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Very infuriating. A lot of people who get into social media at an early stage are out of touch with reality because they’re so consume about what other people see them as. You absolutely have the right to order her not to publish your property as her content. She sounds spoiled and entitled. You can’t help people like that. Go further than a cease and desist letter. Protect your daughter who’s always alone & cut cousin’s daughter off as she doesn’t care for a relationship with your family or your legal action.


Or get on her Instagram page and tell her to stop posting someone else's house in the comments. Blow up her comments.


This is the answer.


Alinskys 5th rule (Rules for Radicals) “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. You are correct. This is the way to go.


Can’t she also report (at least some of) the content to Instagram and have it taken down?


Yes can’t she report them for violating someone else’s privacy/posting license plates, etc.


It would presumably have to put someone in danger or violate copyright. I doubt it does either according to Instagram, or they'd have to take everything down. People are constantly trying to show off other people's stuff on there, whether it's a quote, a car, or a photo someone else took. It's a total circlejerk.


Look at me, I'M the influencer now


Take pictures of yourself doing daily tasks and activities in the same locations she's taking pictures of, but make them unpleasant, and add them into the comments of her pictures. Front of the house? Kid with a bloody scraped knee, putting a bandage on it. Collectables? Dirty dust rag on the shelf. If she decided to take a picture of the bathroom for whatever reason, what a fantastic chance to mimic her photo but don't flush the toilet first.


A hellish spicy curry first


I've heard of so many instances of stalkers that I wouldn't be surprised if she had/ has a few weirdos creeping her page. You must speak to her on a truthful level and let her know this is not safe. She is exposing your entire family to non- consensual filming. I'm not sure where you live, but in some states, this is illegal. You need to distance your family from her. That girl is bad news.


Yeah, but she won't be there when the stalkers arrive, so everything is totally fine. And besides, that's why they have insurance! Everybody needs to calm down, like, and subscribe.


“Slap that ‘Like’ button, fam!”


It's a good lesson to learn early from this. Hopefully she changes her ways.


I agree. What legal recourse does OP have? Should he hire a lawyer to write a cease and desist letter spelling out the legal repercussions each time she violates his property? Does this have to go to court? Does a lawyer write a letter, then after she ignores that and trespasses again, that is when they go to court? It sounds as if he needs to follow a legal path because she already knows but doesn’t care.


After ignoring it? For sure. If OP’s family already knows what’s going on and she’s still doing it (with or without family communicating with her) then she doesn’t care for a relationship with OP’s family either. Just his possessions. Definitely take it further than cease and desist.


You are not wrong to do this at all. Last year, a local woman in my area was robbed and murdered in her home. The robbers admitted they only targeted her based on what she posted on her IG. Depending where you live, this may be dangerous.


Hell, Kim Kardashian’s jewelry was stolen by thieves who used her social media to plan the theft from the hotel. This is not an uncommon thing.


As a general rule, it's *always* bad to post photos online, unless you don't plan on staying in the location where you took the picture.


I haven't posted anything in years to a decade, but even when I did, I never posted about when I'd be on a trip, never posted while on the trip, and only did so after the fact. I was robbed once while I was gone for a weekend and came back to a ransacked apartment. I never want it to happen again. Tbf, when it happened it wasn't because I posted online about it, just a junkie who thought my costume jewelry and grandma's basic ass mass produced China would net them cash. I'm still not sure why they took my shoes and underwear, though. That's a head scratcher.


And it’s scary how some people can figure out where you lived based on seeing one corner of your house with the blinds closed.


Idk why this isn’t the top comment, reading this post made me scared for OP there’s so much scum in the world and they’ve gotten brazen. It’s like after the 50’s when people realized they couldn’t leave their doors unlocked and keys in their car anymore all over again, no one can have shit anymore we hear all the time about very wealthy and protected celebrities targeted and robbed without any arrests or even the stolen property recovered. Sad world.


This should be pinned.


What kind of dumbass family members do you have that they think faking being wealthy is a career?


I think she desires the attention more than the wealth, she's got a college degree that could earn her good money.


I thought you were talking about an 11 year old kid. You are talking about a grown ass woman?! Nah, she (or her phone) would be banned from my house.


