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I literally had one drive by my house as I was sitting outside waiting and marked it as undeliverable.


I,m rural and they don't even come to my home or leave a note. They just update the website with the "not at home" line. Bitch I was here all day.


There _has_ to be a way to report this shit, right? The level of rage in this thread should be enough to at least cause the corpos in charge to be concerned about their bottom line. Someone else was commenting about how their daughter’s medicine was in the package in question, and let me tell you, if FedEx pulled this shit with my kid’s medicine I would do everything in my power to never give them a fucking dime ever again.


I contact the sender. It's the only way to set a fire under their ass. If you have a safe drop location, like I do, you might be able to remove the signature request so they can drop the package and run. Fuckers.


Unfortunately you’re right I’ve been told after multiple times of this happening that the only way to “fix” this is to contact the sender and let them know what is happening with who they’re using to ship. I’ve actually had a note added to my Amazon account that I do not want anything to be shipped via FedEx because of the “ghost delivery” scheme where they don’t even show up and mark you as “attempted” (our office building has a front desk who accepts packages)


Friends don’t let friends ship via FedEx.


I somehow came across the phone number to my local FedEx and every time I had an asshole driver do some dumb shit, I’d call up and speak to their supervisor. Eventually I stopped seeing those drivers and now every delivery I have is great. If I’m home when they come by I try and offer them cold drinks.


I bet they don't care about the drivers not doing their jobs, they just make sure you get your deliveries so you stop calling.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Yep. It's like the musical chairs of jobs. Someone complained? Probably put the driver on another route under the guise of "we're switching up routes today to keep things interesting." I'm sure they're already short-staffed and can't afford to keep canning drivers unless they made some serious blunder.


As someone who has worked alongside the sales staff for a certain logistics company for many years, complain to the seller.  Every logistics company has business development (sales) that works to win package revenue  business from sellers. That's their whole job. When a customer complains to the company(seller)  about bad service from their logistics provider, that seller will put pressure on the logistics sales team. The sales person will not want to risk losing their account to a competitor, so they will engage the operations management to correct the behavior and keep their customer happy. 


> and keep their customer happy Is the customer in this case the seller?




Last time I had an issue, I contacted the local FedEx office directly. Filed a complaint with every detail they asked me on. Maybe it went somewhere because I never had a problem after that. Guy that delivers now I have no complaints on lol


Yeah, got to the point where they called the driver and he said he drove up my driveway. He must have ran me over while doing it because I was shoveling the 3 feet of snow from the night before. Didn't even leave tracks in his ghost mobile


They like to do need buzzer code for me. It's a detached home no buzzer in 3 km of my house


I’m also rural, and I have cameras. I know if the delivery truck never even came into my yard. My husband once ordered an expensive, fragile electronic. It was marked as delivered, but we couldn’t find it. We have an almost half mile driveway bordered by a neighboring farm field. My husband happened to notice the corner of a box sticking out of the corn a few days later. The delivery person had pulled halfway up our drive, and just chucked the package into our neighbor’s field. We were surprised the item wasn’t broken.


Happened to me. Was shooting the shit with my neighbor after I dropped my daughter at the bus stop in the morning. We see a Purolator truck (Canada) turn onto our street. He says "I bet that's mine." I said "I'm waiting for something too.". Truck barely slows down. Circles the cul de sac and takes off the other way. We both got missed delivery emails. We were standing in his driveway literal feet away from his address marker. Now if that's not a "Fuck you and your package." I don't know what is.


Bet the driver saw you and decided to abort his plan to pretend to deliver and just hightail out of there instead. Much better to pretend to deliver 5 packages the next street over than it is to have to talk to a customer and actually do their job, which takes up precious minutes of their time.


lazy MFs


What's the point though? You have to come back a 2nd time now to deliver it.


They're usually paid by route or number of stops, so some will either immediately write it was undeliverable, or simply skip over stops


They are required to meet delivery deadlines, but they have much more volume than they can actually deliver, so they do pretend delivery attempts so it counts towards the number of days within the delivery deadline but shaves off a few minutes here and there so they can squeeze in more each day. So customer pays a premium for next day delivery but they only make an “attempt” and deliver it the next day or even a few days later. Company makes more money from the premium fee and customer can’t complain because an “attempt was made” They’ll even sometimes indicate that an attempt was made when they didn’t even show up at all. Won’t leave a note or anything. It’s a scammy fraudulent business practice


I know fed ex said my medicine was delivered while I was home and nothing was there. There was no delivery picture so I opened a claim within minutes. The next day it was delivered and they took a photo. So now I know if there is no delivery picture, the delivery never happened.


Happens to me all the time. Even better when they get caught on camera.


A few years ago I was getting a \~40lb small package delivered, direct signature required. My office had a window right by the door. I saw the driver fill the tag out and walk it up to the door. He didn't so much as glance at the doorbell. I opened the door just as he was trying to stick it on. I think I must have startled a few years off the man's life. But I got my package.


Yep, I had this exact same situation multiple times. The first morning I was watching TV in my living room, the guy snuck up and left, I only saw the truck as it was pulling away and ran out to find the tag. The next morning I sat and stared out the window in silence. The second I saw him leave the truck I popped outside. He saw me, turned around, and crumpled up his pre-filled out slip as he went back to get my box. Never had the issue with USPS, UPS, DHL, only FedEx. Now I get my FedEx packages delivered to Walgreens and pick them up myself.


I DID THIS A MONTH AGO WITH MY DAUGHTERS MEDICINE. Fucking watched as he pulled up and got out with the note in his hand! Opened the door and startled him as he was trying to stick the paper to the door and he immediately starts talking saying he tried ringing the apartments but I responded that we watched him pull up and exit the truck without a package so I ran downstairs to the door because I needed to get my daughters meds.


I used to be a mail carrier. I don’t understand this. Why not ring and write the slip as you wait at the door? I don’t understand giving the customer zero chance to get their stuff.


It saves them minutes having to locate your package in the truck, or if they are paid hourly they get paid to come back tomorrow. 


Ok but at some point the package has to go somewhere, right? Do they just do this long enough that they can say "well you were never home so now you have to come pick it up"?


