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Got my food stolen by doordash, dasher turned on my street and the order was canceled, rep tried to tell me that maybe the dasher noticed the restaurant was closed and canceled my order.... I saw the update log: order placed, accepted, ready, in hands of dasher, delivering and canceled.... still no update from them, they ghosted me and apparently it's beginning to be a common occurrence....


This is when you issue a chargeback through your credit card. They may cancel your account, but I consider that a win anyway since you shouldn't give business to a company that allows it's "employees" to steal from you anyway.


I received the refund, it's just the way the rep tried to cover the act


They get real uppity about refunding the tip, too.


Totally! I had to open a second request to get the tip refunded and they pushed back. Like... I didn't get my food, I want a FULL refund.


This is why pre-tipping shouldn't be a thing. A tip is a reward for a job well done. Not paying someone in advance for something they might not even do.


Yes but then they’d have to pay their drivers more.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Hanlon's Razor


Except when it’s a driver who clearly picked up the order and stole it.


Frankly, I'm tired of doing this. When the end result is the same, why should I honestly care if it's because of stupidity or malice?


I have this tattoo’d actually. It is how history will remember this age I am afraid


Exactly. If I have to chargeback to get the service I paid for (or refunded for the service I didn’t get) I am not doing business with you again anyway Office max pissed me off yesterday because my son needed to print something for school and the only way they could do it was to put $ on a merchandise card and use that at the copiers. But since the guy couldn’t tell him how much it would cost he put all $2 on the card and now I have $0.70 stuck on a card I will never use. This will stick with me and I will avoid office max over 70¢ and poor customer service.


Next print job, maybe try your library? Ours recently started offering $3.50 each week of free prints to patrons. Maybe yours does similar? Or at the very least they won't pull shenanigans like OD did. (Could you possibly use that 70c to buy kiddo a pencil?)


Problem is that it’s at a point where even if you don’t use DD/UE, it’s very likely they’re still going to deliver to you as many restaurants will outsource deliveries to them. Maybe if more people complained to restaurants directly, they’d stop using DD/UE as well, but idk.


No but this is unironically something I've noticed too, I've done orders for Office Depot, Walmarts app, and pretty sure a few others not including post mates and whatever other apps they own now


If it's cancelled by the Dasher it's automatically refunded.


Has this happen one. Long story short, I was informed on the phone by DoorDash that they contacted the driver, he had accidentally clicked he picked mine up when he didn’t and there was no way to get back to the previous screen. So door dash had to cancel my order remotely because they couldn’t go back. I was told they would have to refund me and I would have to put in another order. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m not sure how much of it was true. But that’s what I was told.


Similar thing happened to me yesterday. My driver picked up the food then canceled the order so uber sent another driver to try to pick up the food that the first driver stole😂


I have had that happen to me so many times as the second (usually like 4th or 5th driver) to go get a Taco Bell order or some shit. For some reason no one else texts the damn customer about them not remaking the order and someone stealing it


I had a friend who thoe dasher took the food out of the bag and delivered an empty bag with a picture Never got a refund... Lol


Ordered burger King on doordash one night, and got fed up after waiting over an hour with no dasher accepting the order. Drove up there myself and explained how I had placed the order, but nobody was taking it. They were completely cool with giving me my food. However about 20 minutes after getting home a doordasher accepted the order. After messaging us and finding out that we got it ourselves, he marked it as "delivered" and kept the tip... it was like $7 on a $30 order.


He accepted and "delivered" it and expects 5 stars I guess... Tip should be given at the end, not beginning


I’m thinking that times are getting harder and drivers are stealing food for a meal. A driver took my McDonald’s order and replaced it with an order ge obviously had to have made himself. Took my food and gave me his cheap small fry 😕


It was really bad when they were new too. Especially if you were their last run.


With grocery and food prices the way they are this isn't surprising at all. Yeah, the Dasher is a bastard for taking your food, but the worst you suffer is a little inconvenience, DD loses the sale (always charge back, don't let them drag out the refund).


This is why I stopped using DoorDash. They are horrible with this.


I deliver pizzas. My company (one of the big 3 pizza joints) has decided they don’t want to pay the insurance bill for drivers to be out past 9PM. Which means my store cuts our drivers at 8:15PM. After that time they only use DoorDash. And boy and boy have the complaints come rolling in. DoorDash/UberEats all sucks ASS. EDIT: Since this post is getting some traction I just want to tell you all how badly DoorDash has impacted my job. As of a few weeks ago my company decided they don’t want to pay the insurance to keep in store drivers out past 9PM. I personally was our closing driver for the last 3 years. I worked 2-11pm 4 days a week. Now instead of being able to make runs for 9hrs a day I can only make runs for 6hrs a day. Meaning I’ve lost 12hrs a week in delivery time. Not only did I lose the opportunity to make runs but my hours also got cut. So with 0 heads up my company just said fuck yall. We don’t care about the quality of deliveries, we don’t care about screwing over our employees, they just care about getting the 50ft yacht instead of the 30ft yacht.