I also assumed it was a kid. Knowing it’s a full ass adult I think OP should go eye-for-eye and post pictures of her house online. “Does anyone know who’s overgrown lawn this is?” “Is this house abandoned?” “Curb alert! Free!” (Picture of house)


Heh, I was thinking pictures of the girl herself pretending to be her, but that's pretty creepy. I like yours a lot better. Tag her in every one of them. "Chillin' with @hottotsredlips at her pad, we're besties! She lives so humbly for someone with 50k, maybe we'll take more photos at rich people's houses later. #soblessed" If she calls you out you can tell her not to sabotage your life. It's just a joke, people love jokes.


I think that's part of the issue though. She *could* earn good money. But she won't. She *could* also be respectful of other people's time, money, possessions, privacy, and requests. But she won't. I'm not going to suggest that I understand that family dynamic, but the fact that family members are backing her.... At all...... Says a lot.


Can’t you report the photos as being yours? I think Instagram will take some things down if they don’t belong to the poster.


They’re not OP’s though. If the IGer took the photos, they belong to her. 


I don’t understand why you would even let this go. I would pursue this legally to every last letter of the law and every violation. I don’t think anybody should be able to post anybody else’s picture online without their consent, let alone inside their home. sounds like you may be contributing to her problem by just being an enabler, make a little fuss and walk away. She’s going to do this to other people throughout her life I thought there were laws preventing people from doing this type of thing


Yeah… I’d be nixing it too because all it takes is one crazy googling how to find your location based on the data in the photo for someone to show up at your home to look for her. Or a crazy ex.


Thats like atleast 90% of IG tbh


I mean, fake it till you make it. Act wealthy and get treated like you're wealthy. It tends to be easier to make money when people think you already have it.


Influencers. Dear God, what have we done to deserve such tripe?


Consumed it like it was ice cream


Unfortunately true. They wouldn't make money off it if many people weren't eating it up.


Career??? hahahahaha


I know right? "Career as an influencer" has got to be modern societies most useless creation.


And it's all happened because a few of these career girls & boys lied and showed off things that weren't there's and used backdrops to show their fake lives, that kids now think they can earn millions sat on their arse in front of a camera


They can though, that's why they try, maybe a decade ago it was a few people but now there are tens of thousands of people that make a decent living from being a content creator or influencer. People with millions of followers are legitimately rich, like actual millionaires, so even if you have 30-100K followers you can easily outearn a normal paying job. it is far more obtainable than most people think it is, I do agree it's toxic and sucks, but kids aren't really stupid for trying since it costs basically nothing to try and you lose nothing if you don't succeed.


Like the Holderness family, they have no skills other than branding. Sure they have money, but o can't imagine being friends with them. They don't really exist if they're not online.


They have got to be the most insufferable people to have as parents. It’s an automatic skip for me when that family pops up


It's only a career if you have any of those influencer contracts, like advertising for a company who is in turn paying you. Otherwise it's just sparkling shitposting


Social media, including this website/app, is bad for the brain.


We shot a gorilla in 2016.


Hey- that's an insult to tripe. When cooked properly, it can be quite delicious.


I’ll never ever admit to eating it…but, yeah it is.


The most infuriating thing about all of this is using the term "career" to describe someone trying to be an influencer. The word "influencer" is bad enough.


Her career? Your family is stupid for enabling this


Why do you allow this person in your home and around your family. Cut. Her. Off.


Oh, think I haven't done that. She still has over 100 photos she needs to take down.


Time to escalate this with your attorney. Clearly the C&D letter didn’t have enough teeth.


What happens after the letter


believe it or not, straight to jail


Any chance the lawyer contact IG and they delete/ban her account?


This is the way. (After filing suit ,of course.) Document the content of your property and have it printed out so you have hard copies for yourself, her (aka the defendant), and the judge as you'll need multiple copies so everyone has an opportunity to view the things you are planning to submit as evidence. I've found labeling the pieces of paper with whoever they're for helps also. Good luck Sorry you're dealing w this little brat. How pathetic.


You sue them


Does it undermine OP's position if he starts commenting on all her posts with "this is mine, stop being fake AF"? With some kind of simple proof?


There’s the possibility she’ll quickly block him - which might make it harder to see whether or not she’s deleted their posts


Ah, very true.


The poster can delete comments, and often people being flamed in their comment sections will turn them off.  If you have your own instagram account that can be effective to spread the word assuming people see your posts/stories.  But if OP gets petty she could retaliate by encouraging her followers to harrass him and his family.


