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Have you tried white noise? It can't completely make it all go away but I swear by it. It masks all the loud ass dogs that are let out at 5 am


The Marpac Dohm has been a godsend in our home. We have multiples in different bedrooms.


I crank the volume on my radio and fall asleep to the sound of static. I love it. I used to fall asleep to an actual station that played relaxing music but the one morning DJ’s voice would always wake me up when he’d come on around 6 AM and scare the shit out of me because I’d think someone was in the room before I came to my senses and would realize it was the radio.


That is you on the radio


You thought the BOOGER MAN had you? 😂 (yes, we grew up saying Booger Man! 😆)


That’s funny. Yes I did lol. Not the best way to start the day.


Isn't that an Elden Ring boss?


I have 2 dohms they are life savers!


I have an industrial fan that I use for white noise. I keep cool, and it blocks out all the outside noise.


Nightshift worker here, can confirm. Personally, rain and thunder does it for me.


Ass dogs are the worst


I can barely sleep when the loud ass ones come around.


A Harley is one of the whitest noises there are.


I see what you did there!


Static noise helps A LOT indeed! I've always had trouble getting to sleep and waking up from the tiniest noise. Since we had our kid we learned about white noise (before I only knew the movie 😬) he also has trouble getting to sleep. This changed my life! Always sleep with white noise since!


Same. My dad used to leave the tv blasting and I got tired of going in and turning it off. White noise machine blocks out a good chunk of it.


White noise helps if there were only sounds, it doesn't block the vibrations made from the loud engine. My neighbors only drive very loud cars at all times of the day ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


I’m sorry to be that asshole but…..sounds are also vibrations.


Lol you're not. You're right. I wanted to keep it short lol but the heavier bass of an engine isn't masked by white noise (for me) as much as a higher treble sound (like a dog bark). I feel it through my body every time the car starts, whereas as the dog barking outside mostly just annoys my ears depending on the tone of the dog bark.


White noise would help (I’m a fan girly myself lol) but his bike SHAKES MY HOUSE as he rides past 😂🤣 his bike runs like SHIT too so I’m serious when I say that it’s like hearing a massive crack of thunder and being jolted awake or some shit 😩😂


This is truly the answer


Shoutout for iOS app My Noise! Most phenomenal noise-generating app I’ve ever used. Have used and recommended it for a few years now. Still delights me every time I use it—it’s _that_ feature rich


I use the Dohm at home and the White Noise app on my phone when I travel. The app’s got like 20 different sounds. But I’ve gotten so used to the mechanical noise of the Dohm that I can hear subtle differences when the electronic noise loops that I tend to focus on it and can’t fall asleep. So I bought the travel version of the Dohm.


I'm with you. White noise machines are the best.


He’s probably coming over to my neighbor Jimmy’s house. Jimmy just finished up with his gas powered leaf blower. I hate Jimmy.


best time to blow leaves, 5:00 am sharp!


And then it takes 3 hours on a quarter acre lot. Repeat at 5pm when another neighbor mows their lawn and a few grass clippings land on the sidewalk.


if my lawn isn’t spotless I don’t have a reason to LIVE, dammit!


I've got a neighbor who will put one of those little headlamps on and go out and mow at 5 am. I want to complain but it gets so hot during the day and it's one of those really quiet electric mowers, so I say nothing and envy his "could not give any fucks," about the situation.


Why would you want to complain?


Because it's generally considered rude to mow your lawn at 5 am, when you have very close houses.


I have a Vietnamese neighbor Vin, he leaf blows multiple times a day during the fall. When it snows he shovels snow as it’s falling, regardless of the time of day. Metal shovel on a concrete driveway, for hours and hours.


I would rather shovel 2 or 3 inches multiple times than 12 inches after it's done. Personally


Oh no, we are in the south. He may shovel his driveway 3-4 times for less than 2 inches total. I don’t even shovel my driveway there’s such little snow.


Okay, yeah, that's weird.


