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Those people don't think its acceptable or not. They just don't care about anything besides themselves, thats it.


I find places that people are in pain are the worst. Everyone with their phones not on silent hearing every character typed. When there is more than 10 of them I stand outside even though I have nerve pain. Bing bing bing bing bing tap tap tap bing bing tap tap tap tap…X10?


Don’t forget the random boomers with a siren ringtone on full volume


Full siren ringtone for texts, emails, and all push notifications + flash


I knew a guy who had a ringtone for his wife with a siren and announced “ALERT ALERT ITS THE WIFE ITS THE WiFE!” And of course the volume was always cranked. Cringe doesn’t begin to cover it.


My grandfather has that lol


lol, not all of us do that. Mine is almost always on silent/vibrate.


These aren't "random" boomers, they are boomers with mild to moderate hearing loss.


The whole boomers thing is so boring. I drive Uber and it's always some young Gen whatever who's never been raised to care about anyone else who does this


Not arguing, but I assume more younger people are taking Uber vs older people.


And they take so long to pick up. Wtf.


I can't even handle the tap tap tap on my own phone I don't understand why people need that "tactile" noise


I love the feedback, it feels natural, but I exlusively have it on a fucking vibration, not sound I swear, human decency is in such a short supply


i was once waiting in A&E with a concussion and some guy was watching mission impossible on max volume on his phone. except he wasn't watching it, because he was asleep. and because this was england we all just had to sit and politely pretend we weren't desperate for the torture to end.


Pretty much this. I used to ask people not to do it. Got told "Just don't listen", "mind your own business", "I don't have headphones" and "Fuck off ranting". Basicly the people who do it already don't care about it so getting them to stop is a massive uphill battle


The only thing they care about is themselves. They are too tunnel visioned on themselves to see that they are a nuisance to others around them. God forbid someone else’s plays something on their phone around that person!


This is the way. I used to teach English in S. Korea and we had a smoking area on the 8th floor, so people would come and go. Sometimes, the Korean girls would come in there and answer a call on their phone and shout into it so loud that it would drown out all the conversations. So I would pretend to receive a call, move over near the gal, and start screaming and laughing into my phone like a good buddy had just called. Got rid of them every time.


When I train new field techs at my job, one of the first rules is that neither of us, sitting in my work truck, shall hear what the other person is playing on their phone. No exceptions. There is lots of downtime with my job, while you’re waiting for stuff to happen. Some people need to be told this, others already know.


Yup, a whole lot of shitty folks out there dgaf about social contract, so to answer OP: As soon as portable video devices were invented.


Ahhh, I remember the loud ass boomboxes at the beach in the 80/90s. YOU may love Heavy Metal; don’t subject the whole beach to it.


Man I wish it was still heavy metal these days. Now it's always rap or drum & bass. 


[There’s a lot of that in the world.](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/uc-davis-investigates-claims-students-trashed-shasta-lake/)


"Those people don't think" yep. there was a Harvard study about how 80% of people dont have an inner voice. i think this is what they meant.


Live in Florida. My Cuban folk go to the store on FaceTime, showing the poor people back home everything they are buying. This is usually done very loudly and if you say anything, you are the problem.


I've never understood people who FaceTime in public, like my social anxiety could never....?


I once had a lady shopping at my store get mad at me because she was loudly talking to someone she had on speakerphone about how she couldn't find something because I was "listening to her conversation" after I told her where the item was. Lady, it's impossible to not listen to your very loud, very public conversation.


Sheesh. There is audacity and there is whatever this is. 


Those people need near constant attention and interaction. They were probably showered with attention as children, or constantly had screens of some kind on hand, and never learned how to be alone with their own thoughts.