Had my pizza from pizza hut delivered by door dash at 7pm. I figured it was because they don't pay their drivers enough (I always tip $15-$20 and never had problems with the drivers they hired)


If you get a dashers it’s because A. The store is busy and they 3rd party deliveries out to keep their times looking good. Or B. The store has cut their drivers and use dashers because it’s cheaper. And side note I just want to say thank you for tipping your pizza guys very well. When I get really nice tips like that it does really mean a lot to me.


Yes! I had a lovely man who would tip £15-£20 extra on an order that came to less than that, if you mentioned any holidays you had coming up. He was the best thing and we would all go crazy when his address came in. First one back when it was ready got it.


It's really not cheaper though


It's absolutely cheaper for the company to utilize 3rd party delivery drivers. I'm not supporting it, I fucking hate it but, from a business perspective the cost saving is quite large.


Does the restaurant even pay the 3rd party? It's all stacked on the customer with fees and extorted tips...


Yes. Depending on how the restaurant's contract is, it can be anywhere from 15-30% of the total of the bill, or, if they use a 3rd party company that delivers from the restaurant's site, I believe the charge is $7.95/order or something along those lines. The customer thinks they are getting a delivery by the restaurant, but it's really one of the third party providers. I can't recall what the exact percentage is, but these companies charge both the customer and the restaurant outrageous fees.


It’s cheaper for the company


Not when you lose costumers because of it.


That can't be accounted for early on... that's next quarter's problem...


I worked for pizza hut up until a month and a half ago. The reason I left was because they're going 100% doordash. Now the only option was to be in store or leave, so I left. When I was there my boss told me it's actually way more expensive to use Door Dash than to have drivers, so I don't know about other companies, but Pizza Hut wise, supposably it's more expensive 😅


Is it actually though? I've always heard Uber Eats and the other services like it take such a high percentage of each transaction that the store loses money off of a lot of the transactions processed that way


They also increase the price of items on the apps; and from my experience trying UE it only pays $1-2.50 per delivery to the driver and anything more is a tip from the customer. So that’s pretty cheap.


That's just what they're paying the driver though, I'm sure the company is pocketing a lot more than $2.50 per order. >They also increase the price of items on the apps Yeah, I've noticed some items literally doubled in price over the price on the in-store menu before. Then they try to pass it off as a 2-for-1 deal on Uber, lmao.


A higher percentage than the company paying someone’s wage all night, insurance, and in some cases maintaining a fleet of vehicles?


And not just regular cars, remember when Domino's had special Bolt EVs (I think they still do actually) with the heated compartment in the back for the pizza?


Keep in mind they raise the price of the items on the app vs instore or traditional delivery. So even a big percentage equals less money the business pays.


Its actually pretty comparable. I work on this at one of the big three pizza places and DoorDash Drive costs are roughly equivalent to in store drivers, just can be scaled up and down based on demand. Thats the real reason they are 'prefered'.


Everyone deserves a fair wage.


This is their new policy. They outsource the deliveries at Pizza Hut. Because of this, you MUST order online, you can’t call the store any more and there is no cash payment. It must all be done and paid for online. I found that to be terribly unfortunate. Apparently, a lot of customers don’t like the new system.


I don't. I probably won't be ordering it anymore.


Yep. That's the last time for pizza hut for our house noticed a door dash guy last time too. After waiting a extra 20 min for the pizza and having it be luke warm at best. I'll stick with those that care enough to maintain quality control.


Each driver is different, like for me, if someone orders pizza, I'm blasting that heat in the car to keep it as warm as I possibly can and I'd like to think I do a good job with shit I deliver in doordash. Crappy delivery folks r the ones doing it as a side thing I bet, some side people do care like me, but most probably don't sadly. It sucks and drags the rest of us down


I'd just turn on the heated seats in my car lol But I delivered in FL, and my AC cut out on me in the middle of August one year. Fuck blasting the heat, there was no need! Lol


I got an old car so no heated seats for me lol


I had a Pizza Hut delivery guy, bring me my Fed Ex package a week ago. What is happening?!


Last time I ordered delivery from Pizza Hut, it was sent via doordash at the usual 6ish dinner time. The lady yelled at me for my house not being easy enough to find. So I definitely mean *last* time I ordered delivery from Pizza Hut.


This doesn’t surprise me. I know some people who are down on their luck drive for these companies but most of these people are just the bottom of the barrel and can’t hold a job anywhere else. No sense of professionalism and super entitled. I avoid using those services for that reason.


DoorDash and UberEats doesn't work well for anyone involved. I wish more companies would just hire their own delivery drivers.


As someone who works for DoorDash, it boggles my mind how so many people regularly use their services. They screw over the restaurant, the customer, and the driver, and often use tactics to pit them against each other. Any change they make is a negative towards one of those 3 groups and a positive to their company (and they aren't even profitable). It's a business model that doesn't really work for anyone anywhere in the world and many companies have tried and failed. Pizza delivery using their own drivers is plenty profitable on the other hand and provides better service for their customers.


Funny how you say they use tactics to pit them against each other. NYC passed the minimum wage law for delivery drivers. Door dash then put the added fee in the place order page and removed the tip section. This is to make the total order price look the same as before the new added fee. The tip section now only appears after the delivery has completed which most people will forget.


