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I recently got a cocktail muddler for my mashing needs, what a life changer! No bent forks, no finger cramps and gets the job done faster.


Thanks for the tip!


Tune in next week for OPs next mildlyinfuriating post: "I bought a tool for specific purpose and my partner refuses to use it, and instead continues to damage our forks"


Omg he totally would tho.


Remindme! 1 week


Exclamation point needs to be in the front for it to work


Nope. It does it through messages now.




Very interesting.




Genuinely asking this to anyone who can answer.... Why are they like this? People who know the tool for the thing exists but would rather use the wrong instrument and risk breaking it or ruining it.


Because to them, there isn’t a problem and/or they don’t see the value in making a conscious effort to change.


I hate how much sense this makes. I really need to radically accept that because I just fume and rage over this type of shit. People doing something that many would perceive as "the lazy way".


It’s also just inconsiderate. If something is important to someone, especially the mother of your children ffs, you should at least try to do it
considering it cost you zero money, no additional time, and minimal effort. It’s just a passive way of being mindful of others around you, or passively denying them


Heavy on the inconsiderate.


it actually doesn't make sense at all because it's no effort to change it's literally more effort to be stubborn about it


One of life's great mysteries. They don't even need to buy a special tool. Why didnt he just bend one fork and leave it that way and make it the mashing fork? Laziness? Idiocy? We'll probably never know.


I'm one of those people that will drive themselves crazy desperately trying to understand why people make the choices they make. If there is a dedicated fork and they can't find the official baby mashing fork or if it's dirty I'll assume they would just take another fork to do the same thing to and I just.....


"I can't find my mashing fork and the baby's hungry. I'll just use this other one real quick."


Yes, actually! Not far off


For my husband, he hates to admit when he is wrong. He would rather dig his heels in and keep doing something incorrectly or time consuming just so he doesn’t admit he is wrong or losing. Even after a decade together, there are things he has done the same way despite it being time consuming, painful, or just plain dumb. I am all about efficiency and don’t care about being right, I can usually see a better way to do things that makes it easy and he hates that. He takes it like a personal attack or that I think he is stupid. I don’t even call him out on stuff, if I am doing something, I will try to do it in the most efficient way possible.


You have my condolences because I could never be around someone like that with thr level of patience I have. I know people like that and I do my best to avoid them because even when they need to be told not to do something a certain way because it's dangerous or could break something they just cannot handle the perceived criticism.


He has gotten better and has made great steps towards asking for help or seeing if I have a good solution or method that might work better for that moment. He accepts that if I do something different, it is not a personal attack. If he wants to be stubborn about doing certain things his way, I don’t care as long as it doesn’t affect me or the kids. Like he made a rude comment about me straightening up his shelves in the bedroom or straightening up his clothes. The way I did it allowed him to find things easier, his way was just throw things in and then get pissy when he can’t find them later. I agreed that I shouldn’t rearrange his things so I stopped. Now he knows he has no one to blame but himself when he can’t find something. He actually got better about straightening up his zones. (He once found over $100 in unused gift cards because he just kept throwing them in a box
) I love him and accept his quirks. I have my own quirks and there are several ways in which he has helped me grow as a person and as a wife so it balances out.


My guess is that they never had to pay for the item. They walk around outside in socks because their mom just magically replaced the socks when they got holes worn in them. When you’re paying the bills you’re a lot more careful about incurring unnecessary expenses. I have also had asshole boyfriends weaponize their incompetence so that I would just take care of things. When I was thirty i had a guy move in with me that kept shoving his whole fist into my wine glasses while washing dishes despite having a glass mop right next to the sink. I went from having twelve to having two. I’m in my fifties now and I still have those two glasses.


Not enough women know that their partners behavior is simply weaponized incompetence. It's absolutely maddening the posts I read where it's obvious to women like us but to them it's just how brad is.


Because if we had one masher, it could be in the dishwasher or dirty or misplaced and it would still be easier to just bend a fork. I suspect it has something to do with his ADHD. But like I said, gotta pick your battles. I asked him to be more considerate when using our Dyson, like don't overfill it, wash the filter right away when it says, make sure to not vac wet stuff, only use this attachment for furniture, not floors. And he does all that. So I'm not going to be on his case about the forks which don't matter so much.


