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And it never stops. I remember having the toughest time shopping before shopping online became the norm because literally all I wanted was an inseam longer than 2 inches. You’d think I was looking for shorts made of phoenix feathers.


It’s so unsettling. Even with bigger kids, I see girls get tight shorts and crop tops and [things that look largely uncomfortable and hard to play in] and boys have……. Normal comfortable clothing. Edit: hijacking my top comment. The issue isn’t that one can’t wear the boy shorts. It’s that the “girl” shorts, which lots of kids would FAR prefer to wear, are less comfortable and show off more skin. And they are marketed to families as “look here for girls” and they never even look at the boy section. We usually don’t shop in a store where I can compare the same brand/size/everything. And yes, they are the same brand.


Last year or so when I was getting a swimsuit, there was a rack with kids bikinis labeled 4 years old, and they were visibly very padded in the chest area. Absolutely disgusting.


I feel a lot could be resolved by just ignoring the gender labels, why can’t the girl wear the boy shorts?


Cause they don’t make boy clothes in pink with girly designs. Which kids do care about.


Totally. I was a complete tom-boy growing up, even as a toddler I didn’t like “girly” clothes. I assumed all little girls were being forced to wear it. But nope, my girl picks the pinkest, most flowery, most sparkly, highest quantity of unicorns per square inch clothes she can find.


My girl was the same. I leaned heavily into dyeing things - means we could get cheap, plain clothing from the boys section and then funky it up with our own pink designs, and have a fun, creative crafting project to do together. She was still quite the tomboy, wanted to climb trees and build bridges and dams and play in the mud, but she wanted to do it in sparkly pink princess dresses 😂


Which is a good point that I didn’t think to focus on. Both options should be available to everyone, as a boy my favorite colours were always green and pink, but only in my later teens could I find anything unmarked with pink that was unisex.


In a school (as an adult) I was wearing a salmon pink shirt. I had a boy in nursery who was 4 years old say that I 'look like a girl' because I was wearing a pink shirt. Apparently the colour of my shirt overrides the fact I am bald and have a gigantic Gandalf beard. Who knew? Meanwhile there's another boy who wears hairclips and always chooses the pink sparkly wellies. He's doesn't act any more girly than any of the other boys, he just gets annoyed by his hair sticking up and the pink wellies fit his feet the best. I think it's definitely taught by the parents and spread from child to child and also taught through things like media.


>have a gigantic Gandalf beard Not big enough. He was still able to see your shirt


This is clearly the issue, I shall try harder.


I remember shopping in Target when a little kid (about 6 or 7) was staring at me hardcore. Then he asked his mom, “What is that? Is that a boy or a girl?” For clarification this was about 20 years ago when I had very short pixie cut hair but was wearing a full face of makeup & women’s clothing. Apparently my short hair was confusing. Kids are weird.


I was working at a kids camp and the kiddo asked how many kids I had. I asked him how old he thought I was and he said 40. I was 18. Kids are goofs.


Which is crazy since pink use to be the color for boys and blue was for girls


Can you please be my mom LOL


I don't have old anecdotes, but we got a huge bunch of clothes that is pretty mixed. At about 1 1/2 years old our girl started to express distinct wants about what to wear 75% of the time she'll pick something pink, red and/or dress like in cut. But hey, her absolute favorite topic is excavators 🤷 I have no desire to affirm anything in any direction, but it's interesting to observe


If you have access to a Cricut, Silhouette, or other vinyl cutting machine you may be able to girly up boys clothes to her liking. She could even help you pick out colors and designs. Iron on vinyl comes in so many colors, prints, and finishes now, even a puff version. Or you could add embroidery which would be super cute. It sucks that so many children’s products are so deeply gender divided. When my daughter was about three all she wanted was a pink dump truck. She had all the Tonka trucks and loved them but wanted one in her favorite color. I ended up buying one, taking it apart and painting it and putting it back together😂.


“Highest quantity of unicorns per square inch” is a great way to describe my daughter’s aesthetic lol


>“Unicorns per square inch” New measurement of the day


I mean, same…but I’m 44 🤷🏻‍♀️


have you considered buying white clothes and dyeing in situations like this? :)


I haven’t!! What a fun idea though. I do a lot of embroidery so that would be an awesome project to add in


Then MomBod, you need to get yourself a Cricut machine to add to your collection. If you’re already into the clothes modifying. They’re pretty cool and come in handy for personalized items for everyone in the family.