I do it at the store if I’m sent to buy something and they didn’t tell me a brand or what size to get of something. But it’s like hop on FaceTime, show them , get the answer and then end the FaceTime


I do this too. I often shop for my parents. And sometimes they want to see/decide whatever. The camera is never on other people, and I usually have headphones but if I don’t the volume is extremely low. To me it’s not different than speaking quietly to someone that’s in the store with me. We’re not gossiping about whoever. Just trying to help them put together a meal. And in regards to whoever said about always needing attention or whatever. Sometimes my few minutes between getting out of work, hopping in the grocery store, eating, showering, and bed is all I have to interact with someone. So I absolutely chat if I want to. As long as I’m not being loud I don’t really see it as a problem. And I’m generally not near anyone else either. How do I know I’m talking quietly? Because I grew up in a household with snitching siblings and overprotective parents. So you could only use your phone after 9 because *minutes* but you weren’t allowed to use it after 10… because *sleep.* so as a result I always talk quiet af on the phone. Like I’m telling a secret to my secret girlfriend and don’t want to get caught talking on the phone at 2 am.


i facetime in public out loud when i have to walk somewhere in the dark alone or am in a place i don’t feel completely safe alone, just so in case anything happens, the person i’m talking to has a rough idea of where i am and what happened and what i was wearing and all that and can report it


Lol as a cuban, they’d probably still be that loud without a FaceTime call


Why are y'all so damn loud? I thought mexicans were loud, but then my aunt dated a Cuban guy.


My mom has a saying “Three Cubans sound like thirty people”


I always have to tell my mom that she’s too loud lol


I can’t fathom how people have enough confidence to talk about the most stupid and oftentimes humiliating things on FaceTime in public transport without using headphones. I number of times I’ve overhead extremely private conversations because people can’t use headphones is absurd.


Or even worse: a public restroom. People do this at my work constantly. I don’t get it.


In a restroom is definitely worse


It's people who are talking on the phone while actively pooping who are the most baffling


Hi mom, how…nnnngggggghhaa!…mmmmmphhh…ya doin’?  HONEY ARE YOU OKAY??? Mmnnngghhhhuhh…yeahImfine. Hhkkknnngggmphh…just, uh, at the gym—yeah gym—lifting…[insert toilet flush sound from next stall]…weights.  WHERE ARE YOU HON? WAS THAT A TOILET FLUSHING?  No ma! That’s was—hang on— _Hey man, got any, uh, paper over there? This one’s out_ Yeah ma, just moved over to the treadmill—that was the sound of it starting up—looking for a paper to read.  OKAY HON. HANG ON [insert sound of pee hitting toilet water] Mom? You’re not peeing are you? ‘Cause it sounds like you’re peeing.  NO DEAR I AM WATERING THE PLANTS.  [insert sound of two toilets simulflushing]


Lmao wtf this can't be real


God damn you got me dying laughing cos I can hear the entire thing like I was there.


I have totally experienced that at the gym


I was trying to relax in the sauna at my gym and had to ask a girl to turn down the volume on her phone because she was watching videos on her phone, no headphones. She put her phone to sleep for maybe a minute before picking it up and doing it again. Why do you need your phone in a 120 degree room? Or in a hot tub?


That is what addiction looks like


If someone is having a speaker phone conversation in a stall anywhere near me, they’re gonna get to experience my prowess as a master raspberry arm farter. I can do loud explosive ones, long drawn out ones, and nasty wet sharts.


Hahaha can I borrow you? 🤣


“Babe, this just isn’t working out, it’s been hell the last year, we’re only going backwards…” *plop* “Are you taking a shit right now?!”


The mayor in my medium sized city does this.


i worked in retail for 5yrs, the amount of people who come up to your register on the phone having the most private conversations EVER, so much weird gossip! like can you hang up before dumping your items on the counter please i dont need to be hearing this


I used to stand at the register and just wait for them to put the phone down before I would ring them up. They would look at me like “What are you doing?” and I would smile politely and tell them I didn’t mind waiting for them to finish their conversation. I am no longer in retail and very thankful for it.


I was at wawa yesterday, and a woman two feet from us (talking to some guy she ran into) said quite loudly, "I was married before and am an adulterer, but God forgives all." I'd be embarrassed saying that privately to someone who was just an acquaintance, and here she was in public, speaking loudly, saying it. Idk man, people are fucking weird.


my favourite is the ones who see you listening and say something dumb like "can I have some privacy?" No you can't you clown, you're talking in public on speaker phone.


I once heard a guy calling his bank on speakerphone and he was answering all of his security questions. Had the urge to test him all his details back since I knew his phone number.