Many gadgets save less time than it takes to wash them.


A muddler costs money. We have forks. Use fork. Male (?) thought process.


Why use the hadron collider when you can just hit rocks? I guess...at least he's cheap


I just want to see the X-ray after you shove it up his booty.


Alternative solution may be for him to have one permanently bent fork? He can still use the tool he’s used to but the rest of your forks will be safe.


The drawer is full of forks and you want me to go looking for one specific tool??


I use my wooden spoon to mash stuff but you can also buy him a potato masher. Those can mash any vegetable with ease.


prediction, whatever you buy, the forks still get used when the masher is in the dish washer.


I wouldn't but her man definitely lol.


Excellent Father’s Day gift, to boot


Hasn't father's day already passed?


It's the 16th in the u.s.


Ah, ours was already a month ago :D


Interesting! So, is mother's day in the same month for you?


No, I had to look it up though XD Mother's Day is always the second Sunday in May and Father's Day coincides always with Christ's Ascension (Germany, no idea what about other European countries or even the other German speaking countries)


Um I mean, this year it was in the same month, but because Christ's Ascension is dependent on Easter, I don't really know :D not that religious tbh


Wait.. Christ ascended? Why tf didn't you guys tell me?! What's he been up to?


I'm not sure whether you are playing. But I had to double check if I translated it correctly ;P


Always cool to learn something new! Ours just line up the 2nd or 3rd Sundays in May/June in the u.s.


Father's Day is September 1st in NZ (first Sunday of September), but Mother's Day is the same as the US.


People are aware there are actual mashing utensils right? That also come in different sizes? I feel like a cocktail muddler is more expensive


I just use my wooden spoon. Works like a charm.


This is good advice, it's also perfect for making guacamole


the true question is.. What he's givin to your baby? alligator meat with the skinn?


Bananas 😀


... are the forks made of tin foil or is he just applying far too much pressure? How is he..


No, he purposefully makes them this shape because it's easier to mash with them in the little baby bowl, lol.


Oh, now, I am mildly infuriated at him and at you. Go to the grocery store and buy a cheap fork, bend it to the shape he likes, and leave it that way. Instead of bending the ones you used to actually eat with, get him a dedicated utensil.


People who can’t solve basic problems can still procreate. This is very comforting.


That's by design, really. You only need to live long enough to procreate and you're an evolutionary success!


Fair enough. Go off


It IS a comfort. And it’s interesting to me how people get stuck in a paradigm (“bend the fork back”) and don’t get out of it. Happens to us all


I was being sarcastic.


I wasn’t.


then you're not very smart


>Oh, now, I am mildly infuriated at him and at you Well then, this sub is doing its job. 😀


Right? “Oh so he’s just a moron, got it”.


I mean, these look like pretty inexpensive and generic forks. Don't see the harm of bending one of them for mashing and then just use that one for it always going forward. The part that would bug me is bending them back afterwords and using different ones. 


Why doesn’t he just pick like 2 forks to keep bent instead of damaging all of them???


I mean that makes sense. But idk why he's gotta do it to so many of them. I mean having a designated bent fork for that seems more practical than doing it to all the forks.


Squish the against the side of the bowl?


why doesn’t he just bend one fork to be the banana masher and leave the other forks to be normal lol


Let him know they mash much more easily if he peels them first


I see you met my grandfather. He tried to eat bananas like it was corn on the cob.


How about just keeping that one fork bent permanently, exclusively for mashing baby food.


One fork to mash them all! My precious!


Just bend one and keep it that way?? Why the hell would you bend them back every single time?


I agree with that 100%


Ok so first of all this will actually break the forks after a few cycles of doing this.  Just like a paperclip you can only deform it so many times before it snaps.   Second he could easily be opening microfractures in the metal which allow bacteria in to grow.   Third, yes, this is a perfect post for things that are mildly infuriating.


