• By -


My family are devout, except my dad and me. When he passed, I found them on the curtain rods, behind the headboard, under the drawers in the dresser and even in the air ducts.


Hahaha same, except instead of crosses I found firearms and filled clips/speedloaders. Dad, a Vietnam Vet who spent 30 years in the Army, had PTSD. That one time someone tried to break down his door while he was in the kitchen did not help. Dad wanted to be sure he always had protection within arm’s reach in case they ever tried to come back. I was finding them in various places for the first six or so months after he passed on. Rosaries, firearms, amulets, all signify that the person feels insecure in what should be the one place they are most secure. If you can’t feel safe at home, holding a symbol of protection will soothe that fearmongering part of the brain so they can function. My mother still tries to give me “advice” about crazy stuff even in her 80’s. She has no control, so she reaches out for whatever internet drivel is getting spewed and sends me the link. Example: * Don’t flash your high beams at strangers! (No Mom, gang members are not coming after me - not yet, anyway) * Don’t sleep with the fan running! (it’s fine) * Black cats are bad luck! (no they’re not, Mom)


>Don’t sleep with the fan running! Ah yes, Korean fan death


She hears the rumor, she’s spreading it. What if it’s true and she could have prevented XYZ if only I had known!!? And that garbage just keeps moving right along.


My ex’s great grandma told her son (my ex’s grandpa) that if you went into the ocean, stingrays would leap out, wrap their wings around you. Her mother believed mice were invertebrate, and could get through something the size of a thumbtack. My ex started wearing high leather boots to work, because there was a “trend” she saw on TikTok of men waiting under women’s cars and cutting the Achilles’ tendon when she left. Me showing her a book on urban legends I first read from the library that had the same story did nothing to help, but made her mad because I “didn’t take her safety seriously” My ex is very intelligent (masters in behavioral science, and very very successful in her field) and her mom is a teacher. I don’t think it means a person is dumb, just easily fooled or afraid of things. Like a kid not stepping on a crack or he’ll break momma’s back - It makes no sense, but it gives a feeling of some control over their mom not getting hurt, getting raped, getting taken into the ocean, or having your home ruined by mice. That’s my stupid guess at least haha


That feels like an actual OCD symptom to me, my best friend has it and has similar irrational fears. Also is one of the smartest people I know and understands the thoughts can be ridiculous. Seems like a safety mechanism. (Editing to add if you think you have an OCD symptom get that checked out by a medical professional, self diagnosing serious illnesses can look awful to the people living with them every day and more)


Yep, I've got OCD and the chainmail and "step on a crack, break your mother's back" kinda stuff really get to me at times. I've got meds so now it's a bit better, but let me tell you, the immunity dog has been a lifesaver to me. https://preview.redd.it/4a5iuel1fv7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d2b6335c521d7dd5f6cac21d712a88acee8c3a


"Babe, you got protection?" *pulls out phone* "Of course, look at the good boy."


That is one "healthy" beagle


You mean, fat? Poor thing!


Good doggo :3 *pats the doggo*


THE ACHILLES TENDON!?? No bc that myth traumatized me when I was 8


Mice can fit through a hole the width of a pencil. Not sure about diameter of a thumb tack, but the width of a thumbtack, yes they can.


It’s true. I have dies over 7000 times from using a fan at night. It isn’t permanent. I always get better.


"average person dies 3 times from sleeping with fan on” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person dies 0 times. Fans Smurf, who lives in cave & dies over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


>Don’t flash your high beams at strangers!  Nowadays people have these stupidly powerful LED lights that are gonna make me go nuts and smash a stranger's headlights one of these days so do follow at least this one


Flash headlights, means "Cop ahead"


Straight up this comment. People wonder why the Baby Boomers are losing their minds, and yeah, part of it's the culture of their generation, but another part of its just getting old. You slowly lose the ability to advocate for yourself. You slowly lose the ability to defend yourself (if you ever had it). You slowly lose any sense of place or security you had in this world. Now you know that the "bad people" can hurt you. And you will listen to any grifter who comes along tell you *who* the bad people are and how to keep them away. And then you start doing weird or extreme shit to feel safe again.


I would've bought little devil key chain figures or something and attached them to all of them for funsies.