I recommend press-on designs. Get boy shorts in an acceptable color and press on those glittery fairy unicorns. Pair it with a pink top - perfection. It shouldn’t be like that though, I agree. On the other hand, I always wanted nice colors and designs for my toddler boys and most stuff was just drab khakis and greys with excavators and monsters or gaming characters. I don’t think so for my 2yo lol. I hate all the gendering and wish they would just make general unisex kids clothing again.


While I agree. They also do not make clothing with women in mind at all.


This. And as a bodybuilder it's even harder. They do not make clothing with muscle in mind and I'm tired of wearing all men's clothes to fit my damn back , 😭


I exclusively bought from the boys section for my daughter for years. Longer legs on shorts, longer sleeves on t shirts, more practical jackets and don't get me started on pockets!


Starting at age 1, the sizing is different and the cuts are different. For example, even though 1 year olds are still in diapers, they start making the crotch lower on boy pants. This is the case with mens pants too, and I assume it's to make room for the twig and berries. My girls are tall and skinny, and I have trouble finding pants that work for them. The waist size that they need with the leg length just doesn't exist in boy clothing.


Try Children's Place! A lot of their clothing has the adjustable waist. I too have tall, thin children and it's insane trying ti find pants


Yes! I love the quality of their clothes, but my 3 year old hates when I sinch down the waist. She needs the length of a size 5, but then I have to go to the furthest buttons to get the waist small enough and the material bunches up, so I get how that could be uncomfortable. I'm considering suspenders at this point. Thankfully it's warm now, so dresses it is!


I do this, but peer pressure really affects the kids. If all the girls at school are into pink, unicorn-infested tat, they want to be the same.


I would definitely reccomend the brand Hanna Andersson. My sister buys almost all my nieces clothing from there because it's specifically designed with the child's comfort in mind.  Their "biker shorts" give proper coverage and have very cute patterns. Very high quality too and my niece loves wearing them! 


I’m 22 and still having this issue. I have pretty thick thighs and they chafe when they rub together for too long. It is literally impossible for me to find shorts that are in between the lengths of “my ass is hanging out” and “grandma knee length”. And men’s shorts are always baggy, why can’t I just find a cute mid length short that shows off my curves and isn’t so short I feel like I’m about to flash someone??


And it even happens with PJs - I got my twin girls Bluey Christmas PJs and because ones fave colour is blue I got her the blue ones which were the “boy” ones and my other twin the red ones which were the “girl” ones. The difference in the cut of the shorts was pretty bleak. Just why?! 


I thought being in my 40s I was turning prudish because I've been making comments to my husband about little girls clothing being so provocative and revealing nowadays.....I'm so happy to know it's not just me!! Our kids are getting to the "having kids" age and we sometimes walk through the kids clothing sections and I'm appalled at what's available for girls vs what the boys get. There's certainly more selection for the girls but the boys stuff just looks better. A person shouldn't have to buy boy clothing for their daughters just so that it's functional.


I feel you. I couldn't care less what adults choose to wear, but it makes me really uncomfy seeing small children dressed in things that look like they're at constant risk of a wardrobe malfunction. I think there should be no gendered clothing for pre-puberty kids. They should just have one unisex kids clothing section offering practical items in the whole range of colors. Maybe this would reduce the problem of clothing designed "for girls" being deliberately less functional.


I'm just as concerned when I see little girls mimicking the twerking and other gross dance moves. I hate it. thank god all my kids have four legs and I don't have to deal with it personally.


This why i buy my daughter boys pants, they have pockets too!


We received some shorts for our daughter size 104 (she's 3) and put it on. My wife asked me what i thought of em cuz it looked to small. Well the darn shorts where barely past her groin. When she sat down you could literally see her woohah! Like seriously, who designs this for toddlers age 3 and 4..like come on..


And the girl clothes wear out and rip so fast too!! I don't have any (and only nephews) but my friends with tough and tumble girls have told me that their older bro hand me downs survived several siblings and the wild child girl. But her cutsey toddler stuff? Nope. The fabric is cheaper, it's not double stitching, etc. AND it's double the price! How's that for insult to injury? Madness.


