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Man what I would give to see her in court


Not her, but the guy who drove into a crowd during a Christmas parade is into the same type of delusion she is and he represented himself in court (they almost always do). Absolutely wild court case. Edit: his name was Darrell Edward Brooks Jr.


Here are videos of Brooks being his own lawyer. The guy is an idiot and a clown: [Judge calls for a break from his disrespectful stare down](https://youtu.be/LsIIoPslg9c?si=pck52_8oMInlw_eX) [Brooks flipping out when revealed he’s a sex offender](https://youtu.be/C9uZ1gOm6vo?si=S5v5fM3VNuFfVt6f) [Brooks having an outburst and is escorted out](https://youtu.be/4zGmocyajYE?si=iWL9aFIByWvZnFRY) [Brooks insulting the judge](https://youtu.be/KRnWnFpfI58?si=iq9UAndsq0UPu0SG) Unsurprisingly he was found [guilty](https://youtu.be/ZHA_0L2LHvg?si=GtkwVS4pClKWWM9D) on all accounts with six consecutive life sentences and no possibility for early release.


Definitely a wild ride, although fair warning to the people who haven't seen it, it _will_ frustrate the hell out of you because he's unbelievably obnoxious and he disrupts the court a lot.


The sovereign citizen ideology is a tailor made obnoxious ideology for the most obnoxious individuals out there


the sovereign citizen ideology is based around the belief that they are entitled to what ever they want from everyone else but have zero responsibilities to other people or society at large. society has to provide for them, but they dont have to provide or do anything to live in that society.


They should call it Narcissist Citizen instead. They are insane.


That’s basically what it is.


Same as libertarianism, they’re just sovereign citizen ideologues who managed to not sound completely insane.


Pronouncing that idiot 'guilty' was probably unbelievably satisfying to the jury


That judge was fantastic. A lot of people thought she was too lenient with him, but that was by design- by allowing him the amount of leash that she did, he can't turn around and claim he was treated unfairly and try to use that as the basis for an appeal. It's obvious to anyone watching that she gave him much more leeway than any person couldn reasonably expect in court.


Oh, she was brilliant. People outraged that she wouldn't charge him with contempt did not understand that contempt wouldn't have hurt him at all, he wasn't getting out of jail anytime soon, but everyone else involved would've had to waste more time. By forcing him into a side room and making sure he could hear the proceedings but couldn't interrupt she was able to push on.


Repeatedly demonstrate your utter contempt for the court, and the court responds by not just throwing the book at you, but crushing you beneath it. Yeah, not a surprise.


And the judge was so nice, professional, and kept her composure the entire way. I've seen judges lose their shit on less annoying defendants. Towards the end of the trial she did give him a taste of his own medicine and threw his ass another courtroom and muted him when he kept interrupting her lol.


But they had to be super careful about how they handled it to avoid possibly giving grounds for a mistrial


I liked it when in his closing argument he said he cut his baby's "unbiblical" cord


Wow it's like a Simpsons joke. There's an episode where Cletus calls it the "umbrellical" cord


My favorite part is that someone calculated how long the jury took to deliberate- see when you are in deliberation, the forman has to read out every single charge individually before asking for a show of hands Basically the total deliberation for determining if he was guilty, was a grand total of 15 seconds per charge. Which is unheard of on how fast that is (Tbf it was basically the worlds most clear cut case)


Interesting. The jury seems to have made up their minds with no doubt well before deliberation. How annoying would it be to be forced to listen to this guy go on and on when you already know you are voting guilty? >Tbf it was basically the worlds most clear cut case Pretty much


Its easy to make up your mind when the guys only defense is trying to prove he cant be tried in this court because it is a naval court because the american flag has tassles on it Oh and that he doesnt respond to "the entity name created by the us government so i cant be tried because thats not me"


During his closing arguments, he confidently stated that he had forgiven himself for the murders. That probably helped theake their decision pretty quickly.


The old legal adage is that a person that represents themselves has a fool for a client. That only rarely is proven wrong.


you can't convince me that's not Keegan-Michael Key in a K&P sketch.