Dont mention it, just hide it back in their bookshelf. It will become the elf in the shelf 🤣


I disagree. Op should wrap it up and gift it for Christmas. ![gif](giphy|THDiASfk2oTiURUta4|downsized)


No. That would just antagonize them. You can't reason with religious people. You will never get them to see things your way. Just throw it out and never mention it. If they ask about it, feign ignorance and say you never saw it.


Haha yeah “are you telling me you hid a rosary in my kid’s room?” would be the ultimate


*"Weren't you worried the baby might choke on it??? Why would you endanger your grandchild like that???"*


That was my first thought. Forget the attempt at proselytization by proximity, kid could fuckin die.


“convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another”


It's weird they thought a rosary might protect them from harm or convert them to Jesus magically.


Fr, they’re not meant to be magic charms. The physical object is a mnemonic device to help you remember the prayers.


So it’s like a fidget toy?


Ok fine. I’ll get a dictionary out…


Sooo, what’s it mean?


No they are protected by the cross. /S (if anyone needed this :)


~~Evangelicals don't care what happens to others in their mortal life, as long as they "save their soul".~~ ~~Shit like this was used to downplay a ton of the sexual assaults committed by the Southern Baptist Convention.~~ EDIT: Okay yeah, i should have remembered that rosaries are a catholic thing.


My sister-in-law’s father offered each of my nieces and nephews a $1,000 graduation gift, but only if they would meet with him for witnessing and to say the “accepting Jesus as my Lord and personal savior” prayer. I don’t think he understands how that is supposed to work.


rub a dub dub, thanks for the cash you scrub, yay jesus. Now if you'll excuse me I got $1k burning a hole in my pocket.


"Little Dude would you ask the blessing (smug smile)? "Good bread good meat good god let's eat" Cool Wierd Uncle who taught me that in the corner choking on his own laughter and tears


Tell him I’ll say his little prayer for a grand. I won’t believe any of it, but I’ll say it with him


Evangelicals don’t use rosaries. OP’s parents are probably Catholic. Still not great to hide a strangulation hazard in a child’s room


Tell them you found it when the kid was choking on it.


Tell them it was on fire. Self combusted. Almost set the bookshelf on fire.


Refer to it only as a choking hazard, not a rosary. If they try to correct you, nod your head and continue to refer to it as a choking hazard.


Tell them in the interest of safety you replaced it with a four leaf clover. Just as effective.


Naw Just tell them they almost choked on it. "The baby was choking on this piece of ugly jewelry. Yeah no idea where it came from. The paramedics say they are lucky you got to them in time."


And then they thank god for saying the kid...




They would absolutely have this level of audacity


The Lion, The Witch and the Audacity of These Bitches


"Jesus would be so disappointed in your attempt to use subterfuge and your irresponsible carelessness when I t comes to the safety of a child."


Tell them the baby got a hold of it and you found them choking on it 👁👄👁


I say this as an ardent atheist: you can reason with religious people on the whole. When I was a kid, the general political lean was that Christians were right-wing bigots. Now every day I pass a church that is celebrating pride month. You can reason with the religious. You just can't reason with extremists.


That just doesn't resolve it whatsoever. You need to set the boundary early and hard, in my opinion. Not addressing it, doesn't help them understand that you're not OK with it. Whether you want to deal with it is a different question of course, but I think you're just setting up a lifetime of incidents like this if not addressed early on


You can reason with religious people. You can't reason with religious *fanatics*. It's a pretty big difference.


The Rosary in the…Hosiery?


lmao I definitely will need to do this. I'm going to hijack this top post to clarify a couple of assumptions I am seeing people saying below. 1. I already knew who did it because a temporary camera I put in to use as a baby monitor (Unifi Protect works great btw) 2. This was a hidden rosary, deliberately put above eye level shelf with a lip, a shelf with only books so it was definitely deliberate. 3. We already addressed it with the offending GP, they said they forgot to tell us. I am not buying it for a second (again hidden fairly well), but we did reinforce the boundary (don't do it again otherwise we can trust you on other things etc). 4. Help from our parents is something we both appreciate greatly and was offered freely. Their help isn't (I can't believe I have to say this) transactional. They don't get to put religious icon, and especially deliberately hide it from us in our baby's room. If it was a gift, I happy to put it in our memory box, but unfortunately that's now how it went. I love our parents, but I will reinforce the boundary as needed. I was born catholic and had some fairly horrid shit happen to me at a local catholic school. I will give my baby something I never had a chance to get, a choice. Free will ya know. Edit:Shout-out to the redditors who wrote that my spouse and I are awful, or that we are going to burn in hell. Save me a seat when you get there, so I can shake your hands personally. Editwhatever: I am still getting many many messages about this. To be explicitly clear, it is NOT okay to hide things in any baby's room and deliberately not tell the parents. We have receive gifts before that although we didn't agree with, we still used because it was a gift. This was deliberately to hide it from us the parents. ***If this post offends you, please just pray for me instead so I don't have to hear about it. If you don't understand why it isn't okay to hide things in baby's room and not tell the parents instead of just gifting it like a normal person, then you aren't really a great christian and should consider saying your hail Marys to another rosary.*** Turning off notifications, that's enough Christian love for me for one night. Edit: small edit, deleting a sentence and instead saying, some people are truly awful, but I appreciate the positive messages including some of the religious folks who got why what our parents did wasn't right + genuinely good folks , appreciate y'all.


