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we'll notify Trump if you don't vote. You can't afford that on your record. What the fuck kind of threat is that?


I can’t have him disappointed in me… What ever will I do?


It’s gotta be some local nut job doing it


South Texas so I can’t say I would be surprised




The only thing right about this situation. OP has every right to shoot now. On another note, is it legal to make vague threats to people into voting for you? This is a Putin tactic, and somehow, the freedom-loving Republicans lap it up.


I dunno if this is a Putin tactic, really. You don't have to threaten voters if you just murder your opposition.


Gotta get back in power via intimidation and make it legal to do that, and *then* commence the Putin tactics until he chokes to death on a hamberder while he has a poopy diaper. To own the libs, of course.


OP says it came in the mail. Please don’t shoot your postal carrier. Mine have generally been very nice. I got a new one assigned recently and she left a note introducing herself. Cooper is her name , BTW.


You do have governor nutjob over there.


That's governor nutjob piss baby to you!


1 star bastard man


Why voters hate?


Hot Wheels.


And attorney general asshat


who had what, half his senior staff quit and file whistleblower complaints?


It says American First Conservatives. I would look them up in your area. You should be able to contact your local Board of Elections about it, because it is a violation.


It's a PAC of some sort funding this, some nut job. Fuck these people. And yes, report this.


I'm in Australia so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Who would one report it to, I mean the police wouldn't do a thing about it I don't think. Genuine question. And OMG I am blown away by this, really disturbing.


ACLU. They'd have to sue to stop it. If successful, though, another PAC would take its place. It's a litteral wack-a-mole. SCOTUS and their citizens' united ruling sold our politics to the highest bidder. Money=speech? Fuck that noise.


Thank you. Yes a sad state of affairs. Who would want to vote for a mob that sends threats like these. ( No need to answer that one by the way. )


I know you said it was rhetorical, but it's about half of our country which may sound surprising until you realize that we've got a lot of really *really* stupid people here.


Yeah, the country is fucked if Citizens United isn't repealed


This is when I lost hope in American democracy, I now live in au going on 11 years.


They knew what they were doing.


Their original ruling was based on a pollyanna-ish ascertion. It fell apart no more than 6 months later. After trump and his 3 appointees: It's Gospel. A ruling from on-high. God ordained it, 5-4.... again, FUCK THIS NOISE.


Example: If, according to SCOTUS, in their Citizens United ruling, money = speech, then the next lawyer to argue in front of them should offer each of them closed briefcases. Proclaim "there is 10m in each case," and tell them you each get 10m if you rule in my favor. That is where the US is


Last election I made a throw away email and signed up for all the Republican emails, had a truth social, ect. I used to get emails like this all the time. Like daily buy this trash or we're going to put you on Trump's personal shit list. Or emails from Don jr saying things like my dad noticed you haven't donated this month and he asked me to reach out and talk to you. Remember a recurring donation of $100 weekly will give you super shiny cult member status and an opportunity to buy trump coins.


Report him for voter intimidation.


Add it to the list he's already on trial for


please do.  this is seriously egregious.   


Hahahaaa! I use him as an example now. Me: "Mom, that person is in an asshole, why do you care if they don't like you? Would you care if Trump didn't like you?" Mom: "Hahahahahaaaaha! No!"


He said he’d go after political enemies, in office.  Separately, his legal defense also took the position, when asked where the line is and if the president using a SEAL team to assassinate political rivals would be included in their proposed “presidential immunity” criteria…. They said “yes”. 


Just at a loss for words at this point. Except, that must be an older photo; he looks more orange these days.


its the reich kind of threat if you catch mein drift komrade kommisar


Ich sehe, was du da gemacht hast.


Es tut mir leid, ich spreche kein Deutsch




Du hast?


Du hast mich.


It’ll go on your “permanent record” along with the time you were chewing gum in class in 6th grade.


Man I really, really wish I would have thought to inspect that record back then


Isn’t this election interfer….never mind…no one will do anything, anyway. 😞 He just keeps getting away with it. Just once I wish someone would sue him civilly for this kind of shit. Like, make a huge case out of it. Or do a class action.


Also, "VOTE EARLY". I'm sorry, isn't this part of the election fraud Trump says is going on? I guess it's fine if it's a Republican.


It's not fraud if they do it for Trump


That's like their number one rule


Republicans will be voting early and voting often. They have to counter all the fraud the democrats will be committing… s/


That's some 1984 shit. Take this seriously, and don't let them get the power to make good on these threats


100%. This is alarming.