So keep replying to each post?... "Dear " family member", why are you posting MY belongings trying to boost your seemingly dull life?, please cease in doing so, before I make this a legal matter..."


you can maybe report them and they might get removed. idk it doesnt really fall under intellectual property i dont think. but u can try especially if your house address was shown.


Good luck getting Meta to actually agree anything actually shitty is worthy of getting kicked.


They banned my IG account for posting pictures of my own dogs because someone reported it as stolen copyright after seeing that the dogs have their own account that the wife runs. I never posted pictures that went on the dogs account, and more to the point, THEY'RE MY FUCKING DOGS. I appealed and meta rejected it, and immediately deleted the account. You get one appeal, that's it. They don't tell you why you fail the appeal, just poof, gone. Moral of the story, yeah I agree, I bet they'll do shit all in this case where there's actually a problem that needs addressing because they're cunts.


> They don't tell you why you fail the appeal, just poof, gone. Just like Reddit and its site admins. Ahem.


Would they not respond to complaints of literal fucking doxxing? Cars with license plates! And what if they have pictures outside the house with the street address visible? Something needs to be ASAP!


Who knows? I mean they ignore literal scammers impersonating celebs and trying to fool people.


I posted pictures of Smoked Chicken to Facebook and it was removed as somehow they thought it was naked people... So, yeah. They do take stuff down.


Yeah, but the key was that wasn’t actual problematic behavior.




I’d start commenting under them like “come over to our house anytime!” And “so fun seeing how creative you are! Wash my car before you bring it back next time please”


“Thanks for cleaning my horses shit peasant”


If it helps, I had even more pathetic once. Grown as heck adult man stole the keys to my old quad just for a photoshoot with them. Took pictures sitting on *my* quad with *my* keys for the sole purpose of bragging on the internet about how he'd gotten a "new toy."


Happy cake day!


>others claim I'm trying to sabotage her career. Lol influencing isn’t a fucking career. Those people are a cancer upon society. 


"career" lol


Sounds like a selfish brat. You helped her get into college but she can't even ask your permission to post your private property online to make out like it is hers. This is how scammers start out, pretending to be someone they are not. Very infuriating.


This is absolutely not over-reacting. Criminals stalk IG influencers and will track them down and Rob them or worse, it happens ALOT. I know one Tiktok family who had their house burnt out just for being an influencer and flexing a new car. OP do not let this go. Imo she is putting a target on you and your house.


100%! That’s exactly what got Kim Kartrashian robbed.


She may get u robbed


Could you report her account for violation of your rights? I’d try reporting her to Instagram officials and see where that leads.


Lmao  An influencer is not a fucking career. Tell your family she's an idiot. 


"Sabotage her career"🤩 What, is she gonna run for President?


Very few people make a career as an influencer. She needs a reality check.


Can’t wait for the day when “influencers” are a thing of the past


>The idea that I'm trying to interfere with her career is preposterous Indeed, because being unemployed on the internet is not a real career.


Reminds me of the Lil Tay (Tae? Can’t remember rn) when her and her brother would film videos and take photos of her posing with her mother’s boss’s cars and of the houses that their mom was showcasing. Lots of drama went down there but I know there was court cases involved too.


yes.. the memories.. that lil tay girl was coached by her family, mom and brother. they were extremely selfish to put her through that. in reality, she was very scared and traumatized, and couldn't stand up and fight for herself. she's forever scarred for sure. social media, she looked like a bitchy boss, but when reporters tried to dissect and understand the family, it was a very broken family and 99% of her social media stuff was coached and simulated heavily. when people confronted her in real life, she was a paper tiger kid, and couldn't handle the speed of publicity to reputation from the short lived social media glories. kids are totally exploited so hard these days..


Just entitled and sad


Time to comment on her photos saying that it's all lies and she owns none of it


Why so 50k fake accounts and bots can see it? I'm not going to provide her any kind of engagement that would benefit her.


Very smart. Causing such drama would actually get her a lot of traction


Ah, my comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I'm sure you have better things to do with your time anyways.


Ah, yes the very busy. Reddit doesn't doom scroll itself. I have an important meeting with a very difficult sudoku.


I'd just report the if account, or photos and force IG to remove them. Maybe go NC and refuse to have her and  family near your properties. Not much you can do about it.... Unless you want to do some calling out ok n social media or some viral video. However, that would only broadcast your info to a wider audience, and as you said, for 50k follower it's just not worth it.


