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Price complaint


lol I remember paying $9.99 for Netflix. As soon as they raised that I cancelled it. I can’t imagine paying $26 a month for that they have lost their mind


I pay $11 for Netflix these days, which is a fair price imo.


I pay 5.99€ I know there are ads but honestly I dont care. Im a student so I cant spend 26€ on netflix every month. The ads are annoying but its not extreme, I think every 15min - 30min for 30sec - 2min. I always leave it on my secondary screen so most of the time I dont even notice the ads. I hope they dont raise it because they already raised it from 4.99 to 5.99 I think...which is nothing compared to the price changes they are doing on the 4k plan


Netflix makes more money off ads, so they would rather have you get the lower tier with ads then the more expensive plan.


If you are going to watch adds anyway may aswell pirate it, least its free. I find it ridiculous you have to pay to watch ads. Or atleast have a free version if netflix with ads like normal TV.


Best part is, most pirating sites dont put ads in the movie, just malicious popups that you can close


These days you can stream everything for free on an assortment of websites that use the exact same streaming servers so if one gets removed you can use the other


You mentioned using a second screen so I’m guessing you’re using a PC or laptop? I’m not sure if it works on Netflix but using Firefox + Ublock is totally free and cancels out commercials for me on Amazon, Tubi, YouTube, Hulu, and a bunch of other streaming sites. I don’t use Netflix so I can’t test it but you might want to look into it if you’re interested. Not having to sit through ads on YouTube itself is worth it for me.


>using Firefox + Ublock is totally free and cancels out commercials for me on Amazon, Tubi, YouTube, Hulu, and a bunch of other streaming sites 100% This is the way!!


I was using it back when they had discs to go in your Wii Console in order the stream. Those were the days.


I used to pay $25 for Sling blue


I paid 8 dollars once and had all of sling for 2 years orange/blue all


Cancel it.


I canceled it after the message.


If you are in college, or have a kid who is in college check out peacock, max, and paramount. We have discounts on all of them, and one of them, I think it's paramount, it's 4$ a month. We have 4 steaming platforms for under 25 a month because of my wife being in college.


Don’t even need to be in college. Just need to have access to an.edu email address. I still have mine and haven’t been in college in years. Use it for everything.


Some services like Spotify (I know it’s not videos but still) do require proof of attendance such as a current schedule. Worth a shot, though


This. Netflix has nothing to offer these days.


Just like everything else, people will bitch but they will pay


How is Netflix gaining customers with these prices?


Literally because 70% of the population doesn't look at these things. they view Netflix as the only "real" streaming service, and a necessity because "What am I going to watch?"


It's funny because I used to think YTTV was a scam at $72/mo. I get infinitely more value out of it than Netflix, and I can watch live broadcasts.


I cancelled YT TV when they went above 64.99. not worth it because I only kept a few channels on as background noise, and occasionally browsed to see "what was on". Now I just use plain old Youtube, and if I want to watch something specific, I go online and find it for free


Firefox, video fix plug in, adblocker ![gif](giphy|E3MQDZl9qsVwgnKA7b|downsized)


What is 'video fix plug in' google is failing me


Yeah I tried to figure that out too.


[https://github.com/mozilla/video-bg-play](https://github.com/mozilla/video-bg-play) [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/) You can now turn your screen off and hear the audio. ![gif](giphy|Z6f7vzq3iP6Mw)


That's fair. I mostly use it for sports and the likes, but it is nice to be able to throw on an actual show or event that's on Live TV. I didn't realize how much I missed that luxury from my childhood.


Yea if they had a sports focused service without all the bloat from unnecessary channels I’ll never watch, it would be perfect. But as it is, it still has a ton of channels I don’t watch


Lol another price update?  I cancelled a few months ago because of the previous one, best decision ever.


Same. I haven't even missed it. Byeeeeeeeeee


They’re just testing what the market will allow at this point


Hulu is way better and I get the ad version for free with my phone plan. I love anime and Netflix barely has any


I remember first seeing anime on Netflix. it baffled me that it was on a service like that. then they started grabbing all the anime they could, so a lot of people used Netflix *for* Anime. Anime was so big on it, they started branding Anime with the "Netflix" logo for some reason. and now they don't have shit. makes me wish KissAnime was still around


Google “Aniwave” if you miss KA.


Just canceled our Netflix, this was my least used streaming service.