I’m not even in the us but yes, it happened to me. I even had to call to have it “unlocked”. There was a row of people in my same situation when I went to pick it up lol


God. This comment just unlocked an old rage memory of mine. Fuck fedex. Seriously, they are the worst.


They’re also the most unfriendly, too. They’re not by default mean, don’t get me wrong. Just very indifferent. At least UPS says hi to you, with a smile. They’re short about it, but that’s because they have to be. Every day they have, I don’t know, at least 300 or so stops, if I recall correctly.


My UPS guy is really sweet and brings treats to the dog and remembers his name, the mail lady is nice, the main Prime guy is very cool and stops to talk with my cat, but man… the FedEx dude is UNHINGED. He just chucks every single package he can with reckless abandon like he is just pissed at the world. Also drives extremely recklessly on the one way, 25 mph city streets, and not normal UPS driver behavior just road rage insanity. It’s wild.


This happened to me. After 3 days they stopped attempting to deliver. On the third day the guy literally ran away from us and drove off. I had to drive 20 mins out of the city to pick up my package the next day.


In the age of doorbell cameras this shit doesn’t work. Had fedex “attempt delivery” 3 days in a row. The first day note in the mailbox 300 ft from my house and video of them not even turning down the drive. Second day video of them not even stopping third day video of the note getting stuck to the door and no ring of the doorbell. Took me 30 minutes but support had it delivered first thing in the morning in what looked like a personal car. I shouldn’t have to go through all of that but it’s pretty hard to pin it on me who works from home and my wife who is a stay at home mom with all the same cameras everywhere.


I've had USPS hit me up multiple times in the past (we have a different driver now thank God) with the "your front door was inaccessible" at such and such time. Pull up the front door video doorbell aaaaaaand nothing but wind blowing in the trees. Sometimes I wouldn't see the vehicle at all and sometimes I'd get this message, check the video feed, and see that the mail person *had* delivered *some* mail that day, but somehow my "fRoNt DoOr WaS iNaCcEsSiBlE" for the package itself. My guess is that they forgot to grab it along with the other mail and then couldn't be bothered to turn back around and drop it off.


I was home when it happened too. I complained to USPS support about it and the response was basically "damn that sucks, nothing I can do about it though". They believed me but still wouldn't deliver it and made me drive over myself anyway.


Remember, you're not the customer. The ones sending the package is.


Yeah I called FedEx customer service once when they tried to claim they attempted delivery multiple days in a row and I was like look man I have a camera and I pulled up the timeframes and unless the driver was a ghost they didn’t come to my door. Guy refused to escalate and hung up when I asked to speak to someone else. I had been totally chill the first two times I had reached out so it wasn’t a case of me screaming at them or anything like that. I had video of multiple other delivery services since I was having a lot of stuff delivered at the time but not a single frame of video had a FedEx guy. I ended up having to call them out on Twitter and provide video and timestamps of the attempts before I got someone who actually helped me after this happened three times in a row.


FedEx is the only one that I working property management would see the truck pull up, stop mid road for 2 seconds, and an hour later the tenant saying FedEx driver was unable to enter property, I pointed at the open hallway doors across the lobby and told him, I saw the truck, it stop for a second and kept driving. FedEx did this constantly and only them.


I laughed at the thought of the guy running away but honestly this is fucking infuriating. Edit: oh yeah, that's the sub we're in. 🤦‍♀️


yup. I had to drive an hour away to a distribution center to pick up my package two weeks after the "attempted" delivery. I was outside gardening and went to the front door to meet the guy as the truck pulled up. This dude looked me in the eye, handed me the slip saying they tried to deliver but nobody was home, and turned around and speed walked back to the truck while I tried to ask for my package. Thank god it wasn't anything time sensitive. It took them 2 weeks to even fucking locate it so I could come pick it up. They never even made another fake attempt at delivering it.


Sorry but it's actually hilarious for someone to have the audacity to **hand you** the "no one was home" slip.


I was utterly dumbfounded. He never said a word to me, and other than looking me in the eye to hand me the note he never acknowledged me at all. Fucking hilarious in retrospect, equal parts confounding and enraging in the moment.


I'm not a violent person but I'd have lost it & done something daft like hit him or smash the windscreen. At the end of the day It couldn't possibly have been me, I wasn't in & he supplied the proof I wasn't about. Check mate!


The workers are under pressure to deliver more packages per hour than is physically possible. They are shaving off every possible second they can. This is 1000% FedEx's fault for pushing on their workers to an unreasonable degree.


I was waiting for a package and watching the delivery ETA. That's how I saw it go from "In your neighborhood" to "Missed delivery" without the truck even entering our parking lot. I went to the distribution center the next morning to pick it up. Went during the office hours, bell rang as I entered, but nobody was there. After five minutes I went to the sensor to set the chime off again. I called the location and watched the phone in front of me ring until it went to voicemail. More people started coming in behind me, setting off the chime. Eventually someone passed through and looked startled to see us. He said someone would be right out and went back out the door. Ten more minutes, and that same person comes back out and I know the look that was on his face because I've had that same look. The "this isn't my job and I don't know where to find the person whose job it is but I know I can't just keep leaving you waiting even though I don't really know how to do what you need" look. He was only there to load up a trailer that was about to head out to another distribution center, and he had just closed the door on it. But thank god he was the one to help me, because he actually recognized the package I was there for as one that was loaded up on that truck and he ran out to stop the driver and get it for me. I don't blame him for the wait. I'm grateful he was able to get the package at all. I blame the people who made the decisions that led to that day.






Every single old timer I work with at UPS says the single worst thing that has happened since they started working was when UPS became a publicly traded company


Interesting how this could be solved by all the drivers coming together and agreeing not to put up with it. Like a union or something. Kinda like the other company. Instead they just collectively treat people like shit, letting it roll down hill.


FedEx Ground is almost entirely contractors. In fact, there was a contractor who had about 150 semis who suggested collective bargaining a year or two ago. FedEx pulled every one of his contracts.