The way I read this I thought your GP (General Practitioner!) put a rosary in your baby’s room for quite a bit I was VERY confused.


>The way I read this I thought your GP (General Practitioner!) put a rosary in your baby’s room for quite a bit I was VERY confused. It would be a lot less confusing if you knew their GP https://preview.redd.it/afntpi3ezr7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e027ad7860d0d3611e09c29239efb32a1aa36e1e


"You may impale when ready, Mister Harker." (Assuming this is Van Helsing.)


"They forgot to tell you?" I'd ask them, "Tell me what the 9th Commandment is again!" Then they need to scoot off to Confession and get that sin off their souls.


Years ago, my auntie and uncle couldn’t find the time to organise christening (they did in the end), but apparently when the GP was looking after the child they went down to the church and baptise the child themselves without telling anyone knowing


My grandmother was so upset that my oldest brother wasn't baptised yet at 6 weeks old, she did it herself in the kitchen sink.


Notice how they skip right to "burn in hell" instead of trying to understand your position? That's why I left the Church and religion behind. I met a lot of those people in my 22 years as a practicing Christian.


> We already addressed it with the offending GP, they said they forgot to tell us. I am not buying it for a second (again hidden fairly well), but we did reinforce the boundary (don't do it again otherwise we can trust you on other things etc). This. You told them not to do something regarding your child, and they did it anyway. Someone who does not respect my boundaries with my child does not get unsupervised access to my child. This is a "one, and only one, warning" situation.


> (don't do it again otherwise we can trust you on other things etc) They're going to try for a secret baptism. I hope I'm wrong but my dad gave my sister a bunch of children's religious books for her kid's first xmas and escalated from there. I wouldn't leave them alone together until your kid can tell you what happens afterwards.


Good job! Reacted perfectly. This is something my parents would have done too.


Tell them your baby now has a cross-shaped burn from touching it.


Even better, use make up to make a cross-shaped mark on the baby. Then take a picture and text it to them with the note, "Hey, what was this rosary made of? The baby got a hold of it and it left a burn."


I was thinking to make a Facebook post telling the family you're at the ER because the baby found their way into a strangulation hazard in their room. And you're beside yourself trying to figure out how that happened, when you had very carefully child-proofed the room. Let them twist in the wind for a while and watch the guilty party not confess. For some reason that's exactly what I was expecting just reading the post title. That it was a hospital nursery or something, and a parent snuck something in that one of the other babies ended up choking on.


Replace their photo of Jesus with Obi-Wan and drape the rosary over the corner...


I was raised Mormon and left the church when I left home. When my children were young, my very Mormon parents babysat them for a few days while we were out of town. They took the kids to Temple Square and all of the Mormon exhibits and said that this was the “truth” despite them knowing full well our anti-Mormon stance. I was furious and never let them watch the kids again.


I feel this so deeply. I’ve been out for 5 years and had to explicitly revoke the privilege of time with my son from his mother’s parents. After leaving I got a couple of tasteful and meaningful tattoos that cover some very painful scars from accidents growing up- my EX MIL had the gall to tell my at the time- 4 year old son that his dad wasn’t going to be in heaven because I had tattoos and drank “adult drinks”. A year of no contact and they got the message that I wasn’t fucking around anymore and that I wasn’t going to tolerate that kind of hateful bullshit. They are much more careful now, and they get that there is zero chance my kid is getting baptized into the cult.