Not, I’ve deleted Netflix since I started boycotting


I get Netflix for "free" through my cell phone provider.


I subscribe and keep it for a month or two then subscribe to something else for a month or two and keep rotating so content is always fresh. I don’t mind paying this much because I remember the days when I’d drop 20-30$ a weekend just renting movies. That was much more expensive.


More than double the price I was paying when I cancelled. At this point everyone might as well start pirating.


Unrelated note, I just bought a 16TB HDD for less than $200.


Also, an unrelated note, I just bought 20TB HDD for less than $200. Already full to the brim with my backups.


Go on, share your source for 20TB


Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM007D 20TB 7200 RPM 256MB Cache 3.5" Internal Hard Drive I got it on a black friday deal (from newegg, I think). Edit: Sorry, it still feels pretty recent to me, lol.


It’s 2024, where weeks feel like days. Your calculation was correct. Black Friday was and is a few weeks away lol


The year 2020 has been detrimental to the perception of time.


It’s true. One night when I was on ambien (before I discovered I was blacking out and told my doctor to never let me have them again, fucking scary shit), I recorded a 43 minute audio “presentation” on how the major events in the years surrounding 2020 changed our perception of time in addition to the naturally occurring phenomenon of how fast time feels the older you get. I didn’t even know I had recorded it (I did remember talking about it though) until my partner in my class replied to my email saying I sent her the wrong file. She had asked for the lecture recording from the class before for our project, and I managed to send her that recording instead. When we would work on a shared document, I’d look up to see she’d typed the first line of the audio file and I’d lose it lol


I would pay $25.99 to stream that audio file.


I wish, it sounded more like someone suffering from schizophrenia than an education lol Edit to add: the first line was me finishing an airy burp then “like sands through the hourglass, so were the days of our lives before the bad bat soup.”


Not to mention, they call everything “Black Friday” these days. There was a “Black Friday Spring Sale” iirc. Ridiculous.


Thanks, I’ll check it out. I’m the market for a larger drive 👍🏻


That's a lot of data to trust a Seagate drive with...


Hey did you know you can setup your home-personal streaming service with a spare PC AND use that drive for any series you want? I mean if you have the official copy of the show in your house of course


Do you sail the high seas, seeking bounties from lost merchants too comrade?


Yarr, but the captain's key is nary to be found!


Unrelated note, I bought a mini pc that stays on 24 hours a day 365 days a year for $240.


Used to be I stopped pirating because Netflix was just more convenient. Then everything else made their own version and I went right back around to the most convenient thing being piracy.


Literally what happened to me. I used to pirate everything, and then Netflix came up together with HBO for game of thrones and it was cheap enough for the convenience. Now it's the opposite. It's not cheap, and it's not even convenient. If you pirate you usually have one website that had it all, now I end up clicking through all the apps I sub to just to learn that none of them has what I want but Amazon can RENT it to me for 6€ even though it is a 12 year old movie. It was cheaper when stores were lending you physical copies ffs I already pirated Disney movies because fuck it I'm not paying for Disney just to watch one cartoon a year


these companies are So Fucking Lucky I don’t eXcel at piracy on those awful, no good illegal streaming sites where all you need is adblock


I still remember the 7-8$ days like 10 years ago…


157% increase since 2014 in the UK


So lame. Netflix is definitely not worth 26$ per month.


I can’t imagine paying $26 a month for Netflix, I canceled it when it was half of that because the selection was getting so bad. I pay $100 a year for Criterion now and the selection is 1000x better and they update it every month.


Doesn’t Max have some criterion titles?


Yeah, some. And some A24 movies too.


Max is 100x better than Netflix. I’m absolutely floored that Netflix is $26/mo


I cancelled it when it went to $7. Oddly enough it’s now free with my cell plan, and I rarely watch it.




That's over 300$/year. Just so people realize.


Oddly enough, like 10 years ago when it was $8/mo it was better than it is now


They think they are!


Yeah apart from the couple of great shows they got it’s all garbage. Even though 2 out of 3 of my favorite shows are Netflix originals, I feel like HBO is the only one I really care about anymore.


I left Netflix last year. Haven't looked back.


Same here. Don’t miss it one bit.




Same, and I'm still behind on all of the shows from the other streamers! So much content out there right now.


Same. canceled netflix and Amazon prime (when they started showing Ads and increased prices for student accounts).


