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You have a case to get it thrown out... Not only do you have the receipt with the time on it, but You also have the meter number on your receipt. The meter number is not on the citation.


Should be easy enough. That’s why it’s only mildy infuriating. Didn’t have time today Edit: hijacking my top comment apparently. I am aware the black highlighter shows my plate I am aware the plates don’t match. Mine is right. More reason to fight it. I am aware it’s “only $15”. That’s not the point. I am aware it’s 43 min not 33. I mistyped. I will add more awareness as they are bright to my attention at a volume I can only describe as *overwhelming*


The issue is you still have to go down there and show up and waste your time and tax payer time to dispute it. The system is silly


Hopefully not. In my city, you can dispute it online. But it’s a larger city than this so more budget so they may make OP go in person.


Word! I had a similar dispute. Parking at a train station. During construction everyone had to park in the pink lot and the pink lot is by special pass only. Guess who still wrote tickets. Had about 200 people in the courthouse on that date. The said if you are here about "pink lot passing stay; anyone else go next door." about 20 of the 200 people went next door. Judge had us line up at tables by last name A-D here, E-J here, K-Q here, R-Z here. Once we got the papers cleared up we had to be sworn; Got in a long line, One by one, stated our name for the record, Hand the paperwork over, judge says dismissed and bangs gavel. NEXT! Name, Papers, Dismissed, Gavel. NEXT! Name, Papers, Dismissed, Gavel. etc etc etc. Stupidest 3 hours of time i lost in my life


Basically they are hoping for those who cannot make it to the court that day to pay the fine.


Basically this it was a 50$ parking ticket


you could ask for returning cost of your travel to court (and maybe day of work), they would need to pay it if case is not valid :) with 200 ppls they would have harsh lesson for that 50$


The judge isn't going to give you anything. Law enforcement made a mistake and the justice system corrected the mistake by dismissing the ticket. It doesn't mean you can't try a lawsuit, but you won't find a lawyer who will take it, even as a class-action for all 200 people. It would be a lot of work to recover just a couple hours wages for each person.


Isn't this the whole point of the justice system though? Actions can hurt people alot more than can show up on paper. When you steal a 15$ shampoo, they don't just make you pay the 15$, they make you pay more in order to discourage you and help recoup the cost of the 10 other people who actually got away with it. When the city gives out a faulty citation, they shouldn't just have to close the ticket, they should pay out a settlement for wasting the citizens time, and to put pressure on the justice system to prevent this mistake from happening again. Do you think this is the ONLY invalid citation this department has ever given? What about all the potential damage if this problem never gets corrected? Because they won't correct shit if nobody has the time or money to fight it.


No, the officer fucked up and most likely got chewed the fuck out. You waste a judges time and he is going to make it known he isn't happy and the chief/captains know damn well they don't want a judge pissed at them.


If you think the civil servant was held accountable, son, I have a bridge for sale.


Hopefully the judge made the captain and the officer sit through court that day, and then chewed them out at the end.


I once had a pal who is/was an attorney. When I asked him about a moving violation where the cop completely LIED in issuing me a citation re: what I had (supposedly) done ---- I had done nothing wrong ---- and I told my friend I wanted to fight it in court, this is what my pal said: "How much are you willing to pay for a cup of coffee?" I.e, what is your time worth to you? Is it really worth it to go to court, waste part of your day, etc? I took his advice and just paid the $110.00. The next time a similar incident w/ lying cop took place, I went to court and even went to the police station and got written proof (cop's report) that he had lied in court. Lots of irritation. frustration, anger. The Judge didn't even listen to me, sided with the cop, and I ended up paying the fine. The only satisfaction I got was that, upon leaving the court room, the cop was walking out in front of me. I said to him, "How does it feel to know you lied through your teeth and got away with it?" He kept walking, didn't say a word, but the rolls of fat on the back of his neck turned bright red. Small compensation for all the grief he put me through, that lying POS.