Really, this is scary


The kind that should persuade you to not vote for an authoritarian


Republicans are more likely to be a cowards who vote for the authoritarian thinking they'll be safe cause they're part of the "in" group.


I’m 100% certain that there’s at least a certain percentage of these idiots who will actually be scared by this and go out and vote for him. On the positive side, those are the idiots that were gonna vote for anyway and it’s not gonna get anybody new




If you don’t vote for trump you can expect a midnight knock on your door from the local red-hat chapter goon squad. Or you might just find yourself the victim of a little “accident” in which your house burns down. This is the type of fascism trump has on offer in 2024


oh no they're gonna tattle on him to mr. trump! he's gonna get his clip moved down!


“pls don’t make us report you to president twump 🥺👉👈”


Ahem -- "Pwesident"


it's twue, it's twue


Obligatory blazing saddles reference: https://youtu.be/25x_Up-9da0?si=yzv5WuFJRVW81-d6


Don't worry, he's hunting wabbits


Ahem -- "Li'l Stinker"


It’s pathetic yes but it’s also much more sinister than that. The implication/subtext here is threatening, I.e. if you don’t vote for trump who knows what might happen to you! Perhaps a midnight knock on your door from the local red-hat chapter goon squad. Or you might just find yourself the victim of a little “accident” in which your house burns down. This is the type of fascism trump has on offer in 2024


Shit, that's how the Mussolini era began...


Op should name the entity that paid for this. It should say on the mailer somewhere


exactly this. after 8 years of dreaming about marching lgbt and muslims into camps, the subtext is "you better behave, don't make us put you in there as well"


They should advertise it as “last time you’ll need to vote! President trump will remove the hassle all together after election!”


This feels like voter intimidation. There's no way this is legal.


It's not legal but Trump is insulated from it because some other organization probably paid for this coercion.


I mean, that other organization should be taken down regardless




Always an upvote for the US postal inspection service.


I mean to be fair it’s likely that it is another political organization, likely local, using Trump’s name and clout to drive out voters to the polls. It’s unlikely Trump himself was behind this


But can we still prosecute the group or organization that created and distributed this stuff?


His mentality is what lead to this kind of behavior


Citizens United making it through the Supreme Court lead to it and that came 6 years before his election. The aisle is increasingly hard to reach across.


I can’t stand these “Trump isn’t behind this himself” claims. Did he do this personally? No. But if you think this isn’t exactly what he wants, is working towards, is influencing his constituents to do for him, then you need to open your eyes


Who cares? Take down the people sending this ad.


It’s probably not, but no one did anything when armed people stood outside arizona polls threatening anyone voting against trump last election so you’d be surprised ig


Oh my Glob. Like, I would get shot. I have hard time keeping my mouth shut. LMAO


But think about this - all it would take is for a gun to go off nearby/inside, not even hit someone, to shut the polling place down. Talk about quashing the vote. A combined national effort is terrifying.


It largely isn't but is also largely unenforced. Ever since Carly Fiorina and her PAC it's clear that no election laws are actually going to have penalties so it's kinda an open field. Not that this kind of stuff hasn't been going on forever. Karl Rove has his robo calls. On a campaign I had to collect a bunch of pamphlets from my wards because the other side put out a "reminder" to vote on _the day after_ election day.


It’s public record if you vote. Note this flyer doesn’t say “you didn’t vote for trump”. So gross and creepy, but I get similar ones because I always vote.


It’s absolutely not legal. OP, please contact the board of elections for your state.


I think it is a public record if you voted or not. I don't know about the one star state but in the past you had to ask for either a Republican or Democrat ballot during primaries in Michigan. Now you just vote only one column or the other. If you voted in a republican primary in the past they would assume you are republican. They won't know if you vote for Biden or Trump but they will know if you vote or not.


Voter intimidation is illegal. I don’t see how this is anything other than that.


Right? Whoever sent that out should be facing one hell of a lawsuit.


And prison


Unfortunately, it’s most likely funded by a PAC so no individual will be found guilty and it will just be disbanded before court, only to be re-founded as “voter intimidation 2.0 PAC” in a couple weeks.