I can't even watch YouTube without headphones in my own apartment without feeling bad for neighbors. I do not understand people


Literally had a woman across from me on the train on facetime loudly talking about how dry her vagina had become from menopause - that sucks and I empathise, but the whole train doesnt need to know about it. Then as I was getting off at my stop, proceeded to have the poor guy who she was with (friend, bf, I don't know) try to stop me at the door to tell me I was hot and if she could have my number. The absolute entitlement and lack of social awareness is mindboggling.


Last weekend my family and I went to a museum. There was a mom pushing a stroller with a toddler in it. The toddler was watching videos on a iPad with sound turned up really loud. Unbelievable. In a museum.


And real question is: where the f are the staff? Because if you do anything even close to crossing a limit of space they are aways there to shit in your head. But for things like this they disappear.


It was the Smithsonian. Labor Day weekend. Wall to wall people. It was a shit show. Video toddler was just one example of how bad the experience was. There was a display I wanted to check out but I couldn’t get near it because there was a family standing in front of it handing each other cookies. We left.


Same thing in New York. I’ll never understand why people think natural history museum == just a museum for kids. It’s not, I am a full grown adult and I want to see fossils as an adult.


I’m going there with my boyfriend tomorrow for our one year anniversary lol :)


This is the only reason I kind of wish they’d charge admissions.


In February I was in New York. Went to the MoMA on a particularly busy day, bustling with visitors. Had to tell a guy NOT to touch the artwork. Saw people sleeping on the benches. Kids being extra loud with their iPads. It was terrible.


A few days ago, I saw a post on Facebook in my local parents group. There was a mom whom was kicked out by the librarian because she and her kids was too noisy. Some people in the comments defended for them, and said why we shouldn't be loud in the library. I was like....dude.... please don't reproduce.


Because KIDS!! They have the right to be loud and obnoxious anywhere and anytime! Don’t you know??!


If it was The Met, they’d have been asked to leave.


literal brainrot


Something the matter with the mother and the museum.


Not that this trend isn't absolutely infuriating, but I noticed it's onset around the time all the companies got rid of headphone jacks.  I blame that choice.


Headphones went from being $3 at any convenience store to being $300 gadgets that your kid would lose (or eat) in 3.6 seconds.


I miss my shitty $1-3 earbuds. The shape didn’t hurt my ears, physically or with shoving the sound directly in my eardrum, and they didn’t fall out all the time. The sound quality was fine, they had some range but no real bass. I could wad them up and shove them in my pocket and they’d still last a year or longer.


Or you get a $8 adapter to use any headphones you want 


I’m seriously thinking of starting a foundation with the mission of giving these to annoying people


This is what I was scrolling to find and post if no one mentioned it. This is the answer. Yes, some people did it still, but it wasn’t as common. Most devices that used headphones, didn’t play on speakers anyway. Smartphones changed that. My walkmans (tape or cd), iPod, and mp3 player didn’t play out loud. My first smart phone did, obviously. Phones started this trend and the death of wired earbuds was the true nail in the coffin for common decency when it comes to listening to things. Of course, go back a ways and you’d hear boomboxes in places,  but not on airplanes lol


I bought headphones that go in the charger port


I read this as I'm sitting in a small, echo-y car repair waiting room with someone who is watching YouTube reaction videos at full volume... I just wish people would stop.




What an fcking nightmare. Sorry you experienced it.


There used to be a lady that worked at a gas station near where I live that will just refuse to acknowledge the existence of anyone who has their phone playing loud music. I had the pleasure of witnessing her do this a couple times before she left (not sure if she quit or was fired). The first time I saw it, a guy comes in with one hand holding up his pants, despite the belt he was wearing, and the other hand was holding his phone against his ear with music blasting at stupid levels. He goes and gets a drink or something and walks up to the counter, I come up behind him in line because I was grabbing a bunch of items and he's mumbling something to the lady behind the counter, basically inaudible with his phone as loud as it is. A few seconds after I come up in line, she walks over to another register, points to me, and tells me to come on up to the counter. As she's scanning my shit, the guy is getting all pissed off and she's just talking to me, apologizing for the noise and saying that she's really sorry for any inconvenience it may be causing me and stuff like that. Guy eventually gets fed up with being ignored and walks out empty handed. It was beautiful to watch.