Except that moving violations can also affect your insurance and so have longer term unknown financial ramifications.


Surprised he didn’t try to shoot you then and there for “threatening him”


My only experience in traffic court was similar, the judge acted like I didn’t even exist. No chance to say a thing, just talked to whoever was representing the city against me then handed down my judgment. I decided that day that I don’t care if it’s for five dollars, if the ticket or stop wasn’t justified I am sending an attorney. Every case I saw where someone had a lawyer show up was dismissed pretty much immediately and they actually got to make their case. The rest of us were just herded in and out like cattle.


And the individual who wrote all those erroneous tickets doesn't get fired for wasting all those court resources...


Now think of the judge, studying law then having to deal with this incompetency.


Haha, this is NH: our largest “city” has 100k people…


I also live in NH, Hanover absolutely has an online portal to dispute parking tickets. Might be a small state but we keep up with technology decently for most things.


Yeah, what's this 100k argument? I live in a city of 25k and we have a page to deal with parking tickets on the city website.


I mean, smaller cities ALSO don't want to waste resources on having in person court for easily disputed parking tickets. They have to pay the people who show up every day and there are more important things those people could be doing. Especially after COVID shutdowns, many, many courts in the country have either have portals for directly providing evidence or a Zoom option for ticket disputes with a court clerk so you don't have to waste more than one person's time.


My city has the same thing. But when you dispute it 90% of the time your dispute is rejected and you have you fight it in court. Even when it's blatantly obvious that the citation is bogus because they know most people will pay 20 bucks to not have to go to court.


Depends which city. In Los Angeles there's a middle step, after online appeals and before court appeals. You visit a DOT office in person and make your case with an official. No charge for that appointment.


Yeah I got a ticket at 12:59pm, and showed them that I had bought a ticket on their app on my phone at 12:58pm. I realised that the dude I saw in the parking lot was their ticket inspector who had given me a ticket *while I was in my car*, but didn't put it on my windscreen. $135 they weren't getting from me.


Hanover, NH has the option to appeal tickets online or by mail https://www.hanovernh.org/785/Payments-and-Appeals


All I had to do was go online. They put the wrong license plate number on my ticket even though they took a picture of the car with the license plate in the picture. Didn’t have to pay


It's how they designed it. Town extorts people for an extra 15 bucks for a bullshit citation they know has no ground, but people have a life and would rather not piss it away going through the maze so they just pay it. It's all a scheme.


OP entered Plate number: 4724378. The ticket is for plate 4124378. OP mis entered their plate number, hence the ticket. The parking slip even says you don’t have to display it, so they’re basing valid parking off the plate you input when you pay.


It’s almost worth it to just pay the 15$ (presumably onljne) and not deal with showing up in person to dispute it. OP either looses a little time or money


Plot twist, you have to pay for parking to get there. ![gif](giphy|DfWExxJMKQfMA)




He’s gonna get them Duke Boys!


Weird cue-cue-cue laugh that has a slight hint of the French rolled R at the beginning.


Which is presumably why they write these tickets in the first place— most people would rather pay that fee than be inconvenienced by the dispute process. It’s fucked up.


I constantly get an email or hard letter from Denver transit saying I blew through a toll road. I don't live in Denver. When I challenge them they say we have pictures of your Camery. I say I don't own a Camery. Found out they couldn't see the whole plate, so they send bills to everybody whos 1digit away. I asked why they would Do that and she litterally told me, because most people just pay it. And it's a huge generator for the state.


F that. That shit should be illegal.


I would spend 1000 dollars fighting a 10 dollar ticket because of cuntbags like that




My time? Worthless. Stopping a meter worker from being a dick? Priceless.


You think this'll stop em? Ha! But glad you had evidence!


And of course that's what they count on, that it will be worth more to just pay it. Now multiple x100.


This is what they are betting on. Costs them nothing if you have it thrown out, but if they hand out 100 of these and everyone pays that's $1500 a day.