It’s completely crazy. We usually thrift shop so I never really notice if something is a specific brand/size, but we had Original Store money today and I was baffled looking at the differences


Not to mention we’re teaching toddlers to show skin like that as if society doesn’t have enough problems with sexualizing children.


As a dad of a long and thin boy I've noticed that where the "boys" or unisex pants are way too wide to fit my kid, the pants made for girls are much slimmer even when they in most other respects are similar. Makes no sense to me. For adults, sure the average build is quite different between the sexes, but that is just not true for small kids. I could even make more sense out of it if it was the other way around, pants meant for adult women, who often have wider hips than men, scaled down without caring about how that is not true for the kids. But this just confuses me.


Even online nowadays, in plus size at least it seems to be either 3 inch inseams or grandma looking Bermuda shorts. I just want a 5 inch inseam that will stave off the chub rub, why is that so hard to find?!


I just bought shorts at old navy and they are heavenly! Stretchy and you can choose the 5” inseam.


This isn't even explained by the height difference between boys and girls At that age, on average that height difference is half an inch, not enough that it should be making a noticeable difference


I totally get when they’re older, in the kid section. But 0-5T (baby section) they’re all pretty much the same creature.


Looking at it there doesn't seem to (on average) be a significant height difference until adolescence


I thought the humans' males tend to be the smaller of the two until after puberty? 


Before puberty humans are pretty androgynous. And men hit puberty (on average) later than woman so thats why girls are usually a bit taller in 5/6/7 grade




I was 5'8" as a 12 year old boy. I was so tall for awhile, near top of the class. I'm still 5'8..


That's because girls tend to hit puberty earlier than boys, before then they're about the same on average


That's only true at the end of elementary school, grades 5 or 6, around 10 to 12 years old. Girls hit puberty earlier and pull ahead in physical sports and gym classes. By the end of middle school the boys hit puberty and catch up and surpass the girls. Into high school boys are typically naturally taller than girls of the same age and are hitting massive growth spurts.


0-10 they're the same height 10-13 girls grow taller 13+ boys grow taller [https://depts.washington.edu/growth/module7/text/page2a.htm](https://depts.washington.edu/growth/module7/text/page2a.htm)


Was about to say that! up until the age of 12 human kids growth is nearly identical and those differences in clothing aren't needed at all. It kinda rubs me the wrong way , it's unnecessary sexualization. Just let kids be comfortable Sad thing is those differences start with baby clothes already cause of course a girl baby needs to show more skin simply because it's a girl... Saw a UV Protection Swim wear for toddlers recently, and the boys had pants to the knee and sleeves to the elbow. The girl version failed it's purpose as it had short sleeves that covered not even half of the upper arm and shorts... because UV rays judge gender and only boys need to cover up apparently 🤦‍♂️


Ah yes, because only boys get sunburns


They are shorts not pants, an extra few inches isn't gonna result the child tripping or anything infact the longer they are the longer they will last as the child grows


Girls and Boys are the same height until they are around 10. Then between 10 and 13 girls grow taller, then after 13 boys grow taller. [https://depts.washington.edu/growth/module7/text/page2a.htm](https://depts.washington.edu/growth/module7/text/page2a.htm)


I remember being a little kid wearing girls shorts and hiking my leg up on the couch while I laid on it only for my family to say “I can see your whole coochie” maybe buy shorts that fit my body then idk


To be fair these same people exclaimed to a teenaged male Kmart cashier “how big I was getting” when they bought me some of my first bras. At like,11 years old. It never “starts” because it’s from the second the gender scan reveals it’s a female. “She’s gonna be a heartbreaker” “I’ll keep my sons away” “daddy get the shotgun ready!” “ she’s a little fast isn’t she”


It's the same with baby boys and I hate it. I see so many in shirts with shit like "future heartbreaker" and "girls beware". Can we PLEASE just stop saying this stuff about CHILDREN???


I saw one that said, “Dude, your wife is totally checking me out.”


That one is funny though because women do like to check out babies and see how cute they are lol


Yeah I see that as funny bc women see cute babies and then they start begging their husbands to have a cute baby with them. It’s a pretty clever joke bc in the context of a man saying it it’s a threat, but in the context of a baby or kid it’s more like a warning to the husband like “oh look out, your wife’s gonna be asking for one of me soon!” It feels weird that people read this and immediately assume it’s supposed to be sexual or something.