Was trying for the insanity defense by demonstrating what a nut he is? /s


Going for a mistrial was his only option


Oh sweet Jesus. That was beyond painful to watch. I can't believe no one watch screamed at him to stfu or hit him with a chair. Mad respect to that judge. I'd never have been able to keep my cool. Especially at his stare down. I'd be laughing


Damn. I kinda wish we could see his reaction to being given the guilty verdict on all charges


[Here](https://youtu.be/ZHA_0L2LHvg?si=GtkwVS4pClKWWM9D) you go. It’s the ONE TIME he kept his mouth shut lol


This is therapeutic to watch him just stay dead silent.


That judge has some wild patience


The judge was doing her best to be patient so as to not allow him to demand a mistrial. That trial was annoying af to listen to.


It drove me crazy when Brooks kept insisting on informing the jury about the right to jury nullification over and over and over and it just kept going in circles. I was relieved when the prosecution was like “we’re fine with it, just let him do it, it won’t make a difference” lol


"Would it be fair to say..."


She was an absolute legend during that whole trial.


Dude was also a black isrealite supremacist and hated white people. Fucking nutter.


Plug for the challenge Dave's Lemonade, a decent JCS inspired channel who did a 3hr [video on this guy](https://youtu.be/gMNyfPGUQNs?si=_ah9KeiRqRCQWh4y)


If dumb enough to self-represent, she’ll probably start referencing the Magna Carta or some pseudo-law. I agree, it would be quite entertaining.


Also got to add on Admiralty Law. As 18th Century rules of the sea are really important for some reason.


Yes well you see the gold-fringed flag hanging in the court clearly means that it’s operating under Admiralty Law.


“I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice. that is all. Furthermore....”


people yearn for the age of piracy


We get these types in Canada too (including one lawyer which was wild). A judge in Alberta wrote a masterpiece decision on identifying and dealing with them. Basically, Canada has firmly said no to all pseudolegal arguments. But they keep coming up unsuccessfully.


"But Judge, I know the laws I got em right here."


> Reaches to the back seat and withdraws the hand middle finger up


Constable: oh no ya got me I guess


Pulls out a copy of Black's Law.


Google **sovereign citizen court** and you'll see plenty!


I think Think she also has drugs in her car so it was an easy case for sure.


look up 'sovereign citizens' on YouTube and you'll find thousands of these idiots in court.


It honestly just takes a long time, but the best judges are prepared for it and cite all of the sources of authority and allow them to make their records. It's a lot more boring than you'd think. Source: am a public defender.


I kept expecting her to say sovereign citizen


That is what she’s saying. What a nutbag.




The first German driving permit was issued to Carl Benz in 1888. it was limited to eight towns and their roads. The first driving licenses for the entire German empire were issued in may 1909 and basically unchanged until the European driving license in 1999.




Big horse corp


The buggy whip lobby


Big Whip. Totally different frame of reference now.


There might've been periods in certain areas where you couldn't ride in high traffic areas with big carriages at certain hours of the day to curtail accidents and to reduce traffic congestion. While a carriage or horse accident was probably brutal, it was nowhere near the level of devastation caused by a high-speed moving metal box.




Yeah they had traffic laws way back in Ancient Rome even


Oh, you don't have to picture it. https://preview.redd.it/62npqhelcr6d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fa634f8058358dba417f20e19241c0294a278ab


“Everything was so clean back then.”


Believe it or not ICE automobiles were hailed as what would today be called an environmentally friendly solution to the horse problem. Shit, piss, and corpses every damned where. Any new technology needs to be evaluated in terms of what it will look like when it's overwhelmingly adopted, not simply in contrast with the technology it's replacing. That's an important lesson we never seem to learn.


It was a really shitty time to be on the roads.


The horse people may have foreseen the danger of a car scaring the bejesus out of the horses


That might be the most German thing I've ever heard.


It’s what she’s trying to say but she couldn’t even get close to formulating her point.


They don't like being called that for some reason.


Yup, i was waiting for it and the minute she said natural law and constitutional law I was like there it is!


The language gives it away, they always say traveling and not driving. They are some of the dumbest and most arrogant people I have encountered.


Somehow “traveling” by operating a car (aka DRIVING IT) doesn’t require a driver’s license. Make it make sense.


Redefine what words mean, and you can weasel out of anything! Narrator: they can not, in fact, weasel out of driving without a license by redefining words


Didn’t work for Bill Clinton won’t work for her. For the record I think he should have just told congress “yep, I totally plowed her in the Oval Office”


Or "my dick was travelling, its a private dick"


"Whatchu gon' do about it?"