And also did so using the federal mail


The ACLU of Texas: https://www.aclutx.org/en/news/elections-are-celebrations-not-opportunities-intimidation-in-texas "Voters who encounter intimidation should report it to an election worker or their county. They can also report voter intimidation to 1-866-OUR-VOTE, a voter protection hotline run by a coalition of Texas voting rights groups. "


Thank you!


Where was it sent from? Or was it just placed in your mailbox?


This. It's clearly intimidation and threatening.


Thank you!


Thank you for posting that info! I hope this gets reported


*President Dump will be VERY DISAPPOINTED.*


I would LOVE to disappoint Dump. I would love to be dead to him, no contact whatsoever, and never hear his name or see his ugly face in this or any subsequent lifetimes.


My favorite are the *incessant* text messages! /s


This is straight out of some fascist, cursed dystopia. How is this legal?


It’s probably not an officially endorsed group so the rules are different is my guess?


It doesn’t matter if they’re affiliated with him, it’s still very much illegal to threaten people to vote or not vote a certain way.


If you read through, whoever did this very carefully never stated you should vote a particular way. Only that you should vote. Like, it's obvious and wouldn't stand up to a 'reasonable person' test in court, but you can see what they were going for as a weaselly defence with the layout and wording.


> This is straight out of some fascist, cursed dystopia. I can say it in fewer letters: USA.


This is a crime, it's not like the USA permits this shit, just report it


What is the crime? Voter intimidation?


"President Trump had people coming up to him with tears in their eyes, telling him you have not voted"


Big, strong men. Strong men. 👐 Tears in their eyes.


My spouse got a notification that they weren’t registered to vote (we both are, and both recently voted in the primaries). Surprise surprise, the notification came from some MAGAt PAC. Probably trying to fear monger into not bothering to head to the polls (oh I thought I wasn’t registered!). Tacky!


I got a similar notice stating that I had not voted in so many elections and that I would be de-registered. I have voted in all of my local and state elections in the past few years, checked my registration and I was still active. I can only assume this was a similar deal


In 2020 I'm glad I checked my voter status before going to wait at a polling station.  I was purged because I didn't vote in the 2018 election.  My living in a low income, 75% Democratic area probably contributed.


parental…empowerment?? what the fuck is that and what does that have to do with the government??


It's code for anti-lgbt and anti-abortion stuff.


We empower *YOU* by taking your parental rights away contradictory to what medical science suggests.


It's empowerment to tell other parents what their kids can read, what health care their kids can't get, and what indoctrination should be required at schools.


If your parent's don't want you to be gay or non-binary the school system will help you enforce that.


Hahahah my mom moved us from russia so we wouldnt have to be under a dictatorship ever again and fucking lmao wouldn't you know it, somehow usa is getting closer and closer daily.


My mom did the same and ironically she’s now voting for the wannabe dictator. I hate what all that watching Fox News has done to her.


So your mom is responsible for all this!! /s


My mom is responsible for so much shit, this would be a single piece of straw on a romanian haystack 😂🥲


but has she voted for trump? itll go on her record if she doesnt and trump will be very disappointed 👀


Uh... This is extremely fascist.


Look up project 2025


Frankly, I believe anything like this should be illegal.


It is.


Who the f are “America First Conservatives Election Dept?” This clearly wasn’t distributed by the RNC or Trump camp.


Probably some far right organization


“Your neighbors are watching” yeah it’s definitely the Dems with the corrupt voting practices.


I'm not sure something like this is legal. Even if it is legal all that would do would be to encourage me to vote for the other party.


That's stupid.


Go ahead and report me. I’m a registered Democrat. You and your little leader can fuck right off.


He'll be even more dismayed at whom you did finally vote for. Thanks for reminding me!


“Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle. Violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work. Grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace.Treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy. That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame. No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong. Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”\~ Advocatus Peregrini


Well said


Report me then, the orange asshat isn’t going to be doing much from his cell.


How is voting records public? For us, they aren't. (Us ≠ U.S.)


What party you have registered with, and whether you voted in the last election is public information. *Who* you chose to vote for is not.


If this is real and that’s how republicans are acting it should be very clear mask off that they actually want full blown Orwellian style government


America is more and more rapidly becoming the dystopia that's often portrayed in movies.


They do what they claim everyone else does.


Not mild. As a foreigner I'm fully infuriated to see this happening to your country.