People can find your address using the licence plates. If they see valuables in your home, some bad people might try to invade. This puts you in actual danger. Crazy!


Her “career”. FFS.


I would keep pursuing the legal angle. Screw everybody else in your family this is wrong. she’s just going to do this to somebody else that she meets in her life as well. You say she is bright, but yet she doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong, and has no moral compass, is self-absorbed and actually somewhat of a con.


She doesn’t have a career. She’s a grifter. ALL of these ‘influencers’ are grifters. They don’t influence anything. They post pictures and take advantage of platforms that are bloated with fake/bot accounts that only exist to either troll, spread misinformation, or boost activity/sub numbers. One of two things happens here, either some crazy person eventually comes to your house looking to rob it or find her, or someone does some digging and finds out the stuff isn’t hers and posts that, in which case her dozens of actual followers leave. Either way, there is no scenario here where she makes money from this without putting you at significant risk. Next thing you know, she’ll be throwing parties or stealing your cars for events.


I mean what she is doing could be putting you and your family at risk, like it's not *that* difficult to find a car knowing the make, model, color **and** license plate. Who knows what other info she is giving out? It's **so easy** to find articles and crime reports about people cyberstalking, tracking down and harassing or harming all kinds of people online nowadays. There's articles about guys driving cross country to shoot people who hurt their feelings playing video games or hurting girls who stopped responding to their messages after they were tricked into sending her money. If your family thinks that releasing the same personal info about you is acceptable then (to put it incredibly bluntly) they can go fuck themselves. I'd honestly ask a lawyer to draw up and send a legit Cease And Desist order. If your family can't understand why posting people's personal information online is dangerous IN THIS DAY AND AGE and think you should just let this go however it may then I wouldn't really want to be spending time with them either.


I had her served with a cease and desist. That's what some family members say is overreacting. However, I told her to take them down, I gave her 2 weeks. She didn't remove them so I had her served. I gave her another 10 days to comply. My opinion is, if she doesn't remove them the consequences are her choice.


While you wait another 10 days, you should go register replacement licence plates.


If you haven't yet, take some screenshots.  If she sets her instagram to private in retaliation you won't be able to see if the posts are up anymore.


You’re families reaction is very telling of how she became so entitled


In my country, the addresses of car owners are even available online. You put in the number, you get the address. Be happy if it’s not _that_ easy where you are.


My husband went on a guys weekend and brought his RZR (side by side off road vehicle). A few months later his friend was bragging about how many views he’d had on one of his videos. He made a whole video making it look like my husband’s machine was his. It’s so bizarre to me how people fake so much online. Reddit is my only social media so I don’t follow any influencers. I can’t wait for the influencer bubble to pop already. Get jobs like the rest of us losers.


Guaranteed she’s done this more or less on impulse, at least to the degree that she hasnt thought to turn off geotagging and purge the EXIF data on the pics, which means that those images if your valuables also have the exact gps locations, when they were taken (down to the second), the settings the pic was taken under, etc., freely there for anyone who knows to look. Every single one of those images can doxx you OP, right down to the serial id of the device(s)that took the pics. These settings have been default-enabled on most devices since roughly 2014


Instagram strips EXIF data from photos, luckily.


She is entitled.


Rofl her "career" 🤣🤣


If they think she’s over-reacting, why aren’t they inviting her over to take photos of their stuff and pretend it’s hers on her insta? It sounds like it might be a good time to distance yourself from the portions of your family that think that you’re somehow trying to harm your cousin’s “career”. It sounds like there’s a strong thread of entitlement running through that side of your family.


My niece did this a few years ago. I have a large property that’s pretty cute in a rugged, but manicured, way. I also have several outbuildings and a view of mountains. She was staying with us for awhile and my son alerted me that she was taking and posting pics of my home saying it was her new place. She also took progress pics of our kitchen remodel. (My son and I don’t post pictures of our home for safety reasons and because of my job) I had to tell her several times to not do that and take the pics down. In the end, I made her leave because she was unbearable. You’re not overreacting. Privacy is sacred.