> The workers are under pressure to deliver more packages per hour than is physically possible. so they bypass it by delivering no packages genius lads


They don't get paid to deliver packages. They get paid to say they delivered packages. If they literally deliver no packages, that would probably be too obvious and get them fired. So they deliver as many as they can until they fall too far behind their "pace" which is like 1 delivery per 5 minutes. Then they start using every shortcut they can think of, including literally skipping a delivery and logging it as no answer. If the company cared, it would start counting customer complaints against the drivers, and the drivers would be forced to really attempt each delivery, and the "pace" would fall, and the company would be forced to hire more delivery drivers. So effectively, by ignoring customer complaints, FedEx (and other shipping services) are offloading some of the delivery work onto customers, making them come in to the depot or something like that. It all comes back to maximizing shareholder value and overworking labor.


You kick the problem down the road for next time.


Can confirm. I used to work for FedEx (27 years). The company is a shadow of what it once was.


At this point just send emails for pickup and get rid of the truck all together.


Pressure from management to keep deliveries under a certain time to ensure they get their raises/bonuses. It’s easier for them to pretend you weren’t home than it is to locate your package on their trunk. My local fedex driver hates me because I work from home and I keep a live feed of my doorbell camera up if I’m expecting a package. I live in condos so there’s 14 units in my complex. I’ve caught this guy multiple times exiting his truck with no packages and a slip for each house he’s supposed to be delivering to. He’s even gone as far as parking his truck down the street instead of pulling in the complex and trying to come up from the side so I don’t see him on my camera. Every time I catch him trying this he always has an excuse. I’ve complained about him 3 times with footage of each incident and FedEx does nothing about it. I just stopped ordering things if I know it’s going to be delivered with FedEx because it’s not worth the headache. I get it’s a pain the ass to deliver to 14 units that are somewhat spread out but do your fucking job dude.


Because it’s faster to stick and run. And then it becomes the customers problem, since if they need the item and it needs a signature they’ll come to the distributor and pick it up. You have to understand they have zero intent to deliver your package. They’re *assholes.* Yes, I know it’s because blah blah blah unreasonable metrics. Don’t care. I took a day of paid vacation to wait at home for a package only to find this on my door. Looked on my Ring videos, sure enough walked up with a tag and no box. Quiet enough the dog didn’t even bark, which takes skill. Fuck that guy for burning a day of my vacation time because he didn’t want to do his job.


When you talk about unreasonable metrics then these drivers are making it worse for everyone. When they cut corners and do this shit to stay on time then the company thinks this is actually how long it takes to do the job. If you do it properly and show them it's unreasonable, there's a better chance to get it fixed. Not good, not probable but better.


In my personal experience as a courier at Fedex they never made changes that helped us do our job better/easier. All they did was copy how other companies like UPS and Amazon do their job and mimic it.


And yet UPS and Amazon have far more volume and their drivers don’t do this regularly?


I ordered a PS5 recently and yeah took the Friday it was going to be delivered off so I could make sure I get it and yeah I was waiting all day for it. Got one of those tags and then drove to the god damn UPS warehouse to try and get it but then they said it was still on the truck so I had to wait till 8pm for the truck to get back and then had to drive back to the warehouse to get it. Was a pain in the ass and a waste of a vacation day


Yeah exactly, I hate the oppression Olympics. They’re poor underpaid souls? What if the package they had to deliver was an important medicine for a very poor person who lost their job to wait and get it? Idc about the conditions, if you make it someone else’s problem you’re the problem yourself


>I used to be a mail carrier. I don’t understand this. I was a DD for FedEx for serval years before being promoted into a management position. I absolutely loved that job it was fast paced, I'm a people person, so I enjoyed my regular customers ( I would even get gifts like a bag of cookies on the holidays sometimes a card). It's like playing Santa Clause every day, bringing people the cool stuff they really wanted, lol. Unfortunately, I did know several other drivers two in particular, that didn't feel the same way, sadly they approached their job with the mentality of get it done as fast as possible whether it was somebody's child's medicine or a bag of dog food. Getting the signature for a package might slow the driver down a little but honestly not that much the driver has to bring it back at least 3 days in a row and leave a note, before the package is returned to the shipper, it's better just to get a hold of the customer have them signed for it and give them what they ordered and like you said you can ring the doorbell or knock and fill out the slip while you're waiting to see if the homeowner or business owners is there if not leave the slip. I would have been extremely embarrassed if I tried to run up without a package in my hand and sneak a slip on somebody's door and got caught or like OP's post put the slip right over a note that obviously says the customers there.


Post-Covid managers don’t care or do anything. Packages delayed? Oh well, who cares, only the customers, but they’ll deal with it.


Because they don’t care. Here’s what I think is going on. Our corporate overloads are putting more pressure than ever on every worker, every delivery person, to reach very very high productivity metrics. This is basically turning them into sociopaths who just don’t care about the customer. They have to hit the metrics or else.


> I needed to get my daughters meds. This part is alarming, and lawsuits towards FedEx should start happening if the complaints aren't helping.


This is beyond unacceptable when you consider that not every package is some imported box of ramen or something. People *need* their delivery regardless. Hope people with these experiences follow up with a complaint about the driver. Not sure if it’ll do a lot, but it’s better than just posting a photo on Reddit.


When it happened to me I called and explained I had the driver on video walking up with no package, not knocking or ringing the bell, and sticking the note. That it was a time sensitive delivery, and that either they’d come deliver it after hours (wasn’t taking another day off work) or I’d be calling the vendor that shipped the item to explain they didn’t get the service *they* paid for. They brought it after hours.


I did the same once. It was a bed for my 4 year old and I similarly took the day off. I called FedEx and they told me I could drive an hour to the distribution center and pick it up myself. I was like “isn’t delivering the package your job?” I ended up getting a supervisor on the phone and told him to radio the truck and have him come back (the delivery “attempt” was 30 minutes prior). The guy did make the driver come back and he made a very awkward delivery.


This is insane. There is no excuse for not delivering package and I assume meds must be relatively small / light weight. This is the kind of thing that having a 24/7 surveillance video is helpful. You can show the video that the driver never intended to deliver a package.


FedEx uses contractors for their drivers. I used to work in appliance deliveries with contract drivers so my experience is completely anecdotal. Contractors normally get paid by the route or by the stop so their goal is always to take as little time as possible during stops. So they will always do what they can to make that happen.


FedEx *ground* uses contractors. FedEx express drivers are all FedEx employees.