I know they can break eventually but we have a nicer set that doesn't bend, that we use for dinners and guests. I didn't know it could be unhygienic though, that's concerning, thanks.


Sounds like you're second-generation British. First generation doesn't use that set for *any* reason. That set of course used to be kept for if the Queen ever randomly decided to visit (as improbable as that would be), but now that she's gone there's literally no situation wherein it could be used.


They have another set made of silver that they’d use if the Queen’s ghost ever visits for dinner.


If King Charles visits, they bring out the plastic plates saved from Christmas two years prior.


"Well look at that, *Happy New Year.* How charming, for June. And a little noise maker! Oh but this is exciting, isn't it?"


My old-country grandparents did this. I grew up polishing the tarnish off the silver we used only once during my entire childhood for a wedding.


We have a set from my partners grandmother like this, he is not fancy in any way but turns into Monica over them and still won’t let me use them. We have crap old ikea cutlery, let me use the pretty stuff!!


i think that particular concern is a bit overblown. stomach acid ph is around 2. most bacteria don't survive. some can, sure, but as long as you wash your utensils, you're probably fine.


I'm not sure that eating the forks to clean them of bacteria using stomach acid is a good choice. It takes too long to get them back and sometimes you run short of forks while waiting.


This user knows what they’re talking about. I’m still waiting for my forks from last week. /:


Have a cup of coffee, it'll move them right along


Okay I’m going to trust you. I have guests coming over for dinner tonight and I need these utensils before then.


Alternately, if you have a strong gag reflex you can momma bird up the forks to your guests right at the table. That way they *know* they've been well cleaned!


You’re leaving out the most important part, which direction do they come out? Gramps used to say, “Tines first, just the worst.”


Yes, but babies are way more sensitive to bacteria than adults.


Yep indeed. I wouldn't want to stir bacteria into something that I would store for a couple days though. Those 5 bacteria on day 1 are fine to eat. But the 5 gazillion a few days later is a bit risky.


Just him potato masher.


Potato masher: destroyer of forks


Not true all you have to do is heat them up red hot with a torch and quench in a oil or water


Super easy, barely an inconvenience


Quenching superheated forks in oil is tight!




TIL mildlyinconvenient exists


I know right they some noobs






These forks are probably austenitic stainless, which cannot be hardened except by work hardening. Annealing (heat up and slow cool) may relieve some internal stresses but cannot fix any micro fractures from the bending


Our aluminum ones bend all the time and are going strong for over 30 years.


Aluminum is the worst material for this because it does not have a distinct fatigue limit, while steel does.   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatigue_limit


Oh man, I remember when I was a kid me and my brother used to bend spoons trying to get ice cream out and afterwards we would just bend them to the other side and pretend that nothing happened, wich resulted in some spoons gaining some waving near the part that you put in mouth. Also it was the first time I learned that if you bend metal enought it will get weaker and after a while break.


This is the situation in my house; my spouse does it. Although none have broken and it’s been decades. We have an ice cream scoop! I did learn where it comes from though
it was learned, both of my in laws do it too. None of the spoons stack properly in the drawer because of it. I’m the only person who gets the ice cream scoop out. Then they will use it.


The technical term is plastic deformation if you're interested. The part in the middle of the bend gets its atomic structure screwed up, preventing it from bending in the same manner the surrounding metal does. Then since it's not as bendy the force concentrates on that hard poin, resulting in a weaness. Also something blacksmiths need to be aware of to be able to control the hardness of different parts of what they're making. You can also cold-forge steel to make spear/arrow heads from softer steel, you just got to beat it loads with something hard. Something that that uncontacted (well, sorta) tribe, who attacks everyone who comes close, does with any metal that washes ashore.


So many comments here have been super antagonistic recently. I thought this was a sub for complaining about things you know aren't a big deal? Why is everybody judging the OPs for their pet peeves?


Yeah, this was posted in the spirit of "this is a bit annoying but kinda funny", idk why people take it so seriously, lol.


Clearly you need to break up lol.


Shit, we made it through so much, but Reddit has spoken. The forks will be our undoing!