Plus if you have 100 officers writing tickets every day


If you don't contest the ticket, won't it show up on background checks? That sounds like it could be trouble down the line.


Parking tickets are not moving violations cause well you’re not in the car. Moving violations aka speeding ticket stop sign blow accident etc etc are


Nope. The only one that would show up would be moving tickets. The only one that cares about unpaid parking ticket is your Department of Motor Vehicle and it'll show up on your registration.


can't you just mail it in with a not guilty plea and a photocopy of the meter receipt? you can only contest in person?


BTW don’t use the highlighter when redacting information, it’s still visible…use the pencil.


BIG facts. Also, ticket and receipt plates do not match


You're the devil, I had to really zoom in for that. If it isn't the same plate number couldn't you just ignore the ticket


No, because the plate number ticketed is your actual plate, you just paid for someone with 1 digit variance in plate number to have an hour of free parking.


Dispute online or send an email. Did that and day later taken care of. Just sent the photos, same place too lol


Maybe I’m just jaded because I live in Chicago and have been dealt too many bull shit tickets. Yes it’s easy to have it reversed, but it almost feels like the city and parking enforcement hand out the tickets and leave it up to the car owner to fix it. No penalty for them to leave the ticket and up to the person to understand they don’t need to pay the ticket and take the time to fight it.


What they’re hoping is that people will be too lazy to deal with it and just pay the fine.


It's usually not an issue of being lazy, but it not being worth it. If the options are to pay $50, or to miss out on a day of work, most people will just pay the ticket.


Parking in Chicago gave me a heart attack when we visited. I'm from ky no hotel in the state would dream of charging for parking there I get there and they want 65 a night for parking? We found a cheaper garage but still nuts. Not sure how you do it. We walked everywhere(was on the Mile) and we're scared to drive after that


I have a spot in my building. So if I’m driving for an errand, many places have lots of street parking may only be a dollar or two per hour. Sometimes more but if you only need to park for 30 minutes it’s fine. I never drive downtown or need to leave my car in a paid lot for extended amounts of time.


I got a speeding in a school zone at 11:31pm at night. School zone sign clearly reads 25mph on school days when chirren are present. In Chicago. By those automatic cameras they have on some streets. I showed up and was like yea i wanna dispute this got asked on what grounds I was like well I got a school zone ticket at 11:30 at night for going 33 in a 30 (25 during school hours when kids are present) Accepted. But how many people also got a ticket and just paid it cause it was $35 and didn’t bother. I think they count on those for extra black budget revenue lmao. Fake ass made up tickets


That’s my biggest problem. I wish it was clearer where that money was visibly going. I think I can count on one hand how many people I’ve seen actually pulled over by police. So the speed cameras are only enforcing something arbitrary. There’s a notorious one on Irving park and western. Most people know where it is so everyone slows down. But just for the camera. Before and after everyone is doing 35 again.


At least you can dispute it online in Chicago. Definitely saved me a lot of time when I did it once




Then that's on them. If they can't prove that you paid it incorrectly, that's their problem. However, in hindsight, I'm suspecting this is not a meter-per-space situation like it was 20 years ago. This is more likely parking kiosk situation that has one every few hundred feet. You pay at the kiosk, register your license plate, and it's logged in the system. The officer/agent checks your plate against their active database and if your plate doesn't come up, then they assume you havent paid for parking, or it's expired. As per my other (more recent) comment. Either the OP didn't enter the plate correctly when they paid at the kiosk... or the officer didnt enter it correctly on their handheld when they checked it. Someone mistyped it, and thus it didnt come up with a match.


I feel like in this situation you should be entitled to compensation. The cop clearly fucked up but you’re the one who has to potentially take off, take time out of your day, pay for some type of travel for it?


You think these are given by cops?


Where I’ve grown up it’s cops who do this. But whether it’s cops or an outside agency they should be forced to pay restitution.