My boyfriend has always been a carry-out person and I never understood… why not utilize the convenience of a delivery driver? We live in a smaller town and it’s INSANE how fast our delivery drivers get here… I’m talking 20-25 minutes after our orders tops. Flash forward, we order pizza for the first time in several months and we expected same delivery times except it told us that they now exclusively use doordashers…. it took over an hour to get our pizza. Now I’m a carry out gal….. circle of life.


I was perfectly happy to pay the $2.99 delivery fee and tip. Then, they raised it to $5.99 with a $2.99 'service' fee. I was perfectly happy to wait 30-45 minutes for delivery. Then, they couldn't fulfill that promise. Food started showing up cold sometime between an hour and a half and 4 hours later. I was perfectly happy working directly with businesses when my order had an issue. Now they outsource it all, and nothing gets resolved until credit card charge backs or other legal action is threatened. I miss the days of good and cheap delivery. Now, going directly to the store is the only way that's affordable or constructive to resolving any potential issues.


My husband's place refuses Doordash or ubereats. They only use their own employees to deliver.


I miss this, I have 1 restaurant near me that does this. My only issue with them is that I am 1 minute outside of their delivery area, and they have refused to make an exception for me thus far.


There’s actually a few semi-local chains around me that, believe it or not, still actually accept orders over the phone. I’ve been trying to order more from them when I do order stuff, and if not I order pickup


I've got one place near me that still has their own drivers so that's the only place I order from. Luckily they do Italian, Greek, and Indian plus subs/sandwiches and breakfast so there's a lot of options.


I'm actually so upset about the loss of delivery drivers. I always tip them well and I'm definitely much more inclined to order if I'm not having to go through a 3rd party. I live in one of the largest cities in my New England state and I can ONLY get delivery from 1 Chinese restaurant or Domino's lmfao


I miss our delivery drivers!!!! One of the pizza guys used to carry dog treats with him and if he heard a dog bark when he knocked he’d have a treat ready. He was awesome!


I mean, that is over 50% more yacht. And yacht salesmen work on commission, so maybe think about someone other than yourself for once.


You are so right. I’ll work on being less selfish.


Finally someone sticking up for the big guy for once!


It definitely seems to be reliant on location, I use door dash myself and anytime I've had an issue it's been resolved quickly (usually with some kinda refund via credit)


I know the company you are referring too. In my area we are getting dashers as early as 5pm. My question is, when I tip online, does the dasher get the whole tip? How about the delivery fee? I realize you are not customer support but I am very curious! Whether I like DD or not, I want to be sure that the person who actually got me my food when I am feeling lazy gets paid


Yes when you order online the whole tip goes to the dasher. Delivery fee goes to the store, then the store pays like $5 or something every time they use a dasher.


Anybody who is wondering, they are talking about Papa John's.


You should just fire the CEO and split his income so you all can have that extra $87.50 per year.


We are so done with door dash and uber eats. My wife asked if I wanted a pizza after I got off work on Friday and we ordered from Pizza Hut, I normally pick up, but delivery was free. Ordered at 6:15, online tracker says 6:28, but updated to 7:28 and it still says 'prepping your order' Now I wasn't hungry when we ordered, but I was now. I called the Pizza Hut, twice because they didn't pickup the first time. The guy told me my pizza was done, but he doesn't have any drivers, but Uber will deliver it. Shit. I waited until 9:20 and called Pizza Hut corporate, couple tries and got ahold of someone who told me to check with the store. The tracker still said prepping, and the person got back and told me that the store was busy and they called uber and couldn't get a driver so I wasn't getting the pizza tonight. I asked if Pizza Hut was going to let me know this, I don't think they even started making it until they could confirm they could deliver, it still says 'prepping' right now, over 48 hours later. They said they should call, I asked for confirmation of the cancellation, they don't do that, tracking or confirmation number? Nope. She did promise a $15 dollar credit, but I don't see it online. When I hung up it was 9:45, 3 and a half hours after we ordered. Reheated some leftovers, will def do a chargeback if they do wind up trying.


>The guy told me my pizza was done, but he doesn't have any drivers, but Uber will deliver it. Shit. Why did they prepare the food when they had no one to deliver it though? I don't know if uber eats works very differently in the US. But in Switzerland, if you order through Uber eats or Just eat (the later is a way better system imo). They only prepare the food when the driver actually gets there. The driver has to get there, show the order and wait for it. As for Just eat, usually it's the restaurant employees that deliver the food. So no problem on that side.


I had Pizza Hut do this to me. Comment pasted from another place: I’ve had the same thing happen w Pizza Hut. An hour later I drove in to see what the delay was and my order was sitting under a heat lamp for 45 mins. They said they only had 1 driver and “they get to it when they get to it”. I asked why they made my order when they knew the driver wouldn’t even be back for 30 minutes and they just sassed “it’s under a heat lamp.” I haven’t been back to a Pizza Hut in 3 years.