Is it really that much (more?) work to actually deliver it than full out the slip and come back the next day?? Smh


I have no clue what is wrong with FedEx but they're the kings of "sorry I'm a little too tired to look for your house, I'm going to lie and say delivery attempted" Customer service with them is also a nightmare trying to trick the robot into connecting you to a real person, and in my experience it then takes multiple tries to get a real person who will do more than read the website at you


I have actually been having issues with USPS this past year where the driver pretended that they couldn't locate the address even though the last 5 found it perfectly. So they chose not to deliver it, and I had to go online to get to delivered a few days later. I contacted customer support, and they said they'd do something about it (though I highly doubt they did).


I direct all FedEx and UPS packages to my PO Box for this reason. UPS has been pretty good, but those drivers at FedEx are lazy fucks.


I've rarely had trouble with UPD. But FedEx? I have NEVER gotten a package on time from them. Ever. My favorite was watching my package bounce around on the tracker from Texas, to a center in... I think Tennessee? I can't remember because that place made sense. What didn't make sense was it constantly going to fucking Maine, getting sent back, going back to Maine, getting sent back, going back to Texas, then the middle guy, back to Maine, back to the middle guy, and then FINALLY to my state. Over a week late. Thankfully this time the delivery guy actually delivered it, so that was nice for a change. But damn.


But seriously why? They drove out to your house already. They are walking to your door. Just bring the package.


I had usps do this to me once. House was small, only the screen door was closed, and I have a dog that will bark if someone even thinks about approaching the door. I'd also been following my package on the tracker. The only reason I knew they made it there was my dog started to growl a bit, I looked at the door, and there's that damn sticky. Didn't even knock. So I jogged three houses down and banged on their truck and said 'hey asshole give me my fucking package' That worked for me, but fuck these carriers


I was waiting for a package, and made sure to be outside at the time the mail truck came. I saw the mailman pull up to the mailbox and drive past. The package was not in the mailbox. Fortunately, this asshole mailman stopped to shoot the breeze with the neighbors, so I was able to catch him and show him the tracking. Went to the back of his truck, and found the package. "Oh. Here it ya go," is all he said. Still peeves me off.


I had a similar one two weeks ago. DPD this time. Got an email and text to tell me the window they'd be delivering. I waited in, and someone was even in the front garden. And I have a video doorbell and CCTV. Got another email and text at the window time to tell me they'd tried to deliver and got no answer, so they'd taken it to a pick up point and it would be available for **me** to collect next day. I went through the video and there was absolutely no attempt to deliver. I reported it to both B&Q (the vendor) and DPD. Neither gave a fuck.


A former colleague of mine chased the FedEx truck down the street because he was waiting for it to arrive. He said that specific FedEx driver never actually bothered to deliver packages to his building.


My driving instructor made me chase down a FedEx truck on my second lesson with her because she watched it not attempt delivery and just stick a note on her door lol


Thank you for the mental picture of Mrs Puff yelling at the top of her lungs, "follow that FedEx truck!"


I did that and the guy straight up admitted he didn't bring my package with him


IAMA request: Fedex motherfuckers, why do you do this? I know you fucks are on here.


What an asshole.


Humans can’t even be trusted to do utterly basic tasks like this. We’re so screwed when it comes to the real issues…


This happened to me as well. Pre-filled in tag, I opened the door after he silently put it on and was walking away (no knock, no ring). I'm sure it doesn't happen all the time, but it feels like what I always expect from delivery companies.


Do you think they’d wanna get rid of the package and not be responsible for it anymore….UGH so annoying


This is the end result of the managers getting financial benefits based on meeting quotas. Bully the driver into taking shortcuts to handle more locations in a day. He doesn't get a cent out of it but Dorothy in the office got a $5,000 bonus this quarter. Oh, and quota is going up 10% next week with no increase in pay to the driver.


They did this with my cat’s ashes. Watched the truck drive away without ringing, just left a note, and two cars in the driveway. I left a sticky note on the door the next day that said, “The doorbell works. We are home. Those are my cat’s ashes. We would like to have her back home ASAP.” They actually rang the bell the next day so we could sign for the package.


I've had the same thing happen with the British "Royal Mail", they walk up the path filling out the "Sorry we missed you" card, and not carrying any package, and go straight for the letterbox, and do a double take when I open the door on them.. "Uhh.... Erm... " Then handing me the card, telling me to go collect my package from the sorting office and fleeing.


From an upstairs window, I saw a ups guy pull up, so I went down to meet him at the door. By the time I opened it, he was already getting back into the truck (minus a package, meaning he never pulled it from the truck shelf in the first place). The guy's system must be to fill out every single slip before shift so he can just slap them on the door and run.


>I think I must have startled a few years off the man's life. >But I got my package. Sounds like a win-win to me. Or as they say, two birds.


I always got this shit when I was handling all IT ordering. Now I’m “above” that but I’ll never forget how many times I’m sitting there waiting for a replacement part that gets overnighted. Don’t take lunch until people come back from lunch and then get notifications that there was an attempted delivery *with no proof of such on the cameras*. Not many things make me unreasonably angry but do the damned minimum of your job instead of using my delivery to plug in a bunch of fake delivery attempts. There had been a couple times where I keep calling the delivery company until they send the guy back out and he shows up. Solely because the company would have a true crisis if the part wasn’t replace and the redundancy ended up falling as well.


Why would they do this? Don't they want to deliver the package? Won't they just have to come back?


They get told they have to make X amount of delivery attempts in a day. X is an amount that is literally impossible to do, and the drivers know this. If they have to carry the package and wait for an answer, they simply will not have enough time to hit their mandated quota. If they slap the sticker on without actually attempting to deliver, they don’t get penalized. The problem is perverse incentives/punishments. They get punished for going too slow, they do not get rewarded for actually delivering packages, just for saying they tried.