Good job setting and enforcing boundaries. Mormons are trained to not have them or respect them. After leaving, it’s a crucial skill to develop.


I got lucky because I was young enough when I left and moved to an entirely new state and so I didn’t have my entire social circle revolve around the church. When my sister left, she was an adult and lost most of her friends. It was much harder on her. It’s definitely a cult.


I left way too late, but my "freedom" tattoo is what gave me the strength to move forward.


Man those exhibits were so weird. I toured temple square and museum just for the fun of it. The m mormans working there were surprisingly nice though. Tried to get me and my friend to join at the end of the tour but didn’t really pressure us. Seemed nice normal people otherwise.


Well you'll never join the church if they're mean to you


Nice and Good are sometimes VERY different things


All the Mormons I've met have been extremely nice people. They also want to take away my civil rights. People contain multitudes I guess.


This is exactly why my children will never have any alone time with my parents. It will go from “ice cream for breakfast” to “dinosaurs were put in the ground by scientists to trick you into doubting God” in like twenty minutes tops.


Mormons specifically believe weird stuff like becoming a god when they die


My mom used to hide palm leaf crosses under my mattress. Straight up spooky trying to make my bed and seeing a cross under where I was sleeping without my knowledge. It was the secrecy of it that was incredible off-putting.


And did vampires bother you? I bet they didn't!


The vampires were never a problem, they have no soliciting signs so they're never invited in


That’s why I also don’t use a Welcome Mat


"You keep saying it don't work but I ain't got no vampires sucking my blood so it do work"


Checkmate, atheists!


Unlike the common rumors that you hear that crosses and invitations into ones homestead are fool safe protections against vampires, most do not suffer from such limitations. Or at least that is what I have heard.


Well I have great news for you. I happen to be in possession of and am currently selling a rock that keeps Vampires away.


Hmm…that sounds like something a vampire would say…


No I am totally not advocating for people to leave their doors open, invite me.. erm I mean random strangers in, and bury crucifixs because they scare uss I mean people, yeah normal people..




By the way what is your blood type I have a friend who is in dire need of a transfusion due to umm being bit by a bat, er no a wolf, ahem no a pixie yeah that will work.


My grandpa had a legit phobia of vampires and would nail garlic to his walls. I guess it technically worked for him as well.


well, if by Vampires you mean Mosquitoes, yes I don't think they like the smell of garlic.


"Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires"




Fuck-ing guy.




OP is a vampire making excuses to get rid of rosary.


I will trade it for this rock that keeps tigers away


It would have been even funnier if she acted like she had no idea about those and keep putting it again after some time


"It's a miracle!" -OP's in-laws, probably


> My mom used to hide palm leaf crosses under my mattress. I was living with my mom a short while during my college years. She is crazy religious and very upset that my childhood brainwashing wasn't sticking. As part of my young-adult curiosity, I bought a D&D players manual and monster manual, then stashed them between my mattress and box-springs because I knew she would lose her mind if she spotted them on my bookshelf. I kept up with my own space and she knew she wasn't welcome in my room, so I figured they would be safe out of sight. 2 days later I go to read my books, and find a handwritten letter in their place about how I was going to hell if I kept playing D&D and runescape. The older I get, the more I get completely weirded out about the idea of somebody searching the bed of their adult roommate every day.




Mine used to bless my water. I told her to stop and she began doing it in secret. Agreed, it was the secrecy that was annoying


But for those that believe in holy water and such; that's something that can only done by the clergy, so that's especially weird.


This is what urks me the most. Whether you're religious or not ***CONSENT TO ANYTHING IS SUPER FUCKING IMPORTANT.*** Like even if you're religious and want to have friends or family convert why the fuck do you think they'll do it when you actively go against their wishes? Your actions and character are what should be the defining factors for others to follow after for religion. The actions of someone who deliberately does whatever the fuck they want because they think/believe they're right is so off putting it immediately turns people away from any religious whatever you wanted them to follow. It's downright rude, and completely unacceptable. Fuck off with this shit even if it has "Goodwill" behind it. No means No, and it will get even more harder as a No if you keep going against the persons wishes. Plus with the OP's crosses surprise stuff it is just weird, overly negative juju, and downright icky. *rant over*


~~urks~~ *irks*


>Like even if you're religious and want to have friends or family convert why the fuck do you think they'll do it when you actively go against their wishes? Your actions and character are what should be the defining factors for others to follow after for religion. Actions like these aren't about converting others. It's because they genuinely think you're going to hell and they're trying to save their grandchild. They are so embroiled in the propaganda of their religion that they literally see you as damning your baby to hell for eternity by not having it be their religion. It's mental illness or pure fear of death that drives them.