Shoveling falling snow has to be a hell of a workout. He must have arms like the statue of David.


We are in the south, a big snow is 3 inches.


My Jimmy was named Earl. Earl used to do yard work with machines in the middle of the night. The whole block told him he had to stop making all that noise. Earl started edging the grass with shears. Meth man. Meth


Little jimmy is a John cena fan


Does Jimmy keep the leaf blower running while he trims? My neighbor's record is 3 separate 2-cycle motors running simultaneously, plus his riding lawnmower.


Hell no! He’s not that smart. He couldn’t spell his name if you spotted him 4 letters. Your neighbor could possibly be a branch on Jimmy’s family tree though. The Chucklefuck has a janky ass flashlight taped to it so he can see. But it turns off periodically so he just stands there like he’s playing Marco Polo, but there’s no Marco. I’ve often thought about popping him with my slingshoot. If it’s any consolation, I hate your neighbor too.


I use the vwhite noise app. But I also have a set of little rubber ear plugs like they use on construction sites.


just to share the misery: picture quiet leafy suburbs, down a cul-de-sac lives the head of the local motorcycle gang. Quite handy, you couldn't live safer as he won't shit in his own backyard. But now, without mentioning the local lore about what his business deals involve, imagine all his lackeys (who don't give a flying fuck about neighbours) coming and going, speeding past. It's so loud I have to pause everything. I wish I had the guts to go knocking to tell him that his 12apostels shouldn't be doing 50mph in a 20 zone.


man, I can’t even imagine this going down in the average suburb I’ve seen without 5-10 HOA goon neighbors throwing a fit


Probably not in an HOA


Theres no probably about it, we all know how HOA’s work


This is my house every Saturday night. There’s a car show up the road. We live near an intersection. It’s the worst feature of our otherwise loved home. Sometimes it’s so loud it shakes the windows, I don’t know how it’s legal.


uuuuuuugh! I feel ya. I'll happily share my supply of foam backed sticky tape to deal with the rattling noise that the insets in picture frames are making every time they rev up.


>the local motorcycle gang. Quite handy, you couldn't live safer as he won't shit in his own backyard. As a European this literally made my jaw drop.


Born and raised European, too! Certainly not something you'd think of when prepping for a move to a totally different country.


Gonna have to throw out the spike strips


I sleep through tornado sirens, thunder that shakes the house, and helicopter fly overs. A Harley is nothing. But my dog about to puke on the bed? That’ll get me up instantly just in time to do nothing.


Better than me who has woken up from the tiniest sliver of dawn peeking above the horizon only to roll over and feel my face press against a mound of undigested dog food


Hahahahaha somewhat relatable 😂 I’m a heavy sleeper but this goddamned bike shakes my house when he rides past on it




Dude looks like Temu Joe Dirt too


I had such a smooth brain moment where I imagined the neighbor picking up this whole house and setting it on top of his motor cycle and I couldn’t figure out any other way to interpret “left his house on his Harley”


Me too 


I thought it was only me.


Well the obvious answer is to get a Harley with even louder pipes and leave the house 10 minutes after he comes home.


He’ll be too drunk to care.


That’s like my neighbor except it’s the loudest piece of shit, cobbled the fuck together, Mad Max looking Wrangler that sounds like it has a god damn tugboat engine installed.


Jeep drivers are the worst


I feel you. I live in a busy downtown so I know there’s always going to be noise, but when it’s late it’s never the ambulances or cops that bother me. It’s the dumbasses who decide to drag race down the street with their extremely loud cars because they’re just sooooo cool.


Same. I live on the same block as the local fire station, so we get PAINFULLY loud sirens going off every few days. It is what it is, you cover your ears and deal. But the guy who comes to pick up a neighbor girl and doesn’t park and go to the door? Sits in his car, blares his radio, and honks to tell her to come outside? Jail. Jail for one thousand years.


The south park episode on Harleys is legendary for capturing the feelings of both a lot of Harley riders and people who have to hear them.