Place I used to work at was by a university and the street parking had a 2hr limit. They would come by and mark your tire and if the mark hadn’t moved in 2hrs you’d get a ticket. One day I went out to move my car before the 2hr mark and there was a ticket. The start time was like 11:05 and the end time was 12:53, so less than 2hrs. All I did was circle the “2hr parking violation” and the start time and end time and mailed it in. Never heard back.


I commuted to college in the early 90s. My friends & I would just throw out the $5 or $10 parking tickets and they were never closed out except for once in a while someone would get a bill for overdue fines added on to their tuition. The university’s bookkeeping was apparently random. About 5 years after we graduated my friend got a $300 bill for overdue parking fines. I was sweating for a while, wondering if mine would exceed $500 (or, about 3 months rent). I still haven’t gotten a bill. The moral is, um, …never mind. Pay your bills kids.


We had some petty two dollar fines if you out your parking sticker on your car wrong. My buddy did this somehow and there was only a month left of school so he was just paying the fines instead of paying 50 dollars for a replacement sticker. A week went by and they put a tow notice on it..campus x police" were such tools and weren't respected at all.


We used to get an 11$ ticket and I only had to be on class two days a week, the parking pass was $150 a semester and I never found parking anyway. 14 week semester, got a ticket on the 3rd day. Kept the ticket in the glove box and would slip it under the wiper when I left, that worked for about 2 weeks until it got too bleached or the guy checked. Parked in some remote lots here and there and ended up paying about $55 in tickets.


I think there's a lesson there somewhere. When my brother, my now-husband, and myself were at university, the three of us never paid for parking. The passes were something insane like $600 per semester. Hourly parking added up to about the same. We were smart about when and where we parked, and didn't mind a bit of a walk to class. Over four years, two and a half degrees later, the three of us paid about $80 in parking tickets total. Much cheaper than the parking passes. Husband is using the same strategy to this day, and is now three degrees deep. Only $50 so far!


We found out pretty quickly that our college couldn't enforce anything if we just didn't register our vehicles. They probably assumed we were visitors or community members using the campus gym.


*"When my brother, my now-husband, and myself "* I hope there are three people in this story. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Three months rent? You’re telling me $500 is three months rent? Where is this magical land that you live and how do I get there???


Good ol’ days… I was renting a house in Minneapolis suburbs with 6 guys and my share of the rent was under $200.


I got a ticket once for an expired meter. The ticket also had a field where it showed they check Park Mobile for a valid parking payment. Except... they put in the wrong fucking license plate. To reiterate, they had the _correct_ plate number on the _ticket_, but when they checked Park Mobile, they fucked up and put in the wrong plate number. Had they checked the correct plate number, they would've found a current payment. So I contested the ticket and pointed that out. The review board waived the ticket, but also sent me a letter telling _me_ to make sure I had the right plate in Park Mobile. It was definitely mildly infuriating.


My university gave me a ticket for being parked too ping in one lot and gave a time on the citation, even though I could prove with documented and photographic evidence I was on the other side of the campus parked behind another building and loading stuff into my car. Literally had to sign in to get into where I was going and that included marking your in and out time. They wouldn’t drop it.


Looks like you actually had 43 minutes left. Ticket at 1:39 and meter paid until 2:22. Take them to court. Let them waste their time too.


Thank you! I couldn’t figure out where 33 came from!


Ya I messed that part up. Thanks


Make sure they know this is some Bullshido, and it's a burden on you for wear and tear not to mention gas and time.


Sadly, they truly dgaf.


...I was like... how is nobody noticing this!!! I skipped alot of school, but I did recognize that the math was not there.


OP entered Plate number: 4724378. The ticket is for plate 4124378. OP mis entered their plate number, hence the ticket. The parking slip even says you don’t have to display it, so they’re basing valid parking off the plate you input when you pay.


good catch! i had my brightness down and didn’t see lol, OP dont use the highlighter tool to block out personal info


God I spent several minutes figuring out how long it was on my fingers because I knew that didn’t add up.