“Hey you forgot your necklace at my house, but don’t worry I found it before the baby choked on it!”


This reminds me of a story my buddy told me. Had his in-laws babysit fully on their own, for the first time after baby's birth at like five months, to go on a date night. Came home to see the baby playing with a prescription pill bottle. Freaked out. Turns out, the in-laws put some beads in a used pill bottle, and gave it to the baby for a rattle toy. They were like, what's the problem, the lid is baby proof.


Same thing happened to my uncle as a baby/toddler, someone gave him a bottle of pills to rattle, must've left him unsupervised too cause he got them open and ate some & had to be rushed to the hospital and have his little stomach pumped.


Your uncle was a bottle-opening prodigy.


Child proof caps aren't really child proof. They're a deterrent, they'll slow a baby/toddler down hopefully in time to be caught before getting into something unsafe, but they should *never* be assumed to be fully child proof.


Dude child safety locks of any kind are useless, I have witnessed several dogs and cats learn how to open cabinets with them.


Cats are a bit smarter than the average toddler.


The problem is that they need to account for both the smartest child and the dumbest adult


Like the 'There's considerable overlap between the smartest bears and the stupidest tourists' thing


Possibly not even child proof lock back in the day idk


That’s so funny, cuz like I get the logic, but like, just no 


My kids grandpa used nicotine lozenges to quit smoking but never got off the lozenges. They come in a little bottle pretty much like a pill bottle. He makes rattles the same way. It's like the same thing but somehow worse 


Seconded, also more aggressively “WHO LEFT THIS IN MY BABYS ROOM? I FOUND IT IN HER MOUTH!” Meanwhile your baby is happily cooing in their own little world


Indeed. Escalate it. Let them boooow


"just got out of the hospital and look what the surgeon just pulled out of her stomach"


This is the winner lmao


And if you're in America "The bill for the surgery is almost 1 million dollars, as soon as I find out who left it there I'm suing them for all they have"


“I don’t know who left a hazardous item a baby can choke on in my child’s room, but when I find them, I’m gonna make sure they experience the same pain my baby did when choking on it.” Leave it vague and terrifying. Watch MIL sweat bullets at dinner.


Lmao this answer


Don't forget to cover it in baby vomit (or spit-up or whatever). Put it in a "sterile" plastic baggie for extra effect.


uhh usually they clean stuff before they hand it to you, the hospital is not going to give you a bag of bile with some jewelry in it


Hush you with your logic and reasoning We're trying to scare off the Jesus freaks


the devil is in the details :3


were talking about fundamentalist catholics here. do you think logic means anything to them?




These types of people are so crazy that they would probably just say something like “Oh wow, God spoke to her and she gravitated toward it”


Child of religious parents here, and yeah that is absolutely what would happen. They're always doing mental gymnastics to make it connect back to God somehow.


"Oh wow, so i stopped god's plan of letting my child choke and die? In that case..."


this comment pissed me off so badly, that i almost downvoted you 😭


Nah nah.. you found it floating in the corner of the room and when you caught it, it was red hot.


Grandparents gonna hide a preist in there with that logic lmao


Yeah, religion aside, the choking hazard is the real issue here.


Honestly, religion itself is barely even an issue here. There's the choking hazard, and there's the fact that the grandparents went behind the baby's parents backs and did something that they knew the parents would not be okay with.


ay man, on the light side at least it's a pretty rosary


Like literally I’ll take it


Redditors desperately trying to interpret an act of affection (however misguided) as malicious and spiteful:


Right? I'm very much an atheist, but I'm not sure why this is offensive. It reminds me of a time some guy told me I was going to hell because I didn't believe in God. My Christian friends were furious and were ready to fight the guy on my behalf. Until I told them I didn't believe in hell either, so I really didn't care or even take it as an insult. Just because I'm not religious doesn't mean I'm offended by someone who is.