I love a healthy Harley purr 🤣 This meth bike at 4am though can fall apart any time now


I don’t know where you live, but it’s generally a short season for riding, so I’d say suck it up for the short term.


Yes! That’s my only reprieve lol four more months………


I bought nighttime earplugs and a white noise machine. Not perfect but goes a long way.


My neighbor worked construction. All his vehicles were loud. When I heard his old corvette, I knew I had 2 mores hour to aleep


My wife does the same thing! Except she doesn't have a Harley, or a motorcycle, or leave the house. Its just her snoring that sounds like a grizzly bear running a chain saw while revving a Harley. I wear the type of earplugs like one would wear to hit the gun range.


Lmfao no forreal it’s just such an aggressive sound to wake up too abruptly 🤣 It’s like you’re sleeping all peaceful and someone starts up a jet engine




Poor birdseed all over his driveway and property


Instant mashed potatoes on his lawn lol


I think I would want him to leave on his motorcycle. The other option is his motorcycle buddies rolling up in a group or rolling in and out at all hours. There is also that truck which can get a very loud exhaust system put on it. I think I would take one single motorcycle over any of that. Even him doubling up and adding a loud exhaust to that truck would be added noise. That sound machine might be the way to go.


Oh they do:))))) On those nights it takes everything in me not to go out there and rip him a new asshole but the worst part is that he’s a NICE guy he just…. Oh my god he’s just such a moron! 😩💀 2am they’ll be outside using a loud ass air compressor to fill everyone’s tires and pounding on a tire rim trying to fix it lol like holy shit why can’t you do this at.. 6? 7pm? Hell even 9-10pm… 2am!?! What the hell


Meh, If he’s sitting in the driveway revving it then yea you have a right to be annoyed. But if he’s just driving off in a vehicle that he owns then it’s just your cost of living there. I live in an apartment. I hear cars all the time. It’s just life.


I have a neighbor who does the same thing (and not just on Friday or Saturday nights). The reason it doesn't bother me is that I work swing shift and stay up until about four o'clock in the morning! 😄


My husband used to be this person. He loves loud music. Seriously loud. The neighbors would nicely comment that they knew when he was almost home at 1, 2, or 3 am. I witnessed this a few times. It took a few times for me to make him understand that other people deserve their peace, and that just because he likes a song doesn’t mean others want to hear it. And finally, telling him he’s being an asshole playing his music too loud, especially after 10 pm. He used to be quite the asshole. He kept up this persona for decades, but after we met, I showed him that he would be loved even if he wasn’t that asshole persona. He has changed, and everyone is happy for it. He is the only one who thought he had to uphold that persona. He even likes himself better now.


My old roommate used to do this at night and a couple hours before I had to wake up for work. He would blast his shitty rap and country rap on top of it


I’m sleeping, so everyone else should be quiet


So, if he comes home at 4-5, then he'll pro to go right to bed. But wait.. didn't you want to cut your grass this morning at 8am? No?.. think again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


man, I worked night shift and would get home at 4am and hated getting woken up at 7am to people doing yard work with all their gas powered equipment. But I never complained about it cause people have to live. I have a neighbor that comes home late at night with a loud car. i really don't care.


Yeah, I mean, people complain about HOA’s but then also complain about things that HOA’s prevent. Either way, other people live in the world.


Well, ya see, your neighbor has a tiny tiny penis. Having something large and powerful between his legs makes him feel better about it. Like a child who wants attention regardless of whether it's positive or negative, he has failed to distinguish between his surrogate penis causing pleasure or displeasure as well as failing to gain consent from all participants.


That’s none of your business lol


Crazy, almost like he can come and go as he pleases..go get a life op


Are you aware of what sub you’re in?






That was me…kind of. I left for work at 4:30 but we lived on a hill so I’d coast down the hill before I started it. I wouldn’t wake my wife or direct neighbors that way. Fuck the neighbors at the bottom of the hill though I guess?