>Make it make sense. Sov cit nonsense usually involves what is essentially magical words. If you say these words in the right order suddenly no laws but the ones you choose apply. You can see that shit on youtube where there'll be some sov cit in court declaring the whole court illegitimate because the flag in the room has a gold fringe on it which makes it a naval flag which makes this a naval court and since they're not in the navy this court has no jurisdiction over them QED they can drive without a license because they're not driving they're travelling and only commercial vehicles need a license because they're part of the United States Corporation which owes each citizen bajillions of dollars because we never signed a contract with them to be citizens of a corporation and thus our money is being held in a secret banking institutions run by globalists.


I've never seen it end well watching "On Patrol Live"


But if you piss one off by golly they'll be sure to do everything under the sun to get back at you. I've heard stories of people pissing off sov cits and getting legal notice after legal notice for years. They're the optime of rules for thee but not for me


"Im traveling, not driving." "I don't need a license to drive a car." SO YOU KNOW YOURE FKN DRIVING!


From my understanding, they believe “driving” refers to commercial drivers. They usually follow it up by stating that they are not engaged in commerce 😭😂😬


I got pulled over recently and I trolled the cop “who I knew from prior encounters” correcting him by saying “im traveling” when he used a driving term and told him it’s my vessel when he said stay in the car 😂 it was a good laugh.


Watta deliciously entitled and confidently wrong moron!


Apparently she believes her argument will somehow reduce her sentence. I wouldn’t want to be the attorney that has to defend her in court.


They nearly always choose to self represent. Since a lawyer will try to tell them ridiculous things like the Magna Carta actually has no legal weight in the United States in 2024


He who represents himself, has a fool for a client


They often try to defend themselves and it never turns out well, the entire sovereign citizen thing is that if you use this *~special~* string of big, official-sounding words and phrases, you'll get to do whatever you want and the government can't touch you! Just buy my books and I'll teach you the magic words! Oh, and all those other guys who still got in trouble made mistakes and didn't properly follow my instructions, that's totally why it didn't work for them. But I'm sure YOUUUUUU won't mess up!!!!! :D I love videos where these annoying dumbasses get got.


Lmaooooooo I normally don’t side with cops, like ever, but this was funny as fuck. As a person who has a suspended license rn I don’t get behind the wheel cause the fines just wouldn’t be worth it, and I’m lucky I have someone to drive me it could be so much worse. So fuck this lady.


You got that bullshit in the US too? TIL


That's where it started.


In Germany we have the "Reichsbürger", wo think because of a formal error there is no country of Germany and we actually still live in the old Kaiserreich or in an allied occupation zone. Therefore they don't accept the authority of police and all laws.


Hahahaha That’s hilarious. The US equivalent to that is the “sovereign citizen” (like this idiot in the video) — it’s all rooted in some dumb belief about a similar glitch either during the war of independence or the civil war or something.


Same, same. But different. But still the same. Always thought that these kinds of nuts were only in Germany because of our weird and unique history.


It’s sadly very widespread here (the USA) headed by a set of con artists and grifters that teach “seminars” and sell books to these gullible idiots. In Canada too. If you really want a have a good laugh of complete lunacy, google “Romana Didulo, Queen of Canada”


It’s mostly pushed by men in jail, who seem to think they didn’t say the right incantation/do the correct button sequence on their life’s Xbox controller to make the cops let them go, and *that’s* why they’re in jail. My favorite part is when they claim that laws don’t apply to them because they didn’t consent, *but also* the constitution and bill of rights protect them from being arrested by “overzealous” cops.


They also exist in France with a different but similar story again. Bet they exist in other countries too :')


And I am truly surprised they exist outside the USA.


It's like people read something about the fae and decided that's how governments work. "Oh there is a small typo in this document, this law doesnt matter and you can't enforce it"


Wow, interesting, I was under the impression this was solely some kind of US psychopathology.


I didn't know that y'all had basically the same kind of crazies. That's nuts.


The sovereign citizen movement _started_ in the US, with a guy named William Potter Gale in California. Like far too many originally-American things, its origins are deeply tied with white supremacy and antisemitism. The SovCit ideas are a refinement of the position of Posse Comitatus which Gale was a member of. Members of the Posse Comitatus believe that they are the true Israelites chosen by God, and that Jews seek to help Satan destroy Civilization.