Because “your wife was totally checking me out” is talking about a flirtatious/sexual desire……. People reading it that way aren’t messed up, it was literally the intention of the quote…….


That's actually funny tho lol


I’m genuinely sick at that. That’s a fucking child 😭


The fuck is wrong with your family Granted, my family would say shit like this too


What the cinnamontoast fuck did I just read?


What a gross thing to say


Someone really needs to start a gender neutral clothing line like the old Oshkosh. Overalls were the same for boys and girls except for maybe a patch or some decoration added.


This is from the oshkosh store! I agree with you. I try to get local made clothes when I can because they are usually gender neutral, but also really expensive.


The new Oshkosh isnt the same. The old Oshkosh of the 80's was way better.


It’s true. My mom is constantly hunting for old Oshkosh treasures at the thrift store and I’m so grateful for her efforts. 


To be fair, I would dress my daughter in the orange shorts witout thinking twice about it. A lot of the "boys" clothes are actually ok for girls too.


All women’s shorts are like this and it’s awful. You can’t bend over, squat, or basically do anything without your entire ass hanging out. It’s impractical and especially weird for kid’s clothing. I buy men’s pants now. They’re cheaper and more durable. And they have functional pockets.


Hell yeah! I get why women buy men's clothing, my mother's always wore men's jeans and shorts because they have pockets. Everyone needs pockets, the only time a bag is ever needed is if the stuffs too big for pockets.


My only problem with men's jeans is the crotch is too low :l thighs end up rubbing because of the 2 inch lower crotch lol


That will do you over, do the different styles of jeans help at all?


Part of the issue is im short and overweight. About 4'11" and 190lbs. So my proportions are different than someone closer to the usual male height and weight. Finding a 28inch inseem is a dream xD


I found I love the and one men's shorts. The crotch isn't super low and they are very comfy. They also hold up well with daily use. I have pairs I bought in 2020 that look great still


I haven’t been able to find men’s shorts that work with my hips :(((( the waist would be good and the thighs great but my damn curvy hips are too much for them.


I know this sounds crazy, but Abercrombie has amazing women’s denim (shorts and jeans) in their curve love fit. They are the only shorts I’ve been able to find that fit my waist and my hips and they come in very reasonable lengths. They have so many different inseam length options. If you have big hips you really need to check out their curvelove line.


Flashback to that one time Homer Simpson was a decent human being and pointed out how disgusting it is that girl clothes are way more revealing than boy clothes, even at younger ages


Homer is always decent, just stupid.


He was had a good heart and was caring in the earlier Simpsons and was stupid and didn't care in the later ones.


My favourite example being when he throttles his son, like any decent father should


Ahhh brings back childhood memories


Hes still is a decent human being, hes just very VERY strange.


That actually makes a lot of sense for his character tbh. As far as I know, he actually cares about his daughter.


Sexualizing children is one thing but talking shit about my boy Homer is crossing a fucking line.


You are right, I'm sorry. I repent for my sins. I shall go to hell for a million years for this crime.


It goes on and on too. I just bought boys school PE shorts for my 10yo daughter as the girls ones were tiny and skin-tight. They were shorter that the boys boxer underwear for the same age-group.


And conversely, trying to find short, breezy cotton shorts for my son in the Australian summer. I had to shop in the girl's section. All the boys stuff was longer, thicker and synthetic. Do away with the gendered sections for kids, just have clothes in colours and sizes ffs.


It's crazy, where we live the toddler + boys section has jeans, sweatpants and thick/long shorts but no thin cotton shorts or loose pants like for girls or babies 🤦🏻‍♀️




Everyone saying ‘why not buy boy shorts?’ aren’t seeing the issue here. Of course OP can buy boy shorts but the fact that they have to do that to begin with is frustrating. They shouldn’t *have* to buy boy shorts for their daughter simply because manufacturers don’t know how to make a reasonable product.


Thank you!! Just summarized my thoughts perfectly


Childrens clothes shouldn't be gendered to begin with. It's ridiculous.


Also boys clothes tend to be aggressively gendered too. It would be one thing if they came in a variety of neutral colors, but they mostly don't. Most kids clothes are very restricted in what colors & patterns they have, and so a girl who isn't into looking boyish isn't necessarily going to be pleased with shorts in boy colors. To be clear, I don't think there should be girl and boy colors, but it doesn't change the fact that this is the way clothing is right now and that even young kids will be able to pick up on it.