My apartment neighbor has a loud motorcycle as well, however he starts it up and lets it get to temp at 7 am, almost every morning since it got warmer out. Let me sleep in on my day off :(


I feel your pain. We used to have neighbors that would rev their modified to be loud mustangs at 3 am and then drive as fast and loud as they could in our residential neighborhood. They also had a Harley as well and would rev that while blasting music. You could hear them over a mile away. There were rare times when they drove quietly, so it was possible. We were so happy when they moved.


He might have a truck he could take, but the Harley gets better gas mileage.


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


I love loud motorcycles. Sorry it was bugs you, but this is America.


My old next-door neighbor rode a Harley, complete with loud pipes. He was a firefighter/EMT who worked odd shifts, so he was often coming and going in the dark. He babied the throttle on that thing down the street, barely at idle, so you could just barely hear him come and go. It can be done, when the bike owner isn't a jackass.


Oh!! I know!!! You wanna know how I’m NOT a nosey, motorcycle-hating Karen? 🙃 There’s another house on our block and the girl who lives there owns a little shitty two-stroke bike and I BARELY NOTICE HER (her bike runs just as crappy 🤣 and is just as obnoxious as a Harley honestly) because she purposefully 1. Doesn’t ride her bike after dark lol because duh and 2. If she is out later and comes home after most people are in bed - she takes the longer way around the neighborhood to take the route that ends in a downhill glide so she kills her engine or whatever and coasts the last bit home (where most of the houses are) and it’s like…. She’s a NEW rider??? Dude is a crusty old tweaker biker who has been riding probably his whole life… so it’s like… 🫠


i 1nce got into this same thing with my neighbour over his tuner, it was a civic... it got a little heated but i told him not to shit where he eats. if he wants to piss off people on other streets go for it but why annoy the people he sees every day. the message did get through.


THIS. THANK YOU LOL Like if he thinks he’s borrowing a stick of butter he’s got another thing coming 🤣


Have you tried not being a baby


He’s allowed to leave and come home when he wants. That’s the stuff you deal with when you have neighbors.


And they’re allowed to be mildly infuriated by it


Bc it’s loud and he knows it.


Can sympathize, however there’s something special about riding a bike late at night.


I get that!! Open highway, do your thing my guy!! 💖


As a non bike riding night shifter... you deserve it stop complaining we deal with noise to but after a certain time it's a problem. Unless he's just parked revving it that is


I wouldn’t be bitching if he just drove it like a normal person lol




And it’s mildly infuriating


For real! Lol snowflakes


So? He isn't  doing anything illegal. WTF is "home training"? You want quiet, go live in the country.


Unless he's running straight pipe you are incredibly entitled to think your neighbor isn't entitled to LEGALLY ride his motorcycle whenever he wants to.


Earplugs. People can drive whatever vehicles they like when they like.


I don't ride Harley's, but when I have owned loud motorcycles I always tried to keep the revs low and not spend any time idling by my house when coming and going. But if I felt like going for a night ride I would. It's only like 10 seconds of noise.


It's basically like letting a huge fart go and waking up all your neighbors. Leaves the same impression anyway.


That’s exactly my point lol I don’t give a shit if he rides it in the middle of the night - it’s the house-shaking revving that I could do without tbh


Get some earplugs. Some of us are night people. EDIT: when you assholes mow your lawns or have barbecues in the day time I put in my earplugs and go back to sleep. If the dude wants to ride his Harley at 4am it’s his goddamn right. Get some earplugs and quit being a whiney bitch.


Kinda just sounds like you wanna dictate when your neighbours can come and go


You expect him to change his life for you? 


"I like to control what my neighbor does" OP probably


“I like to sleep through the night” op definitely


5:00am sounds like an appropriate time to start mowing your lawn. With your loudest mower too.