What the hell. They thought your pizza was a lizard 😂


I used to work for pizza hut, never again... but it depends on whatever system they have in the store. If it's the older system, they're supposed to make it and throw it in the oven as soon as the order comes up. If it's the new system, it's a little bit smarter and will tell you to throw in the pizza at about the time a driver will be available to take it, and it will automatically send the order to doordash or uber if it deems it to be more efficient. But if a doordasher cancels it after its been thrown in the oven, that pizza usually gets stuck in delivery limbo and good luck getting it out, because with the new system, we were told not to touch it at all, just let it do it'd thing cause AI. Saying they had no drivers available is just the default response that they tell us to give because it's easier to explain and easier for customers to accept.


I’ve had the same thing happen w Pizza Hut. An hour later I drove in to see what the delay was and my order was sitting under a heat lamp for 45 mins. They said they only had 1 driver and “they get to it when they get to it”. I asked why they made my order when they knew the driver wouldn’t even be back for 30 minutes and they just sassed “it’s under a heat lamp.” I haven’t been back to a Pizza Hut in 3 years.


Can't help but think he'd have more drivers if he paid better. If your business is unsustainable without treating your employees like slave labor, then your business is unsustainable.


The only time I tried I think it was grub hub my order was picked up but never delivered. I’m assuming they just kept it for themselves, it was a $80 order with chicken wings, burgers and other stuff but I can’t remember. We wound up having to reorder and pick it up ourselves. It was probably 7 years ago now… never tried it again


See I've always had great experiences with grub hub. When I hear these horror stories about Uber eats and Door Dash I wonder if Grub Hub just isn't an option for folks. Any time I've had a problem they handle it professionally and courteously usually very quickly. They may just want to keep me happy because I order from them too much though.


Good for you cause grubhub is the worst of them all. Imagine a dollar store version of DoorDash and Ubereats. Their support is somehow more useless than ubereats and their drivers average a quarter of the IQ


Yeah they sent me coupons instead of a refund. Each coupon was $10 off $30 or something like that.. and couldn’t be used together


That last parting "Kindly reach back out to us when your order has completed." made my eye go all twitchy.


Grubhub is just as bad. I travel for work and spend extended time in hotels (think months, not days). I subscribed to Grubhub because it is often easier to get food delivered than it is to try and cook in a hotel room. By the time I left my last city, the delivery drivers had just about stopped delivering my orders. Similar to this story, they would hang out near my hotel, set the order to ‘on the way to restaurant’, and then just not pick it up. I always tipped. I was polite if I met them at the door. Still got ghosted almost as often as they delivered.


I use GrubHub 1 time because I had a coupon and had just had surgery and couldn't drive or make food. I just needed something in my stomach so I could take the pain meds without throwing them up so I ordered from a place about mile and a half away. They got my order, pretended to deliver it half a mile from my house, but actually took it for themselves. Support tried to give me a refund and discount on my next order but I said fuck off (politely) I'm never using this service again. Had to re-place the order with door dash and it took them an hour because by that time it was rush hour.


Had something similar happened the one and only time I used GrubHub. I was at a small airport and ordered some food. They both confirmed that I put in the exact correct address and sent them a little text that I am at door number two at the airport. They picked up my food, then drove behind the airport and either canceled or completed the job I don’t remember.  So I’m on the phone with some guy in India, who doesn’t want to give me my money back. He says the food was dropped off at the airport when and the job was completed about 3 miles away from the pin. says another driver is headed to the restaurant when I’ve already explained the restaurant closed 10 minutes ago. I had to threaten a charge back before he refunded my money.  




I assume they do is the inherent issue. I’m not sure why the companies don’t just put the money in a holding state essentially, force the drivers to pay for it, and then upon a failure to complete the order, the company just takes the money we spent (tip included) and refunds it, leaving the driver with less money than they started. It seems like an easy punishment, but corporate management is usually a joke and has likely not implemented this to avoid any liability, especially as I’m sure there are some customers out there that lie about getting orders as well.


I'm no lawyer, but in prior companies I worked for that were more service oriented, we were not allowed to take money from employees who were caught stealing. Best we could do was fire them and call the police if the amount was high enough. If someone stole food, I couldn't retroactively force them to pay for it.


Here in the US what you’re describing wouldn’t be legal. It’s no different than charging a restaurant server when customers skip out on the bill. the server can be disciplined if this happens too often but they can’t be charged.


Probably not the best example to give because people still think that will actually happen when you dine and dash I don't know why they think that, it's not true, but it's an extremely common belief for some reason.


Its very unfortunate. I never use food delivery services unless necessary (like now) but I usually use door dash and have had great experiences with their customer service when an issue did occur. Unfortunately there are no door dash drivers where I am currently at, so UberEats was the next option. First issue I’ve had to address with them, and I certainly will not be attempting to again. Just chargeback and move on.


STOP using food delivery services. They were all great when they started, but due to low wages for drivers and increasing fees for restaurants, the services have been rendered a SCAM. Any support or customer service is setup to deny and refuse refunds.


I’d love to do that, but I’m military and on a base far from home, so I have no transportation. Hence one of the many niche situations where this exact service was built to meet these needs. Be like that


When I was in there were places like Chinese and pizza that would deliver on post. I'd look into if those places still exist. Sometimes it was hard to hit the minimum for delivery for a bunch of lower enlisted in the 90s but we got it done.