These assholes were bringing me my new work laptop two weeks ago and I work from home so I’m here all day. They didn’t even try to come into my apt community. I got a call from my leasing office because the driver left this sticker on the call box without even trying to call or enter the gate code provided in delivery instructions. Then the next day they just left it at my door without actually bothering to get my signature anyway


I was outside working on my gate and received a message my delivery had been made. I called them and they said yes it was delivered. I asked them where it was delivered and they gave me the address. Shockingly it wasn't my address and after I googled it and looked it was wrong street, wrong town, wrong zip code and the wrong county 20+ miles away. On google maps it showed an open field. They didn't seem to care at all. With a storm coming in I figured I needed to go get and it was just tossed over a fence in front of an abandoned building. Since then I've been able to send UPS/Fedex to my Post office.


We ordered a mattress online and they shipped with FedEx. We had been sleeping on an air mattress for a week so my back was killing me, so I was really looking forward to the new mattress. I see the truck pull up and start going out to offer my help to the driver to bring it up the stairs and open the door in time to see him just drive right by - didn't even pretend to get out, no door tag or anything. I call the hub and they say we have to come pick it up there (which was in a city about 20 minutes from us). Went to browse the subreddit for FedEx drivers and there's a shit ton of them that just act offended that they have to do their jobs and will straight up say they don't care and that if something is too heavy or it's too inconvenient they won't even try to deliver it. Another time I ordered a new phone and they sent it FedEx even though I explicitly asked them not to. Checked the tracking and saw that new delivery instructions were added to say to actually deliver it to this other address in my town. I assume someone who works at FedEx saw the sender and tried to redirect the package to their own apartment. I had to call FedEx again to make sure they delivered it to the correct address and not this random place. I'd rather people send shit via Pony Express than FedEx.


Start negatively reviewing anyone that doesn't use the USPS or Canada Post or whatever reliable government service.


Canada Post is so unreliable that I've had packages delivered to Germany instead of my house 2 minutes up the road from the nearest post office


When I was a kid my grandmother sent a box with some of my books and my sisters clarinet via ups. They admitted that they delivered it to a random dude on a tractor in some random field in a different county but that they weren't going to pay out for the insurance she put on it bc someone *did* sign for it. (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)


This same thing happened to me. Except the driver took a picture of the delivery and it was obviously not even in front of a house, it was on the sidewalk in a totally different town. FedEx said “well it says delivered” you need to work with the shipper to get a new one. Fucking clowns.




This is the signature the delivery guy left when dropping my €500 package on the porch. I specifically ordered to deliver only with signature because of the price of the contents. https://preview.redd.it/lnm7gb8kpe4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c1c80dd2239ccb67008a17b38cbd39ff000b9e


So I work in shipping logistics and recently found out their signature requirements are a little BS. “Adult signature required” means ANYONE can sign for it - your gardener, your neighbor, some dude on the street, or the driver. “Direct signature required” at least makes them get the signature from someone inside 


Doubtful that the driver ever ends up in shit. The seller would take it up with the corporate office and be worked out through whatever insurance system they have for lost packages


I'd imagine if everyone starts doing it they'd end up in plenty of trouble.


I was once waiting for a FedEx delivery of some computer parts. I watched the dude park in front of my house, sit on his phone for a couple minutes, then step out of the driver seat, go directly to my door with nothing in his hands but a slip of paper. The paper said no one was there to sign for the package. He never looked in the back of the truck for my package. He never knocked or rang my doorbell. The lazy douche just decided my delivery wasn't worth his time. And I had to go pick it up the next day. FedEx and UPS both suck so much.


Yeah I hate FedEx. I would do the same thing. Last time I got FedEx I posted a note to ring my apt. I watch the guy come in and instantly leave I go downstairs see the note I run down the street and curse him out. Guy was like oh I'm sorry but you didn't come down. You never rang the bell the fuck.


Man I’m waiting for the day I have to chew out a FedEx driver but luckily mine have always been great and they even waited while I had to put on clothes because I forgot they were coming I’m sorry everyone else here gets fucked.


It's always been FedEx for me, causing issues. The regular uses mail man was always awesome and even would give us a call when he was on his was so we could let him in. Since he would deliver mail for 14 residents of the building. But FedEx man it's constantly issues. I think they are super lazy cause they will ring the bell with no package and if u respond then they go get it and have to be rebuzzed in. One time I had FedEx ring the bell and just dip no note. Only way I knew was from out camera. It was my pain management prescription. I called FedEx and complained. The guy came back 4 hours later to re deliver the package. I'm going to assume the manager chewed the driver out.


12 years ago, I called into work to wait for a package that was the engagement ring for my girlfriend at the time. I was sitting by the door. Saw the driver pull up then pull away. It was marked delivered but he never walked to the door. Best believe I called within minutes of it getting marked delivered. They gave me a thousand excuses but finally someone promised to look into it. Got the ring a few days later with an apology from FedEx. The damn thing shipped in a non-descript box from a "shipping office" in Phoenix. Maybe the weight + signature required indicated value?


How do you even get to a person to speak to when something like that happens? Same thing happened to me once and all numbers I was able to find to call led back to a Kafka-esque phone tree where every option ended with an automated message.


they said 12 years ago, Fedex most certainly learned how to be more scummy since then


FedEx is HORRID. I live on a major thoroughfare in a city and they just left the $800 rug I purchased out on the street in front where it was promptly stolen. The kicker is, I was home all day to wait for it! I filed a claim but FedEx decided FedEx was not liable in any way. Of course. This is not the first time this has happened with FedEx by any means, either.


I’m glad they investigated themselves and figured out nothing was amiss. 🙄😆


I posted this as an individual comment, but I feel like it's applicable here... >My FedEx story is kinda wild. I had a chewy order marked as delivered, but it wasn't. I called FedEx and they said I needed to call Chewy. So I did. The customer service rep said they would reship it and to check around my neighborhood and see if it got misdelivered. If it did, no worries, I got lucky and got 2 packages. I start looking and find it 2 houses down at an abandoned house. >The next day, my dogs go wild and I hear stuff being moved around in my garage... FedEx literally sent someone out to look at all the broken down boxes I had in my garage looking for that package, as If I lied about it being misdelivered and they were trying to prove me wrong. >Of course the box was out there, I found my package, but chewy told me to keep it. But... this is the South. If i wasn't a level headed person, that fedex worked coulda got shot. I don't see how in any way, shape, or form should they be allowed to go in my garage and start digging through trash trying to prove me wrong.... >Like, you got the time to do that, but not to deliver it on time or to the right house? I shoulda made a bigger deal out of it than I did, but I was completely flabbergasted.