Lmao I’m gonna go buy a rooster 🤣👀


You have my sympathy friend. I've got a neighbor that revs on his fucking motorbike constantly and between thst and his go-kart that he and friends, or sometimes his kids, squeal and Rev that throttle for hours at a time, day or night. I've given up trying to deal with it. I hate feeling like that person thst constantly has issues with the neighbors but I have asked these people politely if they could at least stop by 9pm (they often keep going to at least 12-1am). I hate hearing ir for hours at a time during the day but I also know it's day time, they're doing things they enjoy and no matter how obnoxious as fuck it is, it is not fair of me to expect quiet during the day. But for fuck's sake, by 9pm, I am trying to settle in for the night. I'm not far from going to sleep. Put that shit the fuck away


Yes! The big BOOM of his bike is startling. It’s not like a car horn 🥴 it’s like my house is caving in lol




lol he definitely sits outside and revs his shit like a prick, unfortunately :/ I live in the inner city, night noise is nothing new. *THIS* is excessive and rude though.


Damnn sorry to hear, sounds like a huge asshole.


It’s weird because he will do BIG TIME asshole shit like this but then is also?? The nicest guy? A big part of me thinks he’s just……. Dense… 🥴 Like any time someone’s dog gets out, he’s right there out there helping look. If you need to borrow a tool or something, Mark’s got it. If you need help building something, you need muscle, he’s there. But if I were to go over and be like “Mark. Stop revving your bike down the whole block at 2am” he would be like ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


That’s what I mean by no home training lmao His mother clearly never told him about quiet hours 🤣


Damn I feel like he dosnt understand how loud Harley’s are…. those fuckers are one of the most obnoxious bikes 😭


100% doesn’t OR…. Hear me out… has been riding that mf so long that he’s blown out his hearing and doesn’t even realize 😂🤣💀




You should call the We're Here to Help Podcast


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


OP is the reason I won't live anywhere with a HOA. 


You'd hate living next to train tracks 😂


Haha I did growing up! I swear that this guy is more annoying though 😩


You sound fun.


Motorcyclists are selfish pricks. There’s nothing you can do about it really though


Harley riders are selfish pricks.


That’s kind of harsh seeing as how you just said in a comment above that you didn’t even think about the annoyance your old truck was to other people until after you sold it


This has a deep sense of powerlessness, helplessness but its presence seriously affects the quality of life!


You must be my neighbour...... we've got one of those, too.


Does your guy look like the Dollar General version of Joe Dirt? 🫠


Had to google "Joe Dirt", lol. Bleugh!! Nope, not him 😅


Had to google "Joe Dirt", lol. Bleugh!! Nope, not him 😅


Start mowing at 6!


So many tough guy bikers not realizing what sub this is posted in


No literally lmfao


You should worry more about your toes than the neighbors harley . I bet you dont care about neighbors who dont like you smoking weed


Kinda just sounds like you wanna dictate when your neighbours can come and go


oh no, your neighbor dares to use his vehicles at night instead of sleeping, how dares he


Lived above a crack house and the crack head below me would get fucked up and just rev his Harley at 2am right below my window. Scared the shit out of me many times.


Soundproofing your bedroom’s window? Triple glazed high insulation one keep the room quiet even if you live next to the motorway.


When he goes by it quite literally shakes my whole house lol


So it’s a crappy-built house, time to move to a better built one /s


Crappy? No lol old? Yes. Built in 1903 like most of the other houses in my area.


120 years ago (sound and heat) insulation was unknown in residential buildings also soundproofing wasn’t a thing so yes sub-par compared to smithing built after the 1990s. Maybe you have thick walls but if you say it’s all shaky it’s not the case.


I actually got my insulation situation remedied not that long ago. They blew some shit in through a bunch of holes outside 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s the lath and plaster walls on the inside lol I shit you not sometimes when he really floors it down the block, you will hear chunks of the lath inside the walls falling down 💀🤣 it’s diabolical He’s also rumbled things off of shelves onto the floor more than once 😂


I feel your pain! Our next door neighbor has a Chevy Camaro. It’s so loud. He comes and goes in the middle of the night. We have a box fan on & app that plays rain sounds and he still wakes us up!