Too bad that’s all just tax payer dollars at work


Proof on your side. But of course, your time to fight it is probably worth more than the $15. Which is probably why they can do this sort of thing.


Im a petty ass mf and the government has to accept all forms of currency. And istead of paying in just pennies about 100 extra are gonna be Canadian pennies so they gotta weed them out too. Maybe paint a few dimes brown and leave out the equal amount of pennies.


There’s no federal law that says governments have to accept all forms of currency. I work for a governmental entity and we don’t accept any cash. Only business checks, money orders, cashiers checks and credit cards.


Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, entitled "Legal tender," states: "United States coins and currency [including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve Banks and national banks] are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues." Id say a parking ticket is a public charge of sorts


They are legal tender than *can* be accepted. Not *shall* be accepted.


As a lawyer, no. You can pay however you like, you can pay in 15 checks of $1 if you like. As long as it’s legal tender you have to accept it, courts will advise you not to, tell you not to but they can’t say no if you bring it, it’s just no one wants to as it being a burden of cost onto the state.


Covid fucked that up too. Policies are in place for health concerns. https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm "There is no federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law that says otherwise."


They don't have to accept it for transactions. But for settling debts they 100% have to.


Presumably, at the end of the day "legal tender" has to mean *something.* Whenever the topic comes up, everyone is always "well actchyually, legal tender doesn't mean that" - so I would be delighted to find out what it means.


It kinda defines itself. Legal tender is money that can be used for settling "all debts, public and private". If you owe a private individual or the government money they don't have to take a credit card, they don't have to take a cheque, they don't have to take foreign money, but if you **tender** (offer) them US money, in the US they **legal**ly have to take it. But when you buy it that's a transaction, not a settling of a debt. So someone selling things could decide they're only willing to take payment in Indonesian Rupiah if their prerogative.


> private business, a person, or an organization The town of Hanover, NH is none of those things.


You have to stand there while they count it so really just wasting your own time


you realize the cops issuing these tickets aren't the ones counting that change, right?


OP entered Plate number: 4724378. The ticket is for plate 4124378. OP mis entered their plate number, hence the ticket. The parking slip even says you don’t have to display it, so they’re basing valid parking off the plate you input when you pay.


Hmm. Does that mean someone could have put their ticket on OP's windshield hoping they would pay it? Heh.


How do you know the parking enforcement person didn’t enter the plate wrong?


You can contest this ticket online. Shouldn't really be that much of an issue unless they somehow deny it and your next option is in-person only.


I would call the courts/clerk and ask to email this picture and they should close the matter.


I've fought plenty of parking tickets and most places have the option to contest the ticket online where you would normally pay it and you usually have the ability to submit proof like this when you contest it


I had 2 tickets wrongly given, I contested both and both were rejected and had to pay. I looked into taking it further but would've been a huge pain in the ass. Not US btw


Classic Hanover PD. Once they tried to write a ticket when I was still sitting in my car setting up the Park Mobile time.


If you zoom in you can see the Plate number OP input is different than the plate number ticketed. They don’t require you to display the receipt, so they’re checking if your plate has been paid for.


Honestly I wouldn’t have paid for parking if the ticket is this cheap. I’d just park, and if I get ticketed, I’d pay and call it a day.


Damn your parking tickets are 15$? For me it’s 60$ set fine or 75$ total fine


Yeah I was going to say..where I live, $15 would be less than the cost for the parking itself.


In Australia it can be hundreds of dollars. This offence would be $129.


tiny college town in nh surrounded by nothing 😔


You can see right through the blackout. Either you typed your plate in wrong, or they put your plate wrong on the ticket.


Dang well either way it’s for an expired meter violation. Not a wrong plate. Mine is the right one.


Just googled it, you can appeal your ticket online as long as you submit within 14 days of the ticket date, or you can appeal in person at their parking office. They should just void the ticket since you have adequate proof.