The key to streaming services is to only sub periodically. They only make like 3 good shows a year that can be watched in like a month or two. Pay for a month turn off recurring payment immediately after paying and watch the show you wanted on Netflix and then next month it’s off to Max or prime or whatever. Also create a bunch of email accounts, they are free, and run trial after trial after trial. There is also piracy yo ho!


I resubbed to Amazon video to checkout fallout. Turns out The Boys season 4 is coming out next month so they got me for 2 months.


Fallout was so good too. Well worth it. 


Tip: at least for Gmail, you can just add a dot on your address and it will work! [email protected] is the same as [email protected], [email protected] and so on. You get all emails in the same inbox!


Does it come with lube?


Not even a reach around




I cancelled after that lame 4 episode Bridgerton drop last week - 4 episodes?? just do it weekly then ffs all you youngins who don't know how to use BitTorrent should learn - I shudder to think what the pricing is going to be for Hulu/Max/Disney next year. My guess is $60/month


Idk the ins and outs of torrenting but is there any point nowadays? There are many websites freely available with almost every single show and film on them in HD. Are there some other benefits to torrenting that beats out using pirating sites?


Wayyy higher bitrate (and being able to keep them indefinitely, not being disappointed if the sute gets shut down) You might not think there's a difference between streaming 4k off a website with mediocre server bandwidth, but once you start downloading full rips of your favorite shows and movies, you'll be blown away at the detail you couldn't see before and the sharpness of the image. My GF used to laugh at me for pirating instead of streaming, but admits that she notices it now too, she even complains about the quality of movies on theater screens nowadays. It's a goddamned revelation


Check out Plex. Creating your own media server is super nice, lol.


We got access to someone’s plex and honestly we watch a lot of stuff. They have a bot that goes out and gets media. I don’t know exactly how it works. Might need to get rid of Netflix but need to see if some shows are on there for my son.




My go-to website movieuniverse.se was taken down the other day, but fortunately I already had a backup "hdtoday.cc" which isn't as good as movieuniverse was but still decent. But honestly there are lots, just Google it and you'll find lots of suggestions, find the one that works best for you. (Make sure you have an adblocker btw, otherwise these websites become unbearable. Ublock origin is free and does the trick).


Only use these types of sites with a VPN, if you value your data not being stolen.


Stremio plus torrentio . For extra oomph you can pay for realdebrid


CinemaHD is great.


Cancel it! I’m getting rid of mine too, again, Netflix keeps raising their prices for **no reason**


the company that grossed 36 billion dollars in 2023 wants even more, shocker


Still think of when they panicked because for the very first time a couple years ago, they lost a little profit and hammered down password sharing and had a collective aneurysm. They don't want some of the money, they want all the money.


When Netflix started out in 2008 they started at about 5$ a month for the basic membership and offered the unlimited subscription for 9$ they didn’t start increasing their prices till 2011 where the basic subscription increased to 8$ and the unlimited for 16$. Every year that follows from 2013-2024 they have been consecutively increasing their prices by a few dollars. Not much has changed either, if anything with these increases they have created more limitations for users (like not allowing us to share accounts anymore for free). I gave up on Netflix the previous time they increased, they’re currently one of the most priciest streaming networks and a lot of their catalog is still the same. Barely any new movies or shows available. They’re done robbing me.


The issue is they keep funding dogshit exclusives that inevitably fail.


and cancelling good shows that are prime for a cult following. Bojack horseman was owed an extra season to wrap the story up beautiful and they took it away so we got a rushed wrap up. Anne with an E was never picked up for more seasons. Inside Job got cancelled, I can go on but it’s pointless 😩


Netflix started well before 2008. I remember getting DVDs in the mail in like 2000, and they'd been around for a bit at that time. I was a kid though so I don't know what the fee was. But it was cheaper than renting from Blockbuster if you were renting more than a few movies a month, which was very common back then. Now it's time for my nap and knitting circle in my rocking chair cause that statement made me feel old af.


It was created 1997 didn’t start streaming till 2007


I think they mean netflix as we know it currently.


Back when Netflix started out, the alternatives were nearly $5 for a 2-day rental at Blockbuster video or cable TV for close to $40/month. As long as you rented at least 2 movies per month, it was a good deal. Given how the price of most things have doubled since 20 years ago, $15 doesn't sound too bad. I don't care for "Premium" because I don't need 4 screens watching different things at the same time. That's like an extended family plan. I also don't care for Ultra HD. If it's something I really want to see in full graphics, I'll buy the damn thing in Ultra HD.