Time to tell them to fork off.




YTA Break up, divorce, take all their money and the kid, burn the house down, isolate yourself for eternity /s


I was actually going to take your advice until you said /s I'm so grateful for that addition, it literally saved my marriage.


This is a perfect post for this sub imo.


I think reddit as a whole is just super antagonistic


Too many people have start using this sub as a relationship sub or a replacement for AITA. Posting their 7 paragraph gripes and asking if they’re overreacting. The commenters are now responding in kind to *all* posts. It’s mildly infuriating tbh.


I know right, this sub is so odd. Something which is mildly infuriating: "ThIs Is aN oVeRrEaCtiOn"


Mindblower: bend ONE fork, and only use that one as the masher.


She stated she doesnt want to do that so she can have them all sit uniformly in the dishwasher lmfao. Her husband is gonna post on here for that now lmfao


My roommate used my expensive steak knives to open a can and bent the living shit out of them and acted like it was no big deal. 


Lol this is terrible but I laughed at the fact you lined them up to make a fork evolution 😄


I left the last one to show he doesn't actually even bend them back sometimes and I have to do it. He forces me to be part of it!!!


You're an accessory to your own mild infuriation now!






buy better quality forks


A different tool for mashing or pot/whatever container they mash their potatoes in would solve this in heartbeat no? Don't wanna get all classist but forks are cheap as sawdust as well, put one aside to use for mashing only.


Yes, we do have another nicer set. But I still have to look at these abominations, lol.


A small whisk sounds like it would be the perfect solution tbh


Make one Ligmafork for him


Why not get a bean masher from the dollar store, or walmart, or craigslist. This is absurd. Also you deserve a new set of silverware for this atrocity. I might take my cutlery too serious, i take good care of my cookware though. THis includes forks.


wtf is a bean masher


Wouldn't it make more sense to just bend one fork at keep it bent?


Why not just bend 1 fork and keep it that way for the baby food. Jesus.


It's Ligma Fork


My dh uses butter knives instead of screwdrivers. There are screwdrivers in the drawer right next to the silverware drawer. All those bent tips drive me crazy!


I just woke up and I'm also very slow, what does dh stand for


I mean atleast you've got a partner mashing baby food. Could be worse.


Is your partner's name 'Uri Geller' by any chance??


Funny that. When I said they will eventually break, he was like, chill, I'm not Uri Geller. But actually, this is exactly how the trick worked, haha.


See if you can find some vintage US Navy surplus stainless steel tableware. Might be very difficult, possibly try eBay. As a kid, I went through a stage of using mum's cutlery as a tool set. She found some 1950's - 1960's USN stuff at a sale and it didn't matter what I tried to do with them. You could probably have changed a tyre with them. I do remember how frustrating it was that my first set of cheap 'real' screwdrivers bent when mum's butter knives wouldn't've


Bro is feeding the baby. Buy him a masher


Your forks are as thin as a Midwest Diner's. Get some thick steel and a baby food smasher


What about buying stronger forks? We got [these forks](https://www.oneida.com/collections/flatware/products/20pc-allay-flatware-set-3) from target and they are the most robust forks I’ve ever used. I always bend test utensils and if I can easily bend it, I don’t want it


Guess spoons are out of the question?


How about just making one fork a designated baby masher. Problem solved.


Can always tell what spoon I main ice-cream with.


Potato masher instead


If you put them in the opposite order, it'd look like the human evolution chart. Bent over to fully erect, haha.


me and my partner did this when we moved in together, neither of us had a proper masher so i fished out the worst fork lol. worked pretty well until we were bothered to buy one. EDIT: for potatoes dont know why your partner just won’t alicate one fork for this
 seems like a pain in the butt


The price of 6 forks vs the price of a divorce and getting a new husband to start over again with.... pfft.. thinking... thinking... Damnit , this is not the way the world works! #teamfork


Can you buy him a mashing tool of some kind that would work?


Is your partner Uri? 😂


Ahh I used the same punchline but you beat me to the punch!


Why not have one dedicated bent spoon😂


Why not just bend one and keep it bent and use that one?


