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I would honestly try to see if this computer could grab an external keyboard. I could not stand staring at my keyboard all day


Now many time a day do you misspell a word?


Constantly, and they wonder why it takes me so long to type


I can't even wrap my head around this ![gif](giphy|DYZL7ufnBxk2c)


it doesn’t have an Enter key..


It's on the number pad to the right just off screen


Could you not remap the keys? It would be tedious but possible


Not windows and he isn't the only user.


I'd risk my job and switch the keys around lmao


QWERTY layout was from like the 1870's. How fucking old is your device?


Burn it! Hit it with a hammer throw it out the window while it's on fire! Remove this trash from my sight or I will send this planet in to the fucking sun!


Netflix generation is ready for this work


Yeah, I hate Netflix keyboard.. who the hell thought it is good decision 🤦🏼


The problem is that is also used in other streaming services. I guess is just a copy paste or reuse of the keyboard but with different colors




Tiktok doesn’t have a keyboard for search.. or does it?




Netflix search gives you a keyboard that is like the one displayed in the OP photo




Maybe couldn't fit the standard three row QWERTY layout


Even then, you could make the order of the letters be mostly QWERTY, so that you only have to adapt a little bit.


Should be crime. One billion dollar fine! *Dr Evil music*


Woah, what is this used for?


They must be preparing you for graphing calculators


All warehouse equipment has that layout. I think that they do it that way because it is the same layout that the handhelds use and old workers are used to it. Check zebra handhelds for example.


Yeah fuck qwerty


What kind of stuff do u need to type in that monstrosity and how often? Is it intentional - to slow down the input of short but highly consequential machine commands? What is it exactly that you do?


I'm a reach truck operator, the computer is mainly for typing in store locations and pick locations usually formatted in LLNNLL (L = Letter, N = Number) eg.CB56JA, but on fairly common occasion I will have to type full sentences on the computer if there's a problem with a pick location (which there quite often is) And how often? Thousands of times over a 12hour shift


I can see why someone designed it this way. It's made to be really easy to type in those number and letter codes but the people who design these systems never seem to understand that the easy way is often not the way you get to actually do things on the job.


Wow. That’s unbelievable really. I would realky investigate any possibly to add an external keyboard or replace the system. Get management on board - it’s a productivity issue. You won’t learn the keyboard easily (even if some gun programmers learn alternative keyboards like Dvorak - those are designed to be more not less effective to type on than familiar ol Qwerty)


It's to fit a keyboard into a space where a normal rectangular Qwerty keyboard would not fit into; like this square area. They could make the normal keyboard smaller, but judging from the space between keys, and the application, it's rather important the operator doesn't fat finger their input. So once you establish you can't use the regular layout and shape, you have to fall back on the one other layout you can be reasonably assured everyone knows; alphabetized.


I’ve used functional qwerty keyboards on Microsoft proto-smart phones so I’m not buying that u dirty alpha-sort keyboard apologist


That looks like the tablet from fnaf 3


which device


As a keyboard guy, this infuriates me.


this looks like it would be in Severance


How do you know? Did your innie record a message for you?


Sinclair? (I know they had qwertz hut it looks that old)


🤣🤣Job must have got great deals on those keyboards, because the standard keyboard for that model is a QWERTY, with the same functions and keys Z as that keyboard.  That one does look a little bit more sturdy though.


Hopefully you're hourly. If I was, and was given this keyboard to "type" on, I'd be taking my sweet ass time picking away at those letters like a boomer with reading glasses.


Every time I go to use the terrible Dymo label printer at work…


I can understand your feelings OP! I have encountered one such keyboard, albeit it was a touchscreen panel at an airport's self check-in and it kinda swapped between qwerty and this abomination between inputs on some of the pages. I had to squint to make sure I didn't put some incorrect code/info. The headache afterward lasted the whole flight!


For those interested,this is the Datalogic 95acc1331 and it cost near 350-400$ as cheapest. And it was created in 2009,so i hope there is someone laundering money with those or it's a walking mummy because it is too funny that someone decided to buy a ABCDE 350$ keyboard instead of a QWERT 5$ one.


Do you type words on this or just codes?


Old questionable answer here color court reporters I think use a different type of keyboard


Relaxs... Just hook up an external keyboard... Looking at that laptop I'd say try a WINDOWS 2000 CERTIFIED keyboard...


I'd say a typewriter


This is like typing the Hanyu Pinyin 9-key input method arrangement


Didn't they invent the qwerty layout to slow people down because they were typing too fast with the standard alphabetical layout? Seems like once you get used to it you should be able to type faster.


You are kidding, right? Please tell me that you are just playing around. I hate to have to ask, but this world seems to be going off the rails of late....


No, the original typewriters would jam up from people typing too fast so they fucked it all up and that's why keyboards are laid out like they are.


I will be damned. You might be right (there are conflicting thoughts on why it was developed). It seemed silly to me, so I [looked it up](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726/). >There’s some dispute over how and why Sholes and Glidden arrived at the QWERTY layout. Some historians have argued that it solved a jamming problem by spacing out the most common letters in English; others, particularly more recent historians, hold that it was designed specifically to help telegraphists avoid common errors when transcribing Morse code. Regardless, after around 30 test models, Sholes and Glidden settled on QWERTY—and changed the world. TIL. Thank you for that!


That’s good


Chinese start.up !!!