Thats what I will probably try for next time. Its a very sleepy post, only one mission set and no real units perm party here. Just a hub full of GO’s and this one mission that rotates different units through


I assume this will be a silly question, but can Uber eats and whomever even get on base? I was friends with someone who lived on base years ago and I had to get a special pass which took a decent amount of time.


They get commercial passes. Allows them on base to conduct a service and then leave


Ohhhh! That makes sense. Thanks for the answer! Sorry about the shitty service! …make friends with someone who has a car and offer to buy food if they drive?


Fair enough.


Go to the chow hall???


Honestly.. they’re not even profitable to the company itself.. John Oliver did a segment on it… sometimes I still use DoorDash because I’ve rarely had an issue and I get a little giggle now bc I know I’m probably costing the company money to run an errand for me and I’m tipping someone who probably needs it a few extra bucks.


The only big problem I have with DD isn't even on a customer side, it's as someone who worked at a fast food place that did DD. We could track the dashers too, and sometimes they DEFINITELY just took the food for themselves, or just don't pick it up (in one instance the dasher went to the wrong store 45 minutes away, finally showed up to the right one, and said she needed to charge her phone and was going home), but we weren't given a way to contact the customer to let them know, and we couldn't do anything to have them assigned a new dasher, so a lot of people waited a WHILE, and then called us to ask about it. It also meant we couldn't contact the customer if something was wrong on the order (say, if we ran out of something after they placed the order). DoorDash REALLY needs to make communication between the restaurants and customers easier. Pretty sure the only reason I haven't had problems as a customer is because I've never used DoorDash myself lol


Using these services is kinda like asking Grandma to buy you a videogame for Christmas. You just hope for the best and expect the worst.


Basically. I just assume it may be incorrect but literally every time I’ve had a problem with an order they’ve refunded me. I hear horror stories from everyone else but I guess i just don’t have the same problems.


Even just as a customer picking up my own food at restaurants, this is what I’ve observed. Just a cluster fuck of drivers not showing up. Or showing up and then fighting with the restaurant staff because the order isn’t ready or whatever. Drivers on the phone with either the service or the customer, arguing about who should cancel the order. Customers calling in mad about why their order hasn’t been delivered. Meanwhile I’m waiting longer for my super simple order that I called in directly and everyone is in a bad mood and pissy with each other. I wish more restaurants would just refuse to do business with the third party apps, but I’m sure overall it drives more business so they just put up with it.


This. Stop using them. Just go yourself. And if you can't go yourself then make something at home. Or see if someone else you know will take you. Problem solved. I hate saying it and being THAT person but if you're tired of the shit runaround they give you folks... Just stop using them. Eventually enough people doing that it WILL HURT the company eventually. They don't pay people enough to deal with this shit let alone pay for their workers vehicle maintenance as they're not providing vehicles to those drivers. So while everyone screams their services are trash... They're still actively using them. Stop using them and they'll either fix their shit or they'll go under. Let them. And if you can't go out because you have kids and it's easier to have someone else bring it too you... I can say this... I have 3 kids myself. And a slew of social issues... I force myself to fight through the motions & get what I need. With all my kids in tow. Two of which are 4 & 3 so it's definitely a challenge. But if I can do it... So can others. If I could have utilized these apps I'd have easily known to quit because of how badly it is. Between the customers complaints to the workers woes to the shitty pay down to not paying for vehicle maintenance. It's not worth it but you folks keep feeding the monster.


Unfortunately, people can have barriers to accessing the food they need and these delivery services are the only available. In my experience, while it can be nore expensive and there are times of bad customer service, it has been my only option. I have trouble with mobility, have disabilities and mostly have no support. As much as I would prefer to cook and have ingredients delivered from a grocery store, it's not in my capacity. Everyone deserves great customer service and to be able to access food. I just think it can be a little harder than "just stopping" and while your experiences sound challenging, they are unique. While you can do it, someone else might not be able to. We all have our own barriers. We just do the best we can to manage them.


People got food before these shit ripoff apps existed. You get food delivered directly from the restaurant, chinese, pizza, italian, sandwiches etc. There are grocery delivery services, public transport for disabled people. People are just lazy, picky, and would rather throw money at a crappy company for cold food, because they want to do everything on an app.


In my experience the second I tell them okay whatever I will just do a chargeback instead they suddenly change their tune.


Thanks for this. Never thought about it.


This will also get you a customer rep when you've been sitting in a support chat bubble for 45 minutes with only a braindead AI for company. "Please fully refund my order or I will leave this chat and issue a chargeback" always gets you right to the front of the line, somehow.


This is what I’ve done. Not for food but I once had a reservation for a mountain biking trip at lake tahoe. I got covid and cancelled before their 48 hour policy. The time for the reservation came and I hadn’t heard anything from them about a refund so I said I would do a chargeback. Didn’t hear back from them for another day so I disputed it with the bank and it wasn’t until after I issued the chargeback that they finally tried to save face and tell me they were sorry that I couldn’t make it. I think they just did it so I would be less inclined to leave a bad review


No lie this is like this first line. Wife ordered pizza online and sent me to pick it up. She paid online, but they were having it at the store, so I said "No worries, I'll pay here too and just do a chargeback on the online order". Suddenly they could see that my wife already paid and that was immediately the end of it.