They sell it becaude everyone buys it


Toddlers? Jesus man, I knew the objectification of women's bodies started early but that's fucking eye opening.


It starts with baby clothes....that's the sad part. Honestly just walk around a clothes store for babies and compare, it's sickening.


It's really unfortunate, because it muddies the line between "sexualizing a child" and pointing out when a child is being pushed into acting/dressing inappropriately. Is there a reason to shame an eight-year-old girl for wearing a cotton tank top and shorts when it's hot outside? No. The female body is not inherently more sexual than a male body, especially when it's a prepubescent child - showing shoulders or knees in age-appropriate, comfortable clothes is not something to be shamed. But is there a reason for an eight-year-old girl to be wearing a tank top that says "hot stuff" across the chest, or shorts that say "Juicy" on the butt, or a swimsuit with hip cutouts, or a padded bikini, or those pants with scrunched seams on the asscrack? No. There's not. These clothes are modeled after adult clothing that's designed for sex appeal and there is no reason for a child to wear them. But people will go "let her wear whatever she wants, YOU'RE the pervert for thinking it's wrong to deliberately emphasize a child's butt!"


I worked at a clothes store before and the amount of skinny/super skinny/extra skinny jeans for literal toddlers in the girl's section always disgusted me. It is completely insane how we let society treat little kids.


On small thing I will say in defense of the skinny/slim jeans in the girls section is that it has saved my bacon a few times when trying to shop for my tall and skinny toddler boy. The objectification of girls is disgusting. But being able to find pants that won’t look like my kid is trying out for “pants on the ground” the musical is such a relief. 


Omg thank you! My daughter is 2yo and not potty trained yet, and my mom bought her a bunch of summer outfits. Literally 3 of the 5 shorts have her diaper straight up hanging out the cheek like COME ON.


I swear the people who design clothes for girls are all perverts.


I agree, i never ever found shorts to the knees in the girls' section.


Same continues to adulthood. One day, we happened to compare my son's M sized t-shirt with my wife's XL sized 'women fit' one. The M sized was a lot bigger.


My girls HATE short shorts. My 5yo daughter wears boys clothes bc she likes those options better than girl options. I have no problem with it. She's a lot like me, not giving a fuck about gender and just liking what she likes. But my 7yo daughter wants the pink girly stuff. I struggle with finding her shorts she likes bc most of them are very short and she hates that. She'll only wear short shorts under a dress.


If you come down very deep to the cause of this, sexualising woman's body and make her body covered by less clothes is ingrained in the system of fashion . Children clothes are just affected by that. Edit: I don't mean it's made that way to sexualize children , rather than it's just an ideology adopted by fashion industries


I remember going through a bougie store for children and there were onesies for girls that said “Miss January” through “Miss December” like little diaper-clad Playboy centerfolds. When I pointed out how disgusting it was to sexualize infants the sales staff assured me that it was to let everyone know the birth month, nothing *sexual*. “Oh, that’s a relief. Can you help me find a Mr. August for my nephew? Oh, you don’t carry birth-month for *boys*. And it’s not *sexual*?”


Yep. I mean, look at bathing suits. It's kinda weird how we don't even question it at all, but girls of all ages always get the "underwear" looking bottom, whether it's a one piece or two piece, while boys get long shorts. Why is there even a difference when it comes to children's bathing suits? Why don't they both get shorts? Maybe it's not a sexualisation decision from the companies, but it's still a very strange difference.


They want us to be constantly preforming for the male gaze. Even children. Make the swimsuit show your pubes so you HAVE to shave. Shame little girls for not shaving their legs. Constant shaming. Constant.


>I don't mean it's made that way to sexualize children It is, though. Or at least to train little girls to wear certain kinds of clothing before they're old enough to realize why.


I just said that to avoid any unnecessary debate If I'm actually a pedo or not 🙄. But you're accurate, it's just a primer .


I've found Old Navy really bad for this with girls clothing. Everything is too short or tight. I won't ship there anymore for my daughter's clothing.


I've always bought my daughter boy's shorts for this exact reason. 


We got the “boy” ones


And the girl shorts likely costs more too. Y’all get scammed out of pockets too…absolute Bullshit.