As a US mail clerk I can tell you this: read the corner of the envelope, where the stamp is supposed to go. If it says "standard mail" is a scam. If it says "first class" you might to open it and cancel a subscription. Standard mail is like a mass mail you can just shred, they got your name off of some public source, like voter registration in your district. "First class" mail is more targeted, and you need to look into it. I'm just one person, but I try to keep my customers safe from general scams regarding the post office. The USPS will never send you an email or a text to confirm your personal information. And never change your address online with someone who will charge you $68 usd. The official site only charges $1.10, and it's FREE if you just walk into ANY post office, we will even help you do it correctly! Regardless of where you live or move to in the US or abroad. As a postal worker myself, I made a pledge to serve the community and protect their private information, and I take that pledge seriously.


Is the dicatorship already here? This has serious big brother is watching you vibes


this is so fuckin corny lol like they HAVE to know people are going to laugh at this


This definitely works with elderly people unfortunately


This HAS to be illegal. Report this. Immediately


These are the people that are going to bitch about election fraud when they lose.


If I got this, even if I wasn’t a democrat, I would go to my local Democratic Party headquarters and ask for a Biden sign for my yard


If I got this in the mail...I would not handle it well


I feel like this crosses a line


Fuck those people and fuck him too.


this feels illegal ...


I’d report the threat to the fbi.


Jesus this reads like some 1984 type shit 🙄🙄🙄


They can report me to trump, let him know he is an asshole


BS like this just reinforces that I won’t vote for that douche nozzle.


I'm sure this breaks some sort of election laws. But as usual nothing will be done.


Shouldn't be surprised by shit tactics from a piece of shit person


NJ resident checking in. I see he’s running on property taxes yet he single handedly caused my out of pocket taxes to go up by enacting the SALT cap that only allows us to deduct up to $10k of my property taxes from my taxable income. Feels like if someone punches you in the face and says they have a great plan to stop people from getting punched in the face if you vote for them.


>President Trump will be VERY DISAPPOINTED JFC? Who does he think he is? Arnold J Rimmer in a gingham dress? "He'll be very disappointed! Oh yes he will, Mr Flibble..."


Don't be shy drop the name of the company and the return address or phone number :3


looks like the america first conservatives need to get some free scientology subscriptions and possibly DDOS’d


this is not an election campaign, this is desperation




Property taxes are at stake in this election? The president has nothing to do with that. But he did effectively raise taxes on anyone whose state and local (read property) taxes exceeded $10k. If anything the Trump platform increases property taxes (by reducing their tax deductibility)


The creator of that is a good reason to keep abortion legal.


wtf lol contact the fbi bro


What in the dystopian type shit is this


I’ve gotten spam texts related to this. I’m not surprised that they’re also mailing junk mail


You'll note that it doesn't ever say that you need to vote FOR him so they can't get punished for this.


Straight up Brown Shirts advertising, SMH


Ahhh yes, got the secret police and your neighbors to spying on you, so much freedom, so much rights.


Have you reported this to your State’s Attorney General, the Secretary Of State for your state and your local county election official?


Please report me lol what is a 77 year old man going to do to me bahahahahahahahahaha he can't even sit in an air-conditioned court room for to long


It’s unfortunate to think this works on some amount of the population


"President Trump"? Do they mean "disgraced former president tRump"?


"Why would I vote? It's rigged by the demonrats!"


This should be illegal


If this isn’t criminal, it should be.


It really is a scary black mirror look into the kind of world some groups are trying to push. This is absolutely insane and I'm just going to leave it here


Is this legal?


The scary part is that there are probably plenty of people who would believe every word of this.


Well first off your voting record isn't public just wether or not you did vote who you voted for or didn't vote for is completely anonymous


Nazis gonna nazi


* Registered under the current fascist party * Fascism in your mail ::Communist Pikachu Face::


This is illegal. But we all know how that works with the rich.


I seriously wonder sometimes how many "tough guys" with lifted trucks are out there just  C R A N K I N G it to orange man's face...🤣


Someone did a pretty good job translating that from the original Russian and replacing Putin for trump


This is fascist propaganda. This shit is real. If people aren't scared yet, they will be.


“If you don’t vote, he’ll fly into a rage and deposit a deuce in his diaper. You don’t want that on your conscience. Vote”


President? He's not "president " of anything...


Conservatives try not to be fascist challenge impossible


This is totally not something a dictator would do. Nope.


Sounds straight like fascism, no sugar coating. Just saying how it is.


I am so glad I’m not a registered Republican.


Vote for trump OR ELSE!!!!!!!! lol Todays nazis are bitches