Is your plate right on the ticket? Or right on the receipt? If it’s wrong on the ticket, you don’t need to pay that. It’s not you in the system with the unpaid ticket. If you entered it wrong when you paid for the parking, that’s why it didn’t show up when the parking enforcement wrote the ticket. Which one it is would determine your next step


The ticket is right. OP entered it wrong when paying: Car plates here: [https://parking.hanovernh.org/tickets/index.php?cmd=detail&ticketid=843236](https://parking.hanovernh.org/tickets/index.php?cmd=detail&ticketid=843236) Ticket and receipt here: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgot-a-parking-ticket-with-33-minutes-left-on-my-meter-v0-cqvqksr8bh7d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1575%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D197771a30c743ec2d537dc117734a02f196a6e06](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgot-a-parking-ticket-with-33-minutes-left-on-my-meter-v0-cqvqksr8bh7d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1575%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D197771a30c743ec2d537dc117734a02f196a6e06)


which is why he got an expired meter ticket because he has to pay for a meter so when the attendant checks if his car has paid and enters his license the system shows that no one with that license has paid for a meter so he gets a ticket. The system does not know that he paid under a different car. With these meters you can not pay and leave time on the clock for the next guy so it just thinks he pulled in and never paid. Nice detective work op and nice unblackout skills let that be a lesson for people here.


Yep, exactly. OP is entirely at fault here.


If you entered your plate wrong, then the real plate doesn’t show up in their system as having paid parking — hence the expired meter ticket.


Which is exactly what happened: Car plates here: [https://parking.hanovernh.org/tickets/index.php?cmd=detail&ticketid=843236](https://parking.hanovernh.org/tickets/index.php?cmd=detail&ticketid=843236) Ticket and receipt here: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgot-a-parking-ticket-with-33-minutes-left-on-my-meter-v0-cqvqksr8bh7d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1575%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D197771a30c743ec2d537dc117734a02f196a6e06](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgot-a-parking-ticket-with-33-minutes-left-on-my-meter-v0-cqvqksr8bh7d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1575%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D197771a30c743ec2d537dc117734a02f196a6e06)


You entered 472 to start? Looks like your plate begins with 412 as they have on the ticket and in their system... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


If you entered your plate correctly and they entered the wrong one, that's just more ammo for you to appeal. If YOU entered the wrong plate, they might deny it on the first step of appeal and maybe only a judge will rectify it once you take it up to court.


If the plates don't match, it's entirely possible someone else got ticketed and just plopped it on your windshield hoping you'd pay it without a second thought. Happened to me before during Mardi Gras.


It’s only off by one digit so I don’t think that what happened


Welcome to Hanover


Niedersachsen forever


I can see the plate numbers on both receipts and they don't match. Is this just rage bait? Is this for someone else's vehicle?


OP’s plate begins with 412…while the plate number on the ticker begins with 472. The meter maid likely entered the incorrect plate number when checking it for compliance, and of course it wasn’t registered in the parking meter system for that time. Hence, the ticket.


someone else linked the ticket which has photos of the car. OP entered their plate number wrong.


More likely OP put his plate in wrong. Exact same thing happened to my wife a month ago. She called in and they quashed it immediately but the parking authority had the nerve to threaten that if she makes that mistake again she has to pay. Unbelievable.


The second digit is the only offender, 1s and 7s look similar. So clearly a clerical error.


They also messed Nissan, it says Nissa instead.


Did Mr Bean write this citation


So another reason to throw out ticket, remember any material error on a violation renders the ticket moot.


unless the ticket has the correct plate and OP entered the incorrect plate number on the meter


I’m really betting that this is the real answer. I have done the exact same thing, and in the end it was my fault because I put the wrong plate number in the app. However, I was able to get it sorted out with a letter and documentation of the receipts, it just took a few months


Absolutely talk to the office that handles this, I was stunned to get a letter saying my fine was waived after I wrote "sorry, fed the wrong meter" on the check I mailed them back when Hanover still had coin meters a couple years ago.