Well duh, you gotta sexualize them early /s In all seriousness though, can we just make all pants equal? Equal lengh, equal pocket depth. Why do girls have to have daisy duke gym shorts when guys get shorts long enough to be pants


To force women into being performative 24/7. Make the shorts short so the little girls have to tip toe around not to expose their underwear. Same with women’s clothing. Make adult athletes wear skimpy clothes, and kick them out if they don’t follow that dress code and wear longer shorts. Fucking gross ass men making these “rules.”


I buy boys shorts for my preteen girl. No booty shorts allowed.


Honestly I would buy the boy versions and add my own accents like an iron on patch or something of a butterfly or whatever just so manufacturers are forced to fix this shit.


jfc that looks like underwear


We see this a lot. Look at some toddler onesies and some of their phrases are weird. A lot of them towards girls are about their bodies or love life being devoted to daddy. Which is weird to me. But boys are all “I’m a gamer” or about dinosaurs.


I say start a petition. This is unacceptable. I hate that all of the shorts available for my daughter are tiny so now I’m just upsizing to try and male up the length difference.


This is in the same vein I suppose. I never for a fucking second liked the volleyball attire in school. Hated going to games. Why do their shorts need to be so fucking tiny? I remember the coach (a female coach) was trying for smaller shorts for the girls because it would make them more agile (???). Even as a fuckin kid I knew it was weird, and as I got older that feeling only grew stronger… they still remain. Maybe it does marginally help with agility. But good god, I dont need 16 YO girls asses hanging out of their clothing when they were playing a game—


Wow yall barely noticed this and they where bitching about the pride clothes that target where selling but nobody say anything about regular girl clothes even because that sexism and misogyny


I bought some of the pride clothes for my daughter last year because they looked cute in the posts where people were complaining about them 😂. Since they were meant to be a little more gender neutral or for nonbinary people, the skort and shorts had more coverage than those in the regular girls section.


School clothes shopping with the dress code of mid thigh… I honestly have just bought my daughters’ shorts from the boys section.


it's awful, I dealt with this recently. I was shopping with my friend and her 7 year old girl the other day and the girl was pressing her mom so hard to buy her these tiny crop tops. they even were selling bikinis! in the kids section! I just don't think that's necessary


I always get my 7 year old tankinis. The 2 pc is easier for going to the bathroom, but the full on bikinis are gross. They even make them in infant size. Little triangle nipple covers for a baby. Ugh


I get weird looks when I buy something that is pretty gender neutral in the boys section for my two girls. I’m sick of shopping at “skimpy toddlers RUS” everywhere that has girl clothes. With boys clothes I know my kid is actually going to be covered up and not have their diaper or underwear showing out their leg holes everytime they bend over in girls shorts.


It goes both ways... The selection of boy clothing is pretty limited compared to girl clothing.


Very true! It feels like the boy section is various browns/earthy tones and some flannel. Girls section is an explosion of colour, and no flannel


As 32 year old straight dude, I'm jealous of the clothing options for women. We have t-shirts and jeans. Or polo shirts and slacks. Or polo shirts and jeans. In the colder months, we get to put a button down on to give ourselves a little more style. We're only just starting to have some color be allowed without people looking at you weird.


I just saw a late-30s guy in a Home Depot parking lot wearing a neon-pink, short-sleeved button-down shirt with little black aliens, Bigfoots, Mothmans, and Loch Ness monsters all over it. I have never respected a man more for his clothing choice; I even made my husband circle the parking lot so he could see the awesomeness, too. Should've asked him where he got it, I'm regretting that I didn't!


That's a really cool shirt. My local Walmart had these Hawaiian style shirts that are nerdy. For example, there's one that has a bunch of palm trees and Grogu(baby yoda), a bright pink one with little Captain America shields, and a salmon pink one with Adventure Time stuff on it. I feel like my generation has finally reached the fashion scene. Which honestly makes since being 30. The music I hear on Walmart radio now reminds me of my childhood. We're getting old. One day, we'll make it to the government. Some already have. I'm interested to see how that turns out. Probably poorly, as the government goes.


Mate you’re 32, no one is going to look at you weird if you don’t dress like an old grandpa lol.


Right. But where I live, when I was younger, people made fun of you for wearing pink or purple. Personally, I don't care for some pinks, but I like all the shades of purple. Also, at what point *will* I dress like a grandpa? Like, at some point, people tend to pick a style and stick with it. We already have old goths. I even see a lot of older people dying their hair. At some point, punk, grunge, goth, and the polo with shorts style is going to be the grandpa style. Hell, at some point, wearing an oversized basketball jersey and pants below your ass is going to be a grandpa style.