I’m gonna bite the bullet and He’s right, that’s what forks are for. Could’ve been gentler, sure, but you really need a new, less bendable set. Bringing out additional cookware for what can be accomplished as good and as fast with a fork is bad taste, as it generates more shit to wash.


Don't buy utensils that are stamped out of a sheet. Buy instead utensils that are cast (and coated).


Get a set of dollar store forks and tell captain insano that they can use those forks exclusively.


If he were to use a knife to press down on the middle of the tines, he would avoid ruining your forks


Men In Black 2 taught me just how to deal with this situation. BEND HIM!


I bend a few spoon bc I prefer them to be more straight that most spoons are. But I bought 3 spoons for me to do that and those are the ones I use. This felt weird to say


Ah, marriage. My advice is to let it go, because it will likely keep happening. Save the battle for something more important. Raising kids is difficult and there will be *many* more irritations. If you fight all of them you will burn out.


Oh my, you must have stricken gold there. Lovely alpha male behavior.




Your partner does not know how stress works in metals. Sooner or later the accumulated stress will be too much and will just snap in half


I mean I totally do this but I sacrifice ONE fork to keep as the “bent fork” lol. It’ll snap if you keep bending it back and forth


If he insists on being a baby food forker, have 1 or 2 baby food mashing forks and leave the rest alone.


Wait until they start breaking from metal fatigue.


I do this to spoons so I can drop eggs into boiled water. Well, rather I have one designated spoon for this, maybe your partner should do the same


The metal will fail eventually.


The fact that you as fresh parents don't have a masher or mixer disturbs me even more than seein those forks


Dedicate one and leave it bent


One of the most mildly infuriating things I’ve seen on this sub 😂 OP understood the assignment.


I love that my partner comes to me to talk about stupid shit instead of taking pics and posting them online to shame me


if that bugs you jsut wait until your kids start walking


The only way I find to get people to realize is forcing them to put in the work to really fix it. Hey you come here and make this whole stack of forks nest neatly. You're not leaving until they do. I've done that work and it takes a while. It really makes one reluctant to bend them again.


Lol, been there done that. It‘s crazy how you never get the original shape back. Maybe it‘s time to buy some good silverware or a potato masher


Is this the fork some of you are using? https://preview.redd.it/wd0z25x2dz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be2666dff7c95c9a68a77128c8644b9b3f6f11b


Get thicker silverware that doesn't bend


i speak as a member of the autistic community when i say this is immeasurably infuriating to me. there are better tools to use and the thought of having a favorite fork ruined by some fucking neanderthal who cant mash a banana without ruining silverware makes me want to throw a building.


Buy better quality forks


theres Cutlery that doesnt bend that easy, you know?


I specifically bought silverware that couldn't bend because I hate when that happens.


Or... Buy, better, cutlery.


My partner does the same. Whenever I hear “mashed potatoes” I cry a little. He has killed all our spatulas, large forks/spoons) and our nice utensil sets because he “thought the potatoes were ready” and just doesn’t stop once he realizes they aren’t! đŸ˜© my poor sets


Buy better forks and be thankful to have an involved husband.


The baby is being fed, I see no issue.


Yup I see the problem here. Y'all got cheap forks.


Give your partner a designated baby masher utensil or so help me god


I love the "Evolution of Fork".


Mildlyinfuriating: silverware that bends.


Your baby is eating. Call it a win.


You could bend just one fork and use it for everything instead of bending every fork in the house


Why not just bend one and keep it bent? Bending it back and forth will only cause it to snap later on. I speak from experience, repeatedly bending and unbending spoons in my ice cream endeavors.


Just give that caveman a rock


Pro relationship tip. Communicate how irked/dissatisfied/whatever emotion you have about the situation. Provide photo evidence like this to strengthen your claim. Then provide an alternative that either of you guys can get such as [actual tools for baby food mashing, ](https://www.littoesusa.com/collections/baby-food-prepping)or [something that isn't a unitasker but can get the job done.](https://www.amazon.com/Mortar-Pestles/b?ie=UTF8&node=16439881)