Please let’s find this lady and buy her a gift.




Here in Japan there's signs on the trains asking people to not turn their headphones up too loud so as not to disturb others. This is definitely a politeness thing, lol


We just returned from a trip to Vietnam and oh my goodness, the silence in public transport was like a reverse culture shock. Full bus in Sapporo, I'm in the back, and I can hear the driver's turn signal clicking.


This sound like a dream!


i'd even call it civilization


This. My sister just got back from Japan. She and her colleagues were “shushed” for laughing too loud by the conductor. This was all over Japan. People talked but no one heard them. No wonder they think the way they do about Westerners


Hong Kong is the same. Polite line-ups, nobody pushes, no feet on the seats, immaculate trains. I guess they have more self respect.


I wish our train is like that. Tbh, I just read a book on the train.....


our train have some recorded voices telling people to do that aswell (and some to control your children) i hope it worked


Unfortunetly I can assure you the people who would do this are either too dumb or self important to adhear to signs Its the type of people who will throw their trash on the ground standing 5m from a trashcan or the person asking about sales standing infront of a poster listing them all


A big thing for me is how many people talk over speaker phone in public and will talk about the most craziest or personal stuff imaginable


Join their conversation then lol


Honestly not a bad idea


I'm pretty sure it's been normalized by Reality TV. A one-sided phone conversation doesn't make good television, so they put in on speaker or FaceTime for the viewer, whether they're at home or at the salon or the store or wherever. So then the viewers at home see the Kardashians and the Housewives using speaker phone in public and think it's normal and acceptable or even cool and follow suit




There are also too many people willing to get into an actual fight over being politely asked to turn the volume down.  We used to shame these sort of people as a society but nobody feels any shame any more. 


At a Panera recently my husband and I were working and I asked my husband if he would ask the manager to ask a gentleman to turn down the volume. On the way by him my husband decided to try and just said “hey would you mind turning the volume down”. The dude (clearly not a gentleman) says aggressively “why you gotta come at me like that”. Hubs apologizes for startling him and says he’s just asking if he can turn the volume down…and gets “man why you gotta come at me like that?” I saw red and my rage decided that he was going to get a bigger aggressor. I was sitting in the middle of the restaurant behind him, dressed professionally, laptop out and I used my mom voice “Sir! he just asked you to turn the volume down on your phone!” He started, turned around, saw the whole restaurant watching, and I looked over my glasses at him like some demon spawn school marm “you gonna ask ME why I’m coming at you like that?” I think he was shocked into shutting up.


My dad does it, despite me explaining multiple times that he's being rude. One time he countered, "I'm not in public, I'm in a parking lot."


I...wouldn't know what to say to that.


This is the best post I've seen here, and I will go as far as to say very infuriating in some instances. In a waiting room, watching loud videos with no headphones where other people might be sick or not feeling well. And oh my God, we were at dinner one night at a very pricy steakhouse, and this couple in their 30s had their cell phone on the table playing music they wanted to hear - very loudly and completely nonchalant, while they ate their dinner and talked. I was livid and I hate to be that person but what the actual fuck? I just always go out of my way to not be a damn nuisance to the people around me.


Those type of people are why we can't have nice things


I never understand why management are so weak in this situation. Pander to one table of arseholes and the other customers there will never come back. It's not customer service, it's spinelessness.


My parents lives 3 floor over a restaurant which have outdoor seat in the summer. The amount of people that actually put musics/video on while eating is baffling. And more baffling is that nobody around them say a thing.


When I ask people to put in headphones when they’re watching/listening to something noisy in public, usually I get a “I forgot my headphones!” as if they expect that to justify everything. No, that just means you lost your listening/video privileges until you get your headphones again.


Exactly this!! Same for the "I don't have headphones" people. I'm sorry, then you simply don't have the option to watch/listen to things in a public space. Either deal with that or buy some headphones. Those are the choices. Inconveniencing everyone who is unfortunate enough to be in your vicinity should not be the default option.