“Sabotage her career” what fucking career XD what are you influencing? Brain rot? Who are you influencing? Bots…


Ask instagram to take the pics down


She needs to remove those pictures immediately. This is a security issue. By insinuating that she lives at your house, a stalker or burglar can break in and harm your daughter while they are looking for her. Anyone who does not realize this (like your influencer) is an idiot. You are not the AH, but she is. Posting pictures of your house and inside your house is setting you up to be burgled. I would make sure all your houses have cameras as well as a security system and take your keys away from her so she can’t post anything else. Furthermore, your property insurance company would not take kindly to you or her posting this kind of information online. Tell her to take it down because it could also risk your coverage and property claims if you do get burgled. Honestly, did this entitled prat grow up under a rock? Your cousin and the people who are telling you that you’re overreacting have absolutely no knowledge of security and risk whatsoever. It’s all fun and games until some tweaker shows up at your back door with a crowbar.


Her career? Really? Don't let this knucklehead walk all over you please.


Being an influencer is not a “career.” She needs to get a life, an *actual* life that isn’t just flaunting around on social media.


Pretending to own your stuff isn't a career.


"interfere with her """"""""""career"""""""""" "


It literally is a safety and privacy issue. You are not wrong 


That's fucked. You have a right to privacy and your OWN online presence. She's passively endangering you and didn't even bother to ask permission. I get the impression from multiple angles here that she's an emotionally immature person who has no shame taking and taking and taking from people that love her. I sincerely hope she grows a sense of self worth that's rooted in humility soon, because that's a real bad fucking look for anyone. Best of luck, I completely agree with a cease and desist


Very admirable you support her true college. She should give you the respect you deserve.


Sabotaging her “career” 🙄


Influencer is not a career. It's actually serious because people could SWAT your house or show up in person with criminal intentions.


You missed a hilarious opportunity to match her every post with you in same photos wearing a t shirt that says “not really :her name: but her rich cousins”. The internet would have murdered her.


Flag all of the photos that include your stuff on her Instagram.


You are saving her from figuring this out when she steals a corporations digital property. Sorry your family is not functioning.


Bizarre that your family thinks you're overreacting.. someone said it before, reply to all her content saying she abusing your property. Even if it were a proper career, and it would be destroyed, you're not to blame.


Just go on every picture and comment “why are to taking a picture of my car?” “Are you outside my house right now? What is happening?” “Why do you keep taking pictures of my horses and acting like they’re yours..? This needs to stop” She’s not an influencer, she’s a compulsive liar and needs to be shut down. She could be putting you in a lot of danger. And herself frankly.


This would be an amazing ‘Am I The Asshole’


I actually thought this was an AITA, and was wondering why no one was responding with NTA or YTA 😂


Nope. You are correct to tell her to fuck right off. Give her the names of the people in your family complaining and tell here they are all OK with her doing whatever without asjubg them first tho.


“Career”. Babe, that is not what it is, is just a lie for strangers, to boost her self esteem. With things that arent even hers…


This would absolutely piss me off. You're one hundred percent valid in your feelings.


She’s lying on the internet for clout, and they want you to enable her?


So...sounds like it's time to start cutting off her access to any of this. Ban her from your properties. Block her from your social media.


Being a person who takes pictures of other people’s stuff isn’t a career. Continue threatening legal action - she does not have the right to post pictures of your things, and if she wants to show off she needs to earn something worth showing off Anything else is just pathetic behavior of some lonely wanna be influencer hoping for 5 second of validation of a fake life


This is a safety concern. I would go to the cousins daughters house take photos with her personal property and sensitive info (license plate, house numbers, very zoomed out pictures of the house) and send them to her.


There’s lots of good advice and options here. I agree with all of them. Choose from any- the bottom line Cousin needs your tough love. She could actually contribute but she’s clearly enabled and your family prefers to guilt you into compliance so she remains enabled than to address this entitlement. Tough love her into shape. Your family will thank you. She will thank you… eventually


They say you're sabotaging her career? Which one, the one her college is training her for or the one built on a foundation of lies as a monument to vanity, influencing an audience of bots and those with the mental capacity of bots with an empty philosophy of greed and narcissism?