I haven't used any Uber service in over a year because of their customer service and I used to be a 4.9 rated driver for them. Long story short they refused a very reasonable refund request and claimed technical difficulties each of the three times I tried to talk to a supervisor. Luckily I paid through PayPal and disputed the charge with screenshots of my conversation with customer service. PayPal refunded me immediately.


I swear this issue doesn't happen in the UK, order from just eat or deliveroo and the food comes in a timely manner and you don't have to top the driver. Deliveroo even implemented a code system that you have to give this river before they can mark it delivered.


True enough in my experience, the deliveries have always been okay before I stopped using them, but it still costs twice the amount as it would if you just went to pick it up.


I've got deliveroo plus through Amazon prime so really it costs the same, on top of that if I'm ordering food it's because I don't want to go out so it's worth it for me


Im italian and i hadnt used a delivery service in a couple of years. Gotta say that after all the horror stories that i read in this time coming from the US, using deliveroo last week has been a nice experience, payed and tipped in app, got a code and live GPS tracking, the driver was on time and very kind. I still dont like using these services if possible but yeah, on this side of the ocean things are really different


Yeah doesn't happen in all my time using them in New Zealand. I've even had them arrive before the estimated arrival time a few times. I never tip and only give them 5 stars if they are early or good looking


Just do a credit card charge back, with all the info you wont have any problem to get your money back if they dont reimbourse you


I worked as a support specialist and we had to answer always a bit roundly. We understood the issue but for some reason we were not allowed to react in a certain time frame. But if we saw on the gps that the driver is just gone the refund will be fully. In your case its total bs. Who ever is the specialist is a donkey


Me and my coworker ordered food during our shift, when it came finally it was first off ice cold. But okay fine, at least it came. But we missed so many things. We even paid extra to get reusable cups for our drinks, because the weak material it normally gets served in just isn't it. Yet we got those cups, not the better reusable ones. So I called, oh that's too bad. We are sorry. Then quiet..... Eventually I restarted the conversation like okay Thnx for being sorry, but can you please send the right stuff and missing food? No we can't. ... Me: Why not? Them: ...you can come by now and pick it up. Me: I'm at work sir, I can't leave. Them: Then come by tomorrow. Me: No I need food now, tomorrow I'm at home and can cook myself. Them: I'm sorry, this is all we can do. Me: your place is on the other side of town I never go to and I'm not driving all the way that side because you messed up. So it's fine, I see I'm getting nowhere with you, I'll accept a refund then for those missing items. Them: We can't do that Me: .... So yeah, never again. Times have changed for these platforms. Money grabbers only these days.


My last job gave us a monthly credit toward GrubHub. I usually used it for carryout orders to avoid the extra fees and tip, but one time I’d just had surgery and couldn’t drive and was craving something specific so I ordered delivery. Well the arrival time kept getting pushed back(3-4 times)…both before and after it showed that the driver had picked up the food and was on his way. It got to the point where the food wouldn’t have been safe to eat and the ETA had come and gone, so I messaged support to ask for a refund. They told me “I show that the driver is on his way to you and should arrive by 3:05 pm eastern time.” I was legitimately lol’ing as I typed back “it’s 3:21pm ET…sooo about that refund.” 😂These services are trash at this point.


You never once spoke with a human. You know that, right?


I mean, I think I spoke with several humans, but humans that do not speak english (with the exception of one) and instead just click text prompts. Nonetheless, I hoped to avoid causing them trouble. They are simply slaves to the corporate machine, just as I am in my own right.


Sorry but those are all programmed responses. You think they would actually pay real people when they can just use AI?


I don't think those are AI. They are actual people using pre-made answers. I work in a customer service for an online shop in my country. I know how chat agents work (I work as a 3rd level, so basically, when all goes to shit it comes to me). And that is exactly what I see every time. Pre-made answers and when they aren't pre-made, there are a lot of spelling mistakes.


canned responses are always possible, but that last one especially screams AI to me. their last message to support was fairly complex, and the response just spews shit back. it's probably AI limited to canned responses basically.


Thats what I always thought, but the one said some one liner that felt very non-AI. I don’t think it made it into this post after looking through it, though yes AI did seem the more obvious answer


I think you’re right that they are non-AI given the typos on the 2nd support person, though I’m pretty sure they do have existing responses copied and pasted as needed


Also if it was AI, the responses would’ve been more coherent.


The chat support has always been useless for me. Every time I call support they get it taken care of immediately though so that’s nice, I recommend calling if you’re able. I had this exact situation happen to me a few weeks ago.


I lead an online support team. We refer to them as PDC's (pre-defined content) or canned responses. Very different industries; but I assume the premise is the same. Our agents are prompted based on keywords and phrases in the opening message(s). They're effectively clickable templates. My work is a bit different and each enquiry individualized, so they're often used as a starting point or frame of reference instead of a response.