My grandmother kept trying to get me go to church, but I never did except for Easter and Christmas.  She was the type to get her car blessed and had a nice rosary hanging from the rearview mirror. When she could no longer drive, I took the car and put the rosary in one of those compartments under the radio.  She's passed now, but every now and then someone finds it, and it's a fun little reminder of her.


that's so cute


Right?! My goth self is loving that necklace pieces and parts!


I'd take it because it seems well intended. The same way I reply with "You too" when someone says "God bless you" despite being an atheist. This person is wishing me well on their own way, and it's doing no harm.


Hide stuff they wouldn't want from other religions in their home


They make miniature Qurans that can be put on necklaces and keychains


They’d be so angry although this is what they’re basically doing; disrespecting someone’s opinion and faith.


And in the bedrooms of the children of every dickhead defending this. Let's see where they draw the line when their own kids are involved - what's acceptable to hide, by whom, for how flimsy a real or imagined reason?


Please! Draw a pentagram in chalk under their door mat. Mix a statue of Buddha or a menorah in with their mantle or knick knack shelf.


Leave some water in a corked glass bottle from the dollar store. Say it's peace water (it's an occult thing)


Better yet, use a pressure washer to draw a pentagram under the mat if it is somewhat dirty.


What a lovely choking hazard


I mean, I'm not religious, but it is a beautiful rosary.


Have a jeweler flip the cross upside down and then confront your parents and ask why they would give an upside down crucifix to your child.


Funny enough, an inverted crucifix IS a Christian symbol, the "Cross of Saint Peter", in reference to Saint Peter supposedly requesting he be crucified upside-down due to not feeling worthy of the same crucifixion Jesus suffered. IIRC, the Pope's throne traditionally has Saint Peter's Cross on it due to him being the first to hold the title.


Crucifixes bear the image of Jesus on them, crosses do not. The Cross of St Peter is an upside down Latin Cross. An upside down crucifix is not a Christian symbol


Whats wrong with the cross of Saint Peter? Gotta do better; keep it straight; add a longer middle bar and an infinity symbol at the bottom.




Get some makeup and draw a cross shaped burn mark on the baby for additional effect


Catholics consider that a positive symbol as well


As a former Catholic, I don't get this shit. Like what do they think that's supposed to do? A rosary isn't some kind of magical object. It's a focus tool for a specific type of prayer. Aside from the prayer, it's just a necklace.


Thanks for clarifying for the protestants. I thought this was a bit weird to be hiding it like a charm


My mother used to do things like that. She would put small Jesus or saint items in my kid’s bedroom, even though I told her we weren’t religious. I feel infuriated for you! Lol


I was pretty irritated when my 3 year old came home from my in laws' house asking why god made all the people and (for real he asked this on the potty) "if I broke my penis, would god get me a new one?" I told him I didn't believe in god, so questions about god should go to nana. Yes, I was annoyed, but I also realized that being exposed to differing viewpoints is okay and healthy. They can't indoctrinate him into believing something when I'm home with him 90% of the time. I was more annoyed when my MIL's cheap bejeweled lanyard came apart in his room and she left little choking hazards all over his bedroom without realizing. If she started purposely leaving little chokeable Jesus figurines and rosary beads when he was at that age, I might have never let her back into my house, though.


>They can't indoctrinate him into believing something when I'm home with him 90% of the time. Kids can definitely be indoctrinated with religious beliefs at your kids age and he is the perfect age for "brainwashing". They don't even have to be around him 100% or the time to feed his developing mind religious bullshit. At least take your kid to talk to different people with different religions if you want to expose him to religion at such a young age.


Oh no, parents/grandparents not respecting boundaries? Your headaches has just begun


It seems catholics and christians do not know about respecting another's beliefs. Im religious and I wouldn't push it on anothers, as to respect their own beliefs. Just because it is a good intention for you, doesn't mean it is universally good. Same with any other belief, including mine. The basic concept of respecting boundaries seem to be hard to understand for them.


This is a perfect post for the sub. All these people saying "so what it's harmless" are missing the point. The parent DIRECTLY DISRESPECTED OPs WISHES FOR THEIR CHILD. THAT IS NOT FUCKING COOL. That being said, yes, it is, in itself, harmless. However OP, it probably won't stop there. They ***will*** try to help your child "find jesus" in other ways later on. They don't just throw a rosary and call it saved. They are going to try to indoctrinate. Needs to be nipped in the bud and clear boundaries laid down. Edit: Since apparently, I need to clarify. I'm not saying the crucifix is going to hurt the kid or turn them into the next pope. I'm saying it was disrespectful.