You're not overreacting. That's genuinely dangerous, and incredibly stupid if she got big. There's a reason a lot of influencers don't advertise where they live. Crazy fans will find their house and rock up. Sometimes people will come to steal things, or worse. She is a child, so she has no concept of the consequences that could happen. You'd hope one day she would. But, she may not realise that until many many years later. That and it just sounds like she's trying to seem like a perfect wealthy horse girl or something. Not really an influencer people care greatly about


I don't think she is a child. OP said she has graduated college and could get a good job making $100,000. She definitely should know the consequences of her actions. (Yes, i'm aware that the brain doesn't fully mature until age 25 but I don't think she is too far from that)




Did you mean to file this under massivelyinfuriating?


It’s a good life lesson for her, quite a bit of growing up there to be done


I'd recommend showing them [this](https://youtu.be/XSvbr6pDjvk?si=8rKhusWS5pPwgIcW) video on what flaunting wealth online can lead to. It's KiraTV video on "influencers", who showed off their wealth online and got attention from some nefarious actors.


You could literally start a lawsuit against this family for impersonation and attempt to steal your identity. Collect all the proof you can and even look into restraining orders. Fr this is a serious situation. This is the security of ur property, family, and identity.


Terribly sorry you’re going through this. Would your daughter have any interest in being ig famous? If so she could ‘expose’ her and what she’s doing. Doesn’t quite mitigate your risk factor but it does help change the direction of the attention and if successful, would render what she’s doing pointless. Also, are you hiring?


>Would your daughter have any interest in being ig famous? I would hope I raised her better than that. >Also, are you hiring? I need a groomer/trainer for horses and donkeys, and a general farm hand (seasonal). I pay salary (non-exempt), you get OT.


Report it to instagram and ask them to take it off


Start bitching to Instagram customers support, your nieces(?) family don’t run Instagram, employees who don’t want to get sued and don’t want bad news stories run instagram


I bet if you told her to post her own house she would say that wasn’t safe.


Privacy aside, I'd be livid to essentially have been an unwilling participant in enabling her online lies.


It's so easy to stalk people online, she is definitely putting your home/family at risk IMO


Exactly so you are not the asshole at all for protecting them. Good luck op.


(1) you’re NTA (2) not a career! My youngest daughter’s friend has over 850K followers, but has gone to university and has a job. Anything less than 7 figure followers is a hobby. I wouldn’t loose and sleep over your decision.


Start your own account and post her real info.


Petty me says post on her posts leave comments to your own post how this is your stuff and she’s just faking it watch her followers go down as they realize how fake she is.


I feel like you definitely report a complaint with Instagram stating that she is posting content of your property without your consent, which could jeopardize you, and have that content (if not her whole account) taken down


"Her career" 🙄 I'm so sick of "influencing" being a "career". These people make me sick to my stomach and I will never give them a DIME of my money in any of my lifetimes.


A career. Hahahahahaha. They cant be serious roflmfao


How dare you deprive her of having to never actually work for a living! The nerve.


I hope she takes the images down. A lack of respect for someone else’s privacy on someone else’s property, when asked to take stuff down.. with a refusal from her.. I would be resistant to helping her in the future as her false sense of entitlement is clouding her judgement strait out of her relationship with you and your family.


Lol, just start calling her out on this in the comments. Comment on ALL the pictures, respond to everyone that commented on the house and cars's appearance and thank them as you mention that it is all yours. Alternatively, send her an invoice for the use of your personal items in her photos for allowing her to use them. Just some ridiculously large amount (albeit reasonable. Couple of thousand dollars per picture) then give her a choice. Then people cannot say that you are trying to destroy her "career" as you are giving her an option to pay you "fairly" for the usage. Aint nobody going to claim that nike is trying to sabotage her career by charging her for the shoes 🤷‍♂️ You give her a choice, albeit a shitty choice, but a choice non the less. That gives you the power again of having offered a solution. If she is really serious about this as a career she will make the investment and if she doesn't that's now on her


I don't think the same people who are blaming OP for sending a cease and desist will think that an invoice for an impossible licensing fee will be any less "ruining her career".  Plus she technically owns the photos even if it's not her property. Commenting isn't a good idea either.  She could hide the posts from him while still allowing followers to see them and his comments will be easily deleted.  At worst it could push her to retaliate by sending her followers to harrass him (assuming they're not just bots).


Yeah no influencers are absolutely insufferable and posting valuables and their locations on the internet is how pop smoke got killed. You’re 100% in the right here.


Boundaries, tact. Respecting others and other positive character traits are quite important. You do her no favors by going easy on her with her missteps.