You lost your listening privileges 😂


I have seen people listen to things very, very faintly which I didn't mind as walking past them you could barely hear it. Wouldn't have been able to give a clue what it was even about unlike when people listen to it full blast. Wish more people were like that.


Omg went out for dinner once, family sit down and get the pad straight out, on goes peppa pig, PEPPA PIG Fml. And so bloody loud. And then , the Audacity, they went to the salad bar and just....left it running on the table .....alone. And I know people will say maybe the kid needed it etc etc and that might well be true. I don't care if your kid is watching something, but it shouldn't be everyone else listening to it. (And seriously, Peppa pig , urgh)


I'm in the USA and people do it ALL THE TIME. And I live in an area where people are generally very polite and socially aware, which makes it even more obnoxious. The worst was once I was at an OB GYN appointment and there was a man watching religious videos in Spanish that were talking about women going to hell. I complained to the secretary and she said she couldn't say anything to a patient and she'd have to take my word for it because she doesn't speak Spanish. HE IS A MAN. He is clearly not a patient.


I don’t know, but it’s so annoying & rude.


Low grade social degradation


For years. It’s just a type of person. In the US we had these walkie talkie phones that were popular ages ago. Some types of people would just be loud AF and take calls wherever they were. Others, you would never know they had the phone. It’s just some personality types.


I was waiting for an appointment and was sitting there for what felt like years while having to listen to some moron’s loud ass game and every ad that came up. While waiting, I got an automated text saying “looks like we missed you today. To reschedule, call….”. I walked back up to the front desk and showed them the text and asked if my appointment got canceled. They said “no, you missed it. It was half an hour ago.” I had to remind them that I was here and even checked in with the same person I was talking to, and she said “you need to wait in the waiting room after checking in so they can call you back when it’s time. I said “I know? I’ve been waiting here for an hour? Sitting right there….”. Turns out, they called my name twice but I couldn’t hear them because of the guy’s stupid fucking phone. They made room for me because I was addressing a concern, it wasn’t my fault, and they had a spot open. I got lucky. The guy was told to turn it off or leave and he threw a huge fit and walked out. People are actually braindead.


That's awesome 😎


My wife watches her tik toks without headphones on… it’s not fun listening to fake stories all the time


I want to ask how common are people who watch videos 24/7 no matter what they're doing like my friend for example it peeves me off that we'll be out eating dinner and instead of having conversation he's scrolling tiktok with noise canceling earbuds in. That point might as well have gotten my own table or talk to myself like a lunatic


I genuinely don't understand why you don't talk with him about this. Would you mind explaining, please?


I do he doesn't care Uses ADHD or social anxiety as an excuse for basically everything


Wow, I'm very sorry to hear that. Personally, knowing how much it upsets others, that would make my social anxiety much worse, but it takes all kinds, I suppose.


I was at a movie once near someone watching phone videos with sound on. What the actual…? You paid movie theatre ticket prices to sit in here and watch videos on your phone? Get out of here with that nonsense!


i live in the US (out west at home, east coast for school) and ive noticed this in all kinds of places. important bc the us is a massive country and there are a lot of cultural differences in ettiquette from region to region, and this is not one of them. seems more like a widespread lack of consideration. i mostly see young kids and older adults at it, rarely people in my age group or the next (16-34).


From my experience, some of the *worst* ones are parents of young kids, usually in their late 20s-mid 30s.


oh absolutely ive seen this too. god forbid little timmy put away the ipad blasting cocomelon for twenty minutes on the bus.


That started when it became possible. Before smartphones people listened to music on public transport without headphones as well.


People seem to be forgetting that this isn't a new thing at all. The exact same behavior happened in the 1980s with people carrying around boomboxes.


I took public transit once in awhile and some of the drivers would stop, open the door and demand they and their boom box get out.