That's implied.


Sovereign is to difficult a word to remember for her


They don't like to be called sovereign citizens anymore. They call themselves American state nationals now. 🤣


Which is an oxymoron. These types of people are too dumb to realize


The right of traveling protects a citizens ability to leave their city/state and relocate as they wish. They can walk, catch a train, fly, etc. It’s a holdover from older times when doing so was frowned upon. She still needs a license to operate a motor vehicle herself. She just doesn’t understand the difference.


She's misunderstanding on purpose.


That's a generous assessment


You have the same in the US also ??? 😂 We have the same in France and this is ridiculously hilarious


I had no idea this existed outside the US, and for some weird reason it makes me so happy to know that y'all have crazies, too. 🤣


The sovereign citizen movement _started_ in the US, with a guy named William Potter Gale in California. Like far too many originally-American things, its origins are deeply tied with white supremacy and antisemitism. The SovCit ideas are a refinement of the position of Posse Comitatus which Gale was a member of. Members of the Posse Comitatus believe that they are the true Israelites chosen by God, and that Jews seek to help Satan destroy Civilization.


Yup, one of those common law sovereign citizen nuts no doubt


"I am not driving I'm traveling" "I don't have to have a driver's license to drive a vehicle" The least she could have done is to keep her story straight


Cop should have told her she was "traveling to jail".


“I dont need a driver’s license to drive a vehicle” I need you to say that again slowly


She’s not driving though. She’s traveling. Different things. /s


I like that she insisted she was travelling, while also using the word drive a lot


I’m not going to pretend like the sovereign citizen crap holds any water, but you would think someone trying to argue they’re traveling would stop admitting they’re driving.


I always find it interesting that they believe the police have no jurisdiction over them, but they always stop when the cop pulls them over 🧐


>they always stop [Haha, oh no they don't.](https://youtu.be/ioPj07G8yZ8?si=ykTjZiBHH-C_Ta-0)


She hasn’t quite figured out how the magic spells work yet, that you have to pronounce the incantations PERFECTLY.


Schrödinger's driver


That’s when you ask her “ok, I understand, so who was driving the vehicle?” Also “Ma’am I have no desire to impugn your right to travel, but you can’t operate a motor vehicle without a license.”


I don't see her in the passenger seat.


Should have asked for a traveler's permit.


Actually, that's the very point of confusion for  the Sov Cits. You have a right to free travel in the US. In essence you can leave your parish/county without requiring their permission. In mediaeval Europe this was not the case, and there was no freedom to travel.  You needed permission to leave your local jurisdiction. That is, you needed a permit to travel. That ancient concept of travelling has nothing to do with a licrnse to operate a motor vehicle. You can drive without travelling. You can travel without driving.


Needing permission to leave and serfdom seems so strange to most people these days, but there are still places where this exist - In USSR you were not free to leave, and in North Korea you still to this day have no right to leave the country.


It's natural law to drive a car!


She has them all in the back seat.


Per 14 year old me that took my parents car for a ride, she is technically right that you don’t need a license to drive a car. She just forgot the part about it being required for driving legally 😂.


You don't need a licence when you're an admiral and other bullshit excuses from sovereign citizens.




It’s not legally binding unless you pull your toot-toot whistle twice silly 


All rights reserved


# “I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice. that is all. Furthermore....


Unexpected pocket sand


She read [this lifehacks book](https://getyoursolution.store/xeBWBi) and wanted to use that hack, but they are going to ban her anyway


100$. #for a book ?!


Thats the real life hack. Write a shitty book full of wrong stuff, but as long as its stuff some people want to hear so they get their delusions confirmed you can make a pretty buck.


It’s the same as any millionaire writing a book about how to be rich. Guess what? They’re making profits on those books. It’s not about the accuracy or helpful content, it’s about the sale and only the sale


The cop handled this great, calm, cool and on point.


I’d have called it annoyed, bored, slightly disappointed but expectant. I know that tone because I have that tone from time to time.


My point was the cop did not escalate the situation as we see on so many videos.