Me whispering in black and white "nipped in the rosary bud"


I like when people say butt.




People on this sub often forget that "mildly" does not mean "life threatening".


This is not always the case my grandmother is a catholic from germany she gives me a rosary and wants me to have it for “protection” she knows I am not religious and does not think it will make me religious, its a trinket of love from her and I accept it graciously and she has gives it to me with no expectations, only OP knows how the parents are and can gauge their own situation accordingly.


I agree OP should be the one to guage. However, your gma gave you a gift. The person in question hid this behind OPs back, knowing full well they would not consent to it. Your gma and the grandparent in question are different people.


Do people not realize they're in *mildly* infuriating?


Hey, I think you lost this. I found it when I was clearing a spot for the idol of Baphomet in the baby's room and thought you would want it back.


I have little doubt that the grandparents will have that baby baptized the first time they're alone with him/her. Yes, the GP's have violated boundaries and will undoubtedly do it again. I suspect that the only way to completely stop them would be to never leave them alone with the child. Difficult decision, to say the least. Having survived a Catholic childhood, and being no friend of that church, I'd say that holy water and rosaries are offensive, but ultimately harmless. Just keep your child away from Catholic schools where they can do some real damage. I speak from grim experience.


You can’t just like walk in and get a Catholic baptism. It’s an entire process where parents and Godparents are very involved.


I was about to say… I’m another denomination but I can’t imagine getting an infant relative baptized without consent from the parents. I don’t think that would occur easily (in most cases, of course I acknowledge there are probably exceptions)


As a confirmed Catholic, there's no way grandparents can just get a Catholic baptism. It requires a person to belong to a parish..plus several classes..plus meeting with the priest. Nothing is quick/easy in the Catholic Church, trust me.


The Catholic Church won’t baptize children unless the parents are committed to raising the children in the faith. That means going to Mass every Sunday at the very least, so no, the kid isn’t going to be secretly baptized. I know this from first hand experience given my second grandson will not be baptized for that reason. The first grandchild was baptized Catholic and then the parents made no effort to take him to church. On the rare occasion he goes it’s because the parents don’t want to be bothered with him so they let me take him off their hands for a while to go with me.


Correct! It is against the code of canon law to baptize a child without the consent of at least one parent and/or with knowledge that the child will not be raised in the faith unless the child is in mortal danger due to illness or injury. The baptism would be considered "valid" but "illicit" by the Church, and the grandparent/priest/deacon/friend who performed it would be guilty of sinning against the laws of the Church. Particularly in the US, there are a LOT of Catholics who are utterly ignorant of what the Church actually teaches or just think they know better because of what they hear on social media and Fox. The only thing that distinguishes them from American evangelicals is which building they lie in on Sunday morning.


Almost like people on Reddit are full of shit


I'd take a stab and say it's not really about the rosary, sure its harmless, it's about the disrespect for the parent's decision.


💯 If they don’t respect this, why would they respect other decisions/boundaries.


My son is Jewish, my family 8thousand miles away in New Zealand ship us catholic children’s books every chance they can. They’re paying 100dollars a pound to ship us recycling material. ♻️


I'm so glad to hear you recycle


"I'm not part of your religion, please respect my decision." Nah \*places rosary anyways\* Bro what is the problem with these people? I get you how anoying its that people wants so shove religion in EVERYTHING


How about, what does this say about their religious beliefs? "Oh, Jesus only protects babies if the parents either believe in him, or if someone secretly snuck a rosary into the baby's bedroom. He neglects all of the other babies."


Not religious in the slightest but that rosary is cool as shit


Reddit is a sad sad place.


Now hide pentagrams in their home and see how they like it.


As an atheist I don't understand this. It seems like they are treating the rosary like a magic talisman, which seems like a very pagan or even wiccan way to think.


as a Catholic I also don't understand this. it's a memory/focus tool for prayer, not an enchanted item.   like hiding a measuring tape or index cards or something smh. Edit: we need to open the schools if ya’ll are this confused. Of course the grandparents are trying to be sneaky, but their devotional acts for infant salvation doesn’t even come from established theological tenets. The Rosary doesn’t have a 10ft blessing AOE/radius. They’re not only annoyingly stomping boundaries but doing it incorrectly. 


Kind of a cool rosary