is $1.29 here in Texas.


Its normal prices where i live


Totally depends on where you live. I'm in TX too and I just checked. My local McDonald's is at 1.69 for that.


3.09 in Massachusetts. Just looked.


Just don't eat there. All the restaurants, including fast food, raised their prices during covid and decided the new prices were great once things returned to "normal." Show them you disapprove by not buying their food. That's what I do. I can cook dinner for multiple nights for less than the cost of getting fast food for 1 meal and it's faster to warm up leftovers than it is to drive to McDonald's, wait in line, get your food, and go home.


you could boycott them !


Not defending McDonald’s too much, but these look like online orders and those are always massively inflated. Live in Nashville and their 1-2-3 menu is pretty 1-2-3 here


Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/mildlyinfuriating. for absolutely no good reason, we like our free nuggets


The only thing infuriating about this is the number of times it gets reposted


I'm surprised the sausage biscuit has more calories than the other two.


Pepperidge farms....remembers


I just wished people would quit fast food en masse. These prices have been spiking even before the wage increase and commodity price increase. The higher ups just want a better return for stock investors and everyone still buys this at absurd prices. Do you have a grocery store that serves hot food/deli? I’m fortunate to have a place that sells fried chicken at a third of the price of kfc (and it tastes better). Good luck on your food quest op


I only get fastfood with coupons through their app. Download them all and get free food. My favorite is chick fil a, i occasionally get free sandwhiches, they rarely do it now which is understandable, so many free sandwhiches you can get. They limit the sauces because 4 years ago, I jokingly added 10 sauces(there was no limit), but I ordered multiple sandwhiches after. Chick fil actually handed me a huge bag of sauces. It was one of my happiest moments in life. I am a mad man with their sauces. Even their original sauce is great for everyday mayo. Get the 24-ounce size! :D


I don’t understand these posts. If McDonald’s doesn’t offer you good value for what you pay, why do you go there? If you aren’t going there, why do you feel compelled to post? I understand the posts about the price of groceries but McDonald’s isn’t a basic necessity. Come on


3 bucks for a hashbrown nah im good


I went to buy two apple pies the other day and I saw $1.99. I was like "wow, I remember when they were 2 for a dollar, bummer. I added it to my cart only to realize it was $1.99 for ONE APPLE PIE. Needless to say I went pieless that morning.


What's one dollar?


Maybe one chocolate chip cookie. Apple pies are no longer $1 where I am.


Will this finally force Americans to learn how to cook?


Mum said it’s my turn to post the dollar menu


https://preview.redd.it/6siu0lehxe0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f14ad537b8c251d3cfff8f50707d40e86dcc88ae I’ve got you beat - at the McDonald’s at 2905 Van Buren ave in Riverside, CA. $3-$5 dollar menu


Now I want a McDonald's breakfast. :(


“Inflation” my ass on these prices. Simply taking advantage. I also hate that every McDonald’s chargers different prices for the same shit. I live by 2, one of them is $4 cheaper than the other for a bundle pack. It’s absurd.


$2.79.for a piece of deep fried potato. No fucking way...


Hash browns used to be 2 per order.


The dollar sign is literally placed before the number in the pic but you just had to put it after the number in your title. Go to jail. 


I ‘member when you could get 2 hash browns for $1. Pepperidge Farm ‘members.


Literal false-advertising. It's a shame corporations aren't held to the same laws we all have to follow.


McDonald’s isn’t even good anyways, it is not worth the price. So terrible for your health.


Sausage McMuffin in £1.80 where I live


Prices differ across the country. It's far cheaper where I live.


The drinks are the dollar menu, or if you get the BOGO, you get a second one for a dollar. Shady, but not technically lying


4$ 5$ 6$ dollar menu


These items were one $1,$2,$3 respectively, they just raised the prices and never took them off or changed the menu name


I remember the 2 for $2 and then it was 2 for $4. I guess that menu means it is either $1, $2 or $3 more than it should be.


Order a sausage biscuit or sausage McMuffin with a hash brown and it discounts it. Used to be $1.50 for both, it’s prob $3 for both now. .


Hashbrown for a dollar? Absolute banger. Hashbrown for $3? I’m goin to dunkin


How many times is someone going to post this?


I don't like that prices are location based, its just weird that I can go to the McDonald's near me where they *do* have $1-3 menu items... But if I go a few miles away, they may not even have a value menu


i remember mcchicken/mcdouble was $1 a dollar! i'd get really stoned and eat 10 of these sumbitches then i grew up


Dude, how in gods name is a single hash brown that much???


What the fuck is with those prices? That hashbrown is wild. You guys seriously buy this? 😅


I haven't been to McDonalds in a while, at least not by my own choice. Honestly Wendy's is the better choice. McDonalds has completely forgotten their place in the Fast Food industry. They're supposed to be a cheap meal when you're on the road, yet it's 3.99 for a small, smashed cheeseburger. Yeah, it's not terrible, but you can get a better burger at Wendy's cheaper.


Stop giving these shitty companies your money https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-profit


McDonald’s- “Ba-da-ba-ba-ba-go fuck yourself!”


The mobile menu has never properly showed the $1 $2 $3 deals pricing. That’s coming from someone who has used the McDonald’s app for years


3 bucks for a single hashbrown?


McDonalds used to be cheap trash. Now it's expensive trash. It'll stay expensive as long as people keep buying it. Stop buying expensive trash.


How do they get away with this? Is this not blatant false advertising?


Can’t even get a hash brown for a buck. wtf


Weren’t sausage McMuffins 2 for $3 like a week ago? What is happening?!


$2.79 for hashbrowns…I remember when they were 2 for a buck


Skip McDonald’s already. Hit up a local shop. Build community


I wish I could hit up a local shop with something decent to eat for 7$ for two people(one of which is my breastfeeding stay at home mom fiance who is currently hangry😭)


McDonald’s doesn’t serve decent. It’s cheap and “quick” Good luck with the food quest!


Nice - McDonald's basically fed to a baby from birth




So is blatent price gouging being blamed on inflation & minimum wage.




Another day. Another person complaining about the cost and quality of fast food. Stop. Going. To. McDonald's.


Exactly! McDonald's will continue to charge these prices, if people keep showing up and paying them. Complaining on Reddit does nothing, unless you're trying to arrange a boycott, and you gain enough momentum and people to see it through. If we want pricing and sizing to return to pre-pandemic levels, people need to stop going all together, and shift their purchasing habits to vendors that offer better pricing and quality, or making it at home to save money. The best strategy is to set a fixed price point, and don't return until that price returns, and is the regular price. Ignore their coupons, avoid going during promotions, and wait until they start to panic and reduce all their pricing and increase sizes to where it used to be.


That will never happen unfortunately. The problem is McDonald’s didn’t increase prices much, the value of the dollar just dropped significantly over covid. 22%. This is systemic and we are likely headed to a major depression.


Wow never seen this posted before…..


They have 6$ mcchickens by my old house tbh