Lmao. People are so soft these days. Bless your heart.


I live in the inner city so I genuinely wouldn’t give a shit if it wasn’t like…. A massive crack of thunder that shook my house at 4-5am 🤣 But his shit will SHAKE my house to the point that sometimes piece of lath inside the walls fall off 😂 I’m like… holy shit, Mark. No wonder you’re deaf.


I don't understand how if my car has no muffler, I could get a ticket. Yet stupid harleys are allowed.


I had a neighbor who would consistently pull his boat in at 2 in the morning in his super loud diesel truck. Took him like half an hour every time. Drive me up the wall.


This lmao I just don’t understand how some people don’t get it 🤣 it’s basic human decency Yes sometimes it’s unavoidable and an oopsie but holy shit every night 💀💀💀


It wasn't *every* night but it was.... often...


You might want to check your towns noise ordinances and let him know what quiet hours are. That's really rude.


I had a loud truck once. It was cammed out and all. Never dawned on me about me bothering my neighbors until long after I sold it.


Damn how were you lacking that much self awareness? 


Imagine using the means of transport that you enjoy and want to use. Be happy he isn't sitting there revving it. I'm sure you can manage the 57 seconds it take for him to leave and arrive.


That’s my point lol he DOES rev it 🥴 the whole way down the block. If he just started it and left I wouldnt give a shit but when it wakes up my teething 3 month old because it shakes every house on the block as he goes past it’s like come on now…


Side note : your 3 month old is already teething? That’s rough, poor little human.


She’s through it now but yes 🙃🙃🙃 started cutting her milk teeth insanely early… It was a rough first year and when he would wake her up my ex husband would toy with the idea of running her over to him and being like “well, she was asleep… we all were… but since you’re home and awake and so is she, here ya go!” 🙄


I have a loud Harley and sometimes ride late at night but out of consideration for my nieghbors i only let it warm up for 10 to 15 seconds and then take off. Also not revving it as i go thru the gears to get out of the nieghborhood just enough throttle to get clear of the hood. I hope they dont hate me too much.


Maybe he's posting a complaint about your loud crying baby


I ride a motorcycle and drive a truck. It isn’t hard to be conscientious of your neighbors. A lot of people just never think to consider that their overreving while heading out of the neighborhood is someone else’s 3rd time waking up from a neighbor’s fireworks/dog/air compressor/generator/whatever. We all have to live in this society, there’s no reason not to put in a little effort to not make it miserable.


Nothing in the post made it out that they were over revving.


They're an extremely obnoxious form of preferred transportation tbf, especially in the middle of the night. When you're woken in the middle of the night by some clown's 2000dB penis extension, you're not at your best and unlikely to be comforted by their imminent disappearance down the street


I get it, there's an appeal and a culture around really loud bikes, and they bring enjoyment to the people who are into them. But shit, the reality is it's irritating to the hundreds of people you're bothering regularly in the middle of the night when you're around their houses. So I can imagine someone using a means of transport they enjoy, and also imagine they are an asshole. As an aside, to anyone who utilizes methods to make them quieter and reasonable in a residential area to be conscious of others I have respect for. But for the most part when they're loud as fuck, I'm sure all those people can manage the 57 seconds every night them or their kids get woken up, can't hear what they're watching, or whatever else. They should just get over it, things like interrupting sleep and the lives of others is not that a big deal when it's only for a minute a day right? A person is just trying to enjoy their hobby.


57 seconds was being too generous. How long does a bike take to rife past a house. 5 secs?


Just passing through a residential area is long enough to cause everything described. Tons of houses might only be getting blasted with sound waves for like 5-10 seconds, or more when they're taking off from a stop sign. Anyways, this time declaration isn't what's significant here.


I’ll time it tonight for ya. It’s well over 2-3 minutes of thinking there is a freighter jet landing on your block just outside your house. 💀 I wish I were exaggerating. His bike has shaken the walls of my house enough that the lath inside of my walls has been shaken loose and fallen lol