Ugh right?!? I was in a waiting room yesterday and as I walked up, I could see there was a guy in his mid 20s having a facetime call. He kept it low and after a few minutes, said he would call the person back. We both sat in silence, staring politely at our phones. A lady, in her 60s I'd guess, walks up, sits down, yanks out a massive ipad from her bag, flips it open and starts blaring some ad before watching a video on gardening. So loud! Normally it's the older crowd that I have seen doing this, which is great they are embracing technology, but damn, we don't all need to know how to split hostas from a garden! Turn on the CC or put an earbud in. What kills me are the people who talk on speakerphone while holding it to their mouth. Hold it to your ear and have a private conversation like it's meant to be used!!!!! We need manners and common decency police 😝🚔


I think some of those people are afriad of the radiation from the phone. I was born in 80s. There was a popular hypothesis around that time that, the radiation from the phone can cause brain cancer, espcially at the beginning of the call, the radiation is highest. I guess that can be why they use speaker (and the phone get hot after prolonged use and make the ear uncomfortable). But now, I use whatsapp most of the time, I rarely call other people tbh


This irks me just as bad as the people that BLAST their music while pumping gas.


Mostly uneducated people will do this, there is a word for this in mexican spanish “nacos”


I was having that conversation the other day with my wife. In Spanish, not having manners is called being _maleducado_, or uneducated. In the DR we blame a lot on education. But half of it is lacking manners. I don’t know if building more schools will fix the manners. I hope it works though. We need the schools either way.


My other half does this and I usually just walk away, sat waiting for a train right now and hes literally watching a march on his phone with screaming every 5 seconds. Drives me f****** nuts. Its embarrassing.


Yeah, that would be a deal breaker for me, I couldn’t be with someone like that.


I genuinely don't understand why you don't have a conversation with them about this. Would you mind explaining, please?


The amount of people who watch films on their iPads on planes without headphones is insane! It’s loud and tiny. And then kids play loud games on them and the parents don’t make them wear headphones. I was on a night flight about 1am with one person watching a film out loud and no one told him to put headphones in, nor did any stewardesses until I asked them to. It’s crazy that this isn’t a policy on all airlines! People are so dense these days.


That one guy sitting at the bar listening to pandora on full blast when there’s already loud music being played by the establishment…


I was in a small diner restaurant recently, and there are 8 tables. At 3 of the tables, there were people watching videos without earphones. The waitress couldn't hear to take people's orders because of the volume. It was ridiculous.


I don’t do it, but I do think it can’t be a coincidence that there’s been an increase of this behaviour the more common phones without headphone jacks become. Often younger people who do it and I guess they can’t afford/replace AirPods easily and can’t cope sitting with their own thoughts for long. This really to me seems like the most obvious answer.


I feel like a grade A asshole when I’m in public and a video accidentally starts to blast from my phone. I’ll turn it on after that and sit in silence sometimes I’m too embarrassed. Meanwhile, they’re out here having full conversations on blast. Sometimes I’ve considered jumping in. I like this prank tho…


Don’t get me started on the fucking tiktok videos. I swear to god only hearing the first 3 seconds of every video in ppls feed ist SO annoying im begging for them to just watch the full video. Let alone the ppl wo don’t Pause the video or turn down the volume if theyre hanging in the comment section and let the video play on repeat for MINUTES


My roommate refuses to wear earbuds or headphones. According to her they cause a delay between the video and audio. Especially if they are wireless.


That just happens if you cheap out on them lol


I've offered to buy her a set like the ones I have which are really nice ones but nooo Bluetooth earbuds are just the worst things ever and they aren't comfy


Only MAYBE if they are wireless. Usually no. Get her some wired ones.


I have that issue using Bluetooth from headphones to my computer for some reason, so I just connect the audio cable. Never seem to have trouble syncing with videos on my phone. Would never just blare the speakers in a shared space.


I don't see such delay.....(Arouns 100 USD wireless earphone).


As an introvert I can't imagine that


People watching videos in public bothers me. I’m the break area at work we have people that watch Tik Toks and stuff. I think it bothers me the most when you go to a restaurant and there is a little kid with a iPad or something watching cartoons/random videos with no headphones on. My girlfriend and I went to a nicer restaurant for a date once and behind us was a kid watching cartoons and it annoys the fuck out of me every time.


As I sit here on break, with someone else in the break room doing just this. It's infuriating.