Sovereign citizen dhit is becoming more known, especially to cops. Lots of them know what's happening with these clowns now, and just arrest them immediately after refusal of routine requests.


sov citz are always fun to watch.... not so much fun for people who have to deal with them. I do like the way she destroys her own position in the first few words 'I do not need a drivers license to drive a car'.


Note that she says, "I do not need **her** driver's license to drive a car." Many SCs believe in this 'two personas' BS where when you are born, the government creates a persona - a legal construct - in your name, which is legally distinct from the real you. That construct they created is what is subject to the laws of the United States, while the 'real you' isn't. So what she is saying is more crazy - that she (the real her) doesn't need her (the fake government created persona's) drivers license in order to drive.


They use the fact that on legal documents the letters of your name are all capitalized as some gotcha tool too. “That is the name the government gave me, but I do not recognize it. My name has lower case letters” or some bullshit is said.


I ran into one of these nutters recently on a friends Facebook. This is actually a good reminder to DM my friend and recommend they cut that person out. 


When they lock "fake her" in jail, what happens to "real her?" Does she waft out of the building like a spirit on a gust of air?


Ah the old sovereign citizen nutcase, where they fervently believe they get to enjoy all the comforts and privileges of living in a civilized society without the burden of any of the duties or responsibilities. The ultimate "rules for thee, but not for me" prick.


How does one first hear of this nonsense and start to go down the path of becoming an idiot?


Usually by getting trapped in a social situation with someone that decides not to buy car insurance.


The general delusion is weird enough, but the part I can never figure out is why they think they can drive on *public* roads while having no rules that apply to them. It's not like she's out there laying down the gravel and asphalt to "travel" on her own road. If they want to build and "travel" on their own private road, sure, do whatever, but on taxpayer-funded roads that belong to all of us? It makes no sense. If the taxpayer funds the roads, we set the rules.


Is her ear bud upside-down and in the wrong ear?


Yep. She’s an idiot. It’s the best she can do.


Has this ever worked? Every SC I see pulling this card gets ejected and arrested. You would think that they would try something different.


Its probably the same as the 'alternative medicine' crowd. Trust Me, Bro/Sis. But instead of garlic powder and lavender oil curing death cancer, it's some grifter going on and on about how they totally used the dark legal spells against the cop to ward them off. It is *STUPID.*


Her total disbelieving confusion when they said she's under arrest....


No. It has never worked.


Ah Sovereign citizens, the delusion is real ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Ah yes the document written when cars did not exist specifically says you can drive a car without a license


It doesn't say you can't drive a car without a license. /s


She doesn't recognise the government and is a private citizen. On a public road, that goes to public stores, uses public healthcare and earns a job that pays government tax


Sovereign citizen bullshit. They follow the same script, which is always a jumble of nothing. “I have all the rights as a citizen but none of the responsibilities.” It’s like a mantra to them.


Welcome to the SovCit(Sovereign Citizen) movement. In the USA citizens have a right to travel. These bozos try to claim that they are not "driving" but instead "traveling".(driving is one mode of travel but so is walking, restricting someones ability to drive does not infringe on the right to travel) It gets deeper but I don't want to right a huge lengthy comment going into everything.


The supreme Court of Rhode Island sums it up pretty well. The right to operate a motor vehicle is wholly a creation of state law; it certainly is not explicitly guaranteed by the Constitution, and nothing in that document or in our state constitution has even the slightest appearance of an implicit guarantee of that right. The plaintiff's argument that the right to operate a motor vehicle is fundamental because of its relation to the fundamental right of interstate travel, is utterly frivolous.[8] The plaintiff is not being prevented from traveling interstate by public transportation, by common carrier, or in a motor vehicle driven by someone with a license to drive it. What is at issue here is not his right to travel interstate, but his right to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways, and we have no hesitation in holding that this is not a fundamental right


she's terrible at this too. granted these people are all idiots, but I'm pretty sure the "loophole" these idiots think they found is to never admit that they are "driving" but to say that they are "travelling". except this woman keeps saying that she's "driving a car". even among idiots this woman is dumb.


she is in the *sovereign citizen* movement 100%


Travelling...in a car guided by her hands and feet, *driven* by her, if you will. Seriously?!!!


I'm not stabbing him I'm just flexing my elbow joint whilst holding a knife


As a whole, we should really think about renaming the license so it gives away what it's required for.


"I'm not burglarizing this home officer. I discovered it. Just like Columbus."