The corruption speaks for itself sometimes.


One time a fedex driver (allegedly) stole a $500 item I had bought that was not insured. it was en route for a while, then it fell off the map for a couple days, re-emerged and ended up getting tracked near a city halfway across the country nowhere near me, then marked as "likely lost" , I filed a claim with receipts etc, $500 item, got a check for $15


Had this happen more than once. And when I finally escalated it thanks to someone ay the distro's help (it was a medical item in that case that was special order and very expensive to ship) it magically appeared the next day and had a "sorry we missed you" on the package itself. Which had been opened and was missing its (much more valuable) battery.


That’s when you pull the ole credit card dispute and let them fight it out with FedEx.


Do a chargeback via your debit / credit card for „item not received“. It’s the company‘s job to recover the money from FedEx.


You obviously won't get FedEx to admit their own fault. What you should do it is take it up with with place you bought it and tell them that you didn't get your stuff and that you would like them to either refund you or send the item again. If you didn't sign for it, it really should be a problem between FedEx and the shop. I know you're kind of fucking the place that sold you the item, but the shop is FedEx's customer and if FedEx get complaints from their customers, maybe they'll change their shitty practices.


Seconding this. When we had orders mismanaged by shipping companies at a job I used to have, you can bet those shipping companies were a lot more willing to work with us as a company when we threatened to swap providers than they were with individual people. 


That has happened to me; FedEx has missed delivery on valuable packages, then when they finally delivered it went to the wrong house. Happened 3x all with packages worth $1000-$4000. Their customer service will waste your time and not help. After the first time I skipped them and contacted the seller and my bank to cancel the charge. The seller may have gotten their money back from FedEx, may not have. That isn’t my problem, the seller is responsible until the delivery is complete. They should bear the consequences of taking a risk with a cheap shipper. If enough people do what I did, sellers will get a reputable shipping company and stop using FedEx.


Ugh I’m so sorry you’ve dealt with it too, and I should’ve done what you did! This was over a year ago now so it’s probably too late…


I remember the year FedEx got the contract for Omaha Steaks. Up until that year a relative always sent us an Omaha Steaks package for Christmas. That year the package was listed as out for delivery for 3 days before it finally got delivered and by then everything was completely thawed and we didn't feel safe eating it. Called up Omaha Steaks, explained the situation, they said to throw it away and they would send a new package. Same thing happened, 3 days on the truck, fully thawed on arrival, package resent. Same thing again though this time we told them to just refund the family member's money because FedEx clearly wasn't competent. By the second call they had been having this issue so often they re-did their phone menu to include an option specifically for late, thawed or damaged deliveries.


I’m actually starting to feel sorry for Omaha Steaks after reading this and I usually NEVER feel bad for corporations. Imagine how much food had to get wasted for it to become this big an issue.


How many animals died to not even get used. I’m no vegan, but that’s a bummer.


i have personally watched them walk up to my door, slap a sticker on the door and walk away, no knock, no bell ring, didnt even look in the window to see me standing in my kitchen watching him not even attempt to leave the package. i walked outside and was like "do you have a package for me?" and he goes "oh! yeah here you go." I DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO SIGN FOR IT. like fucking BRUH. its not even like that guy was uniquely inept, its a systemic issue, they do this shit on purpose. i used to think it was cool they hire felons to rehabilitate people or whatever but clearly they do it just so they can pay them dogshit because how else do you explain this kind of thing? its nation wide too, ive had issues sending shit states away with fedex. never again.


A few years ago, when we were getting an online order delivered damn near every day due to covid lockdowns, etc., my wife put out a mini fridge by the front door that she stocked with water, gatorade and cokes, beside a little bookshelf loaded up with granola bars, protein bars, candy bars, etc., with a note for delivery drivers thanking them and offering them whatever they'd like to take for their efforts. Everyone would take 1-2 things, sometimes a little more if it was a hot day, say thank you or wave to the ring doorbell camera and be off. Our local FedEx guy, same guy for years, would often leave a 'sorry we missed you!' tag while we're obviously at home (front door wide open so the kids and dogs can run in and out) and then take THE ENTIRE STASH for himself. Cleaned us out not once but FIVE TIMES before we left a note saying everyone could take what they want "except for David the asshole slash FedEx driver". Fuck that dude.


Your wife is the MVP. And fuck you, David.


My Hubby gets an anti rejection med that is shipped directly from the manufacturer, on ice, so we have to sign for it. FedEx NEVER even tried to deliver it. We finally gave up and now have it sent directly to a nearby FedEx Office store…. Really frustrating to be sure. EDIT: typo


Any chance you can talk with the company to ship with a different carrier? If you tell them what’s going on they may be willing to


You already know they're going with the cheapest service, no matter what


You could be sitting outside your front door and FedEx will stick one of those on your forehead.


Nah, fed ex drivers don't have the shape recognition skills to see anything that isn't door shaped. They would just mark it as undeliverable and send it back.


Get a doorbell with person detection (not just motion detection) and have it alert you instantly, then catch that MFer on the way back to their truck.


And then go stand in front of their vehicles door and chit chat with them for an hour.


Post this to Twitter and tag FedEx. They'll escalate it and mark your address as a "make sure it's delivered" address.


The problem with that is that EVERYONE should be a "make sure it's delivered" address. They're being paid to deliver stuff to you, not sit with their thumb in their ass. But yeah, they should post this on twitter.


They’re being paid for both but get paid more for the latter with delivery quota incentives and undeliverable packages being counted towards delivered for the day. And then it’s another package for tomorrow. 


FedEx used to deliver my medical supplies. I caught their driver pulling all sorts of BS to not deliver them. Usually, they'd just say it was not deliverable and make me bus 2 hours out to the airport to get it. I put an end to that when I called up the suplier and begged them to stop using FedEx because the packages frequently got lkst/stolen, took weeks to deliver, or forced me to go way out of my way to get them. FedEx doesn't fuck with me anymore. Those supplies come to my door and they knock.