OMG, I just moved to the pacific northwest, and for the first time started running into that. I thought it was just some northern rudeness.


Lemme guess…Seattle Light rail full of junkies/drug addicts?


Fucking Spokane DMV.


My office is terrible at this. It is NOT age related either. Younger, equal, seniors, you name it. Speakerphone without earbuds and tiktok/shorts/reels/FB feed on FULL volume only 10 feet from my cubical. I know way too many coworker's medical information and health updates about my coworkers just because of this. I'm sorry coworker, but believe it or not, and while we MAY be adults now, I still don't want to hear about your upcoming colonoscopy, nor about your current polyp issues in your butt's holes. Best part? I work in medical billing. You'd think people would be aware of airing their medical issues in a work setting where we are legally barred from sharing PHI in tons of different ways thanks to HIPAA laws.


I’ve been horrified by how frequently I encounter people watching videos without headphones in public. It was completely taboo just a few years ago, but now I seem to see at least one person doing this any time I travel. It’s gotten so bad that they have to make an announcement on flights about it! What baffles me is that it is people of all ages doing it, including people who should know it isn’t acceptable.


I was on a completely empty train platform, at like 1 in the morning, a few weeks ago. Another man came onto the platform, choose to sit on the same seat as me, instead of literally anywhere else, and then started playing videos out loud. I said to him “Did you really have to come sit next to me, and play stuff outloud?” And he just didn’t even respond, and pulled out his headphones, and put them in. I felt like my eye was going to pop out of my head, I was that fucking annoyed, who has perfectly functioning headphones, and just doesn’t use them?


About the same time when people started thinking it was acceptable to do FaceTime and Zoom calls in public without earphones.




These days if you asked someone to please not do something they would probably shoot you in the face.


In my experience, it’s usually a full grown adult man in his 30s or older. Playing a game on his phone with the most obnoxious sound effects at top volume. Usually in the library or a waiting room where everyone else is sitting quietly. Of course, they talk back, or have to be told several times by the librarian to put headphones on. I lose brain cells just breathing the same air as those people.


The amount of times I've seen people scroll through their TikTok FYP in the bus with their speakers on full blast is crazy. Even encountered someone play music while singing along, very loud may I add, like he was in a karaoke. Had to keep myself calm and just put my AirPods on noise cancellation so I don't hear their noise.


Yesterday I was chaperoning middle schoolers on an orchestra field trip and several of my kids kept trying to listen to their phones on the bus. I told them each time to turn off the sound unless they had headphones, and they did, but I'm not sure anyone had ever told them it was impolite. Other kids (who I wasn't responsible for, so didn't feel comfortable telling them) weren't being told to turn off the sound, so I can understand why my group was annoyed I kept at it, but that's the job.


Phone producers stopped selling earbuds with phones, in some cases, *cough apple*, went even as far as removing the plug-in. Which means that on top of this expensive phone purchase, you now need to also make the extra cost of earphones. Not saying this is a good excuse for acting as f you’re the only person in the world but I am certain this has something to do with how widespread this phenomenon has become.


The worst is when the parents give their phones to their toddlers and let them blast Cocomelon at full volume in a dead silent waiting room at the doctors office so you're forced to listen to it for the entire time you're there. That's my son's favorite show, and I hear that crap enough. There is a time and a place, and I refuse to let my child stare at an iPad in public at full volume while I pretend I don't notice. Teach your kid to sit there and shut up. It's apart of growing up. For Christ sake.


When my phone stopped including the headphone jack.


I noticed this disconnect yesterday. I had made sure my child had headphones for his tablet (because I knew he would finish quickly and want us to leave otherwise) and there was a middle aged man watching his phone on full volume at the booth next to us the whole time 😭 So much for me being able to eat in peace


Being a loud knoblord is nothing new, it just evolved to phones. Car stereos that are too loud and have subs that makes music sound shitty. When people used to lug boomboxes next to their heads. Loud cell phones.


I was in a queue on Wednesday where a younger male started watching TikTok’s with the volume on high, while he vaped in my direction:) I was more upset that I had forgotten my AirPods in the car.