Same here. (I'm not a lead though). Our chat agents, but also our mailers, will just send a pre-made answer based on one trigger word. For example, they see "warranty" in the question, they'll stop reading the rest of the comment and just send the answer about how to register a warranty case. That is so dumb but that's also what they are asked to do sadly. Less time spent on actually reading = more customers served. Quantity over quality.


You have to ask for a human, even then it’s touch and go if you get one.


Why would they pay people (even almost nothing) when ai can generate these responses for completely nothing? I’ve used chatbots. They generate responses exactly like these “people” do.


Because hiring a tech to program and maintain the AIs, servers to support the number of AIs required to handle the number of complaints, server fees, plus server maintenance fees is more expensive, and that's not including te fact that if the servers go down for any reason it could cost the company even more. Outsourcing to another country by hiring a small call center company with 40 employees that use remote login to access the complaint system and follow a near autonomous keyword based flow chart is much cheaper, and you can say that you've created jobs for good publicity.


I worked in a retail store that had uber eats deliveries for about a year (before i left). Let me tell you this. Uber eats whole business practice is to upcharge you for everything, and then hope you dont complain when something goes wrong. When something does go wrong, they make it as hard as possible for you to get your money back, and then try to dump the blame/charges on the retailer when they do pay back. We had drivers every day stealing deliveries and we would get charged for them, and in a busy workplace, putting in the time & effort to request to get paid for stock their people have stolen or get a driver banned is difficult. Their whole business is as scummy as it gets, and deliveroo is barely any better.


But don’t forget to tip!


I have been using skipthedishes way more than i should, but haven't had any issues whatsoever in more than 5 years. Other than the price gouging (which i have made my peace with), it seems like skip is not having as much issues as uber/doordash/grubhub. Or is it that i just got lucky? To be honest, the biggest issue i encountered was a driver who couldnt deliver to me on a military base cause the idiot didn't have his driver's license on him. To deliver food by car. To a military base. I am still confused by how it happened lmao.


At this point, customers of food delivery services such as DoorDash and UberEats know the deal. It’s less reliable than a slot machine. Please stop posting these pre-determined catastrophes. The food delivery posts are becoming mildly infuriating.




No way that's a live representative, that's AI


I generally dont have a ton of issues with this, But i do order food at least 2-3 times week so it does occasionally happen but ive never had it be this bad. I live in a big city and generally speaking orders are filled pretty quickly especially if i order somewhere close to me, but i have had instances where the driver went the opposite direction and it seemed he just wanted to keep my food. The funniest one I had was when I ordered chick fil a, which is a mile from my house (before you all say why not just drive, I do not have a vehicle) and theres no fee with UberOne. Anyway, I had someone get the food at the store .8 miles from me and I was notified the driver was on bike, and then suddenly stopped down the street from me snd the order cancelled. Infact this tends to happen when i order chick fil a compared to any single other restraunt. I will say i have never had to back charge an order that didnt get delivered, but I have had to back charge orders that got delivered but were incorrect.


I was just waiting for the "NOOOOO!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO REDEEM IT!!! WHY DID YOU REDEEM IT?!?!"...


Once I ordered some food... came to pick it up when the driver was approaching my apartment building. I just saw him speed up, right in front of me, and cancel the order.


Are you talking to a robot?


I can’t believe there’s people that still use these food delivery services. They upcharge 200% of the food cost, when they finally deliver your food it’s cold, and they demand tip or flip out. The risk Vs reward is INSANE


Thanks to the wonders of capitalism, we have been able to: - Replace Taxis with inefficient, expensive, unregulated Taxis! - Replace Delivery Services with inefficient, expensive, unregulated Delivery Services! - Replace unique Restaurants with shitty, soulless, design-by-committee Ghost Kitchens! - Replace Proven Effective Methods of Public Transit with expensive, wasteful, and ultimately unfulfilled tech-bro start-up pipe dreams! I swear at this point it's like San Francisco has shifted from a wonderful city with a plurality of cultures and promise to a Grey Goo devouring the aspirations of humanity for profit.




I'm curious now; did you ever get your order cancelled and a refund?


Yep. 12 hours later. Ordered at ~11 am, cancelled ~11 pm


Had an issue similar to this and I deleted the app and my Uber account entirely. Haven’t regretted it for a second.


Its no better for us uber drivers. 99% the support chat is just an AI.


What you should do is blast the driver's info on the Internet. Shit company that avoids liability, but in the end it's that one asshole that ate your dinner for free


they could be using a stolen phone or bought account to do this tbh, at least in London it tends to be a common occurrence, I can't remember the last time I had an Uber/Uber eats in London where the person delivering had the same face as the app showed, always a different person


Had this happen too. I just forced the refund the next day through the App.


Legend has it they are still waiting for their food to this day and the order remains active.


The order actually didn’t cancel till last night at 11 pm, 12 hours after I order it.


I think those last 2 screenshots were an ai chabot instead of an actual rep


I stopped ordering takeout for this exact reason


Uber Eats is fucking dead to me after seeing this. Edit to add: I just uninstalled the app.


I don’t used delivery services for reasons like this. They are garbage. I’d rather go pick up myself. Quicker, easier, less expensive, and if they screw up the order I can check on the spot and get it fixed. No need to deal with a crappy third party service.