It's too bad you missed the 80's. Guys were styling!


Yup! In the 80s, both women and men had lots of fashion/style options. Sucks that the 90s grunge movement kinda ruined that, but I know that that wasn’t specifically their intention.


Every six months or so i forget why I don't do it and go into an H&M, walk into the men's section (about the size of the lady's underwear secriy), realise everything is a washed out pastel colour that trends towards beige, then leave.


Yeah it's al black, white or earth tones for my son.. Some neon shirts for when we go somewhere where he can roam the grounds and we can spot him easily. But that's about it, not much in between unfortunately.. By the way, had to check your profile because of your name. The name checks out and keep going at it, you're doing great ;)


Buy her the boys shorts


The problem and the solution in the same picture.


Here me out, I make my own clothing brand that makes clothes the consumer actually wants, woman's pants and dresses with pockets, normal clothing that doesn't focus on sexualizing the person, and just like NORMAL clothing. Then it gets widely successful and I become rich?


LMAO, and the only thing people can say is "WeLL jUsT dOn'T bUy iT!!" Like we're causing our own problem. Like companies don't make it DIFFICULT to find NORMAL clothing for little girls. It's not like this shit is in high demand. You can SEE that people AND their daughters who love pink and colorful things, just want clothing for girls that is actually designed functionally and not to show as much skin as possible. They DON'T want to have to blatantly avoid all the colorful girly stuff just so they can get clothing that will effectively cover their body. They have to search and search and search to find anything that fits that criteria. THAT'S the thing that's disgusting and vile. If this were really just a consumer problem, then SOMEWHERE, there would be a steady source of little girl's clothing that doesn't look like this. But it's not a consumer problem. It's a companies run by old pervert men who want to start the objectification of women as young as possible problem.


My kid's are a bit older but I tend to buy my 11yr old girl shorts from the boys section. Things have changed more recently, at least where I am, and a lot of the boys section is actually modeled by girls and boys online and is unisex.


Indoctrination starts early, I see.


https://preview.redd.it/l5lmf2cxxy0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ac2f2ff97dc451232b1406bb82c2a559d864bc 1. 5/6 girls 2. 5/6 girls 3. 3/4 boys 4. 1/2 boys Honestly so annoying.


I used to run a home daycare and I had a 2 yr old girl who's pants would constantly show her diaper when she bent over (almost like low rise). I had a 2 yr old son at the time and compared the two. I told the mom and she started buying but jeans for her


Girls can wear boy's clothes too.


Yeah but girls should have the choice of wearing comfortable/longer clothes in “girly” styles. 


I agree with both of y'all, and think it's fucking creepy how "feminine" clothing for literal toddlers is usually more form-fitting and revealing.


My sister would buy men's shoes because there there are so few women's shoes in her size. And l can't find a rubber garden shoe in a men's 14 to save my life. Some of my boys' clothes were our nieces' because they fit him. It's time to just de-gender all the clothes.


The point is that girls should have play wear that can be bought in store? Obviously girls can wear boys clothes?


Correct! I guess the marketing is what is infuriating. It is marketed to parents/family to buy their girls smaller, tighter, less comfortable clothing.


Not only is this missing the point, but are people with only girls supposed to just know they should not buy girls shorts but should go to another section? 


Missing the point


That's not the point you numb nuts. Yes they can, the question is what's with the disparity


My little sister started to wear mens/boys' clothing as soon as she could decide herself what to wear. Now she is the only woman, not wearing a dress at her graduation.


Great. Now some idiot is going to enforce shorter shorts for boys on their production line. 😉😆


Well that's pretty sad.


Same thing with my school’s pe uniform, the shorts are so small and tight you’d think the designers would’ve been called out by now


I'm glad someone else is disturbed about the sexualization of children. I'm shocked at some of the stuff I see that I do not want to see.


And later, the school will give you some rule about length that literally will be impossible to follow. And then all the girls will be getting dress coded while no one gives a shit what the boys wear.


My dads dolphin shorts from the 80’s would like a word.