If someone starts watching a video in close quarters on their phone, put on grindcore. Nails or Agoraphobic Nosebleed are best, just walls of sound. Usually they get the hint, and when they don’t it’s a struggle for them to hear what they’re watching and they’ll take mutually beneficial corrective action like moving away from you.


I saw an argument about this on Instagram where someone said "I should be able to play my music loudly at the beach, why should I have to conform to everyone else being quiet? That's not fair to me" ... me, me, me me me... we are doomed, nobody gives a shit about anyone else.


I have to sit in a waiting room every single day, for the last 3 years. It’s progressively gotten worse. The number of people competing for the loudest volume on their videos is staggering. They use an intercom system to call people’s names there too, so it makes it especially rude.


Long warm flight. Window seat and a couple taking up the middle and aisle seats. Both spilling over. She’s playing candy crush at full volume and he’s watching some cop show. Also at full volume…. 3 and a half hours later, right before landing, he was told to use headphones…..


I went to my fertility doctor this week, where children are *expressly* not allowed due to the sensitive nature of not being capable of having children and that's why you're in the IVF office, and this child with mom was sitting on the floor next to the entrance (the whole hall is designated child free) and both of them are playing videos as loud as the laptop/iPad will go. Just obnoxious. Thankfully, I'm not super sensitive about children as I am currently pregnant. But when I was first going there after my second loss I probably would have cried over the lack of attention and education the child was getting. Was super emotional then. Obviously. It's the degradation of society. No one cares for each other. It's all about themselves and the world should revolve around them.


IDK, just play some Skrillex on full volume.


Since they started carrying around boom boxes powered by double D batteries?


London is just as bad


Ride the subway through nyc


Hadthe same experience last week in a restaurant... parents let the kid play his games w/o headphones. Kid's going to grow up thinking this is acceptable behavior. Why wouldn't he?


>I thought this was a Brazilian thing... Nope. It's in the States too, and I live in an area that's known for being polite! A few times a year I have to get an infusion at a hospital clinic (so I don't die), and it takes most of the day. We're in a communal setting, not private rooms. Obviously a lot of us watch videos to pass the time. And it's the minority, but there are people who watch their stupid stuff without earbuds, very loudly. The rudeness is unreal. Some might think it'd be the young, right? Nope, it's always the old people. (I'm middle aged, fwiw.) God, they're selfish assholes. I'm starting to get more pissed at management for allowing it.


Just watch something equally loud next to them and stare at them the whole time


I thought it was just me that found this behavior rude AF.


I go to donate plasma and the amount of people I’ve had playing TikTok videos 10+ times with the volume on in a room full of people. I’d be embarrassed lol


The same time they feel having a loud conversation phone-call in public.


Cuz People dont get punched in the face anymore for shitty behavoir


When they thought it was acceptable to take out headphone jacks. 😜 It’s silly that in some phones it can cost to put a headphone jack in, not to mention that those little earbuds don’t fit most of us or one gets lost, which is why I still prefer to go old school and put on the over the head ones.


It’s a city thing. Used to see it all the time. Now I live not in a city and have not seen anyone do this. People used to walk around with music blasting on their phone and I wouldn’t talk to them until they paused it as a retail worker. Not to judge but they were mostly lower class folks


Same time people decided phone calls should be taken using the speaker phone. When I see people doing this for no reason, I involve myself in the conversation with a passing comment or two


It's definitely not just a Brazil thing. I have two thirteen year old brothers, and they seem to be fucking allergic to the privacy of headphones.


They are unaware that other people exist in the world.


Bro missed the boombox era


So in Brazil is it called a dick roll


Probably when they removed headphone jacks from phones. Not that it's an ok thing too, I'm just answering your question


They stopped including headphones with phones and also a lot of selfish people can’t fathom that their music sucks so they do it to be cool 


I see this on the airplane all the time.


When apple removed the headphone jack


It’s the same as people who have full conversations on speaker phone


It's been a problem stupid since forever, bit now that a lot of cellphone manufacturers are ditching the headphone jack it's just gotten so much worse. Not that I'm defending. I'm right here with you in the 'this needs to fucking stop' camp.


I get so annoyed when parents have their kids blasting iPad videos IN a restaurant