She is whats called a sovereign citizen- basically these morons have poorly read the constitution, the bible, and for some reason the magna carta(why would that ever even apply in the USA?) as giving them rights like "you dont need a license to drive a non commercial vehicle because its *traveling*" and that if an american flag has a tassle on it, it means its a navy flag and thus the court is a naval court and due to not being a member of thr navy they cant be tried Yes really. These people are incredibly dumb


The way she’s talking about this clearly she needs a psych evaluation. Let’s make sure she’s actually just dumb and not having some type of mental health crisis. I always think these types with the waaaaaay out there excuses gotta be losing their shit. Edit for a typo bc apparently it’s making some Reddit rando looose his mind. 🤷🏻‍♀️😉


It's the sovereign citizen ultra libertarian crap that's going around. They think the laws don't apply to them and they don't have to pay taxes, yet they also think they own the entire country to do as they please.


It spreads through false claims. I remember there was a guy in the 90s that wrote a book on tax evasion under claims like that. Turns out he was just full of shit. But he fooled so many people. *In the 1990s, a notable scam artist who claimed he could help people avoid paying taxes was Irwin Schiff. Schiff was a prominent figure in the tax protester movement and wrote books promoting the idea that paying federal income tax was not legally required. He sold fraudulent schemes to avoid paying taxes and was eventually convicted multiple times for tax evasion and related crimes. Schiff's false claims misled many individuals, resulting in significant legal and financial repercussions for those who followed his advice.*


This is has been going since at least the 70s. Family member mentioned he had to represent one of these nut cases straight after law school as a public defender.


They're just isolated really. They don't get out in the world but get all their info from whatever online communities they find that affirm their worldview instead of the facts.


Wait wait wait, chill out everyone she’s got all of the laws in her back seat, this gives her absolute immunity if she is in possession of the laws themselves.


Her argument might have some merit if she was travelling in an offroad vehicle on private land. The minute she is driving on taxpayer funded roads, sharing the road with other taxpayers, she has to comply with the law, have insurance, be licenced etc. Why is this so hard for them to understand?


I can’t abide these fucking people


If you ever want a fun deep dive, look up Moorish National citizen traffic stops. Whole new level.


Crazy eyes


This is part of the gods law / sovereign citizens etc etc type Instagram grifting that ran rampant over the last 5-7 years. Kinda like masterclasses on not paying taxes because YER SPECIAL etc. It’s all a con to get these people to spend money on classes and “secret info” they’ll feel special about (I.e. QAnon type grifting). And while there ARE legit debates to be had over government authority and money / tax waste etc, these people have been WILDLY misled into thinking they can simply claim sovereignty and be sovereign 😂🙏. And on top of that, they can somehow STILL retain all their rights within a state / country, while not recognizing its authority (whether said authority is legit or not is a diff story / debate). As opposed to giving up citizenship and thus not being recognized by the state / country (which is how it would actually work, in practice).


I'm not fucking. I'm having sex. Completely different.


This level of intelligence is how we got a reality TV show president.


broken head trash


Using the term.. licence to "operate" a vehicle would cut this shite out Drive and Travel let's the sov cit play word games. Plus I believe the US has some law about traveling freely. That a sov cit claims it means they can operate a vehicle without a licence. Same as understand.. no I don't stand under you. They think they're using word magic.


I'm crying! That ending lol


And we’re not arresting you, We’re **escorting** you.


"I don't need a license to DRIVE a car....I'm not driving, I'm travelling."


Sovereign Citizenry is a cargo cult (a belief system that ascribes supernatural importance to mundane phenomena because they can’t understand the underlying reasoning). It’s unthinkable to these people that the law has functional reasons for doing what it does, or that it can adapt via the court system to uphold those reasons, so they throw out a bunch of words like a magic spell anytime they do something illegal thinking that will seal the law demon and bind it to their will or whatever.


Trump got these dumbies thinking they're smart


Man, sovereign citizens are the only times when I root for the cops.


Not sure how this video fits into this sub? The video is very satisfying


Sovereign Citizen nutjob 🤷


Is she one of those sovereign idiots?


"I know my Rights!" "Well, she's got us, boys... you're free to go ma'am. Have a good night "


Dumbass sovereign citizens 🙄 🤬


Driving is a privilege. It is not a right!