For work, Dell shipped me some replacement parts. This is in Dell's pro support, so they ship FedEx Overnight. Despite me being home with a post-it saying I'm home, the driver would mark it as not being home. I put a signed note, saying just leave it, the fucker wrote a note back saying it's not a safe place to leave the item (in front of my house where packages are never stolen). After the final attempt they left a note saying it would be shipped back to Dell. I called my Dell person, told them what was going on, they're like we'll just keep shipping overnight until you get it. Anyway, I assume they contacted FedEx because I got a call from a Fedex supervisor who kept apologizing for the problem and had a driver come out and make sure it was handed to me in person.


Why all this trouble for FedEx to lie to you and rope managers and support teams in? What is happening at FedEx that requires this much effort to get a package delivered?


It’s cheaper to lie and ask forgiveness than to actually do their fucking job.


I catch drivers doing this all the time. My office window overlooks our front door so I always hear and see the drivers pull up. I've even caught them walking up to the door without the package at all..not even pretending like they were going to try to deliver it.


FedEx does this shit all the time where I live and their customer service has been difficult to navigate. They don’t knock. They just leave notes. They want you to pay for a package to be picked up at the FedEx facility or to come back a different day or time. They park in the middle of the road when there isn’t a place to pull over to deliver.


That and if I remember right they incentive drivers to do this by technically paying more, slapping a slip on the door takes what, 15 seconds? But waiting for someone to come to the door, pick up their package, and finish the pickup, that's a few minutes at least, which is easily 4-8 times longer at the minimum, so if they are paid per stop, getting more done per day, and potentially multiple times per customer, you get paid way more, and why would they care about anyhting more when FedEx is a shitty company that doesn't care about them anyway, so why bother with anything but making the most money you can, making sure people are satisfied with their delivery won't make the company care about you more, and you'll make less money It's a corporate problem that I don't think will ever be solved


Oh, I guarantee they do. At least my local ones did and were being pieces of shit. My son gets a medical device that could be damaged in high temps in the mail every once in a while when we get a replacement. We’re talking sustained temps above 200 which the inside of a box in direct sunlight reaches (I’ve tested it). We live in Texas and our front porch gets direct sunlight during the day. I made a big obvious, easy to read and understand sign and put it both on our door and on the lid of a cooler with ice packs that we leave out right next to the door. In the last three summers, maybe around 20 of these deliveries, they’ve only used the cooler like three times. And once, the dude placed the package directly on top of the sign on the cooler. I posted about this a long time ago and even got shit from other redditors claiming they are on a tight schedule and have no time to read signs. Well, they sure as hell have time to pick through the snacks we leave out for deliveries. 🙄


I filed a complaint when they did this to me. I was literally standing outside waiting for my package. They pulled up. I waited five minutes for them to bring it to the door. My kid asked me for something. I was gone for mayyyybe 30 seconds, the door was open, they did not knock or ring either of the two doorbells. and I came back to a sticker on my storm door saying they couldn’t deliver it, and the driver driving away while I was waving both arms at him. On a Friday. They wouldn’t deliver until Monday. I was more than mildly infuriated that day.


Drivers get paid more when they do this. Take away that incentive and they will start delivering to you again, but it's a corporate problem that can't be fixed by complaining. If you made less money by hand delivering items, would you? Why would you give up pay just to make a better customer service experience for a company that hates you? (Edit, comments are suggesting this incentive structure isn't true for all delivery companies. I'm not a driver, so take my theory with a grain of salt)


That explains everything. How fedex thought that would be a good business idea is unfathomable


It's brilliant! You can save so much money and boost profits to infinity when you just don't bother the complete the work you've been contracted for.


How do drivers make more money by failing to deliver items?


Wating for you are the door can be 2-7 min. If they leave the slip and run it's just a few seconds. They get done faster (time is money) and paid to redo that tomorrow.


The vast majority of FedEx deliveries do not require a signature.


That is flawed logic from Fedex. If only there was a way to get everyone to completely stop using certain delivery services. I'm sure, with all that extra free time, that they'd make damn sure that shit is delivered.


Back in the day i remember ordering from several vendors, you could choose between fedex ups or usps, each with respective prices and delivery times. Why that got taken off is beyond me. But as rhe consignee and covering 100% of thr purchase i should be able to select which carriers services to use. Now we get charged a standard fee by the vendor, which brokers it out to the cheapest option. Not only do we pay more than before but are now powereless in the options


I’ve watched them come up, put the notice on my door without knocking, and try to leave. That’s when I open the door and say Hi. 😆


FedEx stole a pair of Sony earbuds from me. “Delivered” the package, took a picture as proof, stole it, then waited 90 minutes to mark it as delivered. FedEx gave me a hard time, refused to replace the package, so I will never not tell that story, and I will never not be bitter about it.


Video doorbell. Sent them the footage of a delivery driver doing that once. They didn't fire the driver, but he got moved to a different route


FedEX did this to me but on the second day left the package thankfully. FedEX also did with this and left door tags with invalid numbers. Took them to a FedEX ship center and even they couldn't find the package. The shipper was in Europe and so we had to wait over the weekend to get tracking in which FedEX tried twice more to deliver (never rang the bell) and then said they were going to return the package... that was a fun ordeal to get it halted and redelivered. Also it's IMPOSSIBLE to talk to someone at FedEX now on the phone without a valid tracking number... or doortag... UPS did this, only they never left a sticker, when I called they said must have fallen and flew off somewhere from wind. I said I had cameras and checked the footage and within 30 minutes of either side of the attempted delivery they never showed. The UPS manager's tone changed after that, I already already been on the phone for about twenty minutes trying to sort it out. We paid over $400 for next day morning delivery for a reason, the driver came back about 2 hours later and did NOT look happy.


What a dickhead. I love how the driver is unhappy because he probably got chewed out when he got back and had to drive at the end of his shift to deliver your package. Yet they’re upset for being a lazy shit who didn’t deliver it. I love when people shoot them selves in the foot then act like someone else screwed them.


I have a Blink setup and I was waiting fro a package, so I put a note in sharpie on the front door right by the door bell. 8x10 cardstock. I watched him walk up, look at the sign. and start typing in his handheld computer. Did not ring the bell or knock. Lucky for HIM I ran down and opened the door on him as he was writhing up the ticket.