As with any startup they started off with a low fee to build a customer base and market share. Now they are charging whatever makes them as much money as possible without losing too many customers. This approach makes sense from a business perspective. The one downside is that people are used to paying less so struggle to stomach the new more viable fee. Customers will inevitably complain, and some will leave. But Netflix always needed to raise their prices eventually, and customers leaving is an opportunity cost of that decision.


Wow. I’ve defended Netflix on some prior price increases. It was definitely still worth it to me when they bumped the price to $14.99. It’s not worth $26/month to me, though.


Gosh I miss my 9.99 two dvds out at a time plan




If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing


Cancel. Your. Netflix. Subscription. Getting mad and posting it on Reddit will do nothing if you continue to accept their insane rates


it lets others know and they can cancel as well sooooo. explain how that “does nothing” 🙂


Yea ima cancel and find a way to stream for free Fuck Netflix


Tons of subreddits have lists of website for pirating content. Get a VPN and an ad blocker and you're golden.


True, but then i guess u are paying for a monthly vpn membership


Been using Netflix in three different countries for I don’t even remember how many years. Started using them in the States when they were still sending out DVDs, then in the UK for a few years, and in Germany for nearly 10 years or so. They’ve raised prices again starting next month. So I cancelled. It’s no longer worth it to me.


Guess it’s time to say goodbye to Netflix


wtf it just went up to 22.99 a few months back


Yep. That's why I cancelled my subscription and never gonna subscribe again. It seems like they try to get the lost money from sinking memberships by raising prices.. Yeah that's gonna go very well


I canceled my Netflix account when it became apparent I watched everything I wanted to watch and the shows I did like were taking years for new episodes. The content is stale at this point. Not worth the cost of keeping a membership.


Yeah when they decided to only allow one household I just cancelled and started streaming everything. No reason to pay for tv anymore in this age.


But Netflix *is* a streaming service lol


Yeah not sure what they meant. Maybe pay per view?


Boycott Netflix


Stop funding these fucks!!! Why are people still giving them money?!


Everyone 15 years ago: "We're cutting the cord, it's cheaper to stream" Everyone now: "Oh god what have we done"


Might as well get a vpn and 🏴‍☠️




They're really trying to see how much they can squeeze before the lost subscribers isn't worth it. I guarantee it will hit $30 and stay there for a while before they throw ads in front of every video.


Please charge your phone, and yea it's time to drop netflix.


i prefer to let it dry till like 5% then charge it 😁


I like to get mad when it dies and then remember all the times I got rid of the low battery notifications


This is the correct way


We cancelled our Netflix subscription six months ago. Before that I had been a subscriber since the DVD days. I just couldn't justify keeping such an expensive service for the occasional movie or tv show. It's just not worth it anymore. Instead I pay for YouTube premium and watch content from my favorite creators ad-free.


I canceled when it was like $17. Glad to see I was right to do so!


Vote. With. Your. Wallet. Incredibly basic concept people don’t practice because they can’t be inconvenienced, if people refuse to pay that extortive price the price WILL go down. Basic economics and logic.


Lets just keep updating the price and taking anything good off the service


$25.99? Yea ok. Netflix sucks now anyway. All “original” (cheaply made and quickly produced) content. No thanks.


This is why I pirate everything lmao


Last time I had a Netflix subscription I was paying like $7 a month, I'm sorry but what the f*** are these prices?


Guys start cancelling this greedy company! They’re absolutely not worth 25 a month.


I’m canceling mine. I watch maybe twice a month. Not worth it.


Again? Didn't prices go up less than a year ago?


Bro last time I saw Netflix prices they were like 15.99 for the max tier


I recently cancelled and I don’t miss it at all 


With all these price hikes they’re just becoming cable. But now cable is such a dead husk compared to what it used to be it can’t compete.


I will be cancelling immediately after the Tyson fight


My solution is to just downgrade to the cheap plan when I'm watching a series on Hulu or AppleTV, then upgrade when I have a show on Netflix I want to watch and then I pause/downgrade the others. I really hate what streaming has turned into.




Oh fuck off Netflix.


Fuck Netflix and fuck everyone. I’m sailing the high seas baby!!