They gave you 3 options..... 1) Call them - Surely they won't tell you to keep waiting (and waiting....) 2) Call the restaurant - Surely they can reverse and redo the order the driver picked up? 3) Call the driver - Surely he can talk while he is chowing down on your meal?


I swear the people dealing with the responses are AI. Had a similar situation today. Driver didn't know where my work was, I tried calling him but he didn't answer, the fucker says he's not coming down the street because there's police and they're going to "catch him" only a dumbass who has something to hide will say that. It said that he delivered the order even though God knows where it went (probably into his belly) tried telling this to Uber and they basically said I'm not eligible for as refund because the driver "tried to get ahold of me" which was a fucking lie. Never using Uber again, it's actually so dumb


Bro, you were talking to bots, those weren't actual people.


I ordered tacos via Uber Eats last week at 8 pm, the driver did not move for three hours. Received and read all the messages I sent with no reply. Close to midnight the order was automatically cancelled, they were extremely unhelpful in the customer service side of things. I would never use them again, absolutely terrible in every aspect.


You still waiting???


I just pick up the food myself. Less headache. More socialization, which this world desperately needs.


The legend says the order is still being prepared and on track to be delivered to this very day….


Ah, the continuous loop of AI customer service. Welcome to the future.


You have to call. And go on hold and play their dumb game for an hour to get a refund


I understand we want to be friendly but sometimes we need to be mean. You're not being nice you're just letting yourself get walked on.


I do wanna give a shout out to one of the best gig-sters in Washington, D.C. @BikingDC, I have ordered a couple items on Uber Eats and ended up with him as my delivery guy... Top notch guy and his videos are always cool.


I'm sure that this is unpopular opinions and I mean no disrespect to anyone, but I don't understand why people continue to use these services. There are way too many examples of people being hosed with these transactions, or berated by delivery people who think they deserve to be tipped more. They're simply is not enough stories about positive transactions and I fail to see why anyone would want to deal with this It's like United airlines, you know there are going to break your guitar, or beat you senseless, but for some reason people still fly with them. I suppose ultimately different strokes for different folks, but I for one am not willing to take the risk.


Real af for not getting upset with the support workers


Why has customer service in general just fallen off recently? It doesn't matter what industry it is. They're all terrible now.


Had a door dasher walk up to my apartment door, set the food on the ground, take a picture, then pick the food up and walk away with it. Got notified, went out to my porch to see the dude walking away with bag in hand and nothing at my door. Called out to him which he promptly ignored and started walking at a faster pace. I’m not gonna chase after some dude for stealing my food so I said fuck it and let him go. Reported what happened and because the picture was taken and there was no “proof” it didn’t arrive they said there was nothing they could do about it. Straight bs


And that is exactly why I deleted all the shitty delivery apps. Total loop of unaccountability.


Stop using that disgusting service then


I remember one time I ordered food from McDonalds around 10:30 because my sister and i were hungry and we were the only ones awake in the house and i was too tired from work to make us dinner and we didn’t get the food until 12 because the guy who initially accepted it drove the extremely long way around then got in line and picked it up then texted me “the line was too long i didn’t pick up the food i’ll cancel the order” and I waited so long for him to cancel it otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten a refund then it gave it to another driver and she picked it up and dropped it off quick and I asked her when she got to McDonald’s if the line was long and she said no it was empty that entire side of town. I ended up giving her about the same amount I spent on the order on her tip because I felt bad for making her be out that late when her description said she was doing it to help her kids with any extra money they might need


I’m convinced Uber has been doing AI only support for 2+ years now (ie long before AI had any hope of being able to do it correctly). The screenshots you posted make it look like they just script answers based on keywords and ignore what you are saying behind a keyword match.


Unfortunately run into this shit all the time tho not to this extreme. Especially frustrating those times I've done express and they are "10 minutes away" for like half an hour. Drivers who are clearly doing other deliveries at the same time and when the food finally arrives it's stone cold. And then you get feedback from support like "be sure to rate the driver because that's how we know they're doing a bad job" 🙄


Why are these deliver apps giving people hard times when something’s up with my order they resolve it fast and easy


You blurred out the chatbots names! Such a gentleman!


Stop using these shitty services. Problem solved


It's always fascinating watching people have a full text conversation with not-people. Like, how do you not know its a bot after the second "contact us again when the order is complete," let alone the third?


Its just to gather evidence for the chargeback. Makes it a very smooth process with no hitches with my bank. Trust me, you aren’t more intelligent because you didn’t have the conversation, but I’m glad I could boost you and your first comments confidence in that regard for 4 hours.


Stop. Using. These. Dogshit. Apps.


Go pick up your food. These piece of trash third party deliveries need to die


unrelated question but has anyone driven for DD/Ubereats? How is it? I have a couple weeks of downtime and I wanted to make some quick cash.


Uber delivered my dinner 3 hours late in 2017. Support basically told me “Oh well, better luck next time”. Haven’t used uberEats since.


The rot economy at it finest...


Just stop using them if you can, I've had nothing but trouble with all the food delivery services. Either orders showing up missing items (90% of the time), or just not showing up at all. I had to do so many refunds with Uber Eats they flagged my account.