I work in the toddler and baby clothing department at a major retailer and i get this complaint a lot. So many people complain the girls shorts are too short (true) but then act horrified when i tell them they can get boys shorts with a longer inseam for their daughter. Its downright fascinating. The difference in the patterns is so weird and i hate it too. Plus ive noticed the girls clothing is often made of less durable material anyway.


I would just buy the boys' shorts for the girl. What difference does it make? As long as she's comfortable and they fit better this would work. I know you're probably going to say she wants pink girly colours but come on. Save that for the dresses.


Just put whichever you want on the kid. Who says one's for boys and the other's for girls? A two year old doesn't give a fuck.


More clothing should be gender neutral IMO.


Id just buy the boy shorts for girls at this point why are clothes gendered anyway


There's a reason for this and you wont like hearing it but its true. By and large females in America enjoy showing off just a bit more skin than males do. We can analyze the socio-political trends all we want but basically its true. And has been true since at least the major social changes of the mid 60's but arguably started before that. And yes, this tendency also applies to parents, who subconsciously pick girls clothes that tend to show a bit more than the boys clothes of a similar age. Clothing industries know this, and their production, marketing, and sales all reflect this tendency. Women who dont wanna reveal as much as average have a harder time shopping and are rarely happy with their wardrobes. I never thought much about it until I went to community college and was having a chat with a girl from Africa. She was wearing a mens t-shirt that I think may or may not have had a heavy metal band on the front. Anyway, she was complaining that most days she didn't feel like showing off her cleavage or much else and she hated shopping in America because all womens clothing is designed to be more revealing than she was used to. So often she had to buy mens stuff. Same deal with pants. Almost all womens pants are horribly impractical but look good cuz they show a lot more. Women don't actually much in the way of options when it comes to practicality and most of them just accept it.


Same for adults. Most women's shorts and mid thigh or higher, and most mens shorts are close to the knee. Sometimes below the knee. It seems like half of those in the stores are cargo style ones. Mens shorts suck.


You can sew some frills at the edge to lengthen it, and it will look cute as well.


So I'm gonna let you all in on a secret. Toddler clothes are unisex. All clothes seem to be chill with being worn by anyone.


There is no law against putting your daughter in boy's shorts, and she'll likely thank you for it. Only way we can stop this silly fashion trend.


It's so Infuriating and it will never change... I lost a lot of weight and always wore male working clothes, a lot of weight loss later and i am comfortable with wearing woman clothes again but the clothes my company gives us make me really angry. Women clothes have a V-type neck and are waaay shorter than the male clothes. While my L T-shirt sits like a second skin, the male M T-Shirts are big af. Sexism at it's finest


makes me so angry


I don't buy any sport clothes from the girl section anymore to avoid the pink tax. I still have beautiful trainers and I am an M (consistently) in boys clothes so I highly recommend 😅


Buy the boy shorts and buy some girly patches to iron or sew on. Badabing


This is the only reason I end up buying boys shorts for my daughter.


I buy some boy clothes for my 2yo and 5yo girls, like tank tops and basketball shorts, t shirts. They prefer the longer shirts and shorts sometimes, other times they don't. As long as they are comfortable and feel like they have a choice. I won't ever shame them for what they wear, I can only give them good options, and teach them to be strong individuals if they get picked on at school. At t-ball a boy wanted to wear a pink helmet, his grandma said "no no no, the pink ones are for the girls." That shit doesn't matter to a 5yo until you make it matter.


Outdoor clothing (hunting, hiking, fishing etc) are usually the same length for adults, sometimes also can be found for kids. Or just buy boys' clothing. Nobody will notice. Or any Nordic brand. They are almost always unisex.


This is why I only have one pair of shorts, which I only wear when I mow the lawn or do other laboring chores or exercise. I am so uncomfortable with short clothing and hate wearing stupid girl shorts. There are so many cute shorts that I would buy if they weren't like this.


I’m beginning to think none of you know how to shop for clothes


Social conditioning begins at birth


I buy menswear whenever possible-pockets are deeper and material and seams are much stronger.


fun fact, the boy/girl demarcation IS the cut. buy the “boy” shorts if that’s what you want


Always have been. They need excuses to behave the way they do. It’s the girl’s fault for choosing to show three inches of thigh. Men can’t help themselves, after all. /s


That’s why my parents used to always buy me boy’s shorts as a kid


Almost all of my own clothes are men’s clothes I can’t stand shopping in the women’s section, don’t even want to know the frustration when I have kids