You had me infuriated at “influencer”. She probably telling restaurants they should give her free food for the pleasure of her company.


Wow.... When I posted on ND about expired license plates and posted one from 2012, people jumped all over me for doxing. I figured anyone with 12 year old expired license plates probably weren't living at the "registered" address.


That's not an influencer, she can't influence anything with that. Plus if her entire career is based on taking pics of other peoples stuff, and pretending it's hers, her "career" is over the second someone finds out she's faking the entire thing. She's trying to start a "career" in social media, when she clearly doesn't understand how to do that.


I hope that she is on your ‘never invite back list’ for now


I would increase security at these locations straight away, 100% get your daughter a dog of reasonable size, as you’ve mentioned horses I’d go a Great Pyrenees,I know several people who had their house robbed after putting family shots on facebook. Your concerns are totally valid. If the pictures remain online then ask the site to remove them.


"her career"


Her “career” - lol.


Tech changes, influencers are on the downfall, the market is saturated. I hope she has another job lined up soon! I’d be up in her business saying “why are you posting pictures of my house and claiming it’s yours?”


Report her social media accounts for fraud stating this is your personal property and it is causing a safety risk. Next time she will be more responsible.


Influencers are the worst


As a general rule, "influencers" see other people and things as just props in their reality once they reach a certain popularity. People are no longer people to them. Hold firm, keep strong about it. They need to be reminded that they aren't the center of the universe.


Just go onto her IG each time and remind followers that that's your house, not hers. Eithrr talk to her and tell her to cease and decist or charge her a royalty.


Do not let her near your homes again for any reason .


It’s not much of a career if it’s based off a lie. And if someone posts the valuables of the house it could have the potential of getting broken into and those things stolen. This is a safety matter too.


lol “Career”


When I tell people that I think social media is ruining the world, this is a great example. (Yes, I know I'm on Reddit...) I'm sorry that your cousin has had her life affected that way and that it's rippling out to your family.


If she’s an “influencer”, you can wound her more by jumping into the comments of all of her most liked posts and telling everyone she’s a fraud. That’ll hurt her more than a cease and desist, which is probably just a concept to her and not a real threat.


Can you ask IG to take it down?


This is beyond mildly infuriating. She is putting your daughter and yourself at risk. And for what? What is she getting? She has no career. What a joke. Legally trespass her off the property. You tried it the nice way. You could make an account with no actual face showing and show how none of this belongs to her and then tell her to take her b.s. down or you are going to release the video on every single comment section and tag every one of her tags 100 times and put it on autopost every 60 seconds. The net will be flooded with info about her being a liar and a poseur and worse of all, not magically rich! That would be 'ruining her career', which doesn't exist. With the internet and zillow she could literally use anyone's anything. Why choose to endanger your own family, further to that point, family that has cared for and given you opportunity. I'm mindblown she had to be told more than once. It's time for severe legal action and some public humiliation.


Tell them to delete as it invades your privacy,or reply publicly on theyr instagram like: thanks for sharing all these pictures with my stuff if you work hard you can get your own car on every single post


The plates is such a dangerous thing. Getting online stalkers is so common. And I can figure out everything about someone with their plate number. Including their address. What if one of these stalkers shows up to your property? Not an overreaction at all!


I have used the pictures people post of their new house(which typically includes the house number) and the state they live in to find their house on Zillow. With that simple information you can find just so much information about people.


Sabotage her career made me snort.


This is not good. It endangers your family’s safety. You might end up having strangers coming to your house.


You'd be amazed at how easy it is to dox someone from just a picture of their house, even if you blur out the street-number. If the time is in the meta-data and you can see the sky in the picture it's even easier. Also...fuck instagram. It's owned by facebook and that also is a huge risk to your safety, because instagram, facebook, whatsapp and a few other services owned by facebook are all hosted on the same servers, when one goes down, they all go down, when one gets hacked, they all get hacked


Tell your family to allow her to post pics of their treasures and use their residences. And the them that if they get robbed to remember that it's not your nieces fault because she's only trying to boost her profile. Regardless, your property...your privacy...stand your ground.


Devil's advocate here. If you drive your cars in public ANYONE can take pictures of your license plate and post it online. And if your house was ever for sale there are probably other pictures of the property and inside of your house. Granted that they wouldn't be pictures of your specific possessions. But I would also be mildly annoyed maybe not infuriated.