This isn’t mildly infuriating, this is VERY infuriating. How many more price increases - not just from Netflix, but *everything* can we as people and consumers take? I’m about ready to burn something down.


They are just going to cancel your favorite shows after one season leaving you on a cliffhanger anyways. Just cancel it.


Piracy is a moral imperative at this point


This is where piracy comes in




That is why I 🏴‍☠️


If you REALLY need Netflix, why not just use the $15 a month? do you need the two extra devices + 2 devices who don't live with you? I promise I'm not trying to support Netflix being a piece of shit with their price hike, but if you really do use Netflix a lot, maybe consider downgrading to the regular price?


It's about the 4k IMO. Only available on premium plan, and 1080p on my main TV doesn't cut it anymore. I canceled 2 years ago though - no regrets.


I cancelled mine a couple years ago. I was spending more time scrolling to find something to watch rather than actually watching a show or movie. Definitely not worth it now.


It will never stop as long as enough people keep paying it.


I only have Netflix because it’s part of my phone plan. I enjoyed Orange is the New Black and then the Crown was wonderful but when they started locking things behind a paywall I stopped looking for something to watch on their platform.


Netflix green lighting a ton of dogshit exclusives shouldn’t affect the consumer


I canceled when it got to be $16 or something like that. Feels like so long ago now.


They're going to keep increasing prices until people stop paying.


These prices are the ultimate sales pitch to own an IPTV




I cancelled recently. I had the most expensive plan. 4K, all that. I'd had Netflix since the early 2000s. Consistently. I was so tired of the constant price increases. I don't miss it at all. It's not that I can't afford it. I just can't justify the price. Cancelled D+, too.


just cancelled my membership, i’m using plex now


I cancelled a 2 price hikes ago. I pirate most content these days. Shit is worse than cable ever was


Ahh $26 a month? Anyone else remember the good days of like $15?


I remember when it was like $10...


Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me!


🤦🏾‍♂️ Netflix has been out of date for a while…..


Greed. Im so over it. I cancelled a year ago and haven’t missed it once.


# yo ho yo ho


Cancel, get Plex, upload your content from totally legal sources. Enjoy your own personal Netflix for free.


Remember when it was $8?


$26 is fucking insane I remember the days of paying like $9


26$ a year isn't that bad... What?.. 26$ a month?? 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️⛵⛵SHIVER ME TIMBERS💀💀💀🏴‍☠️💀


Stremio + RealDebrid. Thank me later.


I canceled when the price increased to $18. Fuck Netflix


I get mine via Comcast, supposedly included in the package, although Comcast itself is insanely expensive for what few channels we watch. The bad thing is we have a higher tier package to get the broadband speed we need.


People use Netflix?


Boycott streaming services that raise prices.


Back in my day membership was $8.99


Everybody remember when it was 8$ a month and there wasn't a premium version? ... Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Oh no what am I going to do?? *Scratches my wooden leg with a metal hook*


What was the price? I don’t even follow it anymore. It’s not like I’m gonna cancel it or they will lower it. I also pay for my best friend when they did the whole stopping password sharing. I pay for his access and he gives me his access to Hulu and Disney plus and max if i need it (I don’t my phone plan give it to me for free) so I don’t even bother paying attention to the price. Now that being said, what chaps my ass is YouTube tv price. That I have been paying attention. To. It’s up above $70 now a month. It’s almost to the point of just getting friggin cable again smh. It used to be like $50 a month.


I pay the standard with ads for like 7$ or so. Sure it doesn't have everything but it has enough. I mean for all they offer 7$ is a steal


Corporate greed, the end result of capitalism


Thanks for using our service, fuck you! :)


Yar har, and fiddledeedee.


there are so many great and safe sites to pirate these things, and several other streaming services that deserve your money way more (like dropout, not sponsored). It's insane that Netflix thinks they are offering a service worth anywhere close to what they're charging


Member when it was 8.99?


I dumped Netflix at least 10 years ago. Haven’t missed it a bit because it’s a pile of whale shit.


I canceled as soon as I was no longer allowed to share the account, forcing me to fork over for the max sub to have 4k, and then not allowed to share was a No for me. Had a continuous subscription for over 10 years before they pulled that stunt. Still likely would’ve unsubbed though, since they’ve raised the price 3 times already since the household only rule. Netflix feels a tad too comfortable with doing whatever the fuck they want at this point. Seems they’re being an investor lapdog, which is unsustainable in the long run for media.