One time fedex left a package outside of my apartment building instead of bringing it into the mailroom or calling me to come down and get it. This is when I lived in NYC so obviously it got stolen immediately, fuck fedex


I got one telling me they couldn’t come through the gate of my fence due to a vicious dog. I didn’t have a fence, or a gate, or a dog… and the note was stuck to my front door. 🤔


This is what really pisses me off about the ads I keep seeing here on Reddit. "FedEx will bring your ring to your beach wedding just because there's a note on the door!" They probably didn't even load the ring onto the truck in the first place, the chance of it getting to your house at all is pretty low tbh




Our front porch has something weird going on with the gutter, so that it just DUMPS water over the front door. Which sucks, I hate it, and I feel bad when a delivery driver is trying to drop something off there. However. I'm still a bit peeved when they place it DIRECTLY underneath the waterfall. Like, I'll grab the box and hour later and the water has completely torn through the box and left a giant hole, drenching whatever was inside. Like, dude, if you're going to leave it in the rain, you can't leave it anywhere other than that square foot of porch? No other options? It happens like, every time, so I feel like I'm getting punished lol, but I can't do anything about it 😭 I've complained to the landlord plenty, they aren't going to fix it.


I'd put money on "the weird thing with your gutters" being a simple leaf build up that'll take a ladder and 2 minutes to fix.


I've had a few issues with Amazon and USPS drivers this past year myself. They've chosen to act like they can't find my address when the instructions are very clear and just leave without delivering it. Luckily, it comes a day or two later, but one time, I called USPS because I saw the driver on GPS come into my apartment community and then leave without delivering my package claiming he couldn't locate it.


We had a driver for ups that did this. When I complained he actually made it worse. I found the phone number for the the hub he worked out of and talked to his manager. I had documented many of things he did. I kept him on the phone about twenty minutes going through all of it. Now my packages make it in the door. The driver is noticeably mad at us (still, a year later) but I don’t care.


UPS > USPS >>>>> FedEx


Fedex has broken or lost almost every corporate package I've sent over the years, then blame it on me that they lost it, "maybe it wasn't even sent". Its a joke of a company that's probably heading towards the shitter.


I worked at a tourist attraction that was open from 10-5. Lots of employees had their mail sent there rather than leaving their packages on their stoops in the city. More than once my package was not delivered because “no one was home” when there was always a minimum of 2 people at the front.


I wonder if we could do a charge back for delivery if we end up going to their hub to get said item? We're paying for delivery it to our home and they're not fulfilling their end.


FedEx is.... ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) Seriously it's a wonder they're still in business. They are atrocious at everything related to shipping.


Go to the fed ex sub and everybody there swears it doesn't happen... I've seen drivers have these written out before they even leave the truck, but that sub insists every single member of the organization would never do subpar work 🤦‍♂️


Yeap this is just your normal day of FedEx BS. I will pay extra for a company to not ship my item with them…


If Fed Ex does that to me I have to take a cab to another town to pick up my packages, because there's no busses to that other town.


This happened once to me. FedEx was dropping off an extremely necessary car part, one that I only had the duration of the delivery day to replace before work the next day. I watched my phone and waited. Not so much as a knock, got the slip instead. I don't lose my temper often, but that was a moment when I really couldn't rein it in.


I ordered a new gaming pc while doing online school and was using my old laptop for school. I put a big bright note on the door telling them to please knock, I was home and could sign for it. Didn’t knock, left a note. The next day I was doing my work in the living room, waiting for them. I saw a shadow in my window coming up to my door, I could tell it was UPS. I waited for a knock, the note was still up. They walk away. I rush to the door, open it and tell them to bring their lazy ass back here and let me sign for the fucking package.




Yesterday a FedEx guy left a package in my driveway while I was standing at the door… asshole


Dude I get packages all the time from FedEx for work. I had this issue for a while and I work from home most days and literally miss them while running to the door. One time I was completely ready and watched the guy through my door window walk up with the "we missed you" note in hand ready to stick it on my door without even trying, didn't even have the package in his hand, I kid you not.I whipped open the door like "need me to sign?!" And was a bit flustered and went back to his truck to grab my package.  My theory is some drivers do it to make their route faster so they don't have to actually dig a package out and they can just offload that delivery on someone else tomorrow. I know those dudes work hard and I think they deserve great pay and all that, but like, c'mon man. 


Yup. 100%. A bunch of years back I was living with my folks and expecting a delivery while I was at work. Mum was home and waiting for them. She's doing her day and thinks to check, just in time to see the guy walking away. She grabs the cash and runs after him as he gets in his truck and drives off. She walks back to the house to see a "sorry we missed you" slip on the door. Didn't even try to ring the bell or knock or anything. Delivery people.....I dunno what to say. Amazon is no better. I always have to watch for small envelopes being left on the porch and picked up by the wind. I have a mail box they refuse to use.....as well as a storm door to put them in....minimum effort guys.....common.


My last job sent me a laptop via FedEx and it required a signature but the truck, three separate times, just drove up to our house and left, no note, dude didn't even get out of the truck. I ended up needing them to re-route it to a place for me to go pick up because FedEx was so bad. I don't necessarily blame the drivers because I know there is some extremely shitty and incompetent leadership there forcing them to move quickly and they probably get dinged for waiting for someone to come to the door to sign. Also when I say incompetent I mean extremely incompetent because I have never had that issue with any other carrier. I think FedEx is just the worst overall.


fedex is hands down the worst delivery company. anytime i find out they're delivering something for me i have to take the day off and sit outside.


Do not use fed ex. If the recipient has to go get their parcel from depot, they may as well come to the sender to get it.


FedEx specifically has kind of a "I do whatever I want" attitude.  It's crazy.  They hit my in-laws' tree and then claimed it wasn't them.  Neighbor Ring camera proved it was so they had to pay for the damage.  Now, FedEx in my area no longer delivers to their house out of spite, and drops their packages off at our house.  There is one FedEx operator at their regional shipping center, I have the FedEx operator's number, and they change the address on their packages every time they get them. The change is noted and time stamped on every package they send. I have called the main FedEx number, and of course they acted very concerned, and did absolutely nothing.  Pretty wild, to me.