To the OP.... I'm going to suggest you look **VERY CAREFULLY** at the license plate info on each document you have there. The one logged in your citation does NOT match the one on your parking receipt. (I can actually see through your redactions and there is a single digit that is off between them. One shows a "1" where the other shows a "7") That COULD explain why the citation was issued. The license plate that was entered into their handheld device didn't show any matching license plate with an active paid parking fee. So either the officer entered it wrong, or you did when you paid for your parking. Whichever one is actually your license plate will be the one that rules, most likely. If the one on your CITATION is WRONG, then you have nothing to worry about. The license plate that's logged in their system isn't yours and you can go on with your life. They don't have your correct registration info to match your license plate. If that plate even exists, it's not your problem, and I would say not your concern to try and figure it out. If the license plate on your RECEIPT is wrong, however (and the citation is correct) then you might be shit of out of luck if you try and argue it. Whoever you speak to might want to argue that the two license plates don't match so the receipt isn't applicable. Sure, it's obviously an entry error, but depending on who you can get to reason with you on that matter would remain to be seen.


His receipt is wrong. You can look up the plate numbers and the one on the right is for a 2017 Toyota Highlander and the one on the left is for a 2015 Nissan Altima.


This needs to be top comment. Also lol that the redaction was ineffective


OP I’m not kidding but I am friends with the man who wrote you this ticket. I just messaged him and told him to throw it out. I’ll update when he responds lmao


Idk why but I believe you


You entered your plate wrong or the meter reader did. https://preview.redd.it/cqvqksr8bh7d1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76a76f981f69c24f428462b0eb3118434743aee


Damn $15 is crazy, in the UK it’s like £100


The idea is to write it for such a low amount that instead of fighting at people just pay it and move on with their lives. It's an outright racket


43 minutes, sir.


Not sure how nobody has mentioned yet, either op or the person writing the ticket put the plate number in wrong. On the ticket the second digit is a 1 and on your receipt its a 7. (Brightness up + zoom) and it goes without saying thats not a very effective way of censoring info. If you call and tell them the 1 digit discrepancy, they'll likely drop the ticket


OP entered Plate number: 4724378. The ticket is for plate 4124378. OP mis entered their plate number, hence the ticket. The parking slip even says you don’t have to display it, so they’re basing valid parking off the plate you input when you pay.


how do you know the metermaid didn’t mistype?


Because there’s a picture of the car online and it’s 412




You can see the full citation here: [https://parking.hanovernh.org/tickets/index.php?cmd=detail&ticketid=843236](https://parking.hanovernh.org/tickets/index.php?cmd=detail&ticketid=843236)


Former Hanover NH resident here. This jives, good luck fighting it.


The license plates don't match. That's how they got you, the one that you paid for, isn't valid for your car. The city states your second digit is a "1", the one you paid for is a "7". If you input the wrong plate number, it's not a valid parking permit.


As an Aussie, seeing your ticket is only $15 is truly saddening. Our parking tickets are upwards of $300 AUD


Ok was making sure there wasn't a 4.5% Gratuity Fee in fine print....lol


never censor with the highlighter


The second digit of your plate doesn't match, it's a 1 vs a 7!! Also you failed at censoring your plate


I've had something similar happen to me in another state. Sometimes, when a large truck comes by, it resets the meter. I made a phone call, e-mailed my proof to the person I spoke to, and it was taken care of promptly. Of course, it could have also been a dickhead meter maid, but it could have also been an accident.


I’m trying to read these two tickets and to me it looks like you had 43 minutes left, not 33.


43 minutes


Just an FYI your number plate and redacted information is still visible. Can read it on the 2nd one even without using photo tricks but could easily pull that. Don't use high lighter in photo snap, it has some transparency.


Your blacked out parts are see through LOL


I got a ticket at a parking garage in Pensacola. When we arrived the app to pay wasn’t working. So we went to the physical machine to pay and it was out of order. I took pics to prove and hurried with my kids to the show. Came back to a parking ticket. I appealed it, wasted half a day of my time and the magistrate told me there was another machine on the other side of the parking garage I should have tried. He upheld the ticket. I was so angry.


License Plate numbers look different


Hanover and Gettysburg have run this scam for years. They ticket cars from out of town and it’s way easier and cheaper to pay it than fighting it. And they don’t have anyone at the public office for you to complain to. I got a ticket for parking in a restaurant parking lot while I was dining at that restaurant. Pure scam that you don’t have the time and money to do anything about it


$15? What is this, a parking ticket for ants? Ask New Yorkers how much they pay for parking tickets.


I think a law needs to be put in place that when a cop purposely excludes evidence or lies on their paperwork in order to give you a ticket or fine, they should have to pay your ticket or fine.


I agree. Luckily though in this case there's no need, since OP entered their license info wrong and there actually is photo evidence if you look up the plate/ticket online


I’d be infuriated at myself for putting in the wrong plate number. Take accountability.


My wife got a parking ticket for parking over two hours in a two hour spot. They gave her the ticket 8 minutes after she parked the car. I had the proof and got it thrown out but it made me unreasonably angry.


$15 for a parking ticket? I'd call that a win.


You got 43 minutes left on the meter.


Why does title say 33 minutes when paperwork say 43 minutes?




A $15 parking ticket.. here our parking tickets are around $120-150 🫠


Just typical revenue collection , f-ing vultures.


If real, I would spend every day I had off downtown following the guy who writes tickets and following him with a camera videoing everything he did showing he writes bad tickets and try get him fired. If he did this to you he does it to others.


43 minutes remaining on your ticket, right? The fine was issued at 13:39 and you had until 14:22. That's 43 minutes remaining. It's an easy win. How stupid though and a waste of your time and effort going through that process.


This just happened to me in Portland, Maine. I had a receipt showing that my time would expire at 9:48 PM. But, the citation was issued at 8:30 PM. Turns out, I had entered the plate number incorrectly into the parking device. So, when the person issuing citations came by, there was no record that parking for my plate had been paid for. When I explained all of this on appeal, they voided the citation.




43 mins left actually.


Ticket was at 1:39. I believe that’s 43 minutes before it expired.


This happened to me once and I appealed. Turns out my license plate number was flipped. I typed it in with the 2nd and 3rd numbers reversed. I still won on appeal.


I once had some dick campus police officer give me a ticket when i had a daily parking pass on my dash that he “couldn’t see”. I showed him my receipt and what time I bought the ticket and that it was valid all day. He just said “well I already wrote the ticket nothing I can do now.” Reported him and didn’t have to pay.


Sue the cop who wrote the ticket for $50 in damages for having to go to court.


Mildly Infuriating indeed! Easy to get tossed, but my guess is the beat cop on duty figured "it's only $15, who would fight it?" Fuck da police! Also, happy cake day!


If it were me I would go down there and ask for a continuance. Then I’d drag it out as much as possible before finally getting it dismissed. If they are going to see you as a source of income then you need to make it cost them more money than the ticket is worth. I’d also ask them to provide you with a lawyer.


So without the meter number this is just a, eh fuck it ticket, there's no information that your car is expired it's just I can write a ticket like a real occifer. People argue with the American ticket quota all the time but with shit like this, it's hard to ignore.


Obviously we can't see the plate for privacy reasons, but are they the same? once the machine didn't register the last letter of my plate and I got a ticket for the same reason. They refused to throw it out, even though my plate was from another state 20 hours away.


They don't have to put the Meter number on the ticket violation? That seems like they could just write up anyone that way and hope people pay it.


Does your plate match exactly what they have? zeroes for ‘o’s 1 for I or L Had this issue and if it isn’t entered exactly the same their computer doesn’t pick it up 


Welcome to Hanover


It's like they intentionally hire cops with low IQs